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Chris Christie on Government Reform



There's no solid evidence that 2020 election was stolen

Even if he doesn't formally concede, we need to stop talking about the fact that the election was stolen, when, as I lay out in the book, there's really no solid evidence that it was. And talking about this now is defeating for the Republican Party. You know, voters always want the next election, Bret, to be about the future, not about the past.
Source: Fox News Sunday 2021 interview of N.J. Governor , Nov 21, 2021

If inciting an insurrection isn't impeachable, what is?

One-time Trump acolyte Chris Christie joined the growing ranks of Republicans calling for President Donald Trump to be removed from office for inciting last week's deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. Christie was asked how Republicans in Congress will react [to articles of impeachment]: "Listen, I think they're going to have to vote their conscience and look at what happened. We had an incitement to riot at the United States Capitol. We had people killed and to me, there's not a whole lot of question here," Christie said, adding that he agreed it was an impeachable offense.

Asked whether he'd vote to impeach if he were in the House, Christie replied: "Well, if I think it's an impeachable offense that's exactly what I would do. I think if inciting to insurrection isn't [impeachable], then I don't really know what is."

Source: The Daily Beast blog on Jan. 6th Insurrection , Jan 10, 2021

There's nothing for free; federal programs mean taxes

There's nothing for free. What they forgot to tell was that they're going to raise your tax rates to 70 or 80 percent in order to provide all that stuff. Do you want to give Washington more control over your life? Hillary Clinton has made it very clear she believes she can make decisions for you. The greatness of America is the American people. What we need to do is get the government out of the way and let the American people win once again.
Source: Fox Business/WSJ Second Tier debate , Nov 10, 2015

Automatic voter registration is government-knows-best

Gov. Chris Christie's veto message on the "Democracy Act" reiterated his opposition to imposing "cumbersome, costly" requirements on the election system. "In New Jersey, we have early voting that are available to people. I don't want to expand it and increase the opportunities for fraud. This bill does not reflect a genuine bipartisan effort to further improve the state's election system. Far from it, this bill is a manifest attempt to use election reform for political gain."

He called a provision establishing automatic voter registration that requires New Jerseyan to opt out a "government-knows-best, backwards approach that would inconvenience citizens and waste government resources for no justifiable reason." Automatic voter registration would have added 1.6 million people to the state's voter rolls, and it would have done so in the simplest, most efficient way possible: by simply changing the state's existing "motor voter" law compliance from opt-in to opt-out.

Source: on New Jersey veto voting record for A4613 , Nov 9, 2015

I've vetoed 400 bills with no overrides

Q [to Christie]: Dr. Ben Carson said campaigning is easier for him, because he's not a politician. He can just tell the truth, therefore, while politicians, "Have their finger in the air to see and do what is politically expedient." Is that a fair description of you?

CHRISTIE: Well, I know Ben wasn't talking about me; I'm sure he was talking about one of the other guys, not me. As far as being an outsider is concerned, let me tell you this, I'm a Republican in New Jersey. I wake up every morning as an outsider. I wake up every morning with a Democratic legislature who trying to beat my head in and fight me because I'm trying to bring conservative change to a state that needed it desperately. I vetoed 400 bills from a crazy liberal Democratic legislature, not one of them has been overridden. I've vetoed more tax increases than any governor in American history. What folks want in this country is somebody to go down there and get the job done. And that's exactly what I'll do.

Source: 2015 Republican two-tiered primary debate on CNN , Sep 16, 2015

Congress must work together for progress to happen

Q: Well, let me just start with, in your announcement speech, you said something like this. You said, "We have no choice but to work together." And it seems to be a message that isn't resonating right now with Republican primary voters who aren't interested in compromise and coming together. They're interested in, in the case of Congress, maybe, burning the place down.

CHRISTIE: Well, I think that's why they're not working together. Because they want to burn Congress down because it doesn't do anything. I mean let's face it, I was out on the trails, you know, a lot in 2014, helping governors candidates and Senate candidates to get elected. What have these guys done, these Senate candidates, new senators, that they promised to do? We don't have tax reform on the President's desk. We don't have a repeal and a replacement of Obamacare on the desk. We don't have any of the things that they ran on, on the desk. Make the president veto them. This is why people can't stand Congress.

Source: Meet the Press 2015 interviews of 2016 presidential hopefuls , Sep 13, 2015

As president, I will enforce law and transparency

Q: What would you do about transparency where your administration was accused of blocking bridge access for political gain?

CHRISTIE: The same thing that I've been doing every day, both as US attorney and as governor for the last 13 years, hold myself to the highest standards, and if mistakes are made, to hold the people responsible who make those mistakes, and to discuss it with the public openly and transparently. And remember this; everything I said 18 months ago in a two hour press conference, after three investigations, not one thing has been contradicted that I said.

Q: So the long-term effect of BridgeGate?

CHRISTIE: People love to make a big deal about this stuff, but in the end it's how you react. And I wish Barack Obama might have reacted the right way to the IRS scandal and been more transparent. But he hasn't, and that's a failure of leadership. This President's allowed lawlessness. I'll enforce law and order in this country as president of the US.

Source: Meet the Press 2015 interviews of 2016 presidential hopefuls , Sep 13, 2015

Reform instead of tax increases

71% of federal spending in this year's budget are on entitlements and debt service. If we don't deal with this, we can't invest in national defense. We can't invest in education. We can't invest in infrastructure, the things that people want us to do in government. We're not going to be able to afford to do and those programs are going to go insolvent. That's just not acceptable to me nor is a massive tax increase on the American people to pay for it.

So we need to reform these programs and we can do it and we can do it in a way that's not going to throw anybody off the cliff.

Source: Fox News Sunday 2015 coverage of 2016 presidential hopefuls , Jul 5, 2015

Does not support electing Supreme Court justices

Q: Senator Ted Cruz called for a constitutional amendment which would lead to retention elections for the US Supreme Court justices. Is that something you'd support?

CHRISTIE: No. I don't think we should elect Supreme Court Justices. What we do in New Jersey, which I think is something that folks can consider is we appoint our justices for a seven-year term. And then after seven years, the governor has the opportunity to again consider whether to nominate them then for a lifetime tenure. I don't want to see judges raising money and running for election. I would, though, trust the executive after seven years, like we do in New Jersey, to decide whether or not to reappoint people. I'm the first governor in New Jersey's constitutional history to not reappoint two supreme court justices. I wanted to go in another direction. That can work. I've done it in New Jersey. But I don't believe we should be putting judges on the ballot. I just disagree with Senator Cruz.

Source: Fox News Sunday 2015 coverage of 2016 presidential hopefuls , Jul 5, 2015

Consolidate duplicative town governments into single towns

We have worked with the Senate to try to pass real consolidation and civil service reform. We haven't gotten it done in the Assembly. [We should] provide local government with the authority to run their governments like a business: consolidate, share services, cut duplication and ultimately actually reduce property taxes.

Look at what happened last year in Princeton. Princeton Borough and Princeton Township consolidated into a single government. Not two tax departments, two police forces, two offices answering the phone. The savings in one year: $3 million. That's on a budget of $64 million, a 4.7% savings. And the citizens of Princeton got this: more services, despite a smaller budget, and a reduction in municipal taxes.

This is not just my opinion--the local Reorganization & Consolidation Commission said that civil service seniority rules topped the list of barriers to shared services. Let's help our towns clear away arcane rules that stand between them and lower property taxes.

Source: 2014 State of the State address to N.J. Legislature , Jan 14, 2014

Vetoes expanded early-voting system; no side-by-side systems

Christie vetoed a bill that would allow early voting at polling places, calling a proposal to let voters cast ballots at designated polling places during a 15-day period before Election Day "hasty, counterproductive and less reliable" than the current system. "I support responsible and cost-efficient election reform that increases voter participation because democracy works best when the most people vote," Christie said in the veto message. "But this bill risks the integrity and orderly administration of our elections by introducing a new voting method and process."

Christie said the expanded early voting system envisioned by the Legislature would create a side-by-side voting process, noting it would cost the state $23 million in the first year and $2 million each year after that. He also questioned the security of transporting paper ballots around the state during the early voting period and the call for a quick setup before July 1.

Source: Newark Star Ledger on 2013 N.J. governor debates , May 9, 2013

Early voting risks the integrity of our elections

Excerpts from legislation: S 536 Requires availability of early voting. This bill establishes an in-person early voting procedure to allow voters to cast their votes starting on the 15th day before the general election. A voter who participates in early voting would not be permitted to vote by mail-in ballot or in person on election day.

Excerpts from veto message:New Jersey voters have been able to vote early in person in every election since 2009, via "Vote by Mail." I support responsible and cost-efficient election reform that increases voter participation because democracy works best when the most people vote. But this bill risks the integrity and orderly administration of our elections by introducing a new voting method and process, and would cost $25 million.

Legislative outcome: Bill S.536 passed Senate 21-15-3; House equivalent S.2364 passed House 46-31-3; vetoed by Gov. Christie; veto sustained.

Source: New Jersey legislative voting records: S 2364 , May 9, 2013

Stricter limits on PAC campaign donations

Stricter limits on PAC campaign donations That 1st race introduced several reform themes that would be associated with Christie throughout his political career. He pledged to propose bills against "inflated pensions" for lawmakers, calling them "inappropriate for part-time legislators."
Source: Rise to Power, by B. Ingle & M. Symons, p. 46 , Jun 5, 2012

1998: Opposed spending $15,000 for new public utility logo

1998: Opposed spending $15,000 for new public utility logo In a missive that hinted at the crusades he'd wage years later against independent authorities and perceived wasteful spending, no matter how miniscule, he wrote a letter to the editor criticizing the 1998: Opposed spending $15,000 for new public utility logo Instead of `rocking the boat' and asking the tough questions, they choose to sit by silently while the
Source: Rise to Power, by B. Ingle & M. Symons, p. 64 , Jun 5, 2012

1997: Doubled size of US Attorney's anti-corruption unit

1997: Doubled size of US Attorney's anti-corruption unit The US attorney's office in NJ had a solid reputation--before Christie arrived--for prosecuting corrupt political figures, although Christie said he felt rooting out political corruption had taken a backseat. Then a special agent created the 1997: Doubled size of US Attorney's anti-corruption unit Under Christie, that reputation was taken to new heights. NJ political corruption is like a small lake full of fish, where a dedicated prosecutor need only cast a net to gather a basketful of potential criminals.
Source: Rise to Power, by B. Ingle & M. Symons, p. 75 , Jun 5, 2012

Judges who legislate from the bench will not be reappointed

Judges who legislate from the bench will not be reappointed On radio the subject of the state's controversial left-leaning Supreme Court was debated. Lonegan and Merkt said they would replace all justices who came up for lifetime--after 7 years on the bench. Judges who legislate from the bench will not be reappointed If in fact you're interpreting the constitution and interpreting the statutes, then you have an opportunity to be reappointed," Christie said.

Source: Rise to Power, by B. Ingle & M. Symons, p.137 , Jun 5, 2012

Forced resignations at Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission

Take the states bountiful supply of independent authorities--each with a well-intentioned purpose, but also serving as a mostly unchecked pit for patronage and government largesse. Governors have long had a team in their chief counsel's office keeping tabs on the shadow government. Christie's squad shone a light on their spending--with torches, not flashlights, to help the new governor send a message to the bureaucracy that the party was over.

In his first month in office, Christie vetoed the minutes of 4 authorities, thus rendering moot whatever they were trying to do. He also forced the head of the Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission to resign over his $313,000 annual salary. The governor is paid $175,000. Later, almost 100 people were fired, stepped down, or arrested from the commission. Minutes for authorities, boards, and commissions had rarely been vetoed by governors, but he did so more than 2 dozen times in his first 2 years.

Source: Rise to Power, by B. Ingle & M. Symons, p.191 , Jun 5, 2012

Corruption is key because people need faith in government

[In 2002], the new US Attorney began making public corruption a top priority of his office. Christie often explained corruption was key because people need to have faith in their government and its institutions. But it also made for huge headlines and Christie simply loved huge headlines. Within days of Christie becoming the new US Attorney, the FBI arrested Paterson mayor Marty Barnes, who was charged with handing out millions of dollars in public contracts in return for vacation trips, a new swimming pool and waterfall for his home, expensive suits, and other luxury items. It wasn't Christie's case, developed long before he arrived, but it was the 1st public corruption indictment to come before Christie, and he spoke out strongly.

"The conduct here is the most reprehensible type of public conduct that you can find anywhere in this country," he declared. "It is personal and financial gratification at the expense of the public, using your public office to do that. And it's disgraceful."

Source: The Jersey Sting, by Sherman & Margolin, p. 83 , Apr 10, 2012

Legacy as U.S. Attorney: dismantled N.J. Democratic Party

Behind closed doors, they say Chris Christie's goal and legacy as a US Attorney was the systematic dismantling of some of the state's leading political organizations, in Bergen, Hudson, and Middlesex. They argued that Christie came to office while the Democratic Party was riding high and heading toward its zenith in NJ. They say he was determined to bust it down. They openly criticize him for using a strike force of federal agents and the vast resources of the Justice Department to go after politicians to benefit himself and his party instead of fighting gangs and fraud and the things that are always said to "really matter to people."

Christie laughs at that: "That's the kind of thing that's said by people who were never in that office."

Source: The Jersey Sting, by Sherman & Margolin, p.324 , Apr 10, 2012

Allow just one public salary for state legislators

New Jersey's Legislature is crammed with people collecting more than one public paycheck. About one in three state lawmakers do this, according to a recent Star-Ledger analysis.But dual office-holding also has a dark side: conflicts of interest, no-show jobs and political favors. Gov. Chris Christie has proposed a solution that sounds simple: Allow just one public salary. Legislators would still be free to take other government jobs, elective or otherwise, but could collect a salary for only one of them.

Christie's on the right track. Christie has proposed more detailed financial disclosure for all government officials, and there is simply no excuse for the Legislature to resist that. At a minimum, the public has a right to know about potential conflicts. The governor also proposes a sensible requirement that legislators recuse themselves from a vote if they face any conflict of interest.

Source: Newark Star-Ledger Editorial , Jun 5, 2011

More control over state commissions

This week Governor Christie unveiled [government ethics] reforms asking for sensible changes. He wants the power to veto agencies' board-meeting minutes within 15 days; the agencies to be governed by state ethics rules; the state comptroller to be able to look at agencies' books; and commissioners to serve without pay or benefits. He also wants the power to fire board members for cause,

The proposal may come off as Christie takes all, but should it pass it would apply to both Republican and Democratic governors, with board members often serving over two gubernatorial administrations. The parties would be mixed and matched enough, we hope, to shake out any tendencies toward political favoritism. Whether these commissions have done anything wrong in the past doesn't matter. The point is to stop any abuse and waste from happening from now on. We need the law.

Source: The Bergen Record, "Needed authority" , Apr 1, 2011

Refused to reappoint activist judge to NJ Supreme Court

Newly elected Republican governor Chris Christie is turning heads in tax-strapped New Jersey by working through the closure of an $11 billion budget gap in 2010. As noted in the "Economist", he has "taken on a notoriously cranky legislature and has stare down the powerful teachers' union. He has even refused to reappoint a judge to New Jersey's activist Supreme Court." This is how we get things done in states with a little courage and wherewithal.

State and local governments are not perfect. We all have lots of waste we can end, lots of bureaucratic red tape we need to streamline ourselves, and we have laws that could be improved to maximize freedom. But the value proposition offered by state and local governments as compared with the federal government is, in fact, incomparable. Imagine how strong we could be if the federal government didn't interfere with us and if we didn't often have to do its job.

Source: Fed Up!, by Gov. Rick Perry, p.160 , Nov 15, 2010

Use the line item veto; put everything online

Source: 2009 Gubernatorial campaign website, , Nov 3, 2009

10-point plan to punish criminal officeholders

Unveiling a 10-point plan he said would punish criminal officeholders and cut down on conflicts of interest, Christie blamed Corzine's "failure of leadership" for allowing corruption to fester. He said the governor has put politics ahead of principles an failed to implement strong ethics laws that Corzine himself campaigned on in 2005. "If the governor had the will to lead, some of the things on this list would be done," Christie said. "He always feels great despair after people are arrested, and he's willing to stand up and fight--and then the minute the political bosses and his patrons in the Legislature push back, he falls back on his back."

Corzine's campaign hit back with the latest in a series of television advertisements designed to undermine Christie's own ethics. The ad highlights Christie's past as a fundraiser for former President George W. Bush, who appointed Christie as US Attorney. The ad labels that pay-to-play, a practice Christie and Corzine have pledged to crack down on.

Source: Newark Star-Ledger coverage: 2009 N.J. gubernatorial debates , Aug 5, 2009

Cut wasteful spending; empower fiscal watchdogs

Gov. Corzine's spending is out of control. Taxpayer dollars are being wasted on ineffective programs while priority programs that have a positive impact on the quality of life of New Jersey families remain underfunded. Chris Christie will manage spending and take control of New Jersey's priorities by budgeting for the future & cutting wasteful spending.It's time for a governor who will improve transparency, strengthen accountability and put the taxpayer first. It's the tone Chris Christie first set as US Attorney and it's how he will serve as governor.
Source: 2009 Gubernatorial campaign website, , Jul 21, 2009

Other candidates on Government Reform: Chris Christie on other issues:
2024 Republican Presidential Candidates:
Former Pres.Donald Trump (R nominee)
Ohio Senator J.D. Vance (VP nominee)
Ryan Binkley (R-TX)
Gov. Doug Burgum (R-ND)
Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ)
Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL)
Larry Elder (R-CA;withdrew)
Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC)
Rep. Will Hurd (R-FL;withdrew)
Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R-AR)
Perry Johnson (R-IL)
Mayor Steve Laffey (R-RI)
Former V.P.Mike Pence (R-IN;withdrew)
Vivek Ramaswamy (R-OH)
Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC)
Secy. Corey Stapleton (R-MT)
Mayor Francis Suarez (R-FL;withdrew)

2024 Democratic and 3rd-party primary candidates:
V.P.Kamala Harris (D nominee)
MN Gov Tim Walz (VP nominee)
Pres. Joe Biden (D-DE,retiring)
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (I-NY)
Chase Oliver (L-GA)
Rep.Dean Phillips (D-MN)
Jill Stein (Green)
Cornel West (Green Party)
Kanye West (Birthday Party)
Marianne Williamson (D-CA)
Civil Rights
Foreign Policy
Free Trade
Govt. Reform
Gun Control
Health Care
Homeland Security
Social Security
Tax Reform

External Links about Chris Christie:

Page last updated: Jan 01, 2025; copyright 1999-2022 Jesse Gordon and
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