Tim Walz on Homeland Security
I carried weapons of war, but not weapons in war
Q: I want to ask you a question about how you've described your service in the National Guard. You said that you carried weapons in war, but you have never deployed actually in a war zone. A campaign official said that you misspoke. Did you?WALZ:
Well, first of all, I'm incredibly proud. I've done 24 years of wearin' uniform of this country. Equally proud of my service in a public school classroom, whether it's Congress or the governor. My record speaks for itself.
Q: And the idea that you
said that you were in war, did you misspeak, as the campaign has said?
WALZ: In this case, after a school shooting, [we were talking about] carrying these weapons of war. And my wife the English teacher told me my grammar's not always correct. But
again, if it's not this, it's an attack on my children for showing love for me, or it's an attack on my dog. I'm not gonna do that, and the one thing I'll never do is I'll never demean another member's service in any way. I never have and I never will.
Source: CNN on 2024 Veepstakes: joint interview of Harris and Walz
, Aug 29, 2024
Accused of "stolen valor" for retiring early after 24 years
Sen. JD Vance from Ohio, raised allegations of "stolen valor" against Walz. "Stolen valor" is a colorful, colloquial and yet often appropriate term for an old and sometimes illegal offense--false claims about rank, honors or service in combat by
military imposters.Vance questioned whether the timing of Walz's departure from the military amounted to "stolen valor garbage." "Do not pretend to be something that you're not," Vance said. "I'd be ashamed if I was saying that I lied about my
military service like you did."
But Walz did serve a total of 24 years in various units and jobs in the Army National Guard before retiring in 2005. Republicans have charged that he knew his unit might soon be deployed to Iraq. Walz was ramping up
for a congressional bid that year. But even if he retired in order to run for Congress, he already had enough years in service to make that decision legally.
Source: Anchorage Daily News on 2024 Veepstakes
, Aug 12, 2024
2011-18: served on Veterans and Armed Services Committee
Walz represented Minnesota's 1st Congressional District from 2007 to 2019:- 2011-2018: Committee on Agriculture
- Subcommittee on General Farm Commodities and Risk Management; Subcommittee on Conservation, Energy and Forestry
- Subcommittee on Military Personnel
- 2011-2014: Transportation and Infrastructure Committee - Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings and Emergency Management;
Subcommittee on Highways and Transit; Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials
Source: Ballotpedia Candidate Connection:2024 Veepstakes "Biography"
, Aug 8, 2024
Bipartisan leadership of House Veterans Affairs Committee
I say this as a former Republican representative who served with Tim in Congress: Tim and I bonded over our shared experiences as soldiers and cultivated a mutual respect that transcended party lines. As both of us served in the U.S. Army.
We understood that even if we might disagree on a specific policy issue of the day, we both shared a deep love of country and a willingness to defend America in military service. As fellow veterans,
Tim and I understood there is no such thing as Republican military service or Democrat military service, only American service.Before becoming governor of Minnesota, as a congressman, Tim championed issues that resonate with a broad spectrum of
Americans. While serving in Congress, I observed Tim's leadership of the House Veterans Affairs Committee where he advocated for veterans' rights, pushed for educational reforms, and addressed health care disparities.
Source: 2024 VP endorsements by Rep. Charles Djou (R-HI) on Fox News
, Aug 6, 2024
Retired after 24 years in National Guard,to run for Congress
[GOP VP nominee JD] Vance let off an even crueler jibe--that Walz's retiring from the National Guard after 24 years, soon before his unit was scheduled to be deployed in Iraq, represented "stolen valor." Walz left the guard to run for Congress.
If Vance says that to Walz's face when they debate--which will reportedly happen on CBS in September--let's hope Walz reminds Vance that Trump obtained a medical exemption to service in Vietnam because of his bone spurs.
Source: The Nation magazine on 2024 Vice Presidential hopefuls
, Aug 6, 2024
Enlisted in Army National Guard at 17; served for 24 years
Tim's parents, Jim and Darlene, instilled in him the values that continue to guide his commitment to the common good and selfless service. Summers of farming with his family reinforced these lessons.Tim's dedication to public service began soon after
his graduation from Butte (Nebraska) High School with his 24 classmates. At the age of 17, Tim enlisted in the Army National Guard. Tim's leadership was recognized: in 1989, he was name Nebraska Citizen-Soldier of the Year.
"I loved growing up in a
small town in rural Nebraska. Small-town life and working on family farms each summer taught me fundamental lessons about the importance of family and the value of hard work. I had wonderful public school teachers, great neighbors, and loving parents."
Upon his 1990 return from teaching in China, Tim served full time in the Army National Guard [for the next 24 years]. He joined his battalion overseas in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.
Source: 2018 Minnesota governor campaign website WalzForGovernor.org
, May 2, 2017
Suicide prevention programs & mental health for veterans
Tim's bill to help reduce the number of veteran suicides passed unanimously and was signed by President Obama. The Clay Hunt Suicide Prevention for American Veterans Act helps make current VA suicide prevention programs more effective by creating
incentives to attract more psychiatrists to the VA, creating a central website to better connect veterans with VA mental health services, and improving connections & coordination between the VA & non-profit mental health organizations providing services.
Source: 2018 Minnesota governor campaign website WalzForGovernor.org
, May 2, 2017
Supports military tribunals to try suspected terrorists
Q: Do you support using military tribunals to try suspected terrorists? A: Yes.
Q: Should law enforcement agencies have greater discretion to read mail and email, tap phones, and conduct random searches to prevent future terrorist attacks?
A: No.
Q: Do you support the prohibition of torture or cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment of prisoners in U.S. custody?
A: Yes.
Q: Do you support a policy of pre-emptive military strikes?
A: No.
Source: 2006 Congressional National Political Awareness Test
, Nov 7, 2006
Study & address suicides among veterans.
Walz co-sponsored studying & addressing suicides among veterans
Veterans Suicide Study Act - Directs the Secretary of Veterans Affairs conduct a study to determine the number of veterans who have committed suicide between January 1, 1997, and the date of the enactment of this Act. Congress makes the following findings:
- Suicide among the veteran population is a serious problem.
- There is lack of information on the number of veterans who commit suicide each year.
- Study Required- The Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall conduct a study to determine the number of veterans who have committed suicide between January 1, 1997 and the date of the enactment of this Act.
Coordination- In carrying out the study, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall coordinate with the Secretary of Defense; Veterans Service Organizations; and States` public health offices and veterans agencies.
- Report to Congress- Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall submit to Congress a report on the study and the findings of the Secretary.
Source: Veterans Suicide Study Act (S.2899/H.R.4204) 08-S2899 on Apr 22, 2008
Member of House Committee on Veterans' Affairs.
Walz is a member of the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs
The House Committee on Veterans` Affairs oversees agencies, reviews current legislation, and recommends new bills or amendments concerning veterans. Jurisdiction includes retiring and disability pensions, life insurance, education (including the G.I. Bill), vocational training, medical care, and home loan guarantees. The committee oversees the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), veterans` hospitals, and veterans` cemeteries, except cemeteries under the Secretary of the Interior.
Source: U.S. House of Representatives website, www.house.gov 11-HC-Vet on Feb 3, 2011
Endorsed by VoteVets.org; against wasteful defense spending.
Walz is endorsed by VoteVets.org Endrosement
About VoteVets.org:
Founded in 2006, and backed by over 220,000 supporters, the mission of VoteVets.org is to use public issue campaigns and direct outreach to lawmakers to ensure that troops abroad have what they need to complete their missions, and receive the care they deserve when they get home. VoteVets.org also recognizes veterans as a vital part of the fabric of our country and will work to protect veterans` interests in their day-to-day lives. Statistics:
- Over 220,000 supporters in all 50 states, including troops, veterans, military families, and their supporters
- State Captains organizing in all 50 states
- Over 200 interviews, news stories, and on air media appearances
- Over 5 million voter contacts since 2006 in various forms
- Over $30 million raised and spent since inception
Issue Advocacy:
The nature of war is changing, and the needs of veterans in the 21st century are different than in past eras. To that end, VoteVets.org has successfully fought for the following:- An end to wasteful spending, such as the out-of-date F-22, with a greater focus on practical equipment, such as body and vehicle armor.
- A 21st Century G.I. Bill, to make college affordable for our returning service-members, allowing them to become part of the middle class.
- A repeal of Don`t Ask, Don`t Tell, allowing more Americans to serve in the Armed Forces, and stop the depletion of our military of essential specialists, such as translators.
- Increased financial support for mental health care for our service members, as well as greater research and treatment of Traumatic Brain Disorders.
- An end to the destructive `Stop Loss` policy, which involuntarily extended deployments, as well as increased time on the home front between deployments.
- Passage of landm
Page last updated: Jan 01, 2025; copyright 1999-2022 Jesse Gordon and OnTheIssues.org