Put the sanctions back on Iran; don't renew nuclear deal
So let's go back to what started it. What started it was, first of all, he never should have fallen all over himself to get back into the Iran deal. By doing that, he lifted the sanctions. All the money flowed to all of the terrorist proxies around the
region. And now we're paying the price of that. And so you look at what's happened now, first of all, I think he should have done something sooner. But first, Dana, first and foremost, put the sanctions back on. You have got to put the sanctions back on.
Source: CNN SOTU interview on 2024 Presidential Hopefuls
, Feb 4, 2024
Dictators always say what they're going to do
Q: It's been nearly two years since Russia invaded Ukraine, and there is still no end in sight to that war. Gov. Haley, you say that this is a "war about freedom that Ukraine must win." Gov. DeSantis says, "We need to bring this war to an end."
HALEY: I don't think we should give cash to any country, friend or foe, because you can't follow it. You can't hold it accountable. I don't think we need to put troops on the ground. But, dictators always say what they're going to do.
China said they were going to take Hong Kong. They did. Russia said they were going to invade Ukraine. We watched it. China says Taiwan is next. We better believe them. Russia said once they take Ukraine, Poland and the Baltics are next. Those are
NATO countries, and that puts America at war. This is about preventing war. It's always been about preventing war. If we support Ukraine, that's only 3.5% of our defense budget. Biden and no one else is telling the American people the truth about that.
What worries me more than anything else, America right now is acting like it's September 10th. We better remember what September 12th felt like because it only takes one. And whether you're looking at open borders that are allowing people to come in,
Iran knows the easiest way to get to America is through the southern border, and we're not doing anything to stop it.
We've got to get the foreign infiltration out of our country, whether it's in our schools, whether it's on our social media, whether
it's we need to stop all foreign lobbying that's happening to members of Congress, and we need to start America again. Until we do that, we are going to be at threats.
We've got to look at, Iran, China and Russia want to destroy the West. We have to
start acting strong again. We've got to start protecting Americans. Right now, Americans don't feel protected, and we're not doing anything to strengthen it. So, Joe Biden continues to be a problem, that'll change on election day.
It is not that Israel needs America; America needs Israel
Q: The Israel-Hamas war is a month old. As President, what would you be urging Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu to do?
Nikki Haley: We need to be clear-eyed. The last thing we need to do is to tell Israel what to do. The only thing we should
be doing is supporting them in eliminating Hamas. It is not that Israel needs America, America needs Israel. They are the tip of the spear when it comes to this Islamic terrorism and we need to make sure that we have their backs in that process.
Source: NBC News 2023 Republican primary debate in Miami
, Nov 8, 2023
We need to deal with China as the threat that they are
We need to deal with China as the threat that they are. The way I would deal with it is number one, we wouldn't allow them to buy U.S. soil, we would take the land that they bought back from them. We would say no more are we selling any sort of
sensitive technologies that allow them to build up their military and threaten the U.S. We would tell our universities you either take Chinese money or American money, but the days of taking both are over and we get that Chinese infiltration out.
Source: CBS Face the Nation on 2023 Presidential primary hopefuls
, Jul 30, 2023
Kim Jong-un is a thug; nothing good or decent about him
Kim Jong-un is a thug. And if you see what he has done to his own people in North Korea when money went to North Korea, it didn't go to feed their people. It went to feed their nuclear program. There's nothing good or decent about Kim Jong-un.
There's no reason we should ever congratulate the fact that they are now Vice Chair of the World Health Organization. And it goes to the fact that, also, the World Health Organization is a farce to start with. We saw that during COVID.
Source: CNN Town Hall: interviews of 2024 presidential candidates
, Jun 4, 2023
China is our number one national security threat
China, without question, is our number one national security threat. Think about our tech companies. Think about all of our financial data. Think about all of your health care data. Think about your children's lifestyle data. And now know that the
Chinese military has all of that. President Xi has said whoever owns the data owns the world, and that's why they're sending spy balloons. That's why they're buying up 400,000 acres worth of farmland near our most sensitive military installations.
Source: CNN Town Hall: interviews of 2024 presidential candidates
, Jun 4, 2023
As ambassador, forced UN votes on Cuba's human rights abuses
When Cuba offered up its annual resolution condemning the U.S. embargo on Cuba in 2018, Nikki didn't just vote against it--she used the opportunity to force UN votes on amendments condemning the communist regime's human rights abuses. She also led the
United States' withdrawal from the UN Human Rights Council, highlighting the council's terrible record on human rights.
With a renewed focus on Latin America, Nikki hammered the region's communist and socialist dictators.
As Venezuela became a humanitarian crisis, Nikki ratcheted up her denunciations of the socialist regime, even joining protesters outside the United Nations on the streets of New York City. She supported strong sanctions on the Venezuelan government
and traveled to the Colombia-Venezuela border to highlight the crisis. Nikki also organized the first-ever meeting to condemn the socialist regime in Nicaragua, and frequently spoke out against the Cuban dictatorship.
Signed the first anti-BDS legislation in the country
Nikki has long been a strong defender of Israel. As governor, she signed the first anti-BDS legislation in the country. ["BDS" means "Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions" a pro-Palestinian anti-Israel international policy to isolate Israel economically
and politically. "Anti-BDS" implies pro-Israel].
As UN ambassador, she declared "a new day for Israel at the United Nations" and vowed that "the days of Israel bashing are over." Nikki urged President Trump to move America's embassy from Tel Aviv to
Jerusalem even when other members of the administration opposed the move. Nikki changed the conversation at the UN Security Council's monthly session on the Middle East from constantly bashing Israel to highlighting real human rights crises in
tyrannical countries in the Middle East. Despite opposition from the D.C. establishment, Nikki pushed for America's withdrawal from the anti-Israel UNESCO and UN Human Rights Council, and withdrawal of funding from the corrupt UNRWA.
Never trust Russia; it is never going to be our friend
When it came to denouncing Russia, Nikki did not mince words. Her first speech before the UN Security Council in 2017 criticized Russia for invading Ukraine. She continued to hammer Russia for its military aggression and poison attacks and demanded
that the UN take up the issue instead of protecting Russia. Nikki was one of the administration's fiercest critics of Russia, declaring that "we should never trust Russia" and Russia is "never going to be our friend."
Source: 2024 Presidential campaign website NikkiHaley.com
, May 7, 2023
Slash foreign aid to countries that don't have our back
From her first day as UN ambassador, Nikki worked to clean up the corrupt and politically-biased UN. She negotiated $285 million in cuts from the UN budget and reached agreements to restructure the UN, including rightsizing
UN peacekeeping missions to make them more effective and accountable. She put our enemies on notice and started a process to slash U.S. foreign aid to countries that refused to have America's back.
Source: 2024 Presidential campaign website NikkiHaley.com
, May 7, 2023
Successfully got sanctions placed against North Korea
After North Korea fired ballistic missiles in 2017, Nikki pushed for stronger sanctions. This was no easy feat. Through extensive negotiations, Nikki convinced all 15 members of the UN Security Council, including China and Russia, to support the
toughest-ever set of sanctions on North Korea. These sanctions cut North Korean exports by 90% and were a massive economic hit to the regime.
Source: 2024 Presidential campaign website NikkiHaley.com
, May 7, 2023
We will stop giving money to countries that hate America
We give billions of dollars every year to countries that undermine America every day. They stab us in the back and then they turn around and have their hand out wanting money. Some of them even support terrorists. To this day, we are giving foreign aid
to Pakistan, Iraq, the Palestinians, and even Communist Cuba and China. We need to stop trying to buy friends. All we are doing is paying off our enemies. When I'm president, we will stop giving money to countries that hate America.
Source: Speech at the 2023 CPAC Conference in Maryland
, Mar 2, 2023
Time to start actually being aggressive with China
The idea that Americans would look to the sky and see a Chinese spy balloon looking back at us is unacceptable. I mean, they invaded our sovereignty, it never should have happened, and we have to say that. But they're lying about the balloon,
the same way they've lied about COVID.
And it's time for us to stop being reactionary to China and start actually being aggressive and letting China know what we expect of them.
Source: Fox News Sunday on 2023 Presidential hopefuls
, Feb 19, 2023
Cast American veto at UN over Jerusalem embassy critics
Obama and Biden led the United Nations to denounce our friend and ally, Israel.
President Trump moved our embassy to Jerusalem, and when the U.N. tried to condemn us, I was proud to cast the American veto.
Source: Speech at 2020 Republican National Convention
, Aug 25, 2020
Helped broker U.N. sanctions on North Korea
According to former national security adviser H.R. McMaster, Haley played a "central role" in brokering the U.N. sanctions on North Korea. "She has what we call strategic
empathy," he says. "She's able to take problems from the perspective of others and then frame these problems from their perspective. What she was particularly adept at doing was convincing others why it was in their interest to join us."
Source: The Washington Examiner on Trump Cabinet
, Dec 13, 2018
Obama was wrong to abstain on Cuba's anti-US resolution
She is disdainful of where the United States was at the end of Obama's tenure. "For example, right before I came in, there was a Cuban-sponsored anti-American resolution."
That would be the evergreen condemnation of the U.S. embargo of Cuba. In the fall of 2016, when the vote came up, "The United States abstained," Haley recounts, "It blamed America for all of Cuba's problems, and we just... abstained."
Source: The Washington Examiner on Trump Cabinet
, Dec 13, 2018
Call out the UN when they bully Israel
Q: You said in the wake of the criticism of President Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital, that "Over many years, the UN has outrageously been at the world's foremost centers of hostility towards Israel. The UN has done much more
damage to the prospects for Middle East peace than to advance them." Why was that helpful?
HALEY: Because it's the facts. I want the Security Council and all of the international community to understand, when you bully Israel, you are not helping the
peace process. So when we see it, we call them out on it.
Q: Would you veto a resolution to condemn the president's move in the Security Council?
HALEY: Oh, I would have a strong reaction to that. We have the right to do whatever we want in terms of
where we put our embassies. We don't need other countries telling us what's right and wrong. What I have always said is, "if we are honest, if we tell the truth, that's when peace comes." And this was the president telling the world the truth.
Recommit that attack on one NATO nation is an attack on all
Q: On NATO: One of the biggest concerns in Europe right now is that President Trump was not willing to publicly reiterate the U.S. commitment to article 5, the principle that an attack on one nation in NATO is an attack on all. Russian President
Vladimir Putin suggested this weekend that these squabbles at NATO are helpful to Russia. I understand that the President wants every country to pay its fair share, of course. But why was the President not willing to underscore the US' commitment to our
allies in NATO?
HALEY: Because there was no change to policy. Of course, we believe in article 5. I just met with all of my NATO ambassadors yesterday. We said, a threat on one of us is a threat on all of us. NATO is going to continue to be strong.
It's going to continue to be united. Russia's going to try and divide us. But the truth is, we've never swayed from article 5. We honestly still believe it. The President didn't mention it because he wasn't changing it.
This is a moment of great responsibility for those who believe in peace and security through international cooperation. Countries all over the world are turning inward. People are questioning the value of interactions with other nations and with
international institutions. Some of those questions are good ones and long overdue, but there's also a danger. Hanging in the balance is the very relevance of the United Nations. This is a time, in short, to show the people reasons to support the U.N.
The Human Rights Council is so corrupt. Countries get on it to protect themselves, to make sure that the fingers never pointed at them instead of actually looking at what we need to be doing around the world. When you've got bad actors that actually
sit on the Human Rights Council, it makes you call into question what we're trying to do. I don't think the Human Rights Council has been effective. I'm trying to find value in the Human Rights Council. If I find it, I'll let you know.
US is world's conscience; participation in UN reflects that
I came to the U.N. with the goal of showing the American people value for our investment in this institution. And when I say value, I'm not primarily talking about budgets. I'm talking about making the U.N. an effective tool on behalf of our values. The
United States is the moral conscience of the world. We will not walk away from this role, but we will insist that our participation in the U.N. honor and reflect this role.
The fact is, peace and security cannot be achieved in isolation from human rights. In case after case, human rights abuses are not the byproduct of conflict; they are the cause of conflict, or they are the fuel that feeds the conflict. Desperate people
subject to humiliation and abuse will inevitably resort to violence. People who are robbed of their humanity and dignity will inevitably want revenge. They are also vulnerable to manipulation or coercion by extremist groups.
We will deal fairly with people who are fair to us
At the U.S. Mission, we're all about changing the culture and bringing positive energy to the United Nations. We've put accountability front and center. I have no tolerance for unmet promises and inaction. We demand that of ourselves and we expect it of
others. We're also having the backs of our allies, and we're not afraid to call out the governments that don't have our backs. We will deal fairly with the people who are fair with us. If not, all bets are off.
Source: Council on Foreign Relations on Trump Cabinet
, Mar 29, 2017
Against nuclear deal with Iran; keep state sanctions
Fifteen Republican governors wrote a letter to President Obama opposing the Iran nuclear deal: "If implemented, this agreement would lead to the lifting of United States nuclear-related sanctions on Iran without any guarantee that Iran's drive toward
obtaining a nuclear weapon will be halted or even slowed. Iran is a state sponsor of terrorism, and it should not be permitted any pathway toward obtaining a nuclear weapon, now or ever. The lifting of federal sanctions that will result from this
We've been ranked as the second best state in the nation as a place to do business. But we aren't going to stop until we're first. We've announced $5 billion in foreign investment.
And we've seen no less an authority than The Wall Street Journal say
that, "Anyone still thinking the U.S. has lost its manufacturing chops hasn't been to South Carolina."
South Carolina is truly becoming the "It" state when it comes to economic development and job creation--not just in the United States, but worldwide.
$5 billion in foreign investment: the "It" state worldwide
We've been ranked as the second best state in the nation as a place to do business. But we aren't going to stop until we're first. We've announced $5 billion in foreign investment.
And we've seen no less an authority than The Wall Street Journal say
that, "Anyone still thinking the U.S. has lost its manufacturing chops hasn't been to South Carolina."
South Carolina is truly becoming the "It" state when it comes to economic development and job creation--not just in the United States, but worldwide.
Source: 2013 State of the State address to S. C. Legislature
, Jan 16, 2013