OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Bob Good: Abortion is not healthcare; the unborn must be protected.
Christy Smith: Will defend women's right to choose.
Dan Bishop: Pro-life; fight extremist Democrats' to stop infanticide.
Greg Murphy: Protect the innocent unborn; reduce barriers to adoption.
Michelle Fischbach: Proudly pro-life and supports pro-life legislation.
Nancy Mace: Very pro-life, no government funds to Planned Parenthood.
Randy Feenstra: Life begins at conception.
Renee Unterman: End tax-payer funded abortions; appeal Roe v Wade.
Scott Franklin: In Congress, will consistently vote against abortion.
Tom Tiffany: No taxpayer dollars should fund abortions.
Troy Carter: Women should make all decisions about their health.
Budget & Economy
David Valadao: Balancing the budget , cutting debt will help the economy.
Greg Murphy: Curtail spending; $22T debt mortgages our children's futures.
Lance Harris: Less government is better; cut taxes and waste.
Renee Unterman: Wants balanced budget Constitutional amendment.
Young Kim: Links good jobs to lower taxes & less regulations.
Civil Rights
Melanie Stansbury: End healthcare, housing, employment discrimination.
Nikema Williams: No voter suppression, count every vote.
Nina Turner: Justice and workplace protections for LGBTQIA+ and disabled.
Greg Pence: Strongly against defunding the police.
Michelle Fischbach: Keep Rikers Island open and do not ease bail requirements.
Nina Turner: Supports criminal justice reform and policing standards.
Melanie Stansbury: Voted to decriminalize cannabis and supports legalization.
Mike Garcia: Urges Congress to fight the opioid and fentanyl epidemic.
Nina Turner: Legalize marijuana and end mandatary minimum sentencing.
Christy Smith: Pay teachers a living wage and decrease student debt.
Melanie Stansbury: Investments in public education help communities thrive.
Michelle Fischbach: Supports local control of education, not big bureaucracies.
Nina Turner: More public funding for education from K-12 to college.
Ronny Jackson: K-12 education should have local and state control.
Young Kim: Local control for education, not D.C. bureaucrats.
Energy & Oil
August Pfluger: Secure energy independence with U.S. oil and gas.
Bob Good: Green New Deal and Paris Climate Accord kill jobs.
Greg Pence: All-of-the-above approach to energy; yes to bio-fuels.
Michelle Fischbach: Reduce greenhouse gas and expand renewable energy use.
Nancy Mace: Advocates complete ban on off-shore drilling.
Thomas Kean Jr.: Fund offshore wind energy development.
Families & Children
Dan Bishop: Christian values and our Constitution made America great.
Free Trade
Michelle Fischbach: Yes to Trump's US-Mexico-Canada trade agreement.
Government Reform
Dan Bishop: Require photo ID to vote; supports Constitutional Amendment.
David Valadao: Less regulation and lower taxes will create jobs.
Michelle Fischbach: Fight corruption with transparency and election reform.
Tom Tiffany: Cut federal budget wherever possible.
Gun Control
Barry Moore: No restrictions on AR15's nor high capacity magazines.
Bill Hightower: Proud to be an A rated NRA legislator.
Bob Good: Supports 2nd Amendment and right to protect ourselves.
Dan Bishop: Gun owner; endorsed by the NRA.
Greg Murphy: No further burdens to purchase and own firearms.
Michelle Fischbach: Constitutional and God-given right to own guns.
Renee Unterman: Strong for 2nd amendment and "stand your ground" laws.
Ronny Jackson: Supports gun ownership and public carry.
Tom Tiffany: A+ NRA rating, helped pass conceal and carry in WI.
Health Care
Bill Hightower: Repeal and replace Obamacare.
Christy Smith: Give public option healthcare to those who want it.
David Valadao: Market-based competition is best health care solution.
Greg Murphy: ObamaCare was one of worst pieces of legislation ever passed.
Lucy McBath: Lower cost for prescription drugs.
Melanie Stansbury: Supports Medicare for All: health care is a human right.
Michelle Fischbach: ACA is socialized medicine; reform within system.
Nancy Mace: Advocates full repeal of ObamaCare.
Nina Turner: America needs a Medicare for All system of healthcare.
Tom Tiffany: Supports competition to lower health care costs.
Young Kim: Government controlled health care will lead to high taxes.
Thomas Kean Jr.: Fix our broken system, including maternal & mental health.
Homeland Security
Barry Moore: Committed to securing benefits for military families.
Dan Bishop: Strong national defense is Constitutional & moral mandate.
Greg Murphy: Keep promises to our veterans.
Greg Murphy: Maintain Constitutionally-mandated strong national defense.
Mike Garcia: Now is not the time to scale back the military.
Scott Franklin: Committed to strengthening national security.
August Pfluger: Secure border to keep out illegal immigrants.
Bill Hightower: Secure borders with wall to keep people out.
Bob Good: Protect jobs for Americans with wall and no illegals.
Christy Smith: Path to citizenship for DREAMers and law-abiding residents.
Dan Bishop: Supports the border wall.
David Valadao: Develop path to citizenship and do not separate families.
Greg Murphy: Oppose amnesty & enforce the laws already in place.
Kathy Manning: Immigration reform and pathways for DREAMers.
Melanie Stansbury: Path to citizenship is part of a humane immigration policy.
Michelle Fischbach: Build border wall; support ICE; no illegals.
Michelle Fischbach: Illegals should not vote or have a driver's license.
Mike Garcia: Continue construction of wall to stop border emergency.
Nancy Mace: Secure our border to increase national security.
Randy Feenstra: Fight sanctuary cities and build the wall.
Renee Unterman: Build wall to keep illegals and their drugs and violence out.
Ronny Jackson: US needs border wall to protect us from illegal immigrants.
Tom Tiffany: For border wall and against amnesty.
Young Kim: Fix broken system and encourage legal immigration.
Thomas Kean Jr.: Make N.J. a beacon for innovation jobs.
Principles & Values
Barry Moore: Lives by Faith, Family, Finance and Freedom.
Social Security
Michelle Fischbach: Strengthen Social Security and Medicare.
Tax Reform
Dan Bishop: Lower taxes and smaller government.
Michelle Fischbach: Reduce taxes and red tape to support jobs and businesses.
Scott Franklin: Focus on lowering taxes and decreasing federal spending.
Thomas Kean Jr.: Blocked billions of dollars in new taxes & wasteful spending.
Nancy Mace: Rebuild infrastructure without burdensome regulations.
Thomas Kean Jr.: Finish the job on the Gateway Tunnel project.