John Kasich on Gun Control
Republican Governor; previously Representative (OH-12); 2000 & 2016 candidate for President
1999: Cool off after school shootings; 2018: time for action
BROKEN PROMISE: After the Columbine school shooting in 1999, Kasich recommended a "cooling-off period after high-profile acts of violence before trying to pass new laws." Until 2015, Kasich maintained the stance that more gun laws wouldn't
prevent mass shootings. But after a spate of school shootings and the student-led "March for our Lives" movement in 2018, Kasich yielded, calling for "common sense steps." Clearly, an "evolution" occurred. ANALYSIS: Kasich claims that
he only calls for "small steps" but he lists "background checks and increased attention to mental illness," which are typical first steps recommended by gun control advocates. Kasich also recommends executive action at the federal level, and action at
the state and local level-- methods reasonably likely to overcome NRA opposition. Kasich's evolution on this topic now qualifies him as a moderate on gun rights, where prior to 2018 he was hard-line for the Second Amendment.
Source: John Kasich "Promises Broken," by Jesse Gordon
, Nov 6, 2018
Learn from mass shooting tragedies and take action
John Kasich supports the Second Amendment and has signed multiple bills to protect gun rights. As a pragmatic conservative Governor Kasich also recognizes the need for common-sense solutions to our nation's problems. In recent years, our country has
been devastated by a dramatic increase in school shootings and mass killings--many with the use of semi-automatic weapons. Governor Kasich believes that we should not be afraid to learn from these tragedies and take appropriate action.
John Kasich has spoken out on the need for reasonable reforms to prevent future massacres--including the potential of expanding background checks on gun sales and limiting the ability to sell weapons that have often been used in mass killings.
The 2nd Amendment is one of the most divisive issues in our country. Leadership requires the willingness to tackle these issues and to find solutions. Our country and our children deserve that leadership.
Source: 2020 presidential hopefuls: campaign website JohnKasich.com
, Sep 18, 2018
Significant changes, while we protect the Second Amendment
Q: Over the weekend, we saw thousands of young people marching across the country in support of stricter gun laws. Will gun supporters feel this at the ballot box?KASICH: I really do believe that. I think the people do want changes here. I think
there's three kinds of people who are involved in this gun debate, those that want no changes on guns--believe me, they're there and they're strong--and those people that think there ought to be significant changes, even while we protect the
Second Amendment. And the third group are a bunch of politicians who are afraid of their own shadows. But the fact of the matter is, it's a massive effort here. If we can keep the pressure on, we're not going to change everything overnight, but you can
get significant changes. And I hope so. And if they do not bring about change, I think people should be held absolutely accountable at the ballot box, and no question about it.
Source: CNN 2018 interviews of 2020 hopefuls
, Mar 25, 2018
We need bipartisan gun reform to deal with mass shootings
Kasich's own public stances on guns have varied throughout his political career. Kasich supported the assault weapons ban in the 1990s and earned the ire of the National Rifle Association. As governor years later, he signed legislation supported
by gun rights advocates and touted his improved position with the NRA. Last year, legislation Kasich signed went into effect that expanded where people can carry concealed handguns to include willing colleges and day-care facilities.
But last November in an op-ed, Kasich called for a bipartisan approach to implement some kind of gun reform.
This week, he said Congress' history of inaction on the issue and the likelihood it will not address it in the wake of the recent high profile
mass shooting was just one sign of broad dysfunction, citing the immigration debate as another example. "Think about how bad it is in Congress," Kasich said. "They can't decide anything. They can't agree to anything down there."
Source: Eli Watkins on CNN on 2020 presidential hopefuls
, Feb 18, 2018
Background checks and increased attention to mental illness
[In the wake of deadly school shooting this week], Kasich said he thought it was possible to push for some measures at the state and local level, like background checks and increased attention to mental illness, while Washington would not move
from the status quo."I'm not calling for some outright ban," Kasich said. "I'm talking about small steps that can be taken that can be effective, and the Congress ought to do it. I just don't have any confidence in them.
I don't think most Americans do.
Kasich said there were honest disagreements on the issue from people who "feel strongly" and stressed he supports the Second Amendment. Still, he tried to make the case that even ardent supporters of the Second
Amendment should be open to some kind of change in policy. "If you're a strong Second Amendment person, you need to slow down and take a look at reasonable things that can be done to answer these young people," Kasich said.
Source: Eli Watkins on CNN on 2020 presidential hopefuls
, Feb 18, 2018
Supports state reciprocity and concealed carry
Gov. John R. Kasich continues to be a strong supporter of the right to bear arms and, as governor, has signed every pro-2nd amendment bill that has crossed his desk to defend this basic, constitutional right.- Kasich is a gun-owner himself, and in
his 2014 reelection was endorsed by the NRA for his support of the Second Amendment as an inviolate part of our Constitution.
- Removing Burdensome Restrictions for Law-Abiding Concealed Carry Licensees: Kasich enacted legislation protecting
Ohio's concealed carry laws, including allowing for reciprocity licenses with other states where permit holders can carry their firearms.
- Opposing Obama's Gun Control Efforts: John Kasich opposes President Obama's gun control executive orders.
His efforts to expand the federal government's interference with Americans' Right to Keep and Bear Arms are wrong and the governor opposes them.
Source: 2016 presidential campaign website, JohnKasich.com
, Dec 27, 2017
Registering mentally ill is first priority in gun control
Q: Bill Bratton, New York City Police Commissioner, says he wants Congress to ban the ability of anybody on a terrorist watch list to buy a firearm, even if they're an American citizen. It's a proposal that's sitting in Congress.
The N.R.A.'s not happy with it, where are you on it?KASICH: I've never heard it until right now. I have a lot of respect for Bill Bratton, but I will also tell you that Americans want to defend themselves.
And that what we really need to focus on firearms right now is making sure that states use their databases to upload the people who have mental illnesses.
And if we want to examine people who are on terrorist watch lists and not let them buy a gun, it's something that ought to be considered. It's the first I've ever heard of it.
Source: Meet the Press 2015 interviews of 2016 presidential hopefuls
, Nov 22, 2015
2nd Amendment advocate: NRA rating changed from "F" to "A"
Q: Let me pick up on another issue that some conservatives have with you. Back in 1994, you voted for the assault weapons ban that Bill Clinton was proposing, which earned you an "F" from NRA. Now, your NRA rating is a straight "A".
What would you say to a gun rights advocate who is going to say I'm not sure I like the guy who at one time had an "F" from the NRA?KASICH: That was an assault weapon ban. I'm a Second Amendment advocate. I don't believe the government should
be taking guns from people. I think people have a right to be armed. It's about keeping the Second Amendment and it's allowing legitimate gun owners to be able to do what they want, which is exercise their constitutional right. So people don't need to
worry about that.
Q: Do you regret your vote for the assault weapons ban in '94?
KASICH: No, when I look at it now, it was superfluous. We were adding a law that had no impact. And I don't think that's ever smart to do.
Source: Fox News Sunday 2015 coverage of 2016 presidential hopefuls
, Aug 2, 2015
Keep existing restrictions, but tighten up on terrorist guns
Kasich indicates support of the following principles concerning gun issues.- Maintain all federal registration procedures and restrictions on possessing firearms.
- Implement tighter restrictions on firearm sales in an effort to hinder terrorist groups from stockpiling weapon arsenals.
Source: Congressional 1996 National Political Awareness Test
, Nov 1, 1996
Cool off before making new gun laws after Littleton
Although he voted for the 1994 federal ban on assault weapons, Kasich said that lawmakers should have a cooling-off period after high-profile acts of violence before trying to pass new laws. Kasich noted that the two students who killed 13 people and
themselves last month in Littleton, Colo., violated 19 existing gun laws. There were already a bunch of laws, Kasich said. The kids didnt pay attention to the laws. I dont think new laws will solve all the problems.
Source: Omaha World-Herald, Kasich Tours Iowa, 5/23/99
, May 23, 1999
More parenting better than more gun laws
Kasich said that the better response [to the Columbine shootings] may not involve gun control. He said parents could do more to help their children feel safe if they could choose where to send their children to school. He also advocated legislation that
would allow businesses to provide more flexible working schedules, a change that he said would give parents more time at home with children. In most homes, both parents work and nobody has the time to spend with their children anymore, he said.
Source: Omaha World-Herald, Kasich Tours Iowa, 5/23/99
, May 23, 1999
Voted YES on decreasing gun waiting period from 3 days to 1.
Vote to pass a bill requiring anyone who purchases a gun at a gun show to go through an instant background check which must be completed within 24 hours [instead of 72 hours].
Reference: Bill introduced by McCollum, R-FL;
Bill HR 2122
; vote number 1999-244
on Jun 18, 1999
Opposes restrictions on the right to bear arms.
Kasich opposes the CC survey question on right to bear arms
The Christian Coalition voter guide [is] one of the most powerful tools Christians have ever had to impact our society during elections. This simple tool has helped educate tens of millions of citizens across this nation as to where candidates for public office stand on key faith and family issues.
The CC survey summarizes candidate stances on the following topic: "Further restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms"
Source: Christian Coalition Survey 10-CC-q10 on Aug 11, 2010
Page last updated: Dec 15, 2019