Democratic Presidential Challenger (withdrew, Aug. 2019); CO Governor
Against fetal heartbeat laws; favors access to contraception
Q: What is your reaction to fetal heartbeat bills?
A: I think those laws are unconstitutional. I recognize the difficulty of the question and I empathize with people on both sides. But I've always come down on the side of a woman's right to take care
of her own health care. In Colorado we provided long-acting, reversible contraception. We have reduced teenage pregnancy and teenage abortion by over 60%. I think a woman has to ultimately have the right to make decisions about her own health.
Source: Meet the Press 2019 interviews for 2020 Democratic primary
, Mar 31, 2019
Women have the right control their own health care
I think the vast majority of Americans believe that a woman has the right to control her own health care and that that should be first and foremost sacred and inviolate.
We got $5.2 million per year for five years to provide long-acting reversible contraception, to allow 15- to 25-year-old young women to make sure that if they wanted to have that contraception.
We reduced teenage pregnancy by 60 percent over the last eight years in Colorado.
I would make sure as president that every issue within any state that violated a woman's right to decide her own health care would be met with litigation immediately.