Republican presidential primary challenger (former IL Rep.)
Kinderguardian satire: "Happy shooting, kids"
In 2018, Walsh appeared on Showtime's "Who is America?" The political satire has Walsh endorsing an "intensive 3-week Kinderguardian course" that "introduces specially selected children from 12 to 4 years old to pistols, rifles, semiautomatics, and a
rudimentary knowledge of mortars. In less than a month, a first-grader can become a first grenade-er." The video ends with Walsh saying, "Happy shooting, kids." Walsh claims that the show's star, Sacha Baron Cohen, tricked him into uttering those lines.
Source: Council on Foreign Relations on 2020 presidential hopefuls
, Oct 3, 2019
Arm school employees to prevent school shootings
On guns:
When he ran for Congress in 1996, Walsh said he was in favor of gun control. But when he ran as a Republican in 2010, Walsh came out in strong support of the Second Amendment.
He co-sponsored the Firearms Interstate Commerce Reform
Act, which would have loosened restrictions on interstate gun purchases.
In 2018, Walsh said on Sacha Baron Cohen's comedy show, "Who Is America?" that he supported a program that would arm children from ages 4 to 12.
He later denied he said that, but video footage showed Walsh repeatedly endorsed the program.
Walsh supports arming school employees to prevent school shootings, and ending gun-free zones in schools and military bases.
The former Illinois congressman lauded gun rights at Business Insider's Republican debate in September. "I'm a big gun guy. I believe in the Second Amendment, plain and simple. There's no silver bullet to this issue."
Q: You're on record saying you would loosen gun restrictions. Do you have any plans to address gun violence?
Walsh: I believe in the second Amendment, plain and simple. The problem we have now in this country is this are these mass shootings.
There are a lot of things we need to look at. And I am a big gun guy, but here's what our focus should be on. We don't want anybody who shouldn't have a gun to have a gun. When I leave here in about an hour if I go to a gun dealer down the street and
I want to buy a gun, I have to get a federal background check. It makes sense to me that if I buy that same gun at a gun show, I should have to undergo a federal background check. It makes the same sense to me that if I buy a gun online, I should have
to undergo the background check. It makes sense that if I buy that same gun from a friend across town I should have got a background check. I think that will help, but then we've got to really take a serious look at mental health issues in this country.
Purpose of Second Amendment is protection against tyranny
Joe Walsh took to Twitter [prior to the 2016 election] to announce his post-election day plans. "On November 9th," he wrote, "if Trump loses, I'm grabbing my musket. You in?"
Walsh frequently says horrific things on Twitter, and it may be tempting to
write off this latest proclamation. But this sentiment--that a Donald Trump loss might justify the violent overthrow of a Hillary Clinton administration--is really just the logical endpoint of a longtime GOP talking point. The National Rifle Association
has longed peddled the "insurrectionist" theory of the Second Amendment, arguing that the right to bear arms was intended to protect citizens against a tyrannical ruler.
Although this insurrectionist theory is foreign to the Supreme Court's
interpretation of the Second Amendment, it's gained a foothold in the Republican Party. In a follow-up tweet, Walsh clarified that he was encouraging "protesting. Participating in acts of civil disobedience. Doing what it takes to get our country back."
Fast and Furious: an attack on gun owners & gun dealers
Q: You are among the earliest to call for Eric Holder's resignation. Do you think you are getting a little ahead of yourself?
WALSH: The more you learn about this, the more you have to ask yourself this. Nobody has given a rationale yet for this "Fast
and Furious" program. And it is clear to me, and I think it's clear to a lot of Americans, that this was an attack on gun owners. This was an attack on gun dealers. And Eric Holder is responsible for that. It is out outrageous what transpired in this
Fast and Furious. And all he is doing right now is obfuscating and not responding to Congress. He needs to be held accountable.
A: So if he answers for investigations or follow-up meetings, would you hold off on calling for the Attorney General's
resignation? Or you're still standing by that?
WALSH: No, because it is clear the Department of Justice approved a failed program, a program that I believe is criminal and in which two of our border agents were killed. And that he can't take back.
Supports right to own hand guns & to carry concealed weapons
The 2nd Amendment is not at all ambiguous--this right "shall not be infringed." Guns laws across the country infringe this right, day after day. It is my position that we do not need any more anti-gun laws.
I am a strong supporter of our constitutionally provided right to bear arms including our rights to own hand guns to protect our homes and to carry concealed weapons.
Private citizens are constitutionally guaranteed the right to own firearms.
Source: 2010 House campaign website,, "Issues"
, Nov 2, 2010
Rated 93% by the NRA, indicating a pro-gun rights voting record.
Walsh scores 93% by NRA on pro-gun rights policies
While widely recognized today as a major political force and as America's foremost defender of Second Amendment rights, the National Rifle Association (NRA) has, since its inception, been the premier firearms education organization in the world. But our successes would not be possible without the tireless efforts and countless hours of service our nearly three million members have given to champion Second Amendment rights and support NRA programs.
The following ratings are based on lifetime voting records on gun issues and the results of a questionaire sent to all Congressional candidates; the NRA assigned a letter grade (with A+ being the highest and F being the lowest).
What the Grades Mean:
A+: A legislator with not only an excellent voting record on all critical NRA issues, but who has also made a vigorous effort to promote and defend the Second Amendment.
A: Solidly pro-gun candidate including voting record.
AQ: A pro-gun candidate whose rating is based solely on the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire and who does not have a voting record.
B: A generally pro-gun candidate; may have opposed some pro-gun reform in the past.
C: A candidate with a mixed record or positions on gun related issues, who may oppose some pro-gun positions.
D: An anti-gun candidate who usually supports restrictive gun control legislation. Regardless of public statements, can usually be counted on to vote wrong on key issues.
F: True enemy of gun owners' rights. A consistent anti-gun candidate.
?: Refused to answer the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire, often an indication of indifference, if not outright hostility, to gun owners' rights.
Congressional Summary:Amends the federal criminal code to:
allow licensed firearms dealers to sell or deliver any firearm (currently, rifles or shotguns) to any state if the licensee meets with the purchaser and the transaction complies with the laws of the state in which the transfer is conducted and the purchaser's state of residence; and
eliminate the requirement that a licensee must conduct business at a gun show only in the state that is specified on the licensee's license.
Nothing in this Act shall prohibit the sale of a firearm or ammunition between licensed firearms dealers at any location in any state.
Proponent's Comments (NRA-ILA, Oct. 14, 2011): This bill would remove several antiquated and unnecessary restrictions imposed on interstate firearms business since 1968:
Virtually all interstate transfers directly between private citizens are banned; so are nearly all interstate handgun sales by licensed dealers.
Firearms dealers may only do business at their licensed premises or (since 1986) at gun shows in their own state.
Dealers may not even transfer firearms to one another face to face, away from their business premises.