Party for Socialism and Liberation nominee for President
Demands an end of U.S. aid to the state of Israel
I strongly condemn Israel's planned annexation of much of the West Bank and I demand an end to U.S. aid to the state of Israel. I also call for an immediate end to the annual gift of $3.8 billion in military aid to
Israel, a highly militarized state, the only one in the Middle East that possesses nuclear weapons. The U.S. government also provides Israel with billions more in loan guarantees and assistance.
Gloria has worked for decades to defend Cuba's sovereignty and against the U.S. blockade. She was awarded Cuba's Friendship Medal in 2010, approved by the Council of State, for her many years of Cuba solidarity, and was the coordinator of the
National Committee to Free the Cuban Five, Cuban heroes unjustly imprisoned in the U.S. for defending Cuba from U.S.-sponsored terrorism.
Won Cuba's Friendship Medal for opposing US blockade
Gloria has worked for decades to defend Cuba's sovereignty and against the U.S. blockade. She was awarded Cuba's Friendship Medal in 2010, approved by the Council of State, for her many years of Cuba solidarity, and was the coordinator of the
National Committee to Free the Cuban Five, Cuban heroes unjustly imprisoned in the U.S. for defending Cuba from U.S.-sponsored terrorism.
The Party for Socialism and Liberation and all true friends of Cuba demand the immediate lifting of the U.S. blockade for completely different reasons than those advanced by Clinton and the U.S. ruling class.
For more than 55 years, Cuba's people have
been subjected to a crushing policy of blockade to force them to submit to U.S. dictates. Denying a whole people medicines, food and the necessities of life and thwarting commerce and trade internationally-is a genocidal policy.
U.S. imperialism has created a massive arsenal of economic and political weapons that comprise what is more accurately called "Blockade."
"Embargo" does not begin to describe what Washington heaped on Cuba, causing $1.2 trillion in economic damages.
In all these years, Cuba never surrendered. Despite the harsh blows caused by the U.S. financial, commercial and trade blockade, Cuba has survived precisely because of socialism and the overwhelming support of the people.
Replace US global domination with solidarity among peoples
US foreign policy has only one purpose: global domination through military, economic, political and diplomatic means.
In place of chauvinist imperialist domination, the La Riva/Puryear PSL presidential campaign stands for relations with all nations
and peoples based on equality, mutual respect, friendship, cooperation and solidarity. This policy could only be implemented by a government that was no longer beholden to the interests of transnational corporations and banks.
Source: Party campaign website,
, Jan 16, 2008