Party for Socialism and Liberation nominee for President
End unpaid internships; allow student workers to unionize
We call for the abolition of unpaid internships throughout all industries, including nonprofit organizations. We call for an end to any academic requirements that force students to work without pay.
We call for students &college &university workers, including but not limited to athletes, interns, and graduate students, to unionize within and across their respective departments, and for student athletes to unionize within all athletic divisions.
Source: Socialist PSL Platform adopted by 2020 presidential hopeful
, Aug 3, 2020
Forgiveness of all outstanding federal student loans
We demand equal access to higher education for all people and support publicly funded higher education.
We call for the forgiveness of all outstanding federal student loans and believe that students should not be saddled with decades of debt simply because they pursue higher education.
Source: Socialist PSL Platform adopted by 2020 presidential hopeful
, Aug 3, 2020
Schools should reflect community; students on school boards
We call for affirmative action programs so that the faculty and student-body of all schools reflect the community at large in terms of race/ethnicity, gender, and economic background. We support student, parent, and teacher control of curriculum
formation, and in the hiring and dismissal procedures of school personnel. We call for student representation on school boards, and for those boards to be fully accountable to students, parents, teachers, and school workers.
Source: Socialist PSL Platform adopted by 2020 presidential hopeful
, Aug 3, 2020
Guaranteed free education from pre-K through college
Q: Do you support federal education standards and testing requirements for K-12 students?
Q: Do you support federal funding for universal pre-K programs?
Q: Do you support federal funding for charter schools?
Do you support federal funding for K-12 school vouchers?
Q: Do you support the federal government providing college students with financial aid?
La Riva adds, "Students should be guaranteed a free education from pre-K through college."
Source: California Congressional 2010 Political Courage Test
, Nov 1, 2010
Privatizing schools is just to reap profit
The education system is failing. Public schools are being privatized to reap greater profits for owners.
The National Assessment of Education Progress--a body that administers standardized tests to evaluate the country�s progress in
education--recently said that the NCLB law has hurt education standards. Reading proficiency for eighth-grade African American students has dropped from 13 to 12 percent. Proficiency dropped from 41 to 39% for eighth-grade white students.
Source: Party campaign website,
, Jan 16, 2008