Q [to Sen. Elizabeth Warren]: You want to make it U.S. policy that the U.S. will never use a nuclear weapon unless another country uses one first. Now, President Obama reportedly considered that policy, but ultimately decided against it.
Why should the U.S. tie its own hands with that policy?
WARREN: Because it makes the world safer. The US is not going to use nuclear weapons preemptively, and we need to say so to the entire world.
It reduces the likelihood that someone miscalculates, someone misunderstands.
BULLOCK: I wouldn't want to take that off the table. Never, I hope, certainly in my term or anyone else's, would we
really even get close to pulling that trigger. But going from the position of strength, we should be negotiating down so there aren't nuclear weapons. But drawing those lines in the sand, at this point I wouldn't do.
Don't let terrorists intimidate us to abandon our values
Gov. Steve Bullock said the state "will not allow any terrorist organization to intimidate us into abandoning our values."
State officials are reviewing the existing protocols for considering refugee settlement requests and if there are any safety concerns, the refugees will be denied, he said.
Source: ABC News on Syrian Refugee Crisis
, Nov 16, 2015
Wrap-around services to reintegrate heroes to civilian life
This morning, I went to the airport and welcomed home 45 soldiers from the Montana National Guard who had just spent a year in Afghanistan. I told them I would ensure that we live up to the promise all of us made the day they signed up.
That's why I asked this Legislature to invest in our university system and make certain that we are providing the services and the space to meet veterans' needs--
the wrap-around services that will reintegrate these heroes back into civilian life and on our college campuses. When I got back from the airport, I found out that, while
I was gone, a legislative committee cut the funding for these critical services for returning vets. I urge you to restore these funds, live up to the promises we've made and welcome these warriors home with more than just words.