Invest the retirement benefits for teachers & state workers
We must also make investments in our state�s ever-growing cost of retirement benefits for teachers and state workers. This is a debt that will fall on our children if we do not make critical investments today. For every dollar we invest now,
Louisiana will save more than four dollars in interest, reduce the burden on future generations, and fulfill our promises to our teachers and state workers so they are secure in their retirement.
Source: Second Special Session Speech
Mar 9, 2008
Encourage investment in our low-to-moderate income areas
We must also continue to encourage investment in our low-to-moderate income areas. New Markets Tax Credits encourage growth in lower income areas and investors responded--using the entire $50 million in credits authorized to attract $200 million in
investments. We must reauthorize this program so investors do not now turn to other states, like Mississippi, which has authorized $15 million in credits a year. This investment is important for our continued recovery and growth across the entire state.