The Trump administration has made overtures to a country that Rubio has railed against during most of his career, especially in relation to Russia's backing of countries like Cuba.
A Virginia man said he was driving to work Wednesday with two other men near his home in Virginia when he was stopped by ICE agents with guns in their hands.
In a letter first obtained by NBC News, Democratic lawmakers said defunding programs that help immigrants go through the citizenship process will contribute to more backlogs.
A judge found that a pair of Chicago landlords violated Illinois state law when they threatened to call federal immigration authorities on former tenants.
The Disney+ show's two-episode premiere includes a shocking event and an introduction to White Tiger, a Latino vigilante-turned-criminal played by the late actor Kamar de los Reyes.
The operation led to arrests and removals of people regardless of citizenship or status, a recent lawsuit against Homeland Security and Border Patrol alleges.
The legislator who helped found the GOP-sponsored Congressional Hispanic Conference was remembered by his family for "his relentless commitment to the cause of a free Cuba."
ICE last week detained Jersey Kebab owners Emine Emanet and Celal Emanet, whose restaurant was described by the township's mayor as "a pillar of the community."