US States Study Guides and Learning Tools

50 States and Capitals Study Resources

Below are links to educational tools for learning all about the 50 States and US state facts.

States and Capitals Study Guides
Study guides for states and capitals

This is a list of all US states and capitals. You can even print it out to use for a study guide, then print out our blank worksheets below to test your knowledge.

This is a map of all the 50 states so you can see where every state is located. 

These will certainly help you remember state capitals and where they are on the map. Print them out to test yourself or test a friend. 

Get to know all 50 US States, its territories, and military two letter abbreviations.

Do you have trouble with spelling? This should help with capitol and capital where we explain which is correct and define each word.

Use our flashcard game to help you remember each state capital.

See when each one of the 50 states was entered into statehood. You can sort by alphabetically by state or by year admitted. 

See our list of state flowers. It’s a great list for whether you want to use it to study with or just have handy state flowers list.

Each state in the US has an officially designated state bird. All of the official state birds have been voted in by the local legislature, and represents the spirit of that state.

Find out more about the specific facts and fun trivia about the 50 states. See how much you know about each state!

There are 49 official state songs that have been voted in by each state’s local government as the official song. New Jersey is the only state in the US without an official state song.

Each one of the 50 US states has a designated state tree. Every state’s trees are native and thrive in that state, except Hawaii’s state tree (originally from Asia). 

The 50 States quarters program, launched by the US Mint in 1999. Find out more detail about when the state quarter was released, how many were made, the history behind the design of each 50 state quarter and more interesting information.

Find out all the information you need to know about the seals of all the 50 states.

Every US state has a designated state flag. See all 50 state’s flags along with the official adoption date, fun facts and detailed descriptions.

Fill in the Blank Study Guides

These will certainly help you remember state capitals and where they are on the map. Print them out to test yourself or test a friend.

Fill in the blank states and capitals study guides

Fill in the states with this alphabetical list of state capitals. This sheet is a great place to start your studying for mastering states and capitals!

See how much you know about states and capitals. In this worksheet, fill in the state name next to the capital. The list is randomized and is a little more challenging!

Fill in the states with this alphabetical list. This sheet is a great place to start your studying for mastering states and capitals!

This worksheet is for mastering state capitals. Practice getting to know all the state capitals by filling in the correct state.

Print out this blank US map to quiz yourself or a friend on states and capital names of each of the 50 states.

Want to test your knowledge on where state capitals are or state counties? Print and fill in the map to test your knowledge!

Other Helpful Resources