The John Report: WWE NXT Vengeance Day 2025 Review
This is WWE NXT Vengeance Day featuring four title matches and two big grudge matches.
NXT Vengeance Day is the first NXT PLE of the new year. They have six matches scheduled for the show and there could be some surprises along the way too. Let’s get to it.
NXT Vengeance Day
From CareFirst Arena in Washington, D.C.
Saturday, February 15, 2025
There were some wrestlers shown walking around earlier in the day.
A video package aired to set up the show. The NXT Women’s North American Title match was up first. The commentary team was Vic Joseph, Corey Graves, and Booker T.
NXT Women’s North American Championship: Fallon Henley (w/Jacy Jayne & Jazmyn Nyx) vs. Stephanie Vaquer
I missed the first five minutes of the match. Vaquer went for a move off the ropes, but Henley knocked her down. Nyx went on the apron to distract the referee, so Jayne hit a pump kick on Vaquer on the floor. Henley was in control with a clothesline for a two count. Henley choked Vaquer against the ropes, then Henley jumped on her back and choked Vaquer against the middle rope. Henley hit a forearm smash along with a chop to the chest. Henley hit a running forearm for two. Henley hit a Blockbuster off the middle turnbuckle for a two count. Vaquer tried a lifting move, but Henley did a hair pull takedown. Vaquer came back with her own hair pull takedown. Vaquer hit a superkick followed by a 619 kick. Vaquer hit a springboard cross body block and a belly-to-back suplex. Vaquer hit her repeated knee smash move that Booker loves and it got a two count. Henley hit a running back elbow, Vaquer came back with an elbow and Henley went for a running kick, but Vaquer avoided it for a two count. Henley hit a running neckbreaker and both women were down on the mat selling.
Vaquer hit an Eat Defeat boot to the side of the head followed by a dragon screw leg whip. Vaquer hit a Meteora double knees against the turnbuckle for two. Henley came back with a knee to the ribs and a pumphandle suplex across the ring. Vaquer avoided a move and got a rollup for two. Jayne punched Vaquer in the head, the referee didn’t see it and Henley got a two count. Henley countered a move into a back body drop. Henley went to the turnbuckle so Vaquer punched her to knock Henley off the apron to the floor. Vaquer knocked down Nyx and Jayne with a superkick on the floor. Vaquer got a hold of Henley on the apron leading to a double underhook slam into the knees. Vaquer hit a springboard cross body block on the three heels on the floor. Back in the ring, Vaquer hit the SVB backbreaker onto the knee and there was no pin attempt. Vaquer went up top and hit a Spiral Tap splash for the pinfall win at 15:01.
Winner by pinfall AND NEW NXT Women’s North American Champion: Stephanie Vaquer
Analysis: ***1/2 It was a very good match with Stephanie Vaquer putting on an impressive performance throughout the match. The fans were behind Vaquer the whole way while Fallon Henley had help from her allies at ringside and that led to some good nearfalls in the match. Vaquer is arguably the best in-ring performer among the women in NXT and she showed it in this match because she makes everything look easy. Henley is very talented too, but I just think Vaquer is a special in-ring performer. I predicted a title change here and I’m happy for Stephanie getting the win.
Stephanie Vaquer was presented with the NXT North American Championship. Vaquer made history as the first South American born champion in WWE history. The fans cheered for her.
A commercial aired promoting WWE Elimination Chamber PLE in two weeks on March 1. I have my tickets. See ya there in Toronto. There was a video promoting the new Evolve show on Tubi starting on March 5th.
There was a video about the Josh Briggs/Yoshiki Inamura team. That was aired on NXT TV recently, so they showed it here too.
A clip aired of WWE LFG featuring CM Punk talking to the contestants on the show.
There was a video letting us know WrestleMania 41 is 63 days away. That’s just over two months away, my friends.
Sol Ruca was featured in a video with Zaria showing some bonding between the team. Sol tried to have fun doing outdoor activities while Zaria kept getting mad.
There were shots of Eddy Thorpe with a strap and Trick Williams getting his hair fixed. That match is later.
NXT Tag Team Championships: Nathan Frazer & Axiom vs. Josh Briggs & Yoshiki Inamura
Some people call Frazer & Axiom by the name of “Fraxiom” but it’s not an official name. They have been champions for nearly 300 days.
It was fast-paced action right away with Frazer hitting a DDT. Briggs was on fire with a kick and a clothesline. Inamura tagged in leading to Briggs slamming Axiom onto Inamura’s left knee leading to Inamura getting a two count. Briggs nailed Axiom with a forearm smash to the head. Inamura was back in with repeated shots to the chest and a huge chop. Inamura sent Axiom hard into the turnbuckle and another chop. Inamura punched and chopped Axiom repeatedly, which drew cheers from the crowd. Axiom tried to fight back, but Inamura chopped Axiom to knock him down again. Axiom gave up chopping and he connected with a Golden Ratio kick on Inamura. Frazer tagged in against Briggs with Frazer hitting a kick followed by DDT and a standing Shooting Star Press on Briggs for two. Axiom tagged in with a top rope splash and Frazer hit a flipping leg drop off the top for a two count. Briggs tossed Frazer away and Briggs gave Axiom a backbreaker. Briggs hit Frazer with a Powerbomb. Inamura was back in, Briggs hit a boot to the face and Briggs gave Axiom a back body drop into a Powerbomb by Inamura for two because Frazer broke up the pin. The fans were chanting “this is awesome” for the great action. Frazer gave Briggs a hurricanrana out of the ring. Axiom kicked Inamura on the top rope and Axiom hit a Spanish Fly slam off the top. Briggs grabbed Frazer on the top rope and Briggs gave Frazer a Chokeslam onto Axiom in the ring. That was wild. All four guys were down on the mat.
Frazer hit a spinning kick on Briggs and Axiom hit a running kick. Briggs clotheslined Axiom. Frazer jumped off the top, Inamura caught him and Inamura hit a fallaway slam on Frazer across the ring. Axiom hit a Poison Rana on Briggs. Inamura sent Axiom into the turnbuckle. Inamura went for a spinning slam, but Frazer jumped on Inamura’s back with a sleeper. Inamura spun around, slammed Axiom and Inamura gave Frazer a fireman’s carry slam (like an AA) onto Axiom leading to Inamura getting a two count on Frazer. Inamura went up top while both opponents were down, he was shaking the top turnbuckle and Inamura’s splash attempt missed because the champions moved. Frazer dove onto Briggs and then Axiom hit a top rope moonsault onto Briggs on the floor. Axiom got the tag leading to a dropkick/sweep kick combo on Inamura for the pinfall win at 10:34.
Winners by pinfall: Nathan Frazer & Axiom
Analysis: **** That was an excellent match that didn’t even go that long, but there was so much action and it hit the four-star level in my opinion. The chemistry of Frazer and Axiom is absolutely amazing. Briggs and Inamura had several moments in the match where they looked like threats. I think if they got another five minutes we could have got a next level kind of great tag team match, but it ended with the champions finding a way to win as usual. They are so fun to watch. Axiom & Frazer are my favorite team in all of WWE and I think the best team in WWE too.
After the match, Axiom and Frazer shook hands with Briggs and Inamura as a sign of respect. Four wrestlers went into the ring with their faces covered and they beat up Axiom, Frazer, Briggs and Inamura. One of the men was Dion Lennox while the other three men had yet to debut on TV yet. Other than Lennox, their names were not mentioned by the announcers. The men in the group have been reported to be Saquon Shugars, Cutler James, Keanu Carver, and Dion Lennox.
Analysis: We saw images of them for the last few weeks on NXT shows. It’s a new group with Dion Lennox and some newcomers. I hope they do well.
There were commercials for WrestleMania weekend, WWE A&E shows and more.
A video aired featuring Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo talking to people in the room even though we couldn’t see who he was talking to. Stacks swore about Izzi Dame doing a cheap attack on Tony D’Angelo and the cheap attack by the Shawn Spears group. Stacks said that Tony D is injured. Stacks said if Spears wants family vs. family then fine. The camera pulled back to show that Stacks wasn’t talking to anybody but the camera. Stacks challenged Shawn Spears to a match on Tuesday. Stacks said that The D’Angelo Family is the only family in NXT and payback isn’t going to be pretty.
There was a video package for the Trick Williams/Eddy Thorpe match because that’s coming up next.
Strap Match: Trick Williams vs. Eddy Thorpe
The superstars will be tied to a leather strap and using the strap is legal. That’s all they said as far as rules. There are no countouts and no disqualifications.
Thorpe attacked Trick before their hands were tied to the strap. Trick clotheslined Thorpe out of the ring. They went back into the ring where Trick gave Thrope a back body drop. Trick put the strap on his left wrist and put the strap on Thorpe’s left wrist. The bell rang to start the match.
Trick hit Thorpe with two clotheslines. Thorpe left the ring, so Trick pulled Thorpe into a ring post. Trick tossed Thorpe into the air leading to an uppercut punch. Thorpe sent Trick over the top to the floor, Trick sent Thorpe throat-first into the top rope and when Trick went up top, Thorpe pulled Trick down off the top turnbuckle. Thorpe tied Trick up on the mat followed by some stomps. Thorpe went to the middle turnbuckle, so Trick pulled back to knock him down. Trick went for a running kick, Thorpe avoided it and Thorpe hit Trick in the back with the leather strap. They left the ring where Thorpe hit Trick in the back with the strap. The fans were chanting “f**k you Eddy” and Thorpe hit Trick in the back with the strap. Trick punched and kicked Thorpe a few times. Thorpe tied Trick to the ring post leading to Thorpe hitting Trick with the strap a few times. Thorpe pulled the strap to send Trick’s left shoulder into the ring post. Back in the ring, Thorpe was taunting the crowd and Trick got a rollup. Thorpe hit a Randy Orton-style backbreaker for a two count. Thorpe remained in control by tying Trick up and Thorpe sent Trick into the turnbuckle. Thorpe hit an elbow drop for two. Trick got a hold of Thorpe and hit him with a slam like a spinebuster. Trick put the strap in Thorpe’s mouth and pulled back on his head. Thorpe nearly tapped out, but then he stopped himself. Thorpe grabbed the rope, there’s no rope break in a match like this and Trick let go.
Trick pulled Thorpe back up to knock him back down with a clothesline. Trick hit Thorpe repeatedly with the leather strap to the back. Trick hit Thorpe repeatedly with the strap to the back. The fans cheered for it. Trick hit a jumping side kick that I don’t think touched Thorpe. Trick hit two flapjacks in a row. Trick hit a Trick Shot jumping knee that knocked Thorpe out of the ring. Back in the ring, Thorpe and Trick each hit pump kicks. Thorpe used the strap to hit Trick with a low blow to the groin. Thorpe hit a running knee to the jaw for the pinfall at 11:04.
Winner by pinfall: Eddy Thorpe
Analysis: ***1/4 It was pretty good with Thorpe getting the win, which is not what I expected. I thought this would be a fight to put over Trick in a big way and show that he’s capable of winning a gimmick match like this, but instead, it was Thorpe getting the win in his first PLE match. I was very surprised by that finish and I think a lot of the audience was as well. I think we know that Trick is probably going to be on the main roster within the next few months, so he can afford to lose, but I was still surprised by that finish. I assume the feud isn’t done yet.
Eddy Thorpe had his hand raised as the winner and the fans booed Thorpe. There was a good shot of a fan that had a shocked look on his face.
There was a clip showing a preview of the new WWE LFG show debuting on A&E on Sunday night.
There were shots of Cora Jade and Bayley getting ready for their match.
A clip aired of Ricky Starks making his NXT debut this past Tuesday.
There was a video featuring Ricky Starks saying that this Tuesday live on NXT, he’s going to sign his official NXT contract. Starks said that you’re going to have the absolute truth from the man himself.
Analysis: That is something to look forward to. They still didn’t say the name Ricky Starks and neither did Ricky, so there’s a chance that they give him another name. Ricky Starks is his real name.
A video package aired about the Ethan Page-Je’Von Evans feud that saw Page give Evans a broken jaw a few months ago and now we are having the match.
Ethan Page vs. Je’Von Evans
The story is that the 20-year-old Evans had to sign a liability waiver to be in the match and Evans had a mouthguard to sell broken jaw story.
Page ran away on the floor, so Evans hit an incredible suicide dive onto Page on the commentary table. Evans had a rough landing on the floor, but he got back up. Evans hit a clothesline on Page on the floor. They went into the ring where Evans hit a suplex and Blue Thunder Bomb. Evans continued the attack with a springboard clothesline for a two count. Evans went for a springboard Cutter, Page caught and Evans managed to send Page out of the ring. Evans superkicked Page in the jaw while Page was on the apron. Evans jumped off the turnbuckle leading to a Cutter on the apron. That was crazy as both guys bumped to the floor. Evans put Page’s face against the steel steps leading to Evans trying a stomp on the face, but Page slipped out of it. Page dropkicked the steel steps into the left foot of Evans, which is like what Page did to Dante Chen recently. Page took control with a stomp on the left foot. Page was bleeding from the nose and I think it was from the Cutter on the apron spot because Page was grabbing his nose. Page wrenched on the left leg. Page kicked Evans in the left leg to knock him down. Evans blocked a punch and hit a punch of his own. Page gave Evans a body slam into the bottom rope and a powerslam got a two count. Page applied an Ankle Lock on the left foot for about a minute until Evans got his hand on the bottom rope.
Page went for the Ankle Lock again, Evans sent him into the turnbuckle and Evans hit a jumping punch to the jaw. Page tripped up Evans on the turnbuckle. Page hit Ego’s Edge for just a two count. That’s a move that Page has used as a finisher and it only got a two count here. Evans blocked a stomp to the face by catching the foot. Evans unloaded with some punches and he bounced off the ropes with a flipping kick to the head. Evans stomped on the left side of Page’s jaw. Page left the ring, so Evans was hobbling and Evans jumped over the top onto Page on the floor. Back in the ring, Evans went for a springboard attack, Page punched him in the jaw and Evans’ mouthpiece came out. Page hit the Twisted Grin that is like the Diamond Cutter for the pinfall win at 12:07.
Winner by pinfall: Ethan Page
Analysis: ***1/2 I enjoyed the match with the savvy veteran Page finding a way to slow down the momentum with a punch to the jaw and a finish right after that. Evans is so fun to watch whether he’s selling or showing off his athleticism with some incredible moves that very few athletes can do. I thought Evans was selling the jaw injury and the ankle injury well throughout the match. Evans winning would have been fine with me, but I think it makes more sense for Page to win here and to continue the feud.
After the match, Page was smiling about the win while Evans sold the attack by having a bloody mouth again.
Analysis: In the preview of this show, I wrote this: “I think it makes sense for Page to get the win here while Evans should get the win at Stand & Deliver to win the feud.” I think the feud will continue and Evans will win at Stand & Deliver. I can see Page going to the main roster after WrestleMania.
A video aired with profiles of some of the wrestlers on the WWE LFG show that premieres on Sunday night on A&E.
Stephanie Vaquer was interviewed by Sarah Schreiber. Vaquer said she is the NXT North American Champion, but her night isn’t over because she’s going to watch the main event.
They showed Roxanne Perez and NXT Women’s Champion Giulia warming up separately.
The NXT Title match was next with Austin Theory making his entrance first followed by Grayson Waller entering with his theme song. The NXT Champion Oba Femi was last.
NXT Championship: Oba Femi vs. Grayson Waller vs. Austin Theory
There are no disqualifications and no countouts in WWE triple threat matches.
Waller and Theory worked together to take out Femi with corner splashes and each guy hit forearm smashes to Femi’s face. Femi came back by sending both guys into the ropes followed by a double spinebuster. Femi sent Theory to the turnbuckle, but Waller came back with a kick. Femi suplexed both opponents at the same time. Femi tossed Waller down and Femi did a press slam on Theory onto Waller. Waller hit a jumping knee and Theory hit a forearm followed by a double clothesline to send Femi out of the ring. Waller told Theory to lay down so Theory told Waller to lay down. Waller and Theory pushed eachother. Femi pushed Waller out of the ring leading to a hard chop. Femi chopped Theory in the chest as well. Femi cleared off the commentary table. Femi chopped both men at the same time. Waller clotheslined Femi, but Femi sent Waller into the steel steps. Theory sent Femi into the apron. Femi tossed the top half of the steel steps at Theory. Waller tripped up Femi so that Femi’s face hit the steel steps. Waller gave Femi a DDT onto the steel steps. Back in the ring, Waller hit Femi in the ribs with a chair. Waller hit Femi with a chair to the back. Waller hit Femi in the ribs with a chair a few times. Waller jumped off the top, Femi caught him and Femi hit a sidewalk slam onto the steel chair that was open in the ring. Femi covered Waller for two because Theory made the save. Femi hit Theory with a forearm. Theory sent Femi into the turnbuckle and Theory hit a jumping dropkick. Theory was selling a left arm injury. Femi elbowed Theory and knocked down Waller on the turnbuckle. Theory hit Femi in the back, Theory put Femi on his shoulders and Femi gave Waller a superplex. Theory covered Femi for a two count. The fans chanted “this is awesome” for them.
Femi tripped up Theory on the apron. Femi brought out a table from under the ring and the fans cheered for that. Waller got back into it with forearms so Waller and Theory stomped on Femi on the floor. Theory held Femi on the table while Waller went to the middle turnbuckle and Waller hit an elbow drop to put Femi through the table. Theory realized Waller was down, so Theory put Femi into the ring for a two count. Waller wasn’t happy about that. Femi punched Waller off the apron to the floor. Theory lifted the champion, Femi got out of that and Femi hit a spinebuster. Femi hit a running uppercut on Theory twice. Waller was back in the ring, so Femi hit him with an uppercut. Femi tossed Theory across the ring. Femi kicked a chair that Waller swung at the champion. Femi caught Waller and Femi tossed Waller through the commentary table. Theory hit Femi with a chair to the back. Back in the ring, Theory countered Femi and hit a DDT. Theory hit A-Town Down for a two count because Waller pulled the referee out of the ring. The fans reacted to that in a big way. Theory yelled at Waller on the floor. Femi picked up Theory and hit a spinning slam in the ring. Waller jumped into the ring with a jumping Stunner on Theory because Femi avoided it. Femi hit Fall From Grace (Popup Powerbomb) on Waller for the pinfall win after 13 minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Oba Femi
Analysis: ***3/4 That was an awesome match that didn’t slow down the whole time. Femi continues to impress in every match he has while Waller and Theory played their roles perfectly. Waller and Theory were on the same page throughout the match, but then Theory had the win and Waller pulled the referee out to stop the pin. It showed that Waller was jealous of Theory nearly winning, so that cost the team the match. I doubt anybody watching this thought Femi would lose, so it was predictable. I still think it was a very entertaining match.
Oba Femi was in the ring celebrating with the NXT Title. That’s when there was a spotlight on four men in the crowd. The spotlight went out and the four men went into the ring to attack Femi. They lifted up Femi with two guys tossing him in the air while Lennox and another guy finished the Powerbomb. The four men stood over a fallen Femi.
Analysis: It is a group that reminds me of The Shield and how they started by working together to dominate whoever was in front of them. It’s a concept that can work if it’s booked right, so I hope it works out well for the four guys.
There were commercials for WWE 2K25 and NXT Stand & Deliver.
Ava the NXT GM was interviewed by Sarah Schreiber. Ava said that she’ll deal with those four people at another time. Ava mentioned the March 11th Roadblock when NXT is at MSG Theatre. Arianna Grace interrupted saying she thanked Ava for being the TNA Wrestling liaison. Grace brought in the TNA Director of Authority Santino Marella, who is Grace’s father. Huge pop for Santino. The fans chanted Santino’s name while they were talking. Ava teased as if she knew the connection between Santino and Grace, but she didn’t say it. Santino said he remembered Ava when she was young. Ava said that she knew Santino was there to talk to her about some ideas, so Ava suggested that they go talk. Ava and Santino left.
Analysis: The deal is that they don’t acknowledge that Grace is really Santino’s daughter, but most of the fans know it. Santino is an awesome performer, so putting him on NXT is cool to see. The fans popped huge for Santino. Good stuff.
* NXT Women’s North American Championship #1 Contender’s match: Jaida Parker vs. Kelani Jordan vs. Karmen Petrovic
* Zaria & Sol Ruca vs. Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson
* Stacks vs. Shawn Spears
* Ricky Starks official NXT contract signing. They showed his face, but they didn’t say his name.
There was a video package for the NXT Women’s Championship match in the main event.
Roxanne Perez was up first as Vic mentioned Perez has set the record for most PLE matches in the history of NXT. Cora Jade was up next as the final woman added to this match. The third woman to enter was former Women’s Champion Bayley, who got a nice ovation. The NXT Women’s Champion Giulia was last for her first PLE title defense.
NXT Women’s Championship: Giulia vs. Roxanne Perez vs. Bayley vs. Cora Jade
There are no disqualifications and no countouts in WWE fatal four-way matches. The first pinfall or submission wins.
Giulia hit a dropkick to knock two women down along with a headscissors on Bayley. Perez and Jade tried a double suplex, Giulia broke free and Giulia got a rollup on Bayley. There were two counts for all three women. Giulia pinned Jade and Perez at the same time so Bayley did a sunset flip on Giulia for two. Bayley sent Jade out of the ring and Perez sent Giulia out of the ring. Bayley and Perez each hit suicide dives onto opponents on the floor. Perez did a cartwheel leading to a slap to Bayley’s face. Bayley hit a slap to the face along with an elbow to the back. Jade clotheslined Bayley on the floor. Perez and Jade locked up as they tried their big moves, but they were able to counter eachother. Giulia hit a double dropkick on Jade and Perez. Giulia hit two running forearms and running kicks on Jade and Perez. Bayley faced off with Giulia leading to Bayley using her legs to pin Giulia for a two count. Giulia got a pin attempt for two of her own. The fans were chanting for both women. Giulia got some sort of armbar on Bayley to knock her down. Perez and Jade pulled Giulia out of the ring, so Bayley hit a sliding kick to knock the three women down. Giulia chopped Jade and Bayley chopped Perez to knock her down. Back in the ring, Bayley and Giulia hit a double team suplex on Jade. Jade saved Perez from a suplex and Jade/Perez hit double superkicks. Jade and Perez unloaded on their opponents with punches. Bayley hit a running knee on Giulia and Bayley rolled up Perez for two. Jade hit a running back elbow on Bayley against the ropes. Perez hit a moonsault onto Bayley, who rolled out of the ring. Jade and Perez took turns kicking Giulia. Perez hit an uppercut and Jade followed with a knee on Perez to knock Perez out of the ring. Jade hit a gutwrench suplex on Giulia. Jade stomped on Giulia’s lower back to knock her out of the ring. Jade went up top leading to a senton dive onto Bayley and Giulia on the floor. There wasn’t much room there, but Jade hit it.
Jade sent Bayley into the ring and Perez was back up, so Perez slammed Jade off the top. Perez tackled Jade leading to punches. Perez hit a running uppercut. Bayley hit a jumping knee on Perez. Bayley worked over Perez with punches. Jade kicked Bayley to knock her down. Bayley and Jade hit a double team neckbreaker on Perez. Bayley hit a double knee attack on Jade against the turnbuckle. Bayley clotheslined Perez on the floor. Bayley kicked Giulia on the floor. Bayley hit a double neckbreaker on Jade and Perez against the ropes. Giulia hit a running kick on Bayley followed by Giulia hitting an overhead suplex. Giulia knocked down the three women with punches and a spinning suplex on Jade. Giulia applied an octopus hold and then Giulia hit a Crucifix Bomb for two because Perez broke it up. Giulia tripped up Perez into an STF, but Perez countered it into a Crossface submission. Giulia got out of that and hit a Northern Lights Bomb for two because Bayley and Jade broke it up. Bayley picked up Jade leading to a spinning sidewalk slam for two. Bayley sent Giulia into the turnbuckle followed by a sunset flip into the turnbuckle. Perez got a boot up to knock Bayley down. Jade hit a running knee on her buddy Perez. Jade kicked Bayley and Jade hit a double underhook DDT for two because Perez broke up the pin. Giulia was back up with suplexes for Jade and Perez. Giulia charged into a kick by Perez. Giulia went up top for a move on Perez, but Bayley went over there. Jade joined the party for a Tower of Doom move that was a Powerbomb, back suplex and superplex. The fans were chanting “this is awesome” for the exciting match. I agree.
The four women got back up after selling fatigue and they all exchanged punches. They left the ring where Jade suplexed Giulia on the floor. Perez did an eye gouge on Bayley followed by Pop Rox on the floor. Back in the ring, Perez hit pop Rox on Bayley for two. Jade rolled up Perez for two. Jade hit a double arm DDT on Perez for two. Giulia hit a running knee on Jade and Giulia hit a running knee on Perez. Giulia hit a Northern Lights Bomb on Perez for the one…two…and three. It went 18:31.
Winner by pinfall: Giulia
Analysis: ****1/4 I thought it was an outstanding match. There were so many nearfalls with all four women looking like they were going to win, but I thought Giulia winning made the most sense since she just won the title last month. These four-way matches are so hard to write about live because there’s so much fast-paced action. I was very entertained by it. Jade looked impressive in the match as the least experienced wrestler in big matches, but she looked like she belonged in there. Perez is so talented, Bayley is consistently great and Giulia has done very well since debuting in NXT. As I said, I didn’t expect a title change. Perez losing makes sense since she’s probably leaving NXT for the main roster so it’s expected that somebody like that would take the pin on the way out.
Giulia celebrated in the ring as the NXT Women’s Champion. Stephanie Vaquer made her entrance and walked down to the ring with the NXT Women’s North American Title. Vaquer held her title up in the air with Giulia.
Jordynne Grace made her entrance with Vic saying she is here and she is NXT. Grace joined Giulia and Vaquer in the ring for a staredown. That was the end of the show.
Analysis: There’s a nice tease of what’s to come in the future with Jordynne Grace joining the NXT brand. The depth of this women’s division is amazing right now. Grace should fit in well and be a major force who will likely win gold at some point this year.
This event had a runtime of 2:28:37 on Netflix for me in Canada.
Five Stars of the Show
- Giulia, Roxanne Perez, Bayley & Cora Jade
- Axiom & Nathan Frazer
- Oba Femi
- Ethan Page, Je’Von Evans
- Austin Theory & Grayson Waller
Final Thoughts
I’m going with a 7.75 out of 10.
I thought it was an excellent show from start to finish. There was so much great action throughout the night and fast-paced matches.
The women’s 4-way main event was my favorite match, but I also liked Femi’s win in the triple threat and the tag team match a lot. The Vaquer win over Henley was cool too.
It’s easy to like a lot of what is going on in NXT right now. I am looking forward to the next two months as they build to Stand & Deliver during WrestleMania weekend.
Thanks for reading. My contact info is below.
John Canton
Twitter/X @johnreport