Proven Fighter
Public Servant
Your Representative
A Proven Fighter For Our Community
When I first ran to represent the people of District 62, I ran to help everyday Georgians – neighbors and community members who have been left behind, forgotten, ignored, or maligned – and folks for whom our system of government has never worked.
As the daughter of a single mother of two, I know what it's like to live paycheck-to-paycheck even when you work hard to provide for your family.
As a former prosecutor, I fought on the frontlines of public safety to get justice for victims of unspeakable tragedy. As a Civil Rights attorney, I fight for victims of police brutality and defend our constitutional rights.
At the Gold Dome, I carry these life experiences with me everyday as I fight for our community of District 62 and Georgians like you. Together, we're fighting for a safer, healthier, and more just Georgia.