World Council of Churches Variant names

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The World Council of Churches is an ecumenical organization that was founded in Amsterdam in 1948.

From the description of World Council of Churches records, 1937-1989 (inclusive). (Yale University). WorldCat record id: 702164061

The desire of the World Council of Churches to open a dialogue with Hindus, Buddhists, Jews and Muslims resulted in the 1971 Dialogue with People of Living Faiths and Ideologies (DFI) program. This program supports interreligious multi-lateral and bi-lateral dialogue with partners of different faiths.

From the description of Dialogue with people of living faiths archive [microform]. (Yale University). WorldCat record id: 702693224

Founded 1948.

From the description of Records, 1954-1957 (bulk 1954). (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 70968122

The World Council of Churches is an ecumenical organization that was founded in 1948 in Amsterdam. It developed out of two other organizations, the Life and Work Movement, which concentrated on the practical activities of the churches, and the Faith and Order Movement, which focused on the beliefs and organization of the churches and the problems involved in their possible reunion. In 1937 the Faith and Order Conference at Edinburgh and the Life and Work Conference at Oxford accepted the plan to create one council. A conference of church leaders met in 1938 in Utrecht, The Netherlands, to prepare a constitution; but World War II intervened, and the first assembly of the WCC could not be held until 1948. In 1961 the International Missionary Council united with the WCC.

From the guide to the Records of the World Council of Churches, 1927-2002, (Yale University Divinity School Library)

The World Council of Churches, founded in 1948, is an international interdenominational ecumenical organization of orthodox and protestant Christian churches. The Council's main purpose is to work for Christian church unity and renewal. It offers member denominations a forum in which they can discuss issues and work together in a spirit of tolerance and mutual understanding. The governing body of the Council is its Assembly. The Assembly meets every six years at various locations throughout the world and appoints a large central committee which in turn chooses an executive committee of twenty-six members. The committee of twenty-six works with specialized committees and six co-presidents to carry on work between Assemblies.

The Second Assembly of the World Council of Churches was held between August 15th and August 31st on Northwestern University's Evanston campus. The Chicago American (8/18/54) billed the Assembly as "the most important gathering in the University's 103 year history." The man responsible for bringing the World Council to Northwestern was James Alton James, a retired member of the University's Department of History and former Dean of the Graduate School. Active in church life, James served as a delegate to the Council's First Assembly held in Amsterdam in 1948. James learned that the Second Assembly would be held in the United States on a college campus and decided Northwestern would be the ideal location. Upon his return from the First Assembly, James worked for several months to secure the approval of the Council's Central Committee for the Northwestern site. After approval was granted a local Committee of 100 was formed to take care of housing, transportation, and general arrangements for the delegates when they arrived. University and City of Evanston officials worked closely in planning for the Second Assembly.

The plenary sessions of the Second Assembly were held in Northwestern's new McGaw Hall. In fact, the main reason for constructing this building was to provide a space large enough for the plenary sessions. Worship services were held at the First Methodist Church of Evanston. Assembly delegates roomed in University dormitories and in most fraternity, sorority, and independent houses as well as in the Northwestern Apartments. Many private homes in Evanston housed 600 of the more than 1200 accredited visitors. The Assembly received national press attention when United States President Dwight D. Eisenhower delivered a special convocation address on August 19th, 1954, and was awarded an honorary Doctor of Laws degree by the University.

From the guide to the Records Pertaining to the Second Assembly of the World Council of Churches, 1950-1955, (Northwestern University Archives)

The World Council of Churches (WCC) is an international fellowship of Christian churches, built upon the foundation of encounter, dialogue and collaboration. The WCC was formed to serve and advance the ecumenical movement - the quest for restoring the unity of the church - by encouraging in its members a common commitment to follow the gospel.

Reference: The World Council of Churches The World Council of Churches at a Glance ( Accessed May 2002.

The British Council of Churches, set up in 1947 is a body which comprises representatives of the major Churches in Britain and Ireland except the Roman Catholic Church (although this sends observers to meetings). The recommendations it makes to member Churches are designed to effect unity and joint action. It founded Christian Aid and is an Associate Council of the World Council of Churches. Xrefer British Council of Churches ( Accessed May 2002.

From the guide to the Papers of World Council of Churches and the British Council of Churches, [193-]-[196-], (University of Birmingham Information Services, Special Collections Department)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf World Council of Churches. The church and rural youth / compiled by World Council of Churches and World Christian Education and Sunday School Association. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf World Council of Churches. World Council of Churches [microform] : general correspondence on microfiche. Yake University Divinity School Library
referencedIn Beaver, R. Pierce (Robert Pierce), 1906-. Beaver, R. Pierce. papers. University of Chicago Library
creatorOf Lutheran Council in the USA. Office of Communication and Interpretation. News Bureau. Correspondence Files, 1966-1972, 1982-1986. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Library, ELCA Library
referencedIn Papers, [ca. 1939]-1986, 1959-1986 (bulk) New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Sons of the American Revolution. Virginia Society. Thomas Jefferson Chapter (Charlottesville, Va.). Correspondence of the Sons of the American Revolution, of Linwood Hughes Warwick, Secretary-treasurer [manuscript] 1939-1958 (1976). University of Virginia. Library
creatorOf Lutheran Church in America. Board of World Missions. Executive Secretary Arne B. Sovik 1967-1971. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Library, ELCA Library
referencedIn Beaver, R. Pierce (Robert Pierce), 1906-. Papers, 1905-1962 (inclusive), 1948-1962 (bulk). University of Chicago Library
referencedIn Wilson, Iain, 1912-. Oral history interview, 1977. Maryland historical society
referencedIn Presidential Papers, American Unitarian Association, 1936-1958. Andover-Harvard Theological Library
referencedIn American Unitarian Association. General Publications and Records, 1886-1981. Andover-Harvard Theological Library
referencedIn Sherrill, Henry Knox, 1890-1980. Henry Knox Sherrill papers, 1776-1985 (inclusive). Yake University Divinity School Library
creatorOf World Council of Churches. Report on the World Council of Churches sponsored consultation on racism held in Notting Hill, London, May 19-24 1969 to the central committee meeting in August 1969. University of Manchester Library, Main Library
referencedIn Africa Inland Mission International. Records of Africa Inland Mission, International, 1888-2006. Billy Graham Archive & Research Center
referencedIn James Alton James (1864-1962) Papers, 1888-1965 Northwestern University Archives
referencedIn Diary of J.B. Atkinson, 1925-74, 1925-74 Bodleian Library, Oxford
creatorOf Lutheran Church in America Deaconess Community of the Lutheran Church in America. Records 1946-1987; 1966-1987 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Library, ELCA Library
referencedIn Homrighausen, Elmer George, 1900-. The Elmer George Homrighausen manuscript collection : [finding aid] / prepared by Stephen M. Berry. Princeton Theological Seminary
creatorOf Records, 1942-1986. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
creatorOf Records Pertaining to the Second Assembly of the World Council of Churches, 1950-1955 Northwestern University Archives
referencedIn Papers of Joseph H. Oldham and Betty Gibson, 1912-1975 Centre for the Study of World Christianity
referencedIn Henry Knox Sherrill Papers, 1859-2003 Yake University Divinity School Library
referencedIn McIntire, Carl, 1906-2002. Carl McIntire publications, 1933-1993 (bulk 1960s-1970s). Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf National Lutheran Council. Executive Director (1948-1966 : Empie). Lutheran World Convention/Lutheran World Federation Files, 1945-1966. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Library, ELCA Library
referencedIn Forbush, Bliss, 1896-. World Council of Churches Papers, 1941-1961. Swarthmore College, McCabe Library
referencedIn Papers of W. G. Symons, [193-]-[196-] University of Birmingham Information Services, Special Collections Department
referencedIn Papers and correspondence of Professor David Edward Jenkins, ca.1925-1984 GB 206 Leeds University Library
referencedIn Pope, Liston, 1909-1974. Liston Pope papers, 1909-1974 (inclusive). Yake University Divinity School Library
creatorOf American Lutheran Church (1930-1960). President (1937- 1949:Poppen). Emanuel Frederick Poppen Papers, 1930-1949. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Library, ELCA Library
referencedIn Spike, Robert W. Papers, 1949-1966 Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library,
creatorOf Lutheran World Ministries (Agency). General Secretary. Peace Issues Subject Files, 1975-1987. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Library, ELCA Library
referencedIn Andrew F. Walls Centre for the Study of African and Asian Christianity, 19th century to present day Liverpool Hope University, Archives and Special Collections
referencedIn Bronner, Edwin B., 1920-. Papers, 1963-1978 (bulk: 1967-78). Haverford College Library
referencedIn Horton, Mildred McAfee, 1900-1994. Reminiscences of Mildred McAfee Horton : oral history, 1982. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Evans, Edward W. (Edward Wyatt), 1882-1976. Quaker Concerns Papers, 1938-1951. Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
referencedIn Morton, Helen. Papers, 1920-1984 (inclusive). Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Kenneth Scott Latourette Papers, 1905-1970 Yake University Divinity School Library
referencedIn J. B. Matthews Papers, 1862-1986 and undated David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
referencedIn Carl McIntire Collection, 1933-1993, 1960s-1970s Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf National Lutheran Council. Executive Director (1930-1948 : Long). Lutheran World Convention/Lutheran World Federation - U.S.A. Files, 1940-1948. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Library, ELCA Library
referencedIn James, James Alton, 1864-1962. Papers, 1888-1965. Northwestern University
referencedIn McIntire, Carl, 1906-2002. The Carl C. McIntire manuscript collection 1925-1998 (bulk 1933-1985). Princeton Theological Seminary
referencedIn Latourette, Kenneth Scott, 1884-1968. Kenneth Scott Latourette papers, 1861-1968 (inclusive). Yake University Divinity School Library
referencedIn Anderson, Sir James Norman Dalrymple, 1931-1990 School of Oriental and African Studies
creatorOf National Lutheran Council. Executive Director (1930-1948 : Long). Lutheran Commission for Prisoners of War Files, 1940-1947. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Library, ELCA Library
creatorOf Lutheran World Ministries (Agency). General Secretary. World Council of Churches Subject Files, 1950-1987. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Library, ELCA Library
referencedIn Green, Margaret Mackeson, 1937-1974 School of Oriental and African Studies
referencedIn Muelder, Walter George, 1907-. Papers of Walter G. Muelder, 1925-1997 (bulk 1936-1985). Boston University, School of Theology Library
referencedIn Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Media Office. Records of Billy Graham news conferences, 1963-[ongoing]. Billy Graham Archive & Research Center
referencedIn LeVander, Harold, 1910-1992. Harold LeVander papers, 1928-1992 (bulk 1966). Minnesota Historical Society, Division of Archives and Manuscripts
referencedIn Geoffrey Lampe: Papers, c.1930-1980 Cambridge University Library, Department of Manuscripts and University Archives
referencedIn Blake, Eugene Carson, 1906-1985. Papers, 1948-1966. Presbyterian Historical Society, PHS
referencedIn Conference of British Missionary Societies, 1872-1973 School of Oriental and African Studies
referencedIn United Lutheran Church in America. Office of the President. Franklin Clark Fry Papers, 1944-1960. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Library, ELCA Library
referencedIn Additional papers of Mary Steichen Calderone, (inclusive), (bulk), 1914-1989, 1960-1989 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
creatorOf World Council of Churches. Records, 1954-1957 (bulk 1954). Evanston Historical Society
referencedIn Warnshuis, A. L. (Abbe Livingston), 1877-1958. Abbe Livingston Warnshuis papers, 1877-1963 (bulk 1910-1958). Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Allin, John Maury,. Reminiscences of John M. Allin : oral history, 1989-1990. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Schomer, Howard, 1915-2001. Papers, 1928-2001. Andover-Harvard Theological Library
creatorOf Lutheran World Ministries (Agency). General Secretary. Country Files, 1945-1987. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Library, ELCA Library
referencedIn Ecumenical patriarchates, 1921-1986. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Wright, George Ernest, 1909-1974. Papers, 1924-1976 Andover-Harvard Theological Library
referencedIn Papers of Pauli Murray, 1827-1985 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Charles P. Taft Papers, 1816-1983, (bulk 1937-1979) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Engel, Frank, 1911-. Some main actions in support of the Aboriginal cause taken by the National Missionary Council of Australia, 1926 - 1965, and by the Australian Council of Churches, 1965 - 1989 compiled by Frank Engel and Jean Skuse : [and] Wik : the churches : reconciliation by Frank Engel. Libraries Australia
referencedIn Twenty-seventh meeting of the executive committee : Utrecht 2-8 August 1972. University of Manchester Library, Main Library
referencedIn Pakistan and Ceylon. University of Manchester Library, Main Library
referencedIn Lutheran World Convention. American Section. Correspondence, 1936-1947. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Library, ELCA Library
referencedIn Aboriginal Publications Foundation. Records of the Aboriginal Publications Foundation. Libraries Australia
referencedIn Bell, L. Nelson, 1894-1973. Papers of L. Nelson Bell, 1923-1973. Billy Graham Archive & Research Center
creatorOf World Council of Churches. Dialogue with people of living faiths archive [microform]. Yake University Divinity School Library
referencedIn YMCA of the USA. YMCA religious work records, 1814-1984 (bulk 1870s-1970s). University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
referencedIn Reinhold Niebuhr papers, 1907-1997 Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn YMCA religious work records, 1814-1984., (bulk 1870s-1970s) University of Minnesota Libraries. Kautz Family YMCA Archives. [ymca]
creatorOf World Council of Churches. World Council of Churches records, 1937-1989 (inclusive). Yake University Divinity School Library
referencedIn Charles W. Brashares papers, 1912-1972 Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn World Jewish Congress Records, 1918-1982 (bulk 1940-1980) The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives
referencedIn Lutheran Church in America. Division for World Mission and Ecumenism. Ecumenical Relationships 1969-1980. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Library, ELCA Library
creatorOf Lutheran World Ministries (Agency). General Secretary. Korea Correspondence Files, 1950-1987. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Library, ELCA Library
creatorOf National Lutheran Council. Division of Welfare. Lutheran Refugee Service. Correspondence Files, 1953-1959. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Library, ELCA Library
referencedIn Diaries of Captain James B. Atkinson, 1974-84 Bodleian Library, Oxford
referencedIn Mott, John Raleigh, 1865-1955. John R. Mott papers, 1813-1978 (inclusive), 1880-1955 (bulk). Yake University Divinity School Library
referencedIn Methodist Church of Australasia. Records of the Methodist Church of Australasia. Libraries Australia
referencedIn Anthony, Robert Warren, 1880-1960. Robert Warren Anthony papers: manuscript. 1937-1959. Princeton University Library
creatorOf Lutheran Council in the USA. Office of Communication and Interpretation. News Bureau. Organization Topical Files, 1927-1987. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Library, ELCA Library
referencedIn Stough, Paul Pinney. Oral history interviews with Paul Pinney Stough, 1979-1980. Billy Graham Archive & Research Center
referencedIn Lindstrom, Paul D., Reverend. Papers, 1961-1968. Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library
referencedIn Christian Aid, c.1946-1985 School of Oriental and African Studies
referencedIn Engel, Frank G. (Frank Graham). Papers of Frank Engel [manuscript]. Libraries Australia
referencedIn Harold LeVander papers., 1910-2001 (bulk 1966). Minnesota Historical Society
creatorOf American Lutheran Church (1961-1987). General President. Interdenominational Records 1952-1971 ; 1960-1970. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Library, ELCA Library
referencedIn Liston Pope Papers, 1909-1984 Yake University Divinity School Library
creatorOf National Lutheran Council. Division of Lutheran World Federation Affairs. Executive Secretary. Correspondence Files, 1952-1966. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Library, ELCA Library
referencedIn Unitarian Service Committee. Medical Missions. Records, 1942-1967 Andover-Harvard Theological Library
referencedIn Wedel, Cynthia Clark, 1908-1986. Reminiscences of Cynthia Clark Wedel : oral history, 1981. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Hume, Theodore Carswell, 1904-1943. Theodore Carswell Hume papers, 1929-1969 (inclusive), 1939-1944 (bulk). Yake University Divinity School Library
creatorOf Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Office of the Presiding Bishop. Conciliar Bodies Records 1995-2001 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Library, ELCA Library
referencedIn Unpublished working documents of the 2nd Vatican Council, with some related material, 1957-1980 GB 206 Leeds University Library
creatorOf National Lutheran Council. Executive Director (1930-1948 : Long). General Files, 1930-1947. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Library, ELCA Library
referencedIn Horton, Walter Marshall, 1895-1966. Papers, 1903-67, 1925-67. Oberlin College Library
referencedIn Coleman, Robert Emerson, 1928-. Papers of Robert Emerson Coleman, 1936-2010. Billy Graham Archive & Research Center
referencedIn Lutheran Church in America. Division for World Mission and Ecumenism. World Council of Churches 1979-1987. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Library, ELCA Library
referencedIn Kennedy, William Bean. Reminiscences of William Bean Kennedy : oral history, 1982. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Meyer, Marshall T. Marshall T. Meyer papers, 1923-2004 and undated. Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library
referencedIn American Lutheran Church (1961-1987). Division of World Missions. Administrative Subject Files 1932-1974 (bulk 1960-1972). Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Library, ELCA Library
referencedIn Oliver Tambo papers University of Connecticut. Libraries
referencedIn Lee, Carleton Lafayette, 1913-. Carleton L. Lee papers, 1931-1972. New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn Taylor, Clyde Willis 1904-1988. Papers of Clyde Willis Taylor 1950-1980 Billy Graham Archive & Research Center
referencedIn Papers of Blu Greenberg, (inclusive), (bulk), 1936-2006, 1972-2003 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
creatorOf World Council of Churches Collection, 1940-1945 Graduate Theological Union
referencedIn Western Australian Council of Churches. [Collection of documents relating to the visit of a World Council of Churches delegation to Broome and the Benedictine mission at Kalumbaru in 1981]. Libraries Australia
referencedIn Carlyle Marney Papers, 1899-1979 David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
referencedIn Papers, 1863-1961. Andover-Harvard Theological Library
referencedIn American Lutheran Church (1961-1987). Division for World Mission and Inter-Church Cooperation. Subject Files 1955-1988; 1973-1987. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Library, ELCA Library
referencedIn Nelson, J. Robert (John Robert), 1920-. The Publications and writings of Dr. J. Robert Nelson, 1947-2001 (bulk 1960-1995). Boston University, School of Theology Library
creatorOf Papers of World Council of Churches and the British Council of Churches, [193-]-[196-] University of Birmingham Information Services, Special Collections Department
referencedIn John R. Mott Papers, 1813-1982 Yake University Divinity School Library
referencedIn Fischer, Ernest G., 1902-. Papers, 1936-1977. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
referencedIn Theodore Carswell Hume Papers, 1929-1969 Yake University Divinity School Library
referencedIn Sherrill, Henry Knox, 1890-1980. Sherrill family papers, 1859-2003 (inclusive). Yake University Divinity School Library
referencedIn Florovsky, Georges, 1893-1979. Georges Florovsky papers, 1916-1979 (bulk 1950s-1960s) Princeton University Library
referencedIn Oldham Papers, 1892-1990 Edinburgh University Library
referencedIn Parvey, Constance F. Papers of Constance F. Parvey, 1955-1990 (inclusive). Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Murray, Pauli, 1910-1985. Papers: Series II, 1935-1984 (inclusive). Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Yoder, John Howard. Reporting on Cyprus event : 17-25 October / John H. Yoder. Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary, AMBS Library
referencedIn Beaver, R. Pierce. Papers, 1905-1962 Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library,
referencedIn Jenkins, David E. (David Edward), 1925, 26th Jan.-. Papers and correspondence of Professor David Edward Jenkins. Brotherton Library, University of Leeds
referencedIn Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). General Assembly. Special Committee on the National Council of Churches and World Council of Churches Relationships. Index to audio tapes [of interviews, hearings, proceedings, etc., 1983-1986] / Special Committee of General Assembly to study the National Council of Churches of Christ and the World Council of Churches. Presbyterian Historical Society, PHS
referencedIn Miller, Francis Pickens, 1895-1978. Papers of Francis Pickens Miller [manuscript], 1885-1976. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Latin America : the present situation and a projection of priorities for CCIA study and action. University of Manchester Library, Main Library
referencedIn Wedel, Cynthia Clark, 1908-1986. Reminiscences of Cynthia Clark Wedel : oral history, 1982. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Lutheran World Federation Service to Refugees. Records, 1947-1949. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
creatorOf Lutheran World Ministries (Agency). Office on World Community. World Area Files, 1972-1987. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Library, ELCA Library
referencedIn Buchanan, John Hall, 1887-. Papers, 1938-1953. Southern Baptist Historical Library & Archives
referencedIn United Church Women of Danville records, 1931-1968. Kentucky Department of Libraries and Archives, Kentucky Guide Project Office
referencedIn Pusey, Nathan M. (Nathan Marsh), 1907-2001. Reminiscences of Nathan Marsh Pusey : oral history, 1983. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
creatorOf United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Office of the Stated Clerk. Records, 1935-1966. Presbyterian Historical Society, PHS
referencedIn Davison Fund, inc. Archives, 1930-1942. Rockefeller Archive Center
creatorOf Lutheran Council in the USA. General Secretary. Organization Subject Files, 1944-1945, 1959-1989. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Library, ELCA Library
referencedIn Papers, 1927-1954. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn William Ernest Hocking papers Houghton Library
referencedIn Charles P. Taft Papers, 1816-1983, (bulk 1937-1979) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Scherf, Theresa. The Sudan conflict : its history and development / Theresa Scherf. University of Manchester Library, Main Library
referencedIn Brashares, Charles W., 1891-1982. Charles W. Brashares papers, 1912-1972. Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Charles Habib Malik Papers, 1888-1994, (bulk 1930-1982) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Maxson, Wayne, Collector. Women in religion: Papers, 1870-1970. Temple University Libraries, Paley Library
creatorOf World Council of Churches. Land rights and racially oppressed indigenous people, 1979. Libraries Australia
creatorOf Ransom, Reverdy C. (Reverdy Cassius), 1861-1959. Reverdy Cassius Ransom papers, 1894-1950. Wilberforce University, Stokes Library
creatorOf Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Office of the Presiding Bishop. Ecumenical Records 1987-1995 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Library, ELCA Library
referencedIn Papers of the Right Revd G. Appleton, 1928-1993 University of Southampton Libaries Special Collections
creatorOf Miller, Francis Pickens, 1895-1978. Papers of Francis Pickens Miller, 1915-1976. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn New Haven Council of Churches. New Haven Council of Churches records, 1925-1971. New Haven Colony Historical Society Library
referencedIn Archbishop Edwin Morris Papers, 1894-1977 University of Wales, Trinity St David
referencedIn Reinhold Niebuhr Papers, 1907-1997, (bulk 1930-1990) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Records, 1940-1951. Andover-Harvard Theological Library
referencedIn McIntire, Carl, 1906-2002. Carl McIntire publications, 1933-1983 (bulk 1960s-1970s). Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Bachmann, E. Theodore (Ernest Theodore). The E. Theodore Bachmann manuscript collection 1947-1983. Princeton Theological Seminary
referencedIn Commission of the Churches on International Affairs. Collection, 1948-1988. Swarthmore College, Peace Collection, SCPC
creatorOf Records of the World Council of Churches, 1927-2002 Yake University Divinity School Library
referencedIn Charles P. Taft Papers, 1816-1983, (bulk 1937-1979) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn MATTHEWS, Zacharaih Keodirelang (1901-1968), 1933-1967 Institute of Commonwealth Studies
creatorOf Niilus, Leopoldo J. How to become reconciled to the third world. University of Manchester Library, Main Library
referencedIn Wentz, Abdel Ross, 1883-1976. Papers, 1921-1948. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Library, ELCA Library
creatorOf World Council of Churches. Miscellaneous pamphlets, etc. Chicago History Museum
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Aboriginal Publications Foundation. corporateBody
associatedWith Africa Inland Mission International. corporateBody
associatedWith Alfred Edwin Morris and Peter Morris person
associatedWith Allin, John Maury, person
associatedWith American Lutheran Church (1930-1960). President (1937- 1949:Poppen) corporateBody
associatedWith American Lutheran Church (1961-1987). Division for World Mission and Inter-Church Cooperation. corporateBody
associatedWith American Lutheran Church (1961-1987). Division of World Missions. corporateBody
associatedWith American Lutheran Church (1961-1987). General President. corporateBody
associatedWith American Unitarian Association. corporateBody
associatedWith Anthony, Robert Warren, 1880-1960. person
associatedWith Ariarajah, S. Wesley. person
associatedWith Bachmann, E. Theodore (Ernest Theodore) person
associatedWith Beaver, R. Pierce (Robert Pierce), 1906- person
associatedWith Bell, L. Nelson, 1894-1973. person
associatedWith Bennett, John Coleman, 1902- person
associatedWith Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Media Office. corporateBody
associatedWith Blake, Eugene Carson, 1906-1985. person
associatedWith Blu Greenberg, 1936- person
associatedWith Brashares, Charles W., 1891-1982. person
associatedWith British Council of Churches corporateBody
associatedWith Bronner, Edwin B., 1920- person
associatedWith Buchanan, John Hall, 1887- person
associatedWith Calderone, Mary Steichen, 1904-1998 person
associatedWith Coleman, Robert Emerson, 1928- person
associatedWith Commission of the Churches on International Affairs. corporateBody
associatedWith Conference of British Missionary Societies corporateBody
associatedWith Davison Fund, inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Eliot, Frederick May, 1889-1958 person
associatedWith Eliot, Samuel A. (Samuel Atkins), 1862-1950 person
associatedWith Engel, Frank G. (Frank Graham) person
associatedWith Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Office of the Presiding Bishop. corporateBody
associatedWith Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Office of the Presiding Bishop. corporateBody
associatedWith Evans, Edward W. (Edward Wyatt), 1882-1976. person
associatedWith Fischer, Ernest G., 1902- person
associatedWith Florovsky, Georges, 1893-1979. person
associatedWith Forbush, Bliss, 1896- person
associatedWith Geoffrey William Hugo Lampe person
associatedWith Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North and South America. corporateBody
correspondedWith Hocking, William Ernest, 1873-1966 person
associatedWith Homrighausen, Elmer George, 1900- person
associatedWith Horton, Mildred McAfee, 1900-1994. person
associatedWith Horton, Walter Marshall, 1895-1966. person
associatedWith Hume, Theodore Carswell, 1904-1943. person
associatedWith Iakovos, Archbishop of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North and South America. person
associatedWith International Consultative Group for Peace and Disarmament corporateBody
associatedWith James, James Alton, 1864-1962. person
associatedWith Jenkins, David E. (David Edward), 1925, 26th Jan.- person
associatedWith Jenkins, David Edward, 1925- person
associatedWith Joseph Holdsworh Oldham and Betty D. Gibson person
associatedWith Kennedy, William Bean. person
associatedWith Latourette, Kenneth Scott, 1884-1968. person
associatedWith Lee, Carleton Lafayette, 1913- person
associatedWith LeVander, Harold, 1910-1992. person
associatedWith Lindstrom, Paul D., Reverend. person
associatedWith Lutheran Church in America. Board of World Missions. corporateBody
associatedWith Lutheran Church in America Deaconess Community of the Lutheran Church in America corporateBody
associatedWith Lutheran Church in America. Division for World Mission and Ecumenism. corporateBody
associatedWith Lutheran Council in the USA. General Secretary. corporateBody
associatedWith Lutheran Council in the USA. Office of Communication and Interpretation. News Bureau. corporateBody
associatedWith Lutheran Council in the USA. Office of Communication and Interpretation. News Bureau. corporateBody
associatedWith Lutheran World Convention. American Section. corporateBody
associatedWith Lutheran World Federation Service to Refugees. corporateBody
associatedWith Lutheran World Ministries (Agency). General Secretary. corporateBody
associatedWith Lutheran World Ministries (Agency). General Secretary. corporateBody
associatedWith Lutheran World Ministries (Agency). General Secretary. corporateBody
associatedWith Lutheran World Ministries (Agency). General Secretary. corporateBody
associatedWith Lutheran World Ministries (Agency). Office on World Community. corporateBody
associatedWith Malik, Charles Habib, 1906-1987. person
correspondedWith Marney, Carlyle, 1916-1978 person
associatedWith Matthews, J. B. (Joseph Brown), 1894-1966 person
associatedWith Matthews, Zacharaih Keodirelang, 1901-1968 person
associatedWith Maxson, Wayne, Collector. person
associatedWith McIntire, Carl, 1906- person
associatedWith McIntire, Carl, 1906-2002. person
associatedWith Methodist Church of Australasia. corporateBody
associatedWith Meyer, Marshall T. person
associatedWith Miller, Francis Pickens, 1895-1978. person
associatedWith Morton, Helen. person
associatedWith Mott, John Raleigh, 1865-1955. person
associatedWith Muelder, Walter George, 1907- person
associatedWith Murray, Pauli, 1910-1985. person
associatedWith National Lutheran Council. Division of Lutheran World Federation Affairs. Executive Secretary. corporateBody
associatedWith National Lutheran Council. Division of Welfare. Lutheran Refugee Service. corporateBody
associatedWith National Lutheran Council. Executive Director (1930-1948 : Long) corporateBody
associatedWith National Lutheran Council. Executive Director (1930-1948 : Long) corporateBody
associatedWith National Lutheran Council. Executive Director (1930-1948 : Long) corporateBody
associatedWith National Lutheran Council. Executive Director (1948-1966 : Empie) corporateBody
associatedWith Nelson, J. Robert (John Robert), 1920- person
associatedWith New Haven Council of Churches. corporateBody
correspondedWith Niebuhr, Reinhold, 1892-1971. person
associatedWith Niilus, Leopoldo J. person
associatedWith Northwestern University (Evanston, Ill.) corporateBody
associatedWith Oldham, Joseph Houldsworth, 1874-1969 person
associatedWith Parvey, Constance F. person
associatedWith Pauli Murray, 1910-1985 person
associatedWith Piper, Otto A., 1891- person
associatedWith Pope, Liston, 1909-1974. person
associatedWith Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). General Assembly. Special Committee on the National Council of Churches and World Council of Churches Relationships. corporateBody
associatedWith Pusey, Nathan M. (Nathan Marsh), 1907-2001. person
associatedWith Ransom, Reverdy C. (Reverdy Cassius), 1861-1959. person
associatedWith Right Revd George Appleton person
associatedWith Samartha, S. J. (Stanley J.), 1920- person
associatedWith Scherf, Theresa. person
correspondedWith Schomer, Howard, 1915-2001 person
associatedWith Sherrill, Henry Knox, 1890-1980. person
associatedWith Sons of the American Revolution. Virginia Society. Thomas Jefferson Chapter (Charlottesville, Va.) corporateBody
associatedWith Spike, Robert W. (Robert Warren) person
associatedWith Stough, Paul Pinney. person
associatedWith Taft, Charles P. (Charles Phelps), 1897-1983. person
associatedWith Tambo, Oliver, 1917- person
associatedWith Taylor, Clyde Willis 1904-1988 person
associatedWith Unitarian Service Committee. Executive Director. corporateBody
associatedWith Unitarian Service Committee. Medical Missions. corporateBody
associatedWith United Lutheran Church in America. Office of the President. corporateBody
associatedWith United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Office of the Stated Clerk. corporateBody
associatedWith Vatican Council, 2nd, 1962-1965 corporateBody
associatedWith Visser't Hooft, Willem Adolph, 1900- person
associatedWith Walls, Andrew F.. Dr. Professor of History of Missions, Liverpool Hope University person
associatedWith Warnshuis, A. L. (Abbe Livingston), 1877-1958. person
associatedWith Wedel, Cynthia Clark, 1908-1986. person
associatedWith Wentz, Abdel Ross, 1883-1976. person
associatedWith Wilson, Iain, 1912- person
associatedWith World Council of Churches. Assembly. corporateBody
associatedWith World Council of Churches. Assembly (2nd : 1954 : Evanston, Ill.) corporateBody
associatedWith World Council of Churches. Central Committee. corporateBody
associatedWith World Council of Churches. Commission on Faith and Order. corporateBody
associatedWith World Council of Churches. Dialogue with people of living faiths. corporateBody
associatedWith World Council of Churches. General Secretariat. corporateBody
associatedWith World Council of Churches. United States Conference. corporateBody
associatedWith World Council of Churches. Youth Dept. corporateBody
associatedWith World Jewish Congress corporateBody
correspondedWith Wright, George Ernest, 1909-1974 person
associatedWith YMCA of the USA. corporateBody
associatedWith Yoder, John Howard. person
associatedWith Zuboff, Peter P. person
Place Name Admin Code Country
Evanston (Ill.)
Christian union
Christian union
Councils and synods
Ecumenical movement
Ecumenical movement
Interdenominational cooperation
Reconstruction (1939-1951)
World War, 1939-45
Corporate Body

Active 1952

Active 1966



Ark ID: w6m942fp

SNAC ID: 71522447