Syracuse university Variant names

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Syracuse University was involved with the Chautauqua Institution in providing a program of continuing education during the summer in undergraduate as well as graduate fields.

From the description of University College, Chautauqua Center records, 1953-1969. 1953-1969. (Syracuse University). WorldCat record id: 122528964


From the guide to the New York State Publishing and Printing Collection, circa 1800-1950, (Special Collections Research Center, Syracuse University Libraries)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Evsey D. Domar Papers, and undated (bulk, ), 1939-1995, 1957-1989 David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
referencedIn Witter Bynner papers, 1829-1965. Houghton Library
referencedIn Stephen Crane Collection Photographs, 1873-1899 Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center
referencedIn Floyd Henry Allport Papers 1924-1978. Syracuse University
referencedIn Glickman, Marty. [Interview with Marty Glickman] [sound recording] / Marty Glickman ; [interviewed by] David Marc, NYC, October 27, 1998. Syracuse University
creatorOf Abraham Harriton papers Archives of American Art
referencedIn Waite, Harlow O. Faculty and Staff, Harlow O. Waite papers, 1936-1958. Syracuse University
creatorOf Syracuse University. Chancellor's Office. Annual Reports to the Chancellor, 1909-1974. Syracuse University
referencedIn John Marshall papers Archives of American Art
referencedIn Sargent, D. Kenneth. School of Architecture, Dean's Office, D. Kenneth Sargent records, 1944-1971. Syracuse University
referencedIn Belva Ann Lockwood Collection 1857-2005. Syracuse University
referencedIn Daniel Yankelovich Papers., 1937-1994 Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
referencedIn Student scrapbook, 1899-1908. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Miller, Howard F., 1920-1999. Howard F. Miller Papers, 1939-1983. University at Albany, University Libraries
referencedIn Continuing Education Photograph Collection, 1928-1983, 1950s Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center
referencedIn Ramsey family. John Ramsey family papers, 1900-1950. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn University of Connecticut, Vice President for Academic Affairs Office Records [Anthony DiBenedetto and Julius A. Elias, 1981-1988], undated, 1960-1991. Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
referencedIn Child, Edmund Bramhall, 1864-1946,. [Collection of material related to Syracuse University]. New-York Historical Society Library
creatorOf Syracuse University. Office for Administrative Operations, Real Estate, Transportation, and Parking records, 1870-1976. Syracuse University
referencedIn Agehananda Bharati, Swami, 1923-1991. Faculty and Staff, Agehananda Bharati papers, 1964-1966. Syracuse University
referencedIn Alexander Winchell Papers relating to Syracuse University, 1850-1896, 1871-1880 Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Careers in Librarianship, 1992 Indiana University, Bloomington. Center for the Study of History and Memory
referencedIn Nathan Ginsburg Papers 1931-1978. Syracuse University
referencedIn Schiess, Betty Bone. Betty Bone Schiess papers, 1965-1994. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Dissertation, 1958. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Ben Shaktman Papers, 1949-2009 Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center
creatorOf Syracuse University. Correspondence with Carl Zigrosser, 1964-1968. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
referencedIn W. S. (William Schwenck) Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan printed ephemera, 1826-2006. Harvard Theater Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
referencedIn Syracuse University. Graduate Student Organization. Student Activities, Student Government, Graduate Student Organization records, 1968-1971. Syracuse University
referencedIn White, Ernest Ingersoll, 1869-1957. Ernest Ingersoll White papers, 1820-1960. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Bartlett, Kenneth G. (Kenneth Gill), 1906-1983. Office for Administrative Operations, Vice President for Public Affairs, Kenneth G. Bartlett records, 1940-1971. Syracuse University
referencedIn Syracuse public interest collection, 1964-1985. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn John E. Hart Papers, 1939-1993 Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center
referencedIn William C. Fleming Papers 1874-1990. Syracuse University
referencedIn Holton, Gladys Reid, 1898-1984. Gladys Reid Holton papers, ca. 1916-1980. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Wright, Lena. Lena Wright papers, 1867-1918. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn William Ernest Hocking papers Houghton Library
referencedIn New York State Historical Association. Library. New York State Postcards Collection : Postcards, 1890-1981 (bulk 1900-1925). Fenimore Art Museum (Cooperstown, N. Y.)
referencedIn Louis Krasner Papers, 1949-1988, 1971-1973 Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center
referencedIn American Institute of Physics. Center for History of Physics. Study of Multi-Institutional Collaborations. Phase I: High-Energy Physics. Oral History Interviews. Series 2. Probes: CESR-CLEO: The CLEO Experiment at CESR, 1991. American Institute of Physics, Niels Bohr Library
referencedIn Hart, Donn V. (Donn Vorhis), 1918-1983. Faculty and Staff, Donn V. Hart papers, 1959-1967. Syracuse University
creatorOf New York State Publishing and Printing Collection, circa 1800-1950 Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center
referencedIn Pi Mu Epsilon. Pi Mu Epsilon records, 1922-2010 University of Texas Libraries
referencedIn Pi Mu Epsilon Records 2011-032; 2011-052; 2011-277; 2011-343., 1922-2010 Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
creatorOf Syracuse University. Office for Academic Affairs, Collegiate Education Survey records, 1951-1961. Syracuse University
referencedIn Records of the Office of the Treasurer, 1910-1963 New York University. Archives
referencedIn Harold Roland Davis Papers 1917-1965. Syracuse University
referencedIn Ten Eyck, James A.. Office of Student Affairs and Services, Athletics, Department of Crew, James A. Ten Eyck records, 1881(ca.)-1964(ca.). Syracuse University
referencedIn Betty Bone Schiess papers, 1965-1994 Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
creatorOf Syracuse University. University College, Chautauqua Center records, 1953-1969. Syracuse University
referencedIn Andreĭ Sakharov papers, 1852-2002 (inclusive), 1960-1990 (bulk). Houghton Library
referencedIn Meier mss., 1927-2010 Lilly Library (Indiana University, Bloomington)
referencedIn Marjorie C. Smith Papers 1834-1972. Syracuse University
creatorOf Syracuse University. Correspondence with Marian Anderson, 1959-1970. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
referencedIn Frost, Robert, 1874-1963. Letter, 1963 January 10, Boston, Mass, to Philip Booth [Syracuse, N.Y.]. Dartmouth College Library
referencedIn Clipping collection, 1935-1985. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Garcia, Alejandro. Alejandro Garcia papers, 1978-2003. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Jean Charlot Papers, 1960-1962 Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center
referencedIn Cummings, Carlos E. (Carlos Emmons), 1878-1964. Papers, 1867-1964 (bulk 1895-1964). Buffalo History Museum, Research Library
referencedIn Learned Hand papers Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
referencedIn Edwards, Richard Henry, 1877-1954. Edwards family papers, [ca. 1840-1953]. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Syracuse University. Division of Student Affairs. Office of Student Affairs and Services, Dean of Women, Director of Social Activities records, 1935-1958. Syracuse University
referencedIn Smithsonian Institution. Office of the Secretary. Correspondence, 1863-1879 Smithsonian Institution Archives
referencedIn Syracuse University. Office for Academic Affairs. Office for Academic Affairs, Vice President for Sponsored Programs records, 1963-1971. Syracuse University
referencedIn Johnson, Carl. The Riverwalk Collection 1988-2009. Syracuse University
referencedIn Cornell University. Dept. of Athletics and Physical Education. Cornell University Basketball Films, 1957-1985. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Rudolf Kolisch papers, 1886-1978. Houghton Library
referencedIn Pomeroy family. Pomeroy family papers, 1841-1968. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Syracuse University. School of Education. School of Education. Faculty Minutes, 1927-1981. Syracuse University
referencedIn Britton, Dee. Dee Britton Writings 2007-2008. Syracuse University
referencedIn Arnsdorf, Dennis. Programs, 1957-1992. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Harry Levin papers Houghton Library
referencedIn Sufrin, Sidney C., 1910-1997. Faculty and Staff, Sidney Sufrin papers, 1951-1968. Syracuse University
referencedIn Joan Hart Willard Papers 2005. Syracuse University
referencedIn Louise Diel Correspondence, 1934-1958 Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center
referencedIn Galbraith, Ralph A. Provosts and Executive Assistants, Ralph A. Galbraith records, 1968-1972. Syracuse University
referencedIn Syracuse University. College of Arts and Sciences. College of Arts and Sciences, Division of Science Teaching records, 1942-1962. Syracuse University
referencedIn De Palmer, Reinaldo, 1955-1993,. Interview with Reinaldo de Palmer. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Hunnicutt, Clarence W. Faculty and Staff, Clarence W. Hunnicutt papers, 1957-1967. Syracuse University
referencedIn Bill Thomson Papers, undated, 1979-2010. Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
referencedIn Smithsonian Institution. Office of the Secretary. Correspondence, 1865-1891 Smithsonian Institution Archives
referencedIn Johnson family. Burges and Constance Johnson family papers, ca. 1895-1963. Amherst College. Library
referencedIn Bacon, Ernst, 1898-1990. Ernst Bacon papers, 1926-1987. California Digital Library
referencedIn John D. Archbold Family Papers 1886-1921. Syracuse University
referencedIn Joel Oppenheimer Papers, 1925-1988. Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
referencedIn Oscar and Ruth Hunt Van Valkenburgh Papers 1887-1966. Syracuse University
referencedIn Bill Thomson papers, undated, 1979-2010. University of Connecticut, Homer Babbidge Library
creatorOf Syracuse University. Correspondence with Theodore Dreiser, 1926-1927. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
referencedIn James, Preston E. (Preston Everett), 1899-1986. Faculty and Staff, Preston E. James papers, 1952-1965. Syracuse University
referencedIn Lehmann, William C. (William Christian), 1888-1980. Faculty and Staff, William C. Lehmann papers, 1930-1951. Syracuse University
referencedIn Sims, C. N. (Charles N.), 1835-1908. Chancellor's Office, Charles N. Sims records, 1881-1895. Syracuse University
referencedIn Papers of Susan Schechter, (inclusive), (bulk), 1961-2005, 1986-2004 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Nicholas D'Angelo Papers, 1939-2003 Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center
referencedIn Papers of NOW officers, 1969-1977 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Sidney Alexander Papers 1963-1967. Syracuse University
referencedIn Collection of Indian classical music, 1957-1989 Archive of World Music, Eda Kuhn Loeb Music Library, Harvard College Library
referencedIn Wayner, Matthew J. Faculty and Staff, Matthew J. Wayner papers, 1962-1964. Syracuse University
referencedIn Ernest Ingersoll White papers, 1820-1960. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
creatorOf Brooks, John H. Records of John H. Brooks, 1968-2007. Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, The Clark
creatorOf Meseratch Zecharias memorial service, Hendricks Chapel, 3/3/97 [videorecording]. Syracuse University
referencedIn The Ivan Meštrović Collection 1904-2009. Syracuse University
referencedIn Laubach Literacy International Records, 1896-1991 Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center
referencedIn Gore Vidal papers, 1850-2020 (inclusive), 1936-2008 (bulk) Houghton Library
referencedIn Sir Archive Michael Redgrave V & A Department of Theatre and Performance
referencedIn Papers, 1957-1993 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
creatorOf Syracuse University. Letters, 1936-1964, to Lewis Mumford. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
referencedIn Chase Going Woodhouse Papers., undated, 1900-1984. Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
creatorOf Syracuse University. Institutional file. Brooklyn Museum Libraries & Archives
referencedIn London, 1988 Image Collection 1988. Syracuse University
referencedIn Vera Zorina papers Harvard Theater Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
referencedIn Winchell, Alexander, 1824-1891. Papers relating to Syracuse University [microform], 1850-1896 (bulk 1871-1880). Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Winchell, Alexander, 1824-1891. Alexander Winchell papers, 1872-1879 [microform] Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Papers of Bernice Resnick Sandler, 1963-2008 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn New York (State).Education Dept. Office of Higher and Professional Education. Samples of registration documents for Syracuse University, 1913-1956. New York State Archives
creatorOf Syracuse University. Student Activities, Student Organizations records, 1908-1964. Syracuse University
referencedIn Cummings, Zachary A. Zachary A. Cummings Poems 2009. Syracuse University
referencedIn Fredda Weiss Collection 1988-1993. Syracuse University
referencedIn Parsons, Editha, 1868-1964. Faculty and Staff, Editha Parsons, 1868-1964 papers, 1899-1952. Syracuse University
referencedIn Additional papers of Mary Steichen Calderone, (inclusive), (bulk), 1914-1989, 1960-1989 Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Yerington, William 1879-1967. Faculty and Staff, William Yerington, 1879-1967 papers, 1924-1971. Syracuse University
referencedIn Alexander N. Charters Papers, 1939-1991 Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center
referencedIn Cornell University basketball films, 1957-1985. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
referencedIn Howe, Mark De Wolfe. Mark De Wolfe Howe papers. 1933-1967. Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
referencedIn American Institute of Physics. Center for History of Physics. Study of Multi-Institutional Collaborations. Phase I: High-Energy Physics. Oral history interviews. Series 1. Selected Experiments: BNL-E-654: Search for Charmed Particles During Test Phase, 1990-1991. American Institute of Physics, Niels Bohr Library
referencedIn Frank Morigi Papers, 1968-2004 Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center
referencedIn Carman, Harry J. (Harry James), 1884-1964. Harry J. Carman papers, 1900-1964. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Wole Soyinka papers, 1966-1996. Harvard Theater Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
referencedIn Gerda Peterich Papers 1920-1990. Syracuse University
referencedIn Parker, George Albert. Faculty and Staff, George Albert Parker papers, 1882-1938. Syracuse University
referencedIn Cornell University football game highlights, 1949-1951. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Winchell, Alexander, 1824-1891. Alexander Winchell papers, 1833-1891. Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Ben Schwartzwalder Papers 1912-2009. Syracuse University
referencedIn Norman Kent Papers, 1920-1971 Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center
creatorOf Syracuse University. [Minor publications]. Yale University Library
creatorOf Haring, Douglas G. (Douglas Gilbert), 1894-1970. 880-01 [Beikoku Gikai Toshokan Sakanishi shiryō. Douglas G. Haring shokan]. Library of Congress, RCCD CJK
referencedIn Marguerite Yourcenar additional papers, 1842-1996. Houghton Library
referencedIn Syracuse University. Semitic and Biblical Club. Student Activities, Student Organizations, Semitic and Biblical Club records, 1904-1937. Syracuse University
referencedIn Flint, Charles Wesley. Chancellor's Office, Charles W. Flint records, 1929-1933. Syracuse University
referencedIn Lang, Cecil Y. Cecil Lang papers and autograph collection [manuscript], 1866-1982. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Burdette, Clara Bradley, 1855-1954. Papers of Clara Bradley Burdette, 1843-1954. Huntington Library, Art Collections & Botanical Gardens
referencedIn Leebrick, K. C. Faculty and Staff, Karl C. Leebrick papers, 1917-1943. Syracuse University
referencedIn Mansfield French Papers, 1893-1952 Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center
referencedIn Harney, John,. John Harney printed miscellany collection, 1880-1924. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Harry J. Carman Papers, 1900-1964 Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library
creatorOf Weiss, Peg, 1932-1996. Peg Weiss papers, 1916-1990. Getty Research Institute
referencedIn Horace A. Eaton Papers circa 1957-1958. Syracuse University
referencedIn Syracuse University Yates Castle photographs, [ca.1910]. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Syracuse University. Administrative Board of Athletics. University Committees, Councils and Boards, Administrative Board of Athletics records, 1930-1943. Syracuse University
referencedIn Wiley, George A. Papers, 1949-1975. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
referencedIn Vaughn, Harold A. University College, Harold A. Vaughn records, 1959-1963. Syracuse University
referencedIn Seidenberg, Faith. Papers of NOW officers, 1969-1977 (inclusive). Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Syracuse University. War Records Committee. University Committees, Councils and Boards, Syracuse University War Records Committee records, 1941-1946. Syracuse University
referencedIn Piper, Raymond Frank. Faculty and Staff, Raymond Frank Piper, 1888-1962 papers, 1906-1962. Syracuse University
referencedIn Sachs, George, 1896-1960. Faculty and Staff, George Sachs papers, 1925-1961. Syracuse University
referencedIn Earlman Fenner recollections, 1934. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Carter, Joseph C. Joseph Cleveland Carter papers, 1918-1985 bulk: ca. 1950-1985. Vermont Historical Society
referencedIn Rogers, Virgil M. School of Education, Dean's Office, Virgil Rogers records, 1943-1966. Syracuse University
referencedIn Lovell, Tom, 1909-1997. Tom Lovell papers, circa 1845-1997. National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum
referencedIn University Regent Theatre (Syracuse, N.Y.). University Regent Theatre scrapbook, 1965-1966. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Smith, F. Gordon (Frederick Gordon). Office for Administrative Operations, Vice President F. Gordon Smith records, 1952-1963. Syracuse University
referencedIn Monge, Rolfe H. Office for Academic Affairs, Associate in Academic Affairs, Rolfe H. Monge records, 1968-1976. Syracuse University
referencedIn Walsh, Warren B. (Warren Bartlett), 1909-1979. Faculty and Staff, Warren Bartlett Walsh, 1909- , papers, 1934-1967. Syracuse University
creatorOf "Inside the Tube" Interviews Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center
referencedIn Alexander Winchell Papers, 1833-1891 Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Deutscher, Irwin, 1923-. Faculty and Staff, Irwin Deutscher papers, 1959-1964. Syracuse University
referencedIn O'Loughlin, G. S. (Gerald S.). Gerald S. O'Loughlin letters, 1902-1906. New-York Historical Society Library
creatorOf Syracuse University. Correspondence to Van Wyck Brooks, 1935. University of Pennsylvania Library
referencedIn American Institute of Physics. Center for History of Physics. Study of Multi-Institutional Collaborations. Phase III: Ground-Based Astronomy, Materials Science, Heavy-Ion and Nuclear Physics, Medical Physics, and Computer-Mediated Collaborations. Oral history interviews. Computer-mediated collaborations: Center for Research in Parallel Computation, 1996-1997. American Institute of Physics
referencedIn S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications. School of Speech and Dramatic Art, Radio and Television Center records, 1938-1960. Syracuse University
referencedIn Irene Sargent Collection 1895-1982. Syracuse University
referencedIn Ericson, David. Reminiscences of David Ericson: oral history, 1985. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Stanton L. Catlin papers Archives of American Art
referencedIn Smith, Gail Preston, 1915-. Autobiography, ca. 1965. American Institute of Physics, Niels Bohr Library
referencedIn Daniel P. Moynihan Papers, 1765-2003, (bulk 1955-2000) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn John DePol Collection, 1935-1996 Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center
referencedIn Lamb, Thomas, 1896-1988. Papers, 1916-1988. Hagley Museum & Library
referencedIn Berwald, W. (William), 1864-1948. Faculty and Staff, William Henry Berwald, 1864-1948 papers, 1901-1944. Syracuse University
referencedIn Service Employees International Union. Local 200. Service Employees International Union. Local 200. Syracuse University Library Strike Files, 1973-1977. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Arnold, Edmund C. Faculty and Staff. Edmund C. Arnold papers, 1970(ca.). Syracuse University
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Oral history interview with Sol LeWitt Archives of American Art
referencedIn Oral history interview with Rafael Ferrer Archives of American Art
referencedIn Oral history interview with John Marshall Archives of American Art
Relation Name
associatedWith Agehananda Bharati, Swami, 1923-1991. person
associatedWith Alexander N. Charters Library of Resources for Educators of Adults corporateBody
associatedWith American Institute of Physics. Center for History of Physics. Study of Multi-Institutional Collaborations. Phase I: High-Energy Physics. corporateBody
associatedWith American Institute of Physics. Center for History of Physics. Study of Multi-Institutional Collaborations. Phase I: High-Energy Physics. corporateBody
associatedWith American Institute of Physics. Center for History of Physics. Study of Multi-Institutional Collaborations. Phase III: Ground-Based Astronomy, Materials Science, Heavy-Ion and Nuclear Physics, Medical Physics, and Computer-Mediated Collaborations. corporateBody
associatedWith Arnold, Edmund C. person
associatedWith Arnsdorf, Dennis. person
associatedWith Bacon, Ernst, 1898-1990. person
associatedWith Bartlett, Kenneth G. (Kenneth Gill), 1906-1983. person
associatedWith Bernice Resnick Sandler person
associatedWith Berwald, W. (William), 1864-1948. person
associatedWith Britton, Dee person
associatedWith Brooks, John H. person
associatedWith Brown, Leonard. person
associatedWith Burdette, Clara Bradley, 1855-1954. person
associatedWith Bush, Martin H. person
correspondedWith Bynner, Witter, 1881-1968 person
associatedWith Calderone, Mary Steichen, 1904-1998 person
associatedWith Carman, Harry J. (Harry James), 1884-1964. person
associatedWith Carter, Joseph C. person
associatedWith Catlin, Stanton L. (Stanton Loomis) person
associatedWith Charlot, Jean, 1898-1979 person
associatedWith Charters, Alexander N. Archives. person
associatedWith Chautauqua Institution. corporateBody
associatedWith Cornell University. Dept. of Athletics and Physical Education. corporateBody
associatedWith Cummings, Carlos E. (Carlos Emmons), 1878-1964. person
associatedWith Cummings, Zachary A. person
associatedWith D'Angelo, Nicholas V. person
associatedWith De Palmer, Reinaldo, 1955-1993, person
associatedWith DePol, John, 1913-2004 person
associatedWith Deutscher, Irwin, 1923- person
associatedWith Diamond, Stanley, 1922- person
associatedWith Diel, Louise, 1893- person
correspondedWith Domar, Evsey D. person
associatedWith Edwards, Richard Henry, 1877-1954. person
associatedWith Ely, Donald P. person
associatedWith Ericson, David. person
associatedWith Ernest Ingersoll, White 1869-1957. person
associatedWith Faith Seidenberg person
associatedWith Ferrer, Rafael. person
associatedWith Flint, Charles Wesley. person
associatedWith French, Mansfield Joseph, b. 1872 person
associatedWith Frost, Robert, 1874-1963. person
associatedWith Galbraith, Ralph A. person
associatedWith Garcia, Alejandro. person
associatedWith Glickman, Marty. person
correspondedWith Griffin, J. P. person
correspondedWith Hand, Learned, 1872-1961 person
associatedWith Haring, Douglas G. (Douglas Gilbert), 1894-1970. person
associatedWith Harney, John, person
associatedWith Harriton, Abraham, 1893-1987. person
associatedWith Hart, Donn V. (Donn Vorhis), 1918-1983. person
associatedWith Harth, Dorothy E. person
associatedWith Hart, John E. person
correspondedWith Henry, Joseph, 1797-1878 person
correspondedWith Hocking, William Ernest, 1873-1966 person
associatedWith Holton, Gladys Reid, 1898-1984. person
associatedWith Howe, Mark De Wolfe, 1906-1967 person
associatedWith Hunnicutt, Clarence W. person
associatedWith Indiana University Center for the Study of History and Memory corporateBody
associatedWith James, Preston E. (Preston Everett), 1899-1986. person
associatedWith James Rubin person
associatedWith Johnson, Carl. person
associatedWith Johnson family. family
associatedWith Kent, Norman, 1903-1972 person
correspondedWith Kolisch, Rudolf, 1896-1978 person
associatedWith Krasner, Louis, 1903-1995 person
associatedWith Lamb, Thomas, 1896-1988. person
associatedWith Landis, Mildred M., 1898- person
associatedWith Lang, Cecil Y. person
associatedWith Laubach Literacy International. corporateBody
associatedWith Leebrick, K. C. person
associatedWith Lehmann, William C. (William Christian), 1888-1980. person
correspondedWith Levin, Harry, 1912-1994 person
associatedWith LeWitt, Sol, 1928-2007 person
associatedWith Lovell, Tom, 1909-1997. person
correspondedWith Margaret Dunkle person
associatedWith Marshall, John, 1936- person
associatedWith Meier, Deborah person
associatedWith Miller, Howard F., 1920-1999. person
associatedWith Monge, Rolfe H. person
associatedWith Morigi, Francis C. person
associatedWith Moynihan, Daniel P. (Daniel Patrick), 1927-2003 person
associatedWith New York (State).Education Dept. Office of Higher and Professional Education. corporateBody
associatedWith New York State Historical Association. Library. corporateBody
associatedWith New York University. Office of the Treasurer. corporateBody
associatedWith O'Loughlin, G. S. (Gerald S.) person
associatedWith Onondaga Community College. corporateBody
correspondedWith Oppenheimer, Joel person
associatedWith Parker, George Albert. person
associatedWith Parsons, Editha, 1868-1964. person
associatedWith Pi Mu Epsilon corporateBody
associatedWith Pi Mu Epsilon Records corporateBody
associatedWith Piper, Raymond Frank. person
associatedWith Pomeroy family. family
associatedWith Ramsey family. person
correspondedWith Redgrave, Michael person
associatedWith Rogers, Virgil M. person
associatedWith Sachs, George, 1896-1960. person
correspondedWith Sakharov, Andreĭ, 1921-1989 person
associatedWith Sargent, D. Kenneth. person
associatedWith Schiess, Betty Bone. person
associatedWith Seidenberg, Faith. person
associatedWith Service Employees International Union. Local 200. corporateBody
associatedWith Shaktman, Ben, 1937- person
associatedWith Sims, C. N. (Charles N.), 1835-1908. person
associatedWith S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications. corporateBody
associatedWith Smith, F. Gordon (Frederick Gordon) person
associatedWith Smith, Gail Preston, 1915- person
correspondedWith Smithsonian Institution corporateBody
correspondedWith Soyinka, Wole. person
associatedWith Sufrin, Sidney C., 1910-1997. person
associatedWith Susan Schechter person
associatedWith Syracuse University. Administrative Board of Athletics. corporateBody
associatedWith Syracuse University. College of Arts and Sciences. corporateBody
associatedWith Syracuse University. Development Committee. corporateBody
associatedWith Syracuse University. Division of Student Affairs. corporateBody
associatedWith Syracuse University. Evaluation Service Center. corporateBody
associatedWith Syracuse University. Graduate Student Organization. corporateBody
associatedWith Syracuse University. Health Services. corporateBody
associatedWith Syracuse University. Institute of Independent Research. corporateBody
associatedWith Syracuse University. Library. corporateBody
associatedWith Syracuse University. Office for Academic Affairs. corporateBody
associatedWith Syracuse University. Office of Academic Administration. corporateBody
associatedWith Syracuse University. Psychological Research Center. corporateBody
associatedWith Syracuse University. Psychological Services Center. corporateBody
associatedWith Syracuse University. School of Education. corporateBody
associatedWith Syracuse University. Semitic and Biblical Club. corporateBody
associatedWith Syracuse University. War Records Committee. corporateBody
associatedWith Syracuse University. Women's Governing Association. corporateBody
associatedWith Syracuse University. Women's League. corporateBody
associatedWith Syracuse University. Women's Student Court. corporateBody
associatedWith Syracuse University. Women's Student Senate. corporateBody
associatedWith Ten Eyck, James A.. person
associatedWith Thomson, Bill, 1963- person
associatedWith University of Connecticut. Vice President for Academic Affairs Office. corporateBody
associatedWith University Regent Theatre (Syracuse, N.Y.). corporateBody
associatedWith Utica College. corporateBody
associatedWith Vaughn, Harold A. person
associatedWith Vidal, Gore, 1925- person
associatedWith Waite, Harlow O. person
associatedWith Walsh, Warren B. (Warren Bartlett), 1909-1979. person
associatedWith Wayner, Matthew J. person
associatedWith Weiss, Peg, 1932-1996. person
associatedWith White, Ernest Ingersoll, 1869-1957. person
associatedWith Wiley, George A. person
associatedWith Winchell, Alexander, 1824-1891. person
associatedWith Woodhouse, Chase Going. corporateBody
associatedWith Wright, Lena. person
associatedWith Yankelovich, Daniel. person
associatedWith Yerington, William 1879-1967. person
correspondedWith Yourcenar, Marguerite. person
correspondedWith Zorina, Vera. person
Place Name Admin Code Country
Syracuse (N.Y.)
New York (State)
Adult education
Universities and colleges
Ethnology Archaeology Anthropology
Popular culture
Popular culture
Printing industry
Real property
Radio, television, film
Student activities
Television comedies
Television producers and directors
Corporate Body

Active 1959

Active 1970





Ark ID: w6rn761s

SNAC ID: 62449376