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Sacred Geometry

Sacred Geometry sees proof of the cosmic significance of geometric forms in nature, as opposed to accepting such phenomena as the logical outcome of natural principles.

Not only can Sacred Geometry enable an understanding of cosmology through mathematical harmony, it has also influenced the building design of ancient temples, religious art and holy Scriptures of Pagans, Christians, Muslims, and of other religions... or so some mathemagicians believe.

The triquetra and the Jesus Fish symbol are two simple examples of Sacred Geometry.

The nature of the symmetry helps to help gain insight into mystical laws of the universe and its origin. There is nothing sacred about such shapes in themselves, but if such a pattern is employed to help provide insight into the basic pattern of existence, then the shape is recognised by some people as sacred.

Life itself is a continuous pattern of circles and spirals; there is nothing random about it. If the universe had been created as a random chaotic mess, then it could be put down to accidental evolution. But it isn't, so it can't.

Evolution is a theory (for that's all it is) which we're not delving into very much on this website. At least, not just yet.

Suffice to ask: Is it just a coincidence that we live in one of the billions of solar systems, which has a planet with just the right chemical composition and atmosphere to sustain life?

Is it just an accident that this planet has a magnetic field and ozone layer just strong enough to protect us from cosmic radiation? And beyond that screen, the whopping big Jupiter and Saturn that deflect asteroids and comets from coming too close.

And then there's the sun, which is positioned just the right number of miles away to prevent us from freezing to death but doesn't boil us to death either.

And the moon, whose distance and mass are just right to prevent the world from wobbling too much on its axis.

And so on...

As far as we know, we have been singled out from the limitlessness of space and time to be here. An accident? Hardly likely, is it?

A common counter argument, especially by some UFOlogists, is that since the universe is so large, it can contain billions of other galaxies and their solar systems. Therefore the probability of life-friendly planets forming is actually quite high. And with that logic you can explain away absolutely anything and never have to bother thinking further.

We can see the mysteries of life in two ways:

  1. We can 'see' things through geometric patterns (or numerology, or the lucky number seven, or other superstitions) and attach a 'sacred' label to it in support of what we think we 'see'.
  2. Alternatively, we can confine ourselves to what we know to be real and what we can really see.

    And what we see is that the universe is certainly not a random mess. When living organisms grow in precise and replicating patterns, as they often do, time after time, then it's hard not to conclude there must be an intelligent force driving all this.

In either case, we end up with something supernatural; something miraculous; something divine, perhaps, and certainly something infinitely more powerful than we are. Something awesome. Something we should either fear, or revere, so we refer to it as being sacred.

But the only supernatural power we can ascribe to geometry is that it's strong enough to have us talking about it on this webpage. That doesn't make it sacred – and may some giant triangular thunderbolt strike me dead NOW if I'm wrong.

Ah! I'm still here.

Our science, our knowledge of the universe, is growing but still severely limited. How much of the universe we are actually aware of, we don't really know. And most of us are too egocentric to admit that we don't know.

Cosmic energy seems to be mainly 'dark energy' (73%) and 'dark matter' (23%). That's the stuff that is believed to hold the universe together and accelerate its expansion, but mankind hasn't yet identified the nature of this energy and matter. The remaining 4% consists of atoms and molecules that can be identified by mankind (or rather, a clever subset of mankind).

We've a long way to go in our development before we can be independent of this supernatural force, whatever it is.

So the extent of our scientific understanding of the universe is pretty feeble and superficially, Sacred Geometry seems to make sense. Our attempts to explain things to ourselves are limited by our current knowledge. (For example, we assign a base-10 number system to numerology, for no other reason than we're most familiar with that counting system.) However, we soon reach a limit with Sacred Geometry when attempting to supply an answer to the question: 'Why?'

Sacred Geometry is not in the same league as religions which explain reason, hope and love; and other things beyond the rational, such as emotions, insights, desires, forgiveness and internal peace. Sacred Geometry, which conjures up different ideas for different people, might be interesting but it falls far short of providing anything useful beyond the aesthetic. The triquetra, Möbius crosses and crop-circles are beautiful and curious, but do not offer salvation.

Fortunately, we simply have to turn to a monotheistic religion, such as Christianity, to address such issues.

Before we leave this page, here are a few fun things about numbers.

  1. A dozen, a gross, and a score,
    Plus three times the square root of four,
    Divided by seven,
    Plus five times eleven,
    Equals nine squared plus zero, no more.

  2. There are three kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.

  3. You've probably already seen what we've written about the numbers seven, eleven and billion. Here are a few 'useful' English System conversions/units:

    • 1,000 aches: 1 kilohurtz
    • 2,000 mockingbirds: two kilomockingbirds
    • 10 cards: 1 decacards
    • 1 kilogram of falling figs: 1 Fig Newton
    • 1 billion picolos: 1 gigolo
    • 2 monograms: 1 diagram
    • 8 nickels: 2 paradigms
  4. You can probably do the mental arithmetic to multiply 11 by 11 and get 121. You might even be able to calculate 111 x 111 = 12,321. But unless you already know that 11 x n results in palindrome number (the same number when the digits are reversed), for bigger values of n, most people would prefer a calculator. And if they were really interested, they could find the palindromic result 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12345678987654321.

    Of more interest perhaps, is what happens when you divide 100 by 3.
    No great mathematics in that - elementary school children know that the result is 33.333... But let's see what happens when we divide that result by 3.

    We get, of course, 11.111... And when we divide that by 3, we get 3.703703703703...

    Now we reach the interesting part. Don't trust your calculator or Excel spreadsheet program, they're probably pre-programmed to round after a few decimal places. Get some old-fashioned pen and paper, and check this result:
    3.70370370370... divided by 3 = 1.23456790123456790...

    So here's the puzzle: Why is there no '8' in the answer? 

To understand the answer, we must look closely at what's happening.

You'll notice that each digit in the answer is one bigger than the digit before (1.234 ~). When we reach 9, the next number should be (and is) 10. Now the '1' of that 10 is carried into the place before, making the 9 a 10. Then the '1' of that 10 gets carried into the place before, making the 8 a 9.

Let's look at the long-hand version:

= 1
+ 0.2
+ 0.03
+ 0.004
+ 0.0005
+ 0.00006
+ 0.000007
+ 0.0000008
+ 0.00000009
+ 0.000000010
+ 0.0000000011
+ 0.00000000012
+ 0.000000000013
+ 0.0000000000014 etc.

And if you total that up, you get:
= 1.234567901234...

(If you can think of a practical application for this nonsense, please let us know!)

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