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Substructural Logics

First published Tue Jul 4, 2000; substantive revision Thu Aug 15, 2024

Substructural logics are non-classical logics notable for the absence of one or more structural rules present in classical logic. Initial interest in substructural logics developed independently in the second half of the twentieth century, through considerations from philosophy (relevant logics), from linguistics (the Lambek calculus) and from the mathematics of proof theory (linear logic). Since the 1990s, these independent lines of inquiry have been understood to be different aspects of a unified field, and techniques from substructural logics are useful in the study of traditional logics such as classical and intuitionistic logic. This article provides a brief overview of the field of substructural logic. For a more detailed introduction, complete with theorems, proofs and examples, the reader can consult the books and articles in the Bibliography.

1. Structural Rules

Substructural logics are a family of logical systems characterised in terms of their structural rules. A structural rule is a logical rule that applies indiscriminately to all propositions without regard to their form. The familiar inference rule of modus ponens (from \(p\to q\) and \(p\) to infer \(q\)) is not a structural rule because the first premise of the rule must be a conditional. This is a rule not about the inferential behaviour of all propositions, but a rule about conditionals. The syllogism Barbara (from all Fs are G and all Gs are H to infer all Fs are H) is similarly not a structural rule: it is a rule specifically applying to universal claims. Modus ponens, Barbara and other familiar rules such as the Law of Non-Contradiction are operational rules governing or describing the logical features of particular concepts, such as the conditional, universal generalisation, negation, etc. Not all logical rules are operational rules. Some rules govern the ambient behaviour of logical consequence as such, and these are the structural rules.

The Cut rule can be stated like this: if from some premises (call them \(X\)) we can prove the conclusion \(A\), and if from \(A\) together with more premises (call them \(Y\)) we can prove \(B\) then we can prove the conclusion \(B\) from the premises \(X\) and \(Y\) taken together. \[ \cfrac{X\vdash A\qquad Y,A\vdash B}{X,Y\vdash B} \] Here, there is no restriction on the form of any of the particular judgements featuring in the rule. The particular premises and conclusions are completely general, so Cut is a structural rule.

In this example, the structural rule is stated in terms of what one can prove, and one way to motivate structural rules like this is by way of considerations of how proofs may be formed and combined. After all, the proof from \(X\) together with \(Y\) to the conclusion \(B\) may be constructed by first proving \(A\) from \(X\) and then using this \(A\) together with \(Y\) to prove \(B\).

Structural rules can also be motivated by characterising logical validity by way of models. If an argument from some premises to a conclusion is understood to be valid when there is no model of the premises that is not also a model of the conclusion (such a model would be a counterexample to the argument), then the Cut rule may likewise be motivated: if every model of every member of \(X\) is a model of \(A\), and every model of every member \(Y\) and of \(A\) is also a model of \(B\), then every model of each member of \(X\) and each member of of \(Y\) is (by virtue of being a model of every member of \(X\)) a model of \(A\), and so (since it is also a model of every member of \(Y\)), it is a model of \(B\). In this reasoning, we did not have to appeal to the truth conditions for any formulas in models: the rule is not beholden to any particular scheme concerning how formulas are evaluated. Provided that validity is defined in terms of preservation of “holding in a model” (however that is to be understood), the logical consequence relation satisfies the Cut rule.

So, regardless of whether we think of validity in terms of proofs or in terms of models, the structural rules are facts about validity that hold irrespective of the logical form of the components of the arguments. They arise from the general definition of validity and its structural features, rather than the rules governing particular connectives, quantifiers or other items of vocabulary.

Nonetheless, different logical systems differ in the rules governing particular logical concepts. Intuitionistic logic famously differs from classical logic in its treatment of negation. The structural rules are an essential part of any explanation of the behaviour of individual logical concepts, because we use the ambient context of logical consequence to characterise the behaviour of those concepts. For example, one way to characterise the behaviour of the conditional \(p\rightarrow q\) (read as “if \(p\) then \(q\)”) can take this form:

\[ X, p \vdash q \text{ if and only if } X \vdash p \rightarrow q \]

This says that \(q\) follows from \(X\) together with \(p\) just when \(p \rightarrow q\) follows from \(X\) alone. The validity of the transition from \(p\) to \(q\) (given \(X)\) is recorded by the conditional \(p \rightarrow q\). We characterise validity concerning conditionals in terms of a statement about validity involving the components of those conditionals.

(This connection between the conditional and consequence is called residuation by analogy with the case in mathematics. Consider the connection between addition and substraction. \(a + b = c\) if and only if \(a = c - b\). The resulting \(a\) (which is \(c - b)\) is the residual, what is left of \(c\) when \(b\) is taken away. Another name for this connection is the deduction theorem.)

The residuation equivalence between \(X,p\vdash q\) and \(X\vdash p\to q\) is not the only way to characterise the behaviour of the conditional. Sometimes it is helpful to study rules in which the inferential behaviour of a connective is described in terms of the conditions under which you can infer a sentence involving that connective (here, the left-to-right direction from \(X,p\vdash q\) to \(X\vdash p\to q\) answers that question) and also describes what one can infer from a sentence involving that connective. The residuation condition for \(p\to q\) only answers this question implicitly, by way of an appeal to the Cut rule, and the assumption that \(p\to q\vdash p\to q\). For then we can reason as follows: \[ \cfrac{ \cfrac{ \begin{matrix} \\ {Y\vdash p} \end{matrix} \quad \cfrac{p\rightarrow q\vdash p\rightarrow q}{p\rightarrow q,p\vdash q} } {p\rightarrow q,Y\vdash q} \quad \begin{matrix} \\ {X,q\vdash C} \end{matrix} } {X,p\to q,Y\vdash C} \] So, from the two premises \(Y\vdash p\) and \(X,q\vdash C\) we can conclude \(X,p\to q,Y\vdash C\). This is a left sequent rule for the conditional, presenting conditions under which it is appropriate to infer some conclusion \(C\) from \(p\to q\) used as a premise. This is sometimes used as an alternative to the right-to-left half of the residuation equivalence (from \(X\vdash p\to q\) to \(X,p\vdash q\) since it, like the left-to-right half of the residuation eqiuvalence characterises the behaviour of the conditional in terms of the inferential behaviour of its components.

Whether we use the residuation rules or the left/right sequent rules for the conditional, the connections between consequence and the conditional involve a number of distinct concepts. Not only is there the turnstile, for logical validity, and the conditional, encoding consequence inside the language of propositions, there is also the comma, indicating the combination of premises. We have read “\(X, p \vdash q\)” as “\(q\) follows from \(X\) together with \(p\)”. To combine premises is to have a way to take them together. But how can we take them together? It turns out that there are different ways to do so, which have different logical properties, and so, we have different substructural logics with different purely structural rules. The behaviour of premise combination may vary, and as a result, the behaviour of the conditional and other logical connectives vary as a result. In this introduction we will consider some examples of this phenomenon.

1.1 Weakening

It is one thing for \(p\) to be true. It is another for the conditional \(q \rightarrow p\) to be true. Yet, if ‘\(\rightarrow\)’ is a material conditional, \(q \rightarrow p\) follows from \(p\). For many different reasons, we may wish to understand how a conditional might work in the absence of this inference. This is tied to the behaviour of premise combination, as can be shown by this demonstration.

\[ \cfrac{p \vdash p} { \cfrac{p, q \vdash p} {p \vdash q \rightarrow p} } \]

From the axiomatic \(p \vdash p\) (anything follows from itself) we deduce that \(p\) follows from \(p\) together with \(q\), and then by residuation, \(p \vdash q \rightarrow p\). If we wish to reject the inference from \(p\) to \(q \rightarrow p\), then we either reject residuation, or reject the identity axiom at the start of the proof, or we reject the first step of the proof. It is illuminating to consider what is involved in this last option. Here, we are to deny that \(p\) follows from \(p, q\). In general, we are to reject the inference rule that has this form:

\[ \frac{X \vdash A} {X, Y \vdash A} \]

This is the rule of weakening: it steps from a stronger statement, that \(A\) follows from \(X\) to a possibly weaker one, that \(A\) follows from \(X\) together with \(Y\). In this rule, the members of \(X\), and \(Y\) and the conclusion \(A\) are arbitrary, so it is a purely structural rule.

People have offered different reasons for rejecting the rule of weakening, depending on the interpretation of consequence and premise combination. One of the early motivating examples comes from a concern for relevance. If the logic is relevant (if to say that \(p\) entails \(q\) is true is to say, at least, that \(q\) truly depends on \(p)\) then weakening need not hold. We may indeed have \(A\) following from \(X\), without \(A\) following from \(X,Y\), for it need not be the case that \(A\) depends on \(X\) and \(Y\) together.

In relevant logics the rule of weakening fails on the other side of the comma too, in that we also wish this argument to be invalid:

\[ \cfrac{q \vdash q} { \cfrac{p, q \vdash q} {p \vdash q \rightarrow q} } \]

Again, \(q\) may follow from \(q\), but this does not mean that it follows from \(p\) together with \(q\), provided that “together with” is meant in an appropriately strong sense. So, in relevant logics, the inference from an arbitrary premise to a logical truth such as \(q \rightarrow q\) may well fail.

1.2 Commutativity

If the mode of premise combination is commutative (if anything which follows from \(X, Y\) also follows from \(Y, X)\) then we can reason as follows, using just the identity axiom and residuation:

\[ \cfrac{p \rightarrow q \vdash p \rightarrow q} { \cfrac{p \rightarrow q, p \vdash q} { \cfrac{p, p \rightarrow q \vdash q} {p \vdash(p \rightarrow q) \rightarrow q} } } \]

In the absence of commutativity of premise combination, this proof is not available. This is another simple example of the connection between the behaviour of premise combination and that of deductions involving the conditional.

There are many kinds of conditional for which this inference fails. If a conditional has modal force (if it expresses a kind of entailment, in which \(p \rightarrow q\) is true when in every related circumstance in which \(p\) holds, \(q\) does too), and if “\(\vdash\)” expresses local consequence \((p\vdash q\) if and only if any model, at any circumstance at which \(p\) holds, so does \(q)\) it fails. It may be true that Greg is a logician \((p)\) and it is true that Greg’s being a logician entails Greg’s being a philosopher \((p \rightarrow q\) – in related circunstances in which Greg is a logician, he is a philosopher) but this does not entail that Greg is a philosopher. (There are many circumstances in which the entailment \((p \rightarrow q)\) is true but \(q\) is not.) So we have a circumstance in which \(p\) is true but \((p \rightarrow q) \rightarrow q\) is not. The argument is invalid.

This counterexample can also be understood in terms of behaviour of premise combination. Here when we say \(X,A \vdash B\) is true, we are not just saying that \(B\) holds in any circumstance in which \(X\) and \(A\) both hold. If we are after a genuine entailment A \(\rightarrow\) B, then we want \(B\) to be true in any (related) circumstance in which \(A\) is true. So, \(X,A \vdash B\) says that in any possibility in which \(A\) is true, so is \(B\). These possibilities might not satisfy all of \(X\). (In classical theories of entailment, the possibilities are those in which all that is taken as necessary in \(X\) are true.)

If premise combination is not commutative, then residuation can go in two ways. In addition to the residuation condition giving the behaviour of \(\rightarrow\), we may wish to define a new arrow \(\leftarrow\) as follows:

\[ p, q \vdash r \text{ if and only if } q \vdash r \leftarrow p \]

For the left-to-right arrow we have modus ponens in this direction:

\[ p \rightarrow q, p \vdash q \]

For the right-to-left arrow, modus ponens is provable with the premises in the opposite order:

\[ p, q \leftarrow p \vdash q \]

This is a characteristic of substructural logics. When we pay attention to what happens when we don’t have the full complement of structural rules, then new possibilities open up. We uncover two conditionals underneath what was previously one (in intuitionistic or classical logic).

In the next section we will see another example motivating non-commutative premise combination and these two different conditionals.

1.3 Associativity

Here is another kind of structural assumption present in proofs. So far, you might have assumed that the premises in a sequent are ordered in a list, and that the premise list \(p,q,r\) could be equally understood as the list \(p,q\), to which \(r\) has been added on the right, or the list \(q,r\) to which \(p\) has been added on the left. If so, you take it that the premise structures \((p,q),r\) and \(p,(q,r)\) are identical, and that premise combination (represented here by the comma) is associative. The associativity of premise combination is another structural rule which has an impact on what inferences are valid.

To get a clear picture of how this follows, it will help to return to the formulation of the Cut rule, to see how we might clearly state it without prejudging whether premise combination is associative. Its more general form goes like this:

\[ \cfrac{X\vdash A \qquad Y(A)\vdash B}{Y(X)\vdash B} \]

Whenever we can prove \(A\) from \(X\), and we can prove \(B\) from some assumptions including \(A\) somewhere, we can prove \(B\) from those assumptions where we replace those appeals to \(A\) (in those places) with appeals to \(X\) instead. Here, there is no implicit reordering or reshuffling of how premises are combined. We surgically replace the appeal to \(A\) with the appeal to whetever it is that we used to justify \(A\).

In a similar way, the conditional rules can be understood without appeal to associativity: the equivalence between \(X,p\vdash q\) and \(X\vdash p\rightarrow q\) marks the fact that the comma can be read as application: the assumptions \(X\) deliver a conditional if and only if whenever when we apply those assumptions to the antecedent, this delivers the consequent. There is nothing in the notion of application per se that assumes associativity.

With this understanding, the left rule for the conditional has the following shape:

\[ \cfrac{X(q)\vdash C\qquad Y\vdash p}{X(p\to q,Y)\vdash C} \]

This says that if we appeal to \(q\) as a part of some justification of \(C\) and if we have some justification \(Y\) of another claim \(p\), then instead of directly appealing to \(q\) in that justification of \(C\) we can appeal to \(p\to q\) applied to \(Y\). Again, this formulation is careful to respect the order of application, and no implicit reshuffling has taken place.

With all that understood, we can see the following proof, in which we first apply the left rule twice, introducing \(r\to p\) and \(p\to q\) to show that \(p\to q,(r\to p,r)\) together justify \(q\). To use this to conclude something about \(r\to q\) we would like to discharge the assumption \(r\), but to do this, we must rearrange the order in which the premises are combined.

\[ \cfrac{ \begin{matrix} \\ q\vdash q \end{matrix} \qquad \begin{matrix} p\vdash p\quad r\vdash r \\ \hline r \rightarrow p, r \vdash p \end{matrix}} { \cfrac{p \rightarrow q, (r \rightarrow p, r) \vdash q} { \cfrac{(p \rightarrow q, r \rightarrow p), r \vdash q} { \cfrac{ p \rightarrow q, r \rightarrow p \vdash r \rightarrow q } {p \rightarrow q \vdash(r \rightarrow p) \rightarrow(r \rightarrow q)} } } } \]

So, this proof appeals to the associativity of premise combination, while contraction and weakening are not used. In the absence of associativity, we should not expect the inference from \(p\to q\) to \((r\to p)\to(r\to q)\) to be valid.

1.4 Contraction

A final important example is the rule of contraction which dictates how premises may be reused. Contraction is crucial in the inference of \(p \rightarrow q\) from \(p \rightarrow (p \rightarrow q)\)

\[ \cfrac{ \matrix{ \cfrac{p \rightarrow(p \rightarrow q) \vdash p \rightarrow(p \rightarrow q)} {p \rightarrow(p \rightarrow q), p \vdash p \rightarrow q} & \cfrac{p \rightarrow q \vdash p \rightarrow q} {p \rightarrow q, p \vdash q} } } { \cfrac{(p \rightarrow(p \rightarrow q), p), p \vdash q} { \cfrac{p \rightarrow(p \rightarrow q), p \vdash q} {p \rightarrow(p \rightarrow q) \vdash p \rightarrow q} } } \]

In this proof, at the second-to-last step we use the principle that if we can derive some conclusion by way of applying some assumption twice (here, \(p\)), it can be justified when we apply that assumption once instead. (Note: in this proof on the third line the assumptions are bracketed because this proof does not appeal to the associativity of premise combination, so if we wish to distinguish \((A,B),C\) from \(A,(B,C\), we may do so.)

These different examples can give a sense of the role of structural rules in determining the behaviour of a concept such as conditionality. Not only do structural rules influence the conditional, but they also have their effects on other connectives, such as conjunction and disjunction (as we shall see below) and negation (Dunn 1993; Restall 2000).

1.5 Structure on the right of the turnstile

Gentzen’s pioneering work on the sequent calculus (Gentzen 1935) shows that the difference between classical logic and intuitionistic logic can also be understood as a difference not of the behaviour of one logical connective or another—whether negation, disjunction or the conditional—but as a matter of the ambient structure of sequents in which those connectives are defined, and the structural rules satisfied in that setting. Gentzen’s sequent calculus LJ for intuitionistic logic is formulated in terms of sequents of the form \(X \vdash A\), in which we have a collection of antecedents and a single consequent. These are the kinds of sequents we have focussed on so far. Gentzen’s LK calculus for classical logic formulates sequents in a more general form

\[ X \vdash Y \]

where we allow a number of formulas on the right of the sequent, just as we do on the left, so both \(X\) and \(Y\) are collections of formulas. The intended interpretation is that from all of the \(X\) some of the \(Y\) follow In other words, we cannot have all of the \(X\) and none of the \(Y\) obtaining. (See the entries on Proof Theory (Section 2) and Propositional Logic (Section 2.3.2) for more on the sequent calculus.)

Allowing sequents with multiple consequents and translating the familiar connective rules into this wider context, we are able to derive classical tautologies. For example, the derivation

\[ \cfrac{p \vdash p} { \cfrac{p \vdash q, p} {\vdash p \rightarrow q, p} } \]

shows that either \(p \rightarrow q\) or \(p\) must hold. This is classically valid (if \(p\) fails, \(p\) is false, and conditionals with false antecedents are true), but invalid in intuitionistic logic. Similarly, the intuitionist derivation of the law of non-contradiction can be naturally ‘dualised’ into a classical proof of the law of the excluded middle, as follows: \[ \cfrac{p\vdash p}{\cfrac{p,\neg p\vdash} {p\amp\neg p\vdash}} \qquad\qquad \cfrac{p\vdash p}{\cfrac{\vdash p,\neg p}{\vdash p\lor\neg p}} \] The difference between classical and intuitionistic logic, then, can be understood as a difference arising from the kinds of structural rules permitted, and the kinds of structures appropriate to use in the analysis of logical consequence, rather than a difference due to the behaviour of one or more different logical constants.

1.6 Cut and Identity

Each of the structural rules considered here (weakening, commutativity, associativity, contraction) essentially involves the behaviour of premise combination, or in the case of classical sequents, premise and conclusion combination. The structural rule we first saw, the Cut rule, in its simplest form, has nothing to do with combination of premises. In its most stripped-down form, the Cut rule takes this shape: \[ \cfrac{A\vdash B\qquad B\vdash C}{A\vdash C} \] which involves no taking together of formulas on the left or the right of the sequent at all. The Cut rule, at its heart, is not about the distinctive behaviour of how premises or conclusions are combined, but about the relationship between what is needed to derive a formula (here, the so-called ‘Cut’ formula, \(B\)) occuring on the right of a sequent and then what one can do with that formula, as it occurs on the left. To use the economic metaphor: if we can ‘pay’ \(A\) to receive \(B\), and we could pay \(B\) to receive \(C\), then our initial payment of \(A\) should suffice to provide \(C\). Speaking more abstractly, the Cut rule states that a \(B\) on the right of a sequent is at least as powerful as a \(B\) on the left: anything we can prove from a \(B\) on the left (here, \(C\)) could be proved by anything that entails a \(B\) on the right.

There is one more structural rule which deserves mention. The Identity rule matches formulas on the left and on the right in the opposite way: \[ B\vdash B \] This identity rule tells us that \(B\) on the left is strong enough to deliver \(B\) on the right. So, Cut and Identity as structural rules involve the relationship between occurrences of formulas in the left and right of sequents, while the other structural rules govern the ways that formulas may be manipulated inside the left or the right of sequents.

2. Different Logics

A range of substructural logics have been developed, independently, in the second half of the 20th Century, and into the 21st. These logics can be motivated in different ways.

2.1 Relevant Logics

It is natural to think that there is some connection between logical consequence an relevance. If \(X \vdash A\) holds, then one might hope that the premises of our deduction (\(X\)) must somehow be relevant to the conclusion \(A\). With this understanding of relevance in mind, it is natural to restrict premise combination: We may have \(X \vdash A\) without also having \(X,Y \vdash A\), since the new material \(Y\) might not be relevant to the deduction of \(A\). Relevant logics, understood in this way, are substructural because relevance is understood as a property of logical consequence itself (and the structural rules governing consequence), rather than a property of any one connective.

In the 1950s, Moh (1950), Church (1951) and Ackermann (1956) all gave accounts of what a ‘relevant’ logic could be. The ideas have been developed by a stream of workers centred around Anderson and Belnap, their students Dunn and Meyer, and many others. The canonical references for the area are Anderson, Belnap and Dunn’s two-volume Entailment (1975 and 1992). Other introductions can be found in Read’s Relevant Logic (1988), Dunn and Restall’s Relevance Logic (2000), and Mares’ Relevant Logic: a philosophical interpretation (2004).

2.2 Linear Logic and other contraction-free logics

This is not the only way to restrict premise combination. Girard (1987) introduced linear logic as a model for processes and resource use. The idea in this account of deduction is that resources must be used (so premise combination satisfies the relevance criterion) and they do not extend indefinitely. Premises cannot be re-used. So, I might have \(X,X \vdash A\), which says that I can use \(X\) twice to get \(A\). I might not have \(X \vdash A\), which says that I can use \(X\) once alone to get \(A\). A helpful introduction to linear logic is given in Troelstra’s Lectures on Linear Logic (1992).

There are other formal logics in which the contraction rule (from \(X,X \vdash A\) to \(X \vdash A)\) is absent. Most famous among these are Łukasiewicz’s many-valued logics. There has been a sustained interest in logics without contraction because it has been noticed that the contraction rule features in paradoxical derivations such as the liar paradox, Curry’s paradox, and other semantic paradoxes (Curry 1977, Geach 1955; see also Field 2008, Restall 1994 and Zardini 2021).

2.3 The Lambek Calculus

Independently of either of these traditions, Joachim Lambek considered mathematical models of language and syntax (Lambek 1958, 1961). The idea here is that premise combination corresponds to composition of strings or other linguistic units. Here \(X,X\) differs in content from \(X\), but in addition, \(X,Y\) differs from \(Y,X\) Not only does the number of premises used count but so does their order. Good introductions to the Lambek calculus (also called categorial grammar) can be found in books by Moortgat (1988) Morrill (1994), and Moot and Retoré (2012).

2.4 ST and TS

Each substructural logic considered so far restricts the behaviour of premise combination in some way, by banning weakening, contraction, or exchange. Another family of substructural logics keeps all of those structural rules, but restricts one of the cross-sequent rules: Cut and identity. These substructural logics differ from classical logic either very little, or enormously, depending on which structural rule is rejected. Classical logic without the Cut rule is, at one level, indistinguishable from classical logic, because as Gentzen has shown (1935), the Cut rule is eliminable: any sequent that can be proved using cut can also be proved without it. So, the substructural variant of classical logic that goes without the cut rule is, as far as valid sequents is concerned, classical logic itself.

On the other hand, if we remove the Identity rule from standard presentations of classical logic, the result is a proof system that is far different. Classical logic without identity has no valid sequents at all. Nothing is provable, because derivations have nowhere to start.

Since the 2000s, there has been sustained attention on logics in which the rules of cut or identity are jettisoned for the purposes of treatment of the various semantic phenomena, including vagueness and the semantic paradoxes. Zardini (2008)’s “A Model for Tolerance” and van Rooij’s (2011)’s “Vagueness, Tolerance and Non-Transitive Entailment” each utilised a cut-free (non-transitive) consequence relation to model vague predicates satisfying a natural tolerance condition, to the effect that anything sufficiently \(F\)-close to something that is \(F\) is also \(F\). If the conditional expressing this tolerance claim (and the underlying consequence relation) is not transitive, then the sorites paradox is, in some sense, averted. Cobreros, et al. (2012) showed that this logic has simple models in terms of strict and tolerant semantic evaluation, which will be discussed below in Section 6, and Ripley (2012) showed that this logic provides the means to model a truth predicate \(T\) for which \(T\langle A\rangle\) is equivalent to \(A\), and for which a liar sentence \(\lambda\) (for which \(\lambda=\neg T\lambda\)) gives rise to inconsistency, but not triviality. We can derive \(\vdash T\lambda\) and \(\vdash\neg T\lambda\) (and hence \(T\lambda \vdash \bot\)), by the standard liar-paradoxical reasoning, but the failure of the cut rule for \(T\)-sentences means that the we cannot proceed from \(\vdash T\lambda\) and \(T\lambda\vdash \bot\) to the expected trivialising consequence \(\vdash\bot\). (Alan Weir (2005) earlier also utilised a Cut-free logic in the analysis of the paradoxes arising from a naïve truth predicate, however the resulting logic is not ST, as the usual connective rules for the conditional and negation are modified, along with the rejection of Cut.)

For reasons that will become manifest in Section 6, this logic is called ST (for Strict/Tolerant consequence), and its cousin, TS (for Tolerant/Strict consequence) is the logic of the classical sequent calculus without the identity rule.

3. Proof Theory

We have already seen a fragment of one way to present substructural logics, in terms of proofs. We have used the residuation condition, which can be understood as including two rules for the conditional, one to introduce a conditional,

\[ \cfrac{X, A \vdash B} {X \vdash A \rightarrow B} \]

and another to eliminate it.

\[ \cfrac{X \vdash A \rightarrow B \ \ \ Y \vdash A} {X, Y \vdash B} \]

Rules like these form the cornerstone of a natural deduction system, and these systems are available for the wide sweep of substructural logics. But proof theory can be done in other ways. Gentzen systems operate not by introducing and eliminating connectives, but by introducing them both on the left and the right of the turnstile of logical consequence. We keep the introduction rule above, and replace the elimination rule by one introducing the conditional on the left:

\[ \cfrac{X \vdash A \ \ \ Y(B) \vdash C} {Y(A \rightarrow B, X) \vdash C} \]

This rule is more complex, but it has the same effect as the arrow elimination rule: It says that if \(X\) suffices for \(A\), and if you use \(B\) (in some context \(Y)\) to prove \(C\) then you could just as well have used \(A \rightarrow B\) together with \(X\) (in that same context \(Y)\) to prove \(C\), since \(A \rightarrow B\) together with \(X\) gives you \(B\).

Gentzen systems, with their introduction rules on the left and the right, have very special properties which are useful in studying logics. Since connectives are always introduced in a proof (read from top to bottom) proofs never lose structure. If a connective does not appear in the conclusion of a proof, it will not appear in the proof at all, since connectives cannot be eliminated.

In certain substructural logics, such as linear logic and the Lambek calculus, and in the fragment of the relevant logic \(\mathbf{R}\) without disjunction, a Gentzen system can be used to show that the logic is decidable, in that an algorithm can be found to determine whether or not an argument \(X \vdash A\) is valid. This is done by searching for proofs of \(X \vdash A\) in a Gentzen system. Since premises of this conclusion must feature no language not in this conclusion, and they have no greater complexity (in these systems), there are only a finite number of possible premises. An algorithm can check if these satisfy the rules of the system, and proceed to look for premises for these, or to quit if we hit an axiom. In this way, decidability of some substructural logics is assured.

However, not all substructural logics are decidable in this sense. Most famously, the relevant logic \(\mathbf{R}\) is not decidable. This is partly because its proof theory is more complex than that of other substructural logics. \(\mathbf{R}\) differs from linear logic and the Lambek calculus in having a straightforward treatment of conjunction and disjunction. In particular, conjunction and disjunction satisfy the rule of distribution:

\[ p \amp(q \vee r) \vdash (p \amp q) \vee (p \amp r) \]

The natural proof of distribution in any proof system uses both weakening and contraction, so it is not available in the relevant logic \(\mathbf{R}\), which does not contain weakening. As a result, proof theories for \(\mathbf{R}\) either contain distribution as a primitive rule, or contain a second form of premise combination (so called extensional combination, as opposed to the intensional premise combination we have seen) which satisfies weakening and contraction.

In recent years, a great deal of work has been done on the proof theory of classical logic, inspired and informed by research into substructural logics. Classical logic has the full complement of structural rules, and is historically prior to more recent systems of substructural logics. However, when it comes to attempting to understand the deep structure of classical proof systems (and in particular, when two derivations that differ in some superficial syntactic way are really different ways to represent the one underlying ‘proof’) it is enlightening to think of classical logic as formed by a basic substructural logic, in which extra structural rules are imposed as additions. In particular, it has become clear that what distinguishes classical proof from its siblings is the presence of the structural rules of contraction and weakening in their complete generality (see, for example, Bellin et al. 2006 and the literature cited therein).

4. Model Theory

While the relevant logic \(\mathbf{R}\) has a proof system more complex than the substructural logics such as linear logic, which lack distribution of (extensional) conjunction over disjunction, its model theory is altogether more simple. A Routley-Meyer model for the relevant logic \(\mathbf{R}\) is comprised of a set of points \(P\) with a three-place relation \(R\) on \(P\). A conditional \(A \rightarrow B\) is evaluated at a world as follows:

\(A \rightarrow B\) is true at \(x\) if and only if for each \(y\) and \(z\) where \(Rxyz\), if \(A\) is true at \(y, B\) is true at \(z\).

An argument is valid in a model just when in any point at which the premises are true, so is the conclusion. The argument \(A \vdash B \rightarrow B\) is invalid because we may have a point \(x\) at which \(A\) is true, but at which \(B \rightarrow B\) is not. We can have \(B \rightarrow B\) fail to be true at \(x\) simply by having \(Rxyz\) where \(B\) is true at \(y\) but not at \(z\).

The three-place relation \(R\) follows closely the behaviour of the mode of premise combination in the proof theory for a substructural logic. For different logics, different conditions can be placed on \(R\). For example, if premise combination is commutative, we place a symmetry condition on \(R\) like this: \(Rxyz\) if and only if \(Ryxz\). Ternary relational semantics gives us great facility to model the behaviour of substructural logics. (The extent of the correspondence between the proof theory and algebra of substructural logics and the semantics is charted in Dunn’s work on Gaggle Theory (1991) and is summarised in Restall’s Introduction to Substructural Logics (2000).

Furthermore, if conjunction and disjunction satisfy the distribution axiom mentioned in the previous section, they can be modelled straightforwardly too: a conjunction is true at a point just when both conjuncts are true at that point, and a disjunction is true at a point just when at least one disjunct is true there. For logics, such as linear logic, without the distribution axiom, the semantics must be more complex, with a different clause for disjunction required to invalidate the inference of distribution.

It is one thing to use a semantics as a formal device to model a logic. It is another to use a semantics as an interpretive device to apply a logic. The literature on substructural logics provides us with a number of different ways that the ternary relational semantics can be applied to describe the logical structure of some phenomena in which the traditional structural rules do not apply.

For logics like the Lambek calculus, the interpretation of the semantics is straightforward. We can take the points to be linguistic items, and the ternary relation to be the relation of concatenation (\(Rxyz\) if and only if \(x\) concatenated with \(y\) results in \(z)\). In these models, the structural rules of contraction, weakening and permutation all fail, but premise combination is associative.

The contemporary literature on linguistic classification extends the basic Lambek Calculus with richer forms of combination, in which more syntactic features can be modelled (see Moortgat 1995).

Another application of these models is in the treatment of the semantics of function application. We can think of the points in a model structure as both functions and data, and hold that \(Rxyz\) if and only if \(x\) (considered as a function) applied to \(y\) (considered as data) is \(z\). Traditional accounts of functions do not encourage this dual use, since functions are taken to be of a ‘higher’ than their inputs or outputs (on the traditional set-theoretic model of functions, a function \(is\) the set of its input-output pairs, and so, it can never take itself as an input, since sets cannot contain themselves as members). However, systems of functions modelled by the untyped \(\lambda\)-calculus, for example, allow for self-application. Given this reading of points in a model, a point is of type \(A \rightarrow B\) just if whenever it takes inputs of type \(A\), it takes outputs of type \(B\). The inference rules of this system are then principles governing types of functions: the sequent

\[ (A \rightarrow B) \amp(A \rightarrow C) \vdash A \rightarrow (B \amp C) \]

tells us that whenever a function takes \(A\)s to \(B\)s and \(A\)s to \(C\)s, then it takes \(A\)s to things that are both \(B\) and \(C\).

This example gives us a model in which the appropriate substructural logic is extremely weak. None of the usual structural rules (not even associativity) are satisfied in this model. This example of a ternary relational model is discussed in (Restall 2000, Chapter 11).

For the relevant logic \(\mathbf{R}\) and its interpretation of natural language conditionals, more work must be done in identifying what features of reality the formal semantics models. This has been a matter of some controversy, since not only is the ternary relation unfamiliar to those whose exposure is primarily to modal logics with a simpler binary accessibility relation between possible worlds, but also because of the novelty of the treatment of negation in models for relevant logics. It is not our place to discuss this debate in much detail here, Some of this work is reported in the article on relevant logic in this Encyclopedia, and a book-length treatment of relevant logic in this light is Mares’ Relevant Logic: a philosophical interpretation (2004).

5. Quantifiers

The treatment of quantifiers in models for substructural logics has proved to be quite difficult, but advances have been made in the early 2000s. The difficulty came in what seemed to be a mismatch between the proof theory and model theory for quantifiers. Appropriate axioms or rules for the quantifiers are relatively straightforward. The universal quantifier elimination axiom \[ \forall xA \rightarrow A[t/x] \] states that an instance follows (in the relevant sense) from its universal generalisation. The introduction rule \[ \cfrac{\vdash A\rightarrow B} {\vdash A\rightarrow \forall xB} \] (where the proviso that \(x\) is not free in \(A\) holds) tells us that if we can prove an instance of the generalisation \(\forall xB\), as a matter of logic, from some assumption which makes no particular claim about that instance, we can also prove the generalisation from that assumption. This axiom and rule seems to fit nicely with any interpretation of the first-order quantifiers in a range of substructural logics, from the weakest systems, to strong systems like \(\mathbf{R}\).

While the proof theory for quantifiers seems well behaved, the generalisation to model theory for substructural logics has proved difficult. Richard Routley (1980) showed that adding the rules for the quantifiers to a very weak system of substructural logic \(\mathbf{B}\) fits appropriately with the ternary relational semantics, where quantifiers are interpreted as ranging over a domain of objects, constant across all of the points in the model. This fact does not apply for stronger logics, in particular, the relevant logic \(\mathbf{R}\). Kit Fine (1989) showed that there exists a complex formula which holds in all constant domain frame models for \(\mathbf{R}\) but which is not derivable from the axioms. The details of Fine’s argument are not important for our purposes, but the underlying cause for the mismatch is relatively straightforward to explain. In the constant domain semantics, the universal generalisation \(\forall x Fx\) has exactly the same truth conditions—at every point in the model—as the family of instances \(Fx_1\), \(Fx_2\), \(Fx_3,\ldots\), \(Fx_\lambda,\ldots\), where the objects of the domains are enumerated by the values of the terms \(x_i\). So, the quantified expression \(\forall x Fx\) is semantically indistinguishable from the (possibly infinite) conjunction \(Fx_1\land Fx_2\land Fx_3\land\cdots \). However, no conjunction of instances (even an infinite one) could be relevantly equivalent to the universally quantified claim \(\forall x Fx\), because the instances could be true in a circumstance (or could be made true by a circumstance) without also making true the generalisation—if there had been more things than those. So, constant domain models seem ill-suited to the project of a relevant theory of quantification.

Robert Goldblatt and Edwin Mares (2006) have shown that there is a natural alternative semantics for relevant quantification, and this approach turns out to be elegant and relatively straightforward. The crucial idea is to modify the ternary relational semantics just a little, so that not every set of points need count as a ‘proposition’. That is, not every set of points is the possible semantic value for a sentence. So, while there is a set of worlds determined by the infinite conjunction of instances of \(\forall xFx\): \(Fx_1\land Fx_2\land Fx_3\land\cdots \), that precise set of worlds may not count as a proposition. (Perhaps there is no way to single out those particular objects in such a way as to draw them together in the one judgement.) What we can say is the generalisation \(\forall xFx\) and that is a proposition that entails each of the instances (that is the universal quantifier elimination axiom), and if a proposition entails each instance, it entails the generalisation (that is the introduction rule), so the proposition expressed by \(\forall xFx\) is the semantically weakest proposition that entails each instance Fa. This is precisely the modelling condition for the universal quantifier in Goldblatt & Mares’ models, and it matches the axioms exactly.

6. Logics without Cut or Identity

As we saw in Section 1, structural rules come in two kinds, those that constrain the behaviour of premise or conclusion combination on one side of a sequent (commutativity, contraction, weakening) and those that essentially involve the connection between one side of the sequent and the other (identity, and cut): our treatment of proofs and models for substructural logics have focussed on substructural logics with distinctive choices of structural rules of the first kind. In this last section, it is time to focus on more recent work on substructural logics that reject either Cut or identity.

Logics without the Cut rule have non-transitive consequence relations. In the philosophical literature, there are a number of different reasons cited for rejecting transitivity of consequence in general. One reason is to focus on material consequence (see Brandom 2000) or default consequence (see Reiter 1980, and the entry on Non-Monotonic Logic) rather than necessary and formale consequence. (From Tweety being a bird, the default inference that Tweety flies is appropriate. And, from Tweety being a penguin, we can infer that Tweety is a bird. However, it is in appropriate to cut out the middle step and to infer that Tweety flies from the premise that Tweety is a penguin.)

Another reason to reject transitivity of validity is on grounds of relevance. Neil Tennant has championed a relevant logic that rejects the unrestricted Cut rule on relevance grounds (2017). In Tennant’s core logic, both \(\neg p\vdash \neg p\lor q\) and \(p,\neg p\lor q\vdash q\) hold, but we cannot use Cut to derive \(p,\neg p\vdash q\), for here, the \(q\) is irrelevant and a logical free-rider. In core logic, \(p,\neg p\vdash \) holds (since \(p\) and its negation are jointly inconsistent) but we cannot use weakening to conclude \(p,\neg p\vdash q\). In this logic, the cut rule does not hold in full generality, but a restriction of it does hold. If \(X\vdash A,Y\) and \(X',A\vdash Y'\), then there are subsets \(X^*\subseteq X\cup X'\) and \(Y^*\subseteq Y\cup Y'\) where \(X^*\vdash Y^*\). Restricting Cut on core logic grounds would be of no help to the logician who wants to respond to the semantic paradoxes by admitting \(\vdash T\lambda\) and \(\vdash T\lambda\vdash\bot\) while rejecting \(\vdash\bot\).

The cut-free logic ST of strict/tolerant validity mentioned above is a very different kind of cut-free logic than either a logic of material or default inference or Tennant’s core logic. For one matter, at the level of valid sequents, it just is classical logic, for it is given by Gentzen’s sequent calculus without the Cut rule, and as Gentzen has shown (1935), the Cut rule is eliminable.

The model theory for ST is remarkably simple. We evaluate formulas with respect to a tripartite evaluation. (This could be understood as a function assigning to each formula one of the values \(0\), \(i\) and \(1\), or equivalently as a partial function assigning to each formula either \(0\) or \(1\), but perhaps failing to assign a value in soem cases.) We evaluate complex formulas using the standard classical truth-conditions, naturally modified to allow for partial valuations: \(v(\neg A)=1\) iff \(v(A)=0\), and \(v(\neg A)=0\) iff \(v(A)=1\); \(v(A\amp B)=1\) iff \(v(A)=1\) and \(v(B)=1\), and \(v(A\amp B)=0\) iff \(v(A)=0\) or \(v(B)=0\), and so on. (This is one definition of valuations for Kleene’s strong three-valued logic.) We will say that such a valuation counts as an ST-counterexample to a sequent \(X\vdash Y\) if and only if it assigns \(1\) to every formula in \(X\) and \(0\) to every formula in \(Y\). If we think of the formulas assigned \(1\) as strictly true (or has assertible when we hold ourselves to strict standards) and those that are not assigned \(0\) as tolerantly true (or as assertible when we hold ourselves to more tolerant standards), then the valid arguments are those for which whenever the premises are strictly true, the conclusion is at least tolerantly true. Hence then name, ST. Since validity is not preservation of a fixed value (the consequent standards are lower than the antecedent standards), the Cut rule can, in general, fail.

It is not too difficult to see how this substructural logic is an attractive site to consider the semantic paradoxes. Given the liar sentence \(\lambda\) the derivation of \(\vdash T\lambda\) tells us that the liar is at least tolerantly true. The derivation of \(T\lambda\vdash\bot\) tells us that the liar cannot be strictly true. It is fixed in the middle, with both it and its negation remaining tolerantly true, but not strictly true.

In a similar way, each of the conditional claims in a sorites paradoxical argument of the form \(p_n\rightarrow p_{n+1}\) can be taken to be at least tolerantly true, since with a sufficiently slow variation between cases, there will never be an instance where \(p_n\) is strictly true and \(p_{n+1}\) is strictly false.

Once the ST response to the paradoxes was considered, rejecting the remaining structural rule, identity was natural to consider. Hence, Fjellstand (2015) and French (2016) have examined the logic of the sequent calculus without identity. This, too, has a natural semantics in partial valuations. If we retain Cut but discard identity, then the natural logic is TS: a sequent \(X\vdash Y\) has a TS-counterexample when there is a valuation that sends every member of \(X\) away from \(0\) (i.e., they are at least tolerantly true) and every member of \(Y\) away from \(1\) (i.e., they are not strictly true). A valuation that assigns \(p\) neither \(0\) nor \(1\) is thereby a counterexample to the sequent \(p\vdash p\) and so, we have the means to invalidate the rule of identity.

These substructural logics: those without cut and identity, raise the question of their nature as logics in a way that the first generation of substructural logics did not. ST has exactly the same provable sequents in the logical vocabulary as classical logic, and TS has none. Is ST identical to classical logic? Is TS identical to any other logic with no derivable sequents? To flatly answer “yes” to these questions would be to miss the distinctive behaviour of these logical systems. ST differs from classical logic not at the level of sequents but at the level of the relations between sequents. The Cut rule, which can be understood as an inference rule relating sequents, is valid under any class of two-valued valuations, but is invalid in ST. Similarly, although at the level of sequents the logic TS is empty, at the level of relationships between sequents, it is rich. From this observation has arisen the recent study of meta-inferences (see Barrio et al 2014, and Barrio et al 2019). Reflection on the natural way to understand meta-inferences between sequents in logics like ST and TS which use two different distinguished values has raised a natural question. If we have two different grades of validity (strict and tolerant) at the level of an individual formula, then why restrict ourselves to a single validity verdict when it comes to a sequent? In fact, two natural grades of validity for (level 2) meta-inferences are available to us. A ST validity is a much more tolerant criterion than TS validity. We can say that a sequent-to-sequent meta-inference is TS/ST valid if whenever the premise sequents are TS valid, then the conclusion sequent is ST valid. It turns out, then, that the meta-inference of Cut is indeed TS/ST meta-valid, and the TS/ST valid meta-inferences are exactly the family of meta-inferences traditionally valid in classical logic, and this result naturally generalises up the hierarchy of n-level meta-inferences for all n (Barrio et al 2019).

The connection between the cut-free sequent calculus and three-valued logics has a long history, pre-dating its incorporation into recent work on substructural logics. Schütte (1960) used a non-deterministic three-valued semantics for the cut-free classical sequent calculus, and this work was extensively used by Girard (1987b, Chapter 3), in his analysis of the semantics of the cut-free sequent caclulus. The application of three-valued methods to the classical sequent calculus in the absence of the structural rule of identity was also considered in Hösli and Jäger (1994). This work has application to understanding phenomena in logic programming (Jäger, 1993).


A comprehensive bibliography on relevant logic was put together by Robert Wolff and can be found in Anderson, Belnap and Dunn 1992. The bibliography in Restall 2000 is not as comprehensive as Wolff’s, but it does include material up to the end of the 20th Century.

Books on Substructural Logic and Introductions to the Field

  • Anderson, A.R., and Belnap, N.D., 1975, Entailment: The Logic of Relevance and Necessity, Princeton, Princeton University Press, Volume I.
  • Anderson, A.R., Belnap, N.D. Jr., and Dunn, J.M., 1992, Entailment, Volume II, Princeton, Princeton University Press.
    [This book and the previous one summarise the work in relevant logic in the Anderson–Belnap tradition. Some chapters in these books have other authors, such as Robert K. Meyer and Alasdair Urquhart.]
  • Barrio, E. and Égré (2022) “Substructural Logics and Metainferences” Journal of Philosophical Logic, 51: 1215–1231.
    [A summary of recent work on reflexivity and the Cut rule and characterising different logics in terms of the metainferences they admit.]
  • Bimbó, K. and Dunn, J. M., 2008, Generalised Galois Logics: Relational Semantics of Nonclassical Logical Calculi, CSLI Lecture Notes, v. 188, CSLI, Stanford.
    [A systematic treatment of the ternary relational semantics and its generalisations for substructural logics.]
  • Dunn, J. M. and Restall, G., 2000, “Relevance Logic” in F. Guenthner and D. Gabbay (eds.), Handbook of Philosophical Logic second edition; Volume 6, Kluwer, pp 1–136.
    [A summary of work in relevant logic in the Anderson–Belnap tradition.]
  • Galatos, N., P. Jipsen, T. Kowalski, and H. Ono, 2007, Residuated Lattices: An Algebraic Glimpse at Substructural Logics (Studies in Logic: Volume 151), Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2007.
  • Mares, Edwin D., 2004, Relevant Logic: a philosophical interpretation Cambridge University Press.
    [An introduction to relevant logic, proposing an information theoretic understanding of the ternary relational semantics.]
  • Moortgat, Michael, 1988, Categorial Investigations: Logical Aspects of the Lambek Calculus Foris, Dordrecht.
    [An introduction to the Lambek calculus.]
  • Moot, Richard and Retoré Christian (2012) The Logic of Categorical Grammars, Springer, Berlin.
    [An introduction to the Lambek calculus, including its non-associative variant, multimodal calculi, linear logic and proof nets.]
  • Morrill, Glyn, 1994, Type Logical Grammar: Categorial Logic of Signs Kluwer, Dordrecht
    [An introduction to the Lambek calculus.]
  • Ono, Hiroakira, 2019, Proof Theory and Algebra in Logic Springer, Singapore
    [Not exclusively on substructural logics, this treatment of the relationship between proof theory and algebra treats logical systems quite generally, and includes substructural logics in its remit.]
  • Paoli, Francesco, 2002, Substructural Logics: A Primer Kluwer, Dordrecht
    [A general introduction to substructural logics.]
  • Read, S., 1988, Relevant Logic, Oxford: Blackwell.
    [An introduction to relevant logic motivated by considerations in the theory of meaning. Develops a Lemmon-style proof theory for the relevant logic \(\mathbf{R}\).]
  • Restall, Greg, 2000, An Introduction to Substructural Logics, Routledge. (online précis)
    [A general introduction to the field of substructural logics.]
  • Routley, R., Meyer, R.K., Plumwood, V., and Brady, R., 1983, Relevant Logics and their Rivals, Volume I, Atascardero, CA: Ridgeview.
    [Another distinctive account of relevant logic, this time from an Australian philosophical perspective.]
  • Schroeder-Heister, Peter, and Došen, Kosta, (eds), 1993, Substructural Logics, Oxford University Press.
    [An edited collection of essays on different topics in substructural logics, from different traditions in the field.]
  • Troestra, Anne, 1992, Lectures on Linear Logic, CSLI Publications
    [A quick, easy-to-read introduction to Girard’s linear logic.]
  • Zardini, Elia, 2021, “Substructural Approaches to Paradox,” Synthese, 199: 493–525.
    [A summary of recent work on substructural approaches to paradox.]

Other Works Cited

  • Ackermann, Wilhelm, 1956, “Begründung Einer Strengen Implikation,” Journal of Symbolic Logic, 21: 113–128.
  • Avron, Arnon, 1988, “The Semantics and Proof Theory of Linear Logic,” Theoretical Computer Science, 57(2–3): 161–184.
  • Barrio, Eduardo; Lucas Rosenblatt, and Diego Tajer, 2014, “The Logics of Strict-Tolerant Logic,” Journal of Philosophical Logic, 44:5, 551–571.
  • Barrio, Eduardo; Federico Pailos, and Damian Szmuc, 2019, “A Hierarchy of Classical and Paraconsistent Logics,” Journal of Philosophical Logic, 49:1, 93–120.
  • Bellin, Gianluigi; Martin Hyland, Edmund Robinson, and Christian Urban, 2006, “Categorical Proof Theory of Classical Propositional Calculus,” Theoretical Computer Science, 364: 146–165.
  • Brandom, Robert, 2000 Articulating Reasons, Harvard University Press.
  • Church, Alonzo, 1951, “The Weak Theory of Implication,” in Kontrolliertes Denken: Untersuchungen zum Logikkalkül und zur Logik der Einzelwissenschaften, A. Menne, A. Wilhelmy and H. Angsil (eds.), Kommissions-Verlag Karl Alber, 22–37.
  • Cobreros, Pablo; Paul Égré, David Ripley and Robert van Rooij, 2012, ‘Tolerant, Classical, Strict’ Journal of Philosophical Logic, 21:347–385.
  • Curry, Haskell B., 1977, Foundations of Mathematical Logic, New York: Dover (originally published in 1963).
  • Dunn, J.M., 1991, “Gaggle Theory: An Abstraction of Galois Connections and Residuation with Applications to Negation and Various Logical Operations,” in Logics in AI, Proceedings European Workshop JELIA 1990 (Lecture notes in Computer Science, Volume 476), Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
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  • Fjellstand, Andreas, 2015. “How a Semantics for Tonk Should Be,” Review of Symbolic Logic, 8:488–505.
  • French, Rohan, 2016. “Structural Reflexivity and the Paradoxes of Self-Reference,”, Ergo, 3 No. 05. doi:10.3998/ergo.12405314.0003.005
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    [An English translation is found in Gentzen 1969.]
  • –––, 1969, The Collected Papers of Gerhard Gentzen, M. E. Szabo (ed.), Amsterdam: North Holland, 1969.
  • Girard, Jean-Yves, 1987, “Linear Logic,” Theoretical Computer Science, 50: 1–101.
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  • Hösli, Brigitte and Gerhard Jäger, 1994. “About Some Symmetries of Negation,” Journal of Symbolic Logic 59(2):473–485.
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  • Rooij, Robert van, 2011, “Vagueness, tolerance and non-transitive entailment,’ in P. Cintula, C. Fermüller, L. Godo, and P. Hajek (eds.), Reasoning Under Vagueness: Logical, Philosophical and Linguistic Perspectives, College Publications, pp. 205–222.
  • Routley, R., 1980. “Problems and Solutions in Semantics in Quantified Relevant Logics,” in A. Arruda, R. Chuaqui, and N.C.A. Da Costa (eds.), Mathematical Logic in Latin America, Amsterdam: North Holland, 1980, pp. 305–340.
  • Schütte, Kurt, 1960. “Syntactical and Semantical Properties of Simple Type Theory,” Journal of Symbolic Logic, 25:305–326.
  • Tennant, Neil, 2017. Core Logic, Oxford University Press.
  • Troelstra, A.S., 1992, “Lectures on Linear Logic”, CSLI Lecture Notes (Number 29), Stanford: CSLI Publications.
  • Weir, Alan, 2005. “Naive Truth and Sophisticated Logic” in Jc Beall and B. Armour-Garb (eds.), Deflationism and Paradox, pages 218–249.
  • Zardini, Elia, 2008. “A Model of Tolerance,” Studia Logica 90(3), 337–368.

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