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Notes to Ibn Bâjja

1. For the Almoravid period see: Vincent Lagardère (1989); N.T. Norris & P. Chalmeta, “al-Murâbitûn”, Encyclopedia of Islam, Brill Online, 2007; and the pioneer work: F. Codera (1899, Reprint 2004).

2. See the introductory remark of the editor al-Ḥarâ’irî, taken from Ibn Khallikân, in Ibn Khaqân 1966, p. 1. Also, Francisco Codera, “Familia real de los Benitexufín”, Revista de Aragón, 3 (1903) 418–419.

3. Cf. Ibn Abî Uṣaybi‛a 1886, vol. 2, p. 63; 2001, vol. 3, pp. 274–275; Dunlop 1955b, Predecessors, pp. 108–111; Ibn Bajja 1983, pp. 87, 88, 102, and 152.

4. Ma‛ṣûmî, 1960, 102–108. Ibn al-Khaṭîb, Ihâta fî akhbâr Gharnata, unpublished part of the ms Escorial 1673, fol. 331. Ibn al-Khaṭîb mentions his son ‛Abd al-‛Azîz in al- Iḥâṭa, ed. ‛Abd al-Salâm Shaqûr, (Tangiers: Mu’assasat al-taghlîf wa-al-ṭibâ‛ah wa-al-nashr wa-t-tawzî‛ li-sh-Shamâl, 1988), nº 284, p. 232.

5. Dunlop 1955b, Predecessors, pp. 110–111. Arabic in Ibn Bajja, 1983, Rasâ’il nº 4, pp. 88–96.

6. Ibn Bâjja, 1983, Rasâ’il, pp. 77–81. Spanish partial translation Samsó 1993–1994, 671–672.

7. Ibn Abî Uṣaybi‛a, 1886, vol. 2, p. 51; 2001, vol. 3, pp. 239–242.

8. Ṣâ‛id, 1198, p. 112; English translation 1991, pp. 81–82.

9. Ibn Bâjja 1994, Ta‛âlîq, p. 27, parallel to his Introductory Risâlah, ed. Dunlop 1957b, p. 226.

10. 1994, Ta‛âlîq, p. 29, parallel to Dunlop 1957b, Risâlah, p. 226.

11. Dunlop 1953, Eisagoge, transl. p. 137. Alfarabi's Introductory Sections on Logic does not maintain the distinction, Dunlop 1955a, p. 281.

12. Tamthîl, istiqrâr, in 1994, Ta‛âlîq, p. 31, ll. 5–8.

13. The addition of this sixth term is attributed to Brethren of Purity. Cf. I.R. Netton, Muslim Neoplatonists (Edinburgh University Press, 1991), pp. 47–48.

14. Min kalâmi-hi fî l-alḥân, in 1983, Rasâ’il, pp. 82–83. Manuela Cortés, 1996, pp. 11–23.

15. Sharḥ as-samâ‛ aṭ-ṭabî‛î, 1973, p. 108. English paraphrase in Lettinck, 1994, pp. 536–537.

16. Djebbar 1992. For information on the life of Ibn Sayyid, ibid. p. 30.

17. Lettinck 1999, text and English translation on pp. 383–481.

18. Ibn Bâjja 1973, 1978a, as-samâ‛ aṭ-ṭabî‛î; Lettinck 1994, pp. 676–769.

19. ‛alà l-muqâta‛a, “it does make any difference because any position is acceptable”.

20. Pines was first to underscore the different meaning of qûwa in Avempace and Aristotle: see Pines (1964).

21. Printed in the apparatus of Arisṭûṭâlîs, aṭ-Ṭabî‛a. Tarjamat Isḥâq Ibn Ḥunayn ma‛a shurûḥ Ibn as-Samḥ, wa-Ibn ‛Adî wa Mattà Ibn Yûnus wa-Abî l-Faraj Ibn aṭ-Ṭayyib, ed. A. Badawi, Cairo, 1964-1965, 2 v. Reprinted Cairo: al-Hay'a al-Miṣrîya al-‘Âmma li-l-Kitâb, 1984. Ibn ‛Adî does not have a commentary and the true author is Philoponus. The confusion was due to the fact that Ibn ‛Adî as well as Philoponus, i.e., John the Grammarian (in Arabic an-Naḥwî) have the same name Yaḥyà.

22. See Maier 1958 and Moody 1951.

23. Lettinck 1999, p. 432. Aristotle describes the region as the “joint place of water and air” (Meteo. 346b 18).

24. Nicolaus Damascenus. De plantis: Five translations, H.J. Drossaart Lulofs and E.L.J. Poortman, (eds.) Amsterdam, 1989.

25. Ibn Bajja 2002a, Ḥayawân, p. 74, ll. 16–20. He uses the term tanâsub, opposite to tawâṭu’, univocal.

26. There were at least two Arabic translations circulating, an ancient version from the 9th century, and a later one by Isḥ’âq Ibn Ḥunayn (d. 910): see the “Supplement on Aristotle's On the Soul in the Arabic tradition.”

27. Ibn Bâjja 2007.

28. Ibn Bâjja 1983, Rasâ’il, nº 12, pp. 197–202. Dunlop 1984.

29. Partial edition and English translation Dunlop, 1945, pp. 61–81. Full edition and Spanish translation Ibn Bâjja 1946. New edition by Majid Fakhry, Ibn Bâjja 1968, pp. 37–96. Partial English translation by Lawrence Berman 1963, pp. 122–133. New Spanish Translation by Joaquín Lomba, Ibn Bâjja 1997. Bilingual edition, Arabic and Italian, by Massimo Campanini, Ibn Bâjja 2002b.

30. Asín Palacios 1943; Ibn Bâjja 1968, pp. 113–143.

31. Arabic text (Fî ittiṣâl al-‛aql bi-l-insân) and Spanish translation by M. Asín Palacios 1942. Ed. Fakhry in Ibn Bâjja, 1968, pp. 153–173. Lagardère 1981.

32. Abû Naṣr al-Fârâbî, On the perfect state (Mabâdi’ ârâ’ ahl al-madînat al-fâdilah); revised text with introduction, translation, and commentary by Richard Walzer, Oxford UP, 1985; Reprint Chicago Kazi Books, 1998.

Notes on Sources for Ibn Bajja's Bibliography

1. His poetic activity may have been the cause for misattributing to him a whole dîwân, see Dunlop 1952.

2. Maqqarî 1968, the most relevant passage is found in vol. 7, pp. 17–30.

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