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Notes to Roger Bacon

1. [WFB] III, 534: Si quidem utile genus eorum est, qui de theoriis non admodum socciciti, mechanica quadam subtilitate rerum inventarum extensions prehendunt; qualis est Bacon.

2. Jeremiah Hackett, “Bacon, Aristotle and the Parisian Condemnations,” in Hackett 1997b.

3. Irène Rosier, La Parole Comme Acte: Sur la grammaire et la sémantique au XIIIe siècle, Paris: Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin, 1994. (Sic et Non). This is a very careful and thorough treatment of early and later Bacon on grammar, logic, semantics, and semiotics.

4. Irène Rosier-Catach, “Roger Bacon and Grammar,” in Hackett, 1997a, 70.

5. Jan Pinborg, “Lecture at Oxford,” (1978), manuscript.

6. Alain de Libera, in Hackett, 1997a, 105-106

7. Iréne Rosier/Alain de Libera, “Intention de Signifier et Engendrement du Discours chez Roger Bacon,” in Histoire Épistelologie Langage, VIII-2 (1986, 63-79; See Rosier, La Parole Comme Acte, op. cit. Ch. 4, 123-156.

8. For a critical analysis of the issue of ascription of the Physics commentary to Richard Rufus, see Silvia Donati, “The Anonymous Commentary On The Physics in Erfurt, Cod. Amplon. Q. 312 and Richard Rufus of Cornwall,” Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie Médiévales, 72,2 (2005), 232-359.

9. For a summary of Grosseteste’s Commentary and the references in Bacon to Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics, see Jeremiah Hackett, “Robert Grosseteste and Roger Bacon on the Posterior Analytics,” in Matthias Lutz-Bachmann, Alexander Fidora and Pia Antolic, eds., Erkenntnis und Wissenschaft: Probleme der Epistemologie in der Philosophie des Mittelalters/Knowledge and Science: Problems of Epistemology in Medieval Philosophy, Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2004, 161-212. See also Hackett, “Scientia Experimentalis from Robert Grosseteste to Roger Bacon,” in James McEvoy, ed., Robert Grosseteste: New Perspectives on His Thought and Scholarship, Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1994, 89-119 (Instrumenta Patristica, XVIII); See Simon Oliver, “Robert Grosseteste on Light, Truth and Experimentum,” in Vivarium 42, n. 2 (2004), 151-180.

10. See Dorothy Sharp, Franciscan Philosophy at Oxford in the Thirteenth Century, Oxford: University Press; London: Humphrey Milford, 1930, 127-151.

11. See Theodore Crowley, Roger Bacon: The Problem of the Soul in His Philosophical Commentaries, Louvain-Dublin, James Duffy, 1950; Z. Kuksewicz, “The Potential and the Agent Intellect,” The Cambridge History of Later Medieval Philosophy, ed. Norman Kretzmann, Anthony Kenny, Jan Pinborg, Cambridge, 1982, 595-601, esp. 598-600.

12. Augustine, De dialectica, ed. Jan Pinborg, Dordrecht/Boston, 1975, 86: Signum est quod se ipsum demonstrat sensui et aliquid derelinquit intellectui.

13. Augustine, De doctrina Christiana, ed. Joseph Martin, Turnhout: Brepols, 1962, 32 (Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina, Aurelii Augustini Opera, pars iv,2), 32: “Signum est enim res praeter speciem, quam ingerit sensibus, aliud aliquid ex se faciens in cogitationem venire…”; see Costantino Marmo, “Bacon, Aristotle (and all the others) on Natural Inferential Signs,” in Hackett, 1997b, 136-154.

14. See Thomas S. Maloney, “Roger Bacon on the Significatum of Words,” in Archéologie du signe, eds. Lucie Brind’Amour and Eugene Vance, Toronto: PIMS, 1983, 187-211.

15. [DS], 81-86. I have used the two different classifications from Rosier (Hackett, 1997a) and Maloney, "The Semiotics of Roger Bacon," and combined them.

16. Thomas S. Maloney, “Is the De doctrina Christiana the Source for Bacon's Semiotics?,” in Edward D. English, ed., Reading and Wisdom: The 'De Doctrina Christiana' of Augustine in the Middle Ages, Notre Dame and London: University of Notre Dame Press, 1995, (Notre Dame Conferences on Medieval Themes, 6), 126-142.

17. Thomas S. Maloney, “The Semiotics of Roger Bacon,” Medieval Studies 45 (1983), 120-154.

18. Umberto Eco, “Denotation,” in Umberto Eco and Constantion Marmo, eds., On The Medieval Theory of Signs, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1989, 61.

19. [OHI, XVI], 16-17; See Jeremiah Hackett, “Roger Bacon on Rhetoric and Poetics,” in Hackett, 1997a, 49-66.

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Jeremiah Hackett <>

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