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The Religion Articles of Smith's Dictionary

[An engraving of a scene in which a haloed man armed with a spear stands by a small square pillar with a flame burning on the top of it, in front of a taller pedestal supporting the statue of a half-naked man. A second man looks at the scene as he leads his horse away; behind them all is a tree. It is a depiction of a Roman sacrifice, serving on this website as an icon to represent Roman religion.]

William Smith, D.C.L., LL.D.:
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities
John Murray, London, 1875.

This index page collects the articles in Smith's Dictionary on religion: temples, ritual, festivals, divination, priesthoods etc. For general information about the Dictionary, and for about 400 articles on other topics, see its homepage.

Greek and Roman Religion Articles republished on my site
(major articles are in boldface)

A reminder also that new religion articles continue to be added from time to time:
the What's New Page is here.
Topic Areas Entries

The Gods
and their attributes

For gods and goddesses, see Bulfinch's Mythology. For related material, see the following articles:

Aegis Talaria

buildings & spaces

Templum Ara (the Roman altar) • Argei Asylum Bidental Cella Lararium Pomoerium Sacellum Sacrarium

For specific temples and altars in the city of Rome, see Platner.


dress & cult implements


Feriae Agonalia Augustalia Armilustrium Bacchanalia Carmentalia Cerealia Charistia Compitalia Consualia Decennalia Equiria Floralia • Fontinalia: no article, but see brief information in Platner • Fordicidia: no article, but see article in Daremberg & Saglio Fornacalia • Furrinalia: no article, but see brief information in Platner Hilaria Juvenalia Larentalia Lemuralia (Lemuria) • Liberalia Ludi Ludi Apollinares Ludi Honorarii Ludi Saeculares Lupercalia Matralia not the same as the Matronalia Meditrinalia Neptunalia Novendiale Palilia Populifugia Portumnalia Quinquatrus Quinquennalia (this festival is secular, in fact) • Quirinalia Regifugium Robigalia Septimontium Terminalia Vinalia Vulcanalia

Greek festivals: Panegyris Actia Adonia Aeginetan Festival Aeora Agraulia Agrionia Agroteras Thusia Alaea Alcathoea Aleaia Aloa Amarynthia Ambrosia Amphiaraia Amphidromia Anagogia Anakeia Anaxagoreia Androgeonia Anthesphoria Antigoneia Antinoeia Apaturia Aphrodisia Apollonia Ariadneia Arrhephoria Artemisia Asclepieia Bendideia Boreasmi Boedromia Brasideia Brauronia Cabeiria Carneia Carya Chalceia Chalcioicia Chelidonia Chitonia Chloeia Chthonia Cotyttia Daedala Daphnephoria Delia Delphinia Demetria Diasia Dictynnia Diipoleia Diocleia Dioscuria Eisiteria Elaphebolia Eleusinia (the Eleusinian Mysteries) Eleutheria Ellotia Ephesia Erotia Gymnopaedia Heraea Hermaea Hyacinthia Inoa Isthmia (the Isthmian Games) • Laphria Leonideia Lernaea Lycaea Menelaeia Metageitnia Munychia Museia Mysia Nemea (the Nemean Games) • Oschophoria Pamboeotia Panathenaea (and Hydriaphoria) • Pandia Panellenia Panionia Plynteria Poseidonia Prometheia Protrygaea Pyanepsia Pythia (the Pythian Games) • Sthenia Synoikia Thalysia Thargelia Theophania Theseia Thesmophoria Tithenidia

also: Callisteia (beauty contests) • Hestiasis (liturgical banquets) • Lampadephoria (torch races)

funerals & tombs

Funus (the main article on the Roman funeral) • Cenotaphium Cippus Columbarium Mausoleum Novendiale

magic & astrology

priestly offices

sacrifices, vows, etc.


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