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LEX JU′NIA NORBA′NA of uncertain date, but probably about A.D. 19, enacted that when a Roman citizen had manumitted a slave without the requisite formalities, the manumission should not in all cases be ineffectual, but the manumitted person should have the status of a Latinus (Gaius, I.16, 17, 22, &c., 56; Ulp. Frag. I. XX.8, XXII.3) [Latinitas; Libertus; Manumissio].
A special clause in the Lex took away from these Latini Juniani, as they were called, the capacity of making a testament, taking under a testament, and being appointed tutores by a testament. Yet they had the other parts of the testamenti factio (Ulp. Frag. XX.8). The condition of the Latini Juniani is the subject of an essay by C. A. von Vangerow, Marburg, 1833; see also the remarks of Puchta, Inst. II § 213, on the date of the Lex Junia; and also §§217, 218.
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