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Bill Thayer

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The entries on pp664‑721 of

William Smith, D.C.L., LL.D.:
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, John Murray, London, 1875.


Thayer's Note: I'm not particularly interested in ancient Greece. My site therefore includes, with few exceptions, only those entries that pertain to Rome. In these index pages, those that pertain exclusively to Greece are indicated in grey; I do not plan to put them onsite, although here and there I may change my mind.

LABARUM. [Signa Militaria.]

Labrum: [Balneae.]

Labyrinthus: see separate page.

Lacerna: see separate page.

Laciniae: see separate page.

Laconicum: [Balneae.]

Lacunar: [Domus, p432A.]

Lacus: [Fons.]

Laena: see separate page.

Lagena: [Vinum.]


Lampadephoria: see separate page.


Lanarius: [Pileus.]

Lancea: [Hasta, p588A.]

Lanificium: [Tela.]

Lanista: [Gladiatores.]

Lanterna: [Laterna.]

Lanx: see separate page.

Laphria: see separate page.

Lapicidinae: [Lautumiae.]

Lapis milliarius: [Milliarium.]

Lapis specularis: [Domus, p432A.]

LAQUEAR [Domus, p432A.]

Laqueatores: [Gladiatores, p575B.]

Laqueus: see separate page.

Lararium: see separate page.

Larentalia: see separate page.

LARES: see Dict. of Greek and Rom. Biography and Mythology.

Largitio: [Ambitus, Frumentariae Leges.]


Later: see separate page.

Laterna: see separate page.

LATI′NITAS, LA′TIUM, JUS LA′TII: see separate page.

Latrocinium: see separate page.

Latrunculi: see separate page.

Latus clavus: [Clavus Latus.]

Laudatio funebris: [Funus, p559A.]

Laurentalia: [Larentalia.]

Lautia: [Legatus.]

Lautumiae: see separate page.

Lectica: see separate page.

Lecticarii: [Lectica.]

Lectisternium: see separate page.

Lectus: see separate page.

LE′CYTHUS (λήκυθος), a small narrow-mouthed vessel, the principal use of which was to hold oil, for anointing after the bath, and in the palaestra. It was sometimes of leather, but more often of earthen-ware. Numerous terra-cotta vessels of this sort exist, of an oval shape, holding about a pint, generally painted a plain dark brown or black, but sometimes a bright colour, while a few examples are adorned with beautifully executed paintings. Most of them are the productions of the Athenian potteries (Hom. Od. VI.79; Krause, Gymn, u. Agon. vol. I p189, and in Pauly's Real-Encyclopädies.v.a [P. S.]

LEGATIO LIBERA [Legatus, p678B.]

Legatum: see separate page.

Legatus: see separate page.

Leges: see separate page.

Legio: [Exercitus.]

Legis actio: [Actio.]

Legis aquiliae actio: [Damnum.]

Legitima actio: [Actio.]

Legitima hereditas: [Heres.]

Leipomartyriou Dike • Leiponautiou Graphe • Leipostratiou Graphe • Leipotaxiou Graphe • Leiturgia

LEMBUS, a skiff or small boat, used for carrying a person from a ship to the shore (Plaut. Merc. I.2.81, II.1.35). The name was also given to the light boats which were sent ahead of a fleet to obtain information of the enemy's movements (Isidor. Orig. XIX.1; Liv. XXXI.45, XLV.10). Pliny (H. N. VII.56 s57) attributes their invention to the inhabitants of Cyrene.

Lemniscus: see separate page.

LEMURALIA or LEMURIA: see separate page.

LEMURES: see Dict. of Gr. and Rom. Biography and Mythology.

Lenaea: [Dionysia, p411B.]

LENO, LENOCINIUM: see separate page.

Lenus: [Torcular.]

Leonideia • Lepton • Lepturgi

Leria: [Limbus; Tunica.]

Lernaea • Lesche

Leuca or leuga: [Pes.]

Lex: see separate page.

Lexiarchi • Lexis

Libella, instruments: [Libra.]

LIBELLA, coin: see separate page.

Libellus: see separate page.

LIBER, book: see separate page.

LIBER, free person: see separate page.

Libera fuga: [Exsilium.]

Liberalia: [Bacchanalia.]

Liberalis causa: [Assertor.]

Liberalis manus: [Manus.]º

Liberalitas: [Ambitus.]

Liberorum jus: [Lex Julia et Papia Poppaea.]

Libertus: see separate page.

Libitina′rii: [Funus, p558A.]

LIBRA, unit of weight: see separate page.

LIBRA, scales: see separate page.


Librarii: see separate page.

Librator: see separate page.

Libripens: [Mancipatio.]

Liburna, liburnica: [Navis.]



Lictor: see separate page.

Ligo: see separate page.

Ligula: see separate page.

LIMA, a file, was made of iron or steel, for the purpose of polishing metal or stone, and appears to have been of the same form as the instruments used for similar purposes in modern times. (Plin. H. N. XXXVII.8 s32, IX.35 s54, XXVIII.9 s41; Plaut. Menaech. I.1.9). [L.S.]

Limbus: see separate page.

Limen: [Janua.]

Linteamen, linteum: [Pallium.]

Lithostrota: [Domus; Pictura, sub fin.]

LITIS CONTESTATIO: see separate page.


Lituus: see separate page.

Lixae: [Calones.]

Locati et conducti actio: [Locatio.]

LOCATIO, CONDUCTIO: see separate page.


Loculus: [Funus, p559B.]

LOCUPLE′TES, or ASSI′DUI, was the name of the Roman citizens who were included in the five classes of the Servian constitution, and was opposed to the Proletarii. The term assidui seems to have been the older appellation; but the etymology of both words is very uncertain. (Cic. ',WIDTH,195)" onMouseOut="nd();">Top. 2, de Rep. II.22; Plin. H. N. XVIII.3; Festus, s.vv. Assiduus, Locupletes; Becker, Röm. Alterth. vol. II pt. I pp211, 212.)

LODIX, dim. LODICULA, (σάγιον), a small shaggy blanket ',WIDTH,195)" onMouseOut="nd();"> (Juv. VII.66). Sometimes two lodices sewn together were used as the coverlet of a bed of the Epigrams of Martial'+Lat2+LatSearch+'Lodices',WIDTH,195)" onMouseOut="nd();"> (Mart. XIV.148). The Emperor Augustus occasionally wrapt himself in a blanket of this description on account of its warmth (Sueton. Aug. 83). It was also used as a carpet (ancilla lodiculam in pavimento diligenter extendit, ',WIDTH,195)" onMouseOut="nd();"> Petron. Sat. 20). The Romans obtained these blankets from Verona of the Epigrams of Martial'+Lat2+LatSearch+'Gausapum',WIDTH,195)" onMouseOut="nd();"> (Mart. XIV.152). Their lodix was nearly, if not altogether, the same as the sagulum worn by the Germans (Tac. Germ. 6). [Sagum.] [J.Y.]

LOGISTAE.º [Curatores Reipublicae.]

Logistae • Logographi • Loidorias Dike

Lonche: [Hasta.]


Lophos: [Galea.]

Lora′rii: [Flagrum.]

Lorica: see separate page.

Lorica, in architecture: [Murus; Tectorium Opus.]

Loutron: [Balneae.]

Lucar: [Histrio.]

Luceres: [Patricii.]

Lucerna: see separate page.

LUCTA, LUCTA′TIO: see separate page.

LUDI: see separate page.

Ludus: [Gladiatores, p574B.]

Ludus duo′decim scripto′rum: [Latrunculi.]

Ludus latrunculo′rum: [Latrunculi.]

Ludus trojae: [Circus.]

Lu′mina: [Servitutes.]

Lupa′nar: [Caupona.]

Lupa′tum: [Frenum.]

Lupercalia: see separate page.

Luperci: see separate page.

LUPUS FERREUS, the iron wolf used by the besieged in repelling the attacks of the besiegers, and especially in seizing the battering-ram and diverting its blows [Aries.] (Liv. XXXVIII.3; Veget. de Re Mil. ',WIDTH,195)" onMouseOut="nd();"> II.25, ',WIDTH,195)" onMouseOut="nd();"> IV.23). [J.Y.]

Lustratio: see separate page.

Lustrum: see separate page.


Lychnu′chus: [Candelabrum.]

Lyra: see separate page.

Thayer's Note:

a For a good photograph of a lecythus depicting an Amazon warrior, see my text of Herodotus IV.111; for additional information and a woodcut, see Lecythus in George Dennis's clear appendix on the typology of vases in Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria. (Etruscan rather than Greek or Roman mind you, but pottery forms stayed remarkably constant across the whole civilization.)

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