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p1184 UDO, a sock of goats-hair or felt of the Epigrams of Martial'+Lat2+LatSearch+'Udones',WIDTH,195)" onMouseOut="nd();">(Mart. XIV.140).º Hesiod (Op. et Dies, 542) advises country-men to wear brogues (perones, καρβατίναι) made of ox-hide, with socks of the above description within them. Socks of a finer felt were sometimes worn by the Athenians (Cratinus, p29, ed. Rankel). [J.Y.]
p1213 ULNA (ὠλένη), properly the fore-arm from the shoulder to the wrist, is also used for the whole arm, and even for the whole span of both arms; and hence, as a measure of length, it appears to be used with different significations. In the chief passages in which it occurs (Virg. ')" onMouseOut="nd();"> Buc. III.105, of the Georgics'+Lat2+LatSearch+'ulnas')" onMouseOut="nd();"> Georg. III.355; of Ovid\'s Metamorphoses'+Lat2+LatSearch+'ulnas',WIDTH,195)" onMouseOut="nd();"> Ovid, Metam. VIII.750; Hor. Epod. IV.8) there is nothing to determine its length, except, perhaps, in the last quoted passage, where, however, we may easily suppose the exaggeration of caricature. Servius, however, in his note on the first of these passages, says that it was the space between the outstretched hands, that is, the same as the Greek ὀργυία of six feet; and this is evidently its meaning in Pliny (H. N. XVI.40 s76, 32 s57), where it is important to observe that crassitudo refers to the circumference of the trunk, not to its diameter. Later writers use it as equivalent to the cubit or a modification of it, and hence the modern ell (Pollux, II.140; Solin. 54). [P. S.]
Ultrotribu′ta: [Censor, p265A.]
Umbella: [Umbraculum.]
Umbi′licus: [Liber.]
Umbo: [Clipeus, Toga, p1136B.]
Umbraculum: see separate page.
Uncia: see separate page.
Uncia′rium Fenus [Fenus.]
Unctores. [Balneae, p190B.]
Unctuarium. [Balneae, p190B.]
Unguenta: see separate page.
Unguentarii: [Unguenta.]
Universitas: see separate page.
Uragus: [Exercitus, p506A.]
Urbanae cohortes: [Exercitus, p510A.]
Urceus: see separate page.
Urna: see separate page.
Urpex: [Irpex.]
Ustri′na, ustri′num: [Funus, p559B.]
Usucapio: see separate page.
Usurae: [Fenus, p526B.]
p1221 USURPA′TIO. One sense of this word is "Usucapionis interruptio," (Dig. 41 tit. 3 s2). Appius Claudius, not the Decemvir, but he who made the Appia Via and brought the Aqua Claudia to Rome, wrote a book De Usurpationibus, which was not extant in the time of Pomponius (Dig. 1 tit. 2 s36). In some cases "usurpatio" means the preservation of a right by the exercise of it, as "jus usurpatum," in the case of a Servitus aquae ducendae; and this nearly agrees with that sense of Usurpare which is equivalent to Uti. [Usucapio.] As to the passage in Gellius, III.2, see Savigny, System, &c. IV.365. [G.L.]
Usus: [Matrimonium, p741; Ususfructus.]
Ususfructus: see separate page.
Uterini: [Cognati.]
Uti possidetis: [Interdictum.]
Utilis actio: [Actio.]
Utres: [Vinum, p1203B.]
Utricularius: [Tibia.]
Utrubi: [Interdictum.]
Uxor: [Matrimonium, p740B.]
Uxorium: [Aes Uxorium.]
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