Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, with 1 woodcut.">
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PEDUM (κορύνη, λαγωβόλος, Theocrit. VII.43, 128), a crook. The accompanying woodcut is taken from a painting found at Civita Vecchia (Ant. d'Ercolano, vol. III tav. 53). It shows the p882 crook in the hand of a shepherdess, who sits upon a rock, tending sheep and other cattle (see also woodcut to Oscillum).
On account of its connection with pastoral life the crook is continually seen in works of ancient art in the hands of Pan of Silius Italicus'+Lat2+LatSearch+'baculum')" onMouseOut="nd();"> (Sil. Ital. Pun. XIII.334), and of satyrs, fauns, and shepherds. It was also the usual attribute of Thalia, as the Muse of Pastoral poetry (Combe, Anc. Marbles of Br. Museum, Part III pl. 5).
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