As you embark on the procurement process for Pressbooks, we want to support you. Here are some frequently requested documents you may wish to review and share with colleagues when considering a enterprise Pressbooks subscription for your organization.
Pressbooks Company Overview
Want a more in depth description of our company, products, and services? Read (and share) our “Company Overview”.
“Short Company Overview” in PDF
“Long Company Overview” in PDF
Sample Enterprise Terms of Service / Agreement
You can view sample terms of service for our SaaS-hosted Pressbooks clients.
Privacy Policy
VPAT (Accessibility Assessment)
We take the accessibility of our tools seriously. Find out more about our commitments on our accessibility page, or view our Voluntary Product Accessibility Templates [VPAT®] below:
Pressbooks Authoring Platform VPAT® in PDF
Pressbooks Reading Interface VPAT® in PDF
HECVAT (Vendor Risk Assessment for Higher Education)
EDUCAUSE offers a tool for assessing the risk of third-party vendors called the HECVAT, which stands for Higher Education Community Vendor Assessment Toolkit.
CAIQ (Cloud Security Assessment)
CAIQ, which stands for Consensus Assessment Initiative Questionnaire, is an assessment tool that “helps cloud customers to gauge the security posture of prospective cloud service providers and determine if their cloud services are suitably secure.”