About Program II

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Program II was conceived in 1968 to provide students in Trinity College the option to design their own degree program. As such it complements the majors offered under Program I, serving the needs of students whose intellectual interests cross departmental boundaries or who perceive areas of learning in clusters other than those offered in majors available in Program I.

If you are curious about Program II or want to find out if it is suitable for you, please plan to attend one of the four information sessions we offer each year. You will also want to familiarize yourself with the curricular requirements and opportunities of Program II (including Graduation with Distinction) and visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.

Considerable space is devoted in our Web site to describing the Program II application procedures. The three sample applications that we’ve posted to this Web site will give you a sense of how other students have prepared successful applications. You may find them useful as you prepare yours. If you’d like to look at more applications, you can do so by visiting the Program II office. Our list of Program II titles shows the range of topics that Program II students have explored in the past. Finally, we make it easy for you to contact current Program II students (if you want to pick their brains!) and the Program II office.

By the way, if you are interested in Program II, you may also wish to consider the somewhat-related Interdepartmental Major, particularly if your intellectual interests center on two academic disciplines in Trinity College.

We hope you enjoy your exploration of Program II!