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Launching! Join Us for Wiki Loves Ramadan 2025!

[cagna surgente]

Dear All,

We’re happy to announce the launch of Wiki Loves Ramadan 2025, an annual international campaign dedicated to celebrating and preserving Islamic cultures and history through the power of Wikipedia. As an active contributor to the Local Wikipedia, you are specially invited to participate in the launch.

This year’s campaign will be launched for you to join us write, edit, and improve articles that showcase the richness and diversity of Islamic traditions, history, and culture.

To get started, visit the campaign page for details, resources, and guidelines: Wiki Loves Ramadan 2025.

Add your community here, and organized Wiki Loves Ramadan 2025 in your local language.

Whether you’re a first-time editor or an experienced Wikipedian, your contributions matter. Together, we can ensure Islamic cultures and traditions are well-represented and accessible to all.

Feel free to invite your community and friends too. Kindly reach out if you have any questions or need support as you prepare to participate.

Let’s make Wiki Loves Ramadan 2025 a success!

For the International Team 13:08, 16 Jen 2025 (CET)

Universal Code of Conduct annual review: provide your comments on the UCoC and Enforcement Guidelines

[cagna surgente]

My apologies for writing in English. Aiutatece a traducere dint' 'a lengua vosta.

I am writing to you to let you know the annual review period for the Universal Code of Conduct and Enforcement Guidelines is open now. You can make suggestions for changes through 3 February 2025. This is the first step of several to be taken for the annual review. Read more information and find a conversation to join on the UCoC page on Meta.

The Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) is a global group dedicated to providing an equitable and consistent implementation of the UCoC. This annual review was planned and implemented by the U4C. For more information and the responsibilities of the U4C, you may review the U4C Charter.

Please share this information with other members in your community wherever else might be appropriate.

-- In cooperation with the U4C, Keegan (WMF) (talk) 02:11, 24 Jen 2025 (CET)[rispunne]

Feminism and Folklore 2025 starts soon

[cagna surgente]
Aiutatece a traducere dint' 'a lengua vosta

Dear Wiki Community,

You are humbly invited to organize the Feminism and Folklore 2025 writing competition from February 1, 2025, to March 31, 2025 on your local Wikipedia. This year, Feminism and Folklore will focus on feminism, women's issues, and gender-focused topics for the project, with a Wiki Loves Folklore gender gap focus and a folk culture theme on Wikipedia.

You can help Wikipedia's coverage of folklore from your area by writing or improving articles about things like folk festivals, folk dances, folk music, women and queer folklore figures, folk game athletes, women in mythology, women warriors in folklore, witches and witch hunting, fairy tales, and more. Users can help create new articles, expand or translate from a generated list of suggested articles.

Organisers are requested to work on the following action items to sign up their communities for the project:

  1. Create a page for the contest on the local wiki.
  2. Set up a campaign on CampWiz tool.
  3. Create the local list and mention the timeline and local and international prizes.
  4. Request local admins for site notice.
  5. Link the local page and the CampWiz link on the meta project page.

This year, the Wiki Loves Folklore Tech Team has introduced two new tools to enhance support for the campaign. These tools include the Article List Generator by Topic and CampWiz. The Article List Generator by Topic enables users to identify articles on the English Wikipedia that are not present in their native language Wikipedia. Users can customize their selection criteria, and the tool will present a table showcasing the missing articles along with suggested titles. Additionally, users have the option to download the list in both CSV and wikitable formats. Notably, the CampWiz tool will be employed for the project for the first time, empowering users to effectively host the project with a jury. Both tools are now available for use in the campaign. Click here to access these tools

Learn more about the contest and prizes on our project page. Feel free to contact us on our meta talk page or by email us if you need any assistance.

We look forward to your immense coordination.

Thank you and Best wishes,

Feminism and Folklore 2025 International Team

Stay connected  

--MediaWiki message delivery (chiacchiere) 03:36, 29 Jen 2025 (CET)[rispunne]

Wiki Loves Folklore is back!

[cagna surgente]

Aiutatece a traducere dint' 'a lengua vosta

Dear Wiki Community, You are humbly invited to participate in the Wiki Loves Folklore 2025 an international media contest organized on Wikimedia Commons to document folklore and intangible cultural heritage from different regions, including, folk creative activities and many more. It is held every year from the 1st till the 31st of March.

You can help in enriching the folklore documentation on Commons from your region by taking photos, audios, videos, and submitting them in this commons contest.

You can also organize a local contest in your country and support us in translating the project pages to help us spread the word in your native language.

Feel free to contact us on our project Talk page if you need any assistance.

Kind regards,

Wiki loves Folklore International Team --MediaWiki message delivery (chiacchiere) 03:36, 29 Jen 2025 (CET)[rispunne]

Reminder: first part of the annual UCoC review closes soon

[cagna surgente]

My apologies for writing in English. Aiutatece a traducere dint' 'a lengua vosta.

This is a reminder that the first phase of the annual review period for the Universal Code of Conduct and Enforcement Guidelines will be closing soon. You can make suggestions for changes through the end of day, 3 February 2025. This is the first step of several to be taken for the annual review. Read more information and find a conversation to join on the UCoC page on Meta. After review of the feedback, proposals for updated text will be published on Meta in March for another round of community review.

Please share this information with other members in your community wherever else might be appropriate.

-- In cooperation with the U4C, Keegan (WMF) (talk) 01:48, 3 Fre 2025 (CET)[rispunne]

Prossimo Language Community Meeting (28 febbraio, 14:00 UTC) e Newsletter

[cagna surgente]


Un'immagine che simboleggia più lingue

Siamo lieti di annunciare che il prossimo Language Community Meeting avrà luogo il 28 febbraio alle 14:00 UTC! Se vuoi partecipare registrati su questa pagina.

Si tratta di un incontro condotto dai partecipanti in cui vengono condivisi gli aggiornamenti sui progetti relativi alle lingue, si discutono le sfide tecniche dei wiki linguistici e si collabora alle soluzioni. Nell'ultimo incontro sono stati affrontati argomenti come lo sviluppo di tastiere per lingue diverse, la creazione della Wikipedia in Moore e gli aggiornamenti relativi al supporto linguistico a Wiki Indaba.

Hai un argomento da condividere? Che si tratti di un aggiornamento tecnico del vostro progetto, di una sfida da affrontare o di una richiesta di supporto alla traduzione, saremo lieti di sentirvi! Sentitevi liberi di rispondere a questo messaggio o di aggiungere punti all'ordine del giorno al documento che si trova qui.

Inoltre, volevamo sottolineare che la sesta edizione della newsletter di Language & Internationalization (gennaio 2025) è disponibile qui: Wikimedia Language and Product Localization/Newsletter/2025/January. Questa newsletter fornisce aggiornamenti dal trimestre ottobre-dicembre 2024 sullo sviluppo di nuove funzionalità, sui miglioramenti nei vari progetti tecnici e di supporto legati alla lingua, sui dettagli delle riunioni della comunità e sulle idee per contribuire ai progetti. Per rimanere aggiornati, è possibile iscriversi alla newsletter sulla sua pagina wiki: Wikimedia Language and Product Localization/Newsletter.

Attendiamo le vostre idee e la vostra partecipazione all'incontro della comunità linguistica, ci vediamo lì!

MediaWiki message delivery 09:29, 22 Fre 2025 (CET)[rispunne]

Universal Code of Conduct annual review: proposed changes are available for comment

[cagna surgente]

My apologies for writing in English. Aiutatece a traducere dint' 'a lengua vosta.

I am writing to you to let you know that proposed changes to the Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) Enforcement Guidelines and Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) Charter are open for review. You can provide feedback on suggested changes through the end of day on Tuesday, 18 March 2025. This is the second step in the annual review process, the final step will be community voting on the proposed changes. Read more information and find relevant links about the process on the UCoC annual review page on Meta.

The Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) is a global group dedicated to providing an equitable and consistent implementation of the UCoC. This annual review was planned and implemented by the U4C. For more information and the responsibilities of the U4C, you may review the U4C Charter.

Please share this information with other members in your community wherever else might be appropriate.

-- In cooperation with the U4C, Keegan (WMF) 19:51, 7 Màr 2025 (CET)[rispunne]

An improved dashboard for the Content Translation tool

[cagna surgente]

Ciao Wikipedians,

Apologies as this message is not in your language, Aiutatece a traducere dint' 'a lengua vosta.

The Language and Product Localization team has improved the Content Translation dashboard to create a consistent experience for all contributors using mobile and desktop devices. The improved translation dashboard allows all logged-in users of the tool to enjoy a consistent experience regardless of their type of device.

With a harmonized experience, logged-in desktop users now have access to the capabilities shown in the image below.

Notice that in this screenshot, the new dashboard allows: Users to adjust suggestions with the "For you" and "...More" buttons to select general topics or community-created collections (like the example of Climate topic).  Also, users can use translation to create new articles (as before) and expand existing articles section by section. You can see how suggestions are provided in the new dashboard  in two groups ("Create new pages" and "Expand with new sections")-one for each activity.
In the current dashboard, you will notice that you can't adjust suggestions to select topics or community-created collections. Also, you can't expand on existing articles by translating new sections.

We will implement this improvement on your wiki on Monday, March 17th, 2025 and remove the current dashboard by May 2025. Please reach out with any questions concerning the dashboard in this thread.

Thank you!

On behalf of the Language and Product Localization team.

UOzurumba (WMF) 03:56, 13 Màr 2025 (CET)[rispunne]

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