First released picture of Long March 5 (CZ-5) Heavy Rocket.
The Long March 5 Prototype undergoes assembly and integration testing
Long March Assembly Pad.
A crane lifting one of the
main fuel tanks.

Take Off. CCTV 1 via
This CGI footage from Chinese state television gives us a clear
idea of what the LM-5 would look like in action, including its two main
YF-100 120 ton thrust engines, as well as its four boosters.

Long March 5 Variants. CASIC

Long March Rocket Family. CASIC
This CASIC graphic goes into detail on the various Long March 5
variants, including the 25 ton payload to low earth orbit, and 14 ton
payload to geosynchronous earth orbit (the later is taller since it has
an additional stage to reach the higher orbit).
On sunny, tropical Hainan Island, China is assembling its largest-ever space rocket, the Long March 5. Chinese authorities state that this LM-5 prototype will launch in early 2016 from the Wenchang Space Launch Center. The LM-5 is a 62-meter-tall, 800-ton rocket which can carry up to 25 tons into low Earth orbit, or a 14-ton spacecraft bound for Mars or the Moon.
The assembly testing is a vital step in testing systems integration, on key parts like electrical equipment, sensors and connective valves. As a promising start for the LM-5's progress, its YF-100 engine will be first tested this year by the launch of the Long March 6 light space launch rocket (the medium Long March 7 space launch rocket also uses the YF-100). Producing thrust up to 120 tons, the YF-100 uses liquid oxygen and kerosene as its propellants, providing a more environmentally friendly burn compared to current Chinese propellants. The LM-5's diameter, a large 5 meters, would allow it to carry outsized loads like advanced spy satellites, Shenlong spaceplane and Shenzhou manned space capsules, as well as the modules for China's new Tiangong 2 space station.
On sunny, tropical Hainan Island, China is assembling its largest-ever space rocket, the Long March 5. Chinese authorities state that this LM-5 prototype will launch in early 2016 from the Wenchang Space Launch Center. The LM-5 is a 62-meter-tall, 800-ton rocket which can carry up to 25 tons into low Earth orbit, or a 14-ton spacecraft bound for Mars or the Moon.
The assembly testing is a vital step in testing systems integration, on key parts like electrical equipment, sensors and connective valves. As a promising start for the LM-5's progress, its YF-100 engine will be first tested this year by the launch of the Long March 6 light space launch rocket (the medium Long March 7 space launch rocket also uses the YF-100). Producing thrust up to 120 tons, the YF-100 uses liquid oxygen and kerosene as its propellants, providing a more environmentally friendly burn compared to current Chinese propellants. The LM-5's diameter, a large 5 meters, would allow it to carry outsized loads like advanced spy satellites, Shenlong spaceplane and Shenzhou manned space capsules, as well as the modules for China's new Tiangong 2 space station.
Long March 5 (LM-5, CZ-5, or Changzheng 5) is a Chinese next-generation heavy lift launch system that is currently under development by China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT). Currently, six CZ-5 vehicle configurations are planned for different missions, with a maximum payload capacity of 25,000 kg to LEO and 14,000 kg to GTO. The Long March 5 is planned to roughly match the capabilities of American EELV sized vehicles such as the Delta IV, Atlas V, andFalcon 9. First flight of the CZ-5 rocket will be no earlier than 2015 from Wenchang Satellite Launch Center on Hainanisland.
Wikipedia : Long March 5
Rockets test
Now, if you are new to this, it might seem very strange and scary; but, you do not have to worry, since special shampoos exist to help you pass your testMost stores do not carry fake urine kits because cheating a drug test is against the law While it is convenient to create just two ounces, it is always best to create and carry a little extra Any detox drinks or pills cannot eliminate the traces from the hair follicle, so clearing the test becomes a challenge Many customers have stated they are quite relaxed about drug tests now since they do not worry about maintaining the urine temperature Suppose you are a light user and have a thin layer of marijuana metabolite concentration in your hair and scalp This hair detox shampoo can help you overcome any kind of hair follicle drug testing However, no urine test is infallible, even though companies might back their product with a money-back guarantee. Still, most synthetic urine tests fail because users don’t follow the instructions. Always be sure to: Labs that test urine samples look for a body temperature, meaning 90 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Anything too much like room temperature or too hot suggests tampering. And obviously, don’t let anyone see your kit! One of the oldest tricks in the book is to borrow someone else’s urine and then try to pass it off as your own. However, some companies have started using alternative technology to thwart these plans, including colored dye toilet water, turning off the water temporarily, and banning any jackets or coats, where you might have hidden another specimen. Companies like Test Clear and Clear Choice have devised strategies around this – like securing a synthetic urine bag inside one’s pants leg or bra. Where there’s a will, there’s a way! Any product, particularly one with delicate chemistry, will expire over time. Most synthetic urine lasts 2 or 3 years, as long as it’s stored properly. However, high humidity, an unclean environment, or exposure to oxygen could compromise the product sooner. There’s no significant difference between powder or liquid, except in portability. It depends on how inconvenient it is for you to either mix the formula onsite or just bring it ready to heat in a storage bag. This Detox kit has a unique 3-part solution for passing a drug test comprised of Pre-rid tablets, Dietary fiber, and Detox liquid