Chele Farley

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Chele Farley
Image of Chele Farley

Republican Party, Conservative Party

Elections and appointments
Last election

November 3, 2020


Chele Farley (Republican Party, Conservative Party) ran for election to the U.S. House to represent New York's 18th Congressional District. She lost in the general election on November 3, 2020. She did not appear on the ballot for the Libertarian Party primary on June 23, 2020.



See also: New York's 18th Congressional District election, 2020

New York's 18th Congressional District election, 2020 (June 23 Republican primary)

New York's 18th Congressional District election, 2020 (June 23 Democratic primary)

General election

General election for U.S. House New York District 18

Incumbent Sean Maloney defeated Chele Farley and Scott Smith in the general election for U.S. House New York District 18 on November 3, 2020.

Image of Sean Maloney
Sean Maloney (D / Working Families Party / Independence Party)
Image of Chele Farley
Chele Farley (R / Conservative Party)
Image of Scott Smith
Scott Smith (Serve America Movement Party / L)
 Other/Write-in votes

Total votes: 335,871
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

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Democratic primary election

The Democratic primary election was canceled. Incumbent Sean Maloney advanced from the Democratic primary for U.S. House New York District 18.

Republican primary election

The Republican primary election was canceled. Chele Farley advanced from the Republican primary for U.S. House New York District 18.

Conservative Party primary election

The Conservative Party primary election was canceled. Chele Farley advanced from the Conservative Party primary for U.S. House New York District 18.

Independence Party primary election

The Independence Party primary election was canceled. Incumbent Sean Maloney advanced from the Independence Party primary for U.S. House New York District 18.

Libertarian primary election

The Libertarian primary election was canceled. Scott Smith advanced from the Libertarian primary for U.S. House New York District 18.

Withdrawn or disqualified candidates

Serve America Movement Party primary election

The Serve America Movement Party primary election was canceled. Scott Smith advanced from the Serve America Movement Party primary for U.S. House New York District 18.

Working Families Party primary election

The Working Families Party primary election was canceled. Incumbent Sean Maloney advanced from the Working Families Party primary for U.S. House New York District 18.


See also: United States Senate election in New York, 2018

General election

General election for U.S. Senate New York

Incumbent Kirsten Gillibrand defeated Chele Farley in the general election for U.S. Senate New York on November 6, 2018.

Image of Kirsten Gillibrand
Kirsten Gillibrand (D)
Image of Chele Farley
Chele Farley (R)

Total votes: 6,055,151
(100.00% precincts reporting)
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

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Democratic primary election

The Democratic primary election was canceled. Incumbent Kirsten Gillibrand advanced from the Democratic primary for U.S. Senate New York.

Republican primary election

The Republican primary election was canceled. Chele Farley advanced from the Republican primary for U.S. Senate New York.

Withdrawn or disqualified candidates

Campaign themes


Ballotpedia survey responses

See also: Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection

Chele Farley did not complete Ballotpedia's 2020 Candidate Connection survey.


Campaign website

Farley's campaign website stated the following:

Put New York First
New York isn’t getting its fair share under the failed status quo. Each year, Washington politicians take $48 billion more from New York taxpayers than we get back from the federal government. That’s far more than any other state in the country. Career politicians caused this mess. For too long, New Yorkers have been held hostage by career politicians more focused on their own narrow interests than doing what’s right for our state. Meanwhile, here at home we have crumbling roads and bridges, our public transit systems are falling apart and our access to clean water is jeopardized. As a businesswoman and a negotiator, I will fight to put New York First in the United States Senate and ensure we get our fair share of federal funding to rebuild and improve our infrastructure.

Jobs and Taxes
New York is the highest-taxed state in the country. Onerous tax rates and reduced economic opportunities have caused over 1 million people to flee New York State since 2010. What are we getting for the amount we pay in taxes? Crumbling infrastructure and higher property taxes. A bad deal was only made worse by the recent cap on the state and local tax deduction in the federal tax bill. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand’s solution? A new financial transactions tax. This tax would force out more businesses and create even greater job losses. Gillibrand’s refusal to work to recover the $48 billion we lose every year to Washington is an insult to New York taxpayers. As your Senator, I will fight to get the money back and use these funds to help fix our roads and mass transit systems, which will create jobs and lower taxes for New Yorkers.

Term Limits
Washington is broken. Career politicians spend too much time fighting over partisan issues instead of working for the American people and implementing solutions. The answer is to limit the terms of Congress just like we do for the President. I am running for Senate to represent New York families, not to build a political career. I have pledged to the people of New York to only serve two terms.

Standing with Israel
Chele Farley knows the United States has no stronger ally than Israel.

  • Chele Farley had the pleasure of visiting Israel with Young Israel this past May. Ahead of the new U.S. Embassy’s official opening in Jerusalem, she met with Ambassador Friedman.
  • She supported President Trump’s actions to move the embassy and to get out of the flawed Iran Nuclear deal.
  • No state has as close a connection with the people of Israel than New York. As New York’s Senator, Chele will protect and strengthen that bond and stand strong to protect Israel’s security.
  • She strongly supports and would vote for the anti-BDS legislation in Congress.
  • She is exploring tuition vouchers at the federal level.

A Strong Foreign Policy
America must remain a force for freedom around the world. We must continue to work with our allies to increase our economic ties and strengthen global security. However, our nation’s foreign policy must advance America’s interests FIRST. I strongly opposed the Iran Nuclear Deal because it put Iran on a path to obtaining nuclear weapons and threatened our strongest ally, Israel. President Donald Trump is right to open a dialogue with North Korea in an effort to denuclearize the Korean peninsula.

We must also refocus our trade policies by opening up new negotiations with countries to create a fairer deal for the United States. This includes the threat of tariffs as a way to bring countries to the negotiating table. My years of private sector experience taught me how to renegotiate a bad deal, and that’s what too many of our trade deals are – bad for Americans. We need to fight for American workers, American businesses and American interests. As your Senator, I will make sure New York comes FIRST when negotiating these deals.

Opioid Epidemic
Drug overdose deaths – particularly from opioid abuse – have become a national crisis. From 2000 to 2015, more than 500,000 people died of drug overdoses, with the majority coming from opioid-related addiction. In 2016 the Centers for Disease Control documented 64,000 deaths from drug overdoses with over 3,600 of them in New York.

We must get serious about addressing the opioid-addiction epidemic that is plaguing our communities. As your Senator, I will work to combat overprescribing of opioids, work to increase access to longer-term treatment facilities across the state, work to update privacy laws to make sure medical providers know if a person has struggled with opioid addiction when treating them for other ailments, and support the death penalty for drug kingpins who sell lethal heroin.


—Chele Farley’s campaign website (2018)[2]

See also

External links


  1. Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.
  2. Chele Farley’s campaign website, “Issues,” accessed November 1, 2018

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District 18
Pat Ryan (D)
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Democratic Party (21)
Republican Party (7)