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Term Information

bone morphogenesis
Alternate IDs
The process in which bones are generated and organized. Source: GOC:dph
See term history for GO:0060349 at QuickGO
Chem. react.
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Filter results

Total annotations: 1299
User filters
+isa_partof_closure: GO:0060349
Your search is pinned to these filters
document_category: annotation
Nothing to filter.
The top (3) redundant fields are not shown
(234)Mus musculus
(210)Rattus norvegicus
(151)Homo sapiens
(106)Bos taurus
(103)Sus scrofa
(102)Gallus gallus
(85)Canis lupus familiaris
(60)Danio rerio
(15)Capra hircus
(11)Macaca mulatta
(11)Ovis aries
(11)Xenopus tropicalis
(7)Equus caballus
(6)Ailuropoda melanoleuca
(6)Callithrix jacchus
(6)Pan troglodytes
(6)Pelodiscus sinensis
(5)Meleagris gallopavo
(5)Nomascus leucogenys
(5)Oryctolagus cuniculus
(511)evidence used in automatic assertion
(492)similarity evidence used in manual assertion
(308)sequence similarity evidence used in manual assertion
(291)experimental evidence
(212)mutant phenotype evidence used in manual assertion
(165)sequence orthology evidence used in manual assertion
(61)genetic interaction evidence used in manual assertion
(18)biological aspect of ancestor evidence used in manual assertion
(11)expression pattern evidence used in manual assertion
(7)direct assay evidence used in manual assertion
(5)author statement supported by traceable reference used in manual assertion
(1)sequence alignment evidence used in manual assertion
The top (13) redundant fields are not shown
(850)endochondral bone morphogenesis
(348)cartilage development
(348)cartilage development involved in endochondral bone morphogenesis
(348)connective tissue development
(348)tissue development
(254)endochondral ossification
(254)replacement ossification
(219)bone growth
(219)developmental growth
(219)endochondral bone growth
The top (13) redundant fields are not shown
(850)endochondral bone morphogenesis
(348)cartilage development
(348)cartilage development involved in endochondral bone morphogenesis
(348)connective tissue development
(348)tissue development
(254)endochondral ossification
(254)replacement ossification
(219)bone growth
(219)developmental growth
(219)endochondral bone growth
(304)bone morphogenesis
(254)endochondral ossification
(241)endochondral bone morphogenesis
(91)growth plate cartilage development
(76)cartilage development involved in endochondral bone morphogenesis
(62)craniofacial suture morphogenesis
(44)cranial suture morphogenesis
(39)chondrocyte differentiation involved in endochondral bone morphogenesis
(34)growth plate cartilage chondrocyte growth
(32)growth plate cartilage chondrocyte proliferation
(28)growth plate cartilage chondrocyte differentiation
(16)frontal suture morphogenesis
(14)chondrocyte development involved in endochondral bone morphogenesis
(14)growth plate cartilage chondrocyte development
(8)growth plate cartilage chondrocyte morphogenesis
(7)growth plate cartilage axis specification
(7)lambdoid suture morphogenesis
(7)perichondral bone morphogenesis
(7)sagittal suture morphogenesis
(5)chondrocyte intercalation involved in growth plate cartilage morphogenesis
(5)dermal bone morphogenesis
(3)coronal suture morphogenesis
(1)frontonasal suture morphogenesis
Nothing to filter.
(7)anatomical structure development
(7)developmental process
(7)multicellular organism development
(7)multicellular organismal process
(6)animal organ development
(6)bone development
(6)skeletal system development
(6)system development
(3)anatomical structure morphogenesis
(3)animal organ morphogenesis
(3)bone morphogenesis
(3)endochondral bone morphogenesis
(3)skeletal system morphogenesis
(2)anatomical entity
(2)anatomical structure
(2)biological entity
(2)carbohydrate secreting cell
(2)collagen secreting cell
(2)connected anatomical structure
(2)connective tissue
(59)matrix metalloproteinase pthr10201
(48)collagen alpha pthr24023
(43)exostosin heparan sulfate glycosyltransferase -related pthr11062
(34)transforming growth factor-beta receptor type i and ii pthr23255
(31)thrombospondin pthr10199
(30)sox100b pthr45803
(30)tgf-beta family pthr11848
(28)interferon inducible transmembrane protein pthr13999
(22)c-type natriuretic peptide pthr12167
(21)transcriptional activator cubitus interruptus pthr45718
(20)basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor, twist pthr23349
(19)nuclear hormone receptor pthr24082
(17)guanylyl cyclase pthr11920
(17)homeobox protein pthr24327
(17)outer segment 5 pthr24098
(16)frizzled pthr11309
(16)sphingomyelinase family member pthr16320
(15)fibroblast growth factor pthr11486
(14)cyclic-amp response element binding protein pthr19304
(13)homeobox protein msx pthr24338
(13)ngfi-a binding protein pthr12623
(13)tyrosine-protein kinase receptor pthr24416
(12)cytochrome p450 26 pthr24286
(12)homeobox protein hox-a11-related pthr46092
Total annotations: 1299; showing: 1-10
Results count  
Gene/productGene/product nameAnnotation qualifierGO class (direct)Annotation extensionContributorOrganismEvidenceEvidence withPANTHER familyTypeIsoformReferenceDate
IFITM5Interferon induced transmembrane protein 5bone morphogenesisGO_CentralSus scrofaIBAPANTHER:PTN000360662
interferon inducible transmembrane protein pthr13999proteinGO_REF:000003320170502
LOC121393168Interferon-induced transmembrane protein 5-likebone morphogenesisGO_CentralXenopus laevisIBAPANTHER:PTN000360662
interferon inducible transmembrane protein pthr13999proteinGO_REF:000003320170502
SOX9Transcription factor SOX-9growth plate cartilage chondrocyte growthUniProtPongo pygmaeusISSUniProtKB:Q04887proteinGO_REF:000002420200324
SOX9Transcription factor SOX-9chondrocyte differentiation involved in endochondral bone morphogenesisUniProtPongo pygmaeusISSUniProtKB:P48436proteinGO_REF:000002420110707
SOX9Transcription factor SOX-9growth plate cartilage chondrocyte growthUniProtMacaca mulattaISSUniProtKB:Q04887sox100b pthr45803proteinGO_REF:000002420200324
SOX9Transcription factor SOX-9chondrocyte differentiation involved in endochondral bone morphogenesisUniProtMacaca mulattaISSUniProtKB:P48436sox100b pthr45803proteinGO_REF:000002420110707
BMPR1Breceptor protein serine/threonine kinaseendochondral bone morphogenesisAgBaseTaeniopygia guttataISSUniProtKB:Q05438proteinGO_REF:000002420141217
BMPR1Breceptor protein serine/threonine kinaseendochondral bone morphogenesisAgBaseTaeniopygia guttataISSUniProtKB:F1NTD3proteinGO_REF:000002420141217
N310_13127receptor protein serine/threonine kinaseendochondral bone morphogenesisAgBaseAcanthisitta chlorisISSUniProtKB:Q05438proteinGO_REF:000002420141217
N310_13127receptor protein serine/threonine kinaseendochondral bone morphogenesisAgBaseAcanthisitta chlorisISSUniProtKB:F1NTD3proteinGO_REF:000002420141217
View this term in QuickGO.

Graph of GO:0060349 from QuickGO

Additional external viewing options
Additional internal viewing options
Parents of bone morphogenesis (GO:0060349)
subject[Reorder by subject] relation[Reorder by relation] object[Reorder by object]
bone morphogenesis [is_a relation] is_a  animal organ morphogenesis (GO:0009887)
bone morphogenesis [RO:0002162 relation] RO:0002162  ">Vertebrata (NCBITaxon:7742)
bone morphogenesis [BFO:0000050 relation] BFO:0000050  bone development (GO:0060348)
bone morphogenesis [BFO:0000050 relation] BFO:0000050  skeletal system morphogenesis (GO:0048705)
bone morphogenesis [RO:0002298 relation] RO:0002298  bone element (UBERON:0001474)
Children of bone morphogenesis (GO:0060349)
subject[Reorder by subject] relation[Reorder by relation] object[Reorder by object]
craniofacial suture closure (GO:0160048) [is_a relation] is_a  bone morphogenesis
intramembranous bone morphogenesis (GO:1904770) [is_a relation] is_a  bone morphogenesis
membrane bone morphogenesis (GO:0061973) [is_a relation] is_a  bone morphogenesis
endochondral bone morphogenesis (GO:0060350) [is_a relation] is_a  bone morphogenesis
craniofacial suture morphogenesis (GO:0097094) [BFO:0000050 relation] BFO:0000050  bone morphogenesis
replacement bone morphogenesis (GO:0061971) [is_a relation] is_a  bone morphogenesis
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