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REVISED: 3/11/09


Daedalus Research Group, Petersburg VA.

GTP-350 1989 = Vectored-thrust turboprop, no data. "Development of the GTP-350 turboprop multi-mission aircraft has been slowed down to allow Daedalus staff to concentrate on a smaller (500#) unmanned craft of similar appearance for a US Defense Dept customer." — Jane's AWA 1988/89


H M Daily, Chicago IL.

Daily Old Glory (Chicago Historical Society DN008641)

Old Glory 1910 = No data on this early "gull-wing" bird built for entry in one of the popular local air meets. Ship was motorless at the time of the photo.

Dal, Dalrymple

Wayne Dalrymple & Charles Pheiffer, Wichita KS.

Sport aka Special 1936 = 1pOlwM; 30hp Aeronca E-117; span: 20'0" length: 15'0" v: 120. Short-span ultralight with panted landing gear. [16411].


Glenn Dale, MA.

  Dale Artist's concept (clip: 1935 Popular Science)

1935 = Ambitious, albeit a bit unworldly, concept of another "air-liner of the future," with 16 rotors and 64 blades ("booster-copters"), plus two radial engines to get things going, hopefully in the same direction. US Pat #1981441.

  Dale Air-Dale [NC21736] (Frank Rezich coll)

Air-Dale 1938 = 2pOlwM; 40hp Continental A-40; span: 27'0" length: 21'9" v: 110/x/40. Dan Lake. Faired landing gear. POP: 2; 1 refitted with 50hp Menasco M-50 [NX/NC18972] c/n A-1 and 1 refitted with 65hp Continental C-65 and sold to Swallow Aircraft Co along with the design rights [NC21736]. For likely predecessor SEE Alker Sport.

  Dale Weejet 800 [N8209H] (Johan Visschedijk coll)

Weejet 800 1956 = Primary jet trainer. 2pCmwM rg; 920# Continental J69-T-9; span: 28'0" length: 24'0" load: 1970# v: 334/283/65; ff: 3/30/56 (p: Dale). Harold Dale. Side-by-side cockpit, V-tail. POP: 1 [N8209H]; crashed 4/28/56.

Harold worked on the F-100 and later was a chief engineer on the Saturn rocket program. He served as senior consultant to Global Navigation for many years and at my urging among others, developed the "Century Design Series" of aerodynamic design programs that were the standard for amateur airplane designers for a decade. (— Chuck Patten 6/1/05)

Dallman SEE Bullock

Dan Lake SEE Lake


1946: Faircraft Corp (consortium), Dansville NY. 1946: Dansair Corp.

Coupe 1946 = 3pChwM; 90hp Franklin; span: 36'11" length: 23'4" v: 110/100/48 range: 500; ff: 1/26/46 (p: Elmer Clutter). 3p side-by-side seating; interchangeable movable surfaces. George White, with eight other Curtiss and Bell employees. $3,250 projected; POP: 1. Failing to obtain financial backing, the prototype was sold and scrapped in 1948. Reportedly there was also a "sedan" version in the works that was never completed.


Danville Aircraft Co (T D Ketchpaw), Danville VA.

Sport Plane 1924 = 1pOB; 45hp Anzani; span: 24'0" length: 19'6". [3934] c/n BTE-SCDC-21. Letter of 8/13/30 (by a T B Jaynes) to CAA about its status: "Plane was dismantled over two years ago and it is not contemplated to ever fly again." Reg cancelled 7/10/30.


Nicholas E D'Apuzzo, Ambler PA; Blue Bell PA.

D-200 Freshman, Junior Aero Sport 1974 = 1pOB; 180hp Lycoming O-360; span: 21'8" length: 18'3" load: 4335# v: 160/140/55 range: 300 ceiling: 20,000'.

D-201 Sportwing 1979 = Redesigned D-260.

D-260 Senior Aero Sport 1963 = 2pOB; 260hp Lycoming (also various 190-300hp motors); span: 27'0" length: 21'0" load: 550-600# v: 170/145/52 range: 500 ceiling: 22,500'. Cessna L-19 gear. Development of Parsons-Jocelyn PJ-260M (qv). Plans marketed for home-builders.

de Knight Special SEE de Knight listing below.


Dayton Air Race Associates, Dayton OH; constructed by WBB Associates, Dayton.

Special 1951 = 1pOmwM; 85hp Continental C-85; span: 16'9" length: 20'5" (?>19'0") v: 168 (in racing). Midget racer [N88M]. Orginally built as R&B Special, designed by Edward Walker in Dayton. Crashed on its first flight in 1950, rebuilt and flown successfully in 1951. Later acquired and rebuilt by DARA, flown in races 1958-59 as Miss Dara. Crashed 9/4/66 at Frederick MD from wing failure, killing pilot Oliver Arquilla.


1921: (Melvin E) Dare Aircraft Corp, 6003 14 St, Detroit MI. 1929: Mona-Farr Plane Corp, 2010 Washington Blvd, Detroit.

1921 = 2pOmwM; 400hp Liberty. All-metal experimental. A variable-camber wing mechanism was intended to replace the conventional elevators and ailerons. As a precaution, however, conventional controls were also installed. Initially a German 140hp Benz engine was used, which made the airplane terribly underpowered. After changing to a Liberty, a new test flight was made by Eddie Stinson, who was seen to struggle around the field in wide, flat turns—lateral instability is the word. About a year later the machine crashed and was damaged beyond repair.

  Dare Safety Airplane [X3844] (Aviation)

Safety Airplane 1928 = 2pClwM; 120hp Anzani; span: 31'4" length: 23'0" v: 135/115/30-60* range: 600. Variable-camber, hinged-wing design for the Guggenheim Safe Aircraft Competition; *landed at 30mph with deep camber, 60mph without, take-off at 25mph. POP: 1 [X3844].

  There apparently was a fatal 1929 version, the nose of which is seen in this news photo of the inventor and his pilot at Chicago on 7/20/29. Caption: "S W Brown, pilot, left, and Melvin E Dare, inventor are the latest martyrs to aviation. Dare was inventor of a monoplane with flexible wings which he hoped would be able to land at slow speeds. Brown and Dare flew the plane, which plunged 75 feet to earth when the left wing collapsed, causing the deaths of both."


1933: Dart Mfg Corp, Port Columbus OH, purchase of design and rights from Monocoupe-Lambert Corp. 1938: Reorganized as Culver Aircraft Corp.

  Dart G [NC29401] (Roger D Cain)
  Dart G "Wings" trading card c.1938
  Culver Dart GK [NC20995] (Dan Shumaker coll)

G, GK, GW 1937 (ATC 674) = 2pClwM; 90hp Lambert R-266 and others; span: 29'7" length: 18'7" load: 583# v: 130/110/40 range: 580. From Monosport G design, bought by K K Culver and Al Mooney to form their new company. GK had 90hp LeBlond, GW had 90hp Warner. POP: 56. SEE Culver Dart, ALSO Applegate-Weyant.

LCA 1938 = Same as Culver Dart LCA.


Dauby Equipment Co, 2100 Hyde Park Blvd, Los Angeles CA.

X-16, D-16 Twin Navion 1952 = Engineering for the conversion of a Ryan Navion with two 125 hp Lycoming O-290-As housed in Piper J-3 cowlings, construction by Acme Aircraft Co, Lomita CA. POP: 1 as X-16 [N91793]. Once registered, the model name became D-16, which was purchased by Jack Riley as the foundation for his production of Twin Navions (qv).


Earl Daugherty, Long Beach CA.

  Daugherty (1915 Aviation Age via Joe )

1915 = 1pOB; 50hp Gnôme rotary. No specs or data found, but this could very well be the second of the Max Stupar planes built for Daugherty's exhibition work. In the attendant article, Daugherty was identified as its designer. He also founded Long Beach's civil airport.


Ralph A Daugherty, Saginaw MI.

1931 = Unknown type(s) with Salmson engine, very likely kit-built Pietenpols or similars. [75Y] and [12813], both with c/n 6, are either the same plane re-registered, or a mix-up in the records.

Davenport SEE Wallace Brothers


Bradley Davenport, Colorado Aero Tech.

  Davenport BD-2 [N5131] (clip)

BD-2 Nuggit [sic] 1967 = 1pCB aerobatic ship; 125hp Lycoming O-290-G4, fitted with a dummy radial cowl; span: (upper) 23'0" (lower) 21'0" length: 18'7" v: 130/105/x range: c.450. Bubble canopy. Gross wt: 1325#. [N5131].


George L O Davidson, Denver CO.

Air-Car 1908 = 20pChwM; two 50hp Stanley steam engines; span: 100'0" length: 60'0". Davidson, a British citizen, moved to USA in 1907 where he began construction of his monster flying machine. Half-enclosed in the wings were two 110-blade lifters, each with a diameter of 27'8". Forward and backward flight was to be accomplished by tilting the lifters a few degrees in the appropriate direction. Tailplanes were used differentially for lateral control and in unison for horizontal control, and a rudder was attached to the nose. A preliminary test was made on 5/6/08, when the uncovered central section and the two lifters were completed, but the only power source available was a 10hp Stanley steam engine. By forcing the boiler pressure up to 800psi, Davidson reportedly made the machine lift itself from the ground before the top of the boiler blew off, destroying the whole contraption.

Davis N-1 (USN) SEE N A F


Davis Aircraft Mfg Co (fdrs: Roy J Davis & J D Langman), 485 28th St, Portland OR.

1928 = Plans were to build 3p, 6p, and 8p sport monoplanes, but it is unknown if production ever got under way. Roy Davis, Bruce Cassel.

Davis, Vulcan

1929: (Walter C) Davis Aircraft Corp, Richmond IN. 1929: Acquired Vulcan Aircraft and Doyle Aircraft.

D-1 1929 (ATC 256) = 2pOhwM; 60hp LeBlond 5D; span: 30'2" length: 19'10" load: 495# v: 101/85/38 range: 350. Evolved from V-3. $3,285, $2,995 in 1930; POP: 23.

  Davis D-1-66 [647N] (Dan Shumaker coll)

D-1-66 1930 (ATC 317) = 2pOhwM; 85hp LeBlond 5DF; span: 30'3" length: 21'6" load: 526# v: 112/97/40 range: 360. $3,395; $2,795 in 1931; POP: 4.

  Davis D-1-K [77W] (Dan Shumaker coll)

D-1-K 1930 (ATC 272, 2-148) = 2pOhwM; 100hp Kinner K-5; span: 30'3" length: 19'10" load: 536# v: 130/100/40 range: 400. $4,185, lowered to $3,995, then to $2,995 in 1930, and $2,295 in 1932; POP: 10 to 15.

  Davis D-1-85 Restored and repowered with Warner [N13546] (E A A)

D-1-L aka D-1-85 1930 (ATC 2-195) = Prototype of D-1-66 with 90hp Lambert R-266. POP: 1 [NC647N].

  Davis D-1-W [NC13576] (Joseph Juptner coll)

D-1-W 1930 (ATC 2-394) = 1pO-ChwM; 125hp Warner Scarab; span: 30'2" length: 20'0" v: 142/123/46 range: 480. POP: 8 converted from D-1-K.

Racer 1929 (ATC 2-532) = 2pOmwM; 90hp LeBlond 7D. Modified from a stock V-3 to a shoulder-wing configuration; panted gear. M E Stone. POP: 1 for the 1929 Nationals; won several Air Tours (p: Lewis Love) before being destroyed in a warehouse fire [NR209M].

  Davis V-3 [NC867H] (Ralph Nortell)
  Davis V-3 Early Vulcan V-3 [380] (Frank Rezich coll)

V-3 1929 (ATC 2-119) = 1pOhwM; 60hp LeBlond 5D; span: 30'6" length: 18'6" load: 530 v: 95/80/40 range: 400. Based on de Havilland Moth, and was even advertised as "Davis—The American Moth" into mid-1929 before the D-1 designation was adopted. $2,695 early 1929, then $3,285; POP: 22, of which one was refitted with 90hp Cirrus [NC208M].


Arthur J Davis, E Lansing MI.

Racer 1934 = 1pOlwM; 50hp Franklin 4AC; span: 19'0" length: 16'0". [NX/NR84Y]. Appears to be the Hansen Baby Bullet, piloted by Davis and renamed. 1936 and 1938 registers show the motor as a 37hp Continental


H R Davis, Hobart IN.

Challis B 1956 = 1pClwM; 65hp Continental C-65; span: 22'0" load: 280 v: x/100/50. Relationship, if any, to mid-1930s Challis (qv) is unknown. Built for $1,200. [N3158C].


Charles M Davis, Pauls Valley OK.

  Davis Special [N5343N] (clip EAA Experimenter)

Special 1955 = 1pOlwM; 75hp Continental A-75; span: 17'0" length: 15'6" v: 110/x/50. [N5343N]; possibly also [N5339N].

Sport 1957 = 1pOB; 85hp Continental C-85-12F; span: 21'0" length: 17'0" v: x/125/55; ff: 7/24/57.


1957: (Leeon) D Davis Aircraft Corp, Lake Village IN. 1976: Stanton TX.

DA-1 1958 = 4pChwM; 180hp Lycoming; span: 32'0" v: x/125/x. Flying V-tail, braced wing, spring-steel landing gear. $10,000. [N5822N].

  Davis DA-2A [N187M] (John P Adams coll)

DA-2A 1966 = 2pClwM; 65hp Continental A-65; span: 19'3" length: 17'10" load: 525# v: 120/115/60 range: 450. Flying V-tail. Spring-steel tricycle landing gear. Plans marketed for home-builders. POP: 20 (1976).

DA-3 1969 = 4pClwM. Scaled-up version of DA-2A. 65hp Continental A65 (stressed for up to 100hp); span: 22'3" length: 19'8" load: 600# v: 110/100/65.

DA-5A 1974 = 1pClwM; 65hp Continental A-65; span: 15'7" length: 15'9" load: 315# v: 160/140/x range: 450. Similar data as DA-2A.

DA-6 19?? = 4pClwM; 115hp Lycoming O-235, later 150hp O-320; load: 730#.

DA-7 1984 = 2pClwM; 115hp Lycoming O-235-L2C; span: 20'6" length: 19'2" load: 500# v: x/145/58.

DA-8 199? = 2pClwM, lightweight version of DA-7.

DA-9 Super Pocket Rocket 1990 = 1pClwM; 440hp 2-cyl engine; span: 12'10" length: 15'0" v: 260. Built only for record flights with different engines, has been flown with 90hp Contintal C-90. POP: 1 [N1777D]. DA-10 19?? = DA-9 with 115hp Lycoming O-235.

DA-11 c.1996 = 1pClwM; 18hp Briggs & Stratton Vanguard; span: 12'9" load: 200# v: 155/125/x. All-metal low-power version, similar to DA-9, with tricycle gear, V-tail, and a poignant inscription on its fuselage: "Mower power to the people."


Gilbert Davis, Nampa ID. 19??: Davis Wing Ltd, Boise ID.

Starship Alpha 1986 = 1pC flying wing; ducted fanjet pusher powered by a Lycoming O-320; span: 40'0" length: 12'0" load: 2020# v: 185/172/52 range: 1800 ceiling: 24,000'; ff: 6/10/86. Goal was to further the Northrop Flying Wing concept as a general aviation aircraft constructed of composite material; however, vandalism of the hangar, including destruction of the partially-built larger 3p Gemini prototype, brought about financial straits. POP: 1 [N5531N]. Reportedly new funding was obtained (2001), and the project was resumed.


C R Dawson, Glenn W Johnson & Clay Henley, Coeur d'Alene ID.

Pistol Ball 1948 = 1pClwM; 85hp Continental C-85; span: 16'0" length: 17'6". Midget racer [N58915], damaged in trials.

Pistol Ball II 1949 = Midget racer; span: 15'0" length: 19'0" [N4H].


Charles Healy Day, Paterson NJ.

  Day Tractor (Smithsonian archives)

1910 (Los Angeles) = 1pOB tractor; semi-radial Day-modified tractor motor. Framework fuselage, pilot seat aft of wings.

  Day Special Errant [NR2007] (Smithsonian archives)

A, Special 1931 = 2pOB; 120hp Martin D-333; span: 34'0" length: 24'9" load: 700# v: 115/85/x. $4,500; POP: 1 [NR2007], built for an around-the-world flight for Day (of Gates-Day Aircraft Co) and his wife, Gladys, that began 5/8/32, when the plane, Errant, was loaded aboard a steamer bound for London. After reassembly there, they flew to Shanghai by way of central Europe and southern Asia, shipped the plane to San Francisco, and continued the flight across the US to end a seven-month adventure that covered 24,000 miles, of which 16,000 were flown over 27 nations. Total expenses then? About $6,000, including shipping by boat.


Robert R Days, Wadsworth OH.

Comet Sport 1935 = 1pOB; 110hp Siemens-Halske. [14516] c/n 2.

Dayton Overmount SEE Chicago-Midwest



Herbert F Dean, Flint MI.

Delt-Air 250 1961 = 2pClwM rg; 180hp Lycoming O-360A pusher; span: 16'3" length: 23'5" load: 608# v (est): 240/218/70. Tailpost prop. POP: 1 [N6379T]. Crashed on its first flight 11/8/61, killing Dean. However, the attractive, jetlike delta-wing design appealed to F D Pittman of Sapulpa OK, who obtained the wreck to rebuild. Whether he did or not is unknown to AeroFiles.


Carlyle W Dean, VA.

Parasol c.1971 = 1pOhwM. [N2900].

De Berry

E P de Berry, Pacific Aero Club, Los Angeles CA.

1911 = 1pOB; 30hp Rutenber pusher; span: 30'0". Voisin-type landing gear. Fabric, on the top side of the wings only, was treated with a "secret preparation invented by de Berry's brother" as an elasticizer and preservative.

de Bothezat

Dr George de Bothezat, New York NY. c.1938: Helicopter Corp of America, Roosevelt Field, Long Island NY.

  Engineering Division H-1 (clip: 1923 Scientific American)
  de Bothezat and Bane (clip: ibid.)

Helicopter 1922 = The first helicopter to actually fly untethered. 1pOH; 170hp LeRhôme rotary, later replaced by 200hp Bentley BR-2; span: 26'6" length: 26'6" load: 1000#; ff: 10/19/22 (p: Thurman H Bane) in a flight of 01m:42s at a height of about six feet. Codesigner: Ivan Jerome. Rotary-wing aircraft was financed by US Army as Engineering Division H-1. Four six-blade rotors on an open-girder framework, with the motor mounted horizontally next to the pilot's seat. Although tipping the scales at 3400#, the incredibly busy machine lifted its own weight, plus that of pilot Bane and three men hanging from its structure, during tests at McCook Field OH on 4/17/23. By that time it had logged more than 50 flights, but further development was finally halted when stability problems could not be overcome. This claim for a first contests that of Henry Berliner's earlier free-flight at College Park (6/16/22), which is equally credited with the feat.

Helicopter 1940 = 1pCH. 85hp radial with two coaxial rotors. POP: 1, completed by de Bothezat's colleagues after he passed away in 1939 [NX15699].


Donald DeBusschere, no location.

  DeBusschere Skylark I [N3699A] (Bernhard C F Klein coll)

Skylark I 19?? = Home-built. 1pOAg; VW engine. [N3699A].

Skylark II 19?? = Home-built. No data.

DeChenne (Monett)

DeChenne (or Monett) Motor & Aeroplane Co (pres: L B Durnil), Monett MO.

1911 = 1pOB; 50hp Holbrook pusher, later 50hp DeChenne. Ed DeChenne. All-aluminum mainframe, pretty much a direct copy of Curtiss, aka Monett Biplane and, for unfound reasons, Dechene-Sowers [sic]. Although there is claim of the plane never flew and was used exclusively as a ground trainer, there are reports from eyewitnesses that it was used in demonstrations flown by self-taught pharmacist, Logan D McKee. Whichever, it went into storage 1912 and eventually disappeared.

de Haven & Watkins

Claude de Haven & A C Watkins, San Francisco CA.

c.1909 = OM. No other data except that it had an "A C Watkins' patent equilibrium device."

de Havilland


1928: de Havilland Aircraft of Canada, div of (Geoffrey) de Havilland Aircraft Co (UK), Downsview Ontario.

  de Havilland YC-7 [63-13686, 57-3082] (Eric Blocher coll)
  de Havilland YC-7 Miscellaneous shots (Eric Blocher coll)

YAC, YCV 1957 = POP: 5 [57-3079/3083], redesignated as YCV-2A in 1962 and YC-7A in 1968. AC-1, CV-2 Caribou 1959 = Army utility transport from civil DHC-4. POP: 111 as AC-1 [60-3762/3768, -5430/5444, 61-2384/2407, -2591/2600, 62-4144/4196, -12583/12584] and cancelled 48 contract [63-7924/7971]. Redesignated as Army CV-2A then C-7A on transfer to USAF.

AC-2, C-7 Buffalo 1964 = US Army version of civil DHC-5. Redesignated as CV-7and C-8.

CV-2B Caribou, C-7B 19?? = POP: 48 to USAF [63-9718/9765]; 17 sold to South Vietnam.

CV-7, C-8 Buffalo POP: 4 transferred to USAF [63-13686/13689], the last one to USN

  Gallaudet DH-4B as McCook Field P-328 with COA-1 wings and struts [23-669] (Matl Archives)
  Aeromarine DH-4B [US Mail 299] might be Wright Field P-299 mod of [AS22-1123], nicknamed "Pregnant Cow"

DH-4 1917 = 2pOB; 400hp Liberty 12; span: 42'6" length: 29'11" load: 1190# v: 124 range: 270. US license-built British design used extensively during and after WW1 by all services, as well as in USPO and civil peacetime roles. POP: 3,106 DH-4 produced by Dayton-Wright, 1,600 by Fisher Body, and 140 by Standard; 135 DH-4M by Atlantic-Fokker and 150 by Boeing. Production in 1923 of 15 DH-4Bs by Gallaudet. Used by the Army until 1928, when it was replaced by A-3; the last government plane was finally retired in 1932. Of 60 model variants specific to US DH-4 production, the more common ones were:

-4A = Revised fuel system.

  Dayton-Wright DH-4 Amb (USN)

-4 Amb = Ambulance [AS63278].

-4B = 88-gal main tank. Included a pontoon version as Dayton-Wright flotation test-bed.

-4B-1 = 110-gal main tank.

-4B-2 = 76-gal leakproof main tank.

-4B-3 = 135-gal main tank.

  Dayton-Wright DH-4B-4 USPO "day plane"

-4B-4 = Airways version, 110-gal tank.

  Dayton-Wright DH-4B-5 (USAAC)

-4B-5 (Dayton-Wright) = Airways transport; 2-seat cabin behind pilot.

-4BD (Dayton-Wright) = Civil crop duster.

-4BG = Smoke-screen equipment.

-4BK = Rigged for night flying.

-4BM = 1p messenger.

-4BM-1 = 2p dual-control transport; 110-gal tank.

-4BM-2 = 2p dual-control transport; 135-gal tank.

-4BM-2 = 2p dual-control transport; 135-gal tank.

-4BP, -4BP-1 = Photography and mapping [AS68233].

-4BS = Supercharged Liberty 12A.

-4BT = Dual-control trainer.

  Dayton-Wright DH-4BW [AS33382] (USAS)
-4BW = 300hp Wright H.

-4C = 350hp Packard 1A-1237.

-4L = 185-gal main tank as XDH-4L [AS64593]; McCook Field P-193.

-4M (Boeing) = Steel-tube fuselage, other upgrades.

-4M-1 (Boeing) = Arc-welded fuselage; 76-gal tank.

-4M-1K, -2K = Target tugs.

-4M-1T, -2T = Dual-control trainers.

  de Havilland DH-4M-2 Peck 2007 restoration [C3360] (Don Parsons)

-4M-2 (Atlantic-Fokker) = Gas-welded fuselage; 110-gal tank.

-4M-2A = Airways.

-4M-2P = Photoplane; 110-gal main tank.

-4BW = 300hp Wright H.
  de Havilland DH-4M2S (USAS)
-4M-2S = Supercharged Liberty; 88-gal main tank.

-4P-1 = [AS42126/42127].

-4R (Dayton-Wright) = "Nine-Hour Cruiser."

DH-9 (Dayton-Wright) 1918 = US wartime production as USD-9A.

DH.94 1939 = One de Havilland Moth Minor was inducted into USAAC in the Middle East on 5/12/39 [42-9128]. No AAC designation assigned, cancelled and plane sold in late 1941.

DHC-1 Chipmunk 1958 = 2pClwM; POP: 157.

DHC-2 Beaver 1948 = Utility/cargo. 2pChwM; P&W R-985; POP: 1,621, of which 980to USAF as L-10/U-6.

DHC-3 Otter 1951 = STOL transport evolution of DHC-2. 14pChwM; 600hp P&W R-1340-S1H1-G; POP: 450, included 193 to USAF as U-1.

DHC-4 Caribou 1958 = Transport; two 1450hp P&W R-2000-7M2;

DHC-5 Buffalo 1974 = Transport; two GE CT64-820-4;

  de Havilland DHC-6 Air Alaska [N700AS] (Eddie Coates)

DHC-6 Twin Otter 1966 = STOL utility/cargo; two P&WCAN PT6A-27;

  de Havilland DHC-7 Air Wisconsin [N791S] (Eddie Coates)

DHC-7 1981= Larger four-engine version of Twin Otter. POP: c.100.

  de Havilland DHC-8 Air Wisconsin/United Express (Eddie Coates coll)

DHC-8 19?? = T-tail STOL airliner. 40pClwM rg; two P&WCAN PW120A turboprops; POP: ??, included 2 DHC-8-100 built by Boeing for USAF in 1987 as Boeing E-9 for radar surveillance duty.

F.8 Mosquito (Canada) 1943 = Fighter-recon. 2pClwM rg; two Packard-Merlin 31; span: 54'2" length: 40'10" v: 365. Differed from the UK-built planes by having US-built engines. POP: 40 [43-34924/34963]. Several British Mosquitos were also flown in combat in Europe by USAAF crews, but retained their British s/ns, as did some units rigged as dual-control trainers.

  de Havilland DHC-2 Mk 3 Turbo Beaver [N53011] (William T Larkins)

L-20, U-6 Beaver 1947 = DHC-2 utility and cargo transport. 4-8pChwM on wheels or floats; 450hp P&W R-985-AN6B; span: 48'0" length: (landplane) 30'4" (seaplane) 32'9" load: 1205# v: 171/148/59 range: 775 ceiling: 26,000' (floats 23.000'). POP: 6 to USAF as YL-20 [51-5110/5111, -6263/6266] and 968 as L-20A [51-16463/16571, -16752/16863, 52-6059/6161, 53-2781/2846, -3711/3737, -7780/7785, -7888/7967, -8159/8170, 54-1666/1739, 55-0681/0708, -3481/3489, -4582/4612 , 56-0351/0426, -4397/4447, 57-2559/2588, -6137/6182, -6522/6525, 58-1978/2077, 59-5916/5918, 60-3530/3545, 61-2940/2942, 64-15462], redesignated as U-6A in 1962.

PT-24 1942 = 200 DH.82Cs ordered by USAAF, and assigned the designation PT-24, were instead impressed into service with RCAF.

U-1 Otter = DHC-3 STOL transport. POP: 193 [55-2973/2978, -3244/3327, 57-6107/6136, 58-1681/1720, -7019, 59-2203/2231]


(---) DeKallis, somewhere in CA.

  DeKallis [N2851D] (Boardman C Reed)

Air Truck 1956 = 1pCT; 450hp P&W R-985; span: 39'42" length: 29'6" load: 2980# v: 93/68/25. Frankensteinian ag triplane, created from BT-13 parts by olive grover DeKallis, reportedly had space inside to carry a Jeep. Four-wheel landing gear, twin booms with twin fins. Operational history unknown [N2851D].

de Knight

William "Bart" de Knight, Levittown PA.

  De Knight Special [N9059H] (K O Eckland coll)

Special 1948 = 1pClwM; 75hp Continental C-75; span: 18'10" length: 16'10" (?>17'11"). Nick d'Apuzzo; ff: 7/15/48. Midget racer [N9700] (p: Bart de Knight); reregistered [N9059H] to become 85hp DDT (acronym for de Knight, d'Apuzzo, and mechanic George Townson) at the 1949 Nationals (p: de Knight), and Miss Dallas in the 1960s (p: Roy Berry).

de Lackner

(Donald) de Lackner Helicopters Inc, Mt Vernon NY.

1946 = Initial tests with a twin-rotor helicopter; 125hp Lycoming.

DH-4 Heli-Vector, later HO, HZ Aerocycle 1955 = Army experiment; 40hp Kiekhaefer-Mercury 325hp outboard racing engine; rotor dia: 15'0" load: 220# v: 65 range: 15-20; ff: 1/22/55. POP: 2 as YHO-2 [56-6928/6939], redesignated as HZ-1 in 1956. Displayed at Army Transportation Museum, Ft Eustis VA.


Dr James Delaurier, Canada.

2001 = 1p ornithopter, developed by DeLaurier in league with the University of Toronto's Institute for Aerospace Studies. Successfully flapped itself off the ground to three feet and sustained flight for 14 seconds and a distance of 1200 feet on 2006 (p: Jack Sanderson). POP: 1 [CGPTR]. In 1991 the Harris-DeLaurier engine-powered model demonstrated the technology required for a full-scale aircraft, and was recognized by FAI as the first successful engine-powered remotely-piloted ornithopter. In 1999 it left the ground briefly during taxi tests (p: Patricia Jones-Bowman).


Deleray Aircraft Works, Freeport NY.

D-5 Sport Plane 1920 = 1pOB; 15hp motorcycle engine; span: 18'0" v: 65/x/35. Slab-sided early ultralight with advertised "complete set of 18 large plans" for $6.00.


Delgado Trades School, New Orleans LA (now Delgado Community College).

  Delgado Flash minus its pants [R68Y] (Frank Rezich coll)

Flash 1937 = 1pClwM; 240hp Menasco Super Buccaneer; span: 17'7" length: 20'4" (21'3" in 1938). Originally designed for 125hp Menasco with retracting gear. Stylish but unsuccessful racer at the 1937-38 Nationals (p: Clarence MacArthur) [R/NX68Y], it did set a new 100km closed-course record of 227 mph. For unknown reasons the ship was never again entered in competition, ending up instead as a school training aid. Destroyed in a warehouse fire c.1947.

  Delgado Maid [NR65Y] (Frank Rezich coll)

Maid 1935 = 1pOlwM; 435hp Curtiss D-12; span: 20'5" length: 21'8". Bryan Armstrong and students. Another class project entered in the 1935 Nationals, but heat problems kept it from competing. The 1936 revision with 700hp Conqueror was destroyed in a test flight [NR65Y]. Delgado School also constructed the Higgins Rotorplane.

DeLloyd Monoplane SEE Cabin-Aire

DeLloyd Thompson

DeLloyd Thompson, no location.

Looper c.1915 = 1pOB; no data.

De Long SEE MacManaman

Del Mar

1940: (Bruce) Del Mar Engr Labs, Los Angeles CA.

DH-1A, -1B, -1C Whirlymite 1960 = 1pOH; 56hp Kiekhaefer Mercury; rotor: 16'0" length: 15'7" load: 220# v: 74/45/0. DH-1B and -1C were tactical and target drone versions.

DH-2A Whirlymite Scout 1962 = 1pOH; 85hp Garrett AiResearch GTP-30-91; rotor: 16'1" length: 16'9" load: 300# v: 85/50/0 range: 90. Serial version of DH-1A.

DH-20 Whirlymite Tandem c.1968 = 1pOH; two 100hp Garrett AiResearch GTP-30-100, each driving a 16' three-blade rotor.


c.1925: (Henri) DeLotty Flying School, no location. 19??: DeLotty Aircraftsmen Co, San Francisco CA.

1929 = 4pChwM. No data, reportedly never finished.

Delta Hawk SEE Velocity


Gurnie A Deming, Lake Worth FL.

Mid-wing 1935 = 1pOmwM; 60hp LeBlond 5D; [11574] c/n B-2. Another with 40hp Continental as [891Y] c/n 1.


Tom Dempsey, Odessa TX.

TD-2 c.1965 = 4pChwM; 150hp Lycoming O-320; span: 27'0" length: 20'0" load: 700# v: x/130/55 range: 390. Dempsey, a jeweler by profession, designed and built this Cessna-like four-seater. [N6110U].

TD-3 Beta Lightning 1969 = 2-3pCmwM; two 160hp Lycoming IO-320; span: 30'0" length: 19'6" load: 1000# v: 270/x/75 range: 975. Twin booms, central nacelle. Fully aerobatic. The aircraft was extraordinary difficult to fly and, after a brief career, its engines were removed and the airframe scrapped. [N138P].

Denien SEE Hocker

Denly SEE Southern (AL)


1985: Denney Aircraft Co, Nampa ID. c.1992: Skystar Aircraft Corp.

Kitfox 19?? = No data, reportedly thousands of kits had been sold globally to home-builders.

Kitfox II, III 1984 = 2pChwM; 52hp Rotax 503, 64hp Rotax 532, 62hp KFM 112; span: 31'4" length: 17'1" load: 560# v: x/75-80/32 range: 275; ff: 5/7/84.

Kitfox IV (XL) (Skystar) 1991 = 2pChwM; 50hp Rotax 503; span: 32'0" length: 18'5" load: 555# v: 95/85/36 range: 160.


Detemple Helicopter Inc, Venice CA.

DH-28 c.1960 = 2pH; 180hp Lycoming O-360-A1A; rotor: 14'0" v: 97/x/0. Gross wt: 1224#.

Detroit Aircraft

1929-30 - Financial consortium as Detroit Aircraft Corp, Detroit MI.

Aircraft Development Corp
Aircraft Parts Co
Aviation Tool Co
Blackburn Aircraft Corp Ltd
Detroit Aircraft Export Corp
Eastman Aircraft Corp
Gliders Inc
Grosse Ile Airport Inc
Lockheed Aircraft Corp
Marine Aircraft Corp
Parks Air College
Parks Aircraft Inc
Ryan Aircraft Corp
Winton Aviation Engine Corp (40%)

Detroit Cleveland

  Detroit Cleveland (National Archives)

Air Ship 19?? = 1pOhwMFb. No info found.


Dewey Airplane Corp (fdr: Lester F Bishop), Dewey OK.

  Dewey (Lester Bishop coll via David Balanky)

1918 = Specs and data are in short supply, but it appears that this was a post-war operation rebuilding Curtiss JN-4Ds, to what extent is unknown. Interesting coverage on Bishop and his many activities is at Dr Ralph Cooper's site.


Jim Dewey, Santa Paula CA.

I 1966 = 2pClwM; 150hp Lycoming O-320; v: 200+. All-metal, tandem two-seater with wings built on Cosmic Wind jigs. POP: 1 [N3Y].

de Witt

Albert H de Witt, Gary IN.

T-1 1929 = 3pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5, span: 30'10" length: 25'6". Built in the shop of Atkinson Aviation Co in Gary, it could be a modified Jenny or Standard. [7241].


Diablo Aircraft Co, Stockton CA.

1929 = 1pOB; 35hp Anzani. POP: 1 [X807M].


1993: Diamond Aircraft Industries Inc, London ONT, Canada; North American div of Diamond Intl, Wiener Neustadt, Austria.

DA20-C1 Eclipse 1999 = 2pClwM; Teledyne Continental 125hp IO-240-B3B; span: 35'8" length: 13'6" v: 188/161/51.

  Diamond Falcon USAFA trainer (Diamond)

DA20-C1 Falcon 2002 = Custom USAF Academy trainers for Embry-Riddle Aero University (FL). POP: 6, civil registered [N916AF, et al].

DA20-100 Katana 2000 = DA-20A1 converted to 100hp Rotax 912S and other refinements.

  Diamond DA40 (Diamond)

DA40-180 Star 1999 = 4pClwM; 180hp Lycoming IO360-M1A or -A4D; span: 39'4" length: 26'3" load: 660# v: x/167/56 range: 690; ff (Canada-built): 12/10/01. Prototype and first issues built in Austria.

  Diamond DA42 (Diamond)

DA42 Twin Star 200? = 4pClwM rg; two 270hp TAE Centaurion J7; span: 44'67" length: 28'1" v: x/200/x load: 1174# ceiling: 18,000'. $478,638 base.

D-Jet 2006 = 5pClwM rg; two Williams FJ33-4; span: 37'6" length: 35'1" load: 2240# v: x/276-362/x range: 1555 ceiling: 25,000'; ff: 4/x/06. $1.4M base.


Diehl Aero-Nautical, Jenks OK.

XTC Hydrolight 1982 = 1pCmwMAm canard ultralight; 25hp KFM pusher; span: 32'0" load: 230# v: 70/60/20 range: 100. Prototype(?) [N2778P]. POP: reportedly about 50 kits sold to home-builders.


(Conrad G) Dietz Laboratories, Cincinnati OH. 1925: Dietz Aeroplane Co, 815 Herman Ave/33 Hess St, Dayton OH. 1928: General Aircraft Corp, Cincinnati.

1927 = 5pOB, war surplus Hisso-powered Standard J-1 rebuilt and modified by John Dietz [NC2198]. Reg cancelled in 1934.

1928 = 3pO/CB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5. 2p cabin between full cantilever wings. POP: 1 "experimental for display at All-American Aircraft Show in Detroit" [X/NC5055]. Concept was studied, and modified plans were drawn in 1929 showing a 110hp Dayton Bear installation, by Aeronca, who assigned it company model designation C-4. It never went past the evaluation stage. Reg cancelled 11/15/28

Nighthawk SEE General Nighthawk

Paraplane 1911 = No data.

Special aka The Comet 1928 = 3pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 36'0" length: 25'0". Described as a Vought fuselage with single-bay Clark-Y wings. POP: 1 [NC3220] c/n 1. "Washed out" 8/9/28.


Garden City NY.

Skylark 1910 = Biplane with no data found.

Distributor Wing SEE Aerial Distributors


Charles W Lay, Cincinnati OH.

1924 = 2pOmwM; 40hp Lawrance L-4; span: 20'0 length: 14'6" v: 100/92/25. Harry Heasel. Small, economical, side-by-side light-plane offered as a kit or ready-built; motor options from 14-40hp.


Cromwell Dixon, Columbus OH.

  Dixon (?) Undated postcard identified as "Dixon's Curtiss Hummingbird, South Dakota State Fair." Unknown for sure if he is this Dixon and if this is the plane described below.

c.1909 = No data, but its "boy inventor," according to 1910 Jane's, "is building it for the NY World New York-Albany $10,000 prize race," curiously reported in present tense.

This was not the plane Dixon was building in 1910. That project was never finished. Dixon joined the Curtiss exhibition team and flew a stock Curtiss pusher. He named it "Hummingbird." He flew this from the summer of 1911 until the fall, when he crashed and died in Spokane WA. (— Jim Newman 1/6/01)

Inspired by the aviation exhibits at the 1904 St Louis World's Fair, Dixon began building his first airship at age 11 and completed it at age 13. Named the "Sky Cycle," the cylinderical balloon utilized a bicycle frame and pedals linked to a three-blade propeller for propulsion, and had a large rudder which carried the American flag. He operated it at the 1907 Intl Balloon Races at St Louis. He later built a more conventional powered airship with a gas bag 60' long by 17' diameter and a bamboo frame slung below to accommodate the pilot and its four-cylinder Curtiss motor. He flew that at expositions, as did Ruth Neely, perhaps the first woman to solo in a dirigible, in 1909, so it is probably the one referred to in Jane's.
    Dixon experimented with a flapping-wing aircraft but I assume he saw the futility of that design and ditched it. I found no record of him ever designing a successful heavier-than-air craft, although he probably could have done so had his life not been cut short. In 1911 Cromwell graduated the Curtiss Flying School and became a member of the Curtiss "13 Team"—probably the most skilled group of exibition flyers in the world at that time. He was the first to cross the Rocky Mountains by air, in the fall of 1911, but the following October died at Spokane WA when he stalled his Curtiss and crashed into a railway embankment.
    I visited his grave, alongside those of his sister and mother at Greenlawn Cemetary in Columbus in 1978, where he was buried in his flying clothes. His headstone reads: "Cromwell Dixon, Young Aviator, Loved By All." While there is a monument to his memory at the Helena MT airport referencing his crossing of the Rockies, and the US Parks Service named a park in his honor, there is no monument to Cromwell Dixon in his home town of Columbus. (— Nick Wantiez 6/31/98)


Jess Dixon, Andalusia AL.

1936 = Roadable helicopter. 1pOH; 40hp air-cooled engine. Coaxial rotor system with cyclic and collective pitch control. "Foot pedals actuated a hinged vane on the tail, counting on rotor downwash for yaw control." In a photo the helicopter is seen hovering, but no test results were found.


Tom Dixon, Burlington NC.

Special 1947 = 1pCmwM; 85hp Continental C-85; span: 17'5" length: 16'0". Midget racer [NX1N] (p: Charles Bing); crashed on a cross-country flight in 1953.



1917: Elwood Junkin & Clayton J Brukner, Troy OH. 1919: DJB Aeroplane Co (Harry Deuther, Junkin & Brukner), the basis for Weaver Aircraft Co.

Flying Boat 1919 = A larger, 40hp version of the Baby Flying Boat (SEE Waco) ended in disappointment. Unable to break loose from the surface of Lake Erie, it was sold to an amusement park as a static novelty attraction.

Scout 1919 = 1pOB; 15hp Hendee. Flew, but was badly damaged in a crash (p: Clayton Brukner). It is thought that an earlier version of this design was built in Battle Creek MI and flown three times for short hops in June 1915.


Edward Doak, Culver City CA. 1940: Doak Aircraft Co Inc, Torrance CA. 1961: Rights and assets sold to Douglas Co.

  Doak DRD-1 [NX25698] (Dan Shumaker coll)

DRD-1 1941 = 2pClwM; 220hp Continental W670; span: 35'0" length: 26'0" load: 723# v: 154/138/53 range: 470. Laminated-plywood construction; Edward Doak, Keith Rider. Prototype primary trainer for USAAC evaluation [NX25698].

  Doak VZ-4 [56-9642] (Edwards FTC)
  Doak VZ-4 transitioning (Edwards FTC)

VZ-4 (Model 16) 1958 = Army experimental VTOL convertiplane. 2pCmwM; Lycoming T53; ff: 2/25/58. POP: 1 as VZ-4DA [56-9642]—some official registers show [56-6942], and it's not beyond possiblity that some painter of numbers on tails might have transposed the "6" and the "9".

Doak & Deeds

(Edward) Doak & (Woody) Deeds Aircraft Co, Culver City CA.

  Doak & Deeds Sportsman [X6581] Note upside-down numbers under lower wing. (E J Young coll)

Sportsman c.1929 = 1pOB; 100hp Anzani, replaced by Menasco in 1930. POP: 1 [X6581] c/n S-100.


Leland Dockery and Ralph Barnecko, Valparaiso IN.

S-1 1933 = 3pOM; 90hp Curtiss OX-5. [831V], destroyed in a ground fire and reg cancelled 1935.


Howard Doerflein, Milwaukee WI.

Sportster 1934 = 2pOM; 95hp Cirrus. [14802].

Doman, Doman-Frasier

1945: (Glidden S) Doman-(Clinton W) Frasier Helicopters Inc, New York NY & Stamford CT. 1949: Doman Helicopters Inc, Danbury CT. 195?: Berlin Doman Helicopters Inc (Europe).

D-10B 1958 = Evolution of LZ-5 as 2-8p utility and cargo helicopter with 400hp derated Lycoming THIO-720-A1A; rotor: 48'0" length: 58'5" v: 104/95/0 range: 850 ceiling: 19,900'; ff: 9/x/58. POP: 1 prototype; production to Europe as Doman- Ambrosini D-10B.

D-11 1959 = 8pOH, open skeletal version of LZ-5.

H-31 SEE LZ-5.

LZ-1 1946 = Modified Sikorsky R-6. POP: 1.

L-2A Pelican 1949 = 5pCH; 245hp Franklin; rotor: 45'2" length: 36'4" load: 1420 v: 85/75/0 range: 220.

  Doman LZ-1A (MI Aviation Yearbook)

LZ-1A 1948 = 2pCH; 175hp Franklin; rotor: 36'0" load: 500# v: 110/85/0 range: 238. Thomas Zeerip. Four-blade main rotor, three-blade vertical tail rotor. A scaled- down test version of a planned 10p passenger design (as HC-1) was never built.

LZ-4 c.1952 = CH; 400hp Lycoming radial; rotor: 48'2" load: 1820 v: 100/85/0 range: 260. POP: 1 [N74147].

  Doman YH-31

LZ-5, H-31, VH-31 1953 (TC 1H10) = 8pCH; 400hp Lycoming SO-580; rotor: 48'0" length: 38'0" load: 2140# range: 245; ff: 4/27/53. POP: 2 [52-5779/5780]. Army contract as YH-31, both converted to VH-31. Also produced in Canada by Doman-Fleet Helicopters Ltd.


1975: Dominion Aircraft Corporation Ltd, Renton WA. Planned establishment in Canada abandoned.

  Dominion 800 A hangar queen for the last decade [N800ST] (D W Beans)

Skytrader 800 1975 = 10p STOL transport, convertible to cargo; two 400hp Lycoming IO-720B; span: 55'2" length: 42'0" load: 3550# v: 170 range: 2000; ff: 4/21/75. [N800ST].


L S Dorland, San Francisco CA.

Helicopter c.1909 = OH; 40hp Curtiss 8. Little data provided by Jane's except for having eight 16-blade 2'0" helices, each enclosed in a separate well, and a total weight of 500# "not including aviator."


Etienne Dormoy, Detroit MI and Dayton OH.

1919 = 1pOB; 18hp Henderson. Etienne Dormoy. An early experiment in ultralights—a basic framework with wings and a pilot's seat behind the motor. POP: 1. The idea was carried over into Dormoy Bathtub. This, flown successfully at Selfridge Field, Detroit, and the following plane were sometimes listed as Packard Motor Co products, but were actually spare-time projects by Dormoy and his co-workers while employed there.

  Dormoy 1920

1920 = 1pOmwM shoulder-wing; 15hp converted V-twin motorcycle engine. Etienne Dormoy. Monocoque fuselage; design was based on Deperdussin, and it eventually led to Buhl Flying Bull Pup. POP: 1. For Dormoy's eary efforts, SEE ALSO Schmidt.

  Dormoy Bathtub (Jerry Turner coll)

Bathtub 1924 = 1pOhwM; 25hp 4-cyl Henderson; span: 24'0" length: 13'5" load: 190# v: 70/60/25. Won Rickenbacker Trophy for its class at the 1924 Nationals. Modified in 1925 with a full-length, covered fuselage. POP: 1, with many subsequently replicated by home-builders even into the 1990s.

The 1925 Bathtub was not the remodeled 1924 Bathtub, it was built from scratch. After the 1924 races Dormoy sold it to a farmer, who taxied it around his cow pasture, but was afraid to fly it. It eventually ended up parked in the field, and his cows chewed the wings away. (-- Jerry Turner 6/9/01)


Charles M Ford, Al M Williams, and members of the Douglas Flying Club, Douglas AZ.

1909 = 1pOB; Buick auto engine pusher. John C Wright, Ben Goodsell; based on the Wright Flyer, and, reportedly, mail-order plans. Converted in 1911 from a glider that was towed into the sky by two horses, and used for student training, it was modified in 1912 to a tractor configuration. Its claim to fame was as the western hemisphere's first warplane when Ford dropped several bombs, fabricated by a Douglas hardware store, on a railroad trestle near Agua Prieta, Mexico, during the border conflict in early May 1913. Little damage done, but this act foretold the darker side of flying machines.


SEE ALSO McDonnell-Douglas


Robert W Dow, Flint MI.

A-1 1931 = No data, but Morehouse engine [12843] c/n A-1. Possibly a kit lightplane. Reportedly crashed in 1932, then Dow, a foreman at Chevrolet Co, repaired and sold it in 1932. It was active as late as 1937.


C L Downer, Salt Lake City UT.

Quintuplane c.1910 = No data except there were five wings, then called "planes," front elevators, and no rudder. Other details, according to 1909 Jane's, were "strictly confidential at present."


1955: Northern Aircraft Inc, Alexandria MN. 1959: Renamed Downer Aircraft Industries Inc, Alexandria. 1964: Assets sold to International Aircraft Mfg Inc (Inter-Air).

  Downer 260 [N711W] (William T Larkins)

14-19, 260A Cruisemaster 1957, 1964 (ATC 143) = Originally as Northern Aircraft, Bellanca 14-19-2 production continued under original ATC; 260hp Continental IO-470F; span: 34'7" length: 23'0" load: 1030# v: x/180/48 range: 455 ceiling: 22,000'. Production ended 12/1/60, but began again c.1962 with 260A model with tricycle gear, then sold design rights to Inter-Air for their production as Miller 260A.

Seabee 1957 = Acquired rights to Republic Seabee for continued production.


1928: Doyle Aero Corp, 3104 Elm Ave, Baltimore MD, formed when Harvey & Wilson Doyle left Vulcan Aircraft. 1929: Div of Detroit Aircraft Corp. 1929: Acquired by Davis Aircaft Co. 1930: Bankruptcy.

DAC Parasol (Detroit Corp) 1929 = O-2 with 90hp LeBlond. POP: 1.

E-2A Sea Pirate SEE Eastman E-2-A Sea Pirate

  Doyle O-2 [NC483] (Frank Rezich coll)

O-2 Oriole 1928 (ATC 247, 2-88) = 2pOhwM; 60hp LeBlond 5D; span: 30'0" length: 19'0" load: 500# v: 103/85/40 range: 350. Harvey Doyle, Ray Crowley; ff: 9/15/28 (p: Otto Melamet). New version of American Moth, evolved into Davis V-3. $2,995; POP: 13. The 1930 economy and a major factory fire forced bankruptcy and sale to Davis Aircraft. (2-88) superseded by (247).

O-3 Oriole (O-2 Special) 1929 = O-2 with 120hp Chevrolair D-4 (Martin 333). POP: 1 conversion [NC10218].


Richard H Doyle, Franklin Park IL.

  Doyle gyroplane [N1125] (Bernhard C F Klein coll)

1961 = 1pOAg; 25hp Volkswagen. Tractor prop, taildragger, twin fins. Used up all the runway without leaving the ground. [N1125].

  Doyle Moon Maid [N12041 (Bernhard C F Klein coll)

Moon Maid 1964 = 1pOlwM; 25hp Volkswagen; span: 23'8" length: 15'1" v: x/72/35 range: 200. Gross wt: 600#. Built in a basement, its dimensions were influenced by the size of cellar stairs. [N12041].


1911: (Herbert Charles) Doyle, Rochester NY. 1923: Doyle-(R M) Brown Motorplane Co, New York NY.

1911 = 1pOB; unknown tractor. Data scarce, but this was one of the first tractor airplanes built in the US.

Motorplane 1923 = No data.


Doyn Aircraft, Wichita KS.

Dart I, II c.1965 = Modifications of Cessnas 170, 172, and 175 with 180hp Lycoming IO-360 and constant-speed prop as Dart I, and Piper Apaches with two IO-360s as Dart II.

Dragon Fly SEE Stiles


Ramon Dreifke, St Louis MO.

D-2 1931 = 2pOM; 80hp LeRhöne rotary; ff (uncertain): 6/25/31. No further data. [568N], reg cancelled 2/15/35.


Willard A Driggers, 1530 Olive St, Washington DC, and Willow Grove PA.

D1-A 1929 = 1pOhwM; 60hp Lawrance L-4; span: 22'9" length: 17'8" v: 95/85/40 range: 245. Parasol wing. POP: 1, [891H] c/n 1 Sunshine Girl III. Damaged in a ground loop in 1936, stored until rebuilt by EAA group in 1968.

D2-A 1933 = 2pOhwM; 100hp Kinner B-5. POP: 1 [2705] c/n 2.


1915: (Ivan Howard) Driggs. 1924: Driggs-Johnson (SEE following entry). 1926: Driggs Aircraft Co, Dayton OH. 1927: Driggs Aircraft Corp/Michigan Screw Co, Lansing MI (manufacture of Rover motors). 1930: Acquired by Skylark Aircraft Co, Muskegon MI. 1937: Western Airmotive Corp, Van Nuys CA. 1940: Dart rights to Phillips Aviation Co.

Coupe 1926 = 2pChwM; 60hp Detroit-Rickenbacker Air Cat. Snug, side-by-side seating. Driggs built and flew his first airplane in 1915 (which disappeared, then resurfaced as part of Pancho Villa's "air force"), but this was his first design specifically planned for production, later requested by WW1 war ace Eddie Rickenbacker.

  Driggs Dart 1 1926 (clip: 1931 Flying and Glider Manual)

Dart 1 aka DJ-1 1924 = 1pO-ChwM; 35hp Anzani; span: 26'0" length: 17'7" load: 192# v: 95/80/42. Modified Driggs-Johnson DJ-1. Won 1926 Ford Air Tour lightplane award (p: Jack Laass) with 28hp Wright-Morehouse. POP: 3, of which 1 to Army with Wright-Morehouse and a 27' variable-camber wing with slots and flaps for tests as an observation plane; load: 239# v: 79/x/55 [26-205]. An unknown number built from home-builder plans marketed in 1931.

  Driggs Dart 2 [4141] (Frank Rezich coll)
  Driggs Dart 2 [7696] (Tom Yanul coll)
  Driggs Dart 2 (Eric Blocher coll)

Dart 2 1926 (ATC 15) = 2pOB; 40hp Anzani; span: 28'0" length: 19'6" load: 370# v: 90/75/30 range: 350. Cantilever interplane struts. $1,750-1,950.

Skylark 1928 = 2pOB; 55hp Michigan Rover. Evolution of Dart 2. POP: 3 [prototype X592E, C664E, C665E]; all were converted to Skylark 3.

  Driggs Skylark 3 [NC542V] (Dan Shumaker coll)

Skylark 3 1930 (ATC 303, 2-180, 2-281, 2-369, 2-469, 2-567) = 2pOB; 75hp Michigan Rover; span: 28'3" length: 22'6" load: 501# v: 105/87/40 range: 300. $3,485; $2,985 in 1931; POP: 17 to 20, of which a few were built or modified by Skylark Aircraft 1930-32. One was still active into the early '70s [N11301]. (2-180) was superseded by (303); other approvals were 95hp ACE (2-281) and (2-567) in 1944, 85hp Gipsy (2-369), and 75hp Michigan Rover (2-469). Project advertised in 1937 by Western Airmotive as Western Pirate, but none was actually built. SEE Skylark, Phillips Skylark.


SEE ALSO Johnson

c.1924: (Ivan) Driggs-(E A) Johnson Airplane & Supply Co, Dayton OH.

  Driggs-Johnson Canary (Walter E Lees coll)

Canary 1925 = 2pOB; ff: 3/10/25. [5161]

  Driggs-Johnson DJ-1 Marked as 'Johnson Bumblebee' [26-205] (Edwards FTC)
  Driggs-Johnson DJ-1 [26-205] (

DJ-1 Bumblebee 1924 = 1pOhwM; 28hp Henderson; span: 27'0" load: 181# v: 84. Ivan Driggs. Cantilever wing. POP: at least 2; 1 was a racer for lightplane competitions, and 1 to US Army [26-205], noted with 28hp Wright-Morehouse and with no special military designation other than "Bumblebee." Sold in 1926 and ended its career as an advertisement for a Dayton gas station, ingloriously parked on its roof. Design elements became Driggs Dart 1.


SSK Airmotive, Ft Walton BEach FL.

Hawk c.1972 = 1pClwM; 65hp Lycoming O-145-B2; span: 20'5" length: 15'0" load: 368# v: 146/121/44 ceiling: 12,000'. Richard Killingsworth.


Stan Dudek, Somerville NJ.

V-1 Sportplane 1955 (?>1958) = 1pOlwM; 65hp Continental; span: 20'10" length: 17'4" load: 300# v: x/95/40; ff: 3/11/55. Originally a clipped-wing Piper J-2, cost $800 to rebuild. [N35A].


Albert Dudek, Cleveland OH.

Pusher 1949 = 1pOB; 80hp LeRhône rotary. Exhibition replica of 1914 Beachey-Eaton.


Dumod Corp, Opa-Locka FL. 1964: Rights sold to Broome Co.

Infinité I, II c.1960 = Modernization of Beech 18 with Volpar tricycle gear, new wingtips, props, and fiberglass control surfaces as I, and 15p stretched fuselage as II.


Chares H Duncan, New York NY.

1911 = Two US patents issued 10/3/11: #1,004,558 for a "novel aeroplane," and #1,004,559 for "ailerons operated by the tilting of planes; also variable center of gravity." No motor mentioned. Was it ever built?


No location.

Special aka DX-1 Sport 1962 = Home-built. 2pOB; 65hp Continental C-65; ff: 4/x/62. [N3793G].

DuCharme SEE EAA Baby Ace


Erwin J Dunham, Hamburg NY.

1927 = 2pChwM; 35hp Anzani, later Lambert. Folding shoulder-wings for garage storage. [X2469].


(William G) Dunn Mfg Co, Clarinda IA.

K-5 Cruzaire 1928 = 3pChwM; 100hp Kinner K-5; no specs or data found; ff: 3/19/29 (p: Jack BEightman). Harold White. POP: 1 [616] c/n 1. A second aircraft, possibly similar design, was begun but not completed when funds ran out.


Harry & Frank Dunn, Anderson IN.

1910 = 1pOB; Curtiss 8 pusher. Similar to the Wright models but with an "improved steering gear, using one lever with four different motions, plus a foot-controlled rudder."

Appeared at Indianapolis Air Meet, June 1910, but the Curtiss motor had problems and allowed only short flights. (— Jerry Marlette)

Dunne SEE Burgess-Dunne

Duramold SEE Clark


William H Durand, 84 St & McKinley Ave, Omaha NB. 1940: Mid-West Airplane Co, Omaha.

A-45 1939 = 2pCM; 45hp Szekely. [NC20718].

Mark V 1978 = 2pCB; 150hp Lycoming O-320-E2A; span: 24'6" length: 20'3" load: 630# v: x/135/60; ff: 6/28/78. All-metal, tricycle gear. Negative-stagger wings. Plans marketed for home-builders for $150. POP: reportedly 80-90.

  Durand XD-85 (EAA)

XD-85 1948 = 2pClwM; 85hp Continental C-85 pusher. Looked like a single-boom Stearman-Hammond. After 20 flights, the wing was demolished in a hangar accident, and the project was dismantled and abandoned.


1919: (Rex C "Cliff") Durant Aircraft Corp, Durant Field, 82 Ave at E 14 St, Oakland CA.

Tour Plane 1920 = 2-3pOB; 220hp Hall-Scott Liberty 6; v: 100/80/28. Redesigners and rebuilders of surplus Standard J-1 trainers.


René Durenleau, Franklin VT.

A-1 Biddy Buddy 1959 = 1pOB; 40hp Salmson 9RA, later replaced by 65hp Continental A-65; span: 19'0" length: 15'0" load: 225# v: 100; ff: 7/x/59. POP: 1 [N7941A]. Marketed plans to home-builders.


No location.

Durl-E-Aire c.1970 = 1pOhwM parasol. [8866].


George J. Dvorak, Redding CA.

MiniOne 1976 = 1pClwM; VW 1700cc; span: 18'0" length: 13'6" load: 265#; ff: 5/x/76.


1911 = No data.


(Charles F & Edward A) Dycer Airport Corp, 136 St & Western Ave, Los Angeles CA. c.1938: Dycer Flying Service, 11156 South Main St.

1930 = 2pM with 160hp engine, no data. POP: 1.

Sportplane 1926 = 3pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 30'0" load: 350# v: 102/90/38 range: 225. Longer lower wing. Charles Dycer, William Hunt. $1,200; POP: 8 to 10 estimated from those found serially in registers [93, 94, 95, et al]. They, like some earlier models, were likely civil conversions of Curtiss JN-4D (eg: [3582] c/n DY-1sub) and Standard J-1, since the Dycers were listed as owning many war surplus planes in the 1920s.


Stephen E Dyer, Aurora CO.

Dyercraft 1 c.1969 = 1pOB; 135hp Lycoming O-290-D2. Both wings and tail unit from Taylorcrafts. [N189B].

Dye, Dye-Morrow

Elmer F Dye & Ed Morrow, Encanto and San Diego CA.

Dart Sport 1929 = 1pOlwM; 40hp Anzani; v: 130/115/x. Built without plans by Ryan Corp employees [822N] c/n 1. Flew successfully despite control problems until damaged in a take-off accident, after which it was scrapped.

-Morrow LW 1930 = 1pOlwM; 80hp Cirrus. Racer, destroyed in a thunderstorm enroute to the Cirrus Derby [NR141W].


(John W) Dyke Aircraft, Fairborn OH.

  Dyke JD-1 [N555A] (magazine clip)

JD-1 Delta 1962 = 3pClwM; 125hp Lycoming O-290-G4 (?>O-290-D); span: 18'6" length: 16'9" load: 675# v: 170/145/65 range: 525. Aircraft mechanic Dyke built this unique double-delta wing airplane in 22 months for only $800. [N555A].

JD-2 Manta Delta 1966 = 4pClwM rg; 180hp Lycoming O-360; span: 22'0" length: 19'0" load: 840# v: 190/160/75 range: 700. Double-delta wing. Plans and tubing kits available to home-builders, where a total of 288 JD-2s were under construction by early 1976.

"Take-off is optional; landing is mandatory." — Robert Thacker

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