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1 January

U.S.--Southern Defense Command is absorbed into Eastern Defense Command.

WESTERN EUROPE--German Air Force is unusually active, employing some 800 aircraft and damaging airfields in Holland, Belgium, and France.

12th Army Group: CG 66th Div takes over 94th Div's mission of containing enemy in vicinity of Lorient and St Nazaire (France).

U.S. Third Army continues Ardennes counteroffensive with VIII and III Corps. In VIII Corps area, 87th Div takes Moircy and Jenneville. 11th Armd Div attacks with CCA toward Hubermont, stopping E of Rechrival, and with CCB clears Chenogne and woods to N. CCA, 9th Armd Div, drives toward Senonchamps. 101st A/B Div, in Bastogne area, gives fire support to 11th Armd Div on its left and 6th Armd Div (III Corps) on its right. 17th A/B Div relieves 28th Div in Neufchâteau area. III Corps contains enemy salient SE of Bastogne, 4th Armd Div holds corridor into Bastogne and supports 35th Div with fire. 35th Div partially clears Lutrebois and reaches crossroads SE of Marvie, but makes no headway in vicinity of Villers-la-Bonne-Eau (Belgium) and Harlange (Luxembourg). In region E of Bastogne, 6th Armd Div takes Neffe, Bizery, and Mageret, but then loses Mageret.

6th Army Group: Germans launch offensive, designated Operation NORDWIND, against U.S. Seventh Army. In XV Corps area, two-pronged enemy thrust forces 106th Cav Gp, 44th Div, and 100th Div to give ground. 44th Div bears brunt of enemy's right flank drive, which penetrates positions NW of Rimling. 100th Div, caught between the 2 attack forces, withdraws its right flank, exposed by withdrawal of TF Hudelson (VI Corps); enemy infiltrators are cleared from Rimling, on left flank. Elements of TF Harris (63d Div) help check enemy. RCT 141, 36th Div, moves up to plug gap between XV and VI Corps. In VI Corps area, enemy drives salient into left flank of corps S of Bitche. TF Hudelson's thin line is pushed back on left to Lemberg-Mouterhouse area. 45th Div contains enemy along line Philippsbourg-Neuhoffen-Obersteinbach and mops up infiltrators in Dambach. Reinforcements from TF Herren (10th Div) and 79th Div are rushed to 45th Div, whose boundary is moved W. CCB, 14th Armd Div, moves to guard Vosges exits. 79th Div's right flank is extended to include Rhine sector from Schaffhouse to Gambsheim area.

EASTERN EUROPE--Fighting continues within and around Budapest, where Russians are slowly eliminating besieged German garrison.

BURMA--Br Fourteenth Army moves its hq from Imphal to Kalemyo, where joint army-air hq is established to insure close co-operation.

CHINA--Gen Wedemeyer radios the War Department his plans to have U.S. officers advise Chinese ALPHA Force from gp army hq down to regimental level.

P.I.--Operations to deceive enemy about Allied intentions against Luzon begin with limited action on Mindoro to clear NE part of island. Subsequent deceptive measures conducted on S Luzon are on a much smaller scale than anticipated and have little effect on the main operation. On Mindoro, control of Western Visayan TF passes from U.S. Sixth to U.S. Eighth Army. Co I, 21st Inf, moving by water from San Jose, lands on E coast at Bongabong without incident and marches northward toward Pinamalayan. On Leyte U.S. Eighth Army mops up, a tedious business that lasts until 8 May 1945. 77th Div of XXIV Corps is ordered to relieve 1st Cav and 32d and 24th Inf Divs of X Corps.

CAROLINE IS.--Elements of 321st Inf, U.S. 81st Div, land on Fais I., SE of Ulithi, and begin search of the island.

2 January

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Br Second Army's 30 Corps area, 53d Div assumes responsibility for Marche-Hotton sector (Belgium), relieving U.S. 84th Div; boundary between 30 Corps and U.S. VII Corps is adjusted.

12th Army Group: In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, Gerimont falls to 87th Div; Mande St Etienne to 11th Armd Div; and Senonchamps to CCB, 10th Armd Div (attached to 101st A/B Div), and CCA, 9th Armd Div. 4th Armd Div protects and enlarges corridor leading into Bastogne from the S and helps III Corps clear woods near Lutrebois. In III Corps area, 6th Armd Div's CCB enters Oubourcy and Michamps but is driven out of latter; unsuccessfully attacks Arloncourt; CCA takes Wardin; div withdraws to high ground W of


Michamps-Arloncourt-Wardin for night. 35th Div continues fight for Lutrebois. 28th Cav Sq of TF Fickett (6th Cav Gp) is committed between 134th and 137th Regts, 35th Div. 26th Div's 101st Inf advances N in area SW of Wiltz.

6th Army Group: U.S. Seventh Army CP is moved from Saverne to Lunéville. In XV Corps area, enemy pressure forces 44th Div's right flank back past Gros Réderching and causes 100th Div's right flank to fall back farther. In VI Corps area, Germans maintain pressure against reinf 45th Div, particularly on its W flank, former zone of TF Hudelson. Fighting occurs at various points along Bitche salient. TF Herren's 276th Inf takes up switch positions in Wingen-Wimmenau-Rosteig area. CCA, 14th Armd Div, organizes outposts at Vosges exits around Bouxwiller. Center and right flank units of corps begin withdrawal to prepared positions on Maginot Line. 79th Div takes over S portion of Rhine R line held by TF Linden (42d Div).

EASTERN EUROPE--Germans are mounting strong counterattacks NW of Budapest in effort to break encirclement of the Hungarian capital.

ITALY--15th Army Group: Br Eighth Army begins series of limited actions to finish clearing E bank of the Senio. In Cdn 1 Corps area, 5th Armd Div attacks northward toward the sea, taking Conventelle.

BURMA--In NCAC area, U.S. 475th Inf begins crossing the Shweli over makeshift bridge put in by 138th Regt, Ch 50th Div, which crossed late in December.

P.I.--Convoys of Luzon Attack Force are assembling in Leyte Gulf. First echelon, Minesweeping and Hydrographic Group (TG 77.6), leaves Leyte Gulf for Luzon and is soon spotted and attacked by enemy planes, including kamikazes. On Mindoro, guerrilla patrol is reinf for attack on Palauan by Co B, 503d Para Inf, which moves to Mamburao. Work begins on one of two heavy bomber fields to be constructed. Enemy planes attacking airfields, night 2-3, destroy 22 aircraft.

POA--VAC LANDFOR Operation Plan 3-44 for invasion of Iwo Jima is approved.

3 January

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: U.S. First Army starts counteroffensive to reduce enemy's Ardennes salient from N. VII Corps attacks SE toward Houffalize with 2d Armd Div followed by 84th Div on right, and 3d Armd Div followed by 83d Div on left. 2d Armd Div gains Trinal, Magoster, positions in Bois de Tave, Freineux, Le Batty, and positions near Belle Haie. 3d Armd Div takes Malempré and Floret and from latter continues SE on Lierneux road to Groumont Creek. 75th Div, after attack passes through its line, continues mopping up S of Sadzot. In XVIII Corps (A/B) area, 82d A/B Div, in conjunction with VII Corps' attack, thrusts SE, improving positions. As a diversion, 30th Div pushes small forces S of Malmédy and then withdraws them as planned.

12th Army Group: In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, elements of 87th Div are temporarily surrounded in woods E of St Hubert. 17th A/B Div attacks N late in day in region some 5 miles NW of Bastogne. NE of Bastogne, 101st A/B Div and 501st Para Inf are clearing Bois Jacques. TF Higgins (elements of 101st A/B Div and CCA, 10th Armd Div) is organized to block enemy attacks toward Bastogne. CCA, 4th Armd Div, continues to defend corridor into Bastogne. 28th Div defends the Meuse from Givet to Verdun. In III Corps area, 6th Armd Div repels enemy thrusts W of Michamps and places heavy arty concentrations on Arloncourt, Michamps, and Bourcy; to S, attempts to clear high ground near Wardin and takes road junction S of the town. 35th Div gains about two thirds of Lutrebois and crossroads W of Villers-la-Bonne-Eau (Belgium) but is unable to take Harlange (Luxembourg). East of Harlange, 26th Div continues attack in region N of Mecher Dunkrodt and Kaundorf.

In U.S. Fifteenth Army area, main body moves from Le Havre to Suippes.

6th Army Group: Is assigned defense of Strasbourg.

In U.S. Seventh Army area, XV Corps withstands further pressure and on left slightly improves positions. Germans deepen penetration at boundary of 44th and 100th Divs, entering Achen, from which they are ousted in counterattack. CCL, Fr 2d Armd Div, pushes into Gros Réderching but is unable to clear it. Attempt by 44th Div to relieve French there fails. 36th Div (-RCT 141) assembles near Montbronn. In VI Corps area, enemy expands Bitche salient, entering Wingen and Philippsbourg. 45th Div withstands pressure against Reipertsweiler, NW of Wingen, and contains attacks in Sarreinsberg-Meisenthal area. Center and right flank elements of corps complete withdrawal to Maginot positions.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In Br Eighth Army's Cdn 1 Corps area, 5th Armd Div reaches Canale di Bonifica Destra del Reno as it continues northward. 1st Div begins attack to clear enemy pocket between it and Br 5 Corps in Cotignola area, crossing Naviglio Canal and taking Granarolo in conjunction with attack by 5 Corps from S. In 5 Corps area, elements of 56th Div and of 7th Armd Brig as well as sq of Kangaroos (armored infantry carriers) push northward from Felisio area, clearing the Senio bank as far N as S. Severo.


BURMA--In ALFSEA area, 15 Corps invades Akyab (TALON), omitting preparatory bombardment since no opposition is expected. From landing craft in Naaf R, 3d Cdo Brig lands and is followed by brig of Ind 25th Div from Foul Pt.

In Br Fourteenth Army's 33 Corps area, Br 2d Div occupies Ye-u.

CHINA--On Salween front, Ch 9th Div (2d Army) breaks into Wanting, at Sino-Burmese border, but is driven out in night counterattack.

P.I.--Bombardment and Fire Support Group (TG 77.2), proceeding toward Luzon, shoots down a kamikaze plane. On Mindoro, guerrilla force of about 70 unsuccessfully attacks Japanese at Pinamalayan. From Mindoro, Co K of 21st Inf moves to Marinduque I. to help guerrillas destroy Japanese remnants concentrated at Boac in NE part of island.

FORMOSA-RYUKYUS-PESCADORES--In preparation for invasion of Luzon, carrier planes of U.S. Third Fleet begin attacks aimed primarily against enemy aircraft and shipping at Formosa. Secondary effort is made against the Ryukyus and Pescadores. Weather conditions severely limit scope of operations.

4 January

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Br Second Army area, 30 Corps opens offensive W of the Ourthe R, protecting U.S. First Army right. From Marche-Hotton road, 53d Div drives S abreast U.S. VII Corps. 6th A/B Div meets determined opposition S of Rochefort.

In U.S. First Army's VII Corps area, 2d Armd Div captures Beffe, contains counterattacks near Devantave, seizes Lamorménil, and reaches edge of Odeigne. 3d Armd Div takes Baneux, Jevigne, and Lansival and gains bridgehead at Groumont Creek. In XVIII Corps (A/B) area, 82d A/B Div advances its line to include Heirlot, Odrimont, wooded heights N and NE of Abrefontaine, St Jacques, Bergeval, and Mont de Fosse; on extreme left patrols push to the Salm.

12th Army Group: In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, 87th Div attack is halted by resistance near Pironpré. Attack of 17th A/B Div evokes strong reaction in Pinsamont-Rechrival-Hubermont area. Enemy attacks in 101st A/B Div sector are ineffective. In III Corps area, 6th Armd Div is repeatedly attacked in Mageret-Wardin area E of Bastogne, and withdraws to shorten line. 35th Div clears Lutrebois but is still unable to take Harlange. 26th Div gains a few hundred yards.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XV Corps area, 44th Div tries vainly to clear Frauenberg and Gros Réderching. In limited attack, 36th Div takes hill between Lemberg and Goetzenbruck. In VI Corps area, 45th Div, continuing fight to reduce Bitche salient, drives to outskirts of Wingen; attacks NE across Wingen-Wimmenau road to ease pressure on Reipertsweiler; fights to open Reipertsweiler-Wildenguth road, taking Saegmuhl and making contact with elements cut off in Wildenguth; clears about half of Philippsbourg. TF Linden's line along the Rhine is extended to include zone held by TF Herren.

BURMA--In ALFSEA area, 15 Corps completes occupation of Akyab, key port and air base on Arakan front.

In NCAC area, U.S. 475th Inf finishes crossing the Shweli. U.S. 124th Cav reconnoiters for crossing site over the Shweli while awaiting airdrop.

P.I.--Japanese planes attack TG 77.6 and TG 77.2 as they continue toward Lingayen Gulf. One CVE is so badly damaged that it has to be sunk. At the request of Gen MacArthur, Adm Halsey orders TF 38 to extend its coverage of Luzon southward on 6th. Main body of Luzon Attack Force sorties from Leyte Gulf after nightfall. X Corps, U.S. Eighth Army, terminates offensive operations on Leyte. Japanese planes continue active over Mindoro and destroy an ammunition ship.

FORMOSA-RYUKYUS-PESCADORES--TF 38 continues strikes against enemy airpower and shipping but weather conditions again sharply curtail action. As a result of the 2-day attack, 110 Japanese planes are destroyed; 12 ships are sunk; and 28 other vessels are damaged. 18 planes of TF 38 are lost in combat.

CAROLINE IS.--81st Div troops on Fais complete search of the island and are withdrawn.

5 January

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In U.S. First Army's VII Corps area, 2d Armd Div's main effort against Consy makes little headway; elements move toward Dochamps and clear part of Odeigne. 3d Armd Div is slowed by rear-guard action in Bois de Groumont but seizes Lavaux and enters Lierneux. 75th Div moves to Aisne R. In XVIII Corps (A/B) area, 82d A/B Div makes progress all along line and repels counterattacks near Bergeval.

12th Army Group: In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, 87th Div meets resistance near Bonnerue and Pironpré, W of Bastogne. Rest of corps maintains defensive positions. In III Corps area, 35th Div continues to fight for negligible gains.

6th Army Group: Fr First Army is to take responsibility for defense of Strasbourg upon relief of U.S. elements in that area by French. Relief is scheduled for 2400 but is interrupted by enemy attack.

In U.S. Seventh Army area, XV Corps clears Germans from Frauenberg and Gros Réderching.


VI Corps makes slow progress against Bitche salient in 45th Div sector. Most of Wingen and rest of Philippsbourg are cleared. On corps right flank, Germans establish bridgehead across the Rhine in Gambsheim area, crossing between Killstett and Drusenheim and overrunning Offendorf, Herrlisheim, and Rohrweiler. TF Linden, hit while executing reliefs, launches two-pronged assault toward Gambsheim: TF A moves from Weyersheim to W bank of Landgraben Canal; TF B attacks from Killstett but is stopped just N of there.

ITALY--15th Army Group: U.S. Fifth Army orders extensive regrouping. RCT 135 moves from IV Corps zone to II Corps area, reverting to 34th Div. 86th Mtn Inf, 10th Mtn Div, is attached to IV Corps.

In Br Eighth Army area, 5 Corps and Cdn 1 Corps complete limited attacks to improve Winter Line positions. The two corps link up along the Senio between Cotignola and S. Severo. Cdn 1 Corps advances to the Reno except on extreme right.

BURMA--In NCAC area, elements of 90th Regt, Ch 30th Div, begin crossing the Shweli.

CHINA--22d Div, Ch New Sixth Army, completes move to China.

P.I.--Kamikaze attacks on TG's 77.2 and 77.6 continue, causing damage to a number of vessels. Almost all of the estimated 30 attackers are destroyed. CVE planes intercept and damage 2 enemy DD's. On Mindoro, Palauan falls to composite force of guerrillas and 503d Para Inf troops. Another platoon of Co F, 19th Inf, arrives at Bulalacao and joins in march NE toward Paclasan and Dutagan Pt.

VOLCANO-BONIN IS.--Iwo Jima undergoes coordinated air-surface bombardment by land-based aircraft of Seventh Air Force and cruiser-DD task group. Surface vessels also bombard Chichi and Haha. PB4Y's photograph Iwo Jima.

6 January

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In U.S. First Army's VII Corps area, 2d Armd and 84th Inf Divs make converging attacks toward Consy, taking positions E and W of the town, respectively. 2d Armd Div continues toward Dochamps, completes occupation of Odeigne, and makes contact with 3d Armd Div on Manhay-Houffalize road. 3d Armd Div cuts Laroche-Salmchâteau road at its intersection with Manhay-Houffalize road and captures Fraiture, Lierneux, and La Falise; 83d Armd Rcn Bn clears Bois Houby. In XVIII Corps (A/B) area, 82d A/B Div consolidates. To protect its left flank, 30th Div attacks S toward Spineux and Wanne with RCT 112, 28th Div.

12th Army Group: In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, enemy gets tanks into Bonnerue, lightly held by 87th Div. 87th Div makes limited attack toward Tillet. In III Corps area, 6th Armd Div holds against repeated counterattacks. 35th Div attacks into woods NE of Lutrebois and maintains positions in Villers-la-Bonne-Eau area; 6th Cav Sq of TF Fickett is committed near Villers-la-Bonne-Eau. In XII Corps area, 80th Div's 319th Inf crosses Sure R near Heiderscheidergrund and captures Goesdorf and Dahl.

U.S. Fifteenth Army becomes operational. Maj Gen Ray E. Porter is in command.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XV Corps area, attack to restore MLR on right flank of 44th Div halts on line extending along S edge of Bois de Blies Brucken to area just N of Gros Réderching. In VI Corps area, 45th Div makes slow progress against left and center of Bitche salient and on E contains counterattacks on Philippsbourg. Germans continue build up W of the Rhine on E flank of corps. 79th Div clears Stattmatten (where encircled elements of TF Linden are relieved), Sessenheim, and Rohrweiler; reaches edge of Drusenheim. Further efforts of TF Linden to gain Gambsheim are fruitless.

ITALY--15th Army Group: U.S. Fifth Army continues to regroup, RCT 365 moving from II to IV Corps zone and returning to command of 92d Div.

BURMA--In NCAC area, heavy rains begin as U.S. 475th Inf goes into bivouac in Mong Wi area and U.S. 124th Cav makes its way toward Mong Wi. Ch 38th Div gains distinction of being first CAI unit to return to Chinese soil: 112th Regt reaches Loiwing, from which it patrols across the Shweli to Namhkam.

P.I.--TG's 77.2 and 77.6 reach Lingayen Gulf area and begin naval bombardment and mine sweeping. Damaging enemy air attacks persist in spite of strong effort against Luzon by planes of TF 38, CVE's covering TF 77.2, and FEAF. Japanese score against shipping during period 2-6 is 2 ships sunk and 30 damaged. However, enemy force of some 150 aircraft on Luzon at the beginning of the year has been reduced to about 35 planes, and air action drops off sharply after this. On Mindoro, Pinamalayan, which Japanese have recently abandoned, is reoccupied by fresh enemy troops from Luzon. Co I, 21st Inf, and guerrillas join in attack there, forcing enemy back toward Calapan.

7 January

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Br Second Army's 30 Corps area, 53d Div takes Grimbiermont.


In U.S. First Army's VII Corps area, co-ordinated attacks of 2d Armd and 84th Inf Divs toward Laroche- Salmchâteau road, intermediate objective before Houffalize, make notable progress. Dochamps and Marcouray fall. Only rear guards remain in Consy area. 3d Armd Div seizes Regne, Verleumont, Sart, and Grand Sart. In XVIII Corps (A/B) area, 82d A/ B Div, in rapid advance of 2-3 miles, clears most of angle formed by Laroche-Salmchâteau road and Salm R. Some elements secure positions on ridge just N of Comté; others, during advance to Salm R line, clear Goronne, Farniers, Mont, and Rochelinval. RCT 112 seizes Spineux, Wanne, and Wanneranval.

12th Army Group: In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, 87th Div continues attack on Tillet and is engaged sporadically in Bonnerue area. 17th A/B Div takes Rechrival, Millomont, and Flamierge and reaches outskirts of Flamizoulle. In III Corps area, 6th Armd Div remains under strong pressure in Neffe-Wardin region E of Bastogne. 35th Div makes limited attack toward Lutrebois-Lutremange road, halting just short of it. In XX Corps area, CG 94th Div takes command of sector previously held by 90th Div.

6th Army Group: Boundary between U.S. Seventh Army and Fr 1st Army is shifted N, giving French responsibility for Strasbourg area.

In U.S. Seventh Army's VI Corps area, 45th Div, on left flank of Bitche salient, reaches heights overlooking Althorn and overcomes final resistance within Wingen. On corps E flank, 79th Div organizes TF Wahl (elements of 313th, 315th, and 222d Inf; CCA of 14th Armd Div; 827th TD Bn) to operate in N part of div front since enemy threat to Maginot Line positions S of Wissembourg is serious. Germans drive back outposts at Aschbach and Stundweiler. In Gambsheim bridgehead area, efforts of 314th Inf, 79th Div, to clear Drusenheim are unsuccessful; Fr 3d Algerian Div takes over attack toward Gambsheim from Killstett.

EASTERN EUROPE--In Hungary, Germans continue efforts to relieve the Budapest garrison, which is being methodically destroyed, and capture Esztergom, NW of the city.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In Br Eighth Army area, Pol 2 Corps withdraws from line, turning over its sector and 5th Kresowa Div to 5 Corps.

BURMA--In Br Fourteenth Army's 33 Corps area, Ind 19th and Br 2d Divs are converging on Shwebo, Ind 19th pushing into E outskirts.

P.I.--Underwater demolition teams begin search for underwater obstacles in Lingayen Gulf as preinvasion aerial and naval bombardment of Luzon continues. On Mindoro, Japanese planes for the first time are conspicuously absent from San Jose area.

8 January

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In U.S. First Army's VII Corps area, 4th Cav Gp and 84th Div pursue enemy on right of corps to Marcourt and Cielle; other elements of 84th Div start clearing woods S of main road junction SE of Manhay, 2d Armd Div drives on Samrée, CCA moving S from Dochamps and CCB pushing SE along Salmchâteau-Samrée Road. 3d Armd Div gains intermediate objective line, taking Hebronval, Ottre, Jouvieval, and Provedroux. In XVIII Corps (A/B) area, 82d A/B Div consolidates along line Grand Sart-Salmchâteau-Trois Ponts and clears Comté.

12th Army Group: In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, enemy drives 87th Div units from Bonnerue and maintains pressure in Tillet region. Some 17th A/B Div elements gain and then lose high ground N of Laval and others are forced out of Flamierge. In III Corps area, 6th Armd Div recovers lost ground in Neffe-Wardin sector. TF Fickett occupies zone between 35th and 26th Divs, along high ground before Villers-la-Bonne-Eau, Betlange, and Harlange.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XV Corps area, enemy enters Rimling. 100th and 36th Divs improve positions in local attacks. In VI Corps area, 45th Div makes slight progress against W flank of salient; TF Herren becomes responsible for E flank. 79th Div withstands pressure near Aschbach and moves reinforcements to Soultz-Rittershoffen area. Enemy checks efforts to reduce Gambsheim bridgehead. 314th Inf is unable to advance in Drusenheim or SE of Rohrweiler. CCB, 12th Armd Div, attacks with 714th Tank Bn toward Herrlisheim.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army area, 85th Div (-) starts from IV Corps zone to II Corps area.

BURMA--In NCAC area, U.S. 475th Inf at Mong Wi is ordered to move forward for action.

CHINA--Chinese Training and Combat Command is split. Chinese Training Center is to operate a command and general staff school and service schools. Chinese Combat Command is to control operations of ALPHA Force and provide liaison sections for each of the major Ch commands under Gen Ho.

P.I.--Preinvasion aerial and naval bombardment of Lingayen Gulf area continues. Mine sweeping is completed.

POA--CG V Amphibious Corps Landing Force issues alternate plan for invasion of Iwo Jima, No. 4-44, calling for landing on western beaches. The preferred plan, 3-44, is subsequently followed on D Day.


9 January

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In U.S. First Army's VII Corps area, 84th Div mops up near Consy, takes commanding ground at Harze, and clears woods S of main crossroads SE of Manhay. 2d Armd Div continues toward Samrée, which is subjected to heavy arty fire. 83d Div attacks through 3d Armd Div, gaining line from Bihain--which is entered but not captured--W to point NE of Petite Langlir. In XVIII Corps (A/B) area, 82d A/B Div finishes mopping up within its zone. In 30th Div sector, RCT 424 (106th Div) takes over Wanne-Wanneranval region, formerly held by RCT 112 (28th Div).

12th Army Group: In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, 87th Div continues to fight near Tillet; elements are clearing Haies-de-Tillet woods. 506th Para Inf, 101st A/B Div, attacks with CCB, 4th Armd Div, and CCB, 10th Armd Div, toward Noville, gaining 1,000 yards. 501st Para Inf takes Recogne. III Corps launches attack to trap and destroy enemy in pocket SE of Bastogne. 90th Div attacks through 26th toward high ground NE of Bras, taking Berle and crossroads on Berle-Winseler road. 26th Div's gains are slight but include heights NW of Bavigne. CCA, 6th Armd Div, co-ordinating closely with 134th Inf of 35th Div, advances to high ground SE of Marvie and feints toward Wardin. 137th Inf of 35th Div attacks Villers-la-Bonne-Eau.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XV Corps area, local attack by 100th Div gains Hill 370, S of Rimling, but since this region is becoming untenable, div withdraws left flank to Guising to tie in with 44th Div. VI Corps makes very slow progress against Bitche salient, but TF Herren's 276th Inf occupies Obermuhlthal. On NE flank of 79th Div, German tank-infantry attack against 242d Inf, TF Linden, overruns Hatten and reaches Rittershoffen; counterattack drives Germans back to Hatten and partly regains that town. In Gambsheim bridgehead region, CCB of 12th Armd Div seizes part of Herrlisheim, but 79th Div is still thwarted in Drusenheim and SE of Rohrweiler. Elements of 232d Inf along canal E of Weyersheim are ordered back to organize Weyersheim for defense.

ITALY--15th Army Group: U.S. Fifth Army announces decision to postpone offensive until 1 April or thereabouts in order to await arrival of fresh troops, build up ammunition supplies, have more favorable weather conditions, and regroup and rest assault forces. In IV Corps area, 86th Mtn Inf of 10th Mtn Div enters line in TF 45's sector, relieving AAA units in region NW of Pistoia. In II Corps area, 85th Div begins relief of Br 1st Div, 13 Corps, in M. Grande area.

LUZON--After preparatory aerial and naval bombardment U.S. Sixth Army, under Gen Krueger, begins landing on shores of Lingayen Gulf at approximately 0930. Gen MacArthur is in over-all command. Seventh Fleet commander, Adm Kinkaid, heads Luzon Attack Force (TF 77). Two corps land abreast, XIV on right and I on left, without opposition. XIV Corps, with 40th Div on right and 37th on left, each with 2 regts in assault, is virtually unopposed while pushing inland to an average depth of 4 miles, its flanks near Calasiao on E and Port Sual on W. I Corps, more strongly opposed, is less successful. Its beachhead by end of day is narrower and shallower than that of XIV Corps and contains several gaps between assault forces. 6th Div, employing 2 regts, gains line from Dagupan to Pantalan R and has elements at Bued R crossing, S of San Fabian. 43d Div attacks with 3 regts to positions in vicinity of San Jacinto, Binday, and Hills 470, 247, and 385.

POA--In support of the Luzon operation, carrier planes of TF 38 attack airfields and shipping in Formosa, Pescadores, and Ryukyus areas despite unfavorable weather conditions. TF 38, under cover of darkness, then enters Japanese-controlled waters of South China Sea, passing between Luzon and Formosa without arousing enemy. At Formosa, B-29's of XX Bomber Command augment attacks of the carrier aircraft. Seventh Air Force continues raids on Iwo Jima in Volcano Is., and B-29's of XXI Bomber Command make another of their sporadic attacks on Japan, aiming at Musashino aircraft plant in Tokyo.

10 January

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Br Second Army's 30 Corps area, 51st Div, which has taken over attack from 53d, reaches Laroche.

In U.S. Ninth Army's XIX Corps area, 78th Div, in local attack, reaches slopes of hills overlooking Kall R.

U.S. First Army prepares to broaden attack on 13th, VII Corps thrusting toward line Houffalize-Bovigny and XVIII Corps toward St Vith. In VII Corps area, most of Laroche-Salmchâteau road, intermediate objective of corps, is cleared. 84th Div patrols toward Laroche. 2d Armd Div captures Samrée and clears Laroche-Salmchâteau road within its zone. 83d Div takes Bihain, advances slightly in region N of Petite Langlir, and crosses Ronce R east of Petite Langlir. In XVIII Corps (A/B) area, elements of 82d A/B Div secure bridgehead across Salm R near Grand Halleux.

12th Army Group: In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, 87th Div captures Tillet. Renewing attack


toward Noville, 101st A/B Div clears portion of Bois Jacques. 4th Armd Div units, having passed through 6th Armd Div, attack NE with elements of 101st A/B Div toward Bourcy but cease attack upon order. III Corps continues attack, with greatest progress on right (E) flank. On left flank, 6th Armd Div furnishes fire support for neighboring VIII Corps units and outposts N sector of line reached by 4th Armd Div. Elements of 35th Div take Villers-la-Bonne-Eau and high ground NW. Betlange falls to 6th Cav Sq and Harlange to 28th Cav Sq. One 90th Div regt advances from Berle to heights overlooking Doncols; another fights indecisively for Trentelhof strongpoint. Elements of 26th Div reach high ground SW of Winseler.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's VI Corps area, elements of 45th Div enter Althorn, on left flank of Bitche salient, but are unable to clear it. Otherwise, the salient is unchanged despite continued fighting about its perimeter. On 79th Div's N flank, indecisive fighting occurs at Hatten; bn of 315th Inf is committed there and 2d Bn, 242d Inf, recalled; another bn of 315th assembles in Rittershoffen. To S, enemy maintains Gambsheim bridgehead. Elements of CCB, 12th Armd Div, are virtually surrounded at Herrlisheim, but tanks sever enemy lines in order to reinforce infantry within the town.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army's IV Corps area, 92d Div takes responsibility for Serchio Valley sector. Ind 8th Div, less 17th Brig, is placed in army reserve.

BURMA--In NCAC area, 114th Regt of Ch 38th Div, which is to move around S end of Shweli Valley and cut Namhkam-Namhpakka trail, crosses the Shweli. U.S. 124th Cav, after delay at the Shweli because of swollen waters, is assembled E of the river.

In Br Fourteenth Army's 33 Corps area, Shwebo falls under combined attacks of Br 2d and Ind 19th Divs. Ind 20th Div takes Budalin after prolonged struggle. In 4 Corps area, E African 28th Brig and Lushai Brig are assisted by heavy air strike in Gangaw area, where enemy is firmly entrenched.

CHINA--In effort to reopen the Canton-Hengyang stretch of the Canton-Hankow RR, Japanese move forward as quietly as possible about this time.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army area, army reserve begins landing. In XIV Corps area, 185th Inf of 40th Div takes Labrador while 160th pushes along Highway 13 toward Aguilar, reaching Umanday area. Because of gap developing between the two regts, 108th Inf (less 3d Bn) is committed in Polong area. 148th Inf, 37th Div, speeds inland to San Carlos; elements continue to Army Beachhead Line. One 129th Inf column moves without opposition to Malisiqui, within 2½ miles of Army Beachhead Line, while another reaches Army Beachhead Line at Dumpay and maintains contact with 148th Inf. In I Corps area, 6th Div drives S and SE to Mapandan and vicinity of Santa Barbara. 43d Div's 103d Inf takes San Jacinto without opposition and pushes on toward Manoag and Hill 200; 169th and 172d Regts run into organized defense positions on hills confronting them; 169th takes Hill 470 and drives on Hill 351 and 318; 172d Inf clears Hill 385 and moves slowly toward Hill 351.

11 January

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Br Second Army's 30 Corps area, patrols of 6th A/B Div reach St Hubert and make contact with U.S. VIII Corps.

In U.S. Ninth Army's XIX Corps area, 78th Div finishes clearing hill positions overlooking Kall R.

In U.S. First Army's VII Corps area, Laroche, in 84th Div sector, is cleared of enemy; 4th Cav Gp patrol covers portion E of the Ourthe R. 83d Div secures road junction on Bihain-Lomre road and attacks Petite Langlir and Langlir. In XVIII Corps (A/B) area, 75th Div takes up positions along Salm R that were held by 82d A/B Div. 106th Div assumes control of right of 30th Div zone.

12th Army Group: In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, 87th Div's 347th Inf finishes clearing Haies-de-Tillet woods and occupies Bonnerue, Pironpre, Vesqueville, and St Hubert, from which enemy has withdrawn. Germans are also withdrawing from 17th A/B Div zone in vicinity of Heropont, Flamierge, Mande St Etienne, and Flamizoulle. In III Corps area, Germans are retiring from pocket SE of Bastogne. Elements of all divs of corps are converging on Bras. 6th Armd Div takes over sector E of Bastogne formerly held by 4th Armd Div (VIII Corps); elements attack toward Bras, clearing woods near Wardin. 35th Div gains additional high ground in Lutrebois-Lutremange area. TF Fickett clears Wantrange and attacks Tarchamps, then moves into zone of TF Scott (mainly 26th Div units) as it advances on Sonlez. TF Fickett reaches Sonlez by midnight and makes contact with 80th Div. Elements of TF Scott clear forest E of Harlange then, in conjunction with TF Fickett, secure heights SW of Sonlez. 90th Div overcomes resistance around Trentelhof, cuts Bastogne-Wiltz road at Doncols, and advances on Sonlez. 26th Div improves positions on right flank of corps. In XII Corps area, 80th Div takes Bockholz-sur-Sure and high ground S of Burden. 2d Cav Gp clears Machtum, enemy's last position W of the Moselle.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's VI Corps area, 45th Div clears Althorn, at W of Bitche salient, but falls back under enemy pressure in Wildenguth-Saegmuhl-Reipertsweiler region;


276th Inf makes limited gains on heights between Lichtenberg and Obermuhlthal. Enemy renews attacks against 79th Div's Maginot positions S of Wissembourg, reinforcing troops in Hatten, where 2d Bn of 315th Inf is enveloped, and wresting about two thirds of Rittershoffen from 3d Bn, 315th Inf. Elements of CCA, 14th Armd Div, counterattack from Kuhlendorf but are stopped short of Rittershoffen. CCB, 12th Armd Div, withdraws from Herrlisheim and takes up defensive positions W of Zorn R.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army's Br 13 Corps area, 17th Brig of Ind 8th Div joins parent div in army reserve upon relief on right flank of corps by elements of 13 and 5 Corps.

BURMA--In Br Fourteenth Army's 4 Corps area, after Gangaw is captured by E African 28th Brig and Lushai Brig, corps is able to advance quickly toward the Irrawaddy in Pakokku area for drive on Meiktila.

FORMOSA--Fifth Air Force begins small night attacks on the island with B-24's.

SWPA--GHQ orders 11th A/B Div, U.S. Eighth Army, to be prepared to land on Luzon at Nasugbu and Tayabas Bays in late January. Plan to land XI Corps at Vigan is dropped.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army area, RCT 158, part of army reserve, begins drive up Route 251 toward Rabon and relieves elements of 172d Inf, 43d Div. XIV Corps is largely on Army Beachhead Line by end of day. 40th Div consolidates in Dulig-Labrador-Uyong area, finds Aguilar in the hands of Filipino guerrillas, and makes contact with 37th Div E of Aguilar, 37th Div organizes defensive positions along Army Beachhead Line; patrols actively and establishes outposts; maintains contact with I Corps. RCT 145, all of which is now ashore, establishes defense positions along Route 261. In I Corps area, 6th Div finds Filipino guerrillas in control of Santa Barbara; moves 3½ miles S to Balingueo. 103d Inf, 43d Div, takes Manoag without opposition; gains positions on slopes of hill mass that Hill 200 crowns; establishes contact with 6th Div. 169th tries in vain to take Hill 318: gains weak hold on Hill 560. 172d, under intense fire, makes little headway. Corps front is rapidly widening and extends nearly 30 miles from S to N. With elimination of small enemy force at Boac, Marinduque I. is now secure.

12 January

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In U.S. First Army VII Corps area, 2d Armd Div attacks in vicinity of junction of Manhay-Houffalize and Laroche-Salmchâteau roads: CCA takes Chabrehez, continues about a mile S in Bois de Belhez, and reduces strongpoint E of Bois de St Jean; CCB captures Les Tailles and Petite Tailles. On 3d Armd Div right, 83d Armd Rcn Bn drives S through TF Hogan (CCR) at Regne, crosses Langlir R, and clears Bois de Cedrogne E of Manhay-Houffalize road and blocks road there running W from Mont le Ban. TF Hogan moves to Bihain and clears high ground SW of the town. 83d Div completes capture of Petite Langlir and Langlir and gains bridgehead S of Langlir-Ronce R. In XVIII (A/B) Corps' 106th Div sector, bridgehead is established across Amblève R south of Stavelot.

12th Army Group: In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, enemy continues withdrawing. 87th Div takes Tonny, Amberloup, Lavacherie, Orreux, Fosset, Sprimont, and road junction NE of Sprimont. 17th A/B Div recaptures Flamierge. Flamizoulle is found to be heavily mined. Renuamont, Hubermont, and villages to SW are held by light, delaying forces. In III Corps area, CCA of 6th Armd Div captures Wardin and advances to within a few hundred yards of Bras; 357th mops up Sonlez and continues to high ground SE of Bras; 359th repels attacks on crossroads NE of Doncols.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's VI Corps area, enemy has shifted from aggressive offensive to stubborn defensive in Bitche salient. Efforts of 45th Div to regain ground lost on 11th are only partly successful. 14th Armd Div attacks to relieve 315th Inf, 79th Div, in Hatten and Rittershoffen; CCA clears part of Rittershoffen. Situation in Gambsheim bridgehead is unchanged.

EASTERN EUROPE--Soviet forces open powerful winter offensive. With strong arty support, First Ukrainian Front leads off, attacking W from Sandomierz bridgehead over the Vistula in S Poland. Battle for Budapest continues with Red Army deepening penetration into the city.

BURMA--In ALFSEA's 15 Corps area, 3d Cdo Brig lands on Arakan coast at Myebon after air and naval bombardment and establishes firm beachhead, which enemy without success soon attempts to destroy.

In NCAC area, U.S.-Ch convoy starts along Ledo Road from Ledo, India.

SOUTH CHINA SEA--TF 38, still unmolested by enemy, makes surprise air attacks on enemy shipping off French Indochina and on airfields and shore installations from Saigon N to Tourane. Shipping targets are plentiful, including several convoys, and the TF destroys some 40 ships and damages others.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's XIV Corps area, 40th Div's 185th Inf takes Port Sual, W terminus of Army Beachhead Line, without a fight and continues W toward Alaminos. 37th Div is consolidating on Army Beachhead Line; elements move into Bayambang and Urbiztondo without opposition. In


I Corps area, 6th Div (less RCT 63) is ordered to conduct holding action along line Malisiqui-Catablan-Torres until situation in 43d Div sector improves and is moving forward toward that line. RCT 158, released from army reserve to corps late in day, moves elements to Rabon and Bani and patrols to Damortis. Corps attaches RCT 158 to 43d Div; to further strengthen 43d Div, commits RCT 63 (-) of 6th Div to right of RCT 158 to close gap between 158th and 172d Regts. RCT's 158 and 63 are to secure Damortis-Rosario road. Elements of 43d Div take Hill 560 and are attacking toward Hills 318 and 200.

MINDORO--Entire 21st Inf assembles at Pinamalayan for drive on Calapan, where Japanese force is now concentrated. Guerrilla patrol reaches Wawa, on N coast near Abra de Ilog.

POA--Joint Expeditionary Force (TF 51), less elements in the Marianas, begins rehearsals in Hawaiian area for landing on Iwo Jima, concluding them by 18 January.

13 January

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Br Second Army area, 30 Corps' Ardennes mission is completed as 51st Div reaches Ourthe R line southward from Laroche.

In U.S. First Army area, VII Corps pushes steadily toward Houffalize. On right flank, 4th Cav Gp and 84th Div clear several towns and villages. CCA, 2d Armd Div, reaches positions about 1½ miles N of Wibrin; CCB advances in Bois de Cedrogne to points 5-6 miles due N of Houffalize. 3d Armd Div's CCR cuts Sommerain-Cherain road at its junction with road to Mont le Ban and contains Mont le Ban while CCB takes Lomre. After clearing passage through woods S of Langlir for 3d Armd Div, 83d Div mops up and regroups. XVIII Corps (A/B) opens offensive, employing 106th Div on right and 30th on left. 106th Div, with 424th Inf on right and 517th Para Inf on left, attacks SE from junction of Amblève and Salm Rivers toward La Neuville-Coulee-Logbiermé-Houvegnez line, reaching positions near Henumont. 30th Div drives S from Malmédy area toward Amblève R, gaining positions near Hédomont, in Houyire woods, and in Thirimont area.

12th Army Group: In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, advance elements of 87th Div reach Ourthe R and make contact with British. 17th A/B Div takes Salle, N of Flamierge, without opposition. 11th Armd Div, which has relieved elements of 101st and 17th A/B Divs, attacks N with CCR and CCA along Longchamps-Bertogne axis, cutting Houffalize-St Hubert highway near Bertogne. Bertogne is enveloped. 506th Para Inf, 101st A/B Div, seizes Foy, on Bastogne-Houffalize highway; 327th Gli Inf advances through 501st Para Inf in Bois Jacques toward Bourcy. In III Corps area, 6th Armd Div drives northward, CCB partially clearing Mageret. 90th Div drives enemy from Bras and gains Hill 530. 35th Div and TF Fickett are pinched out near Bras. 26th Div moves units into positions NE and E of Doncols as boundary between it and 90th Div is moved W.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army area, XXI Corps (Maj Gen Frank W. Milburn) becomes operational, assuming responsibility for defense of left flank of army and taking control of 106th Cav Gp and 103d Div in place. It is to continue organization of defensive positions. In VI Corps area, 45th Div makes minor gains against Bitche salient. TF Herren (-274th Inf) moves to right flank of corps. 14th Armd Div takes command of Hatten-Rittershoffen sector, assisted by 79th Div: CCA and 3d Bn of 315th Inf continue to fight in Rittershoffen; CCR secures W third of Hatten and makes contact with 2d Bn of 315th Inf; efforts of CCB to cut roads N and NE of Hatten fail.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army's II Corps area, 34th Div relieves 88th Div in line.

BURMA--In ALFSEA area, 15 Corps strengthens Myebon bridgehead. Ind 25th Div begins landing.

LUZON--With scattered strikes at Lingayen Gulf, major enemy air attacks on Luzon Attack Force come to an end.

In U.S. Sixth Army area, Gen Krueger takes command ashore. In XIV Corps area, elements of 185th Inf, 40th Div, move along coast of Lingayen Gulf to site chosen for seaplane base in Cabalitan Bay and find that Allied Naval Forces have already secured it without enemy interference. Wawa falls to elements of 37th Div. In I Corps area, 6th Div gains its holding line, Malisiqui-Catablan-Torres. In 43d Div zone, RCT 158 takes Damortis without a struggle. Attacking from Alacan area, 63d Inf gets about halfway to Hill 363, its first objective. Hills 580 and 318 are practically cleared by 172d and 169th Regts, respectively.

14 January

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In U.S. First Army's VII Corps area, 84th Div gains its final objectives, taking Nadrin, Filly, Petite Mormont, and Grande Mormont; 4th Cav Gp patrol makes visual contact with U.S. Third Army patrol. 2d Armd Div seizes Wibrin, Cheveoumont, Wilogne, and Dinez. 3d Armd Div takes Mont le Ban and Baclain. 83d Div clears Honvelez and high ground near Bovigny. In XVIII (A/B) Corps' 106th Div sector, 517th Para Inf clears Henumont and continues


S; 424th Inf secures Coulee and Logbiermé. Some elements of 30th Div attack toward Hédomont and Thirimont, night 13-14, and take Hédomont before dawn; other elements clear Villers and Ligneuville and gain bridgeheads across Amblève R at these points.

12th Army Group: In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, 17th A/B Div's 507th Para Inf secures Bertogne, from which enemy has fled, and 194th Gli Inf takes Givroulle; both regts continue to Ourthe R. TF of CCA, 11th Armd Div, clears Falize woods and drives along Longchamps-Compogne highway until stopped by heavy fire. 101st A/B Div continues attack toward Noville-Rachamps-Bourcy area. Elements are forced out of Recogne and Foy, but both are regained in counterattacks. Enemy is cleared from Cobru. Tank TF of CCB, 11th Armd Div, followed by infantry TF, enters Noville but withdraws under intense fire. In III Corps area, CCA of 6th Armd Div clears woods E of Wardin and captures Benonchamps; CCB finishes clearing Mageret. Elements of 90th Div drive toward Niederwampach. Having cleared small pockets during night, 26th Div moves combat patrols against enemy S of Wiltz R. In XX Corps area, 94th Div opens series of small-scale attacks to improve defensive positions in Saar-Moselle triangle S of Wasserbillig, a strongly fortified switch position of West Wall; 376th Inf takes Tettingen and Butzdorf. 95th Div moves two bns to objectives in Saarlautern bridgehead area and then withdraws them as planned.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XXI Corps area, RCT 142 of 36th Div moves to 103d Div zone to cover relief of that div by TF Herren. In VI Corps area, enemy continues vigorous defense of Bitche salient. 45th Div makes slight gains along its perimeter. 14th Armd Div battles enemy in Rittershoffen and Hatten.

EASTERN EUROPE--Berlin reports new Soviet offensive in Schlossberg (Pillkalen) region of NE East Prussia. Red Army offensive in Poland broadens as First and Second White Russian Fronts attack, former from bridgeheads over the Vistula S of Warsaw and latter from Narew R bridgeheads N of the capital. In S Poland, First Ukrainian Front forces Nida R and cuts Kielce-Cracow RR. Heavy fighting continues in Budapest with German garrison slowly giving ground. Germans are steadily withdrawing forces from Yugoslavia.

ITALY--15th Army Group: U.S. Fifth Army activates a new regt, 473d, using personnel of AAA units previously under TF 45 and dissolving 45th AAA Brig.

BURMA--In Br Fourteenth Army's 33 Corps area, Ind 19th Div secures bridgehead across the Irrawaddy at Thabaikkyin, evoking speedy and violent reaction from Japanese. The enemy mistakes the div for 4 Corps as hoped and, to avert threat to Mandalay, rushes reserves forward thus weakening other sectors. For the next month, Ind 19th Div withstands repeated and determined counterattacks.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's XIV Corps area, 40th Div's Rcn Tr reaches Alaminos; 160th Inf drives S along Route 13 from Aguilar to Mangatarem. Pushing S across the Agno, 129th Inf of 37th Div takes Bautista; 37th Div Rcn Tr finds Camiling undefended. In I Corps area, 6th Div continues holding action and patrols actively. In 43d Div zone, 158th Inf attacks toward Rosario but meets such heavy fire in defile near Amlang that it pulls back approximately to its starting line; 63d Inf seizes Hill 363. After taking Hill 351, which has been bypassed, and mopping up on Hill 580, 172d Inf secures Hills 585 and 565 and pushes on toward Hill 665; upon spotting enemy moving down Route 3, is ordered to attack on 15th for junction of Routes 3 and 11. 169th Inf mops up on Hill 318; prepares to attack Hill 355. 103d Inf establishes outpost about 1½ miles SE of Pozorrubio.

LEYTE--In U.S. Eighth Army's XXIV Corps area, 96th Div relieves 11th A/B Div of tactical responsibility on Leyte and sends 2 bns to Samar I. to relieve 8th Cav, 1st Cav Div, of garrison duty at Catbalogan. Night 14-15, 7th Div sends TF, composed of 3d Bn of 184th Inf, 776th Tank Bn, and elements of 718th and 536th Amtrac Bns, on amphibious mission to secure Camotes Is.

15 January

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Br Second Army's 12 Corps area, in preparation for Operation BLACKCOCK--To clear triangular enemy salient between the Meuse and Roer-Wurm Rivers from Roermond southward--elements of 7th Armd Div seize Bakenhoven (Holland) about a mile NW of Susteren as line of departure for main attack by 7th Armd Div on left flank of corps.

On U.S. First Army's VII Corps right, 84th Div consolidates. 2d Armd Div clears Achouffe, Mont, and Tavernaux and sends patrols to Ourthe R and into Houffalize, which has been vacated by enemy. 3d Armd Div attacks with CCR toward Vaux and Brisy, taking Vaux, and with CCB toward Cherain and Sterpigny. Elements of CCA are committed as reinforcements. Bn of 83d Div attacks Bovigny but is unable to take it. In XVIII Corps (A/B) area, 75th Div attacks across the Salm before dawn and seizes Salmchâteau and Bech. 106th Div consolidates and clears Ennal. 30th Div takes Beaumont, Francheville, Houvegnez, and Pont; improves positions S of Ligneuville; clears N part of Thirimont. V Corps opens offensive to clear heights between


Buellingen and Amblève and to protect left flank of XVIII Corps. 1st Div, reinf by RCT 23 of 2d Div, attacks SE with 23d Inf on right, 16th in center, and 18th on left; gains Steinbach, neighboring village of Remonval, and N half of Faymonville, but is held up S of Butgenbach by heavy fire.

12th Army Group: In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, CCA of 11th Armd Div takes Compogne and Rastadt and reaches Vellereux; falls back W of Vellereux under counterattack in Rau de Vaux defile. CCB bypasses Neville and clears woods to E. 506th Para Inf, 101st A/B Div, occupies Neville. In III Corps area, 6th Armd Div, employing 320th Inf of 35th Div, overcomes house-to-house resistance in Oubourcy; CCB takes Arloncourt; CCA clears heights SW of Longvilly. 358th Inf of 80th Div meets unexpectedly strong resistance as it resumes NE attack; 1st Bn makes forced march into 6th Armd Div sector to attack Niederwampach from Benonchamps area and gains town after arty barrage by 14 FA bns. 357th Inf battles strongpoints in and around RR tunnels along Wiltz R valley while 359th starts to Wardin. In XX Corps' 94th Div zone, 1st Bn of 376th holds Tettingen and Butzdorf against counterattack while 3d Bn takes Nennig, Wies, and Berg.

6th Army Group: Issues preliminary instructions for attack against Colmar Pocket by Fr First Army, which for some time has been engaged in aggressive defense of the Vosges.

In U.S. Seventh Army's VI Corps area, local actions occur around Bitche salient perimeter. 14th Armd Div continues fight for Rittershoffen and Hatten.

EASTERN EUROPE--Red Army offensive is extended southward in Poland as Fourth Ukrainian Front begins drive in Carpathian Mts from vicinity of Sanok, SW of Cracow. To the N, First Ukrainian Front takes Kielce.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army area, S African 6th Armd Div, which has been under army command, is placed under control of II Corps in current positions.

BURMA--At conference in Myitkyina, Gens Wedemeyer, Stratemeyer, and Sultan agree that an AAF hq should be set up in China to command U.S. Tenth and Fourteenth Air Forces.

In NCAC area, inaugural convoy from Ledo reaches Myitkyina, where it halts to await clearance of enemy ahead. Ch 30th Div takes Namhkam with ease, gaining control of lower end of Shweli Valley.

In Br Fourteenth Army's 33 Corps area, Ind 19th Div secures another bridgehead across the Irrawaddy, at Kyaukmyaung.

CHINA--Japanese begin offensive for Suichwan airfields, driving along Chaling-Lienhwa road.

SOUTH CHINA SEA--TF 38, severely handicapped by weather conditions, launches air strikes against shipping, airfields, and ground installations at Formosa and along coast of China from Hong Kong to Amoy. Because of deteriorating weather conditions, some of the planes are diverted to Mako Ko in the Pescadores and others to Prates Reef.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's XIV Corps area, elements of 40th Div begin probing in Dasol Bay Balinao Peninsula area, where action is insignificant through 18th. 2d Bn of 160th Inf takes San Clemente, forcing enemy party back toward Camiling. Elements of 129th Inf and 37th Rcn Tr, 37th Div, intercept the enemy party near Camiling and disperse it. In I Corps area, 6th Div, while continuing holding action, extends left flank to Cabanbanan, between Manoag and Urdaneta. Patrols find enemy in possession of Urdaneta and Cabaruan Hills. In 43d Div zone, 158th Inf, assisted by arty, naval gunfire, and aircraft, begins clearing the defile near Amlang, on road to Rosario; 63d Inf drives N in effort to make contact with 158th but stops for night well S of Amlang; 172d Inf clears Hill 665 and reaches Damortis-Rosario road within 1½ miles of Rosario; 169th, unable to take Hill 355 from W and S, prepares to strike from E; 103d gains most of Hill 200 area.

CAMOTES--Protected by Fifth Air Force planes and PT boats, 7th Div TF lands unopposed on N and S tips of Ponson I.

MINDORO--2d Bn of 21st Inf, driving on Calapan, meets delaying opposition along Gusay Creek. 503d Para Inf, which has been assisting guerrilla forces, terminates operations on Mindoro.

16 January

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Br Second Army area, 12 Corps opens Operation BLACKCOCK, 7th Armd Div driving NE and seizing Dieteren (Holland).

In U.S. First Army's VII Corps area, VII Corps of First Army and VIII Corps of Third Army establish contact near Houffalize. 2d Armd Div occupies that part of Houffalize N of Ourthe R. Enemy resistance continues on left flank of corps. 3d Armd Div captures Sommerain, Cherain, and Sterpigny but is unable to take Brisy. Attempt to get tank force from Cherain to Rettigny fails. 83d Div consolidates along E edge of Bois de Ronce. In XVIII Corps (A/B) area, 75th Div makes slow progress E of the Salm. After gaining objective line, 106th Div mops up, 424th Inf along 75th Div boundary and 517th Para Inf on high ground NW of Petit Thier. 30th Div clears rest of Thirimont and pushes S toward junction of Recht-Born road with Malmédy-St Vith road, which enemy is blocking. In V Corps


area, 1st Div captures Ondenval and rest of Faymonville, but progress in woods S of Butgenbach is negligible.

12th Army Group: In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, CCA of 11th Armd Div takes Vellereux and pursues enemy through Mabompré; CCB, after advancing NE through Wicourt, secures high ground S of Houffalize. Attack of 502d Para Inf, 101st A/B Div, is halted near Bourcy, but 506th Para Inf captures Vaux and Rachamps. In III Corps area, 6th Armd Div continues NE toward Moinet: 320th Inf, attached, takes Michamps; TF Lagrew, CCA, advances through Longvilly. 90th Div clears heights E of Longvilly and seizes Oberwampach and Shimpach.

Lt Gen Leonard T. Gerow assumes command of U.S. Fifteenth Army.

6th Army Group: 28th Div is attached to U.S. Seventh Army but will operate under control of Fr 1st Army.

In U.S. Seventh Army's VI Corps area, 45th Div, on E flank of Bitche salient, withstands pressure near Obermuhlthal. CCA of 14th Armd Div is halted in Rittershoffen and CCR loses ground in Hatten. In 79th Div sector, elements of 232d Inf intercept German force at Dengolsheim and drive it back to Dahlhunden. 12th Armd Div attacks to reduce Gambsheim bridgehead: infantry elements of CCB cross river SE of Rohrweiler but fall back to Rohrweiler when enemy fire prevents construction of bridge for armor; CCA, attacking from Weyersheim toward Offendorf, makes better progress but fails to reach objective.

EASTERN EUROPE--Radom (Poland) falls to First White Russian Front; First Ukrainian Front is driving on Czestochowa and Cracow.

BURMA--In NCAC area, U.S. 5332d Brig gets into position for attack on Burma Road in Namhpakka area, between Hsenwi and Wanting. 114th Regt, Ch 38th Div, continues toward Namhkam-Namhpakka trail, reaching Ta-kawn.

CHINA--China Theater is notified that B-29's will be moved to the Marianas.

SOUTH CHINA SEA--TF 38 planes attack shipping, airfields, and ground installations along Chinese coast from Swatow to Luichow Peninsula and at Hainan I. Main effort is against Hong Kong, where good concentration of shipping is found. Results against shipping and aircraft are disappointing but important ground installations are hit. Enemy air strength proves surprisingly weak.

LUZON--Airstrip in Lingayen Gulf area becomes operational.

In U.S. Sixth Army area, XIV Corps' zone is extended to cover region from Bayambang W into Zambales Mtns. Bridges are to be constructed over the Agno for use of heavy equipment. Regrouping and widespread patrolling ensue. In I Corps area, 25th Div is attached to corps from army reserve to secure line Binalonan-Urdaneta and enters line between 6th and 43d Divs, whereupon 6th prepares to move on Urdaneta and the Cabaruan Hills. 43d Div attempts to take Rosario and junction of Routes 3 and 11 but makes little headway. 103d Inf, assisted by tanks, virtually finishes clearing Hill 200 area; elements move into Pozorrubio. During night 16-17, Japanese make local counterattacks but are driven back with heavy losses.

MINDORO--19th Inf, upon establishing outpost at Bulalacao, finds that the area is infested with Japanese.

17 January

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Br Second Army's 12 Corps area, some elements of 7th Armd Div advance NE from Dieteren and seize Echt while others move S and take Susteren.

In U.S. First Army's VII Corps area, 3d Armd Div mops up and improves positions near Cherain and Sterpigny. 331st Inf, 83d Div, starts to clear high ground SW of Courtil. In XVIII Corps (A/B) area, 75th Div seizes Petit Thier, Vielsalm, and neighboring villages, 106th Div is pinched out by 75th and 30th Divs. 30th Div is unable to reduce roadblock at junction of Recht-Born and Malmédy-St Vith roads. In V Corps area, 1st Div, making main effort on right, fights to clear defile S of Ondenval through which 7th Armd Div will pass in attack on St Vith. 23d Inf attacks toward high ground N and NW of Iveldingen, pocketing enemy in N part of the Wolfsbusch and moving slowly through the Rohrbusch.

U.S. First Army reverts to U.S. 12th Army Group at midnight 17-18.

12th Army Group: In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, Bourcy and Hardigny fall to 101st A/B Div. Having cleared enemy from area between Bastogne and Ourthe R, corps goes on the defensive. In III Corps area, 6th Armd Div meets heavy resistance near Bourcy-Longvilly road. 90th Div resists enemy efforts to regain Oberwampach and clears wooded area S of RR track. XII Corps completes preparations for attack: 87th Div takes over 4th Div zone along the Sauer from Echternach to Wasserbillig, with 4th Div now on left and 2d Cav Gp on right; 4th Div takes responsibility for portion of 5th Div zone.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XXI Corps area, TF Herren (-274th Inf) takes command of 103d Div sector. In VI Corps area, 103d Div takes over TF Herren's sector and 274th Inf in position. 1st Bn of 315th Inf, attached to 14th Armd Div, attacks toward Rittershoffen, where CCA is still engaged, but cannot reach the town; CCR withstands


enemy pressure in Hatten. Germans continue to be aggressive in 232d Inf's sector of 79th Div front, occupying Roeschwoog, Dengolsheim, Stattmatten, and part of Sessenheim; counterattack clears Sessenheim. 12th Armd Div makes little headway against Gambsheim bridgehead: CCB is again held up at river SE of Rohrweiler; CCA gains precarious foothold in Herrlisheim with 17th Armd Inf Bn, but 43d Tank Bn is cut off outside the town and wiped out.

EASTERN EUROPE--First White Russian Front overruns Warsaw, capital of Poland. Second White Russian Front now holds Ciechanow, to N. Speeding rapidly W from Kielce, First Ukrainian Front forces Warta R and occupies Czestochowa.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army's II Corps area, 85th Div takes command of sector previously held by Br 1st Div (13 Corps), having completed relief of that div. Boundary between II and Br 13 Corps is altered accordingly. Br 1st Div is placed under AFHQ control and is later sent to Middle East.

BURMA--In NCAC area, U.S. 5332d Brig clears Japanese outpost from Namhkam village, within 3 miles of Burma Road, and begins to clear ridge, which this village surmounts. Ch 38th Div, less 114th Regt, is ordered to advance toward Wanting to secure trace of Ledo Road.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army area, Gen MacArthur directs Gen Krueger to speed drive on Manila and Clark Field. XIV Corps continues preparations for offensive. In I Corps area, 6th Div begins push on Cabaruan Hills with 20th Inf and on Urdaneta with 1st Inf. 25th Div attacks in center of corps with 27th Inf on right and 161st on left: 27th reaches Binalonan-Urdaneta road; 161st pushes to Binalonan, where enemy is offering lively opposition. 103d Inf, 43d Div, takes Pozorrubio, from which most Japanese have withdrawn. 63d Inf is attached to 158th Inf to help clear heights commanding Damortis-Rosario road in Amlang-Cataguintingan region. 158th takes ridge about 1,000 yards NE of Damortis.

18 January

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Br Second Army's 12 Corps area, 7th Armd Div, on left flank of corps, seizes Schilberg (opening highway from there to Sittard) and Heide, NE of Susteren. In center, 52d Div goes on the offensive along German-Dutch frontier and clears several German towns.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army area, VII Corps improves positions near Cherain and Courtil. In XVIII Corps (A/B) area, 75th Div clears part of Burtonville. 30th takes Poteau and surrounds roadblock at junction of Recht-Born and Malmédy-St Vith roads. In V Corps area, 1st Div repels counterattack in densely wooded Rohrbusch; eliminates pocket S of Amblève R in the Wolfsbusch; makes slow progress in woods S of Butgenbach. In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, 11th Armd Div assumes responsibility for line from Hardigny to Bourcy. 17th A/B Div takes over line from Hardigny to Houffalize. In III Corps area, though German attack on Oberwampach is repulsed by 90th Div, enemy shelling of the town increases. XII Corps opens offensive at 0300 when 4th and 5th Divs attack abreast N across the Sauer between Reisdorf and Ettelbruck, surprising enemy. 4th Div, attacking with RCT 8, reaches heights commanding Our R between Longsdorf and Hosdorf. To W, 5th Div attacks with RCT's 10 and 2, capturing hills along N bank of the Sauer and towns of Ingeldorf and Erpeldange; elements start clearing Bettendorf and Diekirch, securing a third of the latter. 319th Inf, 80th Div, takes Nocher but fails to gain high ground W of Masseler. Supporting attack, 87th Div demonstrates river crossing. 2d Cav Gp supports 94th Div (XX Corps) with fire and river crossing demonstration. In XX Corps area, 94th Div loses Butzdorf during determined enemy counterattack but holds at Tettingen.

6th Army Group: Directs Fr 1st Army to begin double envelopment of Colmar Pocket on 20 January.

In U.S. Seventh Army's VI Corps area, enemy infiltration in Bitche salient NE of Reipertsweiler isolates 3d Bn of 157th Inf, 45th Div; attempts to relieve the bn are ineffective. Indecisive and costly fighting continues in Rittershoffen-Hatten area. Germans are increasingly active S of Hatten and overrun TF Linden's positions in Sessenheim and Bois de Sessenheim. 12th Armd Div continues losing battle against bridgehead, which enemy has reinforced: CCA relinquishes its hold on Herrlisheim; attack to relieve CCA elements trapped in the town fails.

In Fr 1st Army's 2d Corps area, U.S. 28th Div begins relief of U.S. 3d Div, night 18-19.

EASTERN EUROPE--In Hungary, Second Ukrainian Front clears that part of Budapest E of the Danube. Soviet armies in Poland are rapidly approaching German Silesia.

ITALY--15th Army Group: U.S. Fifth Army releases Br 13 Corps, consisting now of 6th Armd and 78th Divs, to control of Br Eighth Army in place. U.S. Fifth Army thus gets a new right boundary.

BURMA--In NCAC area, U.S. 5332d Brig gains hold on Loi-kang ridge, commanding Burma Road, and gets arty into position to fire on the road. Japanese move reinforcements to Namhpakka area.


LUZON--U.S. Sixth Army orders XIV Corps to drive S beyond the Agno in force from current general line Bayambang-Urbiztondo-Bogtong. In I Corps area, 1st Inf of 6th Div takes Urdaneta while 20th continues to probe into Cabaruan Hills without making contact with main enemy forces. 161st Inf, 25th Div, clears Binalonan. From Palacpalac, 2d Bn of 769th Inf, 43d Div, attacks through Bobonan to road junction near Sison; maintains roadblock there under strong enemy pressure. 758th and 63d Regts begin attack on ridge called Blue Ridge, near Amlang; although progress is slow the assault regts gain contact with each other.

CAMOTES--From Ponson I., 7th Div TF (3d Bn of 184th Inf, reinf) moves by sea to Poro I. and establishes beachhead.

19 January

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Br Second Army's 12 Corps area, Germans are cleared from Stevensweerd in 7th Armd Div sector. 52d Div overruns Isenbruch, Breberen, Saeffelen, and Broichhoven; elements cross Dutch border, taking Koningsbosch, W of Bocket, and making contact with 7th Armd Div near that village.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's VII Corps area, 4th Cav Gp takes over sector of 2d Armd Div, 3d Armd Div gains its final objectives, clearing Brisy, Rettigny, Renglez, and rest of zone as far S as Ourthe R. 83d Div cleans out woods in its zone and sends elements into Bovigny and Courtil. In XVIII Corps (A/B) area, 75th Div is dislodging enemy from Grand Bois and withstands pressure near Burtonville. 30th, against light resistance, captures Recht, reduces roadblock at junction of Recht-Born and Malmédy-St Vith roads, continues to clear woods S of Recht-Born road, and takes high ground in Bois d'Emmels SE of Poteau. 7th Armd Div closes in attack positions near Waimes. In V Corps area, 1st Div opens passage through which 7th Armd Div will drive on St Vith; against greatly decreased resistance, div clears Iveldingen, Eibertingen, Montenau, and Schoppen.

In U.S. Third Army's XII Corps area, 4th Div gains heights overlooking the Our NE of Bettendorf; in conjunction with 5th Div clears Bettendorf, but is unable to reduce strongpoint across the Sauer from Reisdorf. 5th Div takes rest of Diekirch and occupies Bastendorf. In XX Corps area, 302d Inf of 94th Div is clearing bypassed fortifications to allow passage of CCA, 8th Armd Div. CCA, 8th Armd Div, assembles near Koenigsmacker.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's VI Corps area, 157th Inf of 45th Div receives intensified fire and contains counterattacks from Bitche salient; efforts to relieve encircled 3d Bn continue. Though enemy is less aggressive in Rittershoffen-Hatten area, 74th Armd Div is unable to improve positions. Germans mount strong attacks S of Hatten. To avert threat of a breakthrough to Haguenau, 74th Armd Div's 25th Tank Bn moves to Hochfelden. 79th Div attacks toward Sessenheim with attached units of 103d Div, which enter the town but are driven out. Germans surround 2d Bn, 374th Inf, in Drusenheim but elements escape. 12th Armd Div withdraws for relief and contains enemy attack at line of relief. RCT 143, 36th Div, takes up defensive positions in Rohrweiler-Weyersheim region.

EASTERN EUROPE--Moscow confirms German reports of new Soviet offensive against East Prussia, where Third White Russian Front now holds Schlossberg (Pillkalen). Continuing rapidly across Poland, First White Russian Front takes Lodz; First Ukrainian Front seizes Tarnow and Cracow; Fourth Ukrainian Front has reached Gorlice, S of Tarnow.

BURMA--In ALFSEA's 15 Corps area, Kantha, on Myebon Peninsula, falls to 25th Ind Div.

In NCAC area, 114th Regt of Ch 38th Div cuts Namhkam-Namhpakka trail. U.S. 5332d Brig craters Burma Road and continues to clear heights overlooking it.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army area, XIV Corps begins advance toward Clark Field, gaining line Camiling-Paniqui-Anao 24 hours ahead of schedule. On right, 160th Inf of 40th Div drives down Route 13 to Nambalan. One column of 129th Inf, 37th Div, drives to Carmen and patrols as far as San Manuel without incident; another advances to Moncada, where Japanese are driven off; a third reaches Paniqui. 148th Inf moves into positions along Camiling-Paniqui road--Route 55. In I Corps area, 169th Inf of 43d Div moves reinforcements to 2d Bn at road junction near Sison, but Japanese regain the position. 103d Inf begins 2-bn assault on Hill 600, E of Pozorrubio road.

CAMOTES--7th Div TF on Poro is clearing the island and making few contacts with enemy.

MINDORO--21st Inf troops overcome enemy opposition along Gusay Creek.

20 January

INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS--Provisional National Government of Hungary signs armistice agreement in Moscow with Great Britain, United States, and USSR.

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Br Second Army's 12 Corps area, 7th Armd Div reaches village of St Joost. 52d seizes Bocket and Waldfeucht (Germany) and Echterbosch (Holland). 43d Div attacks on right flank of corps in Germany, taking


Langfroich and relieving elements of 52d Div in Breberen. 12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's XVIII Corps (A/B) area, 75th Div clears to SE edge of Grand Bois. 30th mops up to S edge of Bois de Born and Bois d'Emmels, last ridge before St Vith. 7th Armd Div attacks S toward St Vith through Ondenval defile, with Deidenberg and Born as immediate objectives: CCA drives beyond Deidenberg, but CCB, held up by mines and deep snow, is unable to take Born.

In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, CCR of 11th Armd Div, finding that enemy has withdrawn from area E of Hardigny-Bourcy line, moves forward 2 miles, establishing line through Boeur, Wandesbourcy, and Bois aux Chênes. 17th A/B Div advances beyond Tavigny. In III Corps area, CCA of 6th Armd Div captures Moinet and Hill 510 to E. Elements of 358th Inf, 80th Div, meet heavy fire as they approach Derenbach and are forced to withdraw; N of Oberwampach a bn of 359th Inf captures Chifontaine and Allerborn. 328th Inf, 26th Div, establishes bridgehead across Wiltz R 2 miles S of Oberwampach. In XII Corps area, 4th Div, committing RCT 12 on left of RCT 8, continues attack N of the Sauer, clearing angle formed by junction of Sauer and Our Rivers, bypassing Longsdorf to gain positions just N and occupying Tandel. 5th Div takes Kippenhof, Brandenburg, and commanding ground near latter. 318th Inf, 80th Div, secures Burden without opposition. In XX Corps area, 1st Bn of 301st Inf, 94th Div, attacks toward Orscholz but is halted short; 302d clears fortifications and repels counterattacks. 95th Div decisively defeats counterattacks in Saarlautern bridgehead.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army area, VI Corps starts orderly withdrawal to new defensive positions along Rothbach Rau-Moder R line at nightfall. 45th Div makes unsuccessful attempt to reach encircled 3d Bn, 157th Inf, elements of which infiltrate to main body. Some troops of 2d Bn, 314th Inf, escape from Drusenheim but rest of bn is reported missing in action.

Fr 1st Army opens offensive to eliminate Colmar Pocket, attacking with 1st Corps from the S. 1st Corps employs 2 divs (4th Moroccan Mtn Div on W and 2d Moroccan Inf Div on E) reinf by armor of 1st Armd Div along axis Cernay-Ensisheim. Weather conditions are poor and progress is so slow that initial corps objective, Ensisheim, is not reached until early February. In 2d Corps area, U.S. 28th Div completes relief of U.S. 3d Div and takes command of sector from Sigolsheim SW to Le Valtin. Corps prepares to join in offensive to reduce Colmar Pocket.

EASTERN EUROPE--East Prussia is being enveloped by Third and Second White Russian Fronts: Third takes Tilsit; Second, thrusting N toward East Prussia from Poland, gets elements across SW border near Tannenberg. First White Russian and First Ukrainian Fronts continue W in Poland toward Germany, former in general direction of Berlin and latter toward Silesia. In the Carpathians, Fourth Ukrainian Front takes Nowy Sacz in Poland and Bardejov, Presov, and Kosice (Kassa) in Czechoslovakia. Hard fighting is reported in Szekesfehervar region of Hungary, SW of Budapest, as Germans attempt to break through to the Danube.

BURMA-CHINA--While official Allied convoy from Ledo is waiting at Myitkyina, small truck convoy led by Lt Hugh A. Pock of Oklahoma reaches Kunming, China, via Teng-chung cutoff--hastily repaired but still very rough--completing 16-day trip from Myitkyina. This secondary route is of little practical value. Ch 9th Div on Salween front finds Wanting clear of enemy. Forward elements of Ch 38th Div (CAI) make patrol contact with Chinese of Y-force near Muse. U.S. 5332d Brig improves positions near Burma Road.

SWPA--Gen Eichelberger recommends to Gen MacArthur that 11th A/B Div make a single landing on Luzon, at Nasugbu Bay, instead of the two (Nasugbu Bay and Tayabas or Balayan Bays) originally contemplated. This would solve problems of air and naval support.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army area, Gen Krueger asks Allied Air Forces not to bomb bridges S of the Agno since they are needed to speed drive on Manila. In XIV Corps area, 160th Inf of 40th Div gets forward elements to within 4 miles of Tarlac; 8th begins to follow 160th southward. Forward elements of 37th Div reach Victoria, which is undefended, and patrol beyond there. In I Corps area, 25th Div, with 27th Inf on right and 161st on left, opens drives on Asingan and San Manuel. 169th Inf (less 2d Bn) of 43d Div attacks Mt Alava and gets elements to crest. 103d gains positions on S part of Hill 600.

CAMOTES--7th Div TF is reconnoitering Pacijan I. without incident.

MINDORO--Bulk of 2d Bn, 19th Inf, moves to Bulalacao to destroy enemy in that region in patrol actions.

21 January

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Br Second Army's 12 Corps area, 52d Div clears villages of Hontem and Selsent; moves into Braunsrath without opposition. 43d Div finds Schierwaldenrath clear.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's VII Corps area, 84th Div takes over former 83d Div-3d Armd Div sector and prepares to attack toward Gouvy-Beho region, between Houffalize and St


Vith. Patrols find Rogery free of enemy. In XVIII Corps (A/B) area, 75th Div clears rest of Grand Bois. 7th Armd Div overcomes house-to-house opposition in Born. 508th Para RCT takes over Deidenberg-Eibertingen area. In V Corps area, 1st Div meets stiff opposition as it attempts to improve positions NE of Schoppen; establishes outposts and sends patrols through Bambusch woods in region S of Schoppen.

In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, shift in corps boundaries puts Bois de Rouvroy, NE of Buret, within corps zone and transfers Bastogne to jurisdiction of III Corps. New boundaries run on the N through Laroche and Ourthe to Thommen and on the S through Neufchâteau, Bastogne, and Holdingen to Thommen. Elements of CCA, 11th Armd Div, reach Buret. 17th A/B Div continues advance NE of Tavigny. III Corps advance to NE gains momentum. 6th Armd Div clears Crendal, Troine, Baraques de Troine, Lullange, Hoffelt, and Hachiville. 90th Div's 358th Inf takes Derenbach, Hill 480, and Boevange-les-Clervaux; 359th secures Hill 520, Hamiville, and Wincrange. Some 26th Div units across Wiltz R in vicinity of Winseler clear Noertrange and Bruhl; others, in conjunction with 6th Cav Gp, enter Wiltz and mop up pockets of resistance. In XII Corps area, 4th Div captures Longsdorf but is unable to take Fuhren. 5th secures Landscheid and Lipperscheid. Renewing offensive, 80th Div's 318th Inf takes Bourscheid and Welscheid and woods between these and the Sauer; 317th is unable to get units across river to N of Bourscheid but takes Kehmen. In XX Corps area, 94th Div halts attack on Orscholz because of heavy casualties to 1st Bn, 301st Inf; 302d Inf holds Tettingen and Nennig against strong counterattack.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XV Corps area, CCB of 10th Armd Div closes in area NE of Fenétrange. In VI Corps area, main body of corps completes withdrawal to new MLR, along line Althorn-Rothbach-Niedermodern-Haguenau-Bischwiller. 79th Div's OPL in Camp d'Oberhoffen area is pushed back by enemy.

EASTERN EUROPE--Fanning out from Tilsit, NE East Prussia, Third White Russian Front reaches Kurisch Sound on right and takes Gumbinnen on left; Second White Russian Front presses steadily N toward East Prussia on wide front and takes East Prussian town of Tannenberg. First White Russian and First Ukrainian Fronts continue W in Poland; latter crosses into Silesia, Germany, in region W of Czestochowa and takes several Silesian towns.

BURMA--In ALFSEA's 15 Corps area, brig of Ind 26th Div, after co-ordinated air and naval bombardment, lands on N coast of Ramree I. and captures Kyaukpyu. Ind 25th Div now holds all of Myebon Peninsula.

In NCAC area, U.S. 5332d Brig establishes perimeter defenses along W side of Burma Road but does not block the road; makes contact with 114th Regt of Ch 38th Div, which is to block road to N.

FORMOSA-RYUKYUS-PESCADORES--TF 38 makes powerful air attacks on shipping and airfields at Formosa, Sakishima Gunto, Okinawa, and the Pescadores. About 10 oilers and freighters are sunk and other vessels are damaged. At the airfields some 100 grounded planes are destroyed. Japanese counter with determined attacks on the warships, severely damaging the CV Ticonderoga. Fighters of Fifth Air Force make their first attack on Formosa.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army area, XIV Corps drives beyond day's objective, line Tarlac-Victoria, and is ordered to continue toward Clark Field, although its E flank is exposed for over 20 miles. 160th Inf, 40th Div, takes Tarlac without opposition; elements push on to San Miguel. Advance elements of 37th Div reach vicinity of La Paz. I Corps is to seize line Victoria-Guimba in strength while protecting left flank of XIV Corps. 103d Inf of 43d Div, continuing assault on Hill 600, gains military crest. 158th and 63d Regts finish clearing Blue Ridge, near Amlang. 63d Inf is then withdrawn into corps reserve. 172d Inf, clearing heights commanding Rosario, is reinf by Philippine 2d Bn, 121st Inf.

22 January

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Br Second Army's 12 Corps area, 7th Armd Div fights indecisively near Montfort. 52d Div takes Laffeld and Obspringen. Waldenrath falls to 43d Div.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's VII Corps area, 84th Div and attached elements of 3d Armd Div seize Gouvy and Beho. 4th Cav Gp sector is pinched out. In XVIII Corps (A/B) area, 75th Div takes Commanster and woods to NE. 30th Div secures Hinderhausen, Sart-lez-St Vith, Ober Emmels, and Nieder Emmels. 7th Armd Div's CCA, assisted by task force of CCB, clears Hunningen. Rcn party from 38th Armd Inf Bn is prevented by roadblock from entering St Vith.

In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, units of CCA, 11th Armd Div, enter Bois de Rouvroy and cross Luxembourg border without encountering enemy. 17th A/B Div occupies Steinbach and Limerle. In III Corps area, CCB of 6th Armd Div enters Basbellain; CCA takes Asselborn and Weiler. 359th Inf of 90th Div occupies Donnange, Deiffelt, Stockem, and Rumlange; elements of 357th move to Boxhorn and Sassel. 26th Div and 6th Cav Gp finish clearing Wiltz and secure Eschweiler, Knaphoscheid, and Kleinhoscheid. 28th Cav Sq proceeds through Weicherdange. In XII Corps area, 4th Div


gains ground along W bank of Our R and takes Walsdorf but is still unable to clear Fuhren. 5th Div continues N with 10th Inf on right and 11th on left, taking Gralingen and high ground E of Nachtmanderscheid. 80th Div elements move into Wiltz area, using routes cleared by 6th Cav Gp. In XX Corps area, enemy regains about half of Nennig from 302d Inf of 94th Div.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XV Corps area, 101st A/B Div closes in Drulingen-Sarraltroff region. VI Corps improves defenses and regroups. Because of enemy concentrations, OPL of 103d Div is withdrawn from Offwiller and outposts of 79th Div pull back to Moder R line.

In Fr 1st Army area, 2d Corps begins southward drive on Colmar, in region between Sélestat and Ostheim, which, in conjunction with 1st Corps' northward attack, is aimed at enveloping and destroying the Colmar Pocket. The 3 assault divs--U.S. 3d, 5th Armd, and 1st Moroccan Inf--are protected by Fr 2d Armd Div, holding Rhine Plain. U.S. 3d Div leads off, attacking at 2100 SE across Fecht R at Guemar. To W, U.S. 28th Div conducts raids, night 22-23.

EASTERN EUROPE--In East Prussia, Third White Russian Front takes Insterburg; Second White Russian Front seizes Allenstein and Deutsch-Eylau. In Poland, First White Russian Front captures Inowroclaw, threatening Bromberg, and Gniezo, on road to Posen. First Ukrainian Front, fighting astride Polish-Silesian border, seizes Silesian towns of Konstadt and Gross Strehlitz.

ITALY--15th Army Group: U.S. Fifth Army issues instructions for training program to be undertaken in preparation for spring offensive.

BURMA--In ALFSEA's 15 Corps area, 3d Cdo Brig lands at Kangaw, on Arakan front, after preparatory bombardment. Enemy soon reacts sharply, since forces along coast to S are being cut off.

In Br Fourteenth Army's 33 Corps area, Ind 20th Div takes Monywa (enemy's last port on the Chindwin), which has been defended vigorously for several days, and Myinmu, on the Irrawaddy. In 4 Corps area, Ind 7th Div, which has replaced E African 28th Brig in line, takes Tilin.

In NCAC area, CAI becomes responsible for clearing rest of Burma Road as Chiang Kai-shek orders Chinese Expeditionary Force to assemble N of Sino-Burmese border. At night, Gen Sultan announces that the Burma Road is open. U.S. 5332d Brig gets patrols to ridge across Burma Road, but is refused permission to do more than patrol and interdict traffic on the road.

CHINA--Japanese, between 19th and present time, have occupied key bridges and tunnels on Canton-Hankow RR.

FORMOSA--Philippine-based heavy bombers of Fifth Air Force begin daylight strikes on Formosa, attacking Heito air base.

SWPA--Gen MacArthur orders U.S. Eighth Army to land one RCT of 11th A/B Div on Luzon at Nasugbu for reconnaissance in force. If Tagaytay Ridge can be taken with ease, the entire div will then concentrate there and patrol to N and E. The landing will be made on 31 January

LUZON--Allied planes begin preinvasion bombardment of Corregidor. Airstrip at Mangaldan becomes operational.

In U.S. Sixth Army's XIV Corps area, forward elements of 40th Div reach Capas, N of Bamban. 37th Div extends its right flank to San Miguel to maintain contact with 40th Div and with left flank elements takes La Paz. Scattered contacts have been made recently with enemy in Moncada and La Paz areas. In I Corps area, 27th Inf of 25th Div continues toward Asingan against little opposition. 161st, driving on San Manuel, takes hill NW of objective. 2d Bn of 169th Inf, 43d Div, with tank and arty support, renews attack on Hill 355 but is unable to take it.

MINDORO--3d Bn, 21st Inf, moves by sea to N coast at Estrella.

RYUKYU IS.--Planes of TF 38 photograph and attack Ryukyu targets including Okinawa and neighboring islands. After this action, TF 38 returns to Ulithi, arriving there the 25th.

23 January

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Br Second Army's 12 Corps area, 7th Armd Div is still held up by strong opposition near Montfort. 52d Div has little difficulty in clearing Aphove area and begins assault on Heinsberg. 43d Div takes Straeten and Scheifendahl with ease.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's VII Corps area, 84th Div seizes Ourthe and is clearing commanding ground between there and Beho. In XVIII Corps (A/B) area, St Vith falls to 7th Armd Div: CCB attacks S through CCA and overcomes moderate resistance within the town. SW of St Vith, 75th Div takes Maldingen and Braunlauf while 30th secures Weisten, Crombach, and Neundorf.

In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, CCA of 11th Armd Div establishes liaison with 17th A/B Div and continues patrolling in vicinity of Bois de Rouvroy. In III Corps area, CCA of 6th Armd Div takes Biwisch and Trois Vierges. CT Miltonberger (RCT 134, 35th Div, attached), passing through CCB, occupies Basbellain and heights to SE. 359th Inf, 90th Div, clears Bischent woods; 357th attacks across Clerf R, seizing hills on either side of draw W of Hupperdange. 1st Bn of 357th captures Binsfeld.


28th Cav Sq clears Eselborn and makes contact with enemy at Clerf and Drauffelt. Night 23-24, elements of TF Fickett attempt to take Clerf and Mecher and gain latter. In XII Corps area, Fuhren falls to 4th Div. 5th Div elements reach vicinity of Nachtmanderscheid and Hoscheid but are unable to secure either of these. On 80th Div front, 317th Inf, attacking NE toward the Clerf, reaches high ground just W of Wilwerwiltz and Enscherange; 319th crosses the Wiltz at Merkols and Kautenbach and clears Merkols. 346th Inf of 87th Div occupies Wasserbillig, at confluence of Sauer and Moselle Rivers. In XX Corps area, Germans, mounting strong tank-infantry counterattacks against 94th Div, regain Berg, but 302d Inf, employing attached bn of 376th bolstered by elements of CCA, 8th Armd Div, recaptures Nennig while 3d Bn, 302d, holds Wies and helps close gap between there and Nennig. 3d Cav Gp is given new sector between 94th and 95th Divs.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's VI Corps area, enemy forces left flank of 103d Div back past Rothbach.

In Fr 1st Army's 2d Corps area, 1st Moroccan Div crosses Ill R between Illhaeusern and Illwald, to N of U.S. crossing site. Supporting vehicles use bridge at Illhaeusern, though that town is not completely cleared for several days. U.S. 3d Div continues S toward Canal de Colmar: 7th Inf clears Ostheim; 30th crosses Ill R and reaches outskirts of Holtzwihr, but supporting armor is unable to cross and infantry is forced back to river line at Maison Rouge. Elements of 254th Inf, attached to 3d Div, drive to Weiss R line near Sigolsheim.

EASTERN EUROPE--In NE East Prussia, Third White Russian Front captures Wehlau, between Insterburg and Koenigsberg. Second White Russian Front captures Ortelsburg and progresses toward Elbing; in N Poland, seizes Brodnica and Lipno. Polish cities of Bromberg and Kalisz fall to First White Russian Front. First Ukrainian Front reaches Oder R line near Breslau (Silesia) on 37-mile front. Germans fighting toward the Danube in Hungary force Russians from Szekesfehervar. Second Ukrainian Front has gone on the offensive N of Miskolc and in conjunction with Fourth Rumanian Army takes a number of Czechoslovakian towns and communities.

BURMA--In NCAC area, convoy from Ledo starts forward from Myitkyina toward China. Continuing S along the Irrawaddy, 29th Brig of Br 36th Div reaches Twinnge.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's XIV Corps area, 160th Inf of 40th Div runs into opposition at Bamban but secures the town, airfield, and crossing site over Bamban R. Moving to left of 160th, 108th seizes Concepcion. Rcn elements S of Concepcion drive off enemy force at Magalang. In I Corps area, 2d Bn of 169th Inf, 43d Div, continues to meet strong resistance on Hill 355. From Hill 600, 3d Bn of 103d Inf moves back to Pozorrubio; 2d Bn advances to Bobonan. 172d Inf gains ridge at W edge of Pugo Valley.

CAMOTES IS.--7th Div TF clearing Poro I. runs into opposition on Hill 854.

24 January

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Br Second Army's 12 Corps area, 7th Armd Div overruns Weerd, Aandenberg, and Montfort. 52d Div completes capture of Heinsberg; occupies Haaren without opposition. 43d Div clears Schleiden and Uetterath.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army area, VII Corps is pinched out as 84th Div clears rest of its zone. In XVIII Corps (A/B) area, 75th Div takes Aldringen, concluding its Salm R drive. 30th Div improves positions E of Neundorf. CCB, 7th Armd Div, is clearing region S and SE of St Vith. In V Corps area, 1st Div, renewing offensive, advances steadily against moderate resistance: 16th Inf clears Bambusch woods; 18th captures Moderscheid; 26th takes Buellingen-Butgenbach-St Vith road junction at N edge of the Richelsbusch and continues SW on Buellingen-St Vith road.

In U.S. Third Army area, VIII Corps, instead of being pinched out as anticipated, receives additional territory on its right flank as advance elements approach St Vith. 17th A/B Div takes over the new region while continuing advance toward Thommen and Landscheid. In III Corps area, as direction of corps attack changes from NE to E, CCA of 6th Armd Div secures area within Trois Vierges-Wilwerdange-Binsfeld triangle and takes Holler and Breidfeld. Elements of 26th and 90th Divs become responsible for sector along W bank of Clerf R formerly held by TF Fickett. 90th Div repels predawn attack NE of Binsfeld; supporting armor crosses river at Trois Vierges and reaches Binsfeld; 359th Inf attacks across river to area N of Urspelt. 26th Div crosses river SE of Weicherdange and organizes on high ground. In XII Corps area, 4th Div consolidates along W bank of Our R from Vianden to confluence of Our and Sauer Rivers. 5th Div clears village NW of Vianden; also clears Nachtmanderscheid, and Hoscheid. 80th Div completes capture of Kautenbach and takes Alscheid and Enscherange. In XX Corps area, 94th Div, though supported by assault guns of 8th Armd Div, is unable to clear Berg but gains small bridgehead through AT obstacles. Scheduled attack through Berg by CCA, 8th Armd Div, has to be postponed.


6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's VI Corps area, enemy forces outpost of 45th Div from Saegmuhl. 103d Div repels German attempts to penetrate MLR at Bischoltz and Muhlhausen but is forced to readjust its OPL. In 79th Div sector, Germans attack across the Moder between Neubourg and Schweighausen, night 24-25, penetrating 222d Inf's MLR and seizing W portion of Schweighausen.

In Fr 1st Army's 2d Corps area, Fr and U.S. troops fight to expand Ill R bridgehead. French are stopped by enemy tanks concealed in woods near Elsenheim. U.S. 3d Div continues toward Canal de Colmar; 7th Inf moves S toward Houssen; taking over from battered 30th Inf, 15th Inf attacks from Maison Rouge and reaches edge of woods near Riedwihr.

EASTERN EUROPE--Berlin reports Soviet offensive in Latvia. Third and Second White Russian Fronts make further progress in East Prussia. In German Silesia, First Ukrainian Front overruns industrial centers of Oppeln (on the Oder) and Gleiwitz; N of Breslau, elements clear Trachenberg and, across Polish border, Rawicz.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army's II Corps area, 88th Div reenters line after brief rest, relieving 91st Div.

BURMA-CHINA--Ch New First Army commander promises Brig Gen Robert M. Cannon, NCAC chief of staff, to open Burma Road by 27th. Salween campaign comes to an end as Gen Wei's Chinese Expeditionary Force halts to await relief by CAI. Negotiations between Chinese Nationalists and Chinese Communists, broken off since 16 December, are resumed.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's XIV Corps area, 160th Inf of 40th Div comes up against enemy's OPLR on hills generally W of Bamban; takes one hill. 145th Inf of 37th Div gains line from Concepcion SW to Bamban R. In I Corps area, 161st Inf of 25th Div begins assault on San Manuel and against firm opposition gains toehold within the barrio. 43d Div regroups for coordinated effort on 25th to clear heights dominating roads in Pozorrubio-Sison-Rosario-Camp One area. Stark Force consists of 103d and 169th Regts and 3d Bn of 63d. Yon Force is formed of 63d, less 3d Bn. RCT 158 and 172d Inf are designated MacNider Force. 2d Bn, 169th Inf, reaches crest of Hill 355. Elements of 158th Inf begin assault on ridge NW of Cataguintingan; enemy is firmly entrenched on the ridge.

MINDORO--2d Bn, 21st Inf, moves into Calapan.

VOLCANO IS.--Iwo Jima is target for coordinated air-naval bombardment. B-29's of XXI BC, on training mission, and B-24's of Seventh Air Force concentrate on airfields and shipping. Naval bombardment, by warships of TG 94.9, is curtailed sharply by deteriorating weather conditions. No interception is met over target.

25 January

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Br Second Army's 12 Corps area, 7th Armd Div captures Linne and Putbroek and continues NE toward river line. 52d Div takes Kirchhoven without opposition and patrols toward Wurm R. 43d Div reaches the Wurm between Heinsberg and Randerath; patrols find Horst and Randerath clear.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's XVIII Corps (A/B) area, CCB of 7th Armd Div consolidates in immediate vicinity of St Vith while CCA and RCT 424 take Wallerode and Medel, respectively. In V Corps area, 1st Div's 16th Inf gains Amblève and Mirfeld with ease; 18th advances from Moderscheid to Buellingen-St Vith road.

In U.S. Third Army's III Corps area, bulk of corps is now across Clerf R, attacking E toward ridge road known as "Skyline Drive," the Luxemburg-St Vith road paralleling Our R. CCB, 6th Armd Div, gains positions astride Weiswampach-Huldange road. 359th Inf, 90th Div, takes Hupperdange and Grindhausen; 357th seizes Heinerscheid and Lausdorn. 26th Div's 101st Inf, together with elements of 6th Cav Gp, occupies Clerf; 328th Inf takes Reuler and Urspelt. In XII Corps area, RCT 11 of 5th Div continues N, taking Merscheid. 317th Inf, 80th Div, clears Wilwerwiltz and establishes bridgehead across the Clerf; captures Pintsch, E of the river. In XX Corps area's 94th Div zone, 8th Armd Div TF takes Berg; elements of 302d Inf enlarge gap through AT defenses.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army area, XV Corps assumes command of XXI Corps sector and troops (106th Cav Gp, 275th and 276th Regts of TF Herren, and 10th Armd Div less CCB). In VI Corps area, Germans penetrate 103d Div positions, reaching Schillersdorf and Nieffern, and force back OPL from Kindwiller. 103d Div restores MLR between Muhlhausen and Schillersdorf. As result of enemy penetration on left of 79th Div line, TF Wahl is reorganized to consist of 222d Inf, 314th Inf, 232d Inf, CCB of 14th Armd Div, the Rcn Tr, and elements of 781st Tank Bn; force clears Schweighausen and part of Bois de Ohlungen. Germans attack across the Moder between Haguenau and Kaltenhouse in sector of 242d Inf but are driven back across river.

In Fr 1st Army area, U.S. XXI Corps Hq and Hq Co is attached to army. In 2d Corps area, French make slow progress in Elsenheim woods, where armor is held up by enemy tanks. U.S. 3d Div's 7th Inf, assisted by armor, enters Houssen; 15th renews attack on Riedwihr and gets elements into town late


at night; 254th, relieved along Weiss R by U.S. 28th Div, attacks toward Jebsheim.

EASTERN EUROPE--Third and Second White Russian Fronts are compressing German pocket in East Prussia. First Ukrainian Front takes Ostrow, SW of Kalisz in Poland, and Oels, in German Silesia. Berlin reports that Russians are attempting to cross the Oder at Steinhau and between Gleiwitz and Brieg.

BURMA--In ALFSEA area, Gen Leese orders 15 Corps to develop air bases at Akyab and Kyaukpyu; open Taungup-Prome road and secure bridgehead at Taungup; clear rest of Arakan coast. W African 82d Div, driving S toward Kangaw, occupies Myohaung.

In NCAC area, 113th Regt of Ch 38th Div attacks to finish opening Burma Road. Ch 30th Div is to concentrate in Hosi-Namhpakka area.

CHINA--Gen Wedemeyer informs Chiang Kai-shek that he is sending Gen McClure to Kunming to head Chinese Combat Command.

JAPAN--Tokyo orders China Expeditionary Forces to concentrate on seacoast and in N China rather than to move into interior.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's XIV Corps area, while 160th Inf of 40th Div is working on enemy positions on hills W of Bamban, 108th moves forward to assist with local attacks on scattered pockets. 37th Div, while protecting E flank of corps, begins pushing its right flank southward: 145th Inf takes Mabalacat East Airfield and reconnoiters S to Mabalacat. In I Corps area, 103d Inf of 43d Div takes Hills 600 and 800, bypassing Hill 700. 169th clears Hill 1500, and 3d Bn of 63d Inf takes Bench Mark Hill to N. 158th continues efforts to gain ridge NW of Cataguintingan. 72d takes Hill 900, overlooking Highway 11, which leads to Baguio.

U.S.--Gen Joseph W. Stilwell is assigned as commander of Army Ground Forces, succeeding Lt Gen Ben Lear, who has been named deputy commander to Gen Eisenhower.

26 January

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Br Second Army area, 12 Corps successfully concludes Operation BLACKCOCK. Small enemy bridgehead remains at Vlodrop, but no immediate effort is to be made to eliminate it.

In U.S. Ninth Army area, XIII Corps' 102d Div and attached 11th Cav Gp attack, night 25-26, and clear Brachelen-Himmerich-Randerath triangle W of the Roer against negligible resistance.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's XVIII Corps (A/B) area, 7th Armd Div improves positions near St Vith; attached RCT 424 clears Meyerode.

In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, corps elements advance NE into region N of Weiswampach as enemy continues withdrawal behind West Wall. 17th A/B Div, now beyond Wattermal (Belgium) is replaced by 87th Div, whose 376th Inf takes Espeler. Corps zone widens several miles to S to include 90th Div positions formerly held by 6th Armd Div (III Corps) E of Lausdorn. 90th Div occupies Lieler. In III Corps area, 90th Div and 6th Armd Divs exchange zones after CCB of 6th Armd takes Weiswampach. 17th A/B Div is taking up positions within corps zone. 26th Div's 328th Inf secures Fischbach; 101st clears Marnach and high ground E of Clerf and Drauffelt. In XII Corps zone, 4th Div is being withdrawn from line. RCT 11 of 5th Div captures Hoscheiderdickt; 5th Cav Rcn Tr clears Schlindermanderscheid. 80th Div expands bridgehead across the Clerf: 317th Inf takes Lellingen and Siebenaler and reaches positions near Bockholz. 76th Div takes over former 87th Div zone. In XX Corps area, elements of 94th Div and of attached 8th Armd Div clear Butzdorf and drive toward Sinz. 95th Div improves positions in Saarlautern bridgehead area.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's VI Corps area, 45th Div is virtually out of contact with enemy. Activity subsides on 103d and 79th Div fronts. 103d clears enemy remnants from Schillersdorf and completely restores MLR. TF Wahl restores 79th Div MLR. 101st A/B Div closes in Hochfelden area.

In Fr 1st Army's 2d Corps area, 1st Moroccan Div is clearing Illhaeusern-Jebsheim road. 5th Armd Div prepares to attack toward Brisach. U.S. 3d Div makes substantial gains: 7th Inf clears Houssen and Rosenkranz; 15th takes Riedwihr; 254th gets elements into Jebsheim.

EASTERN EUROPE--Red Army drives salient between East Prussia and Danzig as Second White Russian Front captures Marienberg and reaches Gulf of Danzig NE of Elbing. Koenigsberg is being invested by Third White Russian Front. In Poland, Soviet forces are encircling Thorn and Posen. First Ukrainian Front seizes Hindenburg (Silesia).

ITALY--15th Army Group: U.S. Fifth Army outlines deceptive measures to be taken in order to keep enemy pinned down during winter lull.

BURMA--In ALFSEA's 15 Corps area, Royal Marines from East Indies Fleet invade Cheduba I., SW of Ramree I., with support of naval aircraft.

In NCAC area, Ch 38th Div troops, working along Burma Road, get to within 5 miles of Ch Y-Force.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army area, Gen Krueger orders rapid drive on Manila. XIV Corps, in addition to securing Clark Field area, is to cross the Pampanga at Calumpit; reconnoiter S and SE to


line Hagonoy-Malolos-Plaridel. I Corps is to continue attack on left and advance right flank S and SE; reconnoiter to Cabanatuan. In XIV Corps area, 40th Div develops enemy OPLR on hills W and SW of Bamban: 160th Inf clears Hills 636 and 600; 108th presses toward Hill 5. 37th Div's 145th and 148th Regts advance to general line Culayo-Magalang, taking Magalang and Clark Field Runway No. 1, 1½ miles NW of Culayo. In I Corps area, 158th Inf of 43d Div finishes clearing ridge NW of Cataguintingan. Some elements of 172d secure Rosario; other elements are moving toward Udaio road junction.

MINDORO--Camina Drome is ready for use by heavy bombers. Enemy resistance in Bulalacao area comes to an end.

POA--Operation Plan CINCPOA 11-44 (Iwo Jima) becomes effective. Commander Fifth Fleet takes control of all forces assigned to Central Pacific Task Forces for invasion of Iwo Jima.

27 January

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In U.S. Ninth Army's XIX Corps area, boundary change between Ninth and First Armies extends 78th Div sector southward to Gemund. Preparations are made to clear the new region.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's XVIII Corps (A/B) area, CCB of 7th Armd Div is slowly clearing Bois de St Vith.

In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, 87th Div occupies several towns in area S of St Vith. 90th continues to clear W bank of Our R; 358th Inf, attacking N across border of Luxembourg, secures Lascheid (Belgium). In III Corps area, 26th Div is being withdrawn from line, but elements clear Munshausen. In XII Corps area, RCT 11 of 5th Div takes Weiler and Wahlhausen while 5th Rcn Tr clears Consthum and Holzthum. A TF based on 317th Inf, 80th Div, clears high ground W of Hosingen and captures Bockholz, Neidhausen, Dorscheid, and Marburg, concluding div's drive. In XX Corps area, 94th Div elements drive to edge of Sinz but are forced back by heavy casualties.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army area, VI Corps makes light contact with enemy. 101st A/B Div assumes control of Moder R sector from Schweighausen to 103d Div boundary. TF Linden (-242d Inf) closes in Château-Salins area and reverts to army reserve.

In Fr 1st Army's 2d Corps area, French clear Elsenheim road and forest and head for Jebsheim. U.S. 3d Div's 30th Inf takes Holtzwihr and Wickerswihr; 254th clears large portion of Jebsheim.

EASTERN EUROPE--White Russian troops overrun the Masurian Lake region of East Prussia and continue investment of Koenigsberg. In Poland, encirclement of Thorn and Posen by Red Army is completed. First Ukrainian Front makes progress in clearing industrial region of Upper Silesia. In central Czechoslovakia, Fourth Rumanian Army captures Dobsina.

BURMA--In NCAC area, blockade of China is broken as Ch 38th Div, assisted by arty and armor, links up with Y-Force troops on Burma Road, opening land route to China. Ch 30th Div, moving to Hosi-Namhpakka area to take up position to N of U.S. 5332d Brig, gets forward elements to village 3 miles W of the U.S. force. This leaves an escape gap for Japanese.

In Br Fourteenth Army's 4 Corps area, Pauk falls to Ind 7th Div.

CHINA--Gen Wedemeyer, having investigated the matter of negotiations with communist Chinese, informs Gen Marshall that his command has been told to support the Nationalist Government and that it has been forbidden to negotiate with communist Chinese without approval of Chiang Kai-shek.

LUZON--U.S. Sixth Army receives major reinforcements as 1st Cav Div, 32d Div, and 112th Cav RCT arrive at Lingayen Gulf. In XIV Corps area, continuing operations W of Bamban, 40th Div has secured Manila RR and Route 3 from Bamban S to Mantitang. 37th Div quickly takes Culayo and Dau and pushes on to Angeles, which is undefended. In I Corps area, as 27th Inf of 25th Div reaches Asingan without difficulty, 161st continues costly fighting at San Manuel. Damortis-Rosario road is opened with junction of 172d and 158th Regts at Cataguintingan, in 43d Div zone.

LEYTE--11th A/B Div (-RCT 511), U.S. Eighth Army, conducts limited rehearsal for invasion of Nasugbu, Luzon. The naval force, TG 78.2 (Adm Fechteler) then sails for target.

POA--Joint Expeditionary Force (-) for the Iwo Jima operation departs from Hawaii for the Marianas, completing movement by 5 February and resupplying in Marianas until 7 February.

28 January

WESTERN EUROPE--12th Army Group: U.S. First Army opens drive toward West Wall and Euskirchen before dawn. XVIII Corps (A/B) attacks NE with 1st Div on N and 82d A/B Div on S. 1st Div's 16th Inf takes Valender, 18th gains Heppenbach and Hepscheid, and 26th clears Richelbusch. 82d A/B Div attacks through 7th Armd Div, with 325th Gli Inf on N and 504th Para Inf on S, clearing woods up to Wereth and taking Herresbach. 7th Armd Div concludes St Vith drive with reduction of stubborn hill positions in Bois de St Vith.


In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, most of corps has reached Our R. 87th Div takes over St Vith sector. 4th Div enters line between 87th on N and 90th on S, occupying Burg Reuland-Maspelt sector. 90th Div's 358th Inf captures Weweler and Stoubach; 357th clears all but the river towns in its zone and reconnoiters for crossing sites near Oberhausen. In III Corps area, elements of 6th Armd Div make unsuccessful attack on Kalborn. TF Fickett maintains flank contact between 17th A/B Div and XII Corps. In XII Corps area, 80th Div assumes responsibility for former 4th Div zone. 5th Div continues to clear W bank of Our R and secures Putscheid. In XX Corps area, 94th Div improves positions slightly in limited attack.

6th Army Group: In Fr 1st Army area, U.S. XXI Corps assumes tactical control of new zone between Fr 2d and 1st Corps and has mission of assisting in reduction of Colmar Pocket by attacking toward Brisach and effecting junction with Fr 1st Corps, a task formerly given to Fr 2d Corps. U.S. 28th and 3d Divs are attached in place and XXI Corps is strengthened by attachment of Fr 5th Armd Div and U.S. 75th Div. On corps W, 28th Div maintains positions from Le Valtin to Ill R about 2 miles NE of Colmar; 3d Div is clearing region N of Canal de Colmar from its juncture with Ill R east to Wickerswihr; Fr 5th Armd Div is assembled in 3d Div zone; 75th Div CP opens at Ribeauville. 254th Inf (attached to 3d Div) is unable to take S part of Jebsheim. Fr 2d Corps has new mission of driving E to the Rhine along axis Guemar-Markolsheim.

EASTERN EUROPE--Germans yield Memel to First Baltic Front, and Soviet conquest of Lithuania is complete. Russians close ring about Koenigsberg and compress enemy pocket in central part of East Prussia with capture of Bischofsburg and Sensburg; enemy holds out in Elbing and exerts pressure NW of Allenstein. Thrusting toward Germany on broad front, Red Army troops take Pol border cities of Sepolno, Czarnkow, and Leszno and, across Silesian border, Guhrau. To the S, First Ukrainian Front completes capture of major industrial cities along border of Upper Silesia and Poland, taking Beuthen in Silesia and Katowice in Poland. In the Carpathians, Fourth Ukrainian Front drives to Poprad (Czechoslovakia).

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U. S . Fifth Army's IV Corps area, entire 10th Mtn Div is placed under TF 45 in order to provide it with experience in combat.

BURMA--In NCAC area, first convoy from Ledo resumes journey toward Kunming, crossing border of China. Ceremonies are held at Mu-se, and Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek renames the road the Stilwell Road. U.S. 5332d Brig makes an unsuccessful limited attack in its zone.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's XIV Corps area, 129th Inf of 37th Div attacks W from Culayo area toward Clark Field and Ft Stotsenburg; although enemy's OPLR is soon encountered, takes 2 Clark Field runways and reaches SE corner of Ft Stotsenburg. Elements of 145th Inf move NW from Angeles to keep abreast 129th. 37th Rcn Tr patrol and elements of 148th Inf reach San Fernando. 160th Inf of 40th Div, working along Hill 636-Hill 620 ridge N of Bamban R, takes Hill 620 and drives 1,200 yards beyond; narrows its front as right flank comes under heavy opposition from enemy's MLR. In I Corps area, as 161st Inf finishes clearing San Manuel, 25th Div continues attack with 35th and 27th Regts, former on right, leaving 161st behind in San Manuel area.

MINDORO--19th Inf is concentrated in San Jose area, having completed offensive operations on Mindoro.

29 January

WESTERN EUROPE--12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's XVIII Corps (A/B) area, 1st Div captures Buellingen and patrols toward Muerringen and Honsfeld; pinched-out 16th Inf is withdrawn as reserve. 82d A/B Div's 325th Gli Inf captures Wereth and is then passed through by 508th Para Inf, which takes Holzheim, Medendorf, and high ground near Eimerscheid.

U.S. Third Army launches attack to penetrate West Wall and protect First Army right flank. In VIII Corps area, 87th, 4th, and 90th Divs attack abreast from heights W of Our R. 345th Inf, 87th Div, captures Schlierbach and Setz, 347th closes in on Neidingen and Breitfeld. 8th Inf of 4th Div is held up near Lommersweiler, but 12th bypasses Hemmeres as it drives across Our R and advances into Elcherath. 90th Div, whose mission is to protect right flank of corps on E side of Our R, crosses river and German border: 357th Inf crosses near Oberhausen and takes Welchenhausen; 358th crosses near Stupbach and captures that town. III Corps is now on its objective, N-S ridge and road controlling the Clerf and Our valleys. 6th Armd Div patrols aggressively; on its left flank CT Miltonberger clears Kalborn. In XX Corps area, 26th Div takes over Saarlautern bridgehead sector from 95th Div.

6th Army Group: In Fr 1st Army's U.S. XXI Corps area, 3d Div crosses Canal de Colmar, 7th Inf reaching Bischwihr and 15th advancing to N edge of Muntzenheim; although enemy remnants hold out in Jebsheim, 254th Inf clears to canal S of there and thrusts toward Rhône-Rhine Canal E of the town.


EASTERN EUROPE--Germans continue stubborn defense of Koenigsberg and Elbing in East Prussia. First White Russian Front invades Pomerania, taking German towns of Schoenlanke and Woldenberg. In the Carpathian sector, Fourth Ukrainian Front gains Nowy Targ, on S border of Poland.

BURMA--In NCAC area, 114th Regt of Ch 38th Div, the closest unit to enemy withdrawing from Burma Road, suffers heavily from enemy attacks; a single Ch co blocking the road about 80 miles from Lashio is almost annihilated. This ends efforts to block the road. U.S. 5332d Brig is under heavy fire as it attempts to improve positions along W side of the road.

CHINA--Gen Ho, commander of ALPHA forces, presents plan in line with Gen Wedemeyer's views for 36-division offensive force to be divided among six area commands about Kunming. This plan is later adopted and with slight modification goes into effect in February. The 36-division force is swelled to 39 divisions with return of New First Army in June. Japanese occupy U.S. Fourteenth Air Force base of Suichwan.

MINDORO-MARINDUQUE--Western Visayan TF is dissolved. X Corps assumes responsibility for security of the islands. CG 24th Div arrives at San Jose on SW Mindoro to take control of all Army troops attached to corps. Fifth Air Force hq moves to Mindoro.

30 January

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES--Preliminary phase of ARGONAUT (Malta-Yalta) Conference begins at Malta with Anglo-American discussions. This portion of ARGONAUT is coded CRICKET.

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In U.S. Ninth Army's XIX Corps area, 78th Div begins drive southward to clear to Roer R line along N edge of Monschau Forest. 310th and 311th Regts advance abreast, 310th taking Konzen and 311th gaining most of Kesternich and clearing Huppenbroich. CCA of 5th Armd Div, attached to 78th Div, secures Eicherscheid. 35th Div is attached to XVI Corps.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army area, V Corps enters attack to breach West Wall, employing 9th, 99th, and 2d Divs from N to S. 9th takes Rohren and reaches edge of Monschau Forest E of Alzen. 393d Inf of 99th Div advances to Elsenbuchel woods E of Elsenborn. 38th Inf, 2d Div, captures Wirtzfeld and Krinkelt and gets elements to Rocherath; 9th Inf units gain hill position between Wirtzfeld and Muerringen. In XVIII Corps (A/B) area, 1st Div captures last of 3 enemy-held towns W of German frontier in its zone: 18th Inf secures Honsfeld and Hunningen; 26th takes Muerringen. 82d A/B Div, employing 325th Gli Inf, 508th Para Inf, and 504th Para Inf, from N to S, continues NE to Honsfeld-Losheim RR line, clearing Eimerscheid and Lanzerath en route.

In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, RCT 346 of 87th Div attacks Andler and Schonberg; 345th takes Rodgen and attacks Heuem. 4th Div makes little progress but does clear Lommersweiler and Hemmeres. Elements of 359th Inf, 90th Div, enter Steffeshausen and capture Auel; 358th secures Stein-Kopf; in 357th Inf sector, tanks cross ford constructed by engineers at Welchenhausen. III Corps units push forward to clear W bank of Our R, meeting light resistance except in S where 28th Cav Sq of TF Fickett and 193d Gli Regt of 17th A/B Div launch limited attacks to establish OPL.

6th Army Group: In Fr 1st Army's U.S. XXI Corps area, 28th Div takes limited objectives on E-W road N of Colmar. 3d Div is supported by Fr 5th Armd Div as attack continues. 7th Inf takes Bischwihr and Wihr-en-Plaine; 15th clears Muntzenheim, Fortschwihr, and Urschenheim; 254th overcomes final resistance in Jebsheim but is unable to reach junction of Colmar and Rhône-Rhine Canals. In 2d Corps area, main enemy body is withdrawing from corps front. 1st Moroccan Div clears woods E of Illhaeusern.

EASTERN EUROPE--Russians tighten ring around Koenigsberg and take Marienwerder in East Prussia. Red Army troops cross from Poland into Germany at a number of points NW of Bromberg and W of Posen and take Stolzenburg, 70 miles from Berlin.

BURMA--In ALFSEA's 15 Corps area, Ind 25th Div, having withstood intense opposition against its Kangaw bridgehead, goes on the offensive and takes Kangaw village. W African 82d Div continues S toward Kangaw from Myohaung.

In NCAC area, main body of Ch 38th Div is at junction of Ledo and Burma Roads directed toward Lashio. With Ch 30th Div (-) established N of Hpa-pen village between 114th Regt of Ch 38th Div and U.S. 5332d Brig, preparations are made for combined attack by Ch 30th Div and Americans to clear heights near Hpa-pen and thus block enemy escape from Burma Road, but attack is postponed until 2 February at request of Chinese.

CHINA--Gen Wedemeyer orders officers of China Theater not to negotiate with Chinese Communists.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army area, Gen Krueger issues detailed orders for continuation of attack. XIV Corps is to drive S on Manila with 37th Inf and 1st Cav Divs to line Malolos-Plaridel-Cabanatuan. I Corps, reinf by 32d Div, will drive on San Jose. XI Corps is to move along Route 7, across base of Bataan Peninsula, to Dinalupihan-Hermosa area in order to make contact with XIV Corps. In XIV


Corps area, 129th Inf of 37th Div overruns Ft Stotsenburg and Sapangbato; begins attack on enemy's MLR on heights to W; right flank elements clear hills in Dolores area. Other elements of 37th Div patrol along Route 3 to within a mile of Calumpit. 160th Inf, 40th Div, battles enemy's MLR N of Bamban R, making slow and costly progress. 108th, in local advances, now holds Hill 5 and Thrall Hill, virtually completing reduction of pockets in that area. In I Corps area, 6th Div reconnoiters in force toward Talavera and Munoz. 1st Inf secures Talavera area without difficulty but 20th, in limited attack on Munoz, is pinned down about 1,000 yards short. 32d Div (-126th Inf, in army reserve) passes to corps control and is committed on left flank of 25th Div. XI Corps, which is transferred from command of Adm Struble to that of Gen Hall and from Eighth to Sixth Army, gains all of its initial objectives. RCT 34 of 24th Div, leading assault, quickly takes town of Subic and drives to Kalaklan R, where Japanese force defending Route 7 bridge is driven off; crosses the river and seizes Olongapo. With unopposed capture of Grande I. in an amphibious operation by 2d Bn of 151st Inf, 38th Div, corps gains control of Subic Bay.

LEYTE-SAMAR--In U.S. Eighth Army area, XXIV Corps continues mopping up on Leyte while relief of X Corps by Americal Div is begun. 1st Bn of 182d Inf, Americal Div, is sent to Samar to relieve 3d Bn of 381st Inf, 96th Div, in Catbalogan area.

31 January

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In U.S. Ninth Army's XIX Corps area, 78th Div gains its objectives and makes contact with U.S. First Army at Widdau. 311th Inf takes rest of Kesternich and 310th captures Imgenbroich. CCA of 5th Armd Div, after clearing southward from Eicherscheid, is released by 78th Div.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's V Corps area, 9th Div clears Widdau and drives into Monschau Forest to bend in Monschau-Schleiden road. 99th Div makes progress in Monschau Forest E of Elsenborn. 2d Div completes capture of Rocherath and continues NE. XVIII Corps (A/B) advances well into Buchholz Forest, where German border is crossed. 1st Div gets almost through forest near Neuhof. To the S, 82d A/B Div clears large portion of the forest, reaching positions a little short of line Neuhof-Losheim-Manderfeld.

In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, in 87th Div sector, RCT 346 captures Andler and Schonberg; 345th takes Amelscheid, Heuem, and Alzerath; 347th occupies Laudesfeld. 4th Div clears Elcherath and Weppeler. 90th Div makes contact with enemy E of Our R: 359th Inf advances through Bei Auel and Auel, engages enemy in positions around Winterspelt and Wallmerath, then bypasses them to advance on Gros Langenfeld and cut main road from Winterspelt to Pronsfeld; 358th captures Heckhalenfeld.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's VI Corps area, 36th Div opens attack at 2100 on Oberhoffen-Drusenheim axis to clear region W of the Rhine to the S.

In Fr 1st Army's U.S. XXI Corps area, 3d Div is still assisted by Fr 5th Armd Div. 7th Inf overcomes resistance at Horbourg, on outskirts of Colmar, and Fr armor continues beyond the town; 15th Inf is unable to take Durrentzen; 254th Inf reaches Rhône-Rhine Canal W of Beltenzenheim. Attack of 75th Div through 3d Div, scheduled for this date, is postponed.

EASTERN EUROPE--Continuing reduction of enemy pocket in East Prussia, Soviet forces clear Heilsberg and Friedland. Red Army drives spearhead to Jestrow in Pomerania, and in Brandenburg takes Landsberg Meseritz, Schwiebus, and Zuellichau. German garrison of Budapest continues to hold out in W part of city.

BURMA--In NCAC area, plans for Sino-American attack on heights in Hpa-pen area on 2d continue, although Ch 30th Div wants it postponed until 3d. Elements of Br 36th Div moving SE toward Mongmit, reach Shweli R in Myitson area and send patrol across it.

LUZON--U.S. Sixth Army, holding in reserve 32d Div's 126th Inf, 13th Armd Gp (less 44th Tank Bn), and 112th Cav RCT, begins final phase of drive on Manila. In XIV Corps area, 129th Inf of 37th Div attacks toward hill mass--called Top of the World--about 1,300 yards from W edge of Ft Stotsenburg and gets halfway up forward slopes. 138th Inf seizes crossing sites over the Pampanga at Calumpit late in day. 1st Cav Div starts toward Manila from Guimba, employing 5th and 8th Cav Regts, each with a motorized sq spearheading. Preceding the motorized forces, Prov Rcn Sq crosses the Pampanga and takes Santa Rosa, S of Cabanatuan, without opposition. On right flank of corps, 40th Div is clearing mountains W of Clark Field and Ft Stotsenburg. In I Corps area, 20th Inf of 6th Div continues limited attack on Munoz but is unable to take it. Patrols of 25th Div find Umingan, div's next objective, strongly held by enemy. XI Corps, leaving RCT 34 to hold at Olongapo and keeping RCT 151 of 38th Div in reserve, begins drive across base of Bataan Peninsula with 152d and 149th Regts of 38th Div. 152d, taking Route 7, reaches vicinity of enemy position, called Zigzag Pass, beginning about 3 miles NE of Olongapo. 149th moves along trail to N without opposition.


In U.S. Eighth Army area, 188th Gli Inf of 11th A/B Div lands on W coast of Luzon in Nasugbu area after naval gunfire bombardment; takes Nasugbu, Wawa, and Lian and drives inland toward Tagaytay Ridge without opposition. So successful is this operation that 187th Gli Inf is landed at once and Gen Eichelberger asks Fifth Air Force to drop 511th Para Inf on 2 February instead of on 3d.

CAMOTES--7th Div TF finishes clearing Poro I. and prepares to return to Leyte.

MINDORO--21st Inf (-) moves from NE Mindoro, where about 135 Japanese have been killed in Pinamalayan Calapan region, to San Jose area. Leaving platoon on Marinduque, Co D, 21st Inf, returns to Mindoro.

1 February

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: U.S. Ninth Army prepares for Operation GRENADE, large-scale offensive across the Roer. In XIII Corps area, 5th Armd Div is attached to corps. In XIX Corps area, 78th Div continues to mop up in Imgenbroich-Kesternich sector; CCA, 5th Armd Div, is detached and joins parent unit, to which it reverts.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's V Corps area, 102d Cav Gp, protecting N flank and maintaining contact with Ninth Army, relieves elements of 9th Div in Rohren and Widdau. 9th, 99th, and 2d Divs (from N to S) continue offensive for dams on Roer and Urft Rivers. 9th Div drives eastward, taking road junction on Hofen-Harperscheid road about half way through Monschau Forest. 99th Div, after gaining objectives in Monschau Forest and being pinched out by 9th and 2d Divs, is withdrawn to reserve. 2d Div moves NE from Rocherath (Belgium) across German border to join 9th Div. In XVIII Corps (A/B) area, 1st Div, continuing attack through N part of Buchholz Forest with 26th Inf on left and 18th on right, drives E about 1,500 yards against scattered resistance. 82d A/B Div consolidates; 517th Para Inf is attached to it. Patrols of both assault divs probe West Wall defenses.

In U.S. Third Army area, VIII Corps continues attack to breach West Wall along the Schnee Eifel. On N, 347th Inf of 87th Div takes Manderfeld (Belgium) and Auw (Germany). 4th Div, in center, advances almost 4 miles into Germany to positions overlooking Bleialf: Urb and Muetzenich fall to 8th Inf and Ihlren, Schweiler, and Winterscheid to 12th. 90th Div gets into blocking position on S flank of corps: bn of 359th Inf captures Gros Langenfeld and 358th Inf takes Heckuscheid. III Corps maintains and improves defensive positions in Luxembourg along ridge between Our and Clerf Rivers; patrols to and across the Our. RCT 134, detached from 6th Armd Div, leaves to rejoin 35th Div. In XX Corps area, except for limited-objective attack by 94th Div, corps front is static. Elements of 1st Bn of 302d Inf, 94th Div, clear half of Campholz woods, SE of Tettingen.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army area, XV Corps maintains and improves defensive positions. TF Harris (63d Div) is dissolved and 63d Div (-253d, 254th, and 255th Regts) is attached to corps. In VI Corps area, 36th Div continues toward the Rhine: 2d Bn of RCT 142 crosses the Moder and enters Oberhoffen, where indecisive fighting ensues. CCB, 14th Armd Div, is attached to 36th Div and makes diversionary attack E of Oberhoffen, withdrawing at dusk. 117th Cav Rcn Sq, attached to 36th Div, clears Stainwald woods, N of Gambsheim. Rest of corps front is static throughout February: activity is confined to aggressive defense of current positions, occasional raids across the Moder, and training.

Fr 1st Army continues operations against Colmar Pocket. 2d Corps, against disorganized resistance, completes task of clearing Rhine Plain from Erstein on N to Artzenheim on S; overruns Artzenheim. In U.S. XXI Corps area, 3d Div's 15th and 30th Regts, with Fr armor in support, drive S along Rhine-Rhône Canal toward Neuf-Brisach, reaching positions just N of that town. 75th Div, with 2 regts abreast, drives S toward Andolsheim from sector formerly held by 3d Div. 28th Div, on corps W flank, starts S toward Colmar at 2100. 1st Corps continues to clear region S of Thur R between Cernay and Ensisheim. Both Cernay and Ensisheim remain in enemy hands.

EASTERN EUROPE--Red Army continues reduction of enemy within East Prussia; in Poland, takes Torun communications center on the Vistula by storm and maintains pressure on encircled Posen; in Germany, invests Schneidemuehl, thrusts to Ratzebuhr, continues toward the middle Oder and Berlin; in Hungary, continues elimination of Budapest garrison.

BURMA--In NCAC area, main body of Br 36th Div starts crossing Shweli R in Myitson region under enemy fire.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's XIV Corps area, 1st Cav and 37th Inf Divs drive quickly southward toward Manila. Prov Rcn Sq of 1st Cav reaches Gapan. Elements of 5th and 8th Cav Regts cross the Pampanga N and S of Cabanatuan and clear most of that town. Motorized elements of 8th Cav reach Santa Rosa. 37th Div's 148th Inf drives down Route 3 to Labangan R; some elements then advance E toward Plaridel until stopped at Plaridel airfield while others continue down Route 3. To W, 145th Inf column takes Hagonoy without opposition. In I Corps area, 6th and 25th Divs attack E to cut Highway 5 at San Jose. 6th Div commits 1st and 3d Bns,


20th Inf, against Munoz but is still unable to enter. 27th Inf of 25th Div, assisted by 35th Inf, attacks toward Umingan and gets elements into the barrio. 32d Div, blocking southward movement of enemy from Cagayan Valley, gets elements to San Nicolas, SW entrance to Villa Verde Trail, which joins Highway 5 at Santa Fe. On N flank of corps, 43d Div and RCT 158 consolidate on hills and ridges commanding Damortis-Rosario-Pozorrubio road. In XI Corps area, 152d Inf of 38th Div, approaching Japanese MLR at Zigzag Pass, gains less than 1,000 yards. 149th, following trail (which bends sharply northward instead of paralleling Route 7), is about 4,000 yards N of Route 7.

In U.S. Eighth Army area, when 188th Inf of 11th A/B Div meets delaying opposition in defile between Mt Cariliao and Mt Batulao, short of Tagaytay Ridge, planned drop of 511th Para Inf on the ridge is postponed until 3d. Fifth Air Force planes from Mindoro support fighting.

MOROTAI--Japanese aircraft raid Morotai 82 times during period 12 September to date.

2 February

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES--British-American discussions of war strategy at Malta end.

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In U.S. Ninth Army's XIX Corps area, 78th Div passes to operational control of V Corps, First Army, in place.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's V Corps area, advance elements of 9th and 2d Divs emerge from Monschau Forest and head toward Dreiborn and Schleiden, respectively. 9th Div's 60th Inf, assisted by 39th, reaches high ground SW of Dreiborn; 47th Inf clears heights near Hammer. 2d Div's 9th Inf takes Schoneseiffen and Harperscheid; 23d, to rear, continues NE attack in Monschau Forest. 99th Div is transferred to XVIII Corps (A/B) but remains in place. In XVIII Corps (A/B) area, 1st and 82d A/B Divs, jumping off at 0400, overrun pillboxes, dragons' teeth, and other fortifications at West Wall. 1st Div emerges from Buchholz Forest near Ramscheid. Attacking through 505th Para Inf, 325th Gli Inf of 82d A/B Div breaches West Wall and takes Udenbreth and Neuhof; 504th Para Inf, following, gets about 2 miles SE of Neuhof. 30th and 84th Divs are detached from corps.

In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, 87th Div gains assigned objectives in attacks that continue during night 2-3. On div left, 347th Inf takes Losheim during night 2-3; 346th attacks on div right at night and secures Krewinkel before dawn of 3d. 8th Inf, 4th Div, drives to high ground W of Radscheid; 12th gets elements of 2d Bn into Bleialf. 90th Div patrols and consolidates. In XII Corps' 80th Div zone, TF Oboe (4th Armd Div -) clears Hosdorf, on W bank of Our R, in local attack. In XX Corps area, elements of 1st Bn of 302d Inf, 94th Div, continuing limited attacks, clear rest of Campholz woods.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's VI Corps area, 36th Div continues fight for Oberhoffen and attacks Rohrweiler. Helped by tanks and TD's, RCT 142 (-) clears S and SE part of Oberhoffen; CCB of 14th Armd Div pushes NE from Bischwiller to assist in Oberhoffen but is held up by enemy fire. Elements of RCT's 143 and 142 wade the Moder to make co-ordinated attack on Rohrweiler; capture the town and bridges to SE. Farther S, RCT 141 prepares to attack Offendorf and Herrlisheim; its movement along Weyersheim-Gambsheim road is slowed by floods.

In Fr 1st Army's U.S. XXI Corps area, 7th Inf of 3d Div, with tank support, drives S through Artzenheim astride highway between Rhine-Rhône Canal and Rhine R toward Biesheim, NE of Neuf-Brisach. 75th Div overruns Andolsheim and moves SE toward Neuf-Brisach. Upon reaching edge of Colmar, 28th Div pauses to let tanks of 5th Armd Div enter first; city is captured but mopping up continues.

BURMA--In NCAC area, Japanese force Br 36th Div to withdraw its small bridgehead across the Shweli. 124th Cav, U.S. 5332d Brig, takes heights in Hpa-pen area in sharp battle. 88th Regt, Ch 30th Div, gives little assistance.

FRENCH INDOCHINA--Gen Wedemeyer relays to Washington news that Japanese are ordering Fr forces to disarm and disperse. In response to Fr requests for help, U.S. Fourteenth Air Force gives some assistance, although China Theater boundary is not clearly defined and Indochina is believed to be within Chiang Kai-shek's China Theater.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's XIV Corps area, main assault forces of 1st Cav Div reach Sabang-Baliuag sector. Elements of 5th Cav move eastward to vicinity of Norzagaray. Patrols make contact with 37th Div elements near Plaridel and elements of 6th Div, I Corps, N of Cabanatuan. One column of 148th Inf, 37th Div, takes Plaridel while another reaches Bocaue and patrols toward Marilao. Some elements of 145th Inf drive through Malolos to San Juan and others to Bulacan. Forward elements of corps are on general line Marilao-Santa Maria-Norzagaray. 129th Inf of 37th Div completes its tasks in Ft Stotsenburg area and prepares to join in 37th Div's drive on Manila. 108th Inf, 40th Div, shifts S to replace 129th; 185th Inf takes over positions vacated by 108th on W flank of 40th Div. I Corps has advanced sufficiently by this time to insure safety of XIV Corps from enemy counterattacks from the E. While 20th Inf, 6th Div, continues struggle for Munoz without making much headway,


other elements of div prepare for assault on San Jose, 63d Inf cutting Highway 5 NE of Munoz and 1st Inf seizing bridge crossing along Rizal-San Jose road. 25th Div pushes into Umingan where 27th Inf is left to mop up while 35th Inf continues E toward Lupao. 161st Inf begins wide enveloping movement S of Lupao. In XI Corps area, 38th Div's 152d Inf is pinned down by stiff opposition from Zigzag Pass. 149th, far to N, is out of contact with enemy and returns to Santa Rita; ordered to retrace its steps along trail, which leads toward Dinalupihan, does so without incident.

In U.S. Eighth Army area, 11th A/B Div drives to within 2 miles of W end of Tagaytay Ridge.

LEYTE--In XXIV Corps area, 77th Div concludes combat operations on the island. Americal Div is to relieve it for future operations on Okinawa. 7th Div's special TF returns to Leyte from the Camotes, leaving 2d Bn, 94th Inf (PA), to garrison Poro and Pacijan.

3 February

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In U.S. Ninth Army area, the following divs are assigned to army: 30th, 83d, 2d Armd, 84th, and 95th. The first three are attached to XIX Corps; 84th Div is attached to XIII Corps; 95th Div is designated army reserve. In XVI Corps area, 35th Div completes assembly SE of Maastricht (Holland).

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's V Corps area, 1st Bn of 311th Inf, 78th Div, swims the flooded Roer at Dedenborn and captures that town. CCR, 7th Armd Div, is attached to 78th Div to participate in drive on Schwammenauel, important Roer R dam near Hasenfeld. Jumping off before dawn, 9th Div's 90th Inf overcomes house-to-house resistance in Dreiborn and seizes Herhahn; 47th clears Einruhr. 2d Div continues toward Schleiden: 9th Inf takes Berescheid and Ettelscheid; 23d captures Bronsfeld. In XVIII Corps (A/B) area 1st Div continues to battle West Wall obstacles and slightly improves positions NW of Ramscheid; patrols find Ramscheid free of enemy. RCT 395 of 99th Div is attached to 1st Div and moves into position for attack. 82d A/B Div withstands strong counterattacks and consolidates.

In U.S. Third Army area, VIII Corps is directed to attack SE to the Pruem. 87th Div consolidates and its Rcn Tr occupies Roth. 8th Inf, 4th Div, clears Halenfeld and Buchet; 2d Bn of 12th Inf completes capture of Bleialf. III Corps is assigned new N and S boundaries that increase its zone from about 7 to some 18 miles in width. Necessary reliefs are begun late in day.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XV Corps area, TF Herren is dissolved and units are absorbed into 70th Div, which is attached to corps. In VI Corps area, RCT 142 of 36th Div continues to clear Oberhoffen until relieved there by CCB, 14th Armd Div. RCT 143, reinf by bn of 142d Inf, seizes Drusenheim woods but is unable to retain much of it. S of the Moder, RCT 143 takes 2 bridges and a road junction but is later forced to withdraw. RCT 141 attacks N from Stainwald across flooded terrain to S outskirts of Herrlisheim but is forced back by counterattack.

In Fr 1st Army's U.S. XXI Corps area, 3d and 75th Divs continue toward Neuf-Brisach. 7th Inf of 3d Div clears Biesheim against vigorous opposition. 75th Div makes slow progress in Forêt Domaniale. 12th Armd Div, attached to corps to speed drive S. from Colmar toward 1st Corps, attacks through 28th Div at Colmar. CCB seizes bridgeheads across Ill R in vicinity of Sundhoffen and Ste Croix en Plaine; CCR drives S astride Colmar-Rouffach road. 28th Div, upon completing mop-up of Colmar, joins Fr armor in blocking along the Vosges in region W and S of Colmar. 1st Corps finishes first phase of mission against Colmar Pocket--clearing S bank of Thur R between Cernay and Ensisheim; prepares to drive N across the Thur to make contact with U.S. XXI Corps. Wittelsheim and Pulversheim are among towns cleared of enemy.

BURMA--Adm Mountbatten receives directive from CCS assigning the liberation of Burma as his first task and of Malaya as his next. Burma must be cleared with forces on hand unless reinforcements can be sent from Europe.

In NCAC area, 29th Brig of Br 36th Div loses contact with enemy in Twinnge area as it moves E toward Mongmit. 475th Inf, U.S. 5332d Brig, attacks to clear rest of Loi-kang ridge and makes substantial progress.

CHINA--Japanese seize Namyung.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army area, Gen MacArthur orders Manila Bay reopened, a task that entails clearing Bataan, Corregidor, and S coast of the bay in Ternate area. In XIV Corps area, 1st Cav Div, when forward elements reach city limits of Manila, is given permission to enter and does so. 37th Div, whose progress is slower, is to clear narrow zone along waterfront. Slowed because they have to move on foot and cross numerous streams, forward elements of 37th Div are still short of Manila, at Meycauayan. 129th Inf arrives in Calumpit area. In I Corps area, 1st Inf of 6th Div pushes forward to positions S and SW of San Jose. 1st Bn of 35th Inf, 25th Div, is unable to take Lupao and 3d Bn prepares to join in attack. In XI Corps area, RCT 34, under corps control, takes over assault on Zigzag Pass from 152d Inf, 38th Div, but is up against Japanese MLR and makes little headway.


In U.S. Eighth Army area, 511th Para Inf of 11th A/B Div is dropped along Tagaytay Ridge. Drops are widely scattered, but paratroopers are unopposed and make contact with 188th Inf at W end of the ridge and seize road junction at E end. With the ridge secured, plans are made to employ 511th Inf in northward advance on Manila.

4 February

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES--U.S.-Br-Soviet conference (MAGNETO) opens at Yalta in the Crimea to consider Allied strategy and related political issues. This is second phase of ARGONAUT.

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In U.S. Ninth Army's XVI Corps area, 35th Div starts relief of Br 52d Div. In XIII Corps area, 29th Div, occupying positions along the Roer before Juelich, is transferred in place from XIII to XIX Corps.

12th Army Group: Preparations are made for 12th Army Group to participate with 21 Army Group in large-scale offensive to the E, scheduled to open on 10 February.

U.S. First Army is instructed to attack in Dueren area in conjunction with Ninth Army on left and to assume aggressive defensive on right, halting drive on Euskirchen. In V Corps area, 311th Inf of 78th Div, attacking E from Kesternich shortly after midnight 3-4, takes Ruhrberg and high ground around it as a preliminary to main assault through West Wall fortifications for approaches to Schwammenauel Dam. 102d Cav Gp takes over defense of Dedenborn, Ruhrberg, and Einruhr. On 9th Div left, 47th Inf seizes Wollseifen and reaches Urft Lake, where end of Dam 5 is secured; 39th, on right, repels counterattack against Herhahn and pushes toward Gemund, taking Morsbach. Elements of 9th Inf, 2d Div, make limited attack to high ground between Ettelscheid and Scheuren. In XVIII Corps (A/B) area, 1st Div continues assault on West Wall. 395th Inf, committed on N, drives NE, past Hill 628 to wooded heights SW of Hellenthal; 26th takes Hollerath; 18th consolidates in Ramscheid area. 99th Div begins relief of 82d A/B Div. Para RCT 517, detached from 82d A/B Div and attached to 78th Div (V Corps), moves to Bergstein area.

U.S. Third Army units regroup as result of intercorps boundary changes and new missions. In VIII Corps area, while units on corps flanks consolidate and regroup, 4th Div, attacking with 8th Inf on N and 22d on S, breaches outer defenses of West Wall along the Schnee Eifel ridge NE of Brandscheid. 90th Div is relieved of positions on S flank of corps by elements of 6th Armd Div (III Corps) and 11th Armd Div: 6th Armd Div takes over zone W of Our R; CCR of 11th Armd Div begins relief of elements E of the Our at night. 90th Div prepares to help 4th in attack on Brandscheid and to continue attack SE to Pronsfeld. III Corps completes series of reliefs made necessary by new boundaries and assumes responsibility for its enlarged zone. On N, elements of 90th Div are relieved in place by elements of 6th Armd Div. 6th Cav Gp, after being relieved of its zone on former S flank of corps by elements of 17th A/B Div, displaces S and relieves elements of 5th Div (XII Corps). Corps retains defensive mission. In XII Corps area, regrouping is begun in preparation for offensive across Our and Sauer Rivers through West Wall. 5th Div, relieved by 6th Cav Gp (III Corps), takes over new zone between 80th and 76th Divs and begins relief of 417th Inf, 80th Div, which is attached to it.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's VI Corps area, activity subsides on 36th Div front, where CCB of 14th Armd Div holds all but NW corner of Oberhoffen and elements of RCT's 143 and 142 clear Drusenheim woods.

In Fr 1st Army's U.S. XXI Corps area, 3d and 75th Divs improve positions near Neuf-Brisach, 3d in region between Rhine R and Rhine-Rhône Canal and 75th between Rhine-Rhône Canal and Ill R. CCB, 12th Armd Div, holds bridgeheads across the Ill until relieved by 109th Inf, 28th Div. CCA captures Hattstatt, on Colmar-Rouffach road, but CCR meets strong opposition NE of there and is unable to progress. 28th Div, assisted by Fr 10th Div, blocks along Fecht R on corps W flank. Fr 2d Armd Div is attached to corps with mission of driving S on E flank upon order. 1st Corps attacks N across flooded Thur R toward XXI Corps and makes rapid progress. 4th Moroccan Mtn Div, in the lead, overruns Guebwiller, on road to Rouffach, and reaches S edge of Rouffach after nightfall. On Thur R line, Cernay is found to be free of enemy and preparations are made for assault on Ensisheim.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army's IV Corps area, 92d Div begins limited attack to improve positions in Serchio Valley, employing 366th Inf (-) W of the river and 365th Inf on E side. Attack recovers Gallicano, Castelvecchio, and Albiano from enemy with ease.

BURMA-CHINA--First convoy from Ledo, led by Gen Pick, makes triumphal entry into Kunming, China.

On NCAC front, 475th Inf of U.S. 5332d Brig finishes clearing Loi-kang ridge, from which most Japanese have withdrawn. Future action of the U.S. force is limited to patrolling and arty exchanges.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's XIV Corps area, elements of 1st Cav Div within Manila conduct local patrolling while awaiting arrival of reinforcements; attempt unsuccessfully to take Quezon Bridge across Pasig R. 2d and 3d Bns of 148th Inf, 37th Div, move into N part of Manila and make


contact with cavalrymen. In I Corps area, 1st Inf of 6th Div, assisted by aircraft, seizes San Jose--Highway 5 gateway to Cagayan Valley--and blocks approaches. 63d Inf is unable to advance northward toward San Jose. 20th commits 3 bns against Munoz and receives strong fire support but is still unable to reduce this strongpoint. Attacking from N and S, 35th Inf of 25th Div reaches edge of Lupao, where enemy continues to hold out. Japanese forces on N and S Luzon are separated as elements of 161st Inf reach San Isidro. In XI Corps area, 34th Inf is unable to make progress against enemy positions at Zigzag Pass and is attached to 38th Div, which is to make strong effort on 5th.

U.S. Eighth Army begins drive on Manila from S. 511th Para Inf, motorized, of 11th A/B Div moves along Route 17 and then Route 1 to Paranaque, 4 miles from the city, where it encounters main enemy defenses S of the city.

5 February

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In U.S. Ninth Army area, boundary between Ninth and First Armies is shifted N to general line Liége-Aachen-Cologne. In XIX Corps area, responsibility for corps zone passes to VII Corps, First Army, which takes control of 8th and 104th Divs in place. 113th Cav Gp is detached from 8th Div and attached to 29th.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army area, VII Corps begins move from billeting areas in Belgium to Roer R line in Germany. The relatively inactive new zone, formerly held by XIX Corps of Ninth Army, is defended by 104th Div on left and 8th Div on right. In V Corps area, 78th Div opens drive for Schwammenauel Dam at 0300. 309th Inf, on left, thrusts NE from vicinity of Rollesbroich to high ground N of Strauch-Steckenborn fortified zone, where it digs in to prevent enemy movement northward; on right, 2d Bn of 311th Inf advances toward Hechelscheid from Ruhrberg, but is slowed by rough terrain and opposition at Woffelsbach and stops a little short of objective; in center, attached CCR of 7th Armd Div attacks later in morning for Strauch and Steckenborn from the Witzerath-Kesternich road and secures both. 39th Inf, 9th Div, mops up toward Olef R and Gemund. 9th Inf, 2d Div, gets Co A into Scheuren; 38th Inf, committed at 0300, passes through 23d Inf and gains weak hold on Hellenthal. In XVIII Corps (A/B) area, 1st Div clears toward banks of Clef and Prether Rivers from Blumenthal southward until relieved at night by 99th Div. Having relieved 82d A/B Div before dawn, 99th Div is now responsible for entire corps zone; RCT 395 reverts to 99th Div and RCT 424, 106th Div, is attached. Upon relief, 1st Div (-RCT 16) and 82d A/B Div move to assembly areas at Aywaille and Salmchâteau (Belgium), respectively.

In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, 22d Inf of 4th Div takes stubbornly defended crossroads in the Schnee Eifel NE of Brandscheid and from there sends column SW into Brandscheid, where strong opposition is overcome; another column moves E from the crossroads and clears high ground overlooking Sellerich. 8th Inf attacks NE along Schnee Eifel ridge and secures crossroads in Schlausen Bacher Wald. Farther NE on the Schnee Eifel ridge, some elements of 87th Div take crossroads SE of Kobscheid; others clear portion of Losheim-Pruem road near Krewinkel. 90th Div supports 4th Div attack on Brandscheid with demonstration against Habscheid and Hollnich. 11th Armd Div assumes responsibility for its portion of former 90th Div zone.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army area, VI Corps regroups and continues toward the Rhine. 79th Div is relieved by 36th and 101st A/B Divs. 101st A/B takes over new zone that includes about half of 79th Div sector and extends front line eastward along S bank of the Moder. 103d Div occupies sector formerly held by 506th Para Inf of 101st A/B Div. On 36th Div front, 68th Armd Inf Bn of 14th Armd Div, attached to RCT 142, presses slowly toward NW edge of Oberhoffen. RCT 142 consolidates positions in Bois de Drusenheim and makes local gains despite heavy enemy fire. CCB (-), 14th Armd Div, moves to assembly area. 117th Cav Rcn Sq relieves RCT 141 of Zorn Canal outposts; patrols find Offendorf free of enemy.

In Fr 1st Army area, Colmar Pocket is cut in two as U.S. XXI and Fr 1st Corps make firm junction. Enemy remnants W of Ill R are isolated and offer but sporadic resistance. In U.S. XXI Corps area, CCA of 12th Armd Div, jumping off early in morning, drives quickly S from Hattstatt and enters Rouffach at 0512; shortly afterward, makes contact with 4th Moroccan Mtn Div of Fr 1st Corps, which had arrived at S edge of town earlier. CCR clears Herrlisheim-près-Colmar, NE of Hattstatt, and is relieved there by 28th Div. On W flank of corps, 28th Div improves positions along Ill R south of Colmar and along Fecht R west of Colmar. 75th Div makes important gains in region between Ill R and Rhine-Rhône Canal, overrunning Appenwihr, Hettenschlag, and Wolfgantzen. On corps E flank, 3d Div's 30th Inf starts S in region between Rhine-Rhône Canal and Rhine R, bypassing Neuf-Brisach, night 5-6; 1st Bn remains behind to reconnoiter Neuf-Brisach. 1st Corps effects junction with XXI Corps along line from Ill R at Oberentzen westward. 9th Colonial Div opens assault on Ensisheim and at 2230 enters the city.


EASTERN EUROPE--Red Army troops in Prussia reach middle Oder on broad front within about 30 miles of Berlin and outflank fortified cities of Kuestrin and Frankfurt. Berlin reports Soviet forces across the upper Oder below Breslau, N and S of Brieg. Fighting continues within beleaguered cities of Posen and Budapest.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army's IV Corps area, 92d Div's 366th Inf takes Calomini without difficulty but is held up by resistance on slopes of M. Faeto. Across the Serchio, 365th Inf drives beyond village of Lama to slopes of Lama di Sotto ridge, commanding Castelnuovo, where it encounters violent opposition. Indecisive fighting on these heights astride the Serchio continues for next few days.

LUZON--SWPA hq approves plan to reopen Manila Bay, a mission that is assigned to XI Corps. Air action against Corregidor is intensified.

In U.S. Sixth Army area, Gen MacArthur orders Japanese in N Luzon contained while main effort is directed against Manila area. In XIV Corps area, additional elements of 37th Div and 1st Cav Div move into Manila, where responsibility for clearing N part of the city is divided between the two divs. Both push S toward Pasig R line, where Japanese demolitions cause huge fires. In I Corps area, 20th Inf of 6th Div makes very little headway at Munoz; 1st Inf takes Rizal. Lupao remains under attack by 35th Inf of 25th Div. 32d Div begins drive up Villa Verde Trail with 2d Bn, 127th Inf, which has been patrolling from Santa Maria, where the trail enters the mountains, since 31 January. In XI Corps area, 38th Div continues costly fighting for Zigzag Pass; attached RCT 34 withdraws a little. Fresh 151st Inf is ordered to relieve RCT 34 and join in assault on this position. 149th Inf, upon reaching Dinalupihan and making contact with patrol of XIV Corps, is placed under corps control and directed to advance W along Route 7 toward the Zigzag in conjunction with eastward attacks.

In U.S. Eighth Army area, 511th Inf of 11th A/B Div progresses slowly northward toward Manila, crossing damaged Paranaque bridge and driving along Route 1.

6 February

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In U.S. Ninth Army area, XVI Corps becomes operational and takes control of Br 12 Corps sector of Br Second Army. Br 7th Armd Div is attached for operations only. 35th Div completes relief of Br 52d Div and takes over its sector. During period 6-21 February, corps defends its zone, employing 35th Div on right and Br 7th Armd Div on left; 8th Armd Div is held in reserve. In XIII Corps area, CCB of 5th Armd Div is attached to 102d Div in preparation for Operation GRENADE.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army area, advance elements of 69th Div start toward Montenau (Belgium) from vicinity of Liesse (France). In V Corps area, 78th Div's 310th Inf, reinf by bn of 309th and tanks, attacks before dawn toward Schmidt-Harscheid-Kommerscheidt region but meets stiff opposition and gains less than 1,000 yards. Hechelscheid falls to 2d Bn, 311th Inf. CCR, 7th Armd Div, assists 309th Inf in mopping up Steckenborn area and takes over defense of Hechelscheid sector. Para RCT 517 attacks at midnight 5-6 from Bergstein toward Schmidt-Nideggen road but is held up by mine field. Co A of 39th Inf, 9th Div, takes limited objective near Olef R east of Morsbach. Scheuren falls to 1st Bn of 9th Inf, 2d Div, and Hellenthal to 38th Inf. Corps assumes responsibility for zone of XVIII Corps (A/B) at 1800; 99th Div and 106th Div (-) are attached in place. XVIII Corps (A/B) begins movement to Huertgen region. 1st Div's RCT 16, with 14th Cav Gp attached, is attached to 8th Div.

In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, German resistance to corps' assault on West Wall stiffens. In local attacks, 87th Div takes road junction on Losheim-Pruem road near Roth but is unable to gain crossroads in the Schnee Eifel E of Kobscheid. 8th Inf of 4th Div, in conjunction with S flank elements of 87th Div, continues to clear the Schnee Eifel ridge. Relief of 3d Bn of 22d Inf, 4th Div, in Brandscheid by 1st Bn of 358th Inf, 90th Div, is interrupted by determined enemy counterattack toward that town, but attack is repulsed after some hours of fighting; other elements of 22d Inf attack at noon and seize Hontheim, Sellerich, and Herscheid. 90th Inf and 11th Armd Divs open coordinated attack SE through West Wall defenses before dawn, surprising enemy and quickly gaining immediate objectives. 359th Inf, 90th Div, takes Habscheid by daybreak but is then delayed by opposition around the town. CCR of 11th Armd Div advances about 2 miles through West Wall fortifications to seize Hill 568, S of Habscheid; patrols enter Lutzkampen, Grosskampenberg, and Berg, but are only able to remain in Berg. III Corps begins rcn in force E of the Our, night 6-7. Assault elements of 6th Armd and 17th A/B Divs start to the Our at 1900; by midnight 6th Armd troops are at W bank of river near Kalborn and Dahnen and 2d Bn of 507th Para Inf, 17th A/B Div, is crossing N of Dasburg.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XV Corps area, CG of 63d Div takes command of sectors held by 253d and 255th Regts and those units revert to 63d Div from attachment to 44th Div; 255th conducts limited attacks to improve defensive


positions. Advance party of 101st Cav Gp closes in 106th Cav Gp sector. In VI Corps area, on 36th Div front, 68th Armd Inf Bn, though fighting hard in Oberhoffen, makes little headway. RCT 143 occupies Herrlisheim without opposition; relieves 117th Cav Rcn Sq in Offendorf. Both Herrlisheim and Offendorf are found to be heavily mined.

Fr 1st Army begins final phase of operations against Colmar Pocket. U.S. XXI Corps completes southward movement and turns E toward the Rhine. 3d Div finishes clearing its zone along the Rhine on N flank of corps and seizes Neuf-Brisach. Elements of 30th Inf are led by civilian into Neuf-Brisach and easily clear the fortress city of the few enemy remaining there. Elements of Fr 2d Armd Div pass through 3d Div and drive S between Rhine-Rhône Canal and Rhine R toward 1st Corps, clearing Oberaasheim. Pivoting SE about 3d Div, 75th Div reaches Rhine-Rhône Canal line S of Neuf-Brisach and sends elements forward to relieve French at Oberaasheim. 28th Div, having passed through 12th Armd Div, drives E to Rhine-Rhône Canal on S flank of corps. 12th Armd Div provides fire support for 28th Div, blocks exits from the Vosges, and eliminates isolated pockets of enemy. Fr 5th Armd Div, now in reserve near Colmar, helps clear Vosges pockets. In Fr 1st Corps area, 1st Armd Div, disposed along Ill R from Oberentzen to Reguisheim on corps E flank, pauses to await bridging and is passed through by infantry. 2d Moroccan Inf Div crosses Ill in Meyenheim-Reguisheim area and drives E to Rhine-Rhône Canal, capturing Hirtzfelden. 9th Colonial Inf Div completes capture of Ensisheim by dawn and attacks E from there on corps S flank, reaching edge of Harth woods; elements just N of Mulhouse drive N from Modenheim to Baldersheim. On W flank of corps, 4th Moroccan Mtn Div blocks Vosges exits. Organized resistance in the Vosges ceases.

EASTERN EUROPE--Moscow confirms German report of Soviet bridgeheads across the upper Oder between Breslau and Oppeln where Red Army forces have penetrated enemy defenses along W bank of the river. Troops of First Ukrainian Front, after seizing bridgeheads N and S of Brieg, link up W of the river, encircling Brieg, which is then taken by assault; among other towns secured are Ohlau, Grottkau, and Lowen. Russians continue to destroy German pockets in East Prussia and in cities of Posen and Budapest.

SEAC--Because of successes in Burma, Adm Mountbatten issues directives calling for formulation, as soon as possible, of plans to capture Rangoon and later Singapore.

P.I.--GHQ SWPA directs Eighth Army to plan for Operation VICTOR III against Palawan and for VICTOR IV against Sulu Archipelago.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's XIV Corps area, 37th Div and 1st Cav Div have cleared most of Manila N of Pasig R. 40th Div is ordered to speed action to clear right rear of corps. 160th Inf, with tank and air support, secures foothold on McSevney Pt, W nose of Storm King Mountain. In I Corps area, Japanese continue stubborn defense of Munoz, target of very heavy arty concentration, and Lupao. Enemy withdrawal routes from Munoz are cut. 32d Div suspends attack up Villa Verde Trail while consolidating current positions about 1,500 yards N of Santa Maria. In XI Corps area, 149th Inf of 38th Div starts W toward Zigzag Pass, where enemy positions are worked over thoroughly by aircraft, now based on San Marcelino airstrip, and by arty. 152d Inf continues eastward and penetrates enemy line late in day. 151st relieves 34th Inf.

In U.S. Eighth Army area, 511th Para Inf of 11th A/B Div gains about 500 yards toward Manila. 188th Inf moves forward in preparation for attack on Nichols Field.

7 February

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In U.S. Ninth Army's XIII Corps area, 84th Div relieves 102d of responsibility for Linnich-Himmerich sector. In XIX Corps area, 30th Div takes over defense of W bank of the Roer from Kirchberg to Merken; 113th Cav Gp is transferred to 30th Div from attachment to 29th Div.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's V Corps area, 78th Div renews attack with 3 regts abreast after 30-minute arty preparation: 309th Inf, on left, encounters mines and heavy fire while advancing on Kommerscheidt, which it captures; in center, 310th soon clears high ground SW of Schmidt and elements assist in main attack; 311th, on right, is bitterly opposed as it fights toward Schmidt and Harscheid, but clears W part of Schmidt and reaches SW section of Harscheid. CCR, 7th Armd Div, mops up bypassed pockets to rear of 78th Div. 82d A/B Div moves a task force (TF A), based on Para RCT 505, to Bergstein area to operate under V Corps control in the dam region. Para RCT 517, attached in place to TF A, finds region before it, SE of Bergstein, again mined by enemy and is unable to advance. 9th and 2d Divs defend and consolidate their positions. 69th Div is assigned to First Army, which attaches it to V Corps.

In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, enemy strongly resists efforts of corps to deepen penetrations of West Wall. 87th Div, employing 345th and 346th Regts, takes crossroads E of Habscheid in the Schnee Eifel and clears Losheim-Pruem road northward from there. 4th Div drives SE toward Pruem: 8th Inf seizes Wascheid and reaches outskirts


of Gondenbrett; 22d secures Ober Mehlen and heights overlooking Steinmehlen. 90th Div commits its full strength against the main West Wall defenses about Habscheid, methodically eliminating numerous pillboxes under heavy fire; Hollnich falls to 359th Inf. CCR, 11th Armd Div, is unable to advance beyond Hill 568, since progress of 90th Div is insufficient to protect its N flank; tanks and TD's are moved forward to support infantry elements on the hill; 41st Cav elements regain Lutzkampen and organize commanding ground at W outskirts of Grosskampenberg. CCB closes in Weiswampach area. In III Corps area, assault elements of 6th Armd and 17th A/B Divs finish crossing the Our R and German border during morning. 6th Armd crosses elements of 44th and 9th Armd Inf Bns (CCR) near Kalborn and Dahnen, respectively; two cos of 2d Bn, 507th Para Inf, 17th A/B Div, cross N of Dasburg. Enemy puts up strong resistance after recovering from surprise. 6th Armd Div constructs bridges and moves additional forces across river during day. XII Corps attacks across Our and Sauer Rivers between Vianden and Echternach, 5th Div starting 0100 and 80th at 0300. Though arty support is strong, swift current of river and heavy fire from West Wall limit numbers crossing and prevent bridging. On left, 80th Div crosses elements of 319th Inf (1st Bn and 2d Bn, less one Co) NW of Wallendorf and elements of 318th (2d Bn and Co L of 3d) N of Dillingen. Small bridgeheads are secured by both regts. 319th takes Wallendorf after nightfall. As a diversion for 80th Div, attached elements of 4th Armd Div (51st and 53d Armd Inf Bns) conduct demonstrations. To the SE, 5th Div, with elements of three regts abreast, attacks across the Sauer near Weiterbach and Echternach. With great difficulty, a few troops of 2d Bn, 10th Inf, on N, and of 2d and 3d Bns, 11th Inf, in center, succeed in crossing; attached 417th Inf (76th Div) gets 2½ cos of 1st Bn across river on S. In XX Corps area, 94th Div, attacking with 3 bns of 301st Inf, clears Sinz except for one house and high ground NW of the town; 2d Bn of 302d Inf attacks enemy pocket between Campholz woods and Tettingen, which has withstood pressure of 1st Bn, 302d, earlier in month, and takes four pillboxes. 26th Div begins series of local actions in Saarlautern-Roden bridgehead sector; elements of 3d Bn, 104th Inf, raid enemy positions in Fraulautern and withdraw. TF Polk (3d Cav Gp, reinf) patrols across the Saar near Merzig, night 7-8.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's VI Corps area, in 36th Div sector, 68th Armd Inf Bn fights in NW Oberhoffen until relieved by 1st Bn, 142d Inf. RCT 143 continues to consolidate positions in Bois de Drusenheim and pushes forward from Herrlisheim and Offendorf. 79th Div is detached from corps and reverts to army control.

In Fr 1st Army area, U.S. XXI Corps closes along the Rhine from Balgau northward. Continuing S between Rhine-Rhône Canal and the Rhine, Fr 2d Armd Div seizes Heiteren and Balgau and pushes toward Fessenheim. 75th Div sends elements to Heiteren to relieve French. Mopping up operations continue on rest of corps front. In Fr 1st Corps area, 1st Armd Div crosses Ill R over bridge constructed at Ensisheim and overtakes infantry along Rhine-Rhône Canal. 9th Colonial Inf Div closes along Rhine-Rhône Canal to S.

CHINA--Japanese occupy Kanchow, U.S. Fourteenth Air Force base.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's XIV Corps area, 37th Div extends E to take responsibility for most of Manila N of the Pasig, thus releasing 5th and 8th Cav Regts, which are to clear E suburbs as far S as the Pasig. Ordered to attack across the Pasig at once, 37th Div turns over part of its zone to a provisional organization, Special Security Force, and crosses 3d and 2d Bns of 148th Inf in assault boats. 185th Inf, on N flank of 40th Div, begins attack toward Snake Hill North in region W of Storm King Mountain. In I Corps area, battle for Munoz ends victoriously for 20th Inf, 6th Div. Japanese columns attempting to escape are virtually wiped out. In Lupao, enemy continues to hold out against 35th Inf, 25th Div. 2d Bn of 127th Inf, 32d Div, renews drive up Villa Verde Trail, which at this point winds about a bowl-shaped depression and is exposed to enemy fire from commanding terrain. In XI Corps area, 151st and 152d Regts of 38th Div are slowly and methodically reducing enemy strongpoints along Highway 7 on W; 149th Inf drives rapidly W to vicinity of Balsic.

In U.S. Eighth Army area, 11th A/B Div, with arty and air support, begins drive on Nichols Field. 511th Inf makes slight progress along Route 1 toward SW corner, but 188th Inf cannot reach its intended line of departure along Cut-Cut Creek.

8 February

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: Cdn First Army, employing Br 30 Corps, begins Operation VERITABLE to clear region between the Maas and Rhine Rivers. 30 Corps, with Cdn 2d and Br 15th, 53d, and 51st Divs disposed from left to right, attacks from general line Nijmegen-Mook at 1030 after effective arty preparation, meeting light resistance except on right but hampered by mines and flooded terrain. Cdn 2d Div accomplishes its mission, overrunning Wyler in lively fighting; Br 15th Div seizes Kranburg; Br 53d and 51st Divs clear heights NW and SW of the Reichswald, respectively.


On extreme N, Cdn 3d Div opens amphibious attack over flooded terrain at 1800 and easily clears Zyfflich and Zandpol. Scheduled air support is curtailed sharply by weather conditions.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's V Corps area, 78th Div renews assault on Schmidt before dawn: 3d Bn of 310th Inf, passing through 311th Inf, overcomes determined resistance in E part of town; 1st Bn relieves pressure on 3d by clearing high ground SE of Harscheid. 311th Inf's 3d Bn easily secures Harscheid while rest of regt clears region between Schmidt and Urft Lake. 505th Para Inf, 82d A/B Div, makes contact with 78th Div near Kommerscheidt; 508th Para Inf is placed under operational control of corps and begins relief of 517th Para Inf SE of Bergstein. 2d Div relieves 9th Div and takes control of its sector and RCT 39 in place. 9th Div (-RCT 39) starts N to Strauch-Steckenborn region in order to attack toward Schwammenauel Dam; 309th Inf and 311th Inf (-3d Bn) of 78th Div are attached to 9th Div upon their relief by 505th Para Inf. RCT 424 of 106th Div, attached to 99th Div, relieves 394th Inf in place. XVIII Corps (A/B) assumes responsibility for VII Corps sector S of Kreuzau. 1st Div takes over zone of 8th Div and defends it with RCT 16 and attached 14th Cav Gp, which revert to it. From Salmchâteau area of Belgium, 82d A/B Div, less elements fighting with V Corps, moves to vicinity of Rott (Germany).

In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, 345th Inf of 87th Div, in two-pronged attack, seizes Olzheim and high ground to S and E. 4th Div arouses even greater resistance as it presses toward Pruem, but 8th Inf takes large part of Gondenbrett and 22d clears Ober Mehlen; 12th Inf is committed on div S flank. 90th Div continues to batter main fortifications, largely pillboxes, of West Wall: 358th Inf, clearing region generally S of Brandscheid, is unable to take Hill 519 but makes contact with 359th Inf near Habscheid; 359th works on pillboxes toward div rear near Habscheid; possession of Hill 511, SE of Habscheid, is hotly contested throughout day, but elements of 357th Inf succeed in retaining it. CCR, 11th Armd Div, remains in position on Hill 568, since there is still no lateral contact between it and 90th Div. CCB establishes contact with 6th Armd Div (III Corps) W of the Our. In III Corps area, CCR of 6th Armd Div expands its N bridgehead and moves additional elements across river. 44th Armd Inf Bn completes crossing in morning and secures two bridge sites near Kalborn; 9th Armd Inf Bn finishes crossing at S bridgehead near Dahnen, too late in day to expand bridgehead. Farther S, 2d Bn of 507th Para Inf, 17th A/B Div, maintains small bridgehead N of Dasburg but is unable to enlarge it; patrol of platoon strength from 513th Para Inf, which had crossed the Our, night 7-8, is forced to withdraw. In XII Corps area, 80th and 5th Divs slowly expand their bridgeheads and move additional units into them. 80th Div's 319th Inf (-) improves positions on high ground NE of Wallendorf and after nightfall moves Co D across river; most of 3d Bn, 318th Inf, crosses near Dillingen and helps 2d Bn expand bridgehead. 5th Div succeeds in reinforcing elements of 10th and 11th Regts across the river with a few boat loads of personnel; rest of 1st Bn and entire 2d Bn of 417th Inf cross. Mopping up operations are carried out within 5th Div bridgehead and some houses in Weiterbach are cleared of enemy. In XX Corps area, 301st Inf of 94th Div completes capture of Sinz and takes several pillboxes to SE; elements of 302d clear last two pillboxes between Campholz woods and Tettingen. Elements of 104th Inf, 26th Div, continue local actions against Fraulautern and occupy a city block.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XV Corps area, elements of 276th Inf, 70th Div, are forced from OPLR by enemy fire. In VI Corps area, enemy continues to stubbornly resist RCT 142 of 36th Div in NW Oberhoffen. RCT 143 moves E through Bois de Drusenheim and establishes outpost. CCB, 14th Armd Div, reverts to parent unit from attachment to 36th Div.

In Fr 1st Army area, U.S. XXI Corps completes offensive as Fr 2d Armd Div reaches Fessenheim and finds 1st Armd Div of Fr 1st Corps already there. Units mop up. In 1st Corps area, 1st Armd Div, after driving E from Rhine-Rhône Canal to Fessenheim and clearing that village, moves S along the Rhine toward Chalampé, capturing Blodelsheim. To S, meanwhile, other elements of corps clear Harth forest and reach the Rhine near Hombourg and Petit Landau. The small enemy bridgehead W of the Rhine now contains but 4 villages--Rumersheim, Bantzenheim, Chalampé, and Ottmarsheim.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army's IV Corps area, 92d Div, while continuing fruitless struggle for heights on either side of the Serchio, giving ground under counterattack in region E of the river, begins limited attack in coastal sector with 3d Bn of 366th Inf (organized as TF 1) on left, 370th Inf in center, and 371st Inf on right. Advance is slowed by opposition and numerous mines, but TF 1 crosses Cinquale Canal and turns inland, 370th Inf gains about a mile, and 371st advances 800 yards.

BURMA--In NCAC area, 26th Brig of Br 36th Div establishes bridgehead across the Shweli near Myitson and holds it against enemy fire.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's XIV Corps area, while 1st Cav Div forces are clearing E suburbs of Manila, 37th Div expands and strengthens its bridgehead S of the Pasig, crossing 1st and 2d Bns


of 129th Inf into it. On right flank of corps, 40th Div's 185th Inf continues attack toward Snake Hill North; 160th gains most of McSevney Pt and holds positions against series of counterattacks; 108th attacks W from Top of the World toward series of hills about 1,500-2,000 yards distant, numbered 5, 3, 4, and 6, from N to S, and takes Hill 5. I Corps, with capture of Lupao by 35th Inf of 25th Div, finishes clearing central plain. On Villa Verde Trail, 2d Bn of 127th Inf, 32 Div, pauses to consolidate and patrol. In XI Corps area, 38th Div continues 2-pronged attack against Zigzag Pass but is still stubbornly opposed. 149th Inf is running into strong opposition.

In U.S. Eighth Army area, 511th and 188th Regts of 11th A/B Div make slow progress against Nichols Field and gain contact near SW corner.

9 February

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES--ARGONAUT ends after conferees have agreed to plan for an invasion of Japan after defeat of Germany. Defeat of Germany, it is now believed, will come about 1 July 1945. After Japanese will to resist has been weakened by air and naval blockade and intensive aerial bombardment, Japan itself will be invaded. The pace of the Pacific war, however, will be slowed until the capitulation of Germany. USSR (as a reward for intervention in war against Japan) is to acquire holdings in Manchuria.

WESTERN EUROPE--21st Army Group: In Cdn First Army's Br 30 Corps area, rapid amphibious advance continues. Cdn 3d Div clears Mehr, Niel, Keeken, and Milligen and patrols to the Rhine. 15th Div overruns West Wall defenses at Nuetterden and reaches heights near Materborn; patrols to outskirts of Cleve. From Nijmegen, 43d Div begins drive through 15th Div toward Goch, reaching Nuetterden. Moving E through N part of the Reichswald, 53d Div clears Stuppelburg feature and high ground SW of Materborn. 51st Div drives through S part of the Reichswald toward Hekkens road center and cuts Mook-Gennep road.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's V Corps area, 9th Div, passing through 78th Div and assisted by it, makes final drive on Schwammenauel Dam. To protect N flank of 9th Div, 78th Div's 310th Inf, reinf by bn of 311th, clears region N of Schmidt-Hasenfelde road and blocks Harscheid-Nideggen road. 9th Div's 90th Inf clears to the Roer within its zone and secures most of Hasenfelde; 311th Inf (-), after driving SE and clearing N bank of Urft Lake to within a few hundred yards of Schwammenauel Dam, is passed through by 309th, elements of which reach N end of the dam and capture the control house. Relieved by 508th Para Inf near Bergstein, 517th Para Inf assembles near Huertgen; 505th Para Inf moves E toward the Roer in region W of Abenden. 106th Div assumes responsibility for sector held by RCT 424 on corps S flank; RCT 424 reverts to it.

In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, 3d Bn of 345th Inf, 87th Div, captures Neuendorf, but efforts of div Rcn Tr to make contact with 4th Div Rcn Tr at Willwerath are frustrated by enemy in that town. On 4th Div N flank, 8th Inf completes capture of Gondenbrett, clears Hermespand, and crosses elements over the Pruem; 22d seizes Nieder Mehlen; 12th partly clears Steinmehlen. 90th Div makes substantial progress through West Wall fortifications: on N, where enemy is falling back, 358th Inf takes Hill 519 and advances 2,000 yards; enemy's stubborn defense of region between 90th Inf and 11th Armd Divs is unabated, but contact is established between the two divs. 11th Armd Div defends current positions and patrols. In III Corps area, CCR of 6th Armd Div expands and consolidates bridgehead E of the Our. Junction is made between div's N and S bridgeheads, and contact is made with 17th A/B Div to S. Armor crosses the river over newly completed Bailey bridge. 17th A/B Div prepares for relief by 6th Armd Div. In XII Corps area bridgeheads across the Our and the Sauer are further strengthened and expanded by 80th and 5th Divs. In 80th Div zone, 3d Bn of 319th Inf is unable to cross into Wallendorf bridgehead, but rest of 318th Inf crosses near Dillingen. By end of day 5th Div has 2d Bn of 10th Inf, 1st and 2d Bns of 11th, and 3 bns of 417th across the Sauer in Weiterbach-Echternach region. In XX Corps area, enemy repels efforts of 301st Inf, 94th Div, to clear Bannholz woods, E of Sinz. 5th Ranger Bn is transferred from 26th to 94th Div control and relieves elements of 302d Inf on 94th Div right flank. In Saarlautern bridgehead, 104th Inf of 26th Div takes a number of buildings.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XV Corps area, 101st Cav Gp begins relief of 106th Cav Gp. CCB, 10th Armd Div, reverts to parent unit from corps control. 254th Inf, 63d Div, is attached to 100th Div and relieves 274th Inf, 70th Div; 274th reverts to 10th Div control. VI Corps has little contact with enemy except in Oberhoffen, where 1st Bn of RCT 142, 36th Div, engages in house-to-house fighting.

Fr 1st Army completes reduction of Colmar Pocket, leaving German 19th Army virtually destroyed as an effective fighting force. Unremitting efforts of planes of U.S. XII TAC and Fr 1st Air Corps contribute greatly to the success of this operation. In U.S. XXI Corps area, 254th Inf reverts to 63d Div from attachment to 3d Div. Fr 1st Corps eliminates the small bridgehead in Chalampé area


and Germans blow bridge at Chalampé, concluding operations on Alsatian plain of France.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In Br Eighth Army area, Cdn 1 Corps begins Operation GOLDFLAKE, movement to ETO, where it will join Cdn First Army.

BURMA--In ALFSEA area, 15 Corps completes capture of Ramree I.

CHINA--Chinese SOS is organized.

LUZON--U.S. Sixth Army releases 112th Cav RCT to 1st Cav Div. In XIV Corps area, 37th Div units fighting S of the Pasig in Manila make very small gains against tenacious resistance. 1st Cav Div forces clearing E suburbs reach the Pasig and begin crossing. In 40th Div zone, 185th Inf gets into position for assault on Snake Hill North; 160th continues to hold on McSevney Pt; 108th takes Hills 3 and 4 and pushes toward Hill 6. In I Corps area, after repelling predawn counterattack, 2d Bn of 127th Inf, 32d Div, continues attack to clear Villa Verde Trail but is soon checked by enemy fire. In XI Corps area, 38th Div continues to eliminate enemy positions in the Zigzag.

In U.S. Eighth Army area, 11th A/B is meeting intense opposition at Nichols Field.

10 February

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army area, Br 30 Corps is hampered by extremely poor road conditions and congestion as well as stiffening resistance. Cdn 3d Div pushes almost to Cleve-Rhine Canal. 43d Div is held up at Cleve and Materborn. 15th Div partly clears Cleve against strong resistance. 51st Div closes in on Hekkens and, night 10-11, crosses elements over flooded Niers R north of Gennep. Cdn 2d Div is detached from corps.

In U.S. Ninth Army area, Germans have destroyed outlets to Roer R dams in First Army zone to S, flooding proposed crossing sites of Ninth Army and forcing postponement of its attack across the Roer. Army continues preparations and special training for Operation GRENADE.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's V Corps area, 310th Inf of 78th Div continues to protect N flank of 9th Div; 311th (-) reverts to 78th Div. 9th Div's 90th Inf mops up Hasenfeld before dawn and prepares for river crossing there; 309th consolidates at N end of Schwammenauel Dam and sends patrols across it, but blown bridge across the sluice way prevents crossing in force. CCR, 7th Armd Div, reverts to parent unit from attachment to 78th Div. Entire corps zone W of the Roer is cleared by nightfall. 82d A/B Div drives E with 508th and 505th Para Regts, reaching high ground overlooking the Roer E and SE of Bergstein; 517th Para Inf is detached from div.

In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, 87th Div goes on the defensive and rest of corps prepares to do likewise. 8th Inf, 4th Div, consolidates bridgehead E of the Pruem and 22d Inf pushes a short distance toward Pruem; 12th Inf completes capture of Steinmehlen and gets a bn to the river line across from Nieder Pruem. 358th Inf, 90th Div, advances to positions overlooking the Pruem R; 359th clears last three pillboxes on div right flank. CCR of 11th Armd Div resumes attack, reducing a number of bunkers and pillboxes S and SE of Hill 568. In III Corps area, CCA of 6th Armd Div begins relief of 17th A/B Div. CCB relieves CCR of bridgehead E of the Our and makes contact with 11th Armd Div (VIII Corps). Corps is assigned to First Army and prepares to move to zone of XVIII Corps (A/B). Command of corps sector and of 6th Armd Div and 6th Cav Gp in place passes to VIII Corps at 2400. In XII Corps area, 80th Div's 319th (less 3d Bn) and 318th Inf, assisted by co of 317th, continue to improve and expand bridgeheads in Wallendorf-Dillingen area; elements of 318th clear Biesdorf after nightfall. 5th Div crosses rest of 10th and 11th Regts and with these expands Weiterbach-Echternach bridgehead into West Wall; 417th mops up within the bridgehead. Two footbridges are constructed near Echternach, the first of a number of bridges to be put in within corps zone. In XV Corps area, 10th Armd Div, released by Seventh Army to Third Army, starts to Metz area, where it is attached to XX Corps. In XX Corps area, 376th Inf of 94th Div begins relief of 301st in position. 2d Bn, 376th, attacks into Bannholz woods after heavy arty preparation but is driven out. 26th Div, employing 2d and 3d Bns of 104th Inf, expands Saarlautern bridgehead, capturing a number of buildings.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XV Corps area, 10th Armd Div starts to Third Army front. In VI Corps area, 2 bns of RCT 142, 36th Div, continue heavy fighting in Oberhoffen. RCT 143 attacks Drusenheim but is forced to withdraw; elements are relieved by RCT 141.

EASTERN EUROPE--In East Prussia, important port of Elbing and communications center of Preussisch Eylau fall to Second and Third White Russian troops, respectively.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In Br Eighth Army area, Cdn 1st Div takes command of Cdn 1 Corps sector.

BURMA--In NCAC area, Myitson falls to Br 36th Div troops.

In Br Fourteenth Army's 4 Corps area, E African 28th Brig takes Seikpyu.

P.I.--Samar Task Force (consisting largely of 1st Bn of 182d Inf, Americal Div, and guerrillas)


is formed under Brig Gen L. H. Slocum, Americal Div CG. GHQ SWPA establishes boundary between U.S. Sixth and Eighth Armies. Sixth Army is responsible for Luzon and Eighth for all islands to S--about two thirds of land area of the Philippines.

LUZON--33d Div arrives from Morotai. In U.S. Sixth Army's XIV Corps area, opposition in S Manila is so stubborn and losses to 37th Div are so great that it is decided to increase volume of arty bombardment. 129th and 148th Regts, 37th Div, reach line Estero de Tonque-Estero de Paco. 1st Cav Div regroups, committing 112th Cav RCT along line of communications to permit 12th Cav to move into Rosario Heights. Div expands positions S of the Pasig and makes patrol contact with 37th Div near Paco Station. In center of 40th Div zone, 160th Inf finds that Japanese have abandoned McSevney Pt and pushes on toward final objective, Object Hill, gaining positions on Snake Hill West and Scattered Trees Ridge. In I Corps area, 3d Bn of 127th Inf, 32d Div, relieves 2d Bn on Villa Verde Trail. In U.S. Eighth Army area, as 11th A/B Div continues to clear enemy positions around Nichols Field it is transferred to command of XIV Corps, Sixth Army, and directed to maintain pressure on the airfield and determine location of enemy positions near the field and at Cavite.

LEYTE--X Corps takes command of tactical operations on Leyte and Samar. 92d Div (PA) is attached to Americal Div to help mop up. XXIV Corps closes in staging areas on E coast of Leyte.

11 February

INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS--U.S., Great Brittain, and USSR issue Yalta Declaration outlining conclusions reached at ARGONAUT Conference.

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army area, Br 30 Corps continues to advance despite increasingly strong resistance and flooded terrain. 3d Cdn Div reaches Cleve-Rhine Canal; 15th Div completes capture of Cleve; 43d Div maintains positions SW of Cleve and takes Materborn and Hau; 53d Div continues to clear the Reichswald; 51st Div takes important road centers of Hekkens and Gennep.

12th Army Group: U.S. First Army begins period of regrouping in accordance with letter of instructions of this date outlining plans for assault across the Roer. In V Corps area, TF A is detached from corps and reverts to 82d A/B Div. 69th Div begins relief of 99th Div in line. Upon relief, 99th moves to vicinity of Waimes (Belgium). In III Corps area, advance detachment of corps starts toward First Army zone.

In U.S. Third Army area, VIII Corps goes on the defensive and shifts boundaries. Units now under corps command, from N to S, are 87th, 4th, 90th, 11th Armd, and 6th Armd Divs and 6th Cav Gp. 4th Div readjusts positions before defending Pruem R line from Olzheim to Watzerath, relieving elements of 345th Inf, 87th Div, to N and elements of 358th Inf, 90th Div, to S. 8th Inf in bridgehead E of the Pruem and elements of 12th Inf on W bank of river opposite Nieder Pruem are withdrawn. 3d Bn of 22d Inf enters Pruem and starts systematic search for enemy within the town. 90th Div begins limited objective attacks long before dawn: 3d Bn of 357th Inf advances to line N of Masthorn; 358th Inf, after futile predawn efforts by Co I to take Watzerath, attacks with three bns and captures Watzerath and Weinsfeld. At conclusion of attacks, 90th Div regroups: 357th Inf relieves 11th Armd Div elements to S during night. 6th Armd Div takes command of 17th A/B Div zone. CCB maintains bridgehead E of the Our. Upon relief, 17th A/B Div starts to Châlons-sur-Marne area (France), where it is to be under SHAEF control; bridgehead N of Dasburg is abandoned. In XII Corps area, 319th Inf (-3d Bn) of 80th Div continues reduction of West Wall fortifications within Wallendorf bridgehead; 318th clears high ground overlooking Bollendorf and mops up in Dillingen area; 2d Bn of 317th Inf crosses river, night 11-12, in zone of 318th Inf, to which it is attached. 5th Div finishes clearing high ground along the Sauer within its zone and on the N opens attack on Bollendorf; 417th Inf is detached but, complying with orders for 76th Div to secure S portion of corps bridgehead, continues action in current zone and captures Echternacherbruck. Boundary between 5th and 76th Divs is adjusted. In XX Corps area, 10th Armd Div completes assembly in Metz area. 376th Inf, 94th Div, completes relief of 301st and latter is withdrawn to reserve. 104th Inf, 26th Div, improves positions in Saarlautern bridgehead area despite strong resistance.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XV Corps area, 101st Cav Gp completes relief of 106th Cav Gp and assumes command of its sector; 106th is withdrawn as reserve. 12th Armd Div is attached to corps and takes over screening mission formerly held by CCB, 10th Armd Div. In VI Corps area, RCT 142 of 36th Div continues to fight in Oberhoffen.

In Fr 1st Army's U.S. XXI Corps area, 75th Div is detached from corps and reverts to control of army.

EASTERN EUROPE--Moscow confirms German reports of fighting NW of Breslau in German Silesia with announcement of 4-day-old offensive in that region during which troops of First Ukrainian Front have crossed the Oder NW of Breslau and


broken through German defenses along W bank to seize Steinhau, Lueben, Haynau, Liegnitz, Neumarkt, and Kanth, thus, in conjunction with assault of forces SE of Breslau, threatening the Silesian capital with encirclement and menacing less imminently the city of Dresden (Germany), 80-odd miles to W. In NE Germany, Soviet forces overrun Deutsch Krone. Other Red Army troops are eliminating enemy garrisons of Schneidemuehl and Posen; claim capture of 45 city blocks in Budapest.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army's IV Corps area, 92d Div breaks off limited attacks, both in coastal sector, where bridgehead across the Cinquale Canal is withdrawn, and in Serchio Valley. Little change in positions has resulted.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's XIV Corps area, 11th A/B Div presses northward toward Manila against decreasing resistance, reaching Pasay, a suburb, and clearing part of Nichols Field; makes patrol contact with 8th Cav outpost. To N, 37th Div and 1st Cav Div continue to clear Manila. In I Corps area, 161st Inf of 25th Div is ordered to advance from San Isidro area toward Puncan. 1st Bn is to move to Balaho and establish observation posts commanding Highway 5. 3d Bn of 127th Inf, 32d Div, begins drive up Villa Verde Trail but is forced back to starting point. For next few days, action in that region is confined to probing by both sides. XI Corps has advanced sufficiently against the Zigzag for 151st Inf to be released.

POA--Joint Expeditionary Force begins final rehearsals for Iwo Jima operation, off W coast of Tinian in the Marianas.

12 February

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army's Br 30 Corps area, 3d Cdn Div takes Kellen and Warbeyen and relieves Br 15th Div of responsibility for Cleve. 15th Div is stubbornly opposed as it attempts to push toward Calcar. 43d Div seizes Bedburg, a necessary action before continuing drive on Goch, but is unable to make any headway along Hau-Goch road. 53d Div continues to clear the Reichswald and withstands strong pressure from E edge. 51st Div advances in S part of the Reichswald and to right takes Heien, S of Gennep.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army area, Advance Hq of III Corps moves to Zweifall (Germany) to take over zone of XVIII Corps (A/B). XVIII Corps (A/B) becomes responsible for sector now held by 82d A/B Div. In V Corps area, 78th Div relieves elements of 9th Div and is transferred in place to XVIII Corps (A/B); 309th Inf and 1st Bn of 311th revert to 78th Div from attachment to 9th Div. 9th Div takes over sector of 2d Div.

In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, 4th Div completes capture of Pruem. Zone of 11th Armd Div is extended southward as CCB relieves 86th Cav Rcn Sq of positions on N flank of 6th Armd Div. 41st Cav Rcn Sq, detached from 11th Armd Div and attached to 6th Armd, closes at Knaphoscheid. 6th Cav Gp captures that part of Vianden (Luxembourg) W of the Our. In XII Corps area, contact is made at Bollendorf between 80th and 5th Div bridgeheads and, within 80th Div zone, between those of 319th and 318th Regts at E edge of Wallendorf. 319th Inf finishes its crossing of the Our and continues reduction of stubbornly defended pillboxes on N flank of corps bridgehead; 318th improves positions S of Cruchten. Tanks and TD's cross into 5th Div bridgehead, where 10th Inf completes capture of Bollendorf and continues N. In 76th Div zone, 3d Bn of 385th Inf relieves 1st Bn of 417th in place and is attached to 417th, which continues slowly E along N bank of the Sauer. XX Corps maintains defensive positions. In 26th Div zone, 328th Inf begins relief of 104th on MLR.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XV Corps area, Fr 2d Armd Div is attached to corps. In VI Corps' 36th Div sector, RR station and factory in NW Oberhoffen, last points of resistance, are set on fire.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In Br Eighth Army's 13 Corps area, Ind 10th Div takes command of sector previously held by 78th Div.

BURMA--In Br Fourteenth Army's 33 Corps area, Ind 20th Div begins crossing the Irrawaddy in Myinmu-Allagappa sector W of Mandalay, night 12-13, against little opposition.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's XIV Corps area, Japanese remaining in Manila are isolated as 5th Cav and 12th Cav, latter replacing 8th Cav, drive W to shores of Manila Bay, overrunning Neilson Field. In co-ordinated assault by 188th Regt and part of 187th, 11th A/B Div, Nichols Field is largely cleared of enemy. 40th Div advances its flanks, 108th Inf taking Hill 6 and 185th taking Snake Hill North, but is stubbornly opposed in center, where progress is slow. In I Corps area, 33d Div comes under corps control to relieve 43d Div and RCT 158. Corps is regrouping for drive N into Caraballo Mts. 27th Inf, 25th Div, relieves 1st Inf, 6th Div, at San Jose and improves positions along Highway 5. 35th Inf moves to Rizal and probes northward with patrols toward Pantangan. 6th Div occupies positions along E coast, bisecting enemy forces on the island. In XI Corps area, RCT 1 of 6th Div starts S from Dinalupihan for operation to clear Bataan.

VISAYAN PASSAGE--Gen Eichelberger issues basic plan for Eighth Army's part in clearing Visayan Passage.


13 February

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army's Br 30 Corps area, Cdn 3d Div patrols toward Emmerich. 15th Div, driving on Calcar, captures Hasselt. 43d Div takes strongly defended hill feature near Cleve Forest (just E of the Reichswald) and screens it. 53d Div overcomes final opposition in the Reichswald and links up with elements of 51st Div there.

U.S. Ninth Army releases 95th Div to operational control of Br 8 Corps.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army area, III Corps assumes responsibility for zone of XVIII Corps (A/B) and operational control of 1st and 78th Inf and 82d A/B Divs in place. 14th Cav Gp is detached from 1st Div and attached to III Corps. Elements of 78th Div occupy Blens. Period of limited activity ensues, during which corps defends W bank of the Roer within its zone, patrols actively, rotates troops, and prepares for assault across the Roer. XVIII Corps (A/B) CP closes at Zweifall (Germany) and opens at Epernay (France) as corps prepares to engage in planning and training activities for Operation VARSITY. In V Corps area, 69th Div completes relief of 99th and takes over its zone; 99th closes in assembly areas in Belgium.

In U.S. Third Army area, VIII Corps engages in routine defensive activities along the Pruem and Our Rivers until 18 February. In XII Corps area, 80th Div's 319th and 318th Regts continue to mop up and 319th takes Amleldingen; 317th, to which 2d Bn reverts, prepares to cross river. 10th Inf, 5th Div, takes Ferschweiler and positions on high ground around it; 11th drives to edge of Ernzen. 417th Inf, 76th Div, continues to clear S portion of bridgehead and on N co-ordinates with 5th Div near Ernzen. XX Corps front remains quiet, but patrols are active. 328th Inf, 26th Div, completes relief of 104th in Saarlautern bridgehead.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's VI Corps area, 36th Div's advance to E is halted by flooded terrain along Moder and Rhine Rivers; RCT 142 continues to hold Oberhoffen.

EASTERN EUROPE--Red Army completes capture of Budapest after a month and a half of fighting. In German Silesia, Soviet forces gain ground NW of Breslau, encircling Glogau and seizing Beuthen.

ITALY--15th Army Group: U.S. Fifth Army releases Ind 8th Div, which has been in army reserve, to Br Eighth Army. In II Corps area, 91st Div relieves 34th Div in line.

In Br Eighth Army area, Hq Pol 2 Corps takes command of 3d Carpathian Div and Friuli Group sector.

BURMA--In NCAC area, 26th Brig of Br 36th Div is holding its Shweli bridgehead against increasing resistance. In Br Fourteenth Army area, as Ind 20th Div expands its bridgehead across the Irrawaddy in 33 Corps sector, Ind 7th Div begins crossing in Nyaungu area in 4 Corps zone, assisted by diversionary thrusts of E African 28th Brig toward Yenangyaung oil-field area.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's XIV Corps area, 37th Div and 1st Cav Div are clearing stubborn strongpoints on approaches to Intramuros in Manila. 11th A/B Div completes mop-up of Nichols Field area. In 40th Div zone, 108th Inf takes Hill 7, another of the numbered series, but is driven off. I Corps continues to regroup. 33d Div relieves RCT 158 in Damortis-Rosario-Pozorrubio sector. 25th Div relieves 6th Div on line San Jose-Rizal-Bongabon-Cebu. In XI Corps area, mine sweeping and naval gunfire bombardment of Corregidor is begun in preparation for landings. 38th Div finishes clearing Zigzag defenses except for a final strongpoint between 152d and 149th Regts.

POA--Final rehearsals for Iwo Jima operation are concluded off coast of Tinian.

14 February

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army's Br 30 Corps area, 3d Cdn Div takes village on the Rhine opposite Emmerich. 15th Div is bitterly opposed as it attempts to reach Moyland from Hasselt, on road to Calcar. 43d Div withstands strong pressure in vicinity of Cleve Forest. 53d Div fights for high ground N of Asperberg, making slow progress. 51st Div overruns Kessel in night attack, 14-15, and is reinf by 32d Gds Brig of Gds Armd Div, which takes Hommersum.

12th Army Group: In U.S. Third Army area, XII Corps has firm control of bridgehead through West Wall and is consolidating it and preparing for drive to Pruem R. 80th Div improves positions in N portion of bridgehead; 317th Inf crosses river and begins clearing enemy from Bollendorf area. 5th Div's 10th Inf expands bridgehead northward toward Schankweiler; 11th takes Ernzen. On S flank of bridgehead, 417th Inf of 76th Div takes hill positions, reduces pillboxes, and helps 5th Div capture Ernzen.

6th Army Group: In Fr 1st Army area, U.S. XXI Corps releases 28th Div to control of Seventh Army.

EASTERN EUROPE--Red Army overruns Schneidemuehl (NE Prussia); in German Silesia, gains ground NW and SW of Liegnitz.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In Br Eighth Army area, Cdn 1 Corps replaces Br 6th Armd Div on right flank of corps with Cremona Group, an Italian formation, as Br 6th Armd Div prepares for transfer to ETO.


CHINA--During meeting at Gen Wedemeyer's hq, Plan BETA, to open coastal port, is presented to Chiang Kai-shek, who approves it.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army area, XIV Corps continues to battle strongpoints in Manila. In I Corps area, 33d Div relieves 43d Div and patrols actively. 25th Div, less 161st Inf, is redeploying for drive on Balete Pass. 6th Div, less 1st Inf, assembles in preparation for movement S of Pampanga R. In XI Corps area, while 38th Div is concluding action against the Zigzag, where firm contact is made between 149th and 152d Regts, corps begins operations to clear Bataan Peninsula, the first of a series of operations to reopen Manila Bay. East Force (RCT 1 of 6th Div, reinf) begins drive S along E coast of the peninsula from Orani, reaching Pilar. South Force (RCT 151, 38th Div), after loading at Subic and Olongapo, sails from Subic Bay for Mariveles.

LEYTE--In U.S. Eighth Army area, X Corps forms provisional TF (1st Philippine Inf (less 1st and 2d Bns) and 1st Bn of 182d Inf, reinf) to clear NW coast of Samar and islands in San Bernardino Strait.

POA--Gunfire and Covering Force (TF 54, under Rear Adm B. J. Rodgers) and Support Carrier Group of Amphibious Support Force (TF 52, commanded by Rear Adm W. H. B. Blandy) leave Saipan for Iwo Jima for pre-D-day operations.

15 February

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: Cdn First Army commits another corps, Cdn 2, in Operation VERITABLE. Cdn 2 Corps becomes responsible for left sector of Br 30 Corps front from line Grave-Groesbeek-Cleve-Emmerich northward. Cdn 3d Div is attached to corps in place; takes Huisberden, E of Cleve, and relieves Br 15th Div of positions S and W of Moyland. During period 15 through 25 February, corps conducts limited attacks with Cdn 3d and 2d Divs in general direction of Calcar, immediate objective, and regroups in preparation for concerted assault. In Br 30 Corps area, main effort is directed against obstacles before Goch, next big objective. 15th Div, except for a brig temporarily attached to Cdn 3d Div, is withdrawn to rest in preparation for drive through 43d Div on Goch. 43d Div fights hard for hill features E of Cleve Forest. 53d Div continues toward Asperberg. 51st Div pushes toward Asperden.

12th Army Group: In U.S. Third Army's XII Corps area, 80th Div continues consolidation of N part of corps bridgehead. Elements of 5th Div continue N toward Schankweiler and patrol to Pruem R; 2d Inf relieves 10th of its portion of bridgehead. 417th Inf, 76th Div, reduces additional pillboxes and clears high ground N of Minden; 2d Bn is relieved in line by 2d Bn, 385th Inf, night 15-16. In XX Corps area, 2d Bn of 302d Inf, 94th Div, takes several pillboxes and shelters E of Campholz woods but loses them in strong night counterattack. 26th Div slightly improves positions in Saarlautern bridgehead in limited attack by 328th Inf.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army area, XV Corps opens limited offensive to straighten and shorten front line by eliminating enemy salients at Gros Réderching in 44th Div sector and at Wilferding in 63d Div zone. 44th Div, leading off, attacks with 324th Inf through Buschenbusch woods against light resistance; in center, 71st Inf thrusts NE, capturing Rimling and reaching objective; on left, 114th Inf, despite enemy fire in vicinity of Bellevue Farm, attains regimental objective on other side of Bois de Blies Brucken. 63d Div, to advance its right flank and tie in with 44th Div's left, attacks with 255th Inf to clear Bois de Blies Brucken. To left of 44th Div, 100th Div conducts strong diversionary raids.

In Fr 1st Army area, U.S. 3d Div is detached from U.S. XXI Corps and attached to Fr 2d Corps.

EASTERN EUROPE--While troops of Second White Russian Front improve positions N of Bromberg in NW Poland, forces of First Ukrainian Front seize Gruenberg, in N Silesia, and enter Brandenburg.

BURMA--In Br Fourteenth Army's 33 Corps area, Ind 20th Div is beginning to meet strong opposition as it is expanding and consolidating its Irrawaddy bridgehead. In 4 Corps area, Ind 7th Div expands Irrawaddy bridgehead to Pagan and elements still W of the river take Pakokku.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's XIV Corps area, bitter fighting continues within Manila. 40th Div, to right rear, continues to clear enemy from hills in its zone. 185th Inf gains its final objective--Hill 1500. 108th is attempting to regain Hill 7 and 160th to clear objectives in div center. I Corps assumes responsibility for portion of XIV Corps zone lying generally N of E-W line through Tarlac. RCT 158 assembles in vicinity of Tarlac, passing to army reserve. 126th Inf, 32d Div, occupies San Manuel-Asingan-San Nicolas triangle, releasing entire 127th Inf for drive up Villa Verde Trail. In XI Corps area, 38th Div completes mop-up of enemy's Zigzag position. After preparatory bombardment, South Force lands on Mariveles coast at 1000. Gen Chase takes command ashore, relieving Adm Struble, CTG 78.3. No opposition is met, but Japanese counterattack, night 15-16--the last organized enemy effort on E coast--is repulsed.


16 February

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army's Br 30 Corps area, 43d Div drives toward escarpment overlooking Goch. 53d Div reaches Asperberg and finds bridge blown. 51st Div captures Asperden. 52d Div, taking over 51st Div right, clears Afferden, night 16-17.

12th Army Group: In U.S. Third Army's XII Corps area, elements of 80th, 5th, and 76th Divs engage in local actions to improve bridgehead positions and patrol actively. Relief of 417th Inf, 76th Div, by 385th is completed, night 16-17. In XX Corps area, 94th Div begins regrouping for offensive. 328th Inf, 26th Div, continues local action to improve positions in Saarlautern bridgehead.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XV Corps area, 63d Div continues limited attack in right part of its sector until objective is reached and line in Gros Réderching area is straightened. 44th Div repels counterattacks. In VI Corps area, 42d Div (formerly TF Linden) begins relief of 45th Div. XXI Corps reverts to control of Seventh Army from attachment to Fr 1st Army.

EASTERN EUROPE--Red Army completes circle about Breslau, Silesia.

ITALY--15th Army Group: U.S. Fifth Army orders limited attack by IV Corps, beginning 20 February, to improve positions W of Highway 64.

In Br Eighth Army's 13 Corps area, Ind 10th Div takes over part of 6th Armd Div's sector in preparation for relief of the armd div by Folgore Group, which has not yet been in action. 5 Corps takes command of Cdn 1st Div in place.

BURMA--In ALFSEA's 15 Corps area, brig of Ind 25th Div lands on Arakan coast near Ru-ywa, W of An, to operate in conjunction with W African 82d Div moving down from N in effort to block enemy withdrawal toward Prome. Landing is supported by aircraft and by arty that has been emplaced secretly on small island nearby. Japanese offer little opposition. In Br Fourteenth Army's 33 Corps area, Ind 20th Div consolidates Irrawaddy bridgehead, but enemy is bringing heavy pressure to bear against it and hard fighting continues for the next few days.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's XIV Corps area, 108th Inf of 40th Div regains Hill 7 and continues W, turning right flank of Japanese line. I Corps patrols aggressively to determine routes of advance on Baguio and Balete Pass. 1st Bn, 161st Inf, establishes observation posts in hills commanding Highway 5. In XI Corps area, after intensive preparatory bombardment by aircraft and naval vessels, Rock Force (503d Para RCT and reinf 3d Bn of 34th Inf, 24th Div) starts landing on Corregidor about 0830: Fifth Air Force begins dropping 503d Para RCT; 3d Bn of 34th Inf arrives by sea from Mariveles and starts ashore about 1030. Beachhead is established and contact made between paratroopers and 34th Inf troops without serious difficulty since enemy is shaken by preparatory bombardment and is taken completely by surprise.

IWO JIMA--Intensive preinvasion bombardment begins. TF's 52 and 54 arrive off the island and start naval and air bombardment and mine sweeping. Aircraft from escort carriers co-ordinate with Marianas-based bombers in pounding Iwo Jima while planes of TF 58 (fast carrier force) deliver simultaneous attacks on Japan in general support of the Iwo operation.

MARIANAS--Joint Expeditionary Force (TF 51) leaves Saipan for Iwo Jima.

17 February

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army area, Br 30 Corps closes in on Goch. 43d Div clears escarpment NE of the town; 53d maintains positions on the escarpment to right of 43d; 51st and attached elements of Gds Armd Div move in on the W and clear Hassum.

75th Div is assigned to U.S. Ninth Army and placed under operational control of Br Second Army.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's V Corps area, 9th Div (-RCT 39) is transferred to III Corps at 2400 and starts to zone of 82d A/B Div near Huertgen. 2d Div takes over former 9th Div zone and is reinf by RCT 39 of that div.

In U.S. Third Army area, XII Corps in local actions expands and consolidates Our-Sauer bridgehead. 385th Inf, 76th Div, takes responsibility for S portion of bridgehead from 417th Inf. In XX Corps area, 328th Inf of 26th Div continues limited action in Saarlautern bridgehead.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army area, XV Corps begins second phase of limited offensive to straighten and shorten line, employing 70th Div on left flank against heights SW of Saarbruecken. 276th Inf tries in vain to take Oeting but gains hills commanding the town. 274th seizes Kerbach and Behren. 275th pushes toward Lixing and Grosbliederstroff. In conjunction with 10th Div, 63d Div's 253d Inf drives northward toward woods beyond Auersmacher, which elements reach; gains weak hold on Auersmacher. 255th Inf conducts diversionary raids across Blies R. 44th Div holds its line against determined counterattacks. 100th Div defends right flank of corps and also engages in diversionary raids. In VI Corps area, 42d Div completes relief of 45th Div and takes command of its sector at 2400. 79th Div, in reserve, is transferred to XVI Corps of Ninth Army.


BURMA--In ALFSEA's 15 Corps area, Ind 25th Div expands bridgehead on Arakan coast to Ru-ywa village against continued light resistance.

In NCAC area, Br 36th Div holds Shweli R bridgehead, which is supplied entirely by air, against major enemy counterattack.

CHINA--Gen Wedemeyer warns Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek that enemy may try to take airfields at Hsian, Laohokou, and Chihchiang. Changting is the only airfield still held by U.S. Fourteenth Air Force in E China.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army area, XIV Corps begins intensive fire against Intramuros in Manila in preparation for assault. 6th Div, less RCT 1, is transferred to XIV Corps from I Corps in order to participate in offensive to clear region E of Manila and thus insure safety of that city. In I Corps area, 43d Div (less RCT 169) is placed in army reserve; RCT 169 is given mission of holding W part of Central Plain N of line Tarlac-Palauig and W of the Agno. In XI Corps area, East Force, now backed up by units released from the Zigzag (149th Inf, 38th Rcn Tr, and supporting units), starts W on Bataan along Pilar-Bagac Road without opposition. From Mariveles, South Force is working northward. Rock Force is methodically clearing Corregidor. 1st Bn, 503d Para RCT, arrives there by landing craft.

MINDORO--U.S. Eighth Army activates Palawan Task Force (composed of 41st Div's 186th Inf, reinf, and under command of Brig Gen Harold Haney) to make amphibious assault--Operation VICTOR III--on Palawan on 28 February. 41st Div is also to clear Zamboanga Peninsula (Mindanao) beginning 10 March.

IWO JIMA--Fifth Fleet surface vessels and carrier-based and land-based planes continue to pound Iwo Jima as underwater demolition teams go into action.

JAPAN--Carrier planes of TF 58 again provide general support of the imminent Iwo operation with attacks on Tokyo.

18 February

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army area, Br 30 Corps begins assault on Goch: passing through 43 Div, 15th Div reaches N outskirts of the town; 51st Div enters Goch from the NW. Upon being passed through, 43d Div gradually works E from Goch area.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's III Corps area, 9th Div begins relief of 82d A/B Div and takes over its zone. Upon relief, 82d A/B starts to assembly area near Walheim (Germany) and from there later moves to vicinity of Reims (France).

In U.S. Third Army area, VIII Corps renews offensive, attacking S toward XII Corps zone through West Wall defenses in region W of the Pruem. Early morning assault without arty preparation takes enemy by surprise, and the assault divs--90th Inf and 11th Armd--overrun numerous pillboxes and other obstacles. On N, 90th Div's 358th Inf takes hill commanding Pronsfeld from the NW; 359th seizes Kesfeld. Attacking on narrow front in co-ordination with 90th Div, CCR of 11th Armd Div gains Grosskampenberg and Leidenborn. 4th Div zone is extended slightly S as elements of 12th Inf relieve elements of 358th Inf, 90th Div, near Pronsfeld. 4th Div sends out combat patrols as diversion for 90th Div attack. On corps S flank, 6th Cav Gp secures small bridgehead E of the Our between Gemund and Biewels and builds footbridge. XII Corps attacks NE toward Pruem R against scattered resistance. On left, 80th Div's 318th Inf takes Cruchten and drives toward Hommerdingen; 317th captures Stockigt and advances on Nusbaum; 319th contains enemy remaining in West Wall fortifications and releases 51st Armd Inf Bn, which reverts to 4th Armd Div. 5th Div, to the right, crosses Enz R and drives to W bank of the Pruem from vicinity of Peffingen southeastward: 2d Inf, making main effort, takes Schankweiler; 11th clears W bank of the Pruem to SE. 385th Inf, 76th Div, consolidates positions to right of 5th Div. In XX Corps area, 94th Div completes preparations for attack. In Saarlautern bridgehead, 328th Inf of 26th Div consolidates, repels counterattacks, and clears a few more buildings.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XV Corps area, 10th Div overruns Oeting and pushes on toward Forbach on left; in center, takes Etzling and reaches ridge S of Stiring Wendel; on right, clears Lixing and Grosbliederstroff. Enemy infiltrators recover Auersmacher from elements of 253d Inf, 63d Div. In VI Corps area, 45th Div passes to army reserve. XXI Corps completes movement to Morhange area.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U. S . Fifth Army's IV Corps area, in preparation for main attack on M. Belvedere and M. Castello in order to improve positions W of Highway 64, 1st Bn of 86th Inf, 10th Mtn Div, begins scaling the steep Sarasiccia-Campania cliff to left at 1930, taking enemy by surprise and gaining objectives during night 18-19. Main assault force of 10th Mtn Div moves secretly to base of Belvedere-Gorgolesco feature, night 18-19.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army area, XIV Corps continues preassault fire on Intramuros in Manila and is cleaning out approaches to it. In I Corps area, RCT 169 of 43d Div relieves elements of 40th Div in NW part of revised I Corps zone. Patrol of


35th Inf, 25th Div, finds Pantalbangan clear. In XI Corps area, South Force contacts East Force at Limay on Bataan. Rock Force continues clearing Corregidor.

U.S. Eighth Army conducts offshore rcn of Capul, Dalupiri, and Biri Islands, N of Luzon.

IWO JIMA--Preinvasion bombardment continues, with special attention to landing beach area.

JAPAN--TF 58 sails from Japan area for Iwo to assist in invasion when weather conditions prevent further attacks on Japan.

19 February

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army area, Br 30 Corps continues battle of Goch, where enemy is resisting from street to street.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's V Corps area, 99th Div reverts to First Army control from attachment to corps.

In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, 358th Inf of 90th Div seizes Masthorn and a hill W of Pronsfeld; 359th takes Ober and Nieder Uttfeld and heads for hill N of Houf; TF Gassman (90th Rcn Tr and tanks) is organized to cover right flank of 357th Inf and moves toward Binscheid. CCR, 11th Armd Div, captures Herzfeld and mops up in Leidenborn area. Many more pillboxes are reduced. 6th Cav Gp crosses platoon of 28th Sq over the Our just N of Vianden and constructs footbridge at crossing site; 6th Sq reinforces its bridgehead between Gemund and Biewels. In XII Corps area, 80th Div, continuing NE toward the Pruem with 318th and 317th Regts, clears Hommerdingen, Freidlingerhohe, and Nusbaum. 319th begins envelopment of enemy remaining within West Wall positions; elements capture Niedergegen. 5th Div, employing 2d Bn of 2d Inf, clears Stockem; 11th Inf is withdrawn to reserve upon relief by elements of 385th Inf, 76th Div, and 10th Inf. Boundary between 5th and 76th Divs is adjusted. On S flank of corps, TF of 2d Cav Gp crosses the Moselle at Ehnen under cover of darkness and captures road center of Wincheringen. XX Corps opens attack to clear Saar-Moselle triangle. After intense arty preparation, 94th Div attacks with 3 regts abreast (376th, 301st, and 302d with 5th Ranger Bn attached, from left to right) at 0400 to clear initial objective, Borg-Munzingen highway and ridge. Attack, closely supported by air and arty, goes well, breaching West Wall switch line defenses on broad front on left and overrunning towns of Oberleuken, Keblingen, Faha, and Munzingen. At 1800, RCT 376 is attached to 10th Armd Div, which is assembling in Perl-Basch area to attack through 94th Div. 26th Div and TF Polk continue aggressive defense of current positions.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XV Corps area, 276th Inf of 70th Div breaks into Forbach and begins street fighting there. 253d Inf, 63d Div, recovers Auersmacher and takes Kleinblittersdorf. In VI Corps area, 14th Armd Div relieves right flank elements of 103d Div.

EASTERN EUROPE--Vigorous fighting is reported on Samland Peninsula (Prussia) as Germans attempt to escape westward from Koenigsberg. In NW Poland, Red Army troops are pressing northward toward Danzig and have encircled Grudziadz. Soviet forces in Silesia continue attacks against Breslau garrison and in region NW of Breslau.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army's IV Corps area, 10th Mtn Div maintains positions on Sarasiccia-Campania ridge against counterattacks and at 2300 begins main attack on Belvedere-Gorgolesco mass with 87th and 85th Regts, omitting arty preparation in effort to surprise enemy. Substantial progress is made during night against sporadic resistance.

BURMA--In ALFSEA's 15 Corps area, Japanese begin determined operations against Ind 25th Div's bridgehead at Ru-ywa.

In NCAC area, 30th Div of Ch New First Army takes Hsenwi.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's XIV Corps area, intensive bombardment of Intramuros continues. With capture of Object Hill by 160th Inf, 40th Div's current mission on right flank ends. RCT 1 rejoins 6th Div. In I Corps area, 33d Div begins limited attacks to clear Bench Mark and Question Mark Hills, NE of Sison. 1st Bn of 161st Inf, 25th Div, assisted by aircraft and arty and mortar fire, begins operations against enemy positions NW of Lumboy, clearing the first of a series of 4. In XI Corps area, East Force suspends drive across Bataan Peninsula while 149th Inf searches for enemy positions. Rock Force repels Japanese counterattack on Corregidor. Probing of Ternate area on S coast of Manila Bay is begun.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, X Corps begins series of amphibious operations to clear shipping route through San Bernardino Strait to port of Manila. Prov Task Force of Americal Div lands elements at Allen, on NW tip of Samar, and 1st Bn of 182d Inf on Capul I., at W entrance to San Bernardino Strait. The landing parties begin search for enemy.

LEYTE--Americal Div units are eliminating enemy pocket in Villaba area.

IWO JIMA--V Amphibious Corps (VAC): After intense preparatory bombardment by warships and carrier-based and land-based planes, VAC Landing Force (TG 56.1, commanded by Gen Schmidt, USMC) goes ashore on SE coast, beginning at 0900.


Two RCT's each of 4th and 5th Mar Divs land abreast against initial light resistance. As attack progresses inland, enemy fire becomes increasingly heavy, particularly on right, and marines incur heavy casualties and loss of equipment. On right flank of corps 4th Mar Div, with RCT 25 on right and RCT 23 on left, lands on Beaches Blue 1 and Yellow 2 and 1, from right to left; right flank elements turn right to secure Beach Blue 2, while rest of div attacks frontally across heights commanding beaches to E edge of Airfield 1. On corps left, 5th Mar Div, with RCT's 27 and 28, lands on Beaches Red 2 and 1 and Green 1, from right to left, and drives across island to heights overlooking W coast; left flank elements turn S toward Mt Suribachi, highest point of the island and located on S tip, while those to right start N. Tanks and arty, as soon as landed on fire-raked beaches, go into action.

20 February

WESTERN EUROPE--SHAEF opens forward headquarters at Reims. 20th Armd Div arrives on Continent.

21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army's Br 30 Corps area, Bailey bridge over the Meuse at Gennep is opened to traffic. Enemy continues to resist strongly in S part of Goch. 43d Div makes contact with Cdn 3d Div, 2 Corps; upon relief by 15th Div, which is pushing toward Udem, returns to Cleve for rest.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's VII Corps area, 99th Div (-394th Inf) is attached to corps and moves to Aubel and Clermont areas. In V Corps area, 28th Div is attached to corps to relieve 2d Div in line.

In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, main opposition to corps centers in Lichtenborn, in 90th Div sector, from which enemy fire is direct and intense as Germans attempt to protect withdrawal. 359th Inf, 90th Div, breaks through woods E of Ober and Nieder Uttfeld; 2d Bn, 357th, takes Houf and hill to N but TF Gassman and Co A are unable to clear Binscheid; 358th is held in reserve. CCR, 11th Armd Div, clears Sengerich and heights around the town against decreasing opposition. Along the Our, 6th Armd Div renews offensive: making main effort on N, CCB overruns West Wall fortifications within its zone, N of Dahnen, gaining about 2 miles, while CCA provides diversionary fire and smoke, largely in Dasburg area. 6th Cav Gp expands and strengthens Our R bridgeheads. In XII Corps area, 318th Inf of 80th Div reaches favorable position for assault on heights S of Mettendorf; 317th clears high ground N of Nusbaum, crosses Enz R, and captures Enzen; 319th continues reduction of West Wall positions within its sector. 5th Div mops up along W bank of the Pruem; elements of 2d Inf take Halsdorf. 358th Inf, 76th Div, continues to consolidate bridgehead positions and destroy pillboxes. East of the Moselle, contact is made between 2d Cav Gp and 10th Armd Div, XX Corps, at Wincheringen. In XX Corps area, 10th Armd Div, reinf by RCT 376 of 94th Div, enters offensive to clear Saar-Moselle triangle. On left, RCT 376 clears Kreuzweiler and Thorn and CCR overruns Palzem, Dilmar, Sudlingen, Wehr, Helfant, and Rommelfangen. On right, CCA takes Kirf, Meurich, Kelsen, Dittlingen, Korrig, and Fisch. Pressing E toward the Saar, 301st Inf of 94th Div clears Kollesleuken and Freudenberg while 302d takes Weiten and Orscholz.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XV Corps area, 276th Inf, 10th Div, continues street fighting in Forbach; 275th takes Alsting, Zinzing, and Hesseling villages.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army's IV Corps area, 10th Mtn Div after gaining crest of M. Belvedere and M. Gorgolesco during early morning hours, drives toward saddle of ridge leading to M. Torraccia.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army area, XIV Corps continues preparations for assault on Intramuros in Manila. 6th Div completes relief of 2d Cav Brig, 1st Cav Div, in Novaliches-Balera area. 7th Cav, 2d Cav Brig, seizes crossings of Mariquina R in Ugong-Rosario area. In I Corps area, 1st Bn of 161st Inf, 25th Div, gains control of 3 of the 4 enemy positions under attack NW of Lumboy. In XI Corps area, 1st Inf, renewing westward drive on Bataan Peninsula, reaches W coast at Bagac.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army's X Corps area, Americal Div's Prov TF sends land and amphibious patrols from Allen, on Samar, along NW coast to Lavezares. Elements make uncontested landing on Macarite I. and cross channel to establish beachhead on Biri I., at E entrance to San Bernardino Strait.

IWO JIMA--VAC enlarges beachhead against stubborn opposition. 4th Mar Div, reinforcing each of its assault RCT's with a BLT of RCT 24--div reserve--overruns Airfield 1. After repelling predawn counterattack, 5th Mar Div continues drives to N and S. With tanks spearheading, RCT 27, reinf by bn of div reserve--RCT 26--drives slowly N on left flank of corps while RCT 28, assisted by flamethrowing tanks and close naval gunfire support, works S toward Mt Suribachi--from which enemy is pouring a heavy volume of fire--systematically reducing the numerous emplacements in its path. Maximum gain, 1,000 yards, is made in center of corps. Casualties to men and equipment continue to be high; tank casualties, after 2 days of bitter fighting, are estimated as 20% to 30%.


21 February

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army's Br 30 Corps area, 51st Div overcomes final resistance in Goch.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's III Corps area, RCT 39 reverts to 9th Div from attachment to 2d Div.

In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, 359th Inf of 80th Div seizes Strickscheid and Euscheid; 357th, assisted by aircraft, takes high ground above Lichtenborn, clears Stalbach, and assists TF Gassman in capturing Binscheid; 358th clears draw between Halenbach and Hickeshausen and takes both towns. CCR, 11th Armd Div, widens breach in West Wall, seizing Roscheid and reducing pillboxes to NE and NW. 41st Cav Rcn Sq, detached from 6th Armd Div, assembles near Lascheid. 6th Armd Div makes good progress E of the Our: 9th Armd Inf Bn, driving S and bypassing pillboxes along E bank of river, seizes Dahnen and Dasburg; 50th Armd Inf Bn moves E and clears Reipeldingen and Daleiden. In XII Corps area, 318th Inf of 80th Div clears high ground S of Mettendorf; 317th is checked by heavy fire as it attempts to reach heights W of Niehl. 319th Inf, reinf by 53d Armd Inf Bn of 4th Armd Div, envelops and destroys enemy in West Wall positions between Our and Gay Rivers with capture of Roth; also clears Korperich and Lahr. 385th Inf, 76th Div, clears additional pillboxes within its zone. 2d Cav Gp withdraws its task force at Wincheringen to positions W of the Moselle. In XX Corps area, 10th Armd Div, against disorganized resistance, drives to final objective in Saar-Moselle triangle and attacks toward Kanzem and Wiltingen bridges: CCR clears Rehlingen, Nittel, Temmels, and Fellerich; CCA takes Wawern and clears to the Saar to N and E; CCB enters battle, driving NE on Saarburg, which it largely clears; attached RCT 376, 94th Div, mops up to the Saar in Ockfen area. 94th Div (-) clears eastward to the Saar within its zone, between Orscholz and Saarburg, overrunning a number of towns and villages. 5th Ranger Bn is detached from 94th Div and attached to TF Polk, whose zone is extended northward.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XV Corps area, 276th Inf of 10th Div gains about a third of Forbach as street fighting there continues. 274th and elements of 275th capture Spicheren and reach heights beyond commanding Saarbruecken and Stiring Wendel; withstand determined enemy efforts to regain the strategic heights during next few days. In VI Corps' 36th Div sector, RCT 141 is relieved by 9th Zouave Regt, Fr 3d Algerian Inf Div, in accordance with boundary change directed on 13 February.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army's IV Corps area, 10th Mtn Div continues toward crest of M. Torraccia against strong opposition. Brazilian 1st Div begins attack toward M. Castello with 1st and 11th Regts, gaining the feature and taking village of Abetaia.

BURMA--In Br Fourteenth Army's 4 Corps area, elements of Ind 17th Div open drive toward Meiktila from Nyaungu bridgehead.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army area, XI Corps successfully concludes operations on Bataan Peninsula with junction of East Force and South Force S of Bagac. Casualties: about 50 killed or missing. Japanese dead total about 200. Small Japanese force remains in Mt Natib area but it is eventually destroyed. Corps takes command of 40th Div in current positions in Zambales Mtns. 40th Div rests while Japanese positions are being neutralized by air.

IWO JIMA--After preparatory air, naval, and arty bombardment, VAC attacks N toward Airfield 2 and S toward Mt Suribachi. Progress is slow and costly; effective tank strength at end of day is about 50%. While clearing northward to positions generally along phase line O-1, which includes S part of Airfield 2, assault forces encounter severe opposition from well-organized enemy positions around Airfield 2. RCT 21, 3d Mar Div, released as corps reserve, lands on Beaches Yellow to support attack on Airfield 2 and is attached to 4th Mar Div. RCT 28, 5th Mar Div, is viciously opposed as it continues methodical reduction of enemy positions but reaches base of Mt Suribachi. 5th Mar Div CP opens ashore. Enemy makes several local counterattacks and repeated infiltration attempts, night 21-22. Although Americans control air over Iwo, a few Japanese planes get through to attack shipping; sink Bismarck Sea and damage other vessels before being shot down.

22 February

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army's Cdn 2 Corps area, Moyland, on road to Calcar, falls to Cdn 2d Div.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's III Corps area, 82d A/B Div clears corps sector. In V Corps area, 2d Ranger Bn is attached to 102d Cav Gp.

In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, enemy resistance to corps disintegrates. On 80th Div N flank, 359th Inf clears its zone and patrols to the Pruem at Lunebach; 357th quickly overruns Lichtenborn; 358th, reinf by newly formed TF Spiess, takes Arzfeld, Holzchen, and heights extending from SW of Heckeshausen to SE of Neurath. 11th Armd Div gains its final objectives: CCR clears Eschfeld and Reiff; attacking through Eschfeld after its capture, CCB pushes to div S boundary, where contact is made with 6th Armd Div. CCB, 6th Armd Div, takes Irrhausen and Olmscheid.


Elements of CCA cross the Our and relieve units of CCB within Dasburg, then drive S along E bank, taking Preischeid and Afer; W of the Our, 15th Tank Bn, after supporting the crossings, moves S and captures Ober Eisenbach, completing reduction of West Wall positions within div zone. 6th Cav Gp crosses rest of 28th Sq over the Our at Vianden, where Bailey bridge is completed, and makes contact with 80th Div (XII Corps) at Obersgegen. XII Corps consolidates positions and begins regrouping. 80th Div's 318th Inf mops up near Mettendorf and drives toward Nieder Geckler and Sinspelt; 319th clears Geichlingen. Under command of 80th Div, CCB of 4th Armd Div begins attack through 319th Inf about midnight 22-23; 53d Armd Inf Bn reverts to CCB from attachment to 319th Inf. 5th and 76th Divs regroup for assault across the Pruem. 5th Div's 2d Inf relieves elements of 317th, 80th Div, as 5th Div boundary is moved northward. In 76th Div zone, 304th Inf is relieved of positions along the Sauer between Steinheim and Girst by 2d Cav Gp; 385th continues to clear its zone W of the Pruem. 2d Cav Gp is to defend line of Sauer and Moselle Rivers from Steinheim to Grevenmacher. In XX Corps area, 10th Armd Div clears rest of Saar-Moselle triangle; attempting to secure bridgehead across the Saar near Ockfen, attached RCT 376 of 94th Div is prevented from crossing before dawn by lack of assault boats and in afternoon by heavy enemy fire, but succeeds in crossing during night 22-23. To the S, 94th Div begins crossing 302d and 301st Regts in assault boats in Staadt (opposite Serrig)-Taben region in morning and partly clears Serrig against determined resistance. Elements of TF Polk and attached 5th Ranger Bn clear region between old and new N boundaries.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XV Corps area, 276th Inf of 10th Div gains control of two thirds of Forbach while other elements of div are clearing objective heights below Saarbruecken. In VI Corps area, new boundary between U.S. Seventh and Fr 1st Armies becomes effective at 2300 upon relief of RCT 143, 36th Div, by elements of 3d Algerian Div, Fr 2d Corps. CG Fr 3d Algerian Div takes responsibility for sector E of 08.2 Easting.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army's IV Corps area, enemy still clings to crest of M. Torraccia, but all 10th Mtn Div objectives to left are now clear. Brazilian 1st Div consolidates positions on M. Castello and extends slightly northward.

BURMA--In Br Fourteenth Army's 4 Corps area, 2 mechanized brigs of Ind 17th Div and the 255th Tank Brig are committed to drive on Meiktila from Nyaungu bridgehead.

CHINA--Gen Chennault learns that Ch forces under Gen Hsueh Yueh in E China have at last received arms from Chungking, well after fall of Suichwan.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army area, XIV Corps continues preparations for final assault on Intramuros in Manila. In region E of Manila, 6th Div and 1st Cav Div attack across the Mariquina toward line Taytay-Antipolo-Montalban, cavalrymen driving through Taytay. I Corps begins drive toward Balete Pass. 35th Inf, 25th Div, attacks with 2d Bn along crude trail leading N from Rizal through Pantabangan and with 1st Bn toward Pampanga R valley. 2d Bn, 161st Inf, is ordered to clear final enemy position, called Bryant Hill, NW of Puncan. 127th Inf of 32d Div, with arty and air support, renews attack on Villa Verde Trail, taking knoll positions in the bowl. 33d Div gains Question Mark and Bench Mark Hills, concluding 4 days of limited attacks on these objectives; subsequently probes toward Baguio.

IWO JIMA--VAC continues northward attack toward phase line O-2--extending generally from Tachiiwi Pt on E coast to Motoyama village in center to W coast S of Hiraiwa Bay--after preparatory bombardment; is virtually pinned down by resistance from main enemy defenses consisting of mutually supporting pillboxes on high ground between Airfields 1 and 2. 4th Mar Div, passing RCT 21 of 3d Mar Div through RCT 23, continues attack with RCT 25 on right and RCT 21 on left, latter making frontal attack against Airfield 2. 5th Mar Div, passing RCT 26 through RCT 27 and reinforcing it with bn of RCT 27, continues slowly N on left flank of corps but is forced back to O-1 line when gap develops on right flank. RCT 28 works slowly around base of Mt Suribachi, encircling it except for 400 yards on W coast. Enemy continues local counterattacks and infiltration attempts under cover of darkness.

23 February

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In U.S. Ninth Army area, Operation GRENADE begins at 0330, following heavy arty preparation lasting for 45 minutes. XIII and XIX Corps attack across the Roer while XVI Corps stages demonstration at jump-off time. Enemy is taken by surprise and assault troops move forward rapidly against light to moderate resistance, but engineers putting in bridges are greatly handicapped by swift current of river as well as accurate enemy ground fire and aerial attacks on crossing sites that delay movement of rear elements and supporting armor. In XVI Corps area, as a diversion for Operation GRENADE, 79th Div's 314th Inf and 35th Div's 320th Inf move forward to positions overlooking the Roer. In XIII Corps area, 84th and 102d Divs cross the Roer at Linnich and Roerdorf, respectively. On the left,


84th Div's 334th Inf makes excellent progress against unexpectedly light resistance, clearing Koerrenzig, Rurich, and Baal. On the right, 102d Div, employing 407th Inf on left and 405th on right, takes Glimbach, Gevenich, and Boslar. XIX Corps uses 29th and 30th Divs in its assault across the Roer, 29th on left making main effort. 29th Div crosses in Broich-Juelich area, with 115th and 175th Regts on left and right, respectively: 115th seizes Broich and heights NE and SE of the town, blocks Mersch-Pattern road, and patrols toward these towns; 175th Inf's crossing at Juelich is delayed because of bridging difficulties, but large portion of Juelich is cleared and a containing force is left at the Citadel; 3d Bn of 116th Inf, attached to 175th to help mop up Juelich, crosses the Roer in afternoon. RCT 330, 83d Div, moves to Schleiden area and is attached to 29th Div. 30th Div crosses in vicinity of Schophoven: 119th Inf seizes villages of Selgersdorf, Altenburg, and Daubenrath, and at 2300 opens attack for Hambach. To the S, 120th clears villages of Selhausen and Krauthausen and begins attack on Niederzier.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army area, VII Corps, after 45 minutes of intense preparatory fire, attacks across the Roer at 0330. Two regts of 104th Div and two of 8th Div, each of them initially employing two assault bns, cross abreast in vicinity of Dueren. On the N, 104th Div's 415th Inf takes Huchem and Stammeln while 413th clears Birkesdorf and that part of Dueren N of RR. On the S, 8th Div's 13th Inf enters Dueren S of RR; 28th, driving on Stockheim, passes through woods just W of town. Swift current of river presents greater obstacle than enemy, though bridging operations are slowed by German fire. 394th Inf and 324th Engr Bn rejoin 99th Div in vicinity of Aubel (Belgium).

In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, enemy resistance is becoming increasingly disorganized. 357th Inf, 90th Div, overruns Kopscheid and pushes to Pruem R line at Waxweiler, where enemy blows bridge, and Manderscheid; 358th and TF Spiess clear Lauperath area and capture Krautscheid, Heilbach, Upperhausen, and Berkoth. 11th Armd Div, pinched out, consolidates and maintains contact with 90th Div on E and 6th Armd Div on S. CCB, 6th Armd Div, takes last of its objectives, Jucken and heights near that town and Olmscheid; makes contact with 6th Cav Gp at Karlshausen, which it bypasses and contains; and heads for Ober Geckler in effort to contact XII Corps. CCA mops up within its bridgehead E of the Our; 15th Tank Bn crosses at Ober Eisenbach and clears region southward between Our and Irsen Rivers. In XII Corps area, 80th Div mops up and clears Ober Geckler; CCB, 4th Armd Div, takes Nieder Geckler and pushes on to Sinspelt, where bridge is captured intact. Boundary between 5th and 76th Divs is moved N, and 304th Inf of 76th Div relieves elements of 10th Inf within new zone. 76th Div continues mopping up W of the Pruem. In XX Corps' 10th Armd Div zone, RCT 376 gains its objectives E of the Saar and clears Ockfen. Against heavy fire, 94th Div continues crossing troops into Serrig bridgehead, first by assault boats and later by foot bridge erected near Taben, and completes capture of Serrig; on W bank of the Saar, 94th Rcn Tr clears Krutweiler. 5th Ranger Bn and 3d Bn of 101st Inf, 26th Div, are attached to 94th Div; upon relief in Orscholz area by 3d Bn of 101st Inf, 5th Rangers cross the Saar. TF Polk, in support of operations to the N, conducts fire demonstration against enemy positions E of the Saar, particularly in Merzig area, and patrols actively. 26th Div continues aggressive defense of Saarlautern bridgehead sector and slightly improves positions in limited attack.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XV Corps area, 275th and 274th Regts, 10th Div, improve positions below Saarbruecken while 276th mops up in Forbach. In VI Corps area, 36th Div begins relief of 101st A/B Div on its left.

EASTERN EUROPE--Moscow announces collapse of enemy resistance in Arnswalde (Pomerania) and Posen (Poland). In Silesia, Russians continue fighting in suburbs of Breslau and push into S part of the city.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army's IV Corps area, 10th Mtn Div is still short of crest of M. Torraccia but Brazilian 1st Div seizes M. della Casselina and Bella Vista. In II Corps area, 1st Armd Div, with RCT 135 of 34th Div attached, takes responsibility for left flank of corps, relieving S African 6th Armd Div, which passes to army reserve.

SEAC--At a commanders' conference in Calcutta, the decision is made to push overland toward Rangoon in Burma and not to make an amphibious assault before the monsoon.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's XIV Corps area, 37th Div begins assault on Intramuros, final enemy stronghold in Manila, at conclusion of powerful program of arty bombardment. 145th Inf enters by Quezon and Parian Gates; 3d Bn, 129th, works its way through Mint building after crossing the Pasig in assault boats. Stunned by preliminary bombardment, enemy at first offers light resistance but later rallies. 2d Cav Brig, 1st Cav Div, drives E and NE from Taytay area, meeting fire from enemy's Shimbu line. 20th Inf, 6th Div, crosses the Mariquina and takes edge of heights S of San Mateo; gives ground a little under enemy fire after nightfall. Elements of 11th A/B Div, in amphibious, overland, and airborne operation, take Japanese internment camp at Los Banos. In I Corps area, Co B of 35th Inf, 25th Div, reaches Pantabangan. 27th


Inf prepares to attack strong enemy force located by patrols during the wide movement to E. On Villa Verde Trail, 127th Inf of 32d Div completes reduction of enemy positions within the bowl. In XI Corps area, Rock Force now holds W part of Corregidor. 40th Div renews attack to clear final enemy positions in Zambales Mtns of Luzon, employing 108th and 185th Regts.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, Americans turn control of Biri over to 1st Filipino Inf and return to Samar. Japanese have lost 72 killed and Americans, 3. Verde I. attack force--reinf rifle co of 1st Bn, 19th Inf--leaves Mindoro for Verde I.

IWO JIMA--Surface vessels, aircraft, and arty continue to support VAC closely as it attacks toward O-2 line, making main effort in center against Airfield 2. Limited progress is made on flanks, but enemy retains re-entrant in center. RCT 24, reinf by bn of RCT 25, relieves RCT 25 on 4th Mar Div right flank and gains a little ground, but RCT 21 is unable to advance except on extreme right. On left flank of corps, RCT 26 of 5th Mar Div is also slowed by heavy enemy fire. RCT 28, continuing assault on Mt Suribachi, gets elements to summit, where American flag is raised; completes circle about the mountain and is methodically eliminating enemy on slopes. 4th Mar Div CP opens ashore. 3d Mar Div, less RCT's 21 and 3, is released to corps from Expeditionary Troops Reserve but remains afloat. 2d Mar Div is designated area reserve.

24 February

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army's Br 30 Corps area, 53d Div, making main effort of corps, drives slowly on Weeze from Goch.

In U.S. Ninth Army's XIII Corps area, after unsuccessful enemy attempt to regain Rurich, 335th Inf of 84th Div attacks to enlarge bridgehead, passing through 334th at Baal and turning NW toward Doveren, which falls to 1st Bn assisted by newly arrived armor. 102d Div withstands enemy thrusts against its right flank early in day, then attacks, swinging due N to clear villages of Kofferen and Dingbuchhof on left and Hompesch and Hottorf on right. Treadway bridge is completed at Linnich, permitting arty to follow. CCB, 5th Armd Div, is detached from 102d Div and moves to vicinity of Baesweiler, reverting to parent unit. In XIX Corps area, 29th Div's 175th Inf completes capture of Juelich and reduces the Citadel with assistance of flame-throwing tanks. Elements attacking due E along Juelich-Steinstrass road take Stetternich and make contact with 30th Div. 3d Bn, 116th Inf, is detached from 175th Inf. At night, 116th Inf relieves elements of 175th, and RCT 330 relieves 115th Inf. 30th Div completes capture of Hambach by 0130, gains all of Niederzier by 0630, and clears Grosse Forst and Lindenberger Wald portions of Staats Forst Hambach by 2130. 117th Inf crosses the Roer and attacks NE from Niederzier area toward Steinstrass at 1630, but encounters mine fields and felled trees that halt supporting armor; infantry elements dismount from tanks and continue to within 1,000 yards of Steinstrass. Zone of 30th Div, which would have been pinched out by 29th at Steinstrass, is extended, and 30th Div is ordered to continue toward Neuss.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army area, VII Corps expands Roer R bridgehead toward corps bridgehead line E of Elle R and moves additional units into it. 415th Inf, 104th Div, clears Oberzier and more than half of Arnoldsweiler; at midnight 24-25, opens drive on Ellen; 413th mops up in Dueren and takes marshaling yards NE of the city. 8th Div's 13th Inf continues to clear S Dueren and suburbs; 28th takes Krauthausen and Niederau but pulls back slightly NW of Stockheim. In V Corps area, relief of 2d Div by 28th is completed by 0230 and 28th assumes responsibility for sector, 2d Div retaining that portion formerly held by 9th Div.

In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, 90th Div, in limited attacks, clears its right flank with capture of Bellscheid, Ringhuscheid, and Ober and Nieder Pierscheid. Preparations are made for relief of 90th Div by 6th Armd Div and 6th Cav Gp. CCA, 11th Armd Div, is attached to 87th Div; rest of 11th Armd Div is held in corps reserve. 6th Armd Div gains its final objectives: CCB takes Leimbach, Neuerburg, and Muxerath and continues S to make contact with 80th Div (XII Corps) N of Ober Geckler; Sevenig falls to combat patrol of CCA. 6th Cav Gp seizes Karlshausen in conjunction with 6th Armd Div and easily overruns Herbstmuhle, Rodershausen, Koxhausen, Berscheid, Nasingen, and Bauler. In XII Corps area, elements of 318th Inf, 80th Div, clear high ground N of Ober Geckler, where contact is made with 6th Armd Div (VIII Corps). CCB, 4th Armd Div, reaches Outscheid and Brimingen against moderate resistance. 5th and 76th Divs begin crossing the Pruem, night 24-25. In XX Corps area, 10th Armd Div expands RCT 376's Ockfen bridgehead toward Schoden and Beurig and moves 3 armd inf bns, under CCA control, into it by assault boats since enemy fire prevents bridging. 94th Div's 301st and 302d Regts expand Serrig-Taben bridgehead under heavy fire; last bn W of river crosses into it; 5th Ranger Bn, driving NE behind enemy lines to cut Irsch-Zerf road, reaches positions overlooking the road, where it is isolated. Engineers build treadway bridge at Taben. TF Polk continues destructive fire demonstration with all available weapons. 26th Div fails to gain ground in


another limited attack in Saarlautern bridgehead.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XV Corps area, 63d Div, renewing limited attack northward, completes reduction of Welferding salient with capture of Buebingen and Bliesransbach and heights between.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army's IV Corps area, 10th Mtn Div reaches summit of M. Torraccia during morning and Brazilian 1st Div clears La Serra. 92d Div, which has been reinf by attachment of separate 473d Inf, extends its zone to include that formerly held by TF 45, taking responsibility for W half of corps from the coast to boundary of 10th Mtn Div's zone.

BURMA--In Br Fourteenth Army's 33 Corps area, Br 2d Div starts crossing the Irrawaddy at Ngazun, W of Mandalay, bringing swift enemy reaction. In 4 Corps area, Ind 17th Div, continuing toward Meiktila, takes Taungtha, Japanese supply base.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's XIV Corps area, 37th Div overcomes organized resistance in Intramuros. Fire is placed on last 3 strongpoints in Manila: the Legislative, Finance, and Agriculture buildings. Against increasing resistance, 2d Cav Brig, 1st Cav Div, drives toward Antipolo, reaching positions less than 2 miles from that objective. 6th Div attacks with 2 regts: 63d takes Montalban and San Isidro; 20th reaches heights S of Mataba. In I Corps area, while 35th Inf of 25th Div patrols, 1st Bn of 27th Inf continues to clear Highway 5. 2d Bn of 127th Inf, 32d Div, passes through 3d Bn in Villa Verde Trail sector. In XI Corps area, Rock Force clears all of Corregidor except 3,000 yards at E end of the island. 40th Div continues action against enemy positions in Zambales Mtns of Luzon, committing 160th Inf in assault on Sacobia Ridge.

S PHILIPPINES--U.S. Eighth Army Area Command, under Maj Gen Frederick A. Irving, relieves X Corps of responsibility for closing phase of mop up on Leyte, Samar, and the Camotes. Americal Div, under control of the new command, continues operations against enemy in Villaba on Leyte and attacks to clear San Bernardino Strait. Verde I. attack force lands without opposition on NE corner of Verde I. shortly after midnight, 24-25.

IWO JIMA--After preparatory bombardment, VAC attacks toward limited objective line O-A, extending across island 800 yards N of Airfield 2 in region between lines O-1 and O-2. Both flanks reach O-A line and enemy re-entrant in center is eliminated. RCT 28, 5th Mar Div, continues to mop up on Mt Suribachi. Corps CG establishes CP ashore. 3d Mar Div, less RCT's 21 and 3, lands and is assigned zone in center of corps; div CP is established ashore. Seaplane base is established.

25 February

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army's Br 30 Corps area, 53d Div, about a mile from Weeze, halts drive upon order. 15th Div, after relief by 3d Div, is withdrawn from line; its sector on left flank of corps is taken over by 3d Div and Gds Armd Div.

In U.S. Ninth Army's XVI Corps area, 35th Div begins crossing the Roer at Linnich to join in offensive. XIII Corps presses northward toward Erkelenz. 84th Div's 335th Inf, reinf, takes Houverath; 334th clears Hetzerath and Granterath. 405th Inf, 102d Div, after 3d Bn clears Ralshoven, drops back to protect div's right flank and is replaced by 406th; 407th Inf takes Loevenich; 406th clears Katzem and a number of villages. CCB, 5th Armd Div, crosses the Roer and assembles S of Hottorf. In XIX Corps' 29th Div zone, RCT 330 captures Pattern, Mersch, and Muentz; 116th secures Welldorf and from there continues to Guesten, sending elements N that seize Serrest; 175th Inf is pinched out. 30th Div's 119th Inf takes Hollen and Rodingen; 117th clears Steinstrass and opens assault on Lich.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army area, VII Corps completes capture of Dueren and reaches bridgehead line. On 104th Div left, 415th Inf battles during night 24-25 for Ellen and rest of Arnoldsweiler, taking both. 413th secures heights NE of Arnoldsweiler and at 2100 begins drive toward Morschenich from bridgehead line. 414th, committed on div right, attacks at 0300 toward Merzenich, which is clear by noon, and at 2100 begins drive on Golzheim. With corps bridgehead thus established, 4th Cav Gp is committed on N flank and 3d Armd Div prepares to enter line. Elements of 4th Cav Gp relieve 415th Inf in Oberzier and Ellen and make contact with Ninth Army. 13th Inf, 8th Div, mops up final resistance in S Dueren and takes barracks; passing through 13th Inf, 121st captures Binsfeld and part of Girbelsrath; 28th clears most of Stockheim and takes Rommelsheim. III Corps opens assault across the Roer with 1st Div. 2d and 3d Bns, 16th Inf, cross over bridges in VII Corps zone and drive S from Niederau to secure crossing sites within div zone; 2d Bn takes Kreuzau and Drove; 3d is stopped by enemy at Stockheim. Using newly constructed bridge in div zone, 1st Bn of 16th Inf crosses in afternoon and drives S from Kreuzau. 26th Inf begins crossing later in afternoon, 2d Bn closing in Kreuzau and 3d Bn in Niederau.

In U. S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, CCA of 11th Armd Div moves to Manderfeld area and, during night 25-26, begins relief of 247th Inf on left flank of 87th Div. 87th Div prepares for attack to clear remaining West Wall defenses on N flank of corps. 6th Armd Div takes over new zone W of the


Pruem and relieves elements of 90th Div (359th and 357th Regts) within it. 6th Cav Gp relieves elements of 6th Armd Div in Neuerburg and routs enemy in fire fight at Scheuren. In XII Corps area, 80th Div clears Mettendorf and mops up to rear of 4th Armd Div, to which CCB reverts. 4th Armd Div regroups while continuing attack. CCB (51st Armd Inf Bn, 37th Tank Bn, and supporting units) drives E against disorganized resistance, crossing the Pruem at Hermesdorf and establishing bridgehead across the Nims at Rittersdorf. CCA (10th Armd Inf Bn, 8th Tank Bn, and supporting units) moves from Brimingen to the Pruem and starts across at Oberweis, night 25-26. Contact is made with 80th Div forces clearing Oberweis. 5th Div crosses 2 bns of RCT 2 (1st and 3d) and 3 of RCT 10 over the Pruem near Peffingen and drives NE toward Bitburg. RCT 2, on left , takes Wettlingen and high ground to NE; W of the Pruem, 2d Bn clears Olsdorf and Bettingen. On right, RCT 10 seizes Peffingen and reaches positions W of the Nims, overrunning Ingendorf. Bn of RCT 11 also crosses the Pruem and relieves elements of 2d Inf, to which it is temporarily attached. 2 bns of RCT 304, 76th Div, cross the Pruem at 5th Div crossing site early in morning and clear Holsthum; by midnight 1st Bn, 385th Inf, is across the river and 3d Bn of 304th is crossing. In XX Corps area, since enemy continues to prevent bridging in 10th Armd Div zone, CCB crosses the Saar in Taben area of 94th Div zone, driving through Irsch toward Zerf; CCA and CCR prepare to cross; RCT 376 slowly improves and expands Ockfen bridgehead. 94th Div's 301st and 302d Regts expand Serrig-Taben bridgehead against heavy fire; isolated 5th Ranger Bn withstands strong pressure with aid of arty and improves positions S of Irsch-Zerf road. Treadway bridge is put in at Serrig.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army area, XV Corps organizes and defends current positions. In VI Corps area, 36th Div completes relief of 101st A/B Div and takes command of new sector.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army's IV Corps area, first phase of limited offensive W of Highway 64 ends as organized resistance on M. Torraccia and in La Serra area collapses.

In Br Eighth Army's 13 Corps area, first elements of Folgore Gp arrive in corps zone. In 5 Corps area, Cdn participation in the Italian campaign ends. Cdn 1st Div turns its sector over to Ind 8th Div. By mid-March Cdn 1 Corps will be in action in ETO.

BURMA--In Br Fourteenth Army's 4 Corps area, Ind 17th Div takes Mahlaing.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army area, XIV Corps continues preparations for assault on last 3 strongpoints in Manila. 2d Cav Brig, 1st Cav Div, is checked for some days by stubborn enemy in Antipolo area. 6th Div is also strongly opposed. 63d Inf mops up and patrols toward Mt Pacawagan. 20th gets to within about a mile of Mt Mataba peak. 1st Inf, less 2d Bn, is committed in center and directed toward Wawa and Wawa Dam; advances through San Mateo. In I Corps area, 2d Bn of 35th Inf, 25th Div, reaches vicinity of Carranglan with ease; repels counterattack, night 25-26. 1st Bn closes in Pantabangan. 27th Inf continues to clear hill commanding Lumboy and Highway 5. 161st Inf completes capture of Bryant Hill NW of Puncan. In XI Corps area, 2d Bn of 151st Inf, 38th Div, replaces 3d Bn of 34th Inf, 24th Div, on Corregidor, where 1,000 yards are gained along E end of island. On Luzon, 185th Inf of 40th Div completes its mission with capture of Hill 1700. 160th clears most of its sector.

IWO JIMA--VAC, with 3 divs abreast, continues attack toward O-2 line, making main effort in center where, by end of day, E-W strip and two thirds of N-S strip of Airfield 2 are secured. 3d Mar Div, resuming command of RCT 21 and passing RCT 9 through it, begins attack in center for rest of Airfield 2 and gains several hundred yards under heavy fire from heights commanding both runways. On right flank of corps, 4th Mar Div employs RCT 24 on right and RCT 23, which is released from corps reserve, on left; secures portion of E-W runway of Airfield 2 within its sector. On left flank, RCT 26 of 5th Mar Div remains in place waiting for 3d Mar Div to come abreast. RCT 28 continues to mop up on Mt Suribachi. Airfield 1 is ready for emergency use.

JAPAN--Major effort of XXI BC B-29's against Tokyo with incendiary bombs demonstrates clearly the effectiveness of this weapon, which is still being used experimentally; leads to change in XXI BC tactics from daylight precision attacks on industrial targets, which have proved none too successful, to night fire attacks on Japanese urban areas. TF 58 begins 2-day strike on targets in Tokyo area.

26 February

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army area, Cdn 2 Corps begins Operation BLOCKBUSTER--to take Calcar and Udem and exploit between them to Xanten. As regrouped, corps now consists of Cdn 4th Armd Div, Br 11th Armd Div, Cdn 2d Armd Brig, Cdn 2d and 3d Inf Divs, and Br 43d Div. Cdn infantry leads off at 0430 and the 2 armd divs join in attack, which continues during night 26-27. First day's advance gains escarpment S of Calcar, Keppeln, and positions near Udem.

In U.S. Ninth Army's XVI Corps area, 137th Inf of 35th Div, attacking NE from Doveren, drives through Bruck toward Hueckelhoven; 134th, seizing


bridge at Hilfarth, crosses the Roer and gains bridgehead almost a mile deep. In XIII Corps area, 84th Div cuts Erkelenz-Gerderath road and assists 102d Div with TD fire on Erkelenz. Golkrath falls to 335th Inf and Matzerath to 334th. Continuing N with 407th Inf on W and 406th on E, 102d Div clears Tenholt, Kueckhoven, Bellinghoven, and Wockerath, then launches concerted assault on Erkelenz, which falls after moderate resistance. Advancing N on right flank of corps, CCB of 5th Armd Div clears Terheeg, Hauthausen, and Mennekrath. In XIX Corps area, 29th Div attack gains momentum: Hasselsweiler and Gevelsdorf fall to 330th Inf; 116th, after completing capture of Guesten early in day, is replaced on right flank by 115th, which takes Speil, Ameln, and Titz. 30th Div's 120th Inf captures Kalrath; 117th clears Oberembt, Kirch, and Troisdorf. 113th Cav Gp and CCB of 2d Armd Div take up defensive positions on 30th Div right flank.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army area, on VII Corps' N flank 24th Sq of 4th Gp moves through Hambach Forest, making contact with enemy at NE edge; Tr B of 4th Sq reconnoiters toward Esch, passing through Steinstrass. 3d Armd Div, after crossing into bridgehead and being reinf by 13th Inf of 8th Div, spearheads attack NE. On div left, CCB, employing TF's Welborn and Lovelady, drives through woods to outskirts of Elsdorf, Wuellenrath, and Berrendorf; CCA, blocking on the S with TF's Kane and Doan, takes Buir and Blatzheim; reinf 83d Armd Rcn Bn, advancing between CCB and CCA, attempts to secure bridgehead across Erft Canal near Bergheim but halts at Manheim, which it takes with assistance of TF Kane. Morschenich falls to 413th Inf, 104th Div, and Golzheim to 414th before dawn; 415th Inf, passed through by 4th Cav Gp, is held in reserve. In 8th Div zone, 121st Inf completes capture of Girbelsrath and takes Eschweiler, then continues NE without making contact with enemy; 28th clears rest of Stockheim and captures Frauwullesheim and villages near Rommelsheim. Elements of 104th and 8th Divs follow in wake of 3d Armd Div, occupying captured towns. In III Corps area, 1st Div expands bridgehead to E and SE against moderate resistance: 16th Inf clears Soller; 26th takes Udingen, Leversbach, Rath, and Boich; 18th relieves 8th Div (VII Corps) of responsibility for Stockheim and takes Jakobwuellesheim. 9th Div's 39th Inf, reinf by 1st Bn of 60th, crosses the Roer in 1st Div zone and assembles near Boich.

In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, CCA of 11th Armd Div completes relief of left flank elements of 87th Div and engages in defensive patrolling. At 1500, 87th Div, with elements of 345th and 346th Regts in line, attacks N toward Hallschlag and Ormont; strong resistance and obstacles of all types are met as attack continues through the night. 6th Armd Div maintains defensive positions along the Pruem and searches for crossing sites. 6th Cav Gp takes up defensive positions along the Pruem from Waxweiler southward and relieves 358th Inf of 90th Div, which passes to SHAEF reserve. In XII Corps area, 80th Div finishes clearing region W of the Pruem on corps N flank; 319th Inf takes Phillipsweiler and Mauel. CCB, 4th Armd Div, seizes high ground N of Bitburg but is unable to clear Erdorf, on Kyll R; CCA closes in Rittersdorf area. 5th Div's RCT 2, 3d Bn of which crosses the Pruem and joins in advance, pushes NE to Nims R, taking Stahl and Birdingen; RCT 10 clears Messerich and Dockendorf on W bank of the Nims and crosses to take Ober and Nieder Stedem; RCT 11 crosses the Pruem and begins attacking through 10th Inf. 76th Div regroups in preparation for drive to the Moselle at Trier and attacks E and S from Holsthum bridgehead: elements of 304th Inf secure bridgehead across the Nims in vicinity of Wolsfeld; 1st Bn of 385th pushes S from Holsthum toward Irrel; 417th (-) closes in Holsthum area and prepares to attack from Wolsfeld bridgehead. 2d Cav Gp continues to defend S flank and moves elements into Wasserbillig. In XX Corps area, 10th Armd Div and 94th Div expand and join Ockfen and Serrig bridgeheads; jointly clear Beurig area, permitting heavy ponton bridge to be put in at Saarburg. CCB, 10th Armd Div, driving along Irsch-Zerf road, relieves pressure on 5th Ranger Bn (attached to 94th Div) S of the road and reaches Zerf; CCA crosses the Saar in 94th Div zone and moves to Irsch; CCR starts from Nittel toward Beurig. 94th Div prepares to attack toward high ground from Hamm to Geizenberg to protect drive of 10th Armd Div on Trier. 101st Inf, 26th Div, takes command of Saarlautern bridgehead, relieving 328th Inf.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army area, 101st A/B Div is detached from VI Corps.

BURMA--In Br Fourteenth Army's 33 Corps area, Ind 19th Div begins strong southward push toward Mandalay. In 4 Corps area, Ind 17th Div, continuing toward Meiktila, seizes airstrip at Thabutkon.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army area, XIV Corps begins assault on last 3 strongpoints in Manila. Elements of 63d Inf, 6th Div, reach crest of Mt Pacawagan but are forced back after nightfall by heavy fire. Japanese defeat efforts of 1st Inf to take Mt Mataba. 20th Inf troops advance up southernmost slopes of the mountain. In I Corps area, 2d Bn of 35th Inf, 25th Div, reaches Carranglan, but Japanese cut regimental supply line. In XI Corps area, 40th Div completes its immediate mission in Zambales


Mtns sector when 108th Inf captures Hill 12. Rock Force concludes operations on Corregidor, except for mopping up, by 1600.

S PHILIPPINES--U.S. Eighth Army is directed to plan for operations against Panay and N Negros. As VICTOR III Attack Group (TG 78.2 under Adm Fechteler) and Close Covering Group (TG 74.2 under Rear Adm R. S. Riggs) sail from Mindoro for Palawan covered by Fifth and Thirteenth Air Forces, intensive aerial bombardment of Puerto Princesa area of Palawan begins. Americal Div completes encirclement of enemy forces in NW coastal sector of Leyte. Div's Prov TF finishes clearing S part of San Bernardino Strait from NW Samar through Balicuatro I. and W to Capul and Naranjo Is.

IWO JIMA--Although still closely supported by air, naval, and arty bombardment, VAC progress toward O-2 line is measured in hundreds of yards as enemy resistance continues strong. RCT 9, 3d Mar Div, again making main effort in center of corps, is supported by massed arty fire on heights commanding Airfield 2 as it inches forward. On right flank of corps, 4th Mar Div withdraws RCT 24 to reserve and continues attack with RCT 25 on right and RCT 23 on left; latter gains up to 300 yards, reaching SW slopes of Hill 382, where enemy is firmly entrenched. RCT 26, 5th Mar Div, pushes N on left flank of corps, center elements ahead of those on flanks, which are echeloned on left rear to commanding ground overlooking W coast and on right rear to conform with advance of 3d Mar Div. Observation planes land on Airfield 1 and start spotting for arty. AAA begins neutralization of Kangoku and Kama Rocks, off W coast.

27 February

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army's Cdn 2 Corps area, Br 43d Div overruns Calcar and Grieth, latter on the Rhine. Cdn 2d Inf and Cdn 4th Armd Divs enter Hochwald Forest, E of Udem, and gain positions between there and Balberger Forest to S. Cdn 3d Div clears Udem and Br 11th Armd Div drives from Udem toward Kervenheim. In Br 30 Corps area, Cdn offensive eases pressure on corps. 52d Div moves E from Afferden area and takes over 51st Div sector. 3d Div cuts Udem-Weeze road.

In U.S. Ninth Army's XVI Corps area, 35th Div advances rapidly E of the Roer against moderate resistance: 137th Inf clears Altmyhl, Myhl, Gerderath, and Gerderhahn; 134th takes Millich, Schauffenberg, Ratheim, Luchtenberg, Orsbeck, Wassenberg, and 2 other towns. 15th Cav Gp is detached from 35th Div and, under corps control, relieves 8th Armd Div of positions S of Roermond between the Roer and Meuse. CCA, 8th Armd Div, crosses the Roer at Hilfarth and heads for Wegberg. In XIII Corps area, 84th Div organizes motorized task force (TF Church, based on 334th Inf) for breakthrough attack since enemy appears to be thoroughly disorganized. Spearheaded by Co B, 771st Tank Bn, the TF drives about 10 miles N from Matzerath to road junction SE of Waldniel, where opposition is met. Beeck, Wegberg, Rickelrath, and many villages are cleared. 11th Cav Gp is attached to 84th Div for screening duty. On right flank of corps, CCB of 5th Armd Div, though handicapped by extremely muddy terrain, gets elements to Guenhoven and S edge of Rheindahlen before bogging down. 102d Div's 406th Inf attacks through the halted armor, clearing Rheindahlen and continuing N; 405th Inf, to right, reaches E-W railway line between Wegberg and Rheydt. In XIX Corps area, 29th Div advances to E-W road between Erkelenz and Garzweiler against token resistance: 175th Inf takes Holzweiler, Kuckum, Keyenberg, and Borschemich; 116th clears Immerath, Pesch, and Otzenrath; 115th seizes Opherten and Jackerath. RCT 330 reverts to 83d Div from attachment to 29th. 30th Div advances N to line Garzweiler-Koenigshoven: Garzweiler falls to 120th Inf and Koenigshoven to 119th. 2d Armd Div (-CCB) assembles across the Roer for offensive to the Rhine and is reinf by 331st Inf of 83d Div.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army area, VII Corps advances steadily across Cologne Plain despite enemy's stubborn defense of approaches to Cologne. 4th Cav Gp takes Tollhausen and Esch. CCR, 3d Armd Div, gains two bridgeheads across the Erft, TF Hogan crossing bridge at Glesch and TF Richardson wading across at Paffendorf. 83d Armd Rcn Bn clears Grouven and Zieverich but finds Erft bridge out. CCB task forces take Elsdorf, Wuellenrath, Berrendorf, and Giesendorf. CCA's TF Kane takes Heppendorf and Sindorf while TF Doan, in conjunction with 8th Div, clears Bergerhausen and part of Kerpen. 104th and 8th Divs follow 3d Armd Div closely, mopping up and occupying captured towns. RCT 395, 99th Div, assembles near Stolberg. In III Corps area, 16th Inf of 1st Div clears Frangenheim and Vettweiss; attacking toward Neffel R at 1900, 18th Inf reaches Kelz and Irresheim. 9th Div's 39th Inf, reinf, attacks S through 1st Div bridgehead and takes Thum and Nideggen; begins drive on Berg. 90th Inf (-) crosses the Roer and assembles near Rath. 14th Cav Gp, with mission of protecting S flank of corps, crosses the Roer and closes in Drove area. In V Corps area, 69th Div begins limited attacks for ridge E of Prether R to insure safety of Hellenthal-Hollerath highway as MSR, 271st Inf taking Dickerscheid and 273d, Giescheid.


In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, 87th Div makes limited gains toward Ormont and Hallschlag. CCA, 6th Armd Div, establishes small bridgehead across the Pruem: 9th Armd Inf Bn crosses near Manderscheid and seizes Heilhausen. Elements of CCB cross to N but are forced back by heavy fire. In XII Corps area, 317th Inf of 80th Div, crossing the Pruem on N flank of corps, takes Wissmannsdorf. CCB, 4th Armd Div, clears Nattenheim and Fliessem while CCA takes Matzen. RCT's 11 and 10, 5th Div, drive E abreast, cutting Bitburg-Trier highway: RCT 11 enters S outskirts of Bitburg and overruns Masholder and Moetsch; RCT 10 clears Esslingen. RCT 2 organizes positions along W bank of the Nims. 76th Div pushes SE toward Trier from the Wolsfeld bridgehead: 304th Inf takes Meckel and Gilzem; 417th thrusts toward Idesheim and Welschbillig. Between the Pruem and Nims, 1st Bn of 385th Inf clears Irrel; 2d Bn, crossing the Pruem and Nims, takes Niederweis. In XX Corps area, CCA of 10th Armd Div begins drive on Trier, moving N through CCB at Zerf to Pellingen area, where extensive mine fields are found. CCB leaving elements to block to S and E of Zerf, follows CCA and takes Baldringen. CCR completes its crossing of the Saar in 94th Div zone and moves N of Irsch-Zerf road to protect MSR. 94th Div's RCT 376, attached to 10th Armd Div, and 301st and 302d Regts expand Ockfen-Serrig bridgehead N and NE. TF Polk (3d Cav Gp) is attached to 94th Div and its sector passes to control of 104th Inf, 26th Div.

BURMA--In Br Fourteenth Army's 33 Corps area, Japanese opposition to Ind 20th Div subsides and Irrawaddy bridgehead is firmly established. In 4 Corps area, brig of Ind 17th Div is flown in to Thabutkon from Palel as rest of div reaches outskirts of Meiktila.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's XIV Corps area, 148th Inf of 37th Div clears stubborn enemy from most of Legislative building in Manila. 145th relieves 3d Bn of 129th. 63d Inf, 6th Div, holds Mt Pacawagan against heavy opposition. 1st Inf positions in Mt Mataba area are untenable and Cos I and L withdraw; Co C is unable to progress against the mountain and also falls back. In I Corps area, 27th Inf of 25th Div captures Japanese plan for defense of Balete Pass. 35th Inf reopens line of communication.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, an 81-mm. mortar section of 19th Inf is sent to Verde I. Advance party lands on Lubang I. to establish roadblock.

IWO JIMA--VAC continues attack toward O-2 line after intense preparatory fire. In center, RCT 9 of 3d Mar Div penetrates enemy positions to secure rest of Airfield 2 and heights beyond. RCT 23, making main effort of 4th Mar Div, reaches top of Hill 382 but withdraws to more favorable position for night; RCT 25 is delayed on left by troublesome pocket near Minami but gains ground along E coast. 5th Mar Div, replacing RCT 26 with RCT 27, advances slowly but steadily N on left flank of corps. First detachment of PBM search planes arrives at seaplane base.

28 February

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army's Cdn 2 Corps area, Br 43d Div continues SE along the Rhine on left flank of corps. Cdn 2d Inf and Cdn 4th Armd Divs deepen penetration into the Hochwald and between there and Balberger Forest. Cdn 3d Div, followed by Br 11th Armd Div, advances to Balberger Forest.

In U.S. Ninth Army area, XVI Corps' 35th Div gains 3½ miles: 137th Inf takes Rogden, Wildenrath, and Station Vlodrop; 134th seizes Ophoven, Steinkirchen, Effeld, Birgelen, and Rosenthal; 320th Inf task force (TF Byrne) prepares for motorized drive on Venlo (Holland) some 200 miles N. CCA of 8th Armd Div, pushing N past Wegberg, overruns Merbeck and Tetelrath; CCB and CCR, upon relief by 15th Cav Gp, cross the Roer at Hilfarth, CCB sending task force N that captures Arsbeck and CCR moving to Wegberg area. In XIII Corps area, 84th Div, against stiffer resistance, gains about 2 miles. One 334th Inf column begins clearing Waldniel while another drives to Birgen. 102d Div continues N, 406th Inf taking Hardt and 405th clearing Hehn and Vorst. 5th Armd Div remains in position as reserve and protects right boundary of corps. XIX Corps overruns numerous towns and villages during rapid advance. 29th Div drives quickly toward Munchen-Gladbach with 175th and 116th Regts. In 5-8-mile advance from Otzenrath-Garzweiler region, 2d Armd Div reaches positions within 5 miles of Neuss and 6 miles of the Rhine. 30th Div improves positions in limited attacks and is pinched out by 2d Armd Div.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's VII Corps area, 3d Armd Div expands shallow bridgeheads at Glesch and Paffendorf and crosses armor over newly completed bridge at Paffendorf; repels tank-infantry counterattack on Paffendorf bridgehead. RCT 395 of 99th Div is attached to div to help expand Paffendorf bridgehead. CCA, relieved at Sindorf by 104th Div and at Kerpen by 8th, moves to assembly area; TF Kane relieves 83d Armd Rcn Bn in Zieverich and latter moves back to Grouven. 104th Div mops up W of the Erft and prepares to cross. While 3d Bn of 121st Inf, 8th Div, mops up stragglers in Kerpen, 1st and 2d Bns attack for Moedrath, wading Erft Canal to reach W edge. In


III Corps area, 18th Inf of 1st Div clears several towns along Neffel R; 16th takes Gladbach by noon and Luxheim in night attack. Div gives TF Davisson mission of screening N flank corps and attaches it to 18th Inf. 32d Sq, 14th Cav Gp, is attached to 1st Div to protect that div's S flank. 39th Inf, 9th Div, clears Berg and heights between Berg and Thum; 60th assists in capture of Berg; 47th crosses the Roer and clears Abenden. Elements of 60th and 47th Regts clear rest of E bank of the Roer within div zone. 311th Inf, 78th Div, crosses the Roer in 9th Div zone and drives S to secure crossing sites for main div crossings. 9th Armd Div (-) crosses the Roer; CCB attacks S from assembly area at Soller in afternoon. In V Corps area, 69th Div clears rest of objective heights E of Prether R from Honningen to Rescheid.

In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, enemy opposition to 87th Div is unabated, but 345th Inf gains Neuenstein. To S, corps attacks across the Pruem in force, starting before dawn. 4th Div's 8th Inf takes Klienlangenfeld while 22d captures Dausfeld. 6th Armd Div enlarges its bridgehead: crossing near Lunebach, CCB outposts Pronsfeld and captures Lunebach, Lierfeld, and Merlscheid; 9th Armd Inf Bn expands its bridgehead and is passed through by 44th Armd Inf Bn, which takes Dackscheid and Eilscheid. Elements of 6th Cav Gp cross at Waxweiler and clear that town. Enemy opposition to crossings is at first light but becomes heavy later in day. In XII Corps area, 317th Inf of 80th Div drives N between Pruem and Nims Rivers, taking Liessem and Niederweiler; rest of div is out of contact with enemy. CCB, 4th Armd Div, attacking toward Sefferweich and Malbergweich, is halted by enemy in woods N of Nattenheim; CCA patrols and establishes contact with 5th Div. 5th Div clears to W bank of Kyll R within its zone: Bitburg and Irsch fall to RCT 11; Roehl and Scharfbillig to RCT 10; Suelm, Dahlem, Trimport, and Idenheim to RCT 2. 76th Div continues SE between Pruem and Kyll Rivers toward Trier, clearing Hofweiler, Ittelkyll, Idesheim, Helenenberg, and Eisenach. In XX Corps area, continuing N toward Trier, CCA of 10th Armd Div, followed by CCB, breaches mine field near Pellingen and clears Paschel and Obersehr. 94th Div's RCT 376, still attached to 10th Armd Div, and 301st and 302d Regts continue to clear pillbox resistance and expand Ockfen-Serrig bridgehead to NE, protecting 10th Armd Div's drive on Trier. 26th Div maintains and improves positions in Saarlautern bridgehead.

6th Army Group: U.S. Seventh Army regroups as XXI Corps takes over zone on left flank. In accordance with orders of 25 February, 63d and 70th Inf Divs, 12th Armd Div, and 101st Cav Gp, all formerly within XV Corps zone, pass to control of XXI Corps in current positions. XV Corps holds defensive line with 44th and 100th Divs and has 106th Cav Gp in reserve.

EASTERN EUROPE--Moscow announces capture of Pomeranian communications centers of Neustettin and Prechlau and further gains in Breslau (Silesia).

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army's IV Corps area, 10th Mtn Div and 1st Div of BEF complete regrouping for second phase of limited offensive to secure heights W of Highway 64.

BURMA--In Br Fourteenth Army's 4 Corps area, Ind 17th Div begins assault on Meiktila against strong opposition.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army area, Gen Krueger orders XIV Corps to open Balayan and Batangas Bays, SW Luzon. With reduction of opposition in Legislative building, only the Agriculture and Finance buildings remain to be cleared in Manila. Co C of 63d Inf, 6th Div, reaches crest of Mt Pacawagan, which is largely clear. 1st Inf suspends attack as regrouping of div is ordered before continuation of offensive. In I Corps area, 2d Bn of 35th Inf, 25th Div, starts toward Puncan, its supply route protected by 1st Bn. In XI Corps area, 188th Inf (-2d Bn), reinf, of 11th A/B Div gets into position for assault on Ternate region of S coast of Manila Bay. 43d Div begins relief of 40th Div in Zambales Mtns sector.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, TF VICTOR IV (41st Div, less RCT 186, reinf, under Maj Gen Jens A. Doe) is activated on Mindoro for assault on Zamboanga area of Mindanao I. and parts of Sulu Archipelago. At Palawan, Attack Group VICTOR III (TG 78.2) arrives off Puerto Princesa at dawn; after air and naval bombardment lands assault waves of RCT 186, reinf, 41st Div, without opposition. Town of Puerto Princesa and its airfields are quickly seized and radar installations are established. In shore-to-shore operation, 2d Bn lands at Iwahig R mouth and moves inland. CG Palawan TF takes command ashore. On Samar, 1st Bn of 182d Inf, Americal Div, and 1st Filipino Inf begin advance to clear Mauo area. Lubang I. attack force leaves Mindoro.

IWO JIMA--VAC continues attack toward O-2 line, several hundred yards distant, prepared to continue upon order toward next objective, O-3 line, which includes Airfield 3, under construction, and most of northern part of the island. 3d Mar Div, still making main effort in center of corps, passes RCT 21 through RCT 9 and presses N under rolling arty barrage, overrunning Motoyama village


and reaching commanding ground overlooking Airfield 3; in 4th Mar Div zone, RCT 23 is still vigorously opposed on Hill 382; RCT 25 gains additional ground along E coast, but enemy pocket remains near Minami. On left flank of corps, RCT 27 of 5th Mar Div gains forward slopes of Hill 362, S of Nishi. RCT 28, which as corps reserve has been mopping up in Suribachi area, prepares to join in assault on northern front and releases BLT 3 to 5th Mar Div.

1 March

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army's Br 30 Corps area, 3d Div clears Kervenheim. 2 Cdn Corps makes slow progress through the Hochwald and Balberger forests and toward Sonsbeck.

In Br Second Army area, 8 Corps releases U.S. 75th Div (-RCT 289) to U.S. XVI Corps, Ninth Army.

In U.S. Ninth Army area, on XVI Corps N flank, 35th Div's TF Byrne (based on 320th Inf) speeds more than 20 miles N from Wildenrath area of Germany and captures Venlo in Holland; surprised enemy yields 20 towns and villages; RCT's 137 and 134 follow TF Byrne, mopping up bypassed pockets. 15th Cav Gp, which has been defending Roer R line in Holland from Roermond to Vlodrop, crosses the Roer at Orsbeck (Germany) and heads N toward Venlo. CCA, 8th Armd Div, moves to Waldniel; CCR closes at Wegberg; CCB remains at Arsbeck. 79th Div is transferred to XIII Corps. XIII Corps begins co-ordinated attack before dawn with 84th and 102d Divs: Speeding N from Birgen area, motorized TF Church of 84th Div overruns Boisheim and is then dissolved; 333d Inf captures Duelken and passes through Suechteln to reach Niers Canal at Oedt; 335th follows 333d Inf to Suechteln; 11th Cav Gp, attached to 84th Div, extends screen to Boisheim. Employing 405th and 406th Regts, 102d Div overruns Viersen and secures bridgehead over Niers Canal. CCB of 5th Armd Div relieves RCT 407 of 102d Div in line. CCA, attacking from Hardt area, crosses Niers Canal and enters Anrath, which it captures before dawn of 2 March. In XIX Corps area, Munchen-Gladbach falls to 29th Div; final assault by 175th and 116th Inf abreast, latter on right, meets moderate resistance. 2d Armd Div, employing CCA on left and CCB on right, speeds N over Cologne Plain for gains of up to 9 miles. CCA takes Kleinenbroich, crosses Nord Canal over bridges captured intact, and continues N to line Willich-Osterath, clearing both those towns. CCB heads for Adolf Hitler bridge at Uerdingen, moving via Grefrath and Buettgen to Nord Canal, where treadway bridge is put in; during night 1-2 continues on to Bovert. CCR follows CCA, mopping up bypassed resistance. 83d Div is committed to right of 2d Armd Div: 331st Inf (-bn), operating under attachment to CCB until noon when it reverts to parent unit, clears to the Erft SW of Neuss, overrunning Holzheim and Grevenbroich; 1st Bn of 329th Inf begins assault on Neuss and is joined there, night 1-2, by 2d Bn of 330th, which protects left flank. 30th Div mops up W of Erft Canal within zone; 113th Cav Gp is detached and passes to corps reserve. 95th Div is released from army reserve to corps; RCT 379 is attached to 2d Armd Div and starts to Kleinenbroich area while rest of div begins assembling near Juelich.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army area, VII Corps continues attack toward Cologne and the Rhine from the Erft. 3d Armd Div and attached RCT 395 of 99th Div expand bridgeheads over the Erft in Glesch-Paffendorf region, taking Bergheim and Kenten and woods to E; 83d Armd Rcn Bn crosses at Paffendorf after dark to clear line of departure for CC Howze (CCR). 4th Cav Gp, after elements secure high ground NE of Glesch in order to protect left flank of bridgehead, is detached from 3d Armd Div and attached to 99th Div. Attacking across Erft Canal before dawn, elements of 104th Div's 413th and 414th Regts overrun Quadrath, Ichendorf, and Horrem. 8th Div effort is against Moedrath and neighboring heights: while 121st Inf (-) maintains pressure from W edge of town, 2 bns of 28th cross the Erft to left and push S toward Moedrath. III Corps drives steadily E toward the Rhine. On 1st Div left flank, 18th Inf takes Wissersheim, Rath, Pingsheim, and Dorweiler while 16th, to right, overruns Eggersheim and crosses Neffel R. 26th Inf passes through 16th during evening. Attacking in 9th Div zone, CCB of 9th Armd Div secures Mueddersheim, Disternich, and Sievernich early in day; relieved of these towns by 39th Inf of 9th Div, CCB continues E from the Neffel toward Roth R. 9th Div, directed toward the Rhine at Bad Godesberg, attacks with 39th Inf on left and 60th on right, clearing Froitzheim, Ginnick, Thuir, Muldenau, and ridge W of Embken. To right, CCA of 9th Armd Div, after closing in Drove and moving to Berg, drives SE to Wollersheim, where it is halted by strong resistance. CCA is reinf by 3d Bn of 310th Inf, 78th Div, and CCB by 1st Bn of 310th. 311th Inf of 78th Div, driving S along E bank of the Roer to secure bridge sites, clears region between Abenden and Blens, overcomes opposition at Hausen, and reaches positions just N of Heimbach; bridge is put in at Blens and 309th Inf starts across it late in day. V Corps is principally engaged in consolidating current positions. On N flank, 102d Cav Gp prepares to cross the Roer S of Schmidt and sends patrols of attached 2d Ranger Bn across to


secure concentration area on E bank. 2d Div organizes TF S, based on 38th Inf, in preparation for crossing the Roer to S. 69th Div, continuing limited attacks for high ground E of Prether R with elements of 271st and 273d Regts, seizes Hescheld and heights near Schnorrenberg.

In U.S. Third Army area, VIII Corps, disposed astride the Pruem, continues E against strong resistance, particularly on the N. 87th Div, its left flank protected by attached CCA of 11th Armd Div, battles fortified positions on N flank of corps with elements of 3 regts, reducing strongly defended pillboxes and clearing Ormont. 4th Div makes limited progress in bridgehead E of Pruem R and crosses 12th Inf into it. 6th Armd Div expands Pruem R bridgehead, CCB clearing Matzerath and CCA improving positions to S by patrolling extensively. Bailey bridge is completed at Lunebach. On corps S flank, 6th Cav Gp finishes its crossing of Pruem over newly completed Bailey bridge at Waxweiler: 6th Sq takes Lascheid; 28th secures Lambertsberg, Gremelsheid, and Hargarten and attacks unsuccessfully toward Pluetscheid. Gp establishes contact with 6th Armd Div on N and XII Corps on S. In XII Corps area, continuing N between Pruem and Nims Rivers, 80th Div's 317th Inf overruns Oberweiler and Schleid; 318th moves S to 76th Div zone. Between the Nims and Kyll, CCB of 4th Armd Div, with close air and arty support, takes Sefferweich and Malbergweich. 5th Div maintains positions along W bank of Kyll R. 76th Div clears generally southward toward Trier and line of Kyll and Moselle Rivers: 417th Inf secures Mohn and Newel and reaches the Kyll near Kordel; 304th takes Olk and is passed through at Olk by 385th, which continues S. In XX Corps area, 10th Armd Div, reinf by RCT 376 of 94th Div, enters Trier, important communications center, in afternoon and begins to clear it; Moselle bridge is taken intact, night 1-2. CCB overtakes CCA and joins it in fight for Trier. RCT 376 overruns some 30 pillboxes E of the Saar and clears Wiltingen. 94th Div, reinf by 3d Cav Gp (TF Polk) and 5th Ranger Bn, expands Saarburg bridgehead, protecting 10th Armd Div's right flank and blocking enemy's escape from Trier: on left, 302d Inf expands positions NE to Hentern, Schomerich, Paschel, Lampaden, and Obersehr; firm opposition to right prevents 301st from making much headway. 26th Div continues aggressive defense of Saarlautern bridgehead sector. 65th Div is attached to corps.

6th Army Group: Detachment d'Armee des Alpes (DA ALPS) is established under 6th Army Group with responsibility for Alpine sector along Franco-Italian border from junction of France, Switzerland, and Italy to the Mediterranean. French General Doyen heads the command, which consists of Fr and U.S. forces. Fr 27th Alpine Inf Div holds left flank as far S as Mt Thabor; two Fr regts, 66th and 141st Alpine Inf Regts, are disposed in central sector; U.S. 44th AAA Brig holds right flank. Detachment d'Armee de l'Atlantique (DA ATL) is new designation for forces previously known as "French Forces of the West" or "Western French Forces."

U.S. Seventh Army, with XXI, XV, and VI Corps abreast, holds defensive line generally along the Saar, Rothbach, and Moder Rivers between Emmersweiler (Germany) and Oberhoffen (France).

Fr 1st Army remains on the defensive along the Rhine, protecting right flank of U.S. Seventh Army and of 6th Army Group.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army area, IV Corps postpones limited offensive on right flank scheduled for this time because of weather conditions.

In Br Eighth Army's 13 Corps area, Folgore Gp begins relief of 6th Armd Div.

MIDDLE EAST--USAFIME takes over NW Africa from MTOUSA and is redesignated Africa-Middle East Theater (AMET).

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's XIV Corps area, 5th Cav clears Agriculture building, leaving a single strongpoint in Manila--the Finance building. RCT 145, including 1st Bn, which is garrisoning Intramuros, passes from control of 37th Div and Sixth Army to Provost Marshal General, USAFFE. In region E of Manila, 6th Div regroups for further action against enemy's Shimbu line, extending N from Antipolo to Mt Oro, while 1st Cav Div to S continues to probe to develop this line. In I Corps area, 33d Div continues to probe toward Baguio from S while Philippine Guerrilla Forces, North Luzon, under Lt Col Russell W. Volckmann, are exerting pressure toward the summer capital from the N. 32d and 25th Divs continue limited actions along Villa Verde Trail and Highway 5, respectively, toward Cagayan Valley and ultimately Balete Pass. 2d Bn of 127th Inf, 32d Div, encounters strongpoint in outer perimeter defenses of Salacsac Pass on Villa Verde Trail at Cabalisian R and is delayed by pillbox opposition. Other elements of 32d Div are working forward along Arboredo and Ambayabang Valleys. On Highway 5, 25th Div columns are converging on Puncan and Digdig.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, aircraft begin preinvasion bombardment of Zamboanga area of Mindanao and of islands of Panay and Negros. After naval and aerial bombardment, 1st Bn of 21st Inf, reinf, lands on Lubang I., at W end of Verde I. Passage, and clears Tilic. Most of the island, the largest in the Lubang Group, is cleared with ease within the next few days. Elements of Co E, 21st Inf, move to Verde I. from Mindoro. On


Palawan, RCT 186 of 41st Div secures Puerto Princesa Harbor, assuring virtual control of the island.

IWO JIMA--VAC attacks toward Line O-3 from positions generally along Line O-2 in center and on left but far to rear on right. 3d Mar Div attacks with RCT 21 but upon encountering well-organized enemy position about 1,000 yards due E of Motoyama village, commits RCT 9 as well. RCT 21 secures W part of Airfield 3, but RCT 9 makes little headway against savage opposition. On right flank of corps, RCT 24 of 4th Mar Div relieves RCT 23 on div left and fights throughout day about base of Hill 382; RCT 25 slows its advance to tie in with RCT 24 and hammers at enemy re-entrant near Minami. Contact between 4th and 3d Mar Divs is maintained with difficulty. 5th Mar Div, confronted with W flank of enemy's cross-island defenses, replaces RCT 27 with RCT 28 and completes capture of Hill 362. 3d Bn, 26th Marines, is committed to plug gap between div and 3d Mar Div, relieving elements of RCT 21 of this task. U.S. fighter makes emergency landing on Airfield 1.

RYUKYU IS.--Aircraft and surface vessels of TF 58 bombard a number of targets in the Ryukyus chain, one of them, Okino Daito, within 450 miles of Kyushu.

2 March

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army's Br 30 Corps area, 53d Div clears Weeze and heads for Geldern. Winnekendonk falls to 3d Div.

In U.S. Ninth Army's XVI Corps area, TF Byrne of 35th Div pushes rapidly from Venlo NE into Germany, via Straelen and Nieukerk, and takes Sevelen. 15th Cav Gp closes at Venlo to screen 35th Div left flank and make contact with Cdn First Army. 8th Armd Div speeds N: CCA passes through RCT 134 of 35th Div and drives through Lobberich to Wachtendonk; CCB overtakes CCA at Wachtendonk, where bridge is out, and pulls back to Wankum; from Wegberg, CCR moves through Lobberich to Grefrath. In XIII Corps area, 84th Div crosses Niers Canal near Suechteln and Oedt. With 333d Inf effectively blocking on the left, 335th advances through St Tonis and begins assault on NE part of Krefeld: RCT 334 passes through 335th Inf's bridgehead and heads N from St Tonis toward the Rhine, moving along axis Inrath-Rath. 405th and 406th Regts, 102d Div, drive to Krefeld and begin attack on SE portion of town. Despite strong rear-guard opposition, CCA of 5th Armd Div drives on Fischeln and, after brief halt S of objective to permit 102d Div to move on Krefeld, captures the town and turns it over to XIX Corps units. In XIX Corps area, 29th Div, pinched out, consolidates in Munchen-Gladbach. Continuing N toward Uerdingen, 2d Armd Div's CCA advances through Krefeld Oppum; CCB reaches S edge of Krefeld Oppum. CCR withstands strong counterattack against Schiefbahn. 83d Div's 329th Inf completes capture of Neuss before dawn and secures W approach to Rhine R bridge there, but enemy blows the bridge; elements of 330th head for bridge at Oberkassel; bn of 331st moves from the Erft to the Rhine. Determined tank-inf counterattack from Kapellen against 83d Div right flank is contained. 30th Div relieves elements of 331st Inf as its zone is extended to Holzheim.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's VII Corps area, 99th Div, with mission of clearing to the Rhine on N flank of corps and protecting Ninth Army's flank, crosses 4th Cav Gp and 393d Inf over the Erft near Glesch: 4th Cav Gp overruns Bedburg, Broich, Buchholz, and Frimmersdorf; helps 393d Inf take Neurath. 3d Armd Div meets organized resistance as it expands bridgehead NE: On left, CC Howze's TF Hogan pushes through Wiedenfeld and Garsdorf to Auenheim while TF Richardson, attacking from line of departure secured early in day by 83d Armd Rcn Bn, clears Niederaussem; after RCT 395 reduces Fortuna factory area E of Bergheim, TF's Kane and Doan of CC Hickey (CCA) cross the Erft and capture Oberhausen in concerted assault. 104th Div defends bridgehead E of the Erft and regroups. 8th Div, continuing assault on Moedrath with elements of 28th and 121st Regts, overcomes sharp resistance there; 28th Inf column takes Habbelrath and heads for Grefrath. In III Corps area, 1st Div, continuing E toward the Rhine with 18th Inf on left and 26th on right, overruns Gymnich, Lechenich, Poll, and Erp. 14th Cav Gp is relieved of mission of protecting corps S flank and attached to 1st Div. CCB, 9th Armd Div, still operating in 9th Div zone, reaches Roth R at Friesheim, Muelheim, and Wichterich and establishes bridgehead at Friesheim. Other elements of CCB and bn of 39th Inf, 9th Div, converge on Niederberg and secure it night 2-3, CCB attacking through Weiler and Borr and 39th Inf from Erp area. Elsewhere in 9th Div zone, 47th Inf takes Fuessenich, Geich, Bessenich, and Roevenich while 60th clears Juntersdorf and Embken. CCA, 9th Armd Div, attacking in 78th Div zone, clears Wollersheim and Langendorf. 78th Div crosses last of its combat elements over the Roer and secures firm bridgehead, permitting bridging operations to continue: 311th Inf, assisted by 2d Bn of 310th, expands bridgehead, clearing Heimbach and positions near that town and Hausen; attacking through the bridgehead, 309th Inf captures Vlatten, Eppenich, and part of Buervenich. V Corps continues to consolidate positions. 102d Cav Gp crosses the Roer in force.


In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, 87th Div improves positions around Ormont against determined resistance, taking some 60 pillboxes. 4th Div, with 3 regts in assault, is slowed by terrain and lively opposition E of the Pruem and makes negligible gains; efforts to take Weinsheim, Gondelsheim, and Nieder Pruem are unsuccessful. 6th Armd Div gets forward elements to Nims R: against disorganized resistance, 44th Armd Inf Bn of CCA thrusts E to the Nims NW of Heisdorf, bypassing and later clearing that town, and crosses dismounted troops to E bank after enemy blows bridge; to left, CCB clears Ober and Nieder Lauch, Winringen, and Dingdorf. 6th Cav Gp's 28th Sq takes Pluetscheid and heights to S; well-organized resistance to left slows 6th Sq, but elements reach Nims R and enter Reuland. 90th Div passes to corps control from SHAEF reserve and is directed to attack through 6th Armd Div on 4 March. XII Corps begins assault crossings of the Kyll at midnight 2-3, when 5th Div opens attack for bridgehead between Erdorf and Philippsheim. 4th Armd Div provides diversionary fire. On corps N flank, 80th Div remains in position except for 80th Rcn Tr, which captures Heilenbach. 76th Div, on corps S flank, clears most of its zone N of the Moselle and W of the Kyll and makes contact with XX Corps: 417th Inf, temporarily reinf by bn of 318th Inf of 80th Div, takes Kordel, Butzweiler, Lorich, Besslich, and Aach; 385th secures region W of Trier; 2d Cav Gp, attached to 76th Div, crosses 2d Sq over the Sauer near Steinheim to screen right flank along E bank of the Sauer and N bank of the Moselle. In XX Corps area, 10th Armd Div completes capture of Trier. Continuing N, CCB finds Kyll R bridge near Ehrang out. Konz Karthaus falls to elements of CCA. RCT 376 clears Filzen peninsula and Kommlingen. CCR blocks to E of Trier and after nightfall starts toward Sweich in effort to gain bridge there. 94th Div continues to expand Saarburg bridgehead, which by now is 6-8 miles deep, and withstands local counterattacks.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In Br Eighth Army's 5 Corps area, Cremona Gp, assisted by Italian partisans of 28th Garibaldi Brig, begins attack for Comacchio Spit between Lake Comacchio and the Adriatic.

BURMA--In Br Fourteenth Army's 33 Corps area, Ind 20th Div and Br 2d Div link their Irrawaddy bridgeheads W of Mandalay.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army area, I Corps is ordered to press attack northward as XIV Corps is winding up battle for Manila. On Villa Verde Trail, 2d Bn of 127th Inf, 32d Div, reduces the strongpoint barring its progress. On Highway 5, 2d Bn of 35th Inf, 25th Div, seizes Puncan and 3d Bn begins assault on Digdig. In XI Corps area, 43d Div completes relief of 40th Div. 40th Div, less 103d Inf, which is given garrison duty on Leyte, assembles in army reserve. Rock Force finishes clearing Corregidor, to which Gen MacArthur pays return visit. For Japanese losses of about 4,500 killed and 20 captured, in addition to some 200 killed while trying to escape and about 500 sealed in caves or tunnels, American casualties number over 1,000 killed, wounded, injured, or missing. Para RCT 503 remains on Corregidor for garrison duty.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, 1st Bn of 132d Inf, reinf, leaves Leyte for amphibious operations against Burias and Ticao Islands. On Samar, Co C of 182d Inf, Americal Div, drives to outskirts of Mauo and is joined there by Co B, which reports Mt Bermodo deserted. On Palawan, 186th Inf of 41st Div patrols actively to locate enemy, meeting fire near Hill 1125, N of Iratag.

IWO JIMA--VAC, now in control of about two thirds of island, attacks in greater strength in order to exploit gains in center. 3d Mar Div, in center of corps, gains control of Airfield 3, which enemy continues to rake with fire; continues N into 5th Mar Div zone to Hill 362; RCT 9 is virtually pinned down on div right. 4th Mar Div, its combat efficiency greatly reduced by casualties and fatigue, continues to clear rough terrain abounding in pillboxes, caves, and underground passages on right flank of corps: RCT 24 concentrates on clearing reverse slope of Hill 382 and RCT 25 on reducing enemy reentrant near Minami. On left flank of corps, RCT 28 of 5th Mar Div makes slow progress in attack on Nishi ridge. Additional elements of RCT 26 are committed on div right as 5th Mar Div zone is broadened by northeastward attack of 3d Mar Div. Artillery support is limited by proximity of opposing forces and tank support by increasingly difficult terrain. Unloading begins on western beaches. Airfield 1 is ready for use by transport planes.

3 March

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: Contact is made between Cdn First and U.S. Ninth Armies. 1st Cdo Brig, attached to 52d Div, Br 30 Corps, and 15th Cav Gp of U.S. XVI Corps make the junction at Walbeck, SW of Geldern.

In U.S. Ninth Army's XVI Corps area, TF Byrne of 35th Div meets firm opposition and its progress is limited to small advance E of Sevelen. 8th Armd Div, pinched out by 35th Div and XIII Corps, is withdrawn as reserve. Before being recalled, CCB crosses newly constructed bridge at Wachtendonk and captures Aldekerk; CCR crosses the Niers at Muelhausen and drives NE to Schaephuysen-Toenisberg area. In XIII Corps' 84th Div sector,


RCT 334 meets and overcomes first determined resistance at Rath and continues toward Homberg; 335th Inf finishes clearing NE Krefeld early in day and pushes toward the Rhine at Moers; 333d Inf continues blocking mission on left flank. 102d Div completes capture of SE Krefeld during morning. 5th Armd Div is given mission of mopping up on corps N flank in Orsoy area and sends CCR NE for this purpose. In XIX Corps area, 29th Div passes to army reserve but remains in Munchen-Gladbach. 2d Armd Div, reinf by 379th Inf of 95th Div, continues N over Cologne Plain: From Niederbruch-Krefeld Oppum area, CCA pushes through Viertelsheide; CCR is attached to CCA and, moving through E outskirts of Krefeld, heads for Kaldenhausen, halting SW of town upon order; CCB fights bitterly for W approach to Uerdingen bridge, which is weakened by explosion but still intact. 3d Bn of 330th Inf, 83d Div, reaches bridge at Oberkassel, which enemy destroys; 331st mops up until relieved by 329th. 95th Div gets into position for attack.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's VII Corps area, on 99th Div left, 24th Sq of 4th Cav Gp takes Grevenbroich and Wevelinghoven; in center, 393d Inf drives NE from Neurath to village of Muchhausen, W of Ramrath; 394th, committed on right, advances from Wiedenfeld area to Rommerskirchen. 395th Inf reverts to 99th Div from attachment to 3d Armd Div at 0001 and 3d Bn, after moving to Neurath, attacks E and captures Sinsteden. 4th Cav Gp is detached from 99th Div at 1800 and attached to 3d Armd Div. 3d Armd Div jumps off early in day, with CC Howze on left and CC Hickey on right, each employing 2 task forces, and drives to Stommeln and Pulheim. CC Boudinot (CCB) attacks later in day between CC's Howze and Hickey, TF Lovelady assisting CC Howze in reducing lively opposition in Stommeln and TF Welborn easily clearing Sinnersdorf. Air support at Stommeln is highly effective. 83d Armd Rcn Bn starts toward Roggendorf and the Rhine. Pushing E toward Cologne with elements of 415th and 414th Regts, 104th Div takes Glessen and Dansweiler, clears high ground E of Horrem, and begins attacks against Koenigsdorf. E of Moedrath, 8th Div's 28th Inf captures Grefrath and Bottenbroich before dawn and at 1930 opens attack for Frechen. In III Corps area, 1st Div reaches the Erft and gets elements across: 18th Inf takes Dirmerzheim while 26th seizes Blessem and Liblar. 14th Cav Gp begins relief of 18th Inf along Erft Canal. CCB, 9th Armd Div, completes drive to the Erft, reaching Weilerswist and Lommersum, and is attached to 9th Div; small Weilerswist bridgehead is taken over, night 3-4, by 1st Div, whose boundary is moved S. From Niederberg, elements of 39th Inf, 9th Div, advance with armor to Lommersum and, night 3-4, establish bridgehead there; 47th Inf takes Ober Elvenich and Ober Wichterich; 60th captures Zulpich and begins attack toward Nemmenich. CCA, 9th Armd Div, takes Merzenich and continues E to Sinzenich. 9th Armd Div is given zone between 9th and 78th Divs and directed to drive on Euskirchen and secure crossings of the Erft in that region. For this purpose, CCA is reinf, night 3-4, by 2d Bn of 310th Inf, 78th Div, and RCT 60 of 9th Div. CCR closes in forward assembly area near Zulpich. On corps S flank, 78th Div's 311th Inf defends Heimbach bridgehead while 309th continues attack, clearing rest of Buervenich, assisting 9th Armd Div in reduction of Sinzenich, and taking Linzenich and Loevenich. In V Corps area, 102d Cav Gp advances to high ground S of Heimbach. TF S of 2d Div crosses the Roer at Heimbach and drives S toward Gemund; 23d Inf improves positions W of Gemund, occupying Malsbenden. 28th Div patrols aggressively about Schleiden. Employing bn of 271st Inf, 69th Div finishes clearing high ground E of Prether R.

In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, 87th Div, with tank and TD support, makes slow progress generally N of Ormont and in vicinity of Reuth. Enemy continues stubborn resistance to 8th Inf of 4th Div in and about Gondelsheim; good progress is made to right, where 22d Inf clears Weinsheim and positions W of Fleringen and 12th overcomes negligible resistance in Nieder Pruem and takes Rommersheim. CCB, 11th Armd Div, crosses Pruem R and attacks toward the Kyll through 4th Div bridgehead, clearing Fleringen; numerous mines are found, but opposition is generally light. 6th Armd Div completes drive from the Pruem to the Nims. One CCB column clears Giesdorf and continues northward through woods to make contact with 4th Div on left; another drives to the Nims and crosses just N of Schoenecken. One CCA column clears Wetteldorf and Schoenecken; another, following 44th Armd Inf Bn across the Nims, clears E bank to right of 44th. 90th Div (-358th Inf) assembles E of Pruem R, relieves CCB of 6th Armd Div after nightfall, and prepares to drive E through CCA. 6th Cav Gp crosses Nims R in Reuland-Lasel area and clears Reuland and that part of Lasel W of the river. In XII Corps area, 5th Div, with 2 regts abreast, secures small bridgehead E of the Kyll: 11th Inf, on left, clears Metterich and presses toward Erdorf and Badem while 10th takes Gondorf and Huettingen. 76th Div mops up along Kyll and Moselle Rivers and at 2400 begins crossing 304th Inf over the Kyll near Trimport; TF Onaway (17th Armd Gp Hq and Hq Co, 702d Tank Bn, 2 motorized bns of 385th Inf, and supporting units) is formed to exploit bridgehead. On corps N flank, 318th Inf rejoins 80th Div and relieves


elements of 4th Armd Div in place. 4th Armd Div assembles near Bitburg in preparation for attack through 5th Div bridgehead. 89th Div is attached to corps. In XX Corps area, CCR of 10th Armd Div continues toward Sweich, halting at Ruwer R line near Eitelsbach, where bridge is out. Other elements of 10th Armd Div patrol along the Moselle and make contact with adjacent friendly units. RCT 376 is detached from 10th Armd Div and reverts to 94th Div, which consolidates positions to right of 10th Armd Div and relieves 3d Cav Gp of quiet sector W of the Saar. 3d Cav Gp, with mission of holding region W of the Ruwer, moves to new zone and relieves CCR of 10th Armd Div.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army area, XXI Corps begins limited attacks in zones of 70th and 63d Divs to improve positions. 70th Div, assisted by CCA of 12th Armd Div and Fr Lorraine Div, attacks toward objectives beyond Forbach-Saarbruecken road. 276th Inf clears Forbach and blocks road to Stiring Wendel; 274th gets elements into Stiring Wendel and to Metz highway NE of there. 253d Inf, 63d Div, attacks toward the Hahnbusch and adjacent heights, employing Co C of 253d Inf and 1st Bn of 255th. Attack is halted a little short of the woods by enemy fire. Elements of 63d Div conduct diversionary raids in support of main action.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army area, reinforcements for the spring offensive are arriving and by the end of month fighting strength is increased sharply, particularly in arty and infantry. IV Corps opens second phase of limited offensive, attacking toward ridges NE of M. Torraccia and M. Castello. 10th Mtn Div, with 86th Inf on left and 87th on right, pushes about 2 miles northward, taking M. Terminale and M. della Vedetta and blocking road at Pietra Colora. 1st Div of BEF co-ordinates closely with 10th Mtn Div, moving forward to right of that div.

In Br Eighth Army's 5 Corps area, 56th Div gains firm hold on E bank of the Senio near S. Severo as Cremona Gp continues attack at base of Comacchio Spit.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's XIV Corps area, 37th Div overcomes final resistance within Manila. Elements of 11th A/B Div conclude operations to clear Manila Bay with reduction of resistance in Ternate area. In I Corps area, 35th Inf of 25th Div seizes Digdig and is eliminating pockets in vicinity of Puncan as other elements of the div work toward Puncan, on Highway 5.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, 1st Bn of 132d Inf, reinf, lands on Burias and Ticao Islands without opposition. Ticao is free of enemy. Uneventful search of Burias is begun. Verde I. is now secure and American forces withdraw. Total enemy casualties there are 82 killed. On Palawan, 1st Bn of 186th Inf attacks toward Hill 1125 but is pinned down by intense fire.

IWO JIMA--VAC makes slow progress toward O-3 Line against increased resistance. In center, 3d Mar Div's RCT 9 is still unable to reach Hill 362, in region E of Motoyama, but RCT 21 reaches Hill 357, NE of Airfield 3, and moves elements SE in effort to outflank Hill 362 and help RCT 9 capture it. Left flank elements of 3d Mar Div on the Hill 362 N of Airfield 3 are relieved by elements of RCT 25, 4th Mar Div, as 4th Mar Div zone is expanded eastward. 5th Mar Div, with RCT 28 on left and RCT 26 on right, continues battle for Nishi ridge on left flank of corps. On corps' right flank, 4th Mar Div's RCT 24 secures rest of Hill 382; RCT 23 passes through RCT 25 on div right and isolates enemy pocket near Minami.

4 March

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army area, Cdn 2 Corps makes substantial gains as resistance suddenly slackens. Br 43d Div, clearing W bank of the Rhine, pushes SE toward Xanten, taking Appeldorn and Vynen; Cdn 2d and 3d Divs, respectively, complete clearing Hochwald and Balberger forest; Cdn 4th Armd Div assembles in Balberger forest to await further action; Br 11th Armd Div maintains positions S of Balberger forest. In Br 30 Corps area, 53d Div clears Geldern and Issum; makes contact with U.S. 35th Div at Geldern.

In U.S. Ninth Army's XVI Corps area, TF Byrne of 35th Div presses slowly NE toward the Rhine against strong resistance, reaching Camperbruch area; RCT 137 moves to Rheurdt and attacks unsuccessfully toward Lintfort; RCT 134 contains enemy in Geldern area and is passed through by elements of Cdn First Army. 35th Div is reinf by 15th Cav Gp, which is blocking enemy movement along Issum-Wesel road, and CCB of 8th Armd Div, which is to assist in drive on Lintfort. In XIII Corps area, CCR of 5th Armd Div overcomes house-to-house resistance in Repelen and to SE cuts enemy escape route, the Rheinberg-Moers road. CCA and CCB close in assembly areas near Kempen. 335th Inf, 84th Div, drives to the Rhine, overrunning Moers and Baerl; Rheinhausen RR bridge across the Rhine at Baerl is still standing but is well defended by enemy rear guards. 334th Inf presses NE toward Admiral Scheer highway bridge, which connects Duisburg and Homberg. 102d Div is held in reserve. In XIX Corps area, 95th Div, to which RCT 379 reverts from attachment to 2d Armd Div, begins attack toward the Rhine on N flank of corps. 378th Inf, on N, drives through Uerdingen to the Rhine


and clears part of N Uerdingen; efforts of 379th Inf, on S, to reduce pocket near Adolf Hitler bridge are only partially successful as German rear guards put up determined resistance. 2d Armd Div concludes its Cologne Plain operations, capturing Kaldenhausen and mopping up Uerdingen, Kaldenhausen, and Viertelsheide areas.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's VII Corps area, 99th Div, employing 3 regts, speeds NE along the Erft on broad front, overrunning more than 30 towns and villages and halting a little short of Erft-Rhine junction, on line Derikum-Uekerath. Finding Roggendorf strongly held, 83d Armd Rcn Bn of 3d Armd Div bypasses it to take Hackhausen and patrol to the Rhine near Worringen before dawn; then, in conjunction with TF Lovelady of CC Boudinot, temporarily under its command, captures Roggendorf and Worringen and holds them against counterattacks. 4th Cav Gp, attacking toward the Rhine in left part of 3d Armd Div sector, seizes Hackenbroich, Delhoven, and Shaberg. 104th Div pierces outer defenses of Cologne in fighting that starts at midnight 3-4 and continues into night 4-5. Brauweiler, Loevenich, Freimersdorf, and Widdersdorf fall to 415th Inf and Koenigsdorf, Buschbell, and Weiden to 414th. 413th Inf relieves 3d Armd Div forces in Busdorf, Sinthern, and Geyen. 28th Inf, 8th Div, captures Frechen and is passed through, night 4-5, by 121st Inf. In III Corps area, 14th Cav Gp completes relief of 18th Inf, 1st Div, and organizes defensive positions along Erft Canal. 1st Div's 26th Inf clears Bliesheim and Ober Liblar and secures bridgehead across the Erft while 16th Inf mops up Weilerswist. Continuing operations E of the Erft, 39th Inf of 9th Div takes Derikum and Hausweiler; bn of 47th overruns Frauenberg early in day. CCB of 9th Armd Div, under 9th Div command, drives S from Lommersum to Bodenheim; during night 4-5 secures bridgehead across the Erft, clearing Wuescheim and Gross Buellesheim. 9th Armd Div attacks E at 1400: CCR, on N, drives to Erft R line N of Euskirchen; CCA captures Euskirchen. In 78th Div zone, 309th Inf clears Uelpenich, Duerscheven, and Enzen; 311th Inf assembles in Langendorf-Buervenich-Merzenich area for attack SE. In V Corps area, 102d Cav Gp, with mission of protecting corps N flank, secures line Vlatten-Hergarten-Duttling SW to 2d Div zone near Gemund. 2d Div's TF S captures Gemund and overcomes stubborn pillbox resistance along N bank of the Urft; passing through TF S, 9th Inf drives rapidly NE about 4,500 yards; co of 23d Inf meets determined resistance upon crossing Olef R just S of Gemund and withdraws. 28th Div seizes Schleiden and begins relief of elements of 2d Div S of Gemund. 69th Div extends northward and relieves 110th Inf, 28th Div.

In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, 87th Div reduces some 110 pillboxes on N flank of corps: 347th and 346th Regts clear to Kyll R line, taking Scheid, Hallschlag, Kronenburgerheutte, and Kerschenbach; on right, 345th seizes Schoenfeld and Reuth. 4th Div presses eastward all along line, overrunning Gondelsheim and Schwirzheim and mopping up resistance bypassed by 11th Armd Div at Buedesheim and Wallersheim. CCB drives rapidly E past Buedesheim and Wallersheim until halted near the Kyll in vicinity of Lissingen by fire from E bank of river. CCA reverts to 11th Armd Div from attachment to 87th Div and assembles W of the Pruem. 90th Div attacks E through 6th Armd Div toward Kyll R against light resistance: 357th Inf, on left, clears Nieder and Ober Hersdorf and continues toward Kopp; 359th takes Seiwerath and Neustrassburg, making contact with 6th Cav Gp at Neustrassburg; 358th, in reserve, assembles E of the Pruem. 6th Armd Div assembles in Arzfeld area in SHAEF reserve. 6th Cav Gp advances rapidly E of the Nims, clearing rest of Lasel, Wawern, Huscheid, Barbach, Balesfeld, and Neuheilenbach; makes contact with XII Corps on right. In XII Corps area, 80th Div's 318th Inf and Rcn Tr reconnoiter N toward corps boundary, gaining contact with VIII Corps. 5th Div expands Kyll R bridgehead to include Erdorf, Badem, Dudeldorf, and Ordorf. 76th Div's 304th Inf completes its crossing of the Kyll and captures Hosten, Auw, Preist, Orenhofen, and Speicher; RCT 417 is attached to 10th Armd Div (XX Corps); 2d Sq of 2d Cav Gp completes screening along the Moselle and assists 385th Inf in screening Kyll R line. Scheduled attack of 4th Armd Div through 5th Div bridgehead is postponed to await further expansion of the bridgehead. In XX Corps area, CCA of 10th Armd Div begins drive on Sweich bridge; crossing Ruwer R near Eitelsbach, where bridge is later put in, the column pushes 1,500 yards NE against firm opposition. CCB takes commanding ground near Ehrang; crosses a dismounted infantry co over the Kyll. RCT 417 of 76th Div (XII Corps) is attached to 10th Armd Div as it prepares for breakout assault toward Wittlich. 94th Div regroups while continuing to defend and consolidate bridgehead.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XXI Corps area, 276th Inf of 10th Div pushes from Forbach into Forbach Forest; elements clear Marienau, W of Forbach; 274th Inf gets additional elements into Stiring Wendel, where street fighting continues. 63d Div's 253d Inf partially clears the Hahnbusch and takes Birnberg hill nearby.

EASTERN EUROPE--Red Army troops break through to Baltic coast, splitting enemy forces remaining in Pomerania and severing communication lines between Danzig and Stettin. Second White


Russian troops reach coast at Koeslin while elements of First White Russian Front thrust to coast near Kolberg. Other forces of First White Russian Front drive to the Oder SW of Stargard, overrunning Pyritz.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army's IV Corps area, 10th Mtn Div makes substantial progress, 87th Inf taking M. Acidola, Madonna di Brasa, and M. della Croce, while 86th clears its objective, M. Grande d'Aiano. Brazilians of 1st Div take over 10th Mtn Div positions E of Pietra Colora.

In Br Eighth Army's 5 Corps area, Cremona Gp takes Torre di Primaro, a commanding feature from which operations can be continued later against Comacchio Spit.

BURMA--In Br Fourteenth Army's 4 Corps area, Ind 17th Div has now largely completed capture of Meiktila.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army area, XIV Corps orders continuation of drive to E against Shimbu line on 8 March; gives 11th A/B Div, reinf by RCT 158, task of clearing Balayan and Batangas Bays on S Luzon. In XI Corps area, elements of 43d and 38th Divs make contact at Tiaong; 43d then begins westward push into Zambales Mtns W of Clark Field.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, Co B of 186th Inf, with flame-thrower assistance, secures Hill 1125 on Palawan. On Samar, Mauo region is searched carefully for enemy.

IWO JIMA--VAC continues attack with 3 divs, each employing 2 RCT's abreast, but is unable to advance appreciably. B-29 makes emergency landing on Iwo Jima.

JAPAN--XXI BC employs 192 B-29's in precision attack on Musashino aircraft factory at Tokyo. This raid ends precision bombardment phase of XXI BC operations against Japanese aircraft industry.

5 March

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army's Cdn 2 Corps area, Br 43d Div and Cdn 2d Div are converging slowly on Xanten, enemy's last strong position W of the Rhine; Cdn 3d Div fights hard for high ground N of Sonsbeck. In Br 30 Corps area, 43d Div pushes NE from Issum toward Alpen.

In U.S. Ninth Army's XVI Corps area, TF Byrne of 35th Div clears Camperbruch and Camp; RCT 137, bolstered by CCB of 8th Armd Div, captures Lintfort and Rheinberg and, organized as TF Murray, prepares to drive on Wesel; RCT 134 is withdrawn to reserve.

In XIII Corps area, CCR of 5th Armd Div reaches the Rhine at Orsoy, capturing that town and Rheinkamp, and fires on enemy columns attempting to escape; contact is made with 8th Armd Div, XVI Corps. In 84th Div sector, enemy explosion damages Rheinhausen bridge; 334th Inf takes Homberg in lively fighting and approaches to Admiral Scheer bridge, but enemy destroys the bridge. In XIX Corps area, 95th Div overcomes negligible resistance W of the Rhine within its zone, concluding corps' part of Operation GRENADE. While 378th Inf, supported by 377th, drives NE from Uerdingen to Rheinhausen, where bridges are destroyed, 379th eliminates pocket near Adolf Hitler bridge in S Uerdingen. Div outposts the Rhine from Uerdingen N to Essenburg. 95th Div relieves CCA, 2d Armd Div, which withdraws to assembly area; CCB, leaving Rcn Co of 67th Armd Regt, reinf, to defend Rhine R line, begins movement to assembly area.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's VII Corps area, 99th Div continues toward the Rhine, Co K of 393d Inf reaching it at Grimlinghausen, 395th Inf taking Delrath and several small villages, and 1st Bn of 394th capturing Nievenheim. On 3d Armd Div N flank, 4th Cav Gp and 83d Armd Rcn Bn are clearing W bank of the Rhine: former takes Horrem and Dormagen as well as I. G. Farben factory and brick plant; 83d Armd Rcn Bn works SE along the Rhine from Worringen area past Langel to positions opposite Leverkusen. To S, 3d Armd Div and 104th Div begin assault on Cologne early in day and enter the city during morning. 3d Armd Div, with CC Boudinot on left and CC Hickey on right, each employing 2 TF's, drives SE into the city, overrunning a number of suburban communities. Continuing E toward Cologne with 415th and 414th Inf, 104th Div clears Junkersdorf and penetrates 4,000 yards into the city. 8th Div attack to E is continued by 121st Inf, which, by dawn of 6th, holds Bachem, Gleul, Stotzheim, Burbach, and Alsstadten and is pressing toward Huerth; resuming attack at 2400, 28th Inf takes Berrenrath and Knapsack before dawn of 6th. Boundary between III and VII Corps is shifted S and extended to the Rhine S of Cologne; this leaves gap between the two corps that extends eastward from the Erft between Moedrath and Liblar. In III Corps area, 14th Cav Gp, to which 32d Sq reverts from attachment to 26th Inf of 1st Div, begins clearing the pocket between the two corps. 1st Div's 26th Inf thrusts to high ground SW of Dorf Pingsdorf and to Walberberg; 16th reaches Roesberg and Merten and captures Metternich. E of the Erft, 47th Inf of 9th Div takes Gross Vernich, Schwarzmaar, Mueggenhausen, and Neukirchen; elements of 39th clear Schneppenheim and Strassfeld. RCT 60 reverts to 9th Div from attachment to CCA, 9th Armd Div. 9th Armd Div, to which CCB reverts from 9th Div, attacks across the Erft toward Stadt Meckenheim and Rheinbach: CCB, replacing CCR in


line, drives toward former, taking Klein Buellesheim, Esch, and Ludendorff; CCA advances toward Rheinbach from Euskirchen, capturing Cuchenheim, Roitzheim, Weidesheim, and Odendorf. 78th Div's 311th Inf, attacking through 309th, overruns Obergartzem, Firmenich, Satzvey, Antweiler, Rheder, Billig, and Stotzheim; upon being passed through, 309th clears Elsig, Weiskirchen, and Euenheim. In V Corps area, 102d Cav Gp takes Irnich, Schwerfen, Gehn, Kommern, Schaven, and Ober Gartzem as enemy falls back toward the Rhine. After displacing to Buervenich area, 23d Inf of 2d Div attacks S and captures Berg, Floisdorf, and Eicks; TF S is dissolved and 3d Bn, 38th Inf, continues attack S of Gemund, taking heights in Nierfeld area before being relieved by 28th Div. 28th and 69th Divs prepare for offensive action. On corps S flank, 106th Div extends right and left flanks of 424th Inf to make contact with 69th Div on N and U.S. Third Army on S; patrols E to determine extent of enemy's withdrawal.

In U.S. Third Army's VII Corps area, 87th Div's current mission is concluded as 345th Inf clears heights E of Reuth. Div organizes TF Muir (Co A of 345th Inf, 87th Rcn Tr, and supporting weapons) upon being given new objectives. 4th Div drives NE, clearing Duppach and Oos; one of two hills N of Oos is secured at request of 11th Armd Div. CCB, 11th Armd Div, halts after short advance to NE to await clearance of second hill N of Oos by 4th Div. 90th Div, whose N boundary is extended to include Gerolstein, advances to the Kyll on broad front and starts across the river: 357th Inf clears Lissingen, Hinterhausen, and Birresborn and begins fording the Kyll in Birresborn area at 2300; 359th, after reaching river line to S, prepares for attack through 357th. 358th starts toward Lissingen. 6th Cav Sq, 6th Cav Gp, moves from S to N flank of corps and begins relief of elements of 87th Div; 28th Sq continues clearing S flank of corps until pinched out by 90th Div and XII Corps. In XII Corps area, 80th Div zone W of the Kyll is clear, except for small pocket in Usch-St Thomas area, with capture by 318th Inf of Neidenbach and Malberg. 4th Armd Div attacks NE through 5th Div bridgehead: 25th Cav Rcn Sq, screening left flank, clears Kyllburgweiler, Seinsfeld, and Steinborn; CCB thrusts rapidly to Salm area, overrunning towns of Meisburg, Weidenbach, Wallenborn, and Salm; to right, CCA, though hampered by difficult roads, takes Gindorf and continues to Oberkail. Bridgeheads of 5th and 76th Divs are joined N of Speicher. 5th Div expands bridgehead to include Orsfeld, Pickliessem, and Philippsheim. 304th Inf, 76th Div, mops up bypassed resistance within its bridgehead; TF Onaway begins movement into bridgehead; 2d Sq of 2d Cav Gp relieves 385th Inf of screening mission W of the Kyll. In XX Corps' 10th Armd Div zone, RCT 417 (-2d Bn) passes through CCA, to which it is temporarily attached, in Ruwer R bridgehead near Eitelsbach and expands the bridgehead 1,500 yards to NE; CCB, reinf by 2d Bn of 417th Inf, moves another co of dismounted infantry across the Kyll near Ehrang. 94th Div, after comparatively quiet day in which Ollmuth is taken without opposition, during night 5-6 undergoes strong counterattack, largely in zone of 302d Inf, that penetrates positions. 65th Div, assembled in Ennery area, begins its first combat mission--relief of 26th Div in Saarlautern bridgehead sector--during night 5-6.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XXI Corps area, 276th Inf of 10th Div continues to clear Forbach Forest and woods NW of Marienau; 274th completes capture of Stiring Wendel. 63d Div, reinforcing attack on the Hahnbusch with an additional co, finishes clearing the woods and peak to N, its objective.

EASTERN EUROPE--First White Russian troops overrun Stargard, outer bastion of Stettin.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army area, IV Corps completes second phase of limited offensive. While 86th Inf mops up on left flank of 10th Mtn Div, 87th reaches final phase line at Castel d'Aiano and 85th, committed on right flank, pushes forward to M. della Spe, where it holds fast against enemy counterattacks, night 5-6. 1st Div of BEF outflanks Castelnuovo and gains positions beyond overlooking Vergato.

BURMA--In ALFSEA's 15 Corps area, 25th Ind Div, on Arakan coast, takes Tamandu, where forward supply base for DRACULA is organized before div moves to Akyab. In Br Fourteenth Army's 33 Corps area, Ind 19th Div, continuing steadily S toward Mandalay, crosses Chaungmagyi in Madaya area.

LUZON--U.S. Sixth Army field order transferring 37th Div from XIV Corps to direct control of army for garrison duty in Manila and releasing RCT 158 from army reserve to XIV Corps goes into effect. In XIV Corps area, 11th A/B Div, reinf by RCT 158, begins operations to open Balayan and Batangas Bays, S Luzon. 158th Inf drives E along Route 17 on Balayan Bay until stopped by opposition near Langanan. In I Corps area, Philippine Guerrilla Forces, N Luzon, now control N coast of island W of Cagayan R mouth; control W coast, except for Vigan, S to San Fernando area. 33d Div continues northward toward Baguio and San Fernando, threatening to close pincers on Japanese between it and the guerrillas. Elements of 32d Div continue to battle Salacsac Pass defenses on Villa Verde Trail. 25th Div completes mop-up of Puncan area, opening


Highway 5 from San Jose to Digdig and concluding first phase of drive on Cagayan Valley.

S PHILIPPINES--U.S. Eighth Army assigns 19th Inf, 24th Div, mission of clearing Romblon Is. On Palawan, 2d Bn of 186th Inf reaches Hill 1445 (near Iratag), which enemy is prepared to defend.

IWO JIMA--VAC remains in place, improving current positions and reorganizing for concerted attack on 6th. 2d Mar Div is released as area reserve. RCT 3, 3d Mar Div, held in Expeditionary Troops Reserve, afloat, is released and leaves for base camp.

6 March

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army's Cdn 2 Corps area, Br 43d and Cdn 2d Divs slightly improve positions before Xanten under heavy fire and prepare for concerted assault on the town. Cdn 3d Div concludes its mission as it drives into Sonsbeck and makes contact with 3d Div, Br 30 Corps. Cdn 4th Armd Div attacks from Sonsbeck toward Veen. In Br 30 Corps area, 53d Div continues slowly toward Alpen, on road to Wesel.

In U.S. Ninth Army area, Operation GRENADE--drive from the Roer to the Rhine--is successfully concluded. In XVI Corps area, 35th Div completes drive to the Rhine and mops up Rheinberg. 30th Div is transferred from XIX to XVI Corps. In XIII Corps area, CCR of 5th Armd Div mops up most of zone assigned to it around Orsoy. XIX Corps defends W bank of Rhine within zone.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's VII Corps area, 395th Inf of 99th Div overcomes weak resistance W of the Rhine on corps N flank, taking the 4 remaining towns, among them Udesheim, and a zinc works. 3d Armd Div zone is cleared except for small pocket in NE Cologne: along the Rhine just N and NW of Cologne, CC Boudinot, assisted by TF Hogan of CC Howze, secures Feldkassel (SE of Fuehlingen), Merkenich, Niehl, and Merheim; CC Hickey, with TF's Kane and Doan in assault, drives steadily through Cologne to the Rhine, clearing N part of city except for small pocket. 104th Div, continuing assault on Cologne with 415th and 414th Inf, clears most of S part of city, and gets patrols to the Rhine; Efferden falls early in morning to 414th Inf. 8th Div again conducts day and night attacks toward the Rhine S of Cologne: by daylight of 7th, 121st Inf holds Huerth, Hermulheim, and Kendenich and 28th Inf has Kalscheuren and Meschenich. In III Corps area, corps attack is directed SE instead of due E as a result of boundary changes. 14th Cav Gp continues to make good progress clearing pocket between VII and III Corps. Closing in on Bonn from the N, 1st Div's 26th Inf seizes Dorf Pingsdorf, Badorf, Eckdorf, Schwadorf, and Walberberg; 16th clears Trippelsdorf, Merten, Roesberg, Hemmerich, Waldorf, Dersdorf, and Ullekoven. 9th Div, employing elements of 3 regts, expands Erft bridgehead, taking Heimerzheim, Dunstekoven, Ollheim, and Buschoven. 9th Armd Div attack is directed toward junction of Rhine and Ahr Rivers: CCB overruns Miel, Morenhoven, Flerzheim, and Stadt Meckenheim; CCA drives almost to Bad Neuenahr, clearing Palmersheim, Ober Drees, Rheinbach, Wormersdorf, Altendorf, Gelsdorf, Bettelhoven, Bollingen, and Lantershofen. 311th Inf of 78th Div clears Nieder Kastenholz, Flamersheim, Schweinheim, Queckenberg, Loch, Schlebach, and Merzbach; 309th concentrates in Flamersheim area. V Corps pursues enemy toward Rhine and Ahr Rivers. 102d Cav Gp seizes Antweiler, Wachendorf, Kalkar, Kirspenich, and Arloff. Mounting infantry on tanks and TD's, 2d Div, with 23d Inf on left and 9th on right, gains up to 7 miles SE toward the Ahr and clears some 25 towns to reach general line Iversheim-Noethen-Pesch. From Gemund-Schleiden region, 28th Div presses SE toward the Ahr with RCT 110 on left and RCT 112 on right: RCT 110 gets some forward elements to Zingsheim and others to Kall and Soetenich; RCT 112 takes Golbach, Rinnen, and road junction near Eichen. 69th Div, with 3 regts abreast, drives eastward to gain contact with fleeing enemy, advancing past Oberhausen, Blumenthal, Reifferscheid, Zingsheid, Wildenburg, and Ober Wolfert. On corps S flank, 424th Inf of 106th Div consolidates, patrols, and maintains contact with friendly forces on flanks.

In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, 6th Cav Gp, to which 6th Sq reverts, completes assembly on N flank of corps and takes over new mission of protecting N flank and maintaining contact with First Army; 6th Sq completes relief of 347th Inf and 1st Bn of 346th, 87th Div. Continuing attack with 346th and 345th Regts and TF Muir of latter, 87th Div clears along Kyll R line and gets elements across: Stadtkyll, Niederkyll, Glaadt, Juenkerath, Schueller, Krimm, Goennersdorf, Lissendorf, Birgel, and Staffeln are overrun. 4th Div, after completing capture of high ground N of Oos and taking Roth early in morning, follows CCB of 11th Armd Div to the Kyll, with 22d Inf on left and 12th on right; during night 6-7, crosses to relieve CCD and expand bridgehead. CCB, meanwhile, drives to the Kyll at Ober and Nieder Bettingen and against strong opposition secures small bridgehead by fording river. On 90th Div left flank, 358th Inf, reinf by TF Kedrovsky (90th Rcn Tr and TD's), motors to Lissingen, crosses the Kyll dismounted, and overruns Gerolstein; 357th, after securing heights E of crossing site and towns of Michelbach, Niederbach, and Buescheich, is passed through by 359th (-1st


Bn), which crosses at Birresborn and drives NE to clear Gee and high ground near Gerolstein; 1st Bn, 359th, crosses the Kyll to right to clear rest of Muerlenbach and occupy Densborn. Construction of bridges over the Kyll is begun. In XII Corps area, 318th Inf eliminates last enemy pocket W of the Kyll in 80th Div zone. Drive of 4th Armd Div toward the Rhine gains momentum: CCB speeds through Ober Stadtfeld, Puetzborn, Daun, Darscheid, and Schoenbach and outposts Ulmen; CCA abandons right flank attack because of poor roads and follows CCB, reaching Salm-Wallenborn-Uedersdorf area, 5th Div improves and strengthens positions E of the Kyll. 2d Inf crosses into bridgehead and drives E to Oberkail, where bridge is out; foot elements enter Schwartzenborn but are driven out during night. 11th Inf clears northward along E bank of the Kyll to Kyllburg, taking Wilsecker and Etteldorf. In 76th Div zone, TF Onaway drives through 304th Inf's bridgehead to Herforst; 42d Sq of 2d Cav Gp crosses into bridgehead in preparation for clearing right flank of div and corps. In XX Corps area, CCB of 10th Armd Div crosses additional elements into Kyll R bridgehead near Ehrang; enemy fire prevents construction of bridge at crossing site. Ruwer R bridgehead is expanded by RCT 417 (-) to include Mertzdorf, Ruwer, and Kenn. 94th Div partly restores its bridgehead positions, but enemy infiltrators remain along Zerf-Pellingen road. 26th Div, as relieved by 65th, moves to 94th Div zone and begins relief of that div: 328th Inf crosses the Saar and relieves 2d Bn of 301st Inf and 3d Bn of 376th on 94th Div right flank.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XXI Corps area, 10th Div continues to clear Forbach Forest and woods NW of Marienau; patrols reach outposts of West Wall.

EASTERN EUROPE--Troops of Second White Russian Front complete reduction of Grudziadz, key point in enemy's defense system on the lower Vistula in Poland; continue along Polish corridor toward Danzig; destroy encircled enemy forces SW of Koeslin (German Pomerania). First White Russian Front forces make substantial gains in N Pomerania, where Belgard and other points are cleared.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army's IV Corps area, 81st Cav Rcn Sq is detached from 1st Armd Div (II Corps) and attached to IV Corps to relieve elements of 1st Div of BEF and pinch out the rest. 1st Div of BEF later moves to left of 10th Mtn Div. In II Corps area, 34th Div relieves 88th Div astride Highway 65.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army area, XIV Corps is ordered by Gen Krueger to relieve 1st Cav Div with 43d Div, less one RCT. Enemy positions are being softened with aerial and arty bombardment in preparation for renewed ground attack. In 11th A/B Div sector, elements of 158th Inf reach Lemery, across Pansipit R from Taal. I Corps is ordered by Gen Krueger to speed action toward Balete Pass-Santa Fe-Imugan area. Elements of 80th Inf, 33d Div, assemble at Damortis for drive on Aringay. On Villa Verde Trail, 1st Bn of 127th Inf, 32d Div, crosses Cabalisian R and drives E toward Salacsac Pass No. 2. 25th Div drives N astride Highway 5 toward Putlan with 161st Inf on W and 27th on E. 35th Inf's 1st Bn starts wide enveloping move NE from Carranglan to secure high ground about 5,000 yards NE of Putlan. 3d Bn, upon relief at Digdig by 27th Inf, starts rcn up Old Spanish Trail toward Salazar.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, 21st Inf patrols find 2 other islands of Lubang Group free of enemy. On Palawan, Japanese on Hill 1445 repulse attacks of 2d Bn, 186th Inf. On Burias, 1st Bn of 132d Inf gains first contact with enemy.

IWO JIMA--After the most intensive massed arty preparation of this operation, supplemented by naval gunfire, VAC renews efforts to break through to O-3 line but is still so bitterly opposed that progress is negligible. In center of corps, RCT 21 of 3d Mar Div achieves maximum gain of corps--about 200 yards. Progress on flanks is limited to 100 yards or less. 4th Mar Div, passing RCT 23 through left flank of RCT 24, pushes SE toward coast with 2 regts abreast, while RCT 25, on right, supports assault with fire and mops up in Minami area. 5th Mar Div attacks an hour before rest of corps, with RCT's 27, 26, and 28, from right to left, and gains 50-100 yards except on left, where no progress is made. Seventh Air force fighters land on Airfield 1 to support ground operations.

7 March

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army's Cdn 2 Corps area, further efforts of Cdn 4th Armd Div to take Veen are fruitless. Preparations for all-out assault on Xanten continue. In Br 30 Corps area, 52d Div begins relief of 53d near Alpen.

U.S. Ninth Army front, except for limited offensive by XVI Corps to extend its N flank to Wesel, is quiet, with activity confined to patrolling W and E of the Rhine, making preparations for assault crossing of the Rhine, policing, and regrouping. In XVI Corps area, 35th Div attacks N, as corps boundary is extended to Wesel, but makes little headway: TF Murray is halted at outskirts of Ossenberg. Div is reinf by attachment of RCT 291, 75th Div. 79th Div is attached to corps upon release by XIII Corps. In XIII Corps area, CCR of 5th Armd Div completes mop-up in Orsoy area and turns that


town over to XVI Corps. 11th Cav Gp reverts to corps control from attachment to 84th Div and is given security mission.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's VII Corps area, Cologne, third largest city in Germany, falls to 3d Armd and 104th Inf Divs, which overcome organized resistance during morning and declare the city secure by 1600. 3d Bn of 413th Inf is committed on 104th Div right for final drive and advances through S outskirts of Cologne to the Rhine. While 121st Inf, 8th Div, mops up Kendenich and clears Fischenich, 28th drives to the Rhine at Rodenkirchen and Godorf, clearing part of Rodenkirchen and all of Godorf. Resistance within corps zone is now confined to an isolated pocket in Rodenkirchen-Weiss-Surth region of 8th Div sector. In III Corps area, 9th Armd Div, in momentous drive, reaches junction of Rhine and Ahr Rivers and establishes bridgeheads across both. CCB advances in two columns, one heading toward Remagen and the other toward Sinzig. N column overcomes light resistance in Remagen and, finding Ludendorff RR bridge standing though damaged and prepared for demolition, starts across the Rhine to high ground near Orsberg. Corps plans are hastily changed in order to exploit this unexpected advantage. Instead of clearing southward from Remagen along W bank of the Rhine, CCB moves N column across the bridge as rapidly as possible and brings up S column, which has meanwhile seized Sinzig and Ahr bridge there. Crossings start in afternoon and continue throughout night 7-8, 27th Armd Inf Bn leading, followed by weapons and 52d Armd Inf Bn. 9th and 78th Divs prepare for action in Remagen bridgehead. 7th Armd Div is attached to corps and assembles in Zulpich area before taking over 9th Div zone. 9th Div releases RCT 47 to CCB, moving it to Remagen, and prepares to commit RCT 60 in bridgehead. RCT 310 of 78th Div prepares to cross the Rhine. On 9th Armd Div S flank, CCA drives to the Ahr at Bad Neuenahr and Heimersheim, taking the two towns and bridges there intact; late in day Tr A of 89th Cav Rcn Sq is moved to Sinzig to release CCB's S column for operations across the Rhine. On corps N flank, 14th Cav Gp finishes mopping up between VII and III Corps. 1st Div reaches edge of Bonn and prepares to attack the city: 26th Inf overruns Bruhl, Berzdorf, and Sechtem; 16th clears Bornheim, Botzdorf, Brenig, Roisdorf, and Alfter. In 9th Div zone, 39th Inf thrusts to positions just short of Bad Godesberg while 60th gets elements within 2,000 yards of Duisdorf and overruns Witterschlick, Volmershoven, and Rottgen. On S flank of corps, 78th Div drives SE to Ahr R: attacking through 311th Inf, 309th reaches the river near Dernau and at Ahrweiler and secures 3 rail and 2 vehicular bridges intact. In V Corps area, 102d Cav Gp, driving SE, reaches Ahr R in Altenahr-Kreuzberg area, 2d Div thrusts SE through Munstereiffel for maximum gains of 10 miles on left where 23d Inf reaches the Ahr in Kreuzberg-Bruck region and takes bridge at Kreuzberg intact; 9th Inf, on right, advances 5 miles SE against moderate resistance. 28th Div also reaches the Ahr and clears Blankenheim. 69th Div clears most of its zone, taking Hecken, Kreuzberg, Schmidtheim and Dahlem; patrols between Dahlem and Blankenheimerdorf. 106th Div's 424th Inf moves E on corps S flank toward Simmer R until pinched out by 69th Div and U.S. Third Army, then begins period of rehabilitation and training. 7th Armd Div is detached from corps.

In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, 87th Div, with 346th, 347th, and 345th Regts in line from left to right, thrusts rapidly NE toward Ahr R: 346th clears Esch; 347th, jumping off night of 6-7, seizes Feusdorf, Allendorf, and Ripsdorf; 345th and TF Muir take Wiesbaum and Mirbach. Expanding bridgehead secured by 11th Armd Div, 4th Div's 22d Inf takes Hillesheim while 12th secures Bolsdorf, Dohm, and Bewingen. CCB, 11th Armd Div, having been relieved E of the Kyll by 4th Div, moves S toward Lissingen; CCA crosses newly completed bridge in 90th Div zone at Lissingen and attacks through 90th Div bridgehead taking Dockweiler, Dreis, Boxberg, and Kelberg. Enemy makes firm stand at Kelberg, vital road center, but is unable to halt CCA. 358th Inf, on 90th Div N flank, improves bridgehead for passage of 11th Armd Div and extends it NE toward Dreis, and Ober Ehe; 359th captures Kirchweiler, Hinterweiler, and Waldkenigen; 90th Rcn Tr clears Salm Wald. In XII Corps area, CCB of 4th Armd Div, leapfrogging tank-infantry teams with excellent effect, advances to high ground overlooking the Rhine S of Andernach along axis Ulmen-Kaisersesch-Dungenheim-Kehrig-Polch-Ochtendung. CCA follows without opposition, halting near Ochtendung. CCR crosses the Kyll at Erdorf and follows in trace of other combat commands. On 5th Div left, motorized 11th Inf speeds NE behind armor, occupying Darschied, Daun, Puetzborn, and Salm; 2d Inf takes Gransdorf, regains Schwartzenborn, and clears Eisenschmitt; 10th, in limited attack before dawn, seizes Spangdahlem, Spang, and Dahlem. In 76th Div zone to S, TF Onaway clears Binsfeld and Niederkail; 304th Inf takes Beilingen and, night 7-8, Arrenrath; 42d Cav Sq overruns Schleidweiler and Zemmer. In XX Corps area, one 10th Armd Div column drives NE toward Wittlich while others converge on Sweich: CCA, passing through Kyll R bridgehead of 76th Div (XII Corps) in Hosten area, reaches Orenhofen; CCB clears Ehrang and


Quint and is passed through by dismounted infantry of CCR, who turn E toward Sweich; RCT 417 (-) expands Ruwer R bridgehead to high ground opposite Sweich. 94th Div continues to clear infiltrators from Saarburg bridgehead; 301st Inf (-3d Bn), its relief completed by 26th Div, closes in rear assembly area. Under cover of darkness, 65th Div continues relief of 26th Div, which in turn relieves right flank elements of 94th.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army area, XXI Corps halts limited attacks to await extensive rcn.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In Br Eighth Army area, boundary between Pol 2 Corps and Br 5 Corps is altered in order to narrow zone of latter in preparation for spring offensive. Regrouping of troops is about completed. Pol 2 Corps extends well across Highway 9 to S. Severo, 5th Kresowa Div relieving NZ 2d Div and left flank elements of 56th Div, 5 Corps, and reverting to command of Pol 2 Corps. NZ 2d Div is withdrawn to reserve. Ind 8th Div, 5 Corps, which is reinf by Jewish Brig during most of March, conducts river crossing exercises over the Montone. Pol 2 Corps is reinf by Ind 43d Brig--previously under command of 56th Div--and 7th Armd Brig.

BURMA--In NCAC area, 112th Regt of 38th Div, Ch New First Army, occupies Lashio, successfully concluding second phase of CAPITAL.

In Br Fourteenth Army's 4 Corps area, Japanese are making determined efforts to recover Meiktila and succeed, by capturing Taungtha, in cutting off Ind 17th Div troops at Meiktila.

LUZON--Hq USAFFE closes on Leyte and opens at Manila.

In U.S. Sixth Army's XIV Corps area, 6th Div and 1st Cav Div continue preparations for coordinated drive eastward against Shimbu line. Arty and aerial bombardment destroys or uncovers enemy positions. In 11th A/B Div zone, 158th Inf advances through undefended Taal and gains several miles to E and S, completing first phase of attack. 187th Inf joins in the attack: 1st Bn, attacking in 2 columns N of Lake Taal, advances rapidly against slight resistance. In I Corps area, 1st Bn of 130th Inf, 33d Div, takes Aringay bridge and town without opposition and probes toward Mt Magabang. Opposition to 1st Bn of 127th Inf, 32d Div, on Villa Verde Trail is so stiff that 3d Bn starts from Santa Maria in effort to outflank enemy. 25th Div continues N astride Highway 5 with 161st and 27th Regts; 1st Bn, 35th Inf, gains heights NE of Putlan with ease.

S PHILIPPINES--U.S. Eighth Army designates Americal Div (-) to clear Cebu, Bohol, and Negros Oriental, and small islands adjacent. On Palawan, troops of 186th Inf are still unable to clear Hill 1445 although supported by arty and mortar fire as well as aircraft.

IWO JIMA--VAC begins assault in center before dawn, withholding preparatory fire and moving forward with great secrecy. RCT 21 of 3d Mar Div captures the Hill 362 E of Motoyama but RCT 9, to right, is pinned down after limited advance at daybreak. Elements on extreme left of div continue to attack in conjunction with 5th Mar Div but are unable to advance. 5th Mar Div, again attacking with 3 Regts abreast on left flank of corps, makes limited progress on right and in center; on left, where terrain is a greater handicap than enemy, overruns Hill 215 and gains up to 600 yards. On right flank of corps, 4th Mar Div's RCT's 23 and 24 advance slowly but RCT 25 is unable to move and continues to mop up rear areas. Island Commander takes responsibility for base development. Since use of naval gunfire is now greatly restricted, most of Gunfire and Covering Force (TF 54) leaves for Ulithi.

8 March

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army's Cdn 2 Corps area, Br 43d and Cdn 2d Divs, in concerted assault on Xanten, clear the town. Cdn 4th Armd Div is still held up before Veen. Br 52d, 3d, and Guards Armd Divs pass from Br 30 to Cdn 2 Corps control as Cdn 2 Corps takes over Br 30 Corps sector on the Rhine from Wesel to Emmerich at 1800. Br 11th Armd Div, now under command of 8 Corps, Br Second Army, moves to Louvain area. In Br 30 Corps area, Hq and 51st Div revert to Br Second Army.

In U.S. Ninth Army's XVI Corps area, TF Byrne of 35th Div takes Huck and Millingen, SE of Alpen; TF Murray makes slow progress within Ossenberg and clears factory area; RCT 291 takes over right sector of 35th Div zone and makes contact with 84th Div (XIII Corps). 15th Cav Gp is detached from 35th Div and reverts to corps control.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's VII Corps area, 28th Inf clears remaining resistance W of the Rhine in 8th Div and VII Corps zone in morning, whereupon corps sector is extended S to include Bonn. 4th Cav Gp reverts to corps from attachment to 3d Armd Div and extends left flank to junction of Erft and Rhine Rivers, relieving 99th Div. 104th Div takes over 8th Div zone; 8th Div (-13th Inf, still attached to 3d Armd Div) assembles as reserve. 1st Div, attacking toward the Rhine at Bonn, is attached to corps and reinf by CC Howze of 3d Armd Div. From Roisdorf-Alfter area, RCT 16, on 1st Div left, drives E to the Rhine and clears N end of Bonn; RCT 18, to right, pushes NE into Bonn, taking Duisdorf, Lengsdorf, Endenich, Odekoven, Lessenich, and Messdorf. Contact is made


between the two teams within Bonn and patrols are sent to the Rhine. 14th Cav Gp, attached to 1st Div, maintains contact between 1st and 104th Divs and relieves 26th Inf of 1st Div in place. III Corps is largely concerned with build-up and expansion of Remagen bridgehead. Traffic congestion proves a more serious handicap than enemy opposition, though Germans make strong attempts to knock out the bridge by air and with arty. CCB of 9th Armd Div, reinf by RCT 47, completes crossing into bridgehead. Reinf 1st Bn of 60th Inf, 9th Div, and RCT 311 of 78th Div also cross the Rhine. By end of day bridgehead extends in 1½-mile arc about Erpel, with Linz, on right, partly cleared. W of the Rhine, CCA remains along Ahr R and, with elements of 310th Inf, expands bridgehead S of the river to include Laehndorf. On corps N flank, 1st Div and attached 14th Cav Gp are transferred to VII Corps and boundary is adjusted accordingly. 9th Div continues attacks until 1715, when 7th Armd Div takes over its zone: RCT 39 occupies Bad Godesberg and is attached to 7th Armd Div; RCT 60, fighting for limited objective near Duisdorf, is also attached to 7th Armd Div except for reinf 1st Bn, which is under 9th Armd Div control. 7th Armd Div is unopposed as it begins clearing its zone W of the Rhine. 9th Div hq, all combat elements now being detached, begins movement to take over Rhine bridgehead. 2d Div (V Corps) assumes responsibility for 78th Div zone, relieving 309th Inf in line; RCT 309 is then attached to 9th Armd Div. In V Corps area, 102d Cav Gp of 2d Div and 28th Div finish clearing their sectors N of the Ahr and consolidate positions along the river. 272d Inf clears rest of 69th Div zone, advancing to Waldorf, Ripsdorf, and Hungersdorf, in region S of the Ahr.

In U.S. Third Army area, VIII Corps drives rapidly toward the Rhine against scattered resistance. On N flank, 6th Cav Gp is pinched out by V Corps and 87th Div. 87th Div gains all its objectives by noon, advancing to Hungersdorf and Dollendorf, seizing bridge intact over the Ahr at Ahrhutte, and making firm contact with V Corps. Brushing aside ineffective resistance, 11th Armd Div continues toward the Rhine: CCA takes road center of Mayen, where engineers put in bridge, and continues toward Andernach; CCB, upon crossing the Kyll at Lissingen, drives NE, taking Mannebach, where enemy pocketed between First and Third Armies puts up strong opposition. Rest of 11th Armd Div crosses the Kyll and follows CCB. To rear of 11th Armd Div, 90th Div engages in widespread, unopposed patrolling. While 63d and 12th Regts improve current positions, 4th Div drives rapidly NE with TF Rhine (8th Inf, reinf) to Honerath area. In XII Corps area, 4th Armd Div mops up W of the Rhine and searches for crossing sites: CCB clears Saffig-Ketting region; CCA, to right, overruns Bassenheim, Wolken, Rubenach, Kaerlich, and Muelheim. From positions overlooking Andernach-Koblenz highway, div effectively attacks enemy convoys, swelling the already impressive total of enemy losses in personnel and equipment. 11th Inf of 5th Div continues to follow armor and is attached to 4th Armd Div; 2d presses NE toward Klein Kyll R and moves TF Graham (reinf 2d Bn) to Uedersdorf in preparation for attack to S; 10th Inf takes over Schwartzenborn-Gransdorf region from 2d Inf. In 76th Div zone, TF Onaway consolidates along the Salm in Burg-Bruch area and releases 1st Bn of 385th Inf to parent unit; 1st Bn of 385th Inf takes Lanscheid; 304th Inf seizes Niersbach and Greverath; 42d Cav Sq makes contact with 304th Inf at Greverath and takes Gladbach. In XX Corps area, CCA of 10th Armd Div drives E from Orenhofen sector toward Salm R through Heidweiler, Naurath, Dierscheid, and Erlenbach to vicinity of Sehlem. Completion of Ehrang bridge permits CCR to complete crossing of the Kyll and seize Sweich. RCT 417 (-) defends and improves Ruwer bridgehead. 94th Div drives enemy remnants from Saarburg bridgehead and prepares to resume offensive instead of withdrawing to rear as planned, since new boundary is established between it and 26th Div, running generally E from Saarburg.

6th Army Group: U.S. Seventh Army is being strengthened for mid-March offensive against West Wall. 6th Armd Div is released to XV Corps from SHAEF reserve.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army's II Corps area, 1st Armd Div makes limited attack to improve positions on left flank of corps, taking village of Carviano, NE of Vergato.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army area, XIV Corps begins eastward drive against Shimbu line with 6th Div and 1st Cav Div, former on N. 1st Inf, 6th Div, having been relieved in precarious positions on Mts Pacawagan and Mataba by 63d Inf, attacks against unexpectedly light opposition and gains initial objectives. 1st Cav Div, with 5th, 12th, 7th, and 8th Cav Regts abreast from N to S, attacks toward hills near Antipolo, taking one, Bench Mark 11. In 11th A/B Div sector, 158th Inf mops up and patrols while 187th Inf columns converge on Talaga and advance beyond that town until stopped by strong opposition from Hill 660. In I Corps area, Co C of 130th Inf, 33d Div, seizes Mt Magabang, NE of Aringay. 1st Bn of 35th Inf, 25th Div, takes Putlan, on Highway 5, but Japanese destroy Putlan bridge to N.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, 41st Inf force sails for Zamboanga, Mindanao, from Leyte. To assist guerrillas in holding Dipolog airfield there, Cos F and G of 91st Inf, 24th Div, are


flown in. On Palawan, Co G of 186th Inf reaches top of Hill 1445 without incident. This ends organized resistance on Palawan. Patrols are searching for enemy remnants. Palawan Force later seizes Busuanga I., off S tip of Palawan, and Balabac and Pandanan Islands as well.

IWO JIMA--VAC attacks toward coast after arty and naval gunfire preparation, 4th Mar Div leading off at 0620 and 3d and 5th Mar Divs following at 0750. A few hundred yards are wrested from enemy in some sectors. In center, 3d Mar Div's RCT 21 gets elements to O-3 line; RCT 9 starts toward coast from Hill 362, gaining about 400 yards. 4th Mar Div; profiting a little by early hour of attack, makes limited progress in zone of RCT 23 but is unable to advance its right flank; withstands counterattack in force against left flank. 5th Mar Div, attacking on left flank of corps with 3 regts, gains some ground on left. First detachment of carriers leaves Iwo for Ulithi.

9 March

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: Field Marshal Montgomery issues instructions for crossing the Rhine N of the Ruhr. Germans abandon their Wesel bridgehead across the Rhine, night 9-10, and blow the last remaining bridge.

In Cdn First Army's Cdn 2 Corps area, Br 43d and Cdn 2d Divs clear last enemy positions in immediate vicinity of Xanten. Cdn 4th Armd Div breaches mine fields before Veen and captures that town. Br 52d Div advances slowly NE toward the Rhine.

In U.S. Ninth Army's XVI Corps area, TF Byrne of 35th Div inches forward to Drupt, NE of Alpen, and, night 9-10, is passed through by RCT 134; TF Murray completes capture of Ossenberg and pushes N past Borth and Wallach.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's VII Corps area, German resistance W of the Rhine ends as 1st Div's RCT's 16 and 18 complete capture of Bonn by 1600. 99th Div is transferred to III Corps and moves to Stadt-Meckenheim area. In III Corps area, 9th Div takes command of Remagen bridgehead; div's troops revert to it. Combat elements of 78th Div (RCT's 311 and 309, and 310th Inf) are detached from 9th Armd Div and attached to 9th Div. CCB, 9th Armd Div, is also attached to 9th Div. RCT 309 crosses the Rhine and is committed in bridgehead; RCT 60 of 9th Div completes its crossing and 1st Bn, reinf, is committed. Enemy, though still offering no concerted opposition to bridgehead, puts up sharp local resistance as 9th Div expands bridgehead to include half of Honnef, Rheinbreitbach, Scheuren, Bruchhausen, rest of Linz, and positions beyond these towns. Firm opposition is met in Honnef and counterattack against center of bridgehead causes local withdrawal. Ludendorff bridge continues to be objective for German air attacks and arty fire. Corps zone W of the Rhine is cleared of enemy. 7th Armd Div defends W bank of the river between Bonn and Remagen. CCA, 9th Armd Div, defends Ahr R line; releases 2d and 3d bns of 310th Inf, 78th Div, to 9th Div for operations E of the Rhine after elements of 2d Div (V Corps) effect relief of the 2 bns in bridgeheads S of the Ahr. In V Corps area, 2d Div's 23d Inf advances to the Rhine along axis Bruck-Sinzig; 9th Inf drives E to rear of 23d; 38th Inf moves along Bad Neuenahr-Konigsfeld road to edge of Konigsfeld, S of the Ahr. RCT 110, 28th Div, temporarily attached to 2d Div, relieves 9th Inf in place.

In U.S. Third Army area, VIII Corps completes drive to the Rhine. On 11th Armd Div left flank, CCB gains heights overlooking the Rhine near Brohl; CCA reaches the river at Andernach and clears most of that city. Passing through 87th and 4th Divs, both of which are then out of contact with enemy, 6th Cav Gp drives E without opposition and establishes contact with 11th Armd Div. TF Rhine completes 4th Div's mission, clearing Honerath, Adenau, Rodder, and Reifferscheid before being passed through. 87th Div begins period of rest, maintenance, and training. 90th Div displaces to Kelberg area and sends elements on to Mayen. In XII Corps area, 4th Armd Div, directed to secure Moselle bridge at Treis if possible, regroups. CCB, with 51st Armd Inf Bn and 35th Tank Bn under command and former components transferred in place to CCR, moves S to Carden, on river opposite Treis, but finds bridge wrecked. CCR and CCA continue clearing W bank of the Rhine, taking river towns between Andernach and Koblenz. 5th Div's 2d Inf, employing leapfrog tactics, makes rapid progress, clearing Bleckhausen, Manderscheid, Bettenfeld, and Pantenburg; elements are motored to Darscheid and Puetzborn in preparation for drives SE. On corps S flank, elements of 385th Inf, 76th Div, capture Grosslittgen; Musweiler falls to 304th Inf, temporarily reinf by bn of 385th; TF Onaway is disbanded; 42d Cav Sq crosses Salm R in Dreis-Bruch area and attacks toward Dreis and Bergweiler. 89th Div begins concentration to rear of 76th Div. In XX Corps area, CCA of 10th Armd Div closes along Salm R, clearing Hotzerath, Rievenich, and Sehlem, and turns N to Dorbach area, where bridge is put in and bridgehead established. Driving NE through CCR, CCB takes Foren and Bekond. CCR clears commanding ground E of Sweich. RCT 417 (-) withstands enemy efforts to compress bridgehead NE of Ruwer R. 94th Div regroups to place 376th Inf on N, 301st on S, and 302d in reserve; 376th


relieves elements of 3d Cav Gp within its sector. At 2400, 3d Cav Gp is detached from 94th Div and reinf by attachment of 16th Cav Gp, which becomes operational at this time; the 2 cav gps combine to form 316th Prov Cav Brig. 65th Div relieves final elements of 26th Div before dawn and aggressively defends Saarlautern bridgehead sector.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army area, 71st Div is attached to XV Corps.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army's IV Corps area, elements of 10th Mtn Div improve positions N of Castelnuovo with unopposed capture of M. Valbura and M. Belvedere.

BURMA--In Br Fourteenth Army's 33 Corps area, Ind 19th Div breaks into Mandalay, where lively fighting ensues.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's XIV Corps area, 6th Div and 1st Cav Div continue eastward attacks. 12th Cav of latter reaches slopes of Hill Bench Mark 9. Elements of 187th Inf, 11th A/B Div, begin assault on Hill 660 but are unable to take it. In I Corps area, 136th Inf of 33d Div is ordered to maintain pressure against enemy with patrols on Kennon Road; 123d is to patrol N and E of Pugo; 1st Bn of 130th is to patrol N and E of Mt Magabang. 3d Bn of 127th Inf, 32d Div, completes march to Villa Verde Trail to eliminate opposition blocking progress there. 161st Inf column, 25th Div, drives through Anabat to positions within 1,000 yards of Putlan, on Highway 5. 1st Bn, 35th Inf, remains at Putlan bridge site under heavy fire.

S PHILIPPINES--In Eighth Army area, naval bombardment of Zamboanga area, Mindanao, is begun in preparation for offensive. Final elements of Americal Div leave Samar, where 1st Filipino Inf is to complete search for enemy. On Lubang, Co E of 19th Inf relieves 1st Bn of 21st. By end of month the island is turned over to guerrilla forces. For American losses of 8 killed, Japanese suffer 250 killed by mid-March.

IWO JIMA--VAC continues efforts to clear rest of Iwo Jima. 3d Mar Div breaks through to coast in corps center, splitting enemy forces remaining on the island; continues reduction of bypassed pockets in div rear. On right flank of corps, 4th Mar Div gains ground along boundary of RCT's 23 and 24 but is unable to advance its flanks. 5th Mar Div, on corps left flank, is still checked on right and in center but pushes slowly forward along W coast. Adm Turner (CTF, Joint Expeditionary Force) departs for Guam after turning over command to Adm Hill, who is redesignated Senior Officer Present Afloat Iwo Jima.

JAPAN--XXI BC begins powerful fire raids on Japanese cities, night 9-10. This marks a radical change in previous tactics of precision bombardment attacks against industrial targets. From this time until end of the war, XXI BC--and from time to time carrier planes of fast carrier force--concentrates on wearing down Japanese will to resist in preparation for invasion of Japan.

10 March

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army's Cdn 2 Corps area, battle of the Rhineland (Operations VERITABLE and BLOCKBUSTER) is successfully ended. Cdn 2d Div is almost unopposed as it pushes SE along Xanten-Rheinberg road. Cdn 4th Armd Div makes flank contact with friendly forces. Br 52d Div easily clears to the Rhine and makes contact with Cdn and U.S. forces on flanks.

In U.S. Ninth Army's XVI Corps area, RCT 134 continues 35th Div's drive toward Wesel, overrunning Buederich. TF Byrne is dissolved and 320th Inf proceeds to Sevelen as reserve. TF Murray is pinched out and releases CCB of 8th Armd Div to parent unit. 75th Div regains command of RCT's 291 and 289 from 35th Div and Br 8 Corps, respectively, and establishes CP in Germany to left of 84th Div (XIII Corps).

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's VII Corps area, shift in boundary between Ninth and First Armies places 4th Cav Gp sector within Ninth Army zone and the gp is relieved in place by 113th Cav Gp of XIX Corps. Corps maintains defensive positions along the Rhine with 3d Armd Div, 104th Div, and 1st Div in line; 8th Div and 4th Cav Gp remain in assembly areas. In III Corps area, 9th Div further expands Remagen bridgehead against stubborn resistance. 9th and 78th Divs complete movement into bridgehead and 99th Div starts crossing the Rhine. N flank of bridgehead is expanded beyond Honnef, though enemy retains strong hold on Honnef, and S flank is enlarged to include Dattenberg; progress in center is slower, but line is pushed forward to Hills 244 and 411. Sharp counterattacks continue, forcing 47th Inf, in center, to fall back slightly. Germans continue persistent air and arty attacks against Ludendorff bridge and make similar attacks on newly constructed treadway bridge. Elements of 7th Armd Div occupy the westernmost of two small islands in the Rhine W of Honnef. In V Corps area, elements of 23d Inf, 2d Div, move S along the Rhine and clear half on Nieder Breisig; 3d Bn of 9th Inf reaches the Rhine near Rheinbeck. Patrolling S and SE to destroy enemy pocket to its right, 102d Cav Gp reaches Dedenbach, Nieder Zissen, Waldorf, and Gonnersdorf, all S of the Ahr. 102d Gp, less 102d Sq, is alerted for movement to new zone on short notice; 102d Sq continues mopping-up mission under command of 2d Div. 106th Div is transferred to U.S. Fifteenth Army,


which will undertake security mission W of the Rhine.

In U.S. Third Army area, VIII Corps units mop up within prescribed zones. 6th Cav Gp, to left rear of 11th Armd Div, patrols actively along S bank of Ahr R to locate stragglers and maintain contact with First Army. 11th Armd Div holds Rhine R line and methodically clears sector W of the Rhine, overrunning a number of towns: CCB establishes contact with V Corps, completing encirclement of large body of enemy remaining W of the Rhine between First and Third Armies; CCA, to right, mops up in Andernach; CCR mops up to SW of CCA. 90th Div finishes mopping up within its zone. 4th Div is detached from corps and attached to Seventh Army. In XII Corps area, 4th Armd Div continues to mop up W of the Rhine from Andernach to Koblenz and N of the Moselle from Koblenz to Cochem. Driving SE from Darscheid, 5th Div's TF Graham reaches the Moselle at Cochem; 1st Bn of 2d Inf drives SE from Puetzborn to take Udler, Gillenfeld, Strohn, Nieder and Ober Winkel, Immerath, and Strotzbusch; 3d Bn, 2d Inf, is relieved by 10th Inf. 76th Div's 385th and 304th Regts reach positions astride line of Klein Kyll-Lieser Rivers from Karl to Wittlich; on right flank, 42d Cav Sq, after clearing Dreis and Bergweiler, moves elements through 10th Armd Div (XX Corps) at Wittlich to Dorf and Flussbach. 80th Div is transferred to XX Corps. XX Corps prepares for concerted breakout from Saarburg bridgehead on 13 March and is reinf by 80th Div. 10th Armd Div gains final objectives in Wittlich area and begins clearing toward the Moselle: CCA easily takes Wittlich and Bombogen and high ground between; CCB establishes bridgehead across the Salm in Sehlem area, where bridge is put in, and clears Esch, Karmes, and Clausen; CCR cleans out Lorsch-Polich-Ensch bend of the Moselle; expanding Ruwer bridgehead, RCT 417 (-) clears Kirsch, Longuich, and heights near Mertesdorf. 3d Cav Gp occupies Kasel and Riol and begins relief of RCT 417 in Ruwer bridgehead; 3d Sq, relieved by elements of 43d Sq and 94th Div, assembles in Konz Karthaus area.

6th Army Group: Fr 1st Army is directed to continue defense of current zone along the Rhine on right flank of 6th Army Group; probe enemy positions E of the Rhine; effective 13 March, turn over 3d Algerian Inf Div, reinf, now on left flank of 2d Corps, to U.S. VI Corps.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In Br Eighth Army's 13 Corps area, Ind 10th Div begins relief of U.S. 85th Div on M. Grande.

BURMA--In NCAC area, Br 36th Div columns converge on Mongmit and take it.

INDOCHINA--Japanese, fearing a U.S. amphibious operation against French Indochina in which Fr troops might participate, begin expulsion of Fr garrisons from key positions.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's XIV Corps area, 1st Inf of 6th Div gains about 300 yards, taking small ridge N of Bench Mark B. Intense air and arty bombardment of Shimbu line on 10 and 11 March takes heavy toll of Japanese forces forming for major effort against 6th Div. Advance elements of 1st Cav Div reach crest of Bench Mark 9. 11th A/B Div is directed to clear Batangas and drive to second phase line. 3d Bn, 158th Inf, gets into position to attack toward Calumpan Peninsula. Assisted by air strike, 1st Bn of 187th Inf clears most of Hill 660. 511th Inf columns start S along Route 1 for Santa Anastasia and E along S shore of Laguna de Bay virtually unopposed. In I Corps area, 25th Div columns converge in Putlan sector of Highway 5. 27th Inf relieves 1st Bn of 35th at bridge site N of Putlan with 3d Bn and joins with 161st Inf forces S of Putlan to clear opposition from there S to Digdig. 35th Inf turns its full attention to reconnoitering up Old Spanish Trail. In XI Corps area, 43d Div turns over its sector to 38th Div and releases RCT 169 to that div. By this time, 43d Div has penetrated final enemy positions.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, Romblon and Simara attack forces sail from Mindoro. On Mindanao, following air and naval gunfire preparation, 41st Div (-RCT 186) lands on Zamboanga Peninsula virtually unopposed; secures Wolfe airfield and village of San Roque and advances on Mindanao City. Gen Doe takes command ashore and Gen Eichelberger lands to inspect beachhead. Guerrillas, helped by the 2 Cos of 21st Inf, 24th Div, gain firm control of Dipolog and its airfield.

IWO JIMA--On right flank of VAC, 4th Mar Div continues SE toward coast against decreasing resistance, RCT 23 on left and RCT 25 on right, each bolstered by a bn from RCT 24. RCT 23, pushing through Higashi, gets forward elements to within 400 yards of beach and patrols to coastline at Tachiiwi Pt. RCT 25 eliminates enemy re-entrant on div right but is unable to keep pace with RCT 23. 3d Mar Div's RCT 21 clears right half of its sector; RCT 9 makes little headway against troublesome pocket on extreme right of div zone. 5th Mar Div is practically halted on left flank of corps by rugged and well defended terrain, but RCT 28, on left flank, inches forward to S rim of rocky gorge about 200 yards wide and 700 yards long.

11 March

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In U.S. Ninth Army's XVI Corps area, patrols of 134th Inf, 35th Div, take Fort Blucher, concluding div's drive


toward Wesel. 15th Cav Gp is attached to 75th Div, which is to defend corps front. 8th Armd Div, in reserve, is given rear area security mission. 75th Div relieves 5th Armd Div of responsibility for Kempen-Repelen area; 5th Armd polices rear area of corps.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's III Corps area, RCT's 309 and 311 revert to 78th Div and 39th Inf (-) of 9th Div is attached as 78th Div becomes responsible for N flank of Remagen bridgehead. Attacking with 39th and 309th Regts, 78th Div makes slow progress toward Cologne-Frankfurt Autobahn against determined resistance. In center of bridgehead, 9th Div continues attack with 310th, 60th, and 47th Regts, making small gains in vicinity of Hill 448 and Hargarten. 99th Div completes move of its RCT's across the Rhine, takes over S flank of bridgehead, and attacks SE and S with 39th Inf on left and 394th on right; 393d Inf gains a few hundred yards, but 394th drives 3,000 yards S along E bank of the Rhine, clearing Leubsdorf and Ariendorf. Released by VII Corps, 14th Cav Gp assembles in Remagen area, and 18th Sq takes over defense of Rhine bridges from 9th Div. In V Corps area, 2d Div improves positions along the Rhine, 23d Inf completing capture of Nieder Breisig and making contact with 9th Inf, which has meanwhile cleared Rheinbeck and Ober Breisig.

In U.S. Third Army area, VIII Corps continues to mop up W of the Rhine. Because of change in boundaries, V Corps relieves elements of 11th Armd Div N of 05 horizontal grid line; 90th Div prepares to relieve elements of 11th and 4th Armd Divs along the Rhine to S, but change of orders immediately transfers it to XII Corps. XII Corps continues mopping up along the Rhine and Moselle and prepares for assault across the Moselle. Boundary between 5th Inf and 4th Armd Divs is altered at 2400 to give 5th Div responsibility for former zone of CCB along the Moselle; at the same time, RCT 11, having effected relief of CCB, reverts to parent unit. 5th Div finishes clearing its sector. 89th Div continues movement into assigned zone between 5th and 76th Divs and relieves elements of those divs within its zone. In 76th Div sector, 42d Cav Sq reaches Hasborn and Bausendorf; 304th Inf and 2d Cav Sq advance rapidly toward Moselle R line on right flank of corps, former pressing S and SE from Wittlich and latter clearing enemy from Sweich-Piesport sector. In XX Corps area, CCA of 10th Armd Div, reinf by 2d Bn of 417th Inf, begins drive toward the Moselle at Bullay, halting at Bausendorf, where Alf R bridge is out; CCB and CCR begin concentration in Trier area. RCT 417, less 2d Bn, reverts to 76th Div, XII Corps, at 2400; earlier in day, 1st Bn is forced from hill near Mertesdorf by counterattack. 316th Prov Cav Brig (3d and 16th Cav Gps) regroups to defend N flank of corps from the Moselle S to 94th Div zone with 3d, 43d, 16th, and 19th Sqs in line, from left to right; from assembly area at Veckring (France), 16th Cav Gp moves up and relieves 43d Sq with 16th Sq and 3d Sq with 19th Sq. Other units of corps continue preparations for coming offensive. 80th Div starts from XII Corps zone toward E bank of the Saar opposite Saarlautern.

EASTERN EUROPE--Soviet forces are investing the Baltic ports of Danzig and Gdynia. Berlin reports slight penetrations of German positions in Kuestrin area as Soviet forces expand Oder bridgeheads.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In Br Eighth Army area, 10 Corps takes command of left flank elements of Pol 2 Corps, Friuli Gp, and Ind 43d Brig, and of sector currently held by them, placing it between 13 Corps and Pol 2 Corps. In 5 Corps area, 78th Div replaces 56th Div in line, permitting 56th Div to prepare for offensive.

SEAC--Adm Mountbatten announces that a regt of U.S. 5332d is to leave for China at once, the rest of the brig on 1 April.

BURMA--In Br Fourteenth Army's 33 Corps area, Ind 19th Div continues battle for Mandalay, taking hill strongpoint commanding NE part of the city.

LUZON--U.S. Sixth Army issues basic plan for its part in clearing Bicol Peninsula and Visayan Passage. RCT 158, currently assisting 11th A/B Div, XIV Corps, in clearing S Luzon, is to make amphibious assault against Legaspi, in Bicol Peninsula, and will assemble at staging area by 17th; 511th Para Inf of 11th A/B Div, less one bn, will serve as army reserve for the operation. In XIV Corps area, 43d Div begins relieving 1st Cav Div, which is now generally on first phase line except at Antipolo. 1st Inf, 6th Div, gets into favorable position to exploit advance eastward. 2d Bn drives nearly a mile E to trail junction while 3d Bn seizes Bench Mark B. After nightfall, Japanese begin series of abortive counterattacks, all small, against 6th Div. Efforts to penetrate positions of all 3 regts fail. In 11th A/B Div sector of S Luzon, 2d Bn of 158th Inf clears Batangas and immediate vicinity while rest of regt is cleaning out region to W and NW. 1st Bn, 187th Inf, completes capture of Hill 660. 3d Bn, 511th Inf, is brought to a halt by Japanese firmly entrenched on Mt Bijang. In I Corps area, 33d Div consolidates and patrols toward Galiano, about 10 miles W of Baguio. 127th Inf, 32d Div, is still held up by strong enemy defense of Salacsac Pass positions on Villa Verde Trail. As 25th Div's 27th and 161st Regts continue forward astride Highway 5, 3d Bn of 35th Inf seizes Salazar,


an Old Spanish Trail. 43d Div, less RCT 169, is transferred to XI Corps from XIV Corps.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, 163d Inf of first Div secures airfield and Zamboanga City on Mindanao and pushes toward Pasananca. 162d extends positions toward Caldera Pt. East entrance of Visayan Passage is now secure and Filipino guerrillas take over occupation of Burias and Ticao Islands, releasing 1st Bn of 132d Inf, which returns to Leyte. Co C, reinf, 19th Inf, makes unopposed landing on Romblon shortly after midnight 11-12.

IWO JIMA--4th Mar Div, VAC, overcomes organized resistance within its zone on right flank of corps except for stubborn pocket on div right. In center of corps, 3d Mar Div's RCT 21 mops up and protects right flank of 5th Mar Div while RCT 9 develops enemy pocket on div right. Withdrawing RCT 26 from line, 5th Mar Div continues attack on left flank of corps with RCT 27 on right and RCT 28 on left. Terrain, as well as enemy, makes progress slow despite close arty support.

12 March

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In U.S. Ninth Army's XVI Corps area, 75th Div takes over defense of corps sector along the Rhine and with its 290th Inf relieves 35th Div. 35th Div prepares to move to rear for rest and rehabilitation.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's III Corps area, in N part of Remagen bridgehead, 78th Div withstands counterattacks against Honnef, where isolated pockets of enemy remain, and with 39th Inf drives E toward Kalenborn; 1st Bn of 310th Inf reverts to div from attachment of 9th Armd Div and is attached to 311th Inf. In center, 9th Div is strongly opposed in Kalenborn and Hargarten areas, but enters Hargarten late in day. CCB, 9th Armd Div, is detached from 9th Div and passes to corps reserve. 99th Div, in S part of bridgehead, gains initial objectives in region between Hargarten and Hoenningen. V Corps, out of contact with enemy, begins period of consolidation of positions W of the Rhine and preparations for crossing.

In U.S. Third Army area, VIII Corps completes organized mop-up W of the Rhine. CCB, 11th Armd Div, withdraws S of 05 horizontal grid line, the new V-VIII Corps boundary. XII Corps continues to mop up and prepares for attack across the Moselle. 89th Div enters combat for the first time, driving through 5th and 6th Divs, with 353d Inf on left and 355th on right, toward Cochem-Alf sector of the Moselle. 76th Div continues to clear toward the Moselle to right of 89th Div, employing 385th Inf on left and 304th on right, and reaches river line in zone of 304th at Kesten and Piesport; 2d Cav Gp screens Piesport-Sweich sector with 2d Sq and withdraws 42d Sq to Gladbach as reserve. 90th Div, directed to attack with 5th Div across the Moselle, moves assault regts to Moselle R line. XX Corps completes preparations for offensive. Clearing Bausendorf with dismounted inf and taking bridge near Olkenbach, CCA of 10th Armd Div drives from Alf R to the Moselle; on commanding ground opposite Bullay it is relieved by 76th Div of XII Corps. 1st Bn of 417th Inf, after regaining hill near Mertesdorf in surprise attack before dawn, is relieved by 3d Cav Gp, which improves positions SE of Mertesdorf under heavy enemy fire.

6th Army Group: U.S. Seventh Army is regrouping extensively for assault on West Wall. 3d and 45th Divs are attached to XV Corps.

EASTERN EUROPE--First White Russian Front forces capture Kuestrin, enemy stronghold astride the Oder on E approach to Berlin, after prolonged fighting; continue reduction of German bridgehead E of Stettin. Troops of Second White Russian Front close in on Danzig and Gdynia, thrusting to Gulf of Danzig N of Gdynia.

BURMA--In Br Fourteenth Army's 33 Corps area, Ind 20th Div is rapidly clearing region SW of Mandalay and takes communications center of Myotha.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's XIV Corps area, 6th Div commits 20th Inf to attack against Shimbu line, repels further small-scale enemy counterattacks. 20th Inf, driving E on left flank of div, gains its objective. 1st Cav Div is withdrawn from line for well-earned rest. 43d Div holds positions to S of 6th Div, previously zone of 1st Cav Div. Patrol of 103d Inf finds Antipolo undefended and in ruins. In 11th A/B Div sector of S Luzon, 3d Bn of 158th Inf drives on Mabini, at neck of Calumpan Peninsula, until stopped N of Mainaga by Japanese. Strong Japanese positions on Mt Bijang are being neutralized by aircraft and arty. In I Corps area, 2d Bn of 128th Inf, 32d Div, on Villa Verde Trail, is attached to 127th Inf in order to increase pressure toward Salacsac Pass No. 2. 3d Bn of 35th Inf, 25th Div, holds roadblock on Old Spanish Trail a little N of Salazar, but efforts to continue along this axis are abandoned as impracticable.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, 162d Inf reaches Recodo on Caldera Pt, Mindanao, and finds abandoned enemy positions. Co C drives to Masilay, NW of San Roque. Elements of 3d Bn reach village 1,500 yards NE of San Roque, which Japanese are defending stoutly. Co B of 19th Inf lands on Simara without opposition at dawn after naval bombardment and diversionary air attack on another part of island. On Romblon, Co C of 19th Inf takes Romblon town with ease and begins clearing scattered opposition elsewhere on the island.


IWO JIMA--4th and 3d Mar Divs, VAC, mop up their respective sectors and reduce pockets of resistance remaining on each of their right flanks. 5th Mar Div is assisted by air, naval gunfire, arty, and tanks as it continues assault on final defenses of enemy--network of mutually supporting pillboxes and prepared positions on broken terrain of N Iwo Jima. Although little ground is gained, enemy positions are softened and many caves and pillboxes overrun. Iwo Jima airfields are renamed South, Center, and North Airfields.

13 March

WESTERN EUROPE--12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's III Corps area, 78th Div continues to meet strong resistance as it expands bridgehead to NE: 311th Inf, further strengthened by attachment of 60th Armd Inf Bn of 9th Armd Div and 78th Rcn Tr, occupies Rhine island just W of Honnef, mops up within Honnef, and presses slowly NE over difficult terrain; 309th co-ordinates its attack to NE with that of 39th, which secures high ground immediately W of Kalenborn. 9th Div completes capture of Hargarten and makes limited gains in Kalenborn-Notscheid-Hargarten region. On S flank, 99th Div consolidates and withstands local counterattacks. In V Corps area, 102d Cav Gp (-) and 38th Sq are directed to start to Saverne area on 14th; 102d Sq is detached from 2d Div but remains in position.

In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, 6th Cav Gp takes over defense of the Rhine from Andernach southward, relieving elements of 11th and 4th Armd Divs. 87th Div starts concentrating in Koblenz-Lehmen sector along the Moselle and relieves CCA, 4th Armd Div. XII Corps completes preparations for assault across the Rhine. 4th Armd and 5th Inf Divs regroup. 90th Div's reserve regt 358th, assembles W of Mertloch. 89th and 76th Divs clear most of their zones along the Moselle from Cochem to Sweich. 417th Inf, 76th Div, completes assembly as reserve. XX Corps attacks SE from Saarburg bridgehead at 0300 after heavy arty preparation. Rugged terrain and West Wall defenses make progress slow. 94th Div, with 302d Inf on N and 301st on S, crosses Ruwer R by ford and bridge and takes Bonerath, Holtzerath, Schondorf, and Bergheid (village W of Heddert). 80th Div drives through 94th and 26th Divs: 318th Inf, on left, breaks through enemy lines to block the one good road through Wadern Forest at a point near center of forest; 317th captures Greimerath. 26th Div, with 104th and 328th Regts in assault, moves slowly forward; TF D (reinf and motorized 3d Bn of 104th Inf) fights abreast 80th Div, slowly clearing roadblocks on Zerf-Britten road. In conjunction with main attack, 65th Div makes diversionary attacks in Saarlautern bridgehead area on right flank of corps. On corps left flank, 3d Cav Gp undergoes determined counterattacks; 16th Sq, 16th Cav Gp, is pinched out and moves NE to relieve 43d Sq, which withdraws as reserve. 19th Sq, 16th Cav Gp, clears Morscheid-Sommerau ridge and both towns. Final elements of 10th Armd Div close in Trier area, where brief maintenance and rehabilitation program is conducted.

6th Army Group: U.S. Seventh Army continues to regroup in preparation for offensive. In XXI Corps area, patrols report evidence of enemy withdrawal and 10th Div takes up pursuit at once, driving N toward Sarre R. In VI Corps area, 3d Algerian Inf Div of Fr 2d Corps is attached to VI Corps in current positions.

ITALY--15th Army Group: Boundary between U.S. Fifth and Br Eighth Armies is adjusted to run just E of Idice R valley and M. Belmonte as Ind 10th Div of Br 13 Corps takes responsibility for M. Grande hill mass from 85th Div of U.S. II Corps.

BURMA--In ALFSEA's 15 Corps area, elements of Ind 26th Div conduct final amphibious operation on Arakan coast, landing on mainland in vicinity of Letpadan to cut Ru-ywa-Taungup road.

LUZON--U.S. Sixth Army postpones Legaspi operation for a week, permitting RCT 158 to remain in XIV Corps line a while longer. In XIV Corps area, 6th Div repels further piecemeal counterattacks with little difficulty. Elements of 103d Inf, 43d Div, reach W base of Bench Mark 7. TF consisting of Co B, reinf, motors N from Taytay along Laguna de Bay coast; makes contact with div rcn troops in Morong and Maybancal. In 11th A/B Div sector, 3d Bn of 158th Inf is unable to outflank enemy strongpoint N of Mainaga and is jeopardized as enemy, in amphibious operation, blocks road behind it at Baliti R. After further aerial and arty pounding of Mt Bijang, 511th Inf of 11th A/B Div renews attack and gets up slopes but is forced off. For next few days aircraft and arty conduct softening bombardment. In I Corps area, 1st Bn of 161st Inf, 25th Div, is directed to attack through 2d Bn in Putlan area, on Highway 5, for Norton's Knob, a spur of Balete Ridge about 1,500 yards SW of Kapintalan.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, Japanese resistance on Mindanao N of San Roque and S of Pasananca stiffens.

IWO JIMA--4th and 3d Mar Divs, VAC, continue to mop up and reduce small enemy pockets within their sectors. 5th Mar Div encounters fewer pillboxes and makes relatively good progress on right flank. Since ridges in this area extend from center of island to W coast, attack will be from E to W. Tanks, flame throwers, and arty are again


employed to flush enemy from concealed positions, but restricted area denies troops air support. Co B, Amphib Rcn Bn, lands on Kangoku and Kama Rocks, off W coast, and secures these small islands without opposition.

14 March

WESTERN EUROPE--12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army area, VII Corps regroups in preparation for action E of the Rhine. 8th Div (-13th Inf) takes over 1st Div zone on S flank of corps. Zone of 104th Div is extended W to include region formerly occupied by 8th Div. In III Corps area, Germans shift bulk of their arty fire from Rhine bridges to troops, but continue frequent air attacks against the bridges, employing many jet planes. Of 372 enemy planes attacking the bridges during 7-14 March, 80 are shot down by AA fire. Despite hilly terrain and lively resistance, 78th Div presses slowly N toward Konigswinter and NE toward the autobahn; secures objectives near Aegidienberg, Rottbitz, and Kalenborn. Continuing E in center of bridgehead, 9th Div gets some elements into Lorscheid and others just short of Notscheid. 99th Div's 395th Inf, released from reserve, drives 1,200 yards E on S flank of bridgehead while rest of div holds current positions. 7th Armd Div places cable across the Rhine.

In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, 11th Armd Div, assembled as corps reserve, defends corps N flank and maintains contact with First Army. 87th Div closes in new zone along the Moselle, where it defends Koblenz-Lehmen sector with 346th Inf and patrols across river. XII Corps begins drive from the Moselle to the Rhine at 0200. 90th Div, with 2 regts in assault, crosses in Kattenes-Moselkern region and clears heights E of river: 357th Inf, on left, takes Alken, Brodenbach, Noerdershausen, Udenhausen, Herschwiesen, and Oppenhausen, but is unable to gain Pfaffenheck; 359th secures Burgen and part of Morshausen and Macken; 358th, in reserve, crosses at Hatzenport and assembles in Brodenbach. Crossing the Moselle to right of 90th Div, 5th Div, with 11th Inf on left and 2d on right, seizes Treis, Lutz, and Eveshausen and commanding ground near these towns; 10th remains W of river. Engineers put in bridges. 89th and 76th Divs clear all but small pockets W and N of the Moselle. 2d Cav Gp (-2d Sq) is detached from 76th Div and moves to Kollig area. In XX Corps area, 94th Div moves forward about 1,500 yards to positions within Osburger Hoch Wald and clears Heddert. 80th Div is largely engaged in mopping up, but 2d Bn of 318th Inf reaches Weiskirchen, where it is isolated by enemy infiltration; 1st Bn of 319th Inf starts toward Bergen. 104th and 328th Regts of 26th Div continue slowly SE to right of 80th Div. On corps right flank, 65th Div continues limited action and aggressive patrolling in Saarlautern bridgehead sector. 316th Prov Cav Brig is active on N flank of corps: 16th Sq, 16th Cav Gp, attacks toward Waldrach but is halted at edge of town by stubborn opposition; 3d Sq, 3d Cav Gp, takes Nieder Fell and Fell.

6th Army Group: U.S. Seventh Army completes preparations for West Wall offensive, moving assault forces to forward assembly areas. In XXI Corps area, 101st Cav Gp, on left flank of corps, joins 10th Div in pursuit of enemy northward. 80th push into Germany and patrol to S bank of Sarre R.

BURMA--In NCAC area, air movement of U.S. 5332d Brig (MARS) to China is begun.

In Br Fourteenth Army's 33 Corps area, Ind 19th Div clears city area of Mandalay but enemy retains Fort Dufferin, target for heavy air attacks and close-range arty fire for next few days.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's XIV Corps area, 6th Div continues to repel small counterattacks. All enemy efforts to mount a concerted counterattack have proved unsuccessful and costly. 20th Inf gains positions on approaches to Mt Mataba. 1st Inf runs into well-organized enemy positions. 43d Div, less 169th Inf, begins full-scale attack against enemy's Shimbu line, employing 172d Inf on left and 103d on right; initial objective is heights E and N of Morong R valley. Jumping off from positions N of Antipolo, 172d comes up against outer defenses of strong enemy position on Sugar Loaf Mountain. 103d moves additional elements to Bench Mark 7 area. Co B TF continues rapidly up Morong R valley against scattered resistance.

S PHILIPPINES--In Eighth Army area, 162d Inf begins converging drive on Mt Capisan, Mindanao, with 1st and 2d Bns while 3d Bn works on the village strongpoint NE of San Roque; clears San Roque and gains trail junction 500 yards NW of Masilay. 163d Inf, with air support, seizes Pasananca road junction.

IWO JIMA--VAC raises American flag on Iwo at 0930. 4th and 3d Mar Divs continue to mop up and considerably reduce pockets in their respective sectors. 4th Mar Div begins re-embarkation. 5th Mar Div, committing RCT 26 between RCT's 28 on left and 27 on right, renews assault on N Iwo Jima and gains up to 600 yards on right, although left flank remains in about the same position. Air support of the operation ends with P-51 strike in behalf of 5th Mar Div.

15 March

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army area, Cdn 1 Corps takes up positions


in NW Europe, having transferred gradually from Italy.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's VII Corps area, RCT 26 of 1st Div, the first unit of VII Corps across the Rhine, crosses in III Corps zone in preparation for attack through 78th Div. In III Corps area, 78th Div pushes a little closer to the autobahn with 311th and 39th Regts while 309th reorganizes. 311th gains up to 2,000 yards and 39th clears Schweifeld. 9th Div completes capture of Lorscheid and takes Notscheid. With elements of 3 regts in assault, 99th Div expands bridgehead some 2,500 yards to SE and E, taking several terrain features and villages. Air attacks on bridges decrease during day. In V Corps area, 102d Cav Gp (-) is detached from corps and attached to VI Corps, Seventh Army.

In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, 87th Div prepares for assault across the Moselle to clear Koblenz and region to S between the Moselle and Rhine Rivers. In XII Corps area 2d Cav Gp (-2d Sq), upon crossing the Moselle at Hatzenport, relieves left flank elements of 90th Div. 90th Div commits elements of 1st Bn, 358th Inf, on left to assist 357th Inf and drives SE with 3d Bn of 358th to gain Dieler, Ney, Halsenbach, and Kratzenburg; on right, 359th Inf completes capture of Morshausen and clears Beulich, Mermuth, and Ober and Nieder Gondershausen. 5th Div expands bridgehead SE, taking Lieg, Dommershausen, and Dorweiler. 4th Armd Div is committed in bridgehead and attacks toward Nahe R at Bad Kreuznach: CCA advances through 90th Div's bridgehead, clearing Liesenfeld and Schwall; CCB, driving through 5th Div, clears Beltheim, Goedenroth, Laubach, and Simmern and takes bridge over Simmer R. Enemy columns withdrawing in disorder before armor suffer heavily from combined action of troops, tanks, arty, and aircraft. 89th and 76th Divs improve positions along the Moselle and patrol actively; former begins limited attacks to clear Moselle loop near Alf. In XX Corps area, elements of 16th Cav Gp clear Waldrach. 94th Div drives about 10,000 yards E as resistance slackens: 302d Inf takes Hill 708 and Reinsfeld; 301st clears Schillingen, Kell, and Gusenburg; 376th starts toward Schillingen. In 80th Div zone, 318th Inf (-) mops up and prepares for drive on Weiskirchen to relieve trapped 2d Bn; 317th clears Waldholzbach and Scheiden and reaches Mitlesheim area; 319th takes Bergen and clears toward Britten and Losheim. 26th Div pushes slowly forward to positions near Saarholzbach, passing 101st Inf through 328th.

6th Army Group: U.S. Seventh Army Opens UNDERTONE--offensive to break through West Wall and, in conjunction with Third Army to N, clear the Saar-Palatinate triangle, within the confines of the rivers Rhine, Moselle, and Lauter-Sarre. Three corps attack abreast, XV in center making main effort. Elements jump off at 0100 to achieve tactical surprise. In XXI Corps area, 63d Div attacks on right flank of corps SE of Saarbruecken to develop West Wall positions and clears Fechingen, Eschringen, and Ensheim. On left flank of corps, 101st Cav Gp and 10th Div mop up S of the Sarre; 70th Div attacks toward Saarbruecken in afternoon but gains little ground before breaking off attack to patrol vigorously. In XV Corps area 45th and 3d Divs, passing through 44th Div, drive N into Germany. 180th Inf, 45th, crosses the Blies to advance along W side while 157th pushes northward along E side of the river. From Rimling area, 3d Div drives N toward West Wall and Zweibrucken. 100th Div attacks toward Bitche on E flank of corps, clearing Schorbach and 2 Maginot forts and reaching heights in Reyersviller area. VI Corps attacks across the Rothbach and Moder Rivers with 4 inf divs abreast, assisted by armor of 14th Armd Div. On left, 42d Div reaches positions commanding Baerenthal and cuts Baerenthal-Mouterhouse road. 103d Div drives to positions near Zinswiller. 36th Div takes Bitschhoffen and penetrates enemy line along the Moder. On right flank of corps, 3d Algerian Div, reinf by elements of Fr 5th Armd Div, drives toward Lauterbourg from Oberhoffen area but is soon stopped by heavy fire.

EASTERN EUROPE--German pocket in East Prussia is split as troops of Third White Russian Front break through to the coast SW of Koenigsberg.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army's II Corps area, elements of 1st Armd Div try in vain to establish outpost in Salvaro, on left flank of corps.

BURMA--In Br Fourteenth Army's 4 Corps area, Ind 17th Div continues to hold out in Meiktila although still isolated and dependent upon air supply. To assist in this area, 9th Brig of Ind 5th Div is being flown to Meiktila. Two mechanized brigs of Ind 5th Div are moving overland from Jorhat to aid Ind 7th Div on W flank of corps.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, 127th Inf of 32d Div continues hard fighting on Villa Verde Trail; 2d Bn of 128th Inf gets to within 500 yards of Imugan; where it is brought to a halt by enemy. On Highway 5, 1st Bn of 161st Inf, 25th Div, begins assault on Norton's Knob, where entrenched Japanese throw back repeated attacks for next 10 days. 35th Inf is ordered to relieve 1st Bn of 27th so 27th Inf may apply its full force against Mt Myoko. XI Corps, with new mission of attacking vigorously against center of Shimbu line, takes over XIV Corps zone E and NE of Manila and the divs (6th and 43d, less RCT 169) operating there.


XIV Corps has penetrated outer positions of enemy in Montalban-Antipolo area. 6th Div, reinf by 112th Cav RCT, is to hold on left in Montalban area while advancing its right flank eastward in conjunction with 43d Div to S. In 43d Div zone, Japanese on Bench Mark 7 are almost encircled by 103d Inf. Co B TF gains ground commanding Teresa from S to E. 172d Inf is checked by opposition from Sugar Loaf. In W sector of corps, 38th Div continues to clear toward Mt Pinatubo. XIV Corps, with 1st Cav Div and 11th A/B Div under command, can now give its full attention to clearing S Luzon. In 11th A/B Div zone, Co C of 158th Inf reaches and clears Mabini, on Calumpan Peninsula. Continuing S toward Mabini, 3d Bn is stopped by resistance about a mile short.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, Panay invasion force sails from Luzon for target, convoy protected by Fifth and Thirteenth Air Forces. On Mindanao, 1st Bn of 163d Inf, 41st Div, clears heights N and E of Pasananca Reservoir with little difficulty while 2d Bn pushes 1,000 yards N of the Santa Maria and establishes line running N to Pasananca road junction. San Roque airfield becomes operational. On Romblon, Co C of 19th Inf reaches far side of island in overland and shore-to-shore movements. About 70 Japanese are estimated to remain in SW part of Romblon.

IWO JIMA--4th and 3d Mar Divs, VAC, further reduce pockets of enemy within their sectors. 5th Mar Div gains 400 yards on right and 200 in center; RCT 28, on div left, remains in place supporting assault forces with fire. Naval support, except for illumination, ceases.

16 March

WESTERN EUROPE--12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army area, VII Corps takes over N flank of Remagen bridgehead. 78th Div is attached in place and continues to expand bridgehead northeastward: 311th Inf, reinf by elements of 310th, clears most of Konigswinter while 309th takes Hovel and Aegidienberg and cuts Cologne-Frankfurt Autobahn. 39th Inf and 60th Armd Inf Bn revert respectively to 9th Inf and 9th Armd Divs from attachment to 78th Div. RCT 310, less 1st and 2d Bns, reverts to 78th Div. RCT 18, 1st Div, assembles E of the Rhine. 4th Cav Gp and 104th Div relieve 3d Armd Div along the Rhine, night 16-17. In III Corp's 9th Div zone, now N flank of corps, 39th Inf takes Kalenborn, 47th gains a little ground near Vettelschoss, and 60th takes Strodt. 99th Div gains up to 4,000 yards as it continues E and S through Honningen Wald: driving E, 395th and 393d Regts, 395th on left, reach objective heights W of Wied R, overrunning a number of villages; advancing S, 394th Inf enters Honningen, where indecisive fighting ensues. Enemy offers a little less ground resistance and ceases air attacks on bridges.

In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, 87th Div begins assault across the Moselle early in day, crossing 347th and 345th Regts in Winningen-Kolberg region against light resistance. Clearing SW along E bank of the Moselle, 347th takes Dieblich, Dieblicherberg, Nieder Fell, and positions near Waldesch. 345th thrusts NE through Lay to outskirts of Koblenz. Corps releases 11th Armd Div to XII Corps and takes control of 28th Div from V Corps. In XII Corps area, 2d Cav Gp, to which 2d Sq reverts from attachment to 76th Div, is directed to protect N flank of corps. 42d Sq completes relief of N flank elements of 90th Div and 2d moves to Kollig. 90th Div's 357th Inf continues to meet lively opposition in Pfaffenheck area; after taking Ehr, 3d Bn of 358th swings NE toward 357th; TF Spiess (90th Rcn Tr, reinf), organized to clear Boppard-St Goar sector of the Rhine, crosses the Moselle at Hatzenport and drives rapidly to the Rhine, taking Weiler, Hirzenach, Rheinbay, Karbach, Holzfeld, Werlau, and Hungeroth; RCT 359 is attached to 4th Armd Div. 4th Armd Div speeds SE to Nahe R near Bad Kreuznach and secures bridgehead: on right CCB crosses at Oberhausen and Bad Muenster and continues S to Dreineiherof and Hochstatten; CCA reaches the Nahe at Gensingen and halts, since bridge is out. 5th Div sweeps SE against negligible resistance: TF Breckenridge (motorized 10th Inf (less 2d Bn) reinf) crosses into bridgehead and moves S along right flank to Reidenhausen; 2d Inf thrusts to Hundheim area; 11th reaches positions near Simmern; 2d Bn of 10th Inf clears Moselle bend E of Cochem. 89th Div, with 353d Inf on left and 354th on right, starts across the Moselle in assault boats in Bullay area at 0330 and presses toward Grenderich on left and Hill 409, E of Enkirch, on right, gaining shallow bridgehead; elements W of the Moselle take Alf and Ernst. Engineers put in Class 40 bridge at Bullay. 11th Armd Div is attached to corps and starts to Lutzerath-Buchel assembly area. XX Corps commits armor in breakout assault. 10th Armd Div, with CCB on left and CCA on right, drives through 94th and 80th Divs and is reinf by RCT's 301, 94th Div, and 318, 80th Div. In closely co-ordinated thrusts toward the Prims, CCB and 94th Div clear to line Hermeskeil-Nonnweiler while CCA and 80th Div advance to line Ober Morscholz-Noswendel-Nieder Losheim-Wahlen. Pressing S toward Merzig, 26th Div clears Saarholzbach and Mettlach; TF D (a rifle co, tanks, TD's, and engineers) crosses Seffers R to clear Rimlingen.


6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XXI Corps area, 63d Div continues attack to develop West Wall positions on right flank of corps. In XV Corps area, while 45th and 3d Divs continue attacks against outer defenses of West Wall, 100th Div finishes clearing Bitche and environs. In VI Corps area, 42d Div penterates enemy positions near Baerenthal. 103d clears Zinswiller and Oberbronn and reaches outskirts of Reichshoffen. After massed arty fire, 142d Inf of 36th Div crosses Zintzel R and captures Mertzwiller; 141st continues drive in Haguenau Forest; motorized column of 143d (1st Bn, reinf) speeds toward Soultz until stopped by enemy below Eberbach. German withdrawal on right flank of corps permits 3d Algerian Div to move forward rapidly.

EASTERN EUROPE--From Szekesfehervar region of Hungary, Soviet forces open drive on Vienna.

BURMA--In NCAC area, CAI troops reach Hsipaw, NE of Kyaukme. Joint Chiefs of Staff suggest that U.S. TF MARS and Ch 38th, 50th, and 30th Divs be flown to China in transports of NCAC as well as those of China Theater and ATC.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, 35th Inf of 25th Div, leaving 3d Bn to maintain roadblock on Old Spanish Trail in Salazar area, starts forward to relieve 1st Bn, 27th Inf. In XI Corps area, 6th Div prepares to renew eastward drive against Shimbu line. 172d Inf, 43d Div, is still unable to progress in Sugar Loaf Hill area; 103d seizes Bench Mark 20, 1½ miles N of Teresa, and drives to crest of Bench Mark 7, last enemy strongpoint W of Morong R Valley. In XIV Corps area, 3d Bn of 158th Inf reaches Mabini. This completes capture of Calumpan Peninsula.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, in preparation for assault landing by 40th Div on Panay, arty cub planes are flown in to guerrilla-built airstrip in N part of island. On Mindanao, Co F of 162d Inf, 41st Div, reinf, moves by water from Zamboanga to Basilan I. and lands without opposition after 30-minute naval gunfire bombardment by a DD.

IWO JIMA--Iwo Jima is declared secure at 1800, though enemy continues to hold out on northern tip. RCT 25 eliminates pocket on 4th Mar Div right flank; RCT 23 is relieved by RCT 24 and re-embarks. 3d Mar Div, whose left boundary is changed, relieves left flank elements of 5th Mar Div with RCT 21, which, after arty preparation, drives N to coast at Kitano Pt against scattered resistance; RCT 9 overcomes organized resistance on div right flank. 5th Mar Div's RCT 26 inches forward 200 yards while RCT 28 continues clearing along gorge across its front and supports RCT 26 with fire; RCT 27, upon relief by 3d Mar Div, assembles as reserve. Center Airfield is operational.

17 March

WESTERN EUROPE--12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's VII Corps area, 1st Div begins attack E of the Rhine toward Sieg R: 18th Inf, on left, passes through 309th Inf, on 78th Div right, and takes limited objectives in Grafenhohn-Huscheid region; 26th takes crossroads E of Himberg and drives on Hill 363, S of Wullscheid. Elements of 16th Inf assemble E of the Rhine. 78th Div regroups and provides fire support for 1st Div. 3d Armd Div, held in reserve, releases 13th Inf to 8th Div and recovers CC Howze from attachment to 1st Div. In III Corps area, Maj Gen James A. Van Fleet takes command of corps, relieving Gen Milliken. Ludendorff RR bridge collapses while under repair but other bridges have been constructed. Ground opposition continues to slacken. 9th Div cuts autobahn near Windhagen, overruns Vettelschoss, and partly clears high ground along the Wied E of Strodt. 99th Div gains initial objectives. While 394th Inf overcomes strong opposition in Honningen, 393d clears Hausen and Solscheid and 395th consolidates along the Wied and searches for crossing sites. 18th Sq, 14th Cav Gp, is attached to 99th Div.

In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, 345th Inf of 87th Div crosses 2d Bn over the Moselle near Guels after 3d Bn clears Moselweiss, then attacks E through Koblenz with 2d and 3d Bns while 1st remains in S outskirts; about a third of the city is cleared in house-to-house fighting. 347th Inf presses SE toward the Rhine, overrunning Waldesch, entering Rhens, and reaching positions near river bend NW of Osterpai. Bridges are completed at Winningen and Kobern. 28th Div is assembling in Nieder Mendig sector. In XII Corps area, 357th Inf of 80th Div seizes Boppard against light resistance; elements of 358th clear St Goarer Stadtwald; TF Spiess finishes clearing along the Rhine from Boppard to St Goar and receives surrender of latter. 2d Cav Gp, attached to 80th Div since that unit is to extend right boundary along the Rhine to Bingen, relieves 80th Div of Boppard-St Goar-Oberwesel sector and makes contact with VIII Corps. On 4th Armd Div right, CCB enlarges Nahe bridgehead and in evening begins assault on Bad Kreuznach. CCA fords the Nahe and thrusts toward Sprendlingen, overrunning Ippesheim, Biebelsheim, and Zotzenheim. TF Breckenridge, 5th Div, gets advance elements to Waldboeckelheim but rest of column and 2d Inf halt near Tiefenbach; 11th Inf reaches Riesweiler, Argenthal, and Ellern. 89th Div expands and consolidates Bullay bridgehead and is passed through by 11th Armd Div. 11th Armd Div begins drive toward the Rhine at Worms at noon: CCB moves through Atlay and Lauzenhausen to


Buechenbeuren area; 41st Cav Rcn Sq advances to right, taking Loetzbeuren and Wahlenau; on div left, CCA drives through Kappel toward Kirchberg. In XX Corps area CCB of 10th Armd Div crosses the Nahe near Turkismuhle; CCA closes along W bank of the Prims on right flank of div. 94th and 80th Divs make substantial gains in conjunction with armor. 94th Div reaches Birkenfeld, its objective. 80th Div establishes bridgehead across the Prims in Krettnich-Nunkirchen area. 101st Inf of 26th Div takes Brotdorf, Honzrath, and Dueppenweiler; 104th seizes Prims R bridge at Huettersdorf; 328th clears Merzig and Haustadt. 65th Div prepares for breakout attack from Saarlautern bridgehead. 261st Inf (-) crosses the Saar near Menningen and clears heights S of Merzig in preparation for drive on Dillingen. On N flank of corps, 316th Prov Cav Brig finishes clearing MSR, the Trier-Hermeskeil road. 16th Cav Gp begins relief of 3d Cav Gp, which is to assemble in reserve at Trier. 12th Armd Div is attached to corps to exploit 94th Div breakthrough and starts to forward assembly areas.

6th Army Group: Generals Eisenhower and Patton visit Seventh Army hq at Lunéville to discuss liaison between Third and Seventh Armies.

In U.S. Seventh Army's XXI Corps area, 63d Div continues efforts to break through West Wall on right flank of corps. 12th Armd Div, which was to have exploited through 63d Div, is transferred to XX Corps, Third Army. In XV Corps area, 45th and 3d Divs reach West Wall fortifications in Zweibrucken area. VI Corps advances rapidly all along line as resistance slackens sharply. On left, 42d Div gains up to 6 miles, clearing Bannstein, Stuzelbronn, Baerenthal, Philippsbourg, Dambach, Neunhoffen, and Niedersteinbach; 117th Cav Rcn Sq seizes Mouterhouse. 103d Div overruns a number of towns and villages, among them Niederbronn, Reichshoffen, and Woerth. Motorized column of 143d Inf, 36th Div, pursues enemy to Bieberbach R near Gunstett, where bridge is down; 142d Inf follows 143d northward; 141st continues clearing Haguenau Forest. 3d Algerian Div continues rapidly N on right flank of corps.

BURMA--In Br Fourteenth Army's 33 Corps area, Japanese continue to hold Fort Dufferin, in Mandalay. Br 2d Div takes Ava Fort, at bend of the Irrawaddy S of Mandalay.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, 27th Inf of 25th Div begins attack along ridge leading to Mt Myoko, on Balete Ridge 5,500 yards SE of Balete Pass. In XI Corps area, 6th Div attacks eastward against Shimbu line with 20th and 1st Regts, 20th on N, while 63d Inf holds along general line San Mateo-Montalban-San Isidro, gaining day's objectives. Elements of 1st Inf fall back under counterattack, however. 172d Inf, 43d Div, continues futile efforts to reduce Sugar Loaf Hill. With S entrances to Morong R Valley secure, 103d Inf patrols toward Pantay, NE of Bench Mark 20. In XIV Corps area 188th Inf (-1st Bn) of 11th A/B Div relieves RCT 158 in Batangas.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, Japanese on Mindanao are firmly established at Masilay and Pasananca. 162d Inf, 41st Div, improves positions near San Roque, capturing hill. 163d advances NW of Pasananca. On Palawan, 1st Bn of RCT 186 leaves for Zamboanga, Mindanao, to join 41st Div.

IWO JIMA--RCT 24 of 4th Mar Div relieves RCT 25, which re-embarks; continues mopping up div zone on right flank of corps. 3d Mar Div mops up within its sector. Enemy is confined to such a small portion of N Iwo Jima that arty support of 5th Mar Div is impossible. 5th Mar Div pockets enemy forces, including their commander, Lt Gen Tadamichi Kuribayashi, in area 700 yards long and 200-500 yards wide. RCT 26, after advancing its right and center to N coast, presses S and W toward rocky gorge, along which RCT 28 remains.

18 March

WESTERN EUROPE--12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's VII Corps area, 78th Div, driving N along E bank of the Rhine with 311th Inf on left and 310th on right, secures Nieder and Ober Dollendorf and high ground dominating Konigswinter bridge site. 18th Inf, on left flank of 1st Div, takes commanding ground and 2 villages NE of Brungsberg; 26th, on right, clears Orscheid, Wullscheid, Hill 363 S of Wullscheid, and Stockhausen. 16th Inf completes its crossing of the Rhine and relieves elements of 18th Inf and of 78th Div. In III Corps area, 9th Div, pressing toward initial objective line along Pfeffer and Wied Rivers, clears Windhagen and Ober Windhagen, improves positions E of Vettelschoss, and gains high ground along the Wied in Strodt area. 99th Div mops up and patrols along the Wied to locate crossing sites. 18th Cav Sq relieves elements of 394th Inf.

In U.S. Third Army s VIII Corps area, 345th Inf of 87th Div clears most of Koblenz and places direct fire on Fort Constantine, which continues to hold out. 347th makes progress to S despite observed enemy fire from across the Rhine, clearing rest of Rhens and taking Brey and Niederspay. 6th Cav Gp, whose zone is extended S to junction of Rhine and Moselle Rivers, prepares for relief by 28th Div, which completes assembly in Nieder Mendig area. XII Corps issues orders for drive to Mainz-Worms sector of the Rhine: 90th Div is to take Mainz; 4th Armd Div, previously ordered to Mainz, is redirected


to Worms. In 90th Div zone, 2d Cav Gp holds Boppard-Oberwesel sector of the Rhine; TF Spiess mops up from Oberwesel to Nieder Heimbach; 358th Inf clears from Nieder Heimbach to Bingerbruch. 359th Inf reverts to 90th Div at 2400. CCB of 4th Armd Div captures that part of Bad Kreuznach E of the Nahe and attacks toward Volxheim and Wollstein, clearing part of Volxheim; CCR mops up resistance bypassed by CCB; CCA takes Sprendlingen, Gau Bickelheim, St Johann, and Wolfsheim with little difficulty. Continuing S, elements of TF Breckenridge, 5th Div, reach Gemuenden-Mengerschied-Sargenroth area. 2d and 11th Regts clear through woods to vicinity of Weitersborn, Seesbach, Pferdsfeld, Ippenscheid, Winterbach, Begroth, Argenschwang, and Dalberg. 11th Armd Div speeds S to Nahe R and crosses elements, although bridges are wrecked: on right, 41st Cav reaches the river at Fischbach; CCB crosses some elements at Kirn and others at Kirnssulzbach; advancing through Kirchberg, CCA reaches river line near Simmern unt Dhaun. Closely co-ordinated air and ground action results in heavy losses to enemy withdrawing in confusion. RCT 355, 89th Div, crosses the Moselle at Alf and follows 11th Armd Div, to which it is attached for motorized mopping up. To rear of 11th Armd Div, 89th Div expands positions E of the Moselle and makes contact with 5th Div to left. 76th Div establishes bridgehead across the Moselle SE of Wittlich, crossing 304th Inf in Wehlen-Lieser-Kesten area and clearing Muelheim, Filzen, Wintrich, Reinsport, Nieder Emmel, and Mustert. In XX Corps area, 16th Cav Gp, completing relief of 3d Cav Gp, passes to corps control to screen N flank. 94th Div pursues disorganized enemy to Baumholder. 12th Armd Div, with CCR on left and CCB on right, begins drive through 94th Div toward the Rhine in Worms area. 10th Armd Div, pressing forward in multiple columns, reaches St Wendel area. CCA begins assault on St Wendel, target for 2 hours of direct fire; elements prepare to continue pursuit of enemy falling back toward Kaiserslautern. CCB gets forward elements to Thalichtenberg area. 80th Div follows 10th Armd Div closely by motor and on foot. 104th Inf, 26th Div, takes Gresaubach, Thalexweiler, Aschbach, and Dirmingen while 101st clears Lebach, Bubach, and Kalmesweiler; 328th assembles at Haustadt as reserve. Beginning breakout assault from Saarlautern bridgehead, 65th Div's 261st Inf takes Dillingen; 259th and 260th improve positions in Saarlautern bridgehead but fail to break out.

6th Army Group: U.S. Seventh Army is planning for assault across the Rhine. In XXI Corps area, engineers assisting 63d Div breach gap in dragon's teeth of West Wall N of Ensheim and Ommersheim. In XV Corps area, 45th and 3d Divs begin assault on pillboxes and dragon's teeth of West Wall. 100th Div starts withdrawal from line in Bitche area as 71st Div relieves it. In VI Corps area, 42d Div, crossing into Germany, reaches West Wall defenses on left flank of corps. 103d Div advances rapidly northward across German border, taking Bobenthal and bridges over the Lauter there; runs into opposition below Niederschlettenbach. Crossing Bieberbach R over newly completed bridge, some elements of 36th Div seize Dieffenbach and others take Surbourg. 14th Armd Div is moving forward to exploit through 36th Div. Orders for 3d Algerian Div to revert to Fr 1st Army upon reaching the Lauter are altered to permit French to continue to Erlen R. The div pursues retreating enemy on right flank of corps to within a mile of German border.

EASTERN EUROPE--Troops of First White Russian Front complete capture of town and port of Kolberg (Pomerania), last enemy pocket on Baltic coast between Polish corridor and Stettin Bay.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army's II Corps area, Italian Legnano Gp is attached to corps and placed under command of 91st Div, later relieving 2 regts of that div. 85th Div passes to army reserve.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, 33d Div TF (1st Bn, 130th Inf, reinf) assembles near Bauang for rcn in force of Bauang-Naguilian area. Japanese, under increasing pressure from Filipino guerrillas on N and Americans on S, are ordered to withdraw from San Fernando on 20th. 25th Div at last overruns the enemy positions N of Putlan that have been delaying it for some days. Next objective on Highway 5 is Kapintalan, some 4½ air miles N of Putlan. In XI Corps area, 2d Bn of 20th Inf, 6th Div, attacks NE, night 18-19, toward Mt Baytangan. 1st Inf, in limited action, recovers ground lost in counterattack. 1st Bn of 103 Inf, 43d Div, drives to S end of Bench Mark 23. 3d Bn attacks toward Mt Tanauan and gains positions on slopes. 38th Div commander requests and receives permission to reconnoiter Caballo I. In XIV Corps area, 158th Inf turns over responsibility for Calumpan Peninsula to AT Co. Guerrilla patrol reports Mt Bijang clear of enemy.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, VICTOR I Attack Group (TG 78.3 under Adm Struble) lands 185th Inf, 40th Div, on S Panay after brief naval gunfire bombardment of landing beaches in Tigbauan area. Landing is unopposed and assault forces move rapidly E and NE toward Iloilo, forward elements reaching Arevale, 10 miles E of Tigbauan. 2d Bn, 160th Inf, follows 185th Inf ashore and takes responsibility for NW edge of beachhead. 40th Rcn Tr columns drive to Alimodian and Santa Barbara. CG, 40th Div, assumes command


ashore. In Mindanao area, elements of Co. F, 162d Inf, 41st Div, move from Basilan I. to Malamaui I. where search for enemy is uneventful.

IWO JIMA--3d Mar Div relieves RCT 24, 4th Mar Div, with RCT 9, whereupon RCT 24 reembarks. RCT's 9 and 21, 3d Mar Div, patrol and mop up from this date until relieved by garrison forces. 5th Mar Div is methodically reducing final pocket of resistance: RCT 28 conducts holding action along S rim of the rocky gorge across its front and provides fire support while RCT 26 works forward slowly from N to E. Elements of 5th Mar Div not engaged in combat begin re-embarking.

JAPAN--In preparation for Operation ICEBERG (invasion of the Ryukyus), carrier planes of TF 58 attack Japanese homeland to neutralize enemy airfields on Kyushu. The strikes are highly effective, resulting in heavy damage to airfields and installations and destruction of many aircraft on the ground and in the air.

19 March

WESTERN EUROPE--12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's VII Corps area, continuing N along the Rhine, 78th Div's 311th Inf takes Romlinghoven, Obercassel, and positions dominating bridge site, while 310th overruns Busch, Bennert, and Heisterbacherrott. 1st Div meets stubborn opposition as it drives enemy 1,000-3,000 yards farther NE and E from the Rhine: Eudenbach falls to 18th Inf; 26th reaches Gratzfeld by daylight and presses E toward airfield. First Class 40 bridge over the Rhine is completed. Corps units W of the river regroup. 8th Div relieves 413th Inf, 104th Div, and begins relief of 4th Cav Gp. 7th Armd Div is attached to corps and defends W bank of the Rhine to S of 8th Div. In III Corps area, 9th Div, continuing E throughout day and night with 39th and 47th Regts, secures initial bridgehead line by dawn of 20th. 99th Div, directed to secure commanding ground along general line Solscheid-Hammerstein, extends right flank S past Rheinbrohl and Hammerstein in limited attack. In V Corps area, elements of 9th Inf, 2d Div, clear Rhine island near Namedy.

In U.S. Third Army area, VIII Corps zone W of the Rhine is cleared as 87th Div gains its objectives. 345th Inf completes capture of Koblenz and 347th clears Oberspay. 28th Div relieves 6th Cav Gp of holding positions along the Rhine. Corps gradually becomes responsible for W bank of the Rhine from Boppard to Bingen and for 76th Div, which is to defend it, as 2d Cav Gp of XII Corps is relieved there. 385th Inf, first of 76th Div units to reach new zone, begins relieving 2d Cav Gp and is attached to corps. In XII Corps area, 2d Cav Gp displaces S along the Rhine to its junction with the Nahe, relieving 358th Inf and TF Spiess of 90th Div. 90th Div attacks across the Nahe toward the Rhine at Mainz. 358th Inf, on left, after crossing the Nahe at Bretzenheim, drives to Aspisheim and Dromersheim and outposts Welgesheim. 359th crosses the Nahe at Bad Kreuznach and drives to Wolfsheim, Vendersheim, St Johann, Sprendlingen, Hackenheim, and Volxheim. TF Spiess crosses into bridgehead and assembles. 4th Armd Div makes rapid progress against weakening resistance. CCB overruns Wollstein, Gumbsheim, Siefersheim, Wonsheim, Eckelsheim and Wendelsheim. CCA takes Vendersheim, Sulzheim, Wallertheim, Rommersheim, and Schimsheim. With close air support softening resistance immediately ahead, 11th Armd Div breaks through last enemy defense positions on high ground S of the Nahe and pursues demoralized enemy E toward the Rhine; objective is changed to the Rhine just S of Worms, rather than Worms, which 4th Armd Div is to take. From Fischbach, 41st Cav Rcn Sq drives to Medard and Odenbach and makes contact with 12th Armd Div of XX Corps, on right. CCB overruns enemy defenses S of the Nahe; races to Meisenheim and takes Glan R bridge; continues forward to Alsenz R at Rockenhausen, where bridge is secured. Rear elements of CCA battle enemy pocket at Rohrbach while others ford the Nahe at Martinstein, overrun enemy's MLR at Merxheim, and continue to Meisenheim. CCR follows CCB and assists in handling horde of prisoners. To rear of armor, 5th and 89th Divs clear southward to the Nahe from Bad Kreusnach westward. Upon dissolution of TF Breckenridge of 5th Div, RCT 10 is attached to 4th Armd Div. 304th Inf, 76th Div, expands Moselle bridgehead sufficiently to permit bridging at Muelheim and makes contact with XX Corps; Graach, Bernkastel, Andel, Monzelfeld, Longkamp, and Gornhausen are easily cleared. XX Corps continues rapidly E toward the Rhine. 16th Cav Gp displaces eastward to screen N flank. 94th Div gains 22 miles in zone of 302d Inf and 12 miles in zone of 376th. 12th Armd Div's CCR bypasses resistance at Lauterecken, which 94th Div eliminates. CCB, directed toward autobahn bridge over the Rhine N of Mannheim, passes through 94th Div at Baumholder and with TF Norton on left and TF Field on right reaches positions beyond Winnweiler. CCA joins in eastward drive, following the other assault columns. 10th Armd Div drives E with 3 CC's abreast to positions near Kaiserslautern. 80th Div clears Kusel, helps 10th Armd Div clear St Wendel, which it outposts, and moves elements E from St Wendel area. Elements of 26th Div reach Ottweiler. 65th Div expands Saarlautern bridgehead: 261st Inf takes Nalbach, Piesbach, Bilsdorf, and Saarwellingen; 260th is pinched out after clearing Saarlautern


and Saarlautern-Roden; 259th takes Fraulautern and Ensdorf.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XXI Corps area, 63d Div, continuing assault on West Wall, destroys many pillboxes. On left flank of corps, 70th Div renews attack for Sarre R crossings and Saarbruecken; at night, gets patrol of 276th Inf across the river without opposition. CCA, 6th Armd Div, is attached to 63d Div to exploit expected breakthrough. In XV Corps area, 45th and 3d Divs continue assault on West Wall, destroying numerous pillboxes and bunkers. 45th Div overruns Alschbach, Blieskastel, and Webenheim. Forward elements of 3d Div reach positions E of Zweibrucken. In VI Corps area, 42d Div progresses slowly against West Wall fortifications on left flank of corps. 103d Div is strongly opposed near Nieder Schlettenbach and Reisdorf. Lively fighting is in progress in Wissembourg Gap as 36th Div clears Wissembourg and continues across German border to Ober Otterbach and positions to E. Elements of CCA, 14th Armd Div, cross the Lauter NE of Schleithal. Fr Groupement Monsabert is organized from 3d Algerian Div and attached elements of 5th Fr Armd Div to continue operations beyond the Lauter. Crossing the Lauter into Germany, Groupement Monsabert seizes Scheibenhard and Lauterbourg.

BURMA--In Br Fourteenth Army's 33 Corps area, Ind 19th Div is still unable to break into Fort Dufferin, but aircraft breach the thick wall. Ind 20th Div column drives through Pyinzi to Pindale, in region S of Mandalay.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, 33d Div TF takes Bauang town and bridge with little difficulty. In XI Corps area, 2d Bn of 20th Inf, 6th Div, reaches positions some 1,200 yards W of Mt Baytangan during morning. 1st Inf renews attack and gains ground to right of 20th Inf. 172d Inf, in effort to envelop Sugar Loaf Hill, moves 2d Bn through 103d Inf to Mt Caymayuman to strike from rear. 3d Bn, 103d Inf, continues clearing Mt Tanauan, where enemy is offering strong opposition. Platoon of 2d Bn, 151st Inf, 38th Div, from garrison of Corregidor, lands on E end of Caballo I. without opposition; locates enemy defenses in center of the island, against which softening bombardment is conducted for the next week. In XIV Corps area, patrol of 511th Inf, 11th A/B Div, and guerrillas occupy Mt Bijang without opposition. RCT 158 begins attack for 3 hills in Cuenca area: 2d Bn reaches 2 of the hills with ease, but 3d Bn, attacking the third, Mt Macolod, is stopped short of Cuenca by intense fire.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, in preparation for assault landing on Cebu, Thirteenth Air Force starts intensive bombardment. On Mindanao, 1st Bn of 186th Inf arrives at Zamboanga, where American control is being extended. Elements of Co F, 162d Inf, on Malamaui I., return to Basilan. On Panay, one 185th Inf column continues toward Iloilo until halted by enemy defenses at Molo. Another seizes Carpenter bridge across Iloilo R north of Molo before Japanese can destroy it. A third column seizes Mandurriao and its airfield without opposition. Japanese, after nightfall, attempt to escape into mountains through guerrilla lines at Jaro and are largely successful.

IWO JIMA--5th Mar Div's RCT 26, assisted by fire of RCT 28, maintains pressure against final enemy pocket, moving forward slowly. 4th Mar Div completes re-embarkation.

JAPAN--For the second successive day, carrier planes of TF 58 strike at Japanese homeland, concentrating on enemy fleet units in Kure-Kobe area. Despite extremely heavy AA fire, carrier planes damage at least 16 Japanese warships and a number of other vessels. Enemy planes hit USS Franklin (CV) and leave it burning. During afternoon TF 58 withdraws southward, covering the disabled Franklin and conducting fighter sweeps over Kyushu airfields.

20 March

WESTERN EUROPE--12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's VII Corps area, continuing N along the Rhine toward the Sieg, RCT 311, on 78th Div left, reaches Geislar; 309th Inf passes through 310th to continue right flank drive and advances rapidly. 16th Inf, committed on 1st Div left, takes objective towns of Stieldorferhohn and Oberpleis; 18th captures Berghausen and Bennerscheid and commanding heights and villages near these; against heavy opposition, 26th cuts Eudenbach-Buchholz road and gains objectives in vicinity of airfield. CC Howze, 3d Armd Div, is attached to 1st Div and relieves elements of 16th Inf. 4th Cav Gp, upon relief by 8th Div, moves S to defensive positions along the Rhine in Bonn area. III Corps continues limited attack to SE with 394th Inf, 99th Div, improving positions.

In U.S. Third Army's XII Corps area, 76th Div continues relief of 2d Cav Gp along the Rhine and withdraws its Moselle bridgehead on S flank of corps. 2d Cav Gp, under 90th Div command, crosses 42d Sq over the Nahe at Bretzenheim and drives N to S edge of Bingen. Driving quickly toward Mainz with 358th Inf on left, 359th in center, and TF Spiess on right, 90th Div reaches Wackernheim, Ober Olmer Wald, Klein Winternheim, Ebersheim, Mommenheim, and Selzen; 357th crosses the Nahe. 5th Div crosses the Nahe and clears eastward toward the Rhine and Oppenheim; RCT 11, in the lead, reaches


Gau Odernheim-Spiesheim-Woerrstadt region. 4th Armd Div gets forward elements to the Rhine at Worms and blocks roads leading to the city. On right flank of corps, 11th Armd Div continues rapid advance toward the Rhine and gets CCB within 4 kilometers of the river. 89th Div crosses the Nahe and moves forward behind 11th Armd Div, clearing bypassed resistance. In XX Corps area, 94th Div gains up to 23 miles, advance elements (2d Bn of 302d Inf) reaching Dirmstein, E of Gruenstadt. CCR, 12th Armd Div, reaches Gruenstadt area; CCB's TF Norton reaches the Rhine N of Mannheim, night 20-21, and TF Field moves to Freinsheim area to assist 92d Cav Rcn Sq as it drives E on div right flank. 80th Div's 319th Inf seizes and outposts Kaiserslautern; 317th halts at Enkenbach and Neukirchen, NE of Kaiserslautern. Bypassing Kaiserslautern to N and S, 10th Armd Div drives E to Neukirchen-Enkenbach-Hochspeyer area. 26th Div mops up around Ottweiler. 65th Div pushes E to Kirschhof-Dilsburg area. 3d Cav Gp moves from Trier to Saarlautern to protect S flank of corps and is attached to 65th Div. Contact is made with Seventh Army to right.

6th Army Group: U.S. Seventh Army breaks through West Wall fortifications in zones of XXI and XV Corps. In XXI Corps area, 70th Div, on left flank of corps, occupies Saarbruecken without opposition and makes contact with XX Corps, Third Army. 63d Div achieves complete breakthrough of West Wall to right: 254th Inf reaches Ober Wurzbach; 255th moves forward through West Wall into Hassel and St Ingbert. TF Harris, 3d Bn of 254th Inf, reinf, is created to clear Neukirchen area. CCA, 6th Armd Div, after exploiting through 63d Div to Homburg against light opposition, reverts to parent unit. In XV Corps area, 45th and 3d Divs break through West Wall defenses in their respective zones. With capture of Homburg, 45th completes its immediate mission. 3d Div pushes forward into Zweibrucken and takes bridges intact. 6th Armd Div (-CCA) passes through 3d Div to exploit to the Rhine, advancing rapidly. In VI Corps area, 42d Div is virtually halted by effective enemy defense of West Wall positions on left flank of corps. 103d Div is also slowed by strong opposition but takes Nieder Schlettenbach. Left flank elements of 36th Div reach Dorrenbach area. CCA, 14th Armd Div, attacks in Wissembourg Gap and reaches main defenses of West Wall at Steinfeld, which it begins clearing. Groupement Monsabert is slowly clearing the Bien Wald on right flank of corps. 4th Div is attached to corps.

EASTERN EUROPE--Troops of First White Russian Front overrun Alt Damm (Pomerania) and eliminate last German bridgehead across the Oder, opposite Stettin. In East Prussia, forces of Third White Russian Front capture Braunsberg. Red Army maintains pressure against Baltic ports of Gdynia and Danzig.

BURMA--In Br Fourteenth Army's 33 Corps area, Ind 19th Div, at Mandalay, breaks into Fort Dufferin and finds that enemy has withdrawn.

In NCAC area, Br 36th Div reaches Mogok and turns SE toward Kyaukme.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, 33d Div TF moves N toward San Fernando from the Bauang sector in attempt to link up with guerrilla forces of N Luzon. Japanese withdraw from San Fernando under cover of darkness. On Highway 5, Co C of 161st Inf, 25th Div, takes fork of ridge W of Norton's Knob while rest of 1st Bn continues fruitless attack on Norton's Knob. 3d Bn relieves Co C. In XI Corps area, 6th Div gains several hundred yards, reaching heights commanding Bosoboso R, and pauses to mop up and reconnoiter. Japanese make determined counterattack against 172d Inf of 43d Div on Mt Caymayuman, night 20-21. 3d Bn of 103d Inf suspends attack on Mt Tanauan while that area is being neutralized with fire. In XIV Corps area, 3d and 1st Bns of 158th Inf continue attack toward Cuenca and Mt Macolod. Patrol reports Cuenca undefended.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, X Corps is designated as VICTOR V TF to seize Malabang-Parang-Cotabato area of Mindanao and clear region E of Zamboanga Peninsula. 24th and 31st Divs are placed under control of X Corps. 41st Div and Para RCT 505 are to be held in army reserve. On Mindanao, Co F (-) of 162d Inf returns to Zamboanga from Basilan I. Cos K and L, 121st Guerrilla Regt, and platoon of Co F, 162d Inf, remain on Basilan to provide security. On Panay, elements of 185th Inf drive quickly through Molo to Iloilo, which is secured with ease. Organized resistance on Panay has collapsed. Japanese groups withdrawing toward the mountains from Jaro are intercepted by 40th Rcn Tr and 3d Bn and harassed by aircraft. Search of the island continues.

IWO JIMA--RCT 26, 5th Mar Div, pushes slowly NW toward the sea along draw that crosses front of RCT 28. RCT 28 continues to support attack with fire and begins gradual withdrawal of elements from line as attack progresses across its front. Transports with garrison force--RCT 147--arrive off island.

21 March

WESTERN EUROPE--12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's VII Corps area, 78th Div concludes drive to the Sieg: 311th Inf reaches the river at Meindorf; 310th takes Hangeler, Niederpleis, Muelldorf-Siegburg, and Menden. 4th Sq, 4th Cav Gp,


is attached to div to defend river line and relieves elements of 311th and 310th Regts along the Sieg. CC Howze, 3d Armd Div, is also attached to 78th Div and drives N with TF Richardson to the Sieg on div right flank, partly clearing Buisdorf; 309th Inf follows armor and mops up. 1st Div progresses NE toward the Sieg. 16th Inf clears Uthweiler, Rott, Soven, Pleiserhohn, Westerhausen, and Buchholz; 18th takes Eisbach, Ruebhausen, and Kurtscheid; in limited attack, 26th secures Germscheid. RCT 413, 104th Div, upon crossing into bridgehead E of the Rhine, is attached to 1st Div and begins relief of 26th Inf. 8th Div relieves 414th and 415th Regts, 104th Div, in line. III Corps prepares for breakout assault. RCT 38 of 2d Div, V Corps, and CCB of 9th Armd Div take over part of 99th Div zone. At midnight 21-22, 9th Armd Div is transferred to V Corps. V Corps goes on the offensive. 2d Div begins crossing the Rhine via III Corps bridges and LCVP's at 0400. RCT 9, upon relief W of the river by 69th Div, closes in vicinity of Rheinbrohl E of the Rhine. 69th Div is moving forward to W bank of the Rhine.

In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, 76th Div completes relief of 2d Cav Gp, XII Corps, along the Rhine from Boppard to Bingen and passes to corps control. In XII Corps area, 42d Sq of 2d Cav Gp takes Bingen and extends positions along the Rhine to Frei Weinheim; 2d Sq, disposed along the Rhine between Frei Weinheim and Mainz, is in contact with 90th Div near Mainz. 90th Div closes in on Mainz and clears most of its zone W of the Rhine. 357th Inf is committed between 359th Inf and TF Spiess. 5th Div clears its zone W of the Rhine, RCT 11 reaching the river at Oppenheim and Nierstein. RCT 10, which reverts to parent unit, mops up Worms and begins assembly. 4th Armd Div drives N along W bank of the Rhine with CCB on right and CCA on left, clearing region between Worms and Oppenheim; CCR assembles in Stein Bockenheim area to block roads on div S flank. 11th Armd Div completes its second drive to the Rhine by 0800, when CCB takes final objective, airport S of Worms. CCB, to which 41st Cav is attached, enters Worms, which is in ruins, and withdraws to assembly area near Weinsheim. RCT 355 reverts to 89th Div from attachment to 11th Armd Div. XX Corps gets additional elements to the Rhine between Worms and Mannheim and takes up positions for assaults on Ludwigshafen and Speyer. Elements of 302d Inf, 94th Div, reach the Rhine near Petersau; 376th advances to W edge of Ludwigshafen. 12th Armd Div's CCA reaches outskirts of Ludwigshafen and is passed through by elements of 94th Div, which it prepares to assist in attack on the city. CCR and CCB (-TF Field) complete drive to the Rhine and, upon relief along W bank by 94th Div, move to assembly area. TF Field and 92d Cav Rcn Sq head for Speyer (which is also objective of 10th Armd Div), reaching edge of Mutterstadt. 10th Armd Div drives S on broad front toward Speyer: CCA reaches Neustadt and Dannstadt; CCR clears Rinnthal, Annweiler, and Queichambach, W of Landau; CCB reaches Densieders, NE of Pirmasens, and positions near Rinnthal. 80th Div (-) moves to forward assembly areas E of Kaiserslautern. 26th and 65th Divs continue E until ordered to halt. Former, advancing generally toward Neustadt, is to remain W of vertical 20 grid line and S of horizontal 90 grid line. 65th Div is to assemble in Neunkirchen area and 3d Cav Gp, which is detached from it, in Ottweiler region for rehabilitation and training.

6th Army Group: U.S. Seventh Army CP moves forward from Lunéville to Sarreguemines. In XXI Corps area, organized resistance collapses. 63d Div's TF Harris clears Neunkirchen area. 63d Div is then transferred to XV Corps. 70th Div is withdrawn as army reserve. In XV Corps area, 6th Armd Div moves rapidly eastward to the Rhine, which CCA reaches at Rhein-Durkheim; makes patrol contact with Third Army at Worms. 179th Inf, 45th Div, follows CCA while rest of div mops up. In VI Corps area, 42d Div, renewing attack on West Wall at 1900 after air and arty preparation, finds that enemy has abandoned his first belt of pillboxes. 102d Div TF (2d Bn, 409th Inf, and elements of 761st Tank Bn) drives into Reisdorf. 36th Div overruns a number of enemy strongpoints within its sector. CCA and CCR, 14th Armd Div, continue clearing Steinfeld against determined opposition. Groupement Monsabert is still engaged in clearing the Bien Wald.

In Fr 1st Army area, DA ALPS completes relief of U.S. Forces within limits of Alpine Front Command.

BURMA--In Br Fourteenth Army's 33 Corps area, organized resistance within Mandalay ceases. Br 2d Div opens road from Ava to Mandalay while Ind 10th Div thrusts to Wundwin.

CHINA--Japanese begin drive on Laohokon airfield, moving by night.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, troops of 130th Inf, 33d Div, link up with Filipino guerrillas of U.S. Army Forces in the Philippines, North Luzon, in vicinity of San Fernando without opposition. Co F of 130th Inf finds Naguilian and its airstrip undefended. Guerrillas of 121st Inf occupy San Fernando without opposition. West coast of Luzon is now clear. 3d Bn of 161st Inf, 25th Div, attacks along ridge extending to Crump Hill, about 1,000 yards W of Kapintalan, against accurate fire that stalls advance until 8 April. 27th Inf, 25th Div, beats off determined counterattack on ridge leading


to Mt Myoko. In XI Corps area, after air and arty preparation, 1st Inf of 6th Div attacks and gains 600-800 yards; blocks trail running N from Antipolo to Wawa. Captured document indicates enemy is reinforcing this area. Japanese resistance to 172d Inf, 43d Div, collapses. Mt Caymayuman, Mt Yabang, and Sugar Loaf Hill are cleared with ease. Until 26 March, 172d Inf mops up and patrols. 3d Bn of 103d Inf drives to crest of Mt Tanauan. Co B, reinf by guerrillas, advances 2 miles N of Bench Mark 23 and crosses New Bosoboso R below barrio of the same name. In XIV Corps area, 158th Inf drives rapidly E without opposition from Cuenca to slopes of Mt Macolod.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, Co B, having completed clearing Simara, joins Co C on Romblon. By this time 118 Japanese have been killed on Simara for U.S. losses of 10 killed. From Panay, amphibious patrol of 2d Bn, 160th Inf, lands on Guimaras I. and searches it uneventfully.

22 March

WESTERN EUROPE--12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army area, VII Corps consolidates, regroups, and conducts limited attacks for line of departure from which to make co-ordinated breakout assault. CC Howze, assisted by 309th Inf, finishes clearing 78th Div zone and reverts to 3d Armd Div. On 1st Div left, 16th Inf receives excellent air support as it clears toward stream running SE from Hennef. Relief of 1st and 3d Bns, 26th Inf, is completed by RCT 413. 104th Div, less RCT 413, moves E of the Rhine and releases 414th Inf to 3d Armd Div. III Corps begins limited attacks across Wied R, night 22-23, surprising enemy who offers little opposition. 9th and 99th Divs start crossing at 2200 and 2400, respectively, 9th Div employing 60th Inf and 99th Div, 395th and 393d Regts. 18th Cav Sq reverts to 14th Cav Gp and assembles near Ariendorf. 7th Armd Div, no longer required to defend W bank of the Rhine, prepares to cross the river. V Corps, attacking SE with RCT 38 of 2d Div and CCB of 9th Armd Div abreast, clears region between the Rhine and Wied Rivers and secures bridgehead across latter. RCT 38, co-ordinating with 99th Div of III Corps, clears Datzeroth on left and on right takes Segendorf, Rodenbach, and other villages in the vicinity. CCB crosses the Wied and overcomes considerable opposition in Neuwied. Since CCB's commander, Brig Gen William Hoge, is released by div to head 4th Armd Div, CCA hq crosses the Rhine to take command of attack and troops previously attached to or supporting CCB. Class 40 treadway bridge is constructed over the Rhine at Hommingen. 28th Div, holding W bank of the Rhine to right of 2d Div, reverts to corps control as result of interarmy boundary change.

In U.S. Third Army area, XII Corps completes drive to the Rhine and begins assault crossing. 90th Div, employing 3 bns each of 358th and 359th Regts, breaks into Mainz and overcomes half-hearted resistance there; 357th Inf maintains defensive positions to right and clears Weisenau; TF Spiess is dissolved upon relief by 5th Div Rcn Tr. 2d Cav Gp conducts river-crossing demonstration NW of Mainz and relieves elements of 358th Inf at Mainz. CCA, 4th Armd Div, assembles near Springlingen. 5th Div reorganizes for assault across the Rhine at Oppenheim and at 2200 begins crossing 1st and 3d Bns, RCT 11, with little difficulty. 11th Armd Div completes mop-up of its sector and prepares for relief by 80th Div, XX Corps. 94th Div, XX Corps, relieves elements of 41st Cav along the river in accordance with local boundary change. 89th Div prepares to cross into 5th Div's Rhine bridgehead. In XX Corps area, 94th Div forms TF Cheadle (RCT 376 and CCA, 12th Armd Div) for attack on Ludwigshafen that penetrates Friesenheim, Mundenheim, and Rheingonheim. As 94th Div zone is extended N, elements of 89th Div, XII Corps, within it, are relieved by 302d Inf. 12th Armd Div attacks to secure bridge across the Rhine in vicinity of Speyer or Germersheim: CCR takes Boehl, Iggelheim, and Hafsloch; CCB moves to Mutterstadt and, with 92d Cav Rcn Sq temporarily attached, turns S and begins assault on Speyer. 10th Armd Div columns converge on Landau and take it. 26th Div begins assembly near Alzey in preparation for operations with XII Corps.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army area XXI Corps takes command of 71st and 100th Divs in Bitche area and will cover right flank of XV Corps as it advances to the Rhine. In XV Corps area, 3d and 45th Divs are directed to search for Rhine crossing sites. 45th Div advances to the Rhine. Elements of 3d Div move forward behind armor. 6th Armd Div, less elements on W bank of the Rhine, moves to assembly areas. In VI Corps area, 42d Div finds that enemy has abandoned West Wall positions within its sector and pushes forward with ease through Dahn. 103d Div TF reaches Klingenmuenster and makes contact with Third Army while other elements clear Silz. Pushing through Dorrenbach, 36th Div closes in on Bergzabern, destroying numerous pillboxes. 14th Armd Div completes capture of Steinfeld. Groupement Monsabert makes local gains in the Bien Wald. Since German withdrawal routes are blocked, enemy columns are profitable targets for aircraft and arty.

EASTERN EUROPE--Troops of Third White Russian Front continue reduction of German pocket in East Prussia. Second White Russian forces make


slow progress against fortifications about Danzig and Gdynia. Moscow announces that troops of First Ukrainian Front have broken through enemy positions W and S of Oppeln (Silesia). Berlin reports intensified Soviet breakthrough attempts between Lake Balaton and the Danube in Hungary.

ALFSEA--At a meeting of commanders in Monywa, the problem of air supply is discussed. It is agreed that CAI be moved from Burma as quickly as possible to ease supply situation of Br Fourteenth Army, but Adm Mountbatten is not willing to use transport from SEAC for this purpose.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, 128th Inf of 32d Div is ordered to relieve 127th Inf on Villa Verde Trail. 35th Inf, 25th Div, moving toward Balete Pass along Putlan R Valley, is halted by strong opposition. In XI Corps area, 1st Bn of 20th Inf, 6th Div, begins attack toward wooded area about 600 yards ahead. 1st Inf patrols and mops up. Co B of 103d Inf, 43d Div, driving up Bosoboso R Valley, takes Mt Balidbiran and is joined there by Co C. 3d Bn, 103d, mops up on Mt Tanauan. 169th Inf, 43d Div, is relieved in 38th Div line by 2d Bn of 152d Inf, 38th Div.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, Americal Div, less RCT 164, conducts amphibious rehearsal for Cebu landing in Leyte Gulf and sails for target. On Panay, Co G of 185th Inf lands on Inampulugan I. to reconnoiter and destroys mine control station.

NEI--Japanese make the last of a prolonged series of air attacks against Morotai.

POA--TF 58 joins Logistic Support Group S of Okinawa and replenishes fuel, ammunition, and provisions in preparation for operations against Okinawa. During period 18-22 March, TF 58 has contributed materially to the success of the imminent invasion of Okinawa by destroying 528 enemy planes, damaging 16 surface vessels, and hitting ground installations.

IWO JIMA--Assisted by flame-throwing tanks, RCT 26 of 5th Mar Div continues tortuous advance NW toward the sea while RCT 28 conducts holding action along S perimeter of the pocket and supports assault with fire. RCT 27 begins re-embarking.

23 March

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: Begins Operation PLUNDER (assault across the Rhine N of the Ruhr) at 2100 after strong air and arty preparation. While Cdn First Army holds Allied left flank from Emmerich W to North Sea, Second Army begins assault crossings.

In Br Second Army's 30 Corps area, after intense arty preparation, 51st Div leads assault, crossing the Rhine near Rees at 2100 and heading for Rees. In 12 Corps area, 1st Cdo Brig crosses the Rhine NW of Wesel at 2200 and begins assault on that city.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's VII Corps area, while 78th Div consolidates on corps' N flank, 1st Div continues limited attacks to expand bridgehead. Jumping off at 2000, 18th Inf takes Wellesburg before midnight; 16th Inf begins attack for crossings of the Hauf, stream running SE from Hennef, late at night. 104th Div (-), having relieved elements of 9th Div (III Corps) and of 1st Div during night 22-23, takes over zone on right flank of corps at 0130; RCT 413 reverts to it from attachment to 1st Div. With 2 bns of 415th Inf on left and bn of 413th on right, 104th Div begins limited attacks to E at 2100, gaining 400-1,000 yards and overrunning airfield E of Eudenbach. 3d Armd Div (-) crosses the Rhine. Advance elements of 86th Div, newly arrived on Continent, reach corps zone. In III Corps area, 9th and 99th Divs expand bridgehead E of the Wied. 60th Inf of 9th Div clears Strauscheid, Rahm, Weissenfels, Neschen, and several small villages between the river and the autobahn. 99th Div, with 395th Inf on left and 393d on right, pushes E past Breitscheid, Rossbach, Waldbreitbach, Nieder Breitbach, and Kurtscheid; 393d reaches final objective a little beyond Kurtscheid shortly after midnight 23-24. 7th Armd Div starts assembly E of the Rhine, night 23-24. 14th Cav Gp, relieved of traffic control and bridge-guarding mission in Remagen area by 8th TD Gp, moves 32d Sq across Rhine to assembly area near Leubsdorf. V Corps expands bridgehead E of the Wied. RCT 38, 2d Div, clears Wolfenacker, Ehlscheid, Rengsdorf, Melsbach, and Altwied. CCA, 9th Armd Div, expands bridgehead slightly in limited attack. 2d Div's RCT 23 crosses the Rhine. 69th Div completes move to the Rhine in Bad Neuenahr region and takes responsibility for sector, completing relief of 2d Div.

In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, 6th Cav Gp takes over Koblenz-Boppard sector along the Rhine, relieving 87th Div. 89th Div is transferred to corps from XII Corps. In XII Corps area, 5th Div gets 4 regts and supporting weapons across the Rhine and establishes firm bridgehead 8 miles wide and 5 miles deep. On left, RCT 2 takes Astheim; in center, RCT 11 clears Trebur, Wallerstaedten, and Geinsheim; on right, RCT 10 seizes Leeheim and Erfelden and presses toward Dornheim; RCT 357 of 90th Div, temporarily attached to 5th Div to cover right flank of bridgehead, crosses the Rhine and moves elements to Erfelden area to relieve RCT 10. Engineers work on bridges, completing Class 40 treadway. 90th Div (-RCT 357) and 4th Armd Div prepare to cross the Rhine. 26th Div is attached to corps and during night 23-24 takes over Mainz-Nackenheim sector from 90th Div; 2d Cav Gp is


detached from 90th Div and attached in place to 26th Div. 11th Armd Div begins concentration in Alzey area and relieves 4th Armd Div of Oppenheim-Worms sector of the Rhine. In XX Corps area, after heavy arty preparation, 94th Div's TF Cheadle renews attack on Ludwigshafen, clearing suburbs and entering city proper late in day; because of determined opposition, 301st Inf is committed on N and relieves elements of TF Cheadle. Since Rhine bridge at Speyer is out, 12th Armd Div's CCR attempts to establish bridgehead at Germersheim, thrusting S through Geinsheim and Friesbach to Weingarten, where stiff resistance is overcome with aid of air support. CCB enters Speyer from N and begins to clear moderate resistance. Driving S toward Lauterbourg with CCB on right and CCA on left, 10th Armd Div makes contact with Seventh Army units moving N and is attached to Seventh Army.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army area, XV Corps releases 6th Armd Div to Third Army; while patrolling along W bank of the Rhine and relieving elements of Third Army within its zone, trains assault forces for crossing of the Rhine. In XXI Corps area, 10th Armd Div is attached to corps. In VI Corps area, 103d and 36th Divs are mopping up W of the Rhine. 143d Inf of 36th Div advances through Bergzabern. CCB, 14th Armd Div, gets elements to Herxheim and Germersheim. CCA takes Schaidt and presses eastward. Groupement Monsabert is strongly opposed from West Wall positions and suffers heavy casualties.

EASTERN EUROPE--Troops of Second White Russian Front reach Gulf of Danzig between Danzig and Gdynia, splitting German defenders of these port cities. Troops of Third White Russian Front maintain pressure against enemy pocket in East Prussia. Offensive of First Ukrainian Front continues to gain ground in Upper Silesia.

ITALY--Gen Heinrich von Vietinghoff succeeds Field Marshal Kesselring as supreme commander of enemy forces in Italy.

BURMA--In Br Fourteenth Army's 33 Corps area, Ind 20th Div column drives from Wundwin northward to Kume. In 4 Corps area, Myingan falls to Ind 7th Div, which is by now being assisted by elements of Ind 5th Div. Fighting continues at Meiktila, where enemy is still trying to oust Ind 17th Div.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army area, Fifth Air Force begins series of attacks on Legaspi area in preparation for amphibious assault there. In I Corps area, Gen Krueger, to speed operations toward Baguio, attaches RCT 129 of 37th Div to corps, which in turn attaches it to 33d Div. 128th Inf, 32d Div, begins relief of 127th on Villa Verde Trail. 2d Bn, 128th, withdraws from Imugan area to Batchelor. XI Corps is directed to press operations to destroy enemy in Antipolo-Montalban-Ipo area, to complete opening of Manila Bay by capturing islands of El Fraile, Caballo, and Carabao, and to establish contact with XIV Corps E of Laguna de Bay in order to close gap between the corps. 20th Inf, 6th Div, is ordered to be prepared to take Mt Mataba. 1st Bn reaches woods toward which it started on 22d. 1st Inf gains most of its objective line. 2d Bn of 103d Inf, 43d Div, relieves 3d Bn on Mt Tanauan and drives N toward New Bosoboso. In XIV Corps area, 1st Cav Div relieves 511th Para Inf, 11th A/B Div, for Legaspi operation. 187th Inf takes responsibility for capture of Mt Macolod.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, Co G of 185th Inf returns to Panay from Inampulugan I. On Leyte, RCT 108 of 40th Div completes relief of 164th Inf, Americal Div.

POA--Br carrier task force (TF 57 under command of Vice Adm Sir Bernard Rawlings) is assigned to U.S. Fifth Fleet and sorties from Ulithi; the task force is to neutralize air installations in Sakishima Is., Ryukyu Chain, in support of Okinawa operation.

24 March

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Br Second Army's 30 Corps area, 51st Div is unable to overcome determined resistance by enemy paratroopers at Rees. In 12 Corps area, 1st Cdo Brig clears large part of Wesel in street-to-street fighting. 15th Div, which is to make main effort of corps, crosses the Rhine N of Xanten, starting at 0200, and overruns Mehr and Haffen. XVIII Corps (A/B) of First Allied Airborne Army, under operational control of Br Second Army, drops two airborne divs--Br 6th and U.S. 17th--E of the Rhine in region N and NW of Wesel, starting at about 1000. Airdrops of troops and a day's supplies are successfully executed; resupply by air is not required. Both assault divs take initial objectives, reaching Issel R and securing crossings, and make contact with each other and with Br 12 Corps. On the N, Br 6th A/B Div overruns Hamminkeln; to the S, 17th A/B Div takes Diersfordt and high ground to E. Strong enemy counterattacks N of Wesel are contained, night 24-25. U.S. 13th A/B Div is not employed in Operation VARSITY--the airborne drop E of the Rhine--because of insufficient airlift.

U.S. Ninth Army begins assault across the Rhine. XVI Corps, after an hour of intensive arty preparation, leads off at 0200 when 30th Div, with 119th, 117th, and 120th Regts abreast from N to S, starts across in Buderich-Wallach-Rheinberg region. To the S, 79th Div, employing 315th and 313th Regts abreast, begins crossing at 0300 after similar arty


preparation; 314th crosses later in day. 30th Div gains firm bridgehead 6-10 kilometers deep S of Wesel, clearing a number of towns and villages, among them Spellen, Ork, Mehrum, Lohnen, Friedrichsfeld, Stockum, Worde, and Moellen. 79th Div, on the N, clears Stapp and Dinslaken; to the S overruns Overbruch, Vier Linden, and Walsum. 75th Div crosses 1st Bn of 290th Inf in order to defend bridges. By end of day, 19 bns of inf and several of supporting weapons are E of the Rhine and bridgehead is established with minimum of casualties.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army area, VII Corps, continuing limited attacks in zones of 1st and 104th Divs, expands bridgehead to assigned line of departure for breakout assault. Though enemy contests every inch gained and makes frequent and determined counterattacks, 1st Div, with effective air support, expands N perimeter of bridgehead, fighting into night 24-25: 16th Inf, reinf by bn of 26th, clears Geisnach and Lichtenberg; 18th takes Heuchel and part of Uckerath. 104th Div gains all limited objectives required on S flank of bridgehead, including high ground NE of Eudenbach and road junctions near airfield. On corps N flank, 1st Bn of 310th Inf, 78th Div, eliminates strongpoint NW of Menden. In III Corps area, 9th Div continues limited action to expand bridgehead E of the Wied with 60th Inf, clearing Borscheid; at 2200 commits 39th and 47th Regts to left in region W of the Wied. 99th Div renews limited attack eastward with 395th Inf at 2200, pressing toward the autobahn. In V Corps area, RCT 38, 2d Div, expands Wied bridgehead several more kilometers and clears Gladbach and Ober Bieber. CCA of 9th Armd Div holds current positions.

In U.S. Third Army area, VIII Corps completes preparations for assault across the Rhine. 89th Div moves into corps zone. XII Corps expands and strengthens Rhine bridgehead and commits armor through it in effort to break through to the Main. Enemy reacts more strongly and makes futile attempts to destroy bridges by air. 5th Div enlarges bridgehead to include Bauschheim, Nauheim, Gross Gerau, Dornberg, and Dornheim. As 90th Div completes movement across the Rhine to positions on 5th Div right, RCT 357 reverts to it. Driving NE with 359th Inf on left and 357th on right, 90th Div relieves 10th Inf, 5th Div, at Erfelden and Dornheim and reaches line Buettelborn-Griesheim. 4th Armd Div begins drive through bridgehead toward the Main. CCA crosses Rhine in morning and is followed in afternoon by CCB and at night by CCR. 104th Inf, 26th Div, is attached to 4th Armd Div to block on right flank and starts across river, night 24-25. CCA advances to edge of Ober Ramstadt; CCB, blocking to S for CCA, clears Stockstadt, Hahn, and Hahnlein; CCR moves to Pfungstadt. 26th Div (-104th Inf) prepares to cross the Rhine; 101st Inf takes responsibility for Rhine bridges. 6th Armd Div is attached to corps and prepares to join in drive to the Main. XX Corps completes operations W of the Rhine and has firm contact with Seventh Army on right. After night-long fight, Ludwigshafen falls to 94th Div in morning when N and S assault forces meet in center of city. 12th Armd Div completes its mission, capturing Speyer in zone of CCB in morning and Germersheim in zone of CCR after nightfall, and is detached from corps; CCA reverts to it from attachment to 94th Div. Germans destroy bridge at Germersheim. 11th Armd Div is transferred to XX Corps from XII Corps in place and retains current defensive mission.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army area, plans to drop airborne forces E of the Rhine are canceled. XV Corps continues preparations for assault across the Rhine. Under cover of darkness, 24-25, assault forces begin assembly near the river and small party reconnoiters E bank. In VI Corps area, 36th Div completes drive to the Rhine and captures Leimersheim. Fr forces reach Erlen R, clearing Kandel, Rheinzabern, and Neupfotz. XXI Corps takes control of 12th Armd Div.

EASTERN EUROPE--Moscow announces that troops of Third Ukrainian Front on the offensive SW of Budapest have advanced about 44 miles on broad front and captured numerous towns, among them Szekesfehervar, Mor, Zirc, Veszprem, and Enying.

ITALY--15th Army Group: Orders for spring offensive are issued, calling for preliminary action by Br Eighth Army to begin on 10 April followed by main assault of U.S. Fifth Army. The 10 April attack date is later changed to 9 April. Separate 442d Inf returns from France to rejoin U.S. Fifth Army.

LUZON--Hq, Fifth Air Force, is established at Fort Stotsenburg.

In U.S. Sixth Army's XI Corps area, 1st Bn of 20th Inf, 6th Div, tries in vain to reach knoll about 500 yards to E. 1st Inf finishes clearing its zone with capture of ridge overlooking Bosoboso R. 2d Bn of 103d Inf, 43d Div, pauses below New Bosoboso while enemy positions ahead are being softened with fire. In XIV Corps area, 1st Cav Div and 11th A/B Div begin converging drives on Lipa in areas to N and S of Lake Taal, respectively. 1st Cav Div, on N, takes Santo Tomas with ease. 1st Cav Brig relieves 7th Cav in Los Banos area, night 24-25. 188th Inf, 11th A/B Div, reinf by 3d Bn of 511th Para Inf and TD units, starts northward drive against scattered resistance. 187th Inf, 11th A/B Div, opens drive on Mt Macolod against strong opposition.


511th Para Inf, less 3d Bn, is being held in reserve for Legaspi operation. RCT 158 concentrates in Lemery for the same operation and passes to army control.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, 40th Div is alerted for Negros Occidental operation. Covering Group (cruiser-DD force under Rear Adm R. S. Berkey) for Cebu operation leaves Subic Bay for target. On Mindanao, 162d Inf of 41st Div, reinf by 1st Bn of 186th, attacks Mt Capisan and secures it. Entire Sinonog R area is now cleared of organized resistance. For the next few days 162d Inf consolidates and mops up.

IWO JIMA--RCT 28, 5th Mar Div, takes responsibility for completing reduction of final resistance on Iwo; enemy pocket is confined to area 50 yards square on coast. Gen Kuribayashi is reported to be alive and holding out in a cave, but his hiding place is never discovered.

RYUKYU IS.--Mine sweeping begins under cover of naval and aerial bombardment.

25 March

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Br Second Army's 30 Corps area, 51st Div clears Rees except for small pocket. 43d Div takes over left flank of corps front E of the Rhine. In 12 Corps area, 15th Div overruns Bislich. In U.S. XVIII Corps (A/B) area, Br 1st Cdo Brig, as it is completing reduction of Wesel, is transferred to corps from Br 12 Corps and attached to U.S. 17th A/B Div. Corps consolidates positions, straightens lines, and eliminates enemy pocketed between Br 6th A/B and U.S. 17th A/B Divs. Jumping off at 1500 with 194th Gli Inf on N and 507th Para Inf on S, 17th A/B Div crosses Issel Canal and drives to Phase Line LONDON, some 3,000 yards E of Wesel.

In U.S. Ninth Army's XVI Corps area, 30th Div, continuing assault E of the Rhine during night 24-25 and on 25th, gains about 4 miles all along its front; on the N clears Hunxe and makes contact with Br 1st Cdo Brig. 79th Div pushes about 2 miles eastward. 134th Inf, 35th Div, reinf as a TF and attached to 79th Div, crosses the Rhine E of Rheinberg, night 25-26. 15th Sq, 15th Cav Gp, crosses the Rhine to relieve 30th Div on island S of Wesel between Lippe R and Lippe Canal. Resistance is gradually stiffening.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army area, VII Corps opens co-ordinated assault to break out of bridgehead at 0400, as 3d Armd Div, reinf by 414th Inf of 104th Div, passes through 1st and 104th Divs to spearhead drive on Altenkirchen, initial objective. Attacking with two CC's abreast, CC Boudinot on left and CC Hickey on right, 3d Armd Div gets about half way to Altenkirchen in 6-9 mile advance. On left, TF Welborn of CC Boudinot, pushing through Uckerath and Kircheib, reaches positions near Hasselbach; TF Lovelady advances through Griesenbach to Fiersbach. On right, CC Hickey's TF Kane thrusts past Limbach, Sessenheim, and Kescheid to Ahl Creek while TF Doan drives to Flammersfeld area via Asbach and Schoneberg. 83d Armd Rcn Bn protects left flank and CC Howze follows the two assault commands, prepared to assist either. 1st and 104th Divs mop up in wake of armor. 1st Div mops up S of the Sieg within its zone, overrunning a number of villages and terrain features. 104th Div (-) follows armor closely, gaining up to 5 miles. 78th Div begins relief of 1st Div along the Sieg and, in limited attack by elements of 309th Inf, clears strongpoint S of the river near Hennef. 4th Cav Gp (-) is relieved of defensive position in Bonn area by corps security elements; 4th Sq, upon relief along the Sieg by 78th Div, reverts to gp control. III Corps joins in First Army's large-scale offensive, making rapid progress eastward. On 9th Div left, 39th and 47th Regts clear div zone between Pfeffer and Mehr Rivers, 47th pinching out 39th; E of Wied, 60th Inf thrusts past Ober Steinbach, Krunkel, and Epgert. Speeding about 3 miles E with 395th and 393d Regts, 99th Div cuts autobahn near Willroth and takes a number of towns and villages to right; 394th Inf crosses the Wied. 7th Armd Div completes assembly E of the Rhine to spearhead corps breakout attack. In V Corps area, RCT 38, after adjusting positions to protect N flank of 2d Div and being passed through by 23d Inf, is attached to 9th Armd Div; 23d Inf drives E about 6 kilometers and is itself passed through by 9th, which continues E to Grenzhausen. CCA, 9th Armd Div, continues SE along the Rhine, taking Bendorf and Vallendar. 102d Cav Rcn Sq moves up to Neuwied.

In U.S. Third Army area, VIII Corps begins attack across the Rhine. 87th Div crosses, starting at midnight 24-25, in Braubach-Boppard region and establishes bridgehead against firm opposition, particularly on left where determined counterattack develops and is contained. 347th Inf (-2d Bn), on div left, starts clearing Braubach and reaches outskirts of Ober Lahnstein; since 2d Bn is unable to cross, 2d Bn of 346th is attached to 347th and crosses river to assist in clearing Braubach. To S, 345th Inf thrusts to edge of Lykershausen. In XII Corps area, 16th Cav Gp, transferred to XII Corps from XX Corps, relieves 2d Cav Gp of defensive mission along the Rhine from Bingen to Mainz; 2d Cav Gp is detached from 26th Div. 6th Armd Div begins drive toward the Main at Frankfurt, crossing the Rhine at Oppenheim and passing through 5th Div. CCB crosses first and advances NE to vicinity of Walldorf and Langen; CCA reaches the Main


between Ruesselsheim and Raunheim, coming under heavy AA fire from Frankfurt; CCR assembles to rear of CCA in Gross Gerau area; 4th Armd Div breaks through to the Main near Hanau and Aschaffenburg and establishes bridgeheads. On left, CCA reaches the river at Klein Auheim, just S of Hanau, where bridge is seized and small bridgehead is established at Grossauheim. From Hahnlein, CCB, on right, speeds to the Main S of Aschaffenburg, taking a rail and highway bridge and establishing bridgehead in Schweinheim area; elements enter Aschaffenburg but are withdrawn to guard bridge. CCR displaces to Dieburg to block between there and Eberstadt and sends TF to Darmstadt, which is virtually undefended. 5th Div's RCT 2 clears to S bank of the Main within its zone; RCT 10, to right, seizes Hassloch and Koenigstaedten. Driving NE toward the Main between Frankfurt and Hanau with 359th Inf on left and 358th on right, 90th Div cuts autobahn and gets forward elements of both regts to Langen; to right, TF Spiess, reorganized to exclude 90th Rcn Tr, enters Darmstadt from the W as 4th Armd Div TF enters from E, and the city is easily cleared. 328th Inf, 26th Div, relieves 101st Inf of defensive mission along the Rhine, permitting 101st to move to Darmstadt; 104th, still attached to 4th Armd Div, protects right flank of that div after completing river crossing. XX Corps enjoys brief lull during which it prepares to force crossings of the Rhine. 94th Div conducts rehabilitation and training program in Baumholder area. 80th Div closes in Rockenhausen assembly area. Seventh Army units begin relief of 11th Armd Div along the Rhine: 3d Div of XV Corps relieves CCB and all elements of CCA S of grid line 33.

6th Army Group: U.S. Seventh Army, having cleared the industrially important Saar Palatinate in conjunction with Third Army to N, regroups to continue offensive across the Rhine. VI Corps releases 4th and 42d Divs to XXI Corps and takes control of 71st and 100th Divs from XXI Corps. Corps will defend W bank of the Rhine while XV Corps and, later, XXI Corps attack across the river. Fr armor eliminates enemy bridgehead at Maximiliansau.

EASTERN EUROPE--In East Prussia, Heiligenbeil falls to Third White Russian Front forces. Troops of Second White Russian Front overrun Oliva, suburb of Danzig. Red Army offensive from Hungary toward Austria broadens as troops of Second Ukrainian Front start W to right of Third Ukrainian forces and clear Esztergom, Felsoegall, and Tata.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In Br Eighth Army area, 10 Corps takes command of Jewish Brig from 5 Corps. In 13 Corps area, Lt Gen Sir John Harding, new corps commander, arrives.

CHINA--U.S. Fourteenth Air Force personnel withdraw from Laohokon airfield after destroying installations. This is the last of the Fourteenth Air Force bases to fall to enemy. Subsequent Japanese thrusts toward bases at Sian and Ankang are stopped short of their objectives by Chinese.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, 128th Inf of 32d Div completes relief of 127th Inf on Villa Verde Trail and prepares to continue attack toward Salacsac Pass and Santa Fe. 3d Bn of 35th Inf, 25th Div, turns over roadblock on Old Spanish Trail to guerrilla forces, concluding American operations on this crude trail. 27th Inf, working along ridge toward Mt Myoko, has by now gained 4,000 yards and is up against enemy outposts. In XI Corps area, 1st Bn of 20th Inf, 6th Div, patrols and places arty fire on enemy positions ahead. 1st Inf prepares to relieve 20th of positions along Bosoboso R. 2d Bn of 103d Inf, 43d Div, seizes barrio of New Bosoboso and ridges commanding it, limiting Japanese escape routes to a single trail running NW from the barrio. To close this route 100, 1st Bn begins attack on Hill 1200, which commands it. In XIV Corps area, one 1st Cav Div column pushes from Santo Tomas toward Tanauan; another drives into Los Banos with ease. 188th Inf, 11th A/B Div, makes contact with 187th SE of Mt Macolod. 187th pauses briefly in Mt Macolod area to patrol and probe.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, X Corps issues orders for future operations on Mindanao. 24th Div is to land in Malabang area on 17 April. Five days later, 31st Div is scheduled to land in Parang area. 185th Inf assembles for operation against Negros. Cebu Attack Group, commanded by Capt Albert T. Sprague, USN, joins Covering Group off Cebu.

IWO JIMA--RCT 28, 5th Mar Div, completes reduction of final pocket of resistance on Iwo in morning. RCT 26 starts re-embarking.

RYUKYU IS.--Preinvasion aerial and naval bombardment continues, though mine-sweeping operations prevent naval surface vessels from moving up to within effective range of Okinawa. Underwater demolition teams go into action.

26 March

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Br Second Army area, 30 Corps expands bridgehead toward the Issel. 51st Div completes capture of Rees and thrusts toward Isselburg; 43d Div, advancing to left of 51st, reaches Millingen. In 12 Corps area, 15th Div reaches the Issel at Ringenberg and is passed through by 53d Div reinf by 4th Armd Brig. 7th Div moves up to spearhead drive on Rheine. In XVIII Corps (A/B) area, Br 6th A/B and U.S. 17th A/B Divs drive E abreast against progressively


weakening resistance, to next phase line, NEW YORK, extending from Ringenberg on N to Lippe R near Krudenberg on S. 1st Cdo Brig is held in reserve in Wesel area. Build up E of the Rhine progresses rapidly as bridges are opened. Br 6th Gds Armd Brig crosses, night 26-27.

In U.S. Ninth Army's XVI Corps area, 30th Div expands bridgehead another 4 miles E, though resistance is strong and wooded terrain difficult, and on the N partly clears Gahlen; 190th Inf of 75th Div is attached. In 79th Div sector to the S, 35th Div TF relieves 315th Inf and gains 3-5 kilometers; the TF then reverts to 35th Div, whose 137th Inf crosses the Rhine and prepares to attack between 30th and 79th Divs. Against sporadic resistance, 314th Inf of 79th Div pushes east 1-2 miles, but 313th remains in position; 315th begins relief of 314th late in day. 8th Armd Div begins crossing the Rhine. 15th Cav Gp reverts to corps control and assembles E of the Rhine near Dinslaken; elements on Lippe R-Lippe Canal island are relieved by 75th Div. XIII Corps becomes responsible for XIX Corps sector and takes operational control of 95th Div (-RCT 377) and 113th Cav Gp. RCT 377 is attached to 2d Armd Div. XIX Corps prepares to move to new zone on N flank of army.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's VII Corps area, CC Hickey's TF's Kane and Doan, on 3d Armd Div right, break through enemy defenses and drive through Altenkirchen to Hachenburg and Wahlrod. On left, however, stubborn opposition makes progress of CC Boudinot so slow and costly, despite close air-ground cooperation, that attack is broken off in afternoon and CC Howze is committed between CC's Boudinot and Hickey. Attacking with TF's Hogan and Richardson, CC Howze mops up Altenkirchen and continues E toward Nister R, reaching positions near Eichelhardt. 1st Div, employing elements of 3 regts, clears region S of the Sieg as far E as Eitorf, taking a number of towns and villages. 78th Div continues relief of 1st Div along the Sieg, permitting latter to follow armor eastward. 104th Div (-) eliminates scattered resistance while advancing some 12 miles E behind armor. III Corps drives armored spearheads through infantry in pursuit of disorganized enemy. 7th Armd Div, jumping off at 0200 in center of corps, thrusts toward Lahn R and Limburg. CCR attacks from Vettelschoss, TF Griffin moving steadily E to Ailertchen and TF Brown, after bypassing resistance and rubble at Dierdorf, advancing so rapidly to 2 of its objectives, Obertiefenbach and Heckholzhausen, that it overtakes retreating enemy and inflicts severe losses. CCR is directed to turn NE to secure crossings of Dill R. CCA, organized into TF's Rhea, Wemple, and King, drives SE along the autobahn toward Limburg until contact is made with 9th Armd Div (V Corps) at Montabaur, then swerves NE toward Wetzlar as plans are hastily changed to leave reduction of Limburg to V Corps. 9th and 99th Divs drive E abreast behind armor. 9th Div advances to Holz R and secures crossings: after reaching the river at Puderbach, 47th Inf is passed through by 39th, which speeds E to Muendersbach and Herschbach; to right, 60th Inf secures Horhausen by daylight and continues to the Holz at Raubach, securing crossing there and stream crossings to E at Elgert, Maroth, and Marienhausen. On 99th Div left, 394th Inf, passing through 395th, reaches objective high ground E of Dierdorf; 393d drives to Gros and Klein Maischeid. In V Corps area, 2d Div continues attacks with 9th and 23d Regts, taking Alsbach, Hilgert, Baumbach, Ransbach, and defensive positions on N flank of corps. 9th Armd Div, reinf by 38th Inf of 2d Div, drives spearheads E through forward elements of 2d Div to the Lahn at Limburg and Diez. From Bendorf area, CCB advances generally along Cologne-Frankfurt Autobahn to the Lahn near Limburg, moves 4 tanks across bridge there before enemy blows it, then clears the city with dismounted infantry. Upon relief at Vallendar by CCR, CCA drives rapidly to the Lahn at Diez, where bridges are out. RCT 272, 69th Div, crosses the Rhine.

In U.S. Third Army area, VIII Corps expands and strengthens Rhine bridgehead. 347th Inf continues to meet lively resistance in Braubach-Ober Lahnstein area, N flank of 87th Div bridgehead, but completes capture of Braubach. Against moderate resistance, 345th Inf drives salient E to include Gemmerich. 346th Inf is committed between 347th and 345th; after crossing the Rhine at Boppard drives NE to Dachsenhausen. TF Sundt (elements of 607th TD Bn, 87th Rcn Tr, co of 346th Inf, tanks, and arty) follows 346th Inf to Dachsenhausen. Treadway bridge is completed at Boppard under extremely adverse circumstances. 3d Bn of 385th Inf, 76th Div, crosses the Rhine and relieves elements of 87th Div, to which it is temporarily attached, at Lykershausen. At 0200, 89th Div starts across the Rhine in Wellmich-Oberwesel region under intense fire: on left, 354th Inf (-) secures Weyer, Nochern, Lierscheid, Patersberg, and St Goarshausen; 353d, reinf by bn of 355th, captures Dorscheid, Kaub, Bornich, and Weisel; TF Johnson (motorized bn of 355th Inf plus supporting weapons and engrs) crosses at Boppard and moves along E bank capturing Kestert; TF Engel (89th Rcn Tr and TD co) follows TF Johnson, mopping up. 6th Cav Gp, organized as TF Fickett, prepares to cross the Rhine. In XII Corps area, 6th Armd Div reaches S bank of the Main at Frankfurt and under intense arty fire forces crossing into Frankfurt: CCA drives to Sachsenhausen and enters Frankfurt via damaged bridge at Niederrad;


moving through Langen and Springlingen, in 90th Div zone, CCB reaches the Main and captures Offenbach; on extreme right, CC 86 (86th Cav Rcn Sq) reaches the river near Offenbach; CCR bivouacks S of Niederrad and releases elements to CCA and CCB. 4th Armd Div holds shallow bridgeheads across the Main against ground and air attacks and is reinf by 328th Inf of 26th Div, which passes 2 bns through CCA's bridgehead in Hanau area and is assisted by CCA in clearing opposition in Grossauheim. Upon relief along the Main by 26th Div, 4th Armd Div is directed to drive N on Gruenberg. 5th, 90th, and 26th Divs move rapidly toward the Main in wake of armor, forward elements of each reaching the river line. 5th Div's RCT 2 takes Raunheim; RCT 10 captures Rhine-Main airport, Kelsterbach, and Schwanheim; RCT 11 makes progress in woods S of Frankfurt and starts crossing 3d Bn into Frankfurt bridgehead. 90th Div reaches the Main in zone of 359th Inf, which takes Buergel, Muehlheim, and Rumpenheim; forward elements of 357th reach Hausen; TF Spiess mops up along div right flank and clears Offenthal. 26th Div, with 101st Inf on left and 104th on right (104th reverting to div from attachment to 4th Armd Div), clears most of its zone on right flank of corps to the Main and makes contact with Seventh Army; 328th Inf, released to 4th Armd Div, is motorized for movement from the Rhine to the Main. 2d Cav Gp crosses the Rhine to protect corps flanks and maintain contact with adjacent friendly units: 2d Sq (-Tr C) takes responsibility for left flank along S bank of the Main from Gustavburg to Kelsterbach, relieving RCT 2 and elements of RCT 10, 5th Div, and is attached to 5th Div; 42d Sq screens right flank from Gernsheim to Altheim and relieves right flank elements of 26th Div. In XX Corps area, 80th Div starts to Mainz in preparation for assault crossings of Rhine and Main Rivers. 45th Div of XV Corps, Seventh Army, relieves final elements of CCA, 11th Armd Div, along the Rhine N of grid line 33. 3d Cav Gp assembles in vicinity of Kriegsfeld.

6th Army Group: U.S. Seventh Army CP closes at Sarreguemines and opens at Kaiserslautern. XV Corps begins assault across the Rhine with 45th and 3d Divs at 0230 after saturation bombardment of far shore in 3d Div zone. On N, 45th Div, with 179th and 180th Regts in assault, crosses near Hamm and Rhein Durkheim and drives to corps bridgehead line, the N-S autobahn along E edge of Jaegersburger Wald, clearing Biblis and Gros Hausen and making contact with Third Army on left and 3d Div on right. Opposition to crossing is at first strong, resulting in loss of many landing craft, but soon eases. 3d Div, with 30th and 7th Regts in assault, crosses near Worms and Mannheim. Opposition is light at first as result of overpowering preparatory bombardment, but enemy rallies to resist strongly later. Clearing Burstadt, Lampertheim, Bobstadt, and Sandhofen, 3d Div pushes into Lorcher Wald toward corps objective, the autobahn on far side. Reserve elements cross into bridgehead later in day. Corps releases 63d Div to XXI Corps and takes control of 12th Armd Div from XXI Corps.

EASTERN EUROPE--Troops of Third White Russian Front are completing mop-up of enemy remnants in East Prussia. Second White Russian Front continues fight for ports of Danzig and Gdynia; second line of defense has now been breached and fighting is in progress along third and last line. In Czechoslovakia, troops of Second Ukrainian Front take communications center of Banska Bystrica. Continuing W through Hungary toward Austria, Third Ukrainian Front seizes Papa and Devecser.

ALFSEA--Gen Leese directs Adm Mountbatten to draw up plans for modified DRACULA since overland drive on Rangoon is not making the desired progress.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, 129th Inf of 37th Div is ordered to relieve 130th Inf of 33d Div upon arrival in Bauang area and to reconnoiter along Highway 9 from Naguilian toward Baguio. 1st Bn of 161st Inf, 25th Div, begins final assault on Norton's Knob, on Highway 5, after Japanese positions there have been heavily bombarded. In XI Corps area, 1st Bn of 20th Inf, 6th Div, is being relieved in line by 1st Inf. In XIV Corps area, 1st Cav Div elements push S on Highway 19 through Tanauan to Malvar. 188th Inf, 11th A/B Div, probes toward Lipa. 187th renews attack toward Mt Macolod but makes little headway against strong opposition.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, Americal Div (-RCT 164) lands 3 bns (1st and 3d Bns of 182d Inf and 1st Bn of 132d) abreast on Cebu near Talisay after an hour of naval gunfire bombardment. Enemy opposition consists of scattered fire, but mine field disables 8 landing vehicles and delays inward movement. After breaching the mine field, 182d Inf drives through Talisay toward Cebu City, dispersing delaying force about half way there, and by end of day holds Mananga R crossings and line through foothills along highway from Pardo to Mananga R. 132d Inf drives about 2½ miles NE to line running through Basak. Guerrillas have not secured the reservoir as directed and this task is assigned to 182d Inf.

IWO JIMA--Enemy makes final attack on Iwo in early morning. 200 or more attempt to infiltrate bivouac area; at least 196 are killed. Capture and occupation phase of Iwo operation ends at 0800 when Gen Chaney assumes title of Island Commander.


Commander Forward Area takes responsibility for defense and development of Iwo Jima. 5th Mar Div turns over its zone to 3d Mar Div and continues to re-embark. RCT 9 of 3d Mar Div and RCT 147 (AUS) are now jointly responsible for defense of Iwo Jima. RCT 21, 3d Mar Div, re-embarks for return to Guam. Japanese suffer and exact heavy casualties during their losing battle; for the first and last time, inflict about as many casualties on U.S. forces as they suffer. The enemy force of almost 23,000 defending the island is practically annihilated. U.S. casualties exceed 20,000, about one third of the total assault force strength of some 60,000; more than 5,500 are killed in action. The Iwo victory gives the U.S. an air base for operations against the Japanese Empire, affords protection for previously captured Pacific bases, and tightens sea and air blockade of Japan.

RYUKYU IS.--Invasion stage of Operation ICEBERG starts with preliminary landings by 77th Div, reinf, on Kerama Is. to secure seaplane base and fleet anchorages in preparation for main invasion of Okinawa. After naval and aerial bombardment, 4 BLT's of 77th Div land on as many islands of the Kerama group almost simultaneously: BLT 3, RCT 305, lands first, at 0804, on Aka I. and with little difficulty secures town of Aka and clears two thirds of the island; BLT 1, RCT 306, seizes Geruma I., where howitzers are unloaded to support future operations; BLT 2, RCT 306, takes Hokaji I. without opposition; BLT 1, RCT 305, secures about a third of Zamami I. and holds firm against counterattacks. So successful are scheduled landings that a reserve force (BLT 2, RCT 307) lands on Yakabi I. in afternoon and clears it with ease. Patrols of Fleet Marine Force Amphib Rcn Bn, attached to 77th Div, land on Keise I., within arty range of most of southern Okinawa, and find it free of enemy. Warships and planes from fast and escort carriers of Fifth Fleet support ground operations. Enemy air reaction to the invasion is light, consisting largely of uncoordinated attacks on shipping by suicide planes. Air and long-range naval gunfire bombardment of Okinawa continues. British carrier task force (TF 57) begins neutralization of Sakishima Is.

27 March

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Br Second Army's 30 Corps area, 51st Div reaches the Issel at Isselburg and is relieved by Br 3d Div. 43d Div reaches Mechelen. In 12 Corps area, Raesfeld falls to 7th Armd Div. XVIII Corps (A/B) advances rapidly through Wesel Forest and gains up to 9,000 yards. Br 6th A/B Div reaches Phase Line PARIS by daybreak; upon order to exploit gains, continues E to Erle. U.S. 17th A/B Div's 194th Gli Inf takes positions near Erle-Schermbeck road. 6th Gds Armd Brig, reinf by 513th Para Inf (-) of U.S. 17th A/B Div, attacks toward Dorsten through elements of U.S. 17th A/B Div, night 27-28.

In U.S. Ninth Army's XVI Corps area, 119th Inf of 30th Div completes capture of Gahlen and continues E; 117th, turning N, clears Besten; 120th takes commanding ground near Kirchhellen. 35th Div, with 134th Inf on left and 137th on right, attacks between 30th and 79th Divs from positions near Kirchhellen and gains several hundred yards before encountering stiff resistance. 79th Div presses slowly southward toward the Ruhr, clearing Schmachtendorf, Wehofen, and Sterkrade Holten; some elements cross Emser Canal E of Orsoy and others halt at line of canal. 8th Armd Div closes in assembly areas E of the Rhine. 290th Inf, 75th Div, is detached from 30th Div and attached to 8th Armd Div.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's VII Corps area, 3d Armd Div's CC Hickey makes spectacular dash to Dill R at Herborn and Burg and secures crossings; continuing E throughout night 26-27 and on 27th, CC Howze reaches Loehnfeld and positions near Heisterberg. 1st and 104th Divs continue to follow armor, former clearing resistance to Breitscheidt and latter advancing unopposed to within 3 miles of Dill R. 78th Div consolidates on wide front along the Sieg. 4th Cav Gp (-) assembles E of the Rhine to relieve 1st Div progressively of Stromberg-Roth sector. 86th Div closes in assembly areas W of the Rhine. In III Corps area, 7th Armd Div drives NE to Dill R between Herborn and Wetzlar against scattered resistance. CCR gains crossings at Sinn, Edingen, and Katzenfurt; CCA crosses at Asslar and Hermannstein. 9th and 99th Divs follow armor closely. 9th reaches Dill R line and relieves CCR of responsibility for crossings in Sinn-Katzenfurt region; is reinf by 32d Sq, 14th Cav Gp. 99th Div drives to Sainscheid-Wilsenroth-Friekhofen-Niederzeuzheim region, S of Westerburg. In V Corps area, 2d Div finishes clearing its zone and mops up stragglers. Diez surrenders to CCA, 9th Armd Div, which crosses dismounted infantry over the Lahn on improvised footbridge; some CCB elements take Lahn bridge at Aumenau intact, while others take up positions at Hadamar and on W bank of the Lahn at Weilburg; CCR displaces to Offheim area, near Limburg, crosses the Lahn, and drives SE along Cologne-Frankfurt Autobahn toward Niedernhausen in effort to make contact with U.S. Third Army. 69th Div crosses additional elements over the Rhine and attacks E of the river with RCT 272, clearing region across from Koblenz, where Luftwaffe citadel at Ehrenbreitstein is captured, and taking Lahn R towns of Bad Ems and Nassau. 106th Cav Rcn Sq clears high ground


between Gel and Latin Rivers just E of RCT 272; relieves CCA, 9th Armd Div, at Diez, night 27-28.

In U.S. Third Army area, VIII Corps continues to enlarge and strengthen Rhine bridgehead. 87th Div expands bridgehead to Lahn R line on N, where contact is made with First Army, and to general line Bergnassau-Scheuern-Holzhausen road on right, overrunning approximately 20 towns. 89th Div crosses the last of its combat elements over the Rhine and expands bridgehead toward Wiesbaden; forward units take Bogel on N, Strueth in center, and reach Lorch on S; 335th Inf (-) is committed on right flank. TF Fickett, upon being relieved along the Rhine by 78th Div, drives E through 87th and 89th Divs toward Giessen-Frankfurt Autobahn, forward elements reaching Hohenstein. 76th Div, night 27-28, crosses 385th (-) and 417th Regts over the Rhine at Boppard; 304th holds W bank of the river from Delhofen to Bingerbruck and guards bridges. In XII Corps area, 6th Armd and 4th Armd Divs are relieved by infantry of Main R bridgeheads in preparation for breakout drive to N. Enemy fire delays bridging operations. 5th Div takes over Frankfurt bridgehead and finishes crossing 3 bns (2d and 3d of 10th Inf and attached 3d Bn of 11th) into the city, which it is methodically clearing. RCT 11 continues to clean out woods S of the Main and takes Walldorf. 90th Div mops up its zone S of the Main between Offenbach and Hanau. 4th Armd Div is relieved of Hanau-Aschaffenburg sector of the Main and bridgeheads by 26th Div, to which 328th Inf reverts and 2d Cav Gp (-2d Sq) is attached. Helped by CCA of 4th Armd Div, elements of 328th and 101st Regts, 26th Div, slowly expand Hanau bridgehead; Grosskrotzenberg is cleared, but enemy resists from house to house in Hanau. 1st Bn, 104th Inf, relieves CCB of bridgehead near Aschaffenburg. Other elements of 26th Div cover bank of the Main and block along line Dieburg-Babenhausen. 2d Cav Gp continues to screen N and S flanks of corps, moving eastward as its positions are uncovered by adjacent friendly forces. 16th Cav Gp is transferred to XX Corps. In XX Corps area, 80th Div completes preparations for assault across the Rhine and Main in Mainz area: RCT 317 closes in Mainz; RCT 319 crosses the Rhine at Oppenheim, in XII Corps zone, and assembles in Bischofsheim area for assault across the Main. 16th Cav Gp is attached to 80th Div but remains in place temporarily.

6th Army Group: DA ALPS begins clearing Petit St Bernard Pass on Franco-Italian border W of Aosta (Italy).

Fr 1st Army is directed to regroup quickly for assault across the Rhine in Germersheim area.

In U.S. Seventh Army area, XV Corps pursues enemy toward the Main. 45th Div, with 3 regts abreast, speeds NE some 16 miles; patrols to the Main. To S, 3d Div also advances rapidly toward the Main. 44th Div crosses the Rhine and secures right flank of corps, relieving 7th Inf of 3d Div in Sandhofen. 12th Armd Div crosses the Rhine.

EASTERN EUROPE--Troops of Second White Russian Front break into Danzig and Gdynia and street fighting ensues. First Ukrainian Front overruns Silesian towns of Strehlen (S of Breslau) and Rybnik (E of Ratibor); forces of Fourth Ukrainian Front overrun Zory and Wodzislaw, SE of Ratibor. In Hungary, troops of Second and Third Ukrainian Fronts continue W toward Austria.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army's II Corps area, 1st Armd Div troops take Salvaro without a fight.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, 2d Bn of 129th Inf, 37th Div, relieves 3d Bn of 130th Inf, 33d Div, in Naguilian area and seizes Burgos. 128th Inf, 32d Div, opens battle for Salacsac Pass No. 2 on Villa Verde Trail. Well-organized, interlocking enemy positions in this region have been delaying progress along Villa Verde Trail for some time since troops must investigate the numerous caves. Troops of 161st Inf, 25th Div, complete capture of Norton's Knob and hold it against night counterattack. In XI Corps area, as final elements of 1st Bn, 20th Inf, 6th Div, withdraw to reserve, rest of 20th Inf prepares for drive on Mt Mataba. 1st Inf completes relief of 20th Inf and prepares to drive N to clear region S of junction of Bosoboso and Mariquina Rivers. 2d Bn of 151st Inf, 38th Div, in shore-to-shore move from Corregidor, lands on Caballo and begins clearing the island, which Japanese are garrisoning with well-entrenched force of about 400. In XIV Corps area, 1st Cav Div, less strongly opposed than 11th A/B Div, is directed to take Lipa. 8th Cav continues S along Route 19 to within 5,000 yards of Lipa; 7th Cav drives E from Tanauan against light resistance. 188th Inf of 11th A/B Div secures Lipa Hill, S of Lipa, and gets elements to within a mile of Lipa.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, only light resistance is met as Japanese withdraw from Cebu City to strong hill positions commanding it. Americal Div forces seize Cebu City and continue forward. Elements of 182d Inf secure reservoir area and turn it over to guerrillas. Co G of 132d Inf lands on Cavit I., in Cebu Harbor, and searches uneventfully for enemy. From Palawan, regt Hq and 3d Bn, RCT 186, leave for Mindanao.

KERAMA IS.--On Zamami I., BLT 1 of RCT 305 patrols actively and locates one organized enemy position. BLT 3 of RCT 305 disperses force of 75 Japanese on Aka I. RCT 306 lands on Tokashiki I., BLT's 1 and 2 pushing northward abreast, slowed by difficult terrain; BLT 3, initially in reserve, lands


to clear S part of island and patrols to S tip. Kuba I. and Amuro I. are taken without opposition by Co G of RCT 307 and Co B of RCT 305, respectively. Japanese suicide planes continue to attack surface vessels.

JAPAN--As preparations for invasion of Japan continue, Tinian-based B-29's of 313th Bombardment Wing inaugurate a strategic night mining program to complete the blockade of the islands. This, combined with further intensive day and night aerial bombardment by other aircraft and submarine action in waters about Japan, yields excellent results. By midsummer Japan's merchant fleet is fatally crippled.

28 March

WESTERN EUROPE--Gen Eisenhower alters direction and plan of final Allied drive. Objective is changed from Berlin, toward which Soviet forces are moving rapidly, to Leipzig. 12th rather than 21 Army Group is to make main effort.

21 Army Group: Br Second Army, on right, breaks out of bridgehead and begins drive to the Elbe. In Cdn 2 Corps area, Cdn 3d Div, attacking toward Emmerich, reverts to corps from attachment to Br 30 Corps in current positions. Br 30 Corps reaches general line Haldern-Isselburg-Anholt. In 12 Corps area, 53d Div overruns Shede and begins assault on Bocholt. 7th Armd Div thrusts past Heiden to Borken. In XVIII Corps (A/B) area, 6th A/B Div speeds from Erle to Lembeck; is transferred to Br 8 Corps control at 2400. U.S. 17th A/B Div's 507th Para Inf overruns Wulfen and starts motorized column to Haltern, night 28-29, to relieve 6th Gds Armd Brig. 6th Gds Armd Brig, reinf, reaches Dorsten early in day and drives rapidly NE to Haltern. 1st Cdo Brig passes to Br 8 Corps control.

In U.S. Ninth Army's XVI Corps area, 8th Armd Div attacks through 30th Div with CCA and CCR, pushing toward Dorsten. CCA reaches SW approaches, where lively fighting ensues. 30th Div improves N flank positions in limited attack. 35th Div's 3-regt attack in Kirchhellen region makes limited progress. 79th Div, pressing S against the Ruhr, makes little headway on left but on right overruns a number of towns and villages, among them Hamborn and Neumuhl.

12th Army Group: U.S. Fifteenth Army, with XXII and XXIII Corps under its command, is assigned two-fold mission of containing bypassed pockets at Lorient and St Nazaire in coastal sector of France and occupying, organizing, and governing the Rhine sector in Germany. As U.S. advance continues E of the Rhine, Fifteenth Army will move forward to provide security for rear areas. U.S. First and Third Armies effect junction N of Idstein.

In U.S. First Army's VII Corps area CC Boudinot of 3d Armd Div, attacking through CC Hickey, drives E practically unopposed, TF Lovelady reaching Lahn R and seizing Marburg and TF Welborn halting at Runzhausen; CC Howze advances to Dill R and secures Dillenburg. Div, ordered to swing N toward Paderborn to complete encirclement of the Ruhr in conjunction with Ninth Army, passes 83d Armd Rcn Bn through CC Howze at Dillenburg to secure turning line Dillenburg-Marburg; the armd rcn bn seizes Bottenhorn and Holzhausen. 1st Div clears Breitscheidt and drives enemy E of Biersdorf and Daaden, while 104th Div (-) advances E 10 miles behind armor. 4th Cav Gp begins progressive relief of 1st Div on successive objectives along the Sieg to E of 78th Div. 68th Div begins relief of 8th Div in defensive positions along W bank of the Rhine. In III Corps area, 7th Armd Div, jumping off shortly after midnight 27-28 from Dill R line, drives NE to Lahn R and secures crossings between Marburg and Giessen and communications centers E of the Lahn. CCR's TF Griffin crosses S of Marburg to gain objectives in Schroeck-Beltershausen region and makes contact with 3d Armd Div (VII Corps) at Marburg. TF Brown crosses in Roth-Bellnhausen area and continues to Ebsdorf. CCA meets determined resistance as it approaches Giessen but succeeds in entering and clearing the city; since bridge there is damaged, treadway bridge is constructed over the Lahn. CCB, having displaced eastward, is committed between CCR and CCA and secures crossings of the Lahn N of Giessen and road centers E of the Lahn. Bypassing resistance near Rodheim, CCB advances to Wissmar, which it is obliged to capture before continuing; TF Erlenbusch clears Wissmar, crosses the Lahn, and captures Wieseck and Grossen Buseck; from Wissmar, TF Chappuis turns N, taking Ruttershausen and crossing the Latin to clear Staufenberg, Mainzlar, Daubringen, Lollar, and Alten Buseck. 7th Armd Div thus gains all of its objectives and is directed to assemble in Marburg area to continue attack to N. 9th Div speeds E to W bank of Lahn R in Niederwalgern-Odenhausen region. 99th Div's 393d Inf clears to Dill R line NW of Wetzlar, relieving armor of crossings in Asslar-Hermannstein region; 395th is pinched out S of Merenberg; 394th motors to Giessen area. 14th Cav Gp displaces to vicinity of Lahr, W of Weilburg, and its 18th Sq is attached to 99th Div. 28th Div (-) is transferred to III Corps from V Corps. In V Corps area, 9th Armd Div assembles along the Lahn. CCR makes contact with Third Army on Cologne-Frankfurt Autobahn N of Idstein and withdraws to the Lahn. 2d Div relieves CCB at Hadamar and Limburg. 69th Div finishes crossing the Rhine and takes over sector cleared by RCT 272.


In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, 87th Div makes substantial progress despite congested roads at boundary of First and Third Armies: 346th Inf clears its zone and establishes CP in advance of troops at Lindenholzhausen, across Cologne-Frankfurt Autobahn; 345th reaches Kirberg; TF Sundt takes Katzenelnbogen; 347th displaces eastward on N flank of corps as attack progresses. From Nastatten area, 76th Div drives rapidly E, with 385th Inf on left and 417th on right, toward Kamberg and Idstein and, ultimately, Usingen. TF Fickett reaches Cologne-Frankfurt Autobahn N of Idstein and makes contact with 9th Armd Div (V Corps). 89th Div moves SE against spotty resistance: TF Johnson reaches Bad Schwalbach and halts; 354th Inf moves forward behind TF Johnson; 353d, clearing Hinter Wald, is strongly opposed in vicinity of Nieder and Ober Gladbach; 355th, reinf by components of TF Engel as that TF is dissolved, overcomes severe resistance at Lorch. XX Corps begins assault NE across the Rhine. 80th Div attacks simultaneously across the Rhine and Main Rivers at 0100: 317th Inf leads assault across the Rhine at Mainz and is followed by 318th; 319th crosses the Main in Bischofsheim area. Opposition is moderate and by end of day 80th Div holds firm bridgehead in Mainz area, including towns of Kostheim, Kastel, Biebrich, Ervenheim, Wiesbaden, Bierstadt, Igstadt, Auringen, Hochheim, Wicker, Massenheim, and Delkenheim. 3d Cav Gp moves 3d Sq to Mainz area to guard bridges. As Corps attacks in center of army zone, boundaries are altered and 5th Inf and 6th Armd Divs, in and near Frankfurt, are attached to corps in place; 11th Armd Div passes to XII Corps control. XII Corps begins breakout attacks across Main R. 90th Div starts across in assault boats in Doernigheim area at 0300 and by noon holds firm bridgehead for debouchment of armor, despite stiff local resistance on left. Assault regts--357th on left and 358th on right--clear 5-6-mile bridgehead. Footbridge and ferry are completed during morning and entire div and supporting weapons are across by end of day. 6th Armd Div starts crossing into 90th Div's bridgehead in early afternoon and drives rapidly N against scattered resistance. CCB, in the lead, takes Enkheim, Bergen, Vilbel, Massenheim, Dortelweil, Nieder Eschbach, and Nieder Erlenbach; CC 86 spearheads assault, driving to positions just S of Friedberg; CCA follows CC 86 to region N of Hochstadt. Meanwhile, on corps right, 4th Armd Div crosses treadway bridge at Grossauheim in single column, starting at 0300, and drives N with CCA on right, CCB on left, and CCR to rear prepared to assist either of the other columns. After reducing resistance at Ostheim, CCA speeds to Gruenberg, its objective. CCB meets little resistance as it advances to positions NE of Gruenberg and outposts Beltershain. CCR closes in Muenzenberg. On Main R line, 5th Div continues fight for Frankfurt, crossing RCT 2, 1st Bn of RCT 10, and 2d Bn of RCT 11 into the city and clearing most of it; 1st Bn of RCT 11 takes portion of Frankfurt S of the Main. 26th Div continues blocking mission to E and S and completes reduction of Hanau by 0630; 45th Div (Seventh Army) takes over bridgehead near Aschaffenburg. 2d Cav Gp is released from screening mission and detached from 5th and 26th Divs. 11th Armd Div begins move to the Main at Hanau and is attached to corps to fight abreast 4th Armd Div; CCA crosses the Rhine and assembles in Bischofsheim area. 6th Armd and 5th Inf Divs pass to control of XX Corps in place as XII-XX Corps boundary is altered.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XV Corps area, 45th Div reaches the Main near Obernau and establishes bridgehead across the river: 157th Inf crosses and pushes toward Aschaffenburg and Schweinheim, a suburb of Aschaffenburg; 179th starts across behind 157th; 180th closes along the river. 3d Div speeds toward the Main to S and is passed through on its right flank by 12th Armd Div. Forward elements of 12th Armd Div clear the Odenwald. 44th Div drives S along the Rhine and across the Neckar toward Mannheim and Heidelberg. Burgomaster of Mannheim tries unsuccessfully to arrange for surrender of the city. XXI Corps begins crossing the Rhine to operate in region S of XV Corps. 10th Armd and 63d Inf Divs complete crossing and assemble. In VI Corps area, 103d Div begins relief of 71st Div along the Rhine from Oppau to S of Speyer. 36th Div maintains defensive positions along the Rhine.

EASTERN EUROPE--Troops of Second White Russian Front capture naval base of Gdynia and clear W part of Danzig. Continuing W along S bank of the Danube in region E of Budapest, Second Ukrainian forces take Gyoer.

ITALY--15th Army Group: U.S. Fifth Army inactivates separate 366th Inf, placing its personnel in 224th and 226th Engr General Service Regts.

BURMA--Burma Defense Army, renamed Burma National Army, rises in revolt against Japanese in central and S Burma. Adm Mountbatten establishes Air and Ground Supply Committee to study air supply situation and recommend improvements.

In Br Fourteenth Army's 4 Corps area, Japanese begin withdrawing from Meiktila sector, night 28-29.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, 1st Bn of 129th Inf, 37th Div, joins 2d Bn and the combined force consolidates NE and E of Burgos


for next few days. 3d Bn is responsible for San Fernando area. 35th Inf, 25th Div, is directed to halt drive on Balete Pass via Putlan R Valley since 27th Inf is making better progress on Mt Myoko; is to remain in present positions temporarily, then block E approach to Putlan Valley and attack N through 1st Bn of 27th Inf. In XI Corps area, 1st Bn of 1st Inf, 6th Div, drives 600 yards N from Mt Baytangan area. 2d Bn, 20th Inf, attacks toward Mt Mataba, gaining ridge position. 3d Bn also joins in attack, but progress is slow. In XIV Corps area, 1st Cav Div forces drive to outskirts of Lipa and San Agustin. To N, 12th Cav seizes Mayondon Point and reaches corps objective line within its sector. 187th Inf, 11th A/B Div, attacks from 2 directions in vain effort to gain saddle between Mt Macolod and Bukel Hill.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, 40th Div forces on Panay embark at Iloilo for Negros Occidental. On Cebu, 182d Inf, in 2-pronged assault by 2d and 3d Bns, seizes Lahug Airfield. 1st Bn secures bypassed Hill 30 and attempts to clear Go Chan Hill, a spur of Hill 31, as well but finds it too strongly defended. 32 pillboxes are destroyed on Guadalupe Road E of Go Chan. Co E, 132d Inf, secures Mactan I. and Opon Airfield without opposition.

KERAMA IS.--BLT 3, RCT 305, meets no further opposition on Aka I. Other elements of RCT 305 are eliminating the enemy position on Zamami. RCT 306 seizes town of Tokashiki on Tokashiki I.

29 March

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Br Second Army's Cdn 2 Corps area, Cdn 3d Div continues clearing Emmerich against strong resistance. Netterden falls to Cdn 2d Div. In 12 Corps area, 7th Armd Div drives on Rheine, passing through Sudlohn and Stadtlohn. From Bocholt, 53d Div drives toward Winterswijk. 8 Corps attacks to exploit breakthrough on right flank of army, employing 11th Armd Div on left and 6th A/B Div on right, and makes rapid progress toward Osnabrueck. 11th Armd Div reaches Beikelort, SE of Ahaus, and 6th A/B Div drives to Coesfeld. In XVIII Corps (A/B) area, 6th Gds Armd Brig, relieved in Haltern before dawn by motorized elements of U.S. 17th A/B Div, proceeds to Duelmen and from there starts toward Buldern. U.S. 17th A/B Div's 194th Gli Inf is shuttled to Duelmen by motor. U.S. 2d Armd Div (XIX Corps, U.S. Ninth Army) begins passing through and relieving U.S. 17th A/B Div.

In U.S. Ninth Army's XVI Corps area, CCA of 8th Armd Div clears SW part of Dorsten; elements push E toward Marl and Polsum. Some units of CCR drive N to assist CCA at Dorsten while others continue E, overrunning Feldhausen and Schoven. 30th Div maintains defensive positions. 35th Div's 134th Inf takes Gladbeck but firm enemy resistance holds other regts to negligible gains. Continuing S with 314th and 315th Regts, 79th Div gets left flank to Emser Canal S of Sterkrade and right flank to Rhine-Herne Canal. 29th Div is attached to corps.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's VII Corps area, 3d Armd Div, swerving N from Marburg, pursues disorganized enemy about 50 miles N toward Paderborn: on left, CC Howze's TF Kane reaches Brilon and TF Doan reaches Thuelen; to right, CC Boudinot columns halt just short of Marsberg and Mengeringhausen. 1st and 104th Divs move forward to left and rear of armor, respectively. RCT's 13 and 28, 8th Div, assemble E of the Rhine and begin mopping up region just S of the Sieg between Roth and Wahlbach, thus releasing elements of 1st Div and 4th Cav Gp for operations elsewhere. 78th Div continues to defend S bank of the Sieg to left of 8th Div and relieves elements of 4th Cav Gp in place. 86th Div completes relief of 8th W of the Rhine. In III Corps area, 7th Armd Div begins drive N for Edersee dam and crossings of Eder R. TF Brown jumps off early in morning to clear CCR's assembly area--Kirchhain-Amoeneburg-Kleinseelheim quickly clearing all but Kirchhain, where resistance is so severe that TF Beatty is committed. Elements of TF Brown bypass Kirchhain to reach Bracht. TF Griffin advances to Buergeln area. CCB, on right, drives N to Kirchhain, taking over attack on that city and troops already engaged there at 1600 and completing its capture by 1800. CCB retains control of TF Beatty but releases attached elements of TF Brown upon fall of Kirchhain. CCA, relieved at Giessen by 99th Div, is held in reserve. 9th Div maintains defensive positions along W bank of Lahn R. After motoring to Wissmar area, 395th Inf of 99th Div mops up W of Staufenberg and establishes OPL east of that city; 394th relieves CCA, 7th Armd Div, at Giessen and outposts region to E; 393d occupies Wetzlar. 28th Div starts assembling E of the Rhine. V Corps shifts its attack from E to N, using 9th Armd Div to spearhead drive toward Eder R. From Latin R, 9th Armd Div sweeps NE to Gleen R line between Kirchhain and Kirtorf with two CC's abreast, relieving III Corps elements at Giessen. On left, CCB crosses the Lahn at Weilburg and drives to Schweinberg area while CCA, followed by CCR, advances from Aumenau to Kirtorf. 2d Div, riding tanks, TD's, and organic vehicles, moves forward behind armor. 69th Div mops up stragglers in rear areas.

In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, 347th Inf, on 87th Div N flank, relieves V Corps of responsibility


for Diez-Limburg area; TF Sundt, spearheading div attack, reaches corps boundary. 345th cuts autobahn near Niederselters and clears that town. On 76th Div left, 385th Inf clears Kamberg against vigorous opposition; 417th, to right, drives through Idstein to Oberems-Kroftel-Wuestems area. TF Fickett gets advance elements, on left flank, to Giessen-Bad Nauheim highway in vicinity of Grossen Linden. 354th Inf, 89th Div, reaches Bad Schwalbach and relieves TF Johnson, which is dissolved, then continues toward corps boundary; 353d clears resistance in vicinity of Ober and Nieder Gladbach and takes Hausen; 355th and Rcn Tr clear Rhine bend W of Wiesbaden. In XX Corps area, 6th Armd Div (with CC's A, B, and 86 in assault) rolls northward astride autobahn practically unopposed, reaching objective NE of Steinbach in region E of Giessen; attack passes through Friedberg, Bad Neuheim, Grossen Linden, and many smaller towns. 80th Div mops up within Mainz bridgehead and expands it NE on right to Koenigstein; attached 16th Cav Gp crosses the Rhine to screen left flank and drives to line Eltville-Neudorf-Georgenborn, W of Wiesbaden. 65th Div closes in Schwabenheim area and, during night 29-30, begins crossing 260th and 261st Regts over the Rhine; 261st is attached to 6th Armd Div. 5th Div completes capture of Frankfurt, which it then polices. 3d Cav Gp crosses the Rhine and drives NE along right flank of 6th Armd Div to Karben area without opposition. Action of 6th Armd Div and 3d Cav Gp opens autobahn as MSR for corps. 71st Div is attached to corps. 94th Div is transferred to XXII Corps, Fifteenth Army. In XII Corps area, 4th Armd Div drives rapidly E: CCB captures Lauterbach, its objective; CCA, moving through Ulrichstein and Herbstein, takes Grossenlueder; to open MSR, CCR advances to right of CCA through Nidda to Herbstein, which it outposts; RCT 359 (-3d Bn) of 80th Div is attached to div, motorized, and employed as blocking force on right. 11th Armd Div moves to the Main at Hanau and begins drive through 26th Div's bridgehead toward Fulda: CCA is brought to a halt at Rothenbergen; CCB follows CCA across the Main but coils off road for night at Ravolzhausen. 90th Div mops up to general line Burg Grafenrode-Kaichen-Windecken. 26th Div clears bypassed resistance in Hanau-Lieblos region and in Langendiebach and Rueckingen. 2d Cav Gp starts crossing 42d Sq over the Main, night 29-30, to maintain contact between 26th Div and Seventh Army.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XV Corps area, 45th Div runs into firm opposition for the first time E of the Rhine as it attempts to expand Main bridgehead. Enemy is resisting 157th Inf attacks from house to house in Aschaffenburg and Schweinheim. 179th Inf attacks E in Sulzbach area. 180th crosses the Main and drives through Sulzbach. 3d Div reaches the Main at Woerth and prepares to cross. 12th Armd Div continues eastward drive with CCA on left and CCB on right. 44th Div moves into Mannheim, from which German garrison has withdrawn. XXI Corps directs 10th Armd Div to pass through elements of 3d and 44th Divs in preparation for drive S of the Neckar. Elements of 10th Armd Div move forward to search for crossing sites over the Neckar. 63d Div begins relief of 44th Div (XV Corps). 101st Cav Gp assembles E of the Rhine. In VI Corps area, 103d Div completes relief of 71st Div and assumes control of its sector. Div passes to Seventh Army control. 71st Div is detached and starts to Third Army sector. 36th Div turns over its sector to 3d Algerian Div and passes to army control. 102d Cav Gp is also detached from corps and starts from corps sector.

In Fr 1st Army area, DA ALPS clears most of Petit St Bernard Pass and breaks off attack.

EASTERN EUROPE--Troops of Third White Russian Front mop up remnants of encircled enemy groups SW of Koenigsberg in East Prussia. Fighting continues in E part of Danzig. In Hungary, troops of Third Ukrainian Front drive to Austrian frontier, capturing Szombathely, Koeszeg, and Kapuva.

BURMA--In Br Fourteenth Army area, Ind 7th Div (less 33d Brig, which is assisting Ind 5th Div of 4 Corps in Taungtha-Meiktila area) is transferred from 4 to 33 Corps control.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's XI Corps area, elements of 43d Div gain positions on Hill 1200, commanding last enemy escape route, which runs NW from New Bosoboso. 1st Inf, 6th Div, pushes forward to within about 300 yards of its objective. Some 20th Inf elements consolidate on ridge near Mt Mataba while others continue attack under intense fire. In XIV Corps area, 8th Cav of 1st Cav Div seizes Lipa and its airdrome and establishes contact with 11th A/B Div near there. Highway 19 is now open for traffic from Calamba to Batangas. 7th Cav pushes to San Andres. Elements of 187th Inf, 11th A/B Div, driving W on Mt Macolod, clear part of Dita, on Route 417.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, reinf platoon of Co F, 185th Inf, lands at Patik in Negros Occidental Province, Negros I., and secures Bago R bridge, which is urgently needed for drive on Bacolod, in lively action with bridge guards. Main body of 185th Inf goes ashore near Pulupandan unopposed; using Bago R bridge, drives N to outskirts of Bacolod. While 132d Inf patrols actively on Cebu, 182d battles enemy on Go Chan Hill, securing it in costly battle. Japanese explosives blow up E spur of Go Chan, causing heavy American casualties, particularly


to Co A, which is withdrawn from line. 76 pillboxes are destroyed. On Mindanao, organized resistance in Zamboanga sector collapses as 3d Bn, 163d Inf, gains heights near Mt Pulungbatu, but mopping up continues for some time. Philippine guerrilla forces land on Masbate after LCI bombardment and soon take town of Masbate.

RYUKYU IS.--77th Div completes capture of Kerama Is. RCT 305's BLT 1 withdraws from Zamami and BLT 2, the garrison force, takes over. BLT 3, RCT 305, withdraws from Aka after mopping up the island. RCT 306 secures rest of Tokashiki and withdraws, except for BLT 1, which remains to patrol until end of month. The anchorage and seaplane base are put into operation. With approaches to Okinawa landing beaches now cleared of mines, naval surface vessels move in to pound assault area at close range. Aircraft continue to bombard Okinawa. Underwater demolition teams reconnoiter Hagushi beaches. Elements of TF 58, after uneventful search for enemy fleet units off Japan, attack Kyushu airfields and enemy shipping on return trip to Okinawa.

30 March

U.K.--Prime Minister Churchill writes Gen Marshall, asking that U.S. air resources be made available for support of British drive on Rangoon.

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Br Second Army's Cdn 2 Corps area, Cdn 3d Div completes capture of Emmerich. Elten falls to Cdn 2d Div. 30 Corps breaks out of bridgehead and heads for Lingen. Gds Armd Div and 43d Div advance rapidly, former bypassing and containing Groenlo. In 12 Corps area, Winterswijk falls to 53d Div. 7th Armd Div reaches Ahaus. In 8 Corps area, 6th A/B Div and 11th Armd Div reach Ems R at Greven and Ensdetten, respectively, after driving 14 miles NE. In XVIII Corps (A/B) area, 16th Gds Armd Brig reaches Buldern early in morning. U.S. 17th A/B Div is placed under command of U.S. XIX Corps at 0600. Corps reverts to First Allied Airborne Army at same time and its zone is divided between Br 8 and U.S. XIX Corps.

In U.S. Ninth Army's XVI Corps area, 75th Div moves E of the Rhine in preparation for attack through 30 Div and 8th Armd Div. Some elements of CCA, 8th Armd Div, are pinned down E of Marl but others take Polsum. CCR reaches Buer Hassel. 35th Div pushes from Gladbeck to Buer and to the SW clears Bottrop and Eigen. 314th Inf, 79th Div, drives S of Sterkrade Buschhausen to Emser Canal, concluding div's mission; relief of right flank elements of 35th Div is begun. 15th Cav Gp is attached to XIX Corps.

12th Army Group: In U.S. Fifteenth Army area, XXII Corps becomes operational at noon with mission of defending, occupying, organizing, and governing Neuss-Bonn sector along W bank of the Rhine. Corps temporarily has control of 95th Div, Ninth Army, and 86th Div, First Army, pending relief by Fifteenth Army units.

In U.S. First Army's VII Corps area, leading elements of 3d Armd Div get to within 2 miles of Paderborn. Resistance is scattered at first but stiffens as assault columns approach city. On left, determined resistance halts CC Howze's TF Richardson at Nordborchen and TF Hogan at Wewer. On right, CC Boudinot's TF Welborn, after reaching forest NE of Etteln, has its lines severed by infiltrators, and TF Doan of CC Hickey is committed to open route of advance; TF Lovelady is halted in Wrexen area, SW of Scherfede. While driving toward front lines, div CG, Maj Gen Maurice Rose, is fatally shot by the enemy. 104th Div continues to advance rapidly behind armor, 413th Inf reaching Arolsen and Adorf and forward elements of 415th stopping near Heringhausen. 4th Cav Gp, whose relief is completed by 78th Div, moves via Hackenburg and Dillenburg to Eibelhausen and from there attacks N, forward units reaching Beddelhausen and Markhausen. 1st Div, with elements of 3 regts in line, pushes N to line Strassebersbach-Hainchen-Irmgarteichen-Gernsdorf-Rudersdorf-Rodgen, thereby gaining heights dominating Siegen. 8th Div completes movement to new zone E of the Rhine and continues attack with 13th and 28th Regts to destroy enemy S of the Sieg within zone, largely accomplishing mission. In III Corps area, 7th Armd Div speeds N to line of Ederstau See and Eder R, captures Edersee Dam intact, and secures crossings of Eder R. CCR, on left, advances to the Eder without opposition and sends patrols to N bank. CCB organizes TF Lohse for attack on Edersee Dam, but TF Wolfe (a sub-task force of TF Brown, CCR) reaches the dam first and captures it while temporarily attached to CCB. TF Chappuis, followed by attached TF Beatty, drives to river line on right and seizes six bridges between Hemfurth and Bergheim. 99th Div, relieved at Wetzlar by elements of V Corps, assembles near Krofdorf-Gleiberg. 14th Cav Gp displaces to vicinity of Frankenbach. In V Corps area, 9th Armd Div continues N to the Eder and secures crossings. CCB drives to Bad Wildungen: some elements clear the town and cross 7th Armd Div (III Corps) bridge to establish bridgehead while others cross at Wega and move along the river to take bridge at Bergheim. CCA advances to Fritzlar, where bridge is blown and enemy offers organized resistance from ground and air: some elements cross 6th Armd Div (XX Corps) bridge at Sennern and attack Fritzlar from


the rear while others take airfield S of Fritzlar. 2d Div continues rapid advance to rear of armor. 69th Div takes over new zone SW of Weilburg and begins movement into it; elements move to Wetzlar and relieve III Corps units.

In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, 87th Div completes its mission as TF Sundt; reversing its course, drives W and joins 345th Inf, which is moving E. Continuing toward Usingen, 76th Div is halted at Finsternathal, Dorfweil, and Schmitten by opposition from German officer candidates; 304th Inf (-) crosses the Rhine to protect right flank along Cologne-Frankfurt Autobahn. TF Fickett gets elements to Butzbach, on Giessen-Bad Nauheim highway, completing its mission. 89th Div reaches corps boundary from Neuhof to Eltville and begins mopping up bypassed pockets. In XX Corps area, 6th Armd Div exploits breakthrough N of Frankfurt, pressing relentlessly toward Kassel and reaching Eder R in Zenner-Wadern area and the Fulda near Ober Beisheim, a little short of objective; among numerous towns, overruns Romrod, Alsfeld, Treysa, Borken, and Homberg. CCR starts to Remsfeld area. 80th Div releases 318th Inf to 6th Armd Div for motorized follow-up operations; 319th Inf motors to Grossen Buseck area, near Giessen. 65th Div, less elements attached to 6th Armd Div, continues to cross the Rhine and advances NE behind 6th Armd Div, mopping up insignificant bypassed resistance. 3d Cav Gp thrusts NE to final objectives in Wallenrode-Hebles area, between Romrod and Lauterbach. 71st Div motors to Rockenhausen assembly area. In XII Corps area, 4th Armd Div, turning NE, pursues enemy toward Hersfeld: CCB overcomes some resistance at Niederaual and Asbach and begins attack on Hersfeld, but falls back to Asbach area for night; CCA reaches its objective, high ground between Hersfeld and Vacha. 90th Div (-RCT 359) is motorized for follow-up operations behind 4th Armd Div and moves to general line Rudingshain-Breungeshain-Herchehain. 11th Armd Div completes its crossing of the Main near Hanau and continues drive toward Fulda. CCA, despite close air and arty assistance, is unable to take Gelnhausen. Reinf 41st Cav Rcn Sq (-) moves forward to open route for CCA: bypassing Gelnhausen, the column drives to outskirts of Schlierbach. CCR moves to Mittel Gruendau to contain Gelnhausen. On div left, CCB advances rapidly through Huettengessas and Buedingen to Nieder Seemen. 26th Div, with 328th Inf on left and 101st on right, continues to mop up to rear of 11th Armd Div, reaching Michelan-Leisenwald area; 104th Inf, which has moved up to Hanau region, is relieved there by 2d Cav Gp and displaces to Budinger Wald. 2d Cav Gp finishes crossing the Main and screens right flank of corps NE of Hanau with 2d Sq; 42d Sq is relieved of screening mission below Third Army boundary by 106th Cav Gp of XV Corps.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XV Corps area, 157th Inf of 45th Div is still held up at Aschaffenburg but clears Schweinheim. Rest of div is moving steadily forward. 3d Div crosses the Main at Woerth and establishes bridgehead. 12th Armd Div continues E, CCA driving through Amorbach to Schippach and positions near Nassig and CCB getting lead elements to Hardheim area. 44th Div, passed through and relieved in Mannheim area by 63d Div of XXI Corps, is held in reserve. In XXI Corps area, 101st Cav Gp makes contact with 12th Armd Div, XV Corps, and secures bridgehead line. 4th Div completes its crossing of the Rhine and advances E through elements of 12th Armd Div. 63d Div, after relieving 44th Div, XV Corps, crosses the Neckar in Wieblingen area. CCA and CCB, 10th Armd Div, cross Neckar R and move S.

EASTERN EUROPE--Troops of Second White Russian Front complete capture of Danzig. In Silesia, Soviet units are eliminating encircled enemy forces at Glogau and Breslau. Some elements of Second Ukrainian Front open offensive along border of Czechoslovakia and Hungary, speeding W across Hron and Nitta Rivers toward Slovak capital of Bratislava. Other elements of this front continue to clear S bank of the Danube in Hungary. Some elements of Third Ukrainian Front drive into Austria from vicinity of Hungarian town of Koeszeg while others gain ground W of Lake Balaton; still others, assisted by Bulgarian troops, thrust quickly southward from Lake Balaton to the Drava R along border of Hungary and Yugoslavia.

BURMA--In NCAC area, Br 36th Div, continuing SE from Mogok, reaches Kyaukme, where junction is made with Ch 1st Sep Regt. This brings operations on NCAC front virtually to an end, since Chiang Kai-shek has obtained Adm Mountbatten's promise to halt along line Lashio-Hsipaw-Kyaukme. In Br Fourteenth Army's 33 Corps area, Kyaukse falls to Ind 20th Div after hard fighting. In 4 Corps area, with Meiktila secure, Ind 17th Div and 255th Tank Brig start S toward Pyawbwe.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, 1st Bn of 35th Inf, 25th Div, is ordered to block E approach to Putlan Valley. 3d Bn relieves 1st Bn of 27th Inf on Highway 5 near Kapintalan. 3d Bn, 27th Inf, attacks through 2d Bn along ridge leading to Mt Myoko. In XI Corps area, 103d Inf of 43d Div is chosen to drive S and establish contact with XIV Corps. 172d Inf is to relieve 103d in current positions. 1st Bn of 1st Inf, 6th Div, continues attack but because of heavy enemy fire its gains are small. 3d Bn, 20th Inf, continues to fight toward Mt


Mataba. As XIV Corps objective is moved E to line Lucena-Pagsanjan, 12th Cav of 1st Cav Div continues eastward, encountering enemy position near Calauan. 1st Bn of 187th Inf, 11th A/B Div, is unable to progress in Mt Macolod sector.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, 185th Inf clears Bacolod with ease as enemy retires eastward on Negros into mountains in Patog-Negritos area. 40th Rcn Tr, probing eastward from Pulupandan, establishes contact with enemy's secondary line of defense near Atipuluan. 160th Inf, less 2d Bn, lands on Negros. On Cebu, 182d Inf clears rest of Hill 31, destroying 9 pillboxes.

RYUKYU IS.--Activity in Kerama Is. is limited to patrolling. Rcn and demolition around Okinawa proceed satisfactorily under protective cover of planes and naval gunfire. Preinvasion air and naval bombardment continues.

31 March

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Br Second Army area, Cdn 2 Corps takes Hoch Elten feature. In 30 Corps area, Gds Armd Div thrusts to Haaksbergen, on road to Enschede. In 12 Corps area, 7th Armd Div, driving on Rheine, reaches Neuenkirchen. 53d Div advances to Alstatte. In 8 Corps area, 6th A/B and 11th Armd Divs gain bridgeheads across the Ems.

In U.S. Ninth Army area, XIII Corps starts crossing the Rhine at Wesel, 5th Armd Div in the lead. 102d Div and 17th A/B Div, with Br 6th Gds Armd Brig attached, are attached to corps in place. In XVI Corps area, 75th Div, with 289th and 291st Regts abreast, passes through 8th Armd Div and attacks E on N flank of corps after half hour of arty preparation, gaining about 4 miles. Upon being passed through by 75th Div, CCA of 8th Armd Div is withdrawn to assembly area; CCR, attacking at 0300, drives E to positions 1,000 yards E of Langenbochum. 75th Rcn Tr closes gap between 75th Inf and 8th Armd Divs. On corps S flank, 35th Div advances 2 miles, clearing a number of towns and villages.

12th Army Group: U.S. Fifteenth Army takes command of coastal sector of France and forces disposed there--reinf 66th Div and Fr troops of FFO, French Forces of the West--with responsibility for containing Lorient and St Nazaire pockets. XXII Corps' zone is extended N to Homberg as corps takes control of 102d Div, Ninth Army. 82d A/B Div, First Allied Airborne Army, is attached to corps and prepares to move from base camps in France to the Rhine, where it will relieve 86th Div.

In U.S. First Army's VII Corps area, Brig Gen Doyle O. Hickey assumes command of 3d Armd Div; Col Doan is put in charge of former CC Hickey; Lt Col Boles becomes head of former TF Doan. Paderborn defenders firmly oppose 3d Armd Div columns as they maneuver into position for final assault on the city. CC Howze, employing flame throwers, drives enemy from Nordborchen and Wewer. In CC Boudinot sector, TF Boles (formerly Doan) of CC Doan (formerly Hickey) destroys enemy pocket holding up Welborn's advance and TF Welborn drives to Haxtergrund; TF Lovelady withstands pressure in Scherfede area until 104th Div units arrive, then moves NW to Ebbinghausen. Mopping up to rear of armor, 413th Inf of 104th Div gains 35 miles and blocks enemy escape route from Rimbeck; 415th halts in Hallenberg-Medebach area to counter threat of enemy breakout from Winterberg and Willingen; TF Laundon (Div Rcn Tr, reinf) blocks main road at Brilon. 1st Div, with mission of blocking in region SW of Paderborn, starts to new zone: 16th Inf, upon relief by 8th Div, motors to Bueren without incident and from there blocks to W and NW and makes contact with 3d Armd Div on right; 26th Inf follows 4th Cav Gp N and prepares to block to W from Ruethen; 18th Inf is relieved by 8th Div during day. 4th Cav Gp, with 24th Sq on right and 4th on left, displaces N against stubborn delaying action to block to left of 1st Div in Ruethen-Brilon region; right column halts near Hallenberg and left near Laasphe. 9th Div is attached to corps and starts to zone between 4th Cav Gp and 8th Div. 8th and 78th Divs maintain defensive positions along the Sieg on left flank of corps; 8th Div continues to clear its zone and prepares for assault on Siegen. In region E of Siegen, 121st Inf of 8th Div clears Salchendorf, Helgersdorf, Deuz, and Grissenbach; elements of 13th Inf overrun Kirchen, SW of Siegen. In III Corps area, 7th Armd Div's CCR and CCB defend newly won positions along the Eder and are passed through by elements of V Corps. 9th Div is attached to VII Corps. 99th Div starts to Gemuenden area. 18th and 32d Cav Sqs revert to 14th Cav Gp, which is assigned defensive sector W of Lahn R formerly occupied by 9th and 99th Divs. 8th TD Gp relieves 14th Cav Gp of responsibility for Dill R bridges. 28th Div (-) closes in assembly areas E of the Rhine. In V Corps area, 9th Armd Div establishes bridgehead across Diemel R in Warburg area. CCB overcomes lively resistance at Wethen, then crosses river to take Ossendorf, Rimbeck, Noerde, and Menne. CCA reaches and clears Warburg and continues N across Diemel R to Daseburg. CCR, with mission of protecting corps E flank from Fritzlar northward, completes mop up within Fritzlar, relieving elements of CCA, and continues N behind CCA. 2d Div reaches positions just N of Ederstau See.


In U.S. Third Army area, VIII Corps, except for 76th Div, mops up stragglers. 385th Inf, 76th Div, drives to Usingen and partly clears it; 417th overcomes lively resistance in Finsternthal-Dorfweil-Schmitten region and continues NE past Hausen-Arnsbach to vicinity of Usingen. TF Fickett is dissolved. XX Corps is slowed by enemy defense line along Fulda and Eder Rivers. 6th Armd Div continues toward Kassel and establishes small bridgehead across the Fulda at Malsfeld. CCA, upon crossing the Eder on div left, pushes slowly toward Kassel, which is firmly held, reaching Werkel-Nieder Vorschutz area. CCB and CC 86 search bank of the Fulda for crossing sites; CCB establishes bridgehead at Malsfeld, crossing infantry elements at destroyed bridge site; CC 86 discovers RR bridge standing, though damaged, N of Malsfeld and prepares to cross. Ultimate objective of 6th Armd Div is changed from Leipzig to Weimar, but Muhlhausen remains immediate objective. 80th and 65th Divs, less elements attached to 6th Armd Div, continue follow-up operations to rear of 6th Armd Div, 80th Div driving toward Kassel. 65th Div completes its crossing of the Rhine. 3d Cav Gp moves on Heilenstadt and Mulhausen, but is halted near Fulda R line by strong delaying action. 16th Cav Gp reverts to corps from attachment to 80th Div; Gp Hq and 16th Sq move to Alsfeld-Kassel area to protect corps N flank. In XII Corps area, 4th Armd Div, with CCB on left and CCA on right, jumps off in afternoon toward objectives near Eisenach, reaching positions near Berka: CCB overruns Hersfeld and continues rapidly to Bosserode; main body of CCA halts for night at Wolfershausen with forward elements outposting Dankmarsheim. CCR moves from Herbstein to Hersfeld. 90th Div's 357th and 358th Regts advance behind 4th Armd Div to general line Nieder Jossa-Kruspis-Grossenmoor; TF Spiess, its usefulness ended, is dissolved. On 11th Armd Div left, CCB drives from Nieder Seemen to Grossenlueder and is followed as far as Reichlos by CCR. CCA, moving along route cleared by Cav Comd, reaches Walroth-Mueldorf area while Cav Comd (41st Cav Rcn Sq) blocks to SE. 26th Div follows 11th Armd Div toward Fulda. 2d Cav Gp continues screening mission on right flank of corps; 42d Sq assembles at Spielberg. 71st Div is attached to corps and, upon crossing the Rhine at Oppenheim, assembles near Housenstamm, SE of Frankfurt.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XV Corps area, 157th Inf of 45th Div continues to clear Aschaffenburg with close air and arty support. Rest of div makes substantial progress. 3d Div expands Main R bridgehead. 12th Armd Div is transferred to XXI Corps. Corps takes control of 14th Armd Div from VI Corps. In XXI Corps area, 12th Armd Div spearheads corps attack toward Wuerzburg-Schweinfurt Kitzingen region and is followed on left by 42d Div and on right by 4th Div. CCA speeds forward to Wertheim area and CCB drives toward Ochsenfurt. 10th Armd Div continues S along the Rhine, clearing Sandhausen, Leimen, St Ilgen, and Bammenthal. From Heidelberg, 63d drives E to Neckargemund. In VI Corps area, 100th Div begins relief of 63d Div, XXI Corps.

Fr 1st Army begins assault crossings of the Rhine. In Fr 2d Corps area, 3d Algerian Div crosses in vicinity of Speyer while 2d Moroccan Inf Div crosses to right in Germersheim area. Germans, taken by surprise, are unable to stem the advance but offer heavy fire at some points.

EASTERN EUROPE--In upper Silesia, troops of First Ukrainian Front overrun Ratibor, Moravian Gap outpost. Troops of Second Ukrainian Front take Nitra and force Vah R to seize Galanta, 28 miles from Bratislava. Right flank elements of Third Ukrainian Front push toward Sopron (Hungary) and Wiener Neustadt (Austria); elements in Raba R valley of Hungary seize Vasvar, Koermend, and Szentgotthard.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, 128th Inf of 32d Div continues battle for Salacsac Pass No. 2 on Villa Verde Trail, capturing one hill, but is forced from crest of another. 3d Bn of 27th Inf, 25th Div, attacks along ridge leading to Mt Myoko. In XI Corps area, advance elements of 103d Inf, 43d Div, start S to seize Santa Maria Valley and make contact with 1st Cav Div. 1st Inf, 6th Div, regroups and patrols. In XIV Corps area, 12th Cav of 1st Cav Div seizes Calauan, from which enemy has now withdrawn. 5th Cav relieves elements of 7th Cav in San Agustin area and drives E along route N of and paralleling that of 7th Cav. In Mt Macolod sector, elements of 187th Inf, 11th A/B Div, gain positions on Bukel Hill. 188th Inf continues forward against scattered opposition.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, 185th Inf, on Negros, patrols toward Talisay in preparation for attack. 160th Inf moves to Bacolod and patrols from there. On Cebu, Americal Div prepares for all-out assault on hill defenses commanding Cebu City and beats off night attacks.

RYUKYU IS.--420th FA Gp and attachments are landed on the 4 small islands of the Keise group to support impending operations on Okinawa. 77th Div, except for the small garrison on Zamami, withdraws from Kerama Is. As against the low U.S. casualties of 31 killed and 81 wounded during operations on the Keramas, 530 Japanese have died and 121 have been captured. 1,195 civilians have been taken prisoner. 77th Div captures and destroys more than 350 suicide boats in the Keramas, heretofore an enemy suicide boat base.


1 April

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: Takes direct command of Br 1 Corps from Cdn First Army.

Br Second Army continues from the Rhine toward Hamburg-Wittenberg sector of the Elbe and has forward elements across Dortmund-Ems Canal, immediate objective and enemy's first line of organized resistance. Cdn 2 Corps, on left flank of Br Second Army, expands and strengthens Emmerich bridgehead. 30 Corps presses toward Dortmund-Ems Canal at Rheine. 8 Corps expands bridgeheads of 6th A/B and 11th Armd Divs over Dortmund-Ems Canal toward Osnabrueck.

U.S. Ninth Army effects junction with U.S. First Army at Lippstadt, sealing off the rich industrial Ruhr and trapping the whole of Army Group B and two corps of Army Group H. In XIII Corps area, 5th Armd Div spearheads drive toward the Weser, bypassing Muenster, which 17th A/B Div prepares to assault. While CCR, 5th Armd, drives to the Ems at Greffen, CCB moves to Warendorf and reconnoiters to Telgte. 84th Div begins assembly E of the Rhine. 11th Cav Gp also crosses to screen N flank of corps from Coesfeld eastward. In XIX Corps area, CCB, 2d Armd Div, drives SE to Lippstadt and makes contact with 3d Armd Div of VII Corps, First Army, closing noose about the Ruhr. CCA takes Cologne-Berlin Autobahn pass through Teutoburger Wald but cannot gain passages near Oerlinghausen and Augustdorf. 83d Div and 15th Cav Gp, driving E across Muenster Plain, mop up bypassed resistance and protect right flank of corps along Lippe R. 8th Armd Div is attached to corps for drive on Paderborn. 30th Div assembles in Drensteinfurt area, between Muenster and Hamm; 113th Cav Gp is attached to it at 2400 to protect left flank. XVI Corps continues clearing region S of Haltern. 75th Div, reinf by 116th Inf of 29th Div, attacks with 3 regts abreast on left flank of corps, elements passing through 8th Armd Div zone. 134th Inf presses toward Zweig Canal, overrunning Recklinghausen; 137th completes drive to Rhein-Herne Canal; 320th mops up along Rhein-Herne Canal. 79th Div, defending right flank of corps, extends a little eastward to relieve elements of 35th Div. 29th Div completes assembling E of the Rhine.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's VII Corps area, TF Kane of 3d Armd Div moves quickly to Lippstadt and establishes contact with XIX Corps. Paderborn falls to 3d Armd Div in concerted assault from SW, S, and SE. 1st Div (-) moves to region SW of Paderborn to block enemy movement from the Ruhr (ROSE) pocket. 104th Div, less 414th Inf, continues to fight on two fronts and is reinf on left by 4th Cav Gp. 413th Inf improves positions W of Rimbeck while 415th, far to left rear, defeats enemy attempt to break out of the Ruhr in Winterberg-Medebach area. 9th Div is also employed to block enemy escape from the Ruhr and attacks N, NW, and W with 3 regts. 8th and 78th Divs continue active along Sieg R line. 8th Div clears its sector S of the Sieg and begins assault on Siegen and commanding ground N of the river. XVIII Corps (A/B), transferred from First Allied Airborne Army to First Army command to operate against Ruhr pocket, establishes CP at Dillenburg. III Corps mops up while awaiting further orders. 99th Div closes in Gemuenden area. In V Corps area, 9th Armd Div expands Diemel R bridgehead N of Warburg and makes contact with 104th Div (VII Corps) at Rimbeck. CCR, protecting right flank, is relieved on right by 102d Cav Gp, which has just returned from VI Corps zone. 2d Div (less 38th Inf, attached to 9th Armd Div) completes concentration in Sachsenhausen area and establishes contact with 104th Div. 69th Div is in the process of moving from Weilburg-Wetzlar region to new assembly area in general vicinity of Naumburg.

In U.S. Fifteenth Army's XXII Corps area, 97th Div takes over zone of 95th Div in vicinity of Neuss. 95th Div, upon relief, is attached to XIX Corps, Ninth Army, and starts assembling E of the Rhine. 101st A/B Div is attached to corps to relieve 97th Div and starts from base camp to corps zone.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army area, XV Corps meets effective opposition only around Aschaffenburg. While 2d and 3d Bns of 157th Inf, 45th Div, continue frontal assault from the S, fighting from house to house within the city, 1st Bn gains heights NE of the city. Other elements of 45th Div, as well as 106th Cav Gp to left and 3d Div to right, are pushing NE against scattered resistance. 14th Armd Div is attached to corps. XXI Corps continues E and NE with 12th Armd Div spearheading, 42d Div following on left, and 4th Div on right. Against determined opposition, armored columns close in on Wuerzburg on left and Koenigshofen on right, beginning assault on latter. 101st Cav Gp, screening right flank of corps, is attached to 4th Div. VI Corps drives SE astride the Neckar against disorganized resistance and makes contact with French forces on right flank. 10th Armd Div spearheads advance, followed on left by 63d Div and on right by 100th Div. CCR, on left flank, thrusts SE along E side of the Neckar toward Jagst R, reaching positions beyond Alfeld. CCA reaches general line from W bank of the Neckar through Hueffenhardt and Hoffenheim to Dielheim, SE of Wiesloch. CCB, on right flank, drives S to Bruchsal and then turns E to Stettfeld-Ubstadt area.


In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, 76th Div finishes clearing its sector, concluding offensive of corps in current zone W of Frankfurt-Bad Nauheim Autobahn. Usingen and a number of other towns are secured. In XX Corps area, 6th Armd Div drives E from the Fulda, leaving 80th Div (to which RCT 318 reverts) task of clearing Kassel. CCB crosses at Malsfeld and pushes E through Spangenberg. 80th Div drives N astride the Fulda, forward elements getting to within 3 miles of the city. 65th Div, less 261st Inf, which is attached to 6th Armd Div, is concentrating to rear of 3d Cav Gp. 5th Div continues to police Frankfurt area. XII Corps, having outdistanced XX and XV Corps, continues NE with both flanks vulnerable, 4th and 11th Armd Divs spearheading and 90th and 26th Divs following. CCB, 4th Armd Div, reaches the Werra and establishes small infantry bridgehead, permitting construction of ponton bridge, night 1-2. CCA and CCR follow CCB. 90th Div, less elements attached to 4th Armd Div, remains in place to facilitate movement of armor. 11th Armd Div, ordered to drive eastward on right flank of corps to Arnstadt and Kranichfeld via Meiningen and Thuringer Wald, attacks N into 90th Div zone near Schlitz and then E, CCB reaching Kaltensundheim area and CCA advancing to Frankenheim and Reichenhausen. Rest of div is following. 26th Div continues mopping up to rear of 11th Armd Div; 101st Inf begins assault on Fulda. 71st Div, assembled in reserve near Hanau with defensive mission, moves to intercept bypassed SS force N of Hanau. 2d Cav Gp, screening right flank of corps, pushes NE toward Bad Orb.

In Fr 1st Army area, 2d Corps expands Rhine bridgehead, cutting Karlsruhe-Frankfurt highway in vicinity of Mingolsheim and Bruchsal on left and reaching Linkenheim on right.

EASTERN EUROPE--Troops of First Ukrainian Front complete destruction of German garrison of Glogau, on the Oder in Silesia. Second Ukrainian Front continues W astride the Danube toward Vienna; elements N of the river reach positions within 13 miles of Bratislava. Troops of Third Ukrainian Front overrun Sopron (Hungary); push farther NW toward Wiener Neustadt and Vienna (Austria); with assistance of Bulgarians, continue clearing region SW of Lake Balaton in Hungary.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In Br Eighth Army area, 5 Corps begins series of preliminary operations to improve positions on right flank and divert enemy to this sector in preparation for main offensive to left. 2d Cdo Brig opens Operation ROAST--to clear Comacchio Spit between the lake and the sea--night 1-2, moving by water to W bank of the spit after considerable delay when craft bog down in mud of the shallow lake.

BURMA--Br Fourteenth Army takes command of Br 36th Div, which has completed its mission with NCAC. While conducting limited attacks to clear rest of central Burma, British are regrouping to make main effort with 4 Corps (Ind 5th and 17th Divs and 255th Tank Brig) down Mandalay-Rangoon RR while 33 Corps (Br 2d, Ind 7th, and Ind 20th Divs plus Ind 268th Inf Brig) shifts SW to drive along Irrawaddy R Valley on Army right flank toward Prome. Ind 19th Div, under army command, is to mop up behind 4 Corps.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army area, Legaspi Attack Group (TG 78.4) lands RCT 158, reinf, in Legaspi area, Bicol Peninsula, after preparatory aerial and naval bombardment. Landing is unopposed and the assault forces quickly secure Legaspi port, town, and airstrip as well as Libog. 2d Bn encounters resistance near Daraga. Gen MacNider takes command ashore. In I Corps area, on Villa Verde Trail, 128th Inf of 32d Div recovers ground lost to Japanese during counterattack on 31st, but operations during next few days are curtailed sharply by torrential rains. 3d Bn of 27th Inf, 25th Div, secures ridge leading to Mt Myoko and until 9 April works on spur W of its crest. In XI Corps area, 43d turns S flank of Shimbu line as 172d Inf mops up Hill 1200. Main body of 103d Inf concentrates in Maybancal area and reconnoiters for routes of advance. In XIV Corps area, elements of 7th Cav, 1st Cav Div, reach Alaminos. 5th Cav continues eastward to N of 7th. 2d Sq, 12th Cav, begins attack on strongly defended Imoc Hill, about 4,000 yards SW of Calauan. Against decreasing resistance 1st Bn of 187th Inf, 11th A/B Div, secures Bukel Hill. 2d Bn has now opened Route 416 from Cuenca to Dita.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, 185th Inf of 40th Div drives to outskirts of Talisay on Negros. Elements of 160th Inf take Granada. On Cebu, 2d Bn of 182d Inf, Americal Div, begins assault on Bolo Ridge, less than a mile NW of Guadalupe, making slow progress against well organized positions consisting of numerous pillboxes and cave and tunnel defenses.

OKINAWA--Joint Expeditionary Force (TF 51, Adm Turner) lands Tenth Army on SW shore of Okinawa in vicinity of Hagushi at approximately 0830, following intensive naval and aerial bombardment by supporting forces of Fifth Fleet. Northern Attack Force (TF 53, Rear Adm Lawrence F. Reifsnider) puts marines of 6th and 1st Mar Divs, III Amphibious Corps, ashore N of Bishi R while Southern Attack Force (TF 55, Rear Adm J. L. Hall, Jr.) lands 7th and 96th Divs, XXIV Corps, S of the river. Japanese offer little opposition as assault units move inland to gain beachhead of about


15,000 yards in length and 4,000-5,000 yards in depth. As a diversion, 2d Mar Div feints landing on SE shore of Okinawa. Air opposition is light but kamikazes, destined to play a more important role as the campaign progresses, cause some damage to shipping. In U.S. Tenth Army's III Amphib Corps area, 6th Mar Div, employing 22d Regt on N and 4th on S, takes Yontan airfield with ease. 1st Mar Div lands to S and, with 7th Regt on N and 5th on S, speeds E beyond Sobe in conjunction with XXIV Corps to S. In XXIV Corps area, 7th Div moves quickly eastward with 17th Inf on left and 32d on right, seizing Kadena airfield. 96th Div, to S, moves forward to secure commanding ground S and SE of its beaches, pushing to river beyond Chatan on coast.

2 April

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: Hq Netherlands District takes over zone of Br 1 Corps as hq of that corps passes to Br Second Army command.

In Cdn First Army's Cdn 1 Corps area, 49th Div opens drive on Arnhem from Nijmegen bridgehead. Cdn 2 Corps, which reverts to Cdn First Army from attachment to Br Second Army, drives N toward Doesburg and Zutphen.

In Br Second Army area, 30 Corps closes along Twenthe Canal and armored elements continue toward Lingen. In 12 Corps area, 7th Armd Div enters Rheine, on Dortmund-Ems Canal, but enemy is stubbornly defending airfields in the area. 8 Corps continues toward Osnabrueck.

In U.S. Ninth Army's XIII Corps area, 17th A/B Div, to which RCT 507 reverts, envelops and enters Muenster, clearing all except heart of city. 5th Armd Div continues rapidly toward the Weser, CCB columns advancing to Borgholzhausen region and CCR reaching edge of Herford. In XIX Corps area, 2d Armd Div continues battle for Teutoburger Wald passes, hampered by terrain, blown bridges, and roadblocks. CCA, assisted by elements of CCR, cuts main road from the autobahn to Bielefeld and gets elements to outskirts of Oerlinghausen. CCB moves forward through Teutoburger Wald along Detmold road to Hiddesen area. RCT 377 reverts to 95th Div from attachment to 2d Armd Div. RCT 119, 30th Div, is attached to 2d Armd Div. 83d Div continues clearing right flank of corps along the Lippe and maintains and strengthens small bridgehead at Hamm. 30th Div, less RCT 119, starts toward Teutoburger Wald to relieve 2d Armd Div units. 8th Armd Div continues E against scattered resistance; CCB is vigorously engaged at Neuhaus, NW of Paderborn. In XVI Corps area, 75th Div reaches Dortmund-Ems Canal from Datteln southward. 134th Inf, 35th Div, reaches Zweig Canal in Meckinghoven area and is there relieved by elements of 75th Div; 137th and 320th Regts defend positions along Rhein-Herne Canal.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's VII Corps area, 3d Armd Div consolidates in Paderborn area; elements enter Dahl without opposition. 1st Div organizes defensive positions from which to block enemy movement from the W. 413th Inf, 104th Div, takes Rimbach; 415th decisively defeats another enemy counterattack toward Medebach and later drives W to E part of Kuestelberg. 9th Div secures Zueschen and Winterberg on right, Berleberg and Berghausen in center, and Girkhausen and Neu Astenberg on left. Corps zone is narrowed as 78th and 8th Divs pass to control of XVIII Corps (A/B) in place. XVIII Corps (A/B) takes over sector bounded by Rhine, Ruhr, Lenne, and Sieg Rivers. 78th Div defends S bank of the Sieg on left flank. 8th Div continues fight for Siegen and Netphen and heights N of the Sieg. In III Corps area, CCA of 7th Armd Div is attached to VII Corps and starts to Medebach area. In V Corps area, 9th Armd Div maintains Diemel R bridgehead against strong opposition on left, where CCB drives off counterattacking tank-infantry forces. 2d Div continues to mop up and takes responsibility for Eder bridges in Affoldern area. 102d Cav Gp is given mission of screening right flank of corps and maintaining contact with Third Army.

In U.S. Third Army area, VIII Corps starts NE to new zone in preparation for attack between XX and XII Corps. In XX Corps area, 6th Armd Div completes crossing the Fulda at Malsfeld and, with CCA and CCB abreast, drives toward the Werra and its tributary, the Wehre. Some elements reach the Werra in Bad Sooden area and search for crossing site while others secure bridgehead at Reichensachen. 80th Div pushes into outskirts of Kassel against determined resistance and tank-infantry counterattacks. 65th Div attacks E across the Fulda on right flank of corps with 260th and 259th Regts abreast, latter on right, and makes rapid progress against scattered resistance. 3d Cav Gp, ordered to defend left flank of corps, is relieved along the Fulda by 6th Cav Gp, night 2-3. In XII Corps area, CCB of 4th Armd Div expands Creuzburg bridgehead to Neukirchen. After ponton bridge is completed at Sprichra, CCA gains heights commanding that town. Ground opposition is light but German Air Force is active against both bridge sites. 90th Div begins crossing the Werra near Berka and Bengendorf. 11th Armd Div thrusts quickly to the Werra N and S of Meiningen. CCB establishes small bridgehead at Wasungen. CCA gains bridgehead in Grimmenthal area; elements take bridge at Vachdorf. Far to rear of armor, 26th Div finishes clearing Fulda area. 2d Cav Gp and 71st Div engage bypassed enemy N of


Hanau. After German SS column attacks rear of 2d Cav Sq, overrunning Waldensberg, 71st Div commits its full strength in this region: 5th Inf joins 14th W of Budingen in effort to force enemy E into Budinger Wald while 66th moves to block E exits from the woods. Forward elements of 2d Cav Gp reach Bad Orb.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XV Corps area, 157th Inf of 45th Div continues assault on Aschaffenburg, where resistance is undiminished. 1st Bn drives into the city from NE. 14th Armd Div attacks NE through infantry toward Neustadt and Ostheim with CCA on left and CCB followed by CCR on right. Retreating enemy offers little opposition. In XXI Corps area, CCA of 12th Armd Div patrols eastward toward Wuerzburg, meeting no organized resistance, and is reinf by 222d Inf, 42d Div, which clears Marienburg, on W bank of the Main opposite Wuerzburg. CCB awaits repair of bridge across the Main at Ochsenfurt. CCR, reinf by 2 bns of 22d Inf, 4th Div, overcomes opposition in Koenigshofen. 232d Inf, 42d Div, clears region N and W of the Main in Wertheim-Marktheidenfeld area and forces crossing at Homburg; 242d drives N along the Main to positions beyond Bronn R. 8th Inf, 4th Div, clears region just SW of Wuerzburg; 1st Bn moves to Ochsenfurt and is ferried across the Main to establish small bridgehead, night 2-3. In VI Corps area, 10th Armd Div is slowed by rearguard action in some sectors as it continues S, SE, and E toward Heilbronn. Left flank elements of CCA, however, reach Bockingen, across the river from Heilbronn. 63d and 100th Divs continue to mop up to rear of armor.

In Fr 1st Army's 2d Corps area, 3d Algerian Inf Div clears Oestringen, Ubstadt, and Bruchsal. In region W of Bruchsal, 2d Moroccan Inf Div occupies Hochstetten and Karsdorf. Valluy Groupement (Fr 9th Colonial Inf Div) begins crossing the Rhine near Leimersheim and makes contact with 2d Moroccan Inf Div of 2d Corps.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In Br Eighth Army's 5 Corps area, 2d and 9th Cdos, 2d Cdo Brig, establish bridgehead on W shore of Comacchio Spit while 43d (Royal Mar) Cdo clear tongue of land between the Reno and the sea to attack the spit from E.

SEAC--Adm Mountbatten, meeting with military leaders in Kandy to plan for capture of Rangoon, decides to mount an amphibious assault from Akyab and Kyaukpyu by one div, supported by armor and a composite bn of airborne troops, before the monsoon, not later than 5 May.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army area, RCT 158 develops defense position in Legaspi area of Bicol Peninsula, which enemy has organized to insure control of Route 1--running northward from San Bernardino Strait. 1st Bn is halted by fire from Bantog. 2d withdraws through Daraga after relieving elements isolated near there. In I Corps' 33d Div sector, 3d Bn of 129th Inf joins 2d in drive up Highway 9 toward Baguio and 1st Bn goes into reserve. 3d Bn of 35th Inf, 25th Div, begins clearing ridge dubbed "Fishhook" in Kapintalan region of Highway 5. In XI Corps area, 1st Inf of 6th Div renews northward attack with 2d Bn but gains little ground. 20th Inf begins co-ordinated attack with 1st and 3d Bns after arty preparation. 63d and 20th Regts are ordered to exchange places. In XIV Corps area, 5th Cav of 1st Cav Div reaches San Pablo. 7th Cav is pushing toward Mt Malepunyo.

In U.S. Eighth Army area, 185th Inf pushes into Talisay on Negros and clears the town and airfield; continues toward Silay, halting at Guinhalaron R, where bridge is down. Elements of Co B, 160th Inf, probe toward Concepcion and meet heavy fire. On Cebu, 2d Bn of 182d Inf gains positions on lower slopes of Bolo Ridge; is relieved by 1st Bn, 132d Inf. 3d Bn, 132d, encounters enemy position S of Talamban and withdraws while naval gunfire bombards it. In Sulu Archipelago, 2d Bn, reinf, 163d Inf, 41st Div, lands unopposed on Sanga Sanga I., in Tawi Tawi group, after naval and aerial bombardment of nearby Bongao I. After securing airfield and making contact with Filipino guerrillas, who already hold most of island, elements of 2d Bn move to Bongao I. and establish beachhead.

RYUKYU IS.--Convoy, with 77th Div embarked, is attacked by suicide planes while withdrawing from Kerama Is. and suffers some damage.

U.S. Tenth Army rapidly continues inland on Okinawa against light resistance. Kadena and Yontan airfields are ready for emergency use and arty spotting planes are flown ashore. In III Amphib Corps area, 6th Mar Div clears peninsula NW of Hagushi and pushes into foothills of Yontan-Zan. Enemy is disposed for strong defense of ridges and hills of this mountainous region. 1st Mar Div commits 2 bns of 1st Marines on fight as zone of attack widens; drives to line Ishimmi-Kutoku-Chatan. In XXIV Corps area, 7th Div employs 184th Inf troops to plug gap existing on left flank. 17th Inf reaches heights commanding Nakagusuku Bay and patrols to E coast, cutting the island in two. 32d Inf reduces strongpoint S of Koza. Enemy strongpoint near Mombaru delays center elements of 96th Div, but flanks are extended past Shimabuku on left and to vicinity of Futema on right.

3 April

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Br Second Army's 30 Corps area, Gds Armd Div reaches Dortmund-Ems Canal in Lingen area. In 12 Corps


area, 52d Div mops up Rheine, relieving 7th Armd Div of this task. 8 Corps makes steady progress toward Osnabrueck.

In U.S. Ninth Army's XIII Corps area, 17th A/B Div completes reduction of Muenster. 5th Armd Div reaches the Weser, where bridges are down. CCB columns advance to Bergkirchen, W of Minden, and positions SE of Bad Oeynhausen. Bypassing Herford, CCR columns drive NE along autobahn to the Weser near Vennebeck, receiving surrender of Bad Oeynhausen. CCA moves forward toward Herford, crossing Dortmund-Ems Canal near Hiltrup. 84th Div starts toward the Weser in wake of 5th Armd Div. 102d Div is attached to corps and, night 3-4, crosses the Rhine at Wesel. XIX Corps, while continuing E into Germany, begins attack on Ruhr pocket. 30th Div relieves 2d Armd Div of positions in Teutoburger Wald, RCT 117 taking over passes formerly held by CCR and CCA on left and RCT 120 relieving CCB units W of Hiddesen and clearing part of Forst Berlebeck, which extends SE from Teutoburger Wald. 2d Armd Div gets into position for drive E to the Weser. CCR column drives SE to Mackenbruch and cuts Oerlinghausen-Lage road. One CCA TF attacks SE in evening through Osterheide to Lage while others overrun Oerlinghausen, assisted by CCR's flanking movement, and clear region about Pivitsheide. CCB advances through Forst Berlebeck and seizes Berlebeck. 83d Div, which releases 15th Cav Gp to 95th Div and takes control of 113th Cav Gp (-125th Sq) from 30th Div, continues to clear along Lippe R on right flank of corps; relieves elements of 8th Armd Div in Neuhaus and mops up that town; turns over positions generally W of 30th N-S grid line, including Hamm bridgehead, to 95th Div. In afternoon, 8th Armd Div opens assault against Ruhr pocket, driving SW with CCA and elements of CCR. CCA moves along Paderborn-Soest highway to Erwitte area. CCR, closing in Lippstadt area, sends TF Walker to Elsen to relieve pressure on CCB and moves TF Artman to Weckinghausen. 95th Div begins relief of 83d Div and prepares to join in assault on Ruhr pocket. XVI Corps defends current positions and prepares to attack with 75th Div across Dortmund-Ems Canal. Co E of 291st Inf, 75th Div, crosses the canal.

12th Army Group: U.S. First Army directs XVIII Corps (A/B) and III Corps to attack in conjunction with Ninth Army to destroy enemy S of the Ruhr and E of the Rhine; VII and V Corps are to regroup in order to continue attack to E. In VII Corps area, 3d Armd and 1st Inf Divs maintain and improve defensive positions. 3d Armd Div makes contact with 8th Armd Div (XIX Corps). 413th Inf, 104th Div, takes Scherfede and Hardehausen while 415th reduces opposition in Kuestelberg. At 2400 CCA, 7th Armd Div, relieves elements of 415th Inf in Kuestelberg and is attached to 9th Div. 39th Inf, 9th Div, clears region W of Zueschen-Winterberg road but falls back a little at one point; elements of 47th Inf take Oberkirchen; 60th Inf secures Westfeld and relieves elements of 39th Inf in Neu Astenberg. In XVIII Corps (A/B) area, 97th Div is moving forward to take over left sector from 78th Div. 8th Div continues slowly NW along the Sieg. 13th Inf overcomes organized resistance in Siegen and seizes commanding ground to NW; 121st is still strongly opposed in Netphen but makes progress to right. III Corps prepares to attack on 5 April to reduce that part of the Ruhr pocket between Lenne and Ruhr Rivers, co-ordinating with XVIII Corps (A/B) to left. 32d Cav Sq, 14th Cav Gp, upon relief by 8th TD Gp, relieves CCB, 7th Armd Div, along the Eder. 99th Div starts W to Schwarzenau area. V Corps maintains and improves defensive positions. 69th Div completes assembly in Naumburg area and relieves CCR, 9th Armd Div, which assembles in Warburg area.

In U.S. Third Army area, VIII Corps continues concentration in new zone for attack to limiting line Muhlhausen-Langensalza-Gotha. 89th Div, concentrating in Hersfeld area, releases RCT 355 to 4th Armd Div. 4th Armd Div is transferred in place to corps from XII Corps at 2400. In XX Corps area, 6th Armd Div crosses the Werra and thrusts toward Muhlhausen. CCB, in the lead, crosses the Wehre at Reichensachen, clearing that town and Eschwege; crosses the Werra at Gross Burschla and drives to Heyerode. CCA, unable to cross in Bad Sooden area, follows CCB. CCR guards Eschwege and river line between Wanfried and Heldra. 80th Div continues lively battle for Kassel, clearing part of the city. 65th Div advances rapidly on right flank of corps: 260th Inf reaches line Reichensachen-Langenhain, where it is held up by friendly armor with road priority; to right, 259th crosses the Werra--3d Cav Gp assembles in Fritzlar area. 76th Div is transferred to corps from VIII Corps and is assembling in vicinity of Homberg. XII Corps directive orders advance to halt along line Gotha-Suhl. CCB, 4th Armd Div, gains positions commanding Gotha while CCA advances to Hoerselgau area. 90th Div clears Berka-Vacha sector E of the Werra. 11th Armd Div drives well into Thuringer Wald, German small arms manufacturing center. CCB pushes to Oberhof. CCA reaches Suhl and clears S part in house-to-house battle. 26th Div drives toward the Werra to rear of 11th Armd Div, forward elements reaching Schwarzbach. Germans N of Hanau are driven into Budinger Wald and encircled there by co-ordinated action of first Div, 2d Cav Gp, and XX Corps' 5th Div. 2d Sq, 2d Cav Gp, is attached to 71st Div and intercepts small enemy parties pushing toward Wirtheim.


In U.S. Fifteenth Army's XXII Corps area, 94th Div closes in vicinity of Krefeld and relieves 102d Div along the Rhine. 102d Div is attached to XIII Corps, Ninth Army. 20th Armd Div is attached to corps.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XV Corps area, Aschaffenburg surrenders to 157th Inf, 45th Div, concluding stiff battle. Other assault forces of corps continue quickly NE. CCB, 14th Armd Div, takes Lohr. In XXI Corps area, 222d Inf of 42d Div (attached to CCA, 12th Armd Div) opens frontal assault on Wuerzburg; 2d Bn forces the Main before dawn and establishes bridgehead in W part of Wuerzburg; 1st Bn crosses later and expands bridgehead to right. 232d Inf, 42d Div, moves to Marienburg and prepares to cross the Main; 242d reaches the Main about 10 miles N of Wuerzburg and searches for crossing site. 8th Inf, 4th Div, completes its crossing at Ochsenfurt and CCB, 12th Armd Div, also crosses after bridge is repaired. CCR, after closing in Sonderhofen assembly area and releasing attached elements of 4th Div, drives rapidly E, forward elements reaching N-S railway line at edge of Herrnberchtheim. In VI Corps area, CCR of 10th Armd Div establishes shallow bridgehead across the Jagst in Griesheim area, N of Heilbronn, against strong resistance. CCA prepares for assault crossing of the Neckar in Heilbronn area; meets intense fire from enemy entrenched along the river. CCB drives rapidly E on Heilbronn against moderate resistance, reaching Kirchhausen-Schluchtern region. 63d Div runs into troublesome pockets of resistance as it continues clearing region N of the Jagst on left flank of corps. 397th Inf, 100th Div, drives E toward Heilbronn; 399th, pinched out by Fr forces to right, assembles in Sinsheim area; 398th relieves 255th Inf, 63d Div, along the Neckar. Fr 1st Army is directed to expand bridgehead to line Lichtenau-Pforzheim-Ludwigsberg and capture Karlsruhe and Pforzheim; be prepared to clear the Black Forest. 2d Corps pushes E toward the Neckar on left and S toward Karlsruhe. Valluy Groupement drives on Karlsruhe to right of 2d Corps. DA ALPS opens fight for Mt Cenis pass.

EASTERN EUROPE--Troops of Second Ukrainian Front continue W toward Vienna on broad front: those N of the Danube in Czechoslovakia take eastern suburb of Bratislava and to right rear overrun Kremnica with aid of Rumanian troops; elements S of the Danube cross Austro-Hungarian border S of Bratislava. Troops of Third Ukrainian Front in Austria overrun important industrial center of Wiener Neustadt and cut roads and rail lines between there and Vienna. Left flank elements of Third Ukrainian Front and Bulgarian troops continue clearing region SW of Lake Balaton in Hungary; forward units cross Hungarian-Yugoslav border.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army's IV Corps area, 92d Div, less 365th and 371st Regts, which are exchanged for RCT 442 and 473d Inf, passes to army control for diversionary attack along Ligurian coast toward Massa and La Spezia.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army area, RCT 158 makes limited progress against enemy positions on ridge running southward from Daraga. In XI Corps area, 169th Inf is detached from 43d Div and, with 112th Cav, forms Baldy Force to protect N flank of corps and probe toward Ipo, N end of enemy's Shimbu line. During night 3-4, 103d Inf of 43d Div concentrates secretly on slopes of Mt Sembrano and begins advance to establish contact with 1st Cav Div. 1st Inf, 6th Div, suspends ground attack while enemy positions ahead are being pounded by aircraft, mortars, and arty. 63d Inf is directed to renew attack against Mt Montalban. On Caballo I., tanks are brought forward but cannot reach enemy positions. In XIV Corps area, 187th Inf of 11th A/B Div, which now has foothold on saddle between Mt Macolod and Bukel Hill, moves to Lipa area, leaving 1st Bn behind to contain and maintain limited pressure on bypassed Japanese on Mt Macolod. 188th Inf is joined by its 1st Bn and releases 3d Bn, 511th Inf, for reserve. Patrol of 188th enters Tiaong without opposition. 2d Bn, 187th Inf, takes responsibility for Lipa-Lipa Hill area.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, 185th Inf, fording Guinhalaron R on Negros, advances through Silay to Imbang R. 40th Rcn Tr platoon probing along Silay-Guimbalon road meets heavy fire near latter. 1st Bn, 160th Inf, places fire on Concepcion area. Gen Eichelberger grants request for RCT 164 to move to Cebu from Leyte. On Cebu, 1st Bn of 132d Inf finishes clearing Bolo Ridge. Positions delaying 3d Bn are pounded by air. A co, reinf, of 2d Bn, 108th Inf, lands on Masbate at town of Masbate to help guerrillas gain control of the island. On Romblon, organized enemy resistance ceases.

OKINAWA--U.S. Tenth Army spotting planes start operating on Okinawa. In III Amphib Corps area, 6th Mar Div extends control over Yontan-Zan hill mass in 7,000-yard drive; advances its left flank to base of Ishikawa Isthmus. 1st Mar Div advances its right flank to E coast; reconnoiters Katchin Peninsula and along E coast as far N as Hizaonna. F6F makes successful forced landing on Yontan airfield. XXIV Corps pivots right to attack due S with 7th Div on E and 96th on W. 32d Inf, 7th Div, drives quickly S along E coast to Kuba; 184th Inf starts passing through left flank elements of 96th Div. 96th Div, which commits 382d Inf between 381st and


383d, is unable to reach Unjo but to W reaches general line Atanniya-Futema-Chiyunna-Isa.

U.S.--Gen Marshall assures the British that U.S. air resources will not be withdrawn from Burma before 1 June or capture of Rangoon.

JCS designate Gen MacArthur Commander in Chief, U.S. Army Forces, Pacific, and Adm Nimitz commander of all naval forces in the Pacific.

4 April

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Br Second Army area, 30 Corps establishes bridgehead over Dortmund-Ems Canal in vicinity of Lingen. 12 Corps gains bridgehead across Dortmund-Ems Canal in Rheine area. In 8 Corps area, some 6th A/B Div elements enter Osnabrueck while others bypass the city and thrust to the Weser at Minden.

12th Army Group: U.S. Ninth Army reverts to 12th Army Group from control of 21 Army Group. In XIII Corps area, 17th A/B Div organizes perimeter defense of Muenster. Efforts of 5th Armd Div to secure Weser bridges intact at Minden and Rinteln are futile. Forces of 8 Corps, Br Second Army, enter Minden before surrender of its garrison can be arranged and Germans blow bridges. CCA, U.S. 5th Armd Div, mops up pockets of enemy within Herford. Assault elements of 84th Div assemble near Bad Oeynhausen, night 4-5, for attack across the Weser. 102d Div moves forward rapidly to rear of 5th Armd and 84th Inf Divs, mopping up isolated pockets. In XIX Corps area, 2d Armd Div progresses rapidly on left, where one CCA column advances from Lage to Lemgo and thence to approaches to the Weser and another clears Pivitsheide and continues to vicinity of Gross Berkel; CCB, slowed by terrain and opposition, advances from Berlebeck to Kreuzenstein. 30th Div, protecting left flank of corps, maintains defensive positions; in limited attacks overruns Hiddesen and Detmold. To right, 83d Div makes main effort with TF Biddle--strongly reinf 113th Cav Gp--and employs 329th and 331st Regts close behind it to mop up; 330th Inf defends Lippe R line from Lippstadt westward. 95th Div begins assault on Ruhr pocket: attacks S across Lippe R and Canal in Hamm-Lippborn area with 379th and 378th Regts, former on left; forward elements reach Dinker. 15th Cav Gp screens Lippe R along div right flank. 8th Armd Div continues assault on Ruhr pocket: one CCA column thrusts S to Mohne R line while another clears Erwitte and drives toward Androchte; CCR overruns Overhagen, Stirpe, Norddorf, Ebbinghausen, and Voellinghausen. In XVI Corps area, 75th Div attacks in strength across Dortmund-Ems Canal early in morning, employing 291st Inf on left, attached 116th in center, and 289th on right; overruns Waltrop, Henrichenburg, Ickern, and part of Brambauer. 35th Div regroups to give 134th Inf center of line along Rhein-Herne Canal.

In U.S. First Army's VII Corps area, 3d Armd Div prepares to renew eastward offensive. 1st Div is being pinched out by 8th Armd Div, XIX Corps. 104th Div clears its two zones against decreased resistance: 413th Inf cleans out Forst Hardehausen and seizes Holtheim and Kleinenberg; 415th Inf and 4th Cav Gp scour Briloner Stadt-Forst. In 9th Div sector, CCA of 7th Armd Div drives NW, taking Hildfeld, Gronebach, and Niedersfeld; 39th Inf seizes terrain features in Gronebach-Winterberg area; 60th takes Alt Astenberg; 47th defends S flank, repelling determined counterattacks against Oberkirchen. Upon relief by 99th Div (XVIII Corps), 1st and 3d Bns of 47th Inf move to Kuestelberg area. 9th Div forms TF Birks, consisting of CCA of 7th Armd Div and 47th Inf, at 2000 and at midnight the div plus attachments passes to control of III Corps in place. In XVIII Corps (A/B) area, 97th Div begins relief of 78th Div along S bank of the Sieg on left flank of corps; RCT 387 joins 78th Div and is attached to it. 8th Div withstands severe counterattacks against Siegen and Netphen and makes limited progress elsewhere. III Corps completes preparations for assault against Ruhr pocket. V Corps remains on the defensive, mopping up.

In U.S. Third Army's XX Corps area, 6th Armd Div, advancing in multiple columns with close air support, encircles Muhlhausen and sends strong patrols into the city. CCA moves N and CCB S about the city, closing noose at Koerner. Defeated garrison of Kassel surrenders to 80th Div. 76th Div completes assembly in Homberg area and advances NE toward Langensalza to clear bypassed resistance. 5th Div is detached from corps and held in army reserve, retaining security mission in Frankfurt area. On N flank of corps, 3d Cav Gp's 3d Sq begins clearing Ober Meiser-Obervellmar road NW of Kassel. VIII Corps becomes operational in new zone between XX and XII Corps and attacks E. 65th Div, on right flank of XX Corps, is transferred to corps in place and continues E on left flank of VIII Corps. RCT 261 reverts to 65th Div from attachment to 6th Armd Div and guards N flank. 259th Inf gets advance elements to Creuzberg area. 260th, assembled near Datterode, prepares to motor E. In center of corps, 89th Div, less RCT 355, shuttles E to forward assembly areas; 353d Inf moves to Berka-Lauchroeden region and relieves elements of 90th Div (XII Corps). 4th Armd Div is transferred to corps from XII Corps in place, present right flank of VIII Corps, and releases RCT 359 to 90th Div, CCB receives surrender of Gotha and moves to Muehlberg area. CCA drives SE to


Ohrdruf. 6th Cav Gp, ordered to clean out stragglers in rear area, clears region W of the Fulda and crosses to follow 65th and 89th Divs eastward. 87th Div is ordered to assemble in Friedewald area but lacks transportation to move at once. In XII Corps area, 90th Div continues E against sporadic resistance, 357th Inf taking Marksuhl and Moehra and 358th seizing Merkers, where Nazi art treasures, gold, and uniforms are discovered in salt mine. 11th Armd Div, its mission substantially completed within limits of corps restraining line, engages in limited action to consolidate and improve current positions and open lateral routes between CCA and CCB. CCA captures Suhl, liberating many slave workers from arms factories. CCR begins clearing zone between CCB and CCA. 26th Div assault regts reach the Werra in Schmalkalden-Wasungen area and start across it. 71st Div and 2d Cav Gp complete reduction of pocket N of Hanau, eliminating threat to MSR. 71st Div relieves 42d Sq, 2d Cav Gp. 17th Armd Gp, to which 2d Cav Sq is attached, takes over mission of guarding MSR.

In U.S. Fifteenth Army's XXII Corps area, 101st A/B Div completes relief of 97th Div. 82d A/B Div takes over sector of 86th Div.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army area, XV Corps continues rapid drive NE through Spessart Mountains. CCB of 14th Armd Div reaches outskirts of Gemuenden. In XXI Corps area, after engineers complete bridging in Wuerzburg area, 232d Inf of 42d Div and elements of CCA, 12th Armd Div, cross under smoke screen. 232d works N and then E into Wuerzburg while 222d, attached to CCA, pushes S and E, clearing a large portion of the city against last-ditch resistance. CCB expands Ochsenfurt bridgehead N to include Erlach. 92d Cav Rcn Sq clears heights E of Obernbreit while CCR overruns Gnoetzheim and Herrnberchtheim. 8th Inf, 4th Div, presses northward in Ochsenfurt bridgehead in conjunction with CCB. 22d and 12th Regts launch attack in Koenigshofen area and make slow progress on wooded heights. VI Corps is so strongly opposed along the Neckar and Jagst Rivers as it opens assault on Heilbronn that it is forced to change plan of attack. 10th Armd Div begins attack on Heilbronn in sector of CCA where 3d Bn of 398th Inf, 100th Div, forces the Neckar at Neckargartach before dawn and establishes shallow bridgehead against sharp opposition. 100th Div is then given task of continuing frontal assault while 10th Armd Div conducts outflanking maneuver to attack from the rear. 100th Div reinforces Neckar bridgehead in afternoon with 2d Bn, 397th Inf. CCA clears Frankenbach-Neckargartach sector along W bank of the Neckar while CCB clears region SW of Bockingen; CCR withdraws bridgehead across the Jagst N of Heilbronn. 399th Inf begins clearing right flank of 100th Div, reaching positions W of Bockingen. On left flank of corps, 63d Div continues E in region N of the Jagst, committing 255th Inf between 254th and 253d. Two bns of 253d establish bridgehead across the Jagst in Griesheim-Herbolzheim area against firm opposition.

Fr 1st Army captures Karlsruhe in assault by Valluy Groupement and elements of 2d Corps. DA ALPS breaks off operations in Mt Cenis area where it has been under strong enemy pressure.

EASTERN EUROPE--Fourth Ukrainian Front and Czechoslovak troops open offensive toward Moravian Gap, driving W along border of Poland and Czechoslovakia from positions SW of Nowy Targ (Poland). Important communications center of Bratislava (Czechoslovakia) falls to troops of Second Ukrainian Front. In Austria, forces of Third Ukrainian Front push to within 2 miles of Vienna. Elements of Third Ukrainian Front and Bulgarian troops finish clearing Germans from Hungarian soil and continue to pursue them into Yugoslavia.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In Br Eighth Army's 5 Corps area, 2d Cdo Brig on Comacchio Spit is brought to a halt by enemy on far bank of Canale di Valetta and is relieved, night 4-5, by 56th Div. Subsequent efforts of 56th Div to cross the canal are so strongly opposed that this subsidiary action is broken off. Operation FRY--occupation of 4 small islands in Lake Comacchio--is carried out, night 4-5, without opposition by troops of Special Boat Service and 28th Garibaldi Brig.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army area, 1st Bn of RCT 158, moving northward to positions NW of Busay, attacks southward along ridge on left flank while 2d and 3d Bns are attacking frontally below Daraga. Progress for next week is very slow since enemy must be destroyed in detail. In I Corps' 33d Div sector, 129th Inf patrol runs into heavy fire near Salat, about 3½ air miles SE of Burgos. In XI Corps area, 103d Inf, less 2d Bn, 43d Div, secures Santa Maria Valley, seizing Mabitac, Sinaloan, and Famy. Supporting weapons astride N-S highway block enemy escape. 2d Bn drives E along highway through Macatunao. 63d Inf, 6th Div, begins relief of 20th Inf and takes over its sector. In XIV Corps area, 5th Cav of 1st Cav Div, probing S with patrols from San Pablo, makes contact with 11th A/B Div forces in Tiaong area, completing isolation of Japanese on Mt Malepunyo. 188th Inf, 11th A/B Div, after contact is gained with 1st Cav Div, assembles S of Tiaong.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, 1st Bn of 160th Inf on Negros moves into Concepcion from which enemy has withdrawn. 2d Bn, 185th Inf, clears Guimbalon, important enemy supply base.


On Cebu, 182d Inf drives from Go Chan Hill against Horseshoe Ridge, about 800 yards to N, and takes it.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army's III Amphib Corps area, corps CG assumes command ashore and moves CP ashore. 6th Mar Div closes along base of Ishikawa Isthmus, the L plus 15 line, and starts up the isthmus. 1st Mar Div clears its zone of action as remaining elements reach E coast. XXIV Corps meets stiffening resistance while pressing southward toward hill mass extending from Urasoe-Mura to Ouki. 96th Div, with 383d Inf on right and 382d on left, advances down W coast to Uchitomari area and pushes E flank units forward more than 2 miles beyond Nodake. 7th Div, employing 184th Inf on right and 32d on left, meets organized resistance W of Kuba on ridge surmounted by ruins of an ancient castle and falls behind.

IWO JIMA--RCT 9, 3d Mar Div, turns its portion of island over to Army RCT 147 and prepares to re-embark for Guam.

5 April

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army area, Cdn 1 Corps finishes clearing region between Nijmegen and the Neder Rijn. Cdn 2 Corps establishes bridgehead across Twenthe Canal in region E of Ijssel R and clears Almelo.

In Br Second Army's 30 Corps area, 43d Div, on left flank, holds Hengelo. To right, 3d Div captures Lingen. 12 Corps expands and strengthens bridgehead across Dortmund-Ems Canal. 8 Corps clears rest of Osnabrueck and continues to close along the Weser.

12th Army Group: In U.S. Ninth Army's XIII Corps area, 17th A/B Div (less RCT 194 under control of XIX Corps) is transferred to XVI Corps and starts to Duisburg region. 84th Div prepares for assault crossing of the Weser near Minden. 5th Armd Div stands by to lend engineer and other assistance. 102d Div continues rapid drive eastward toward the Weser, gaining 20-35 miles a day. In XIX Corps area, 2d Armd Div reaches the Weser S of Hameln and establishes bridgehead with 4 TF's and 2 arty bns. On left, one CCA TF crosses in assault boats in vicinity of Ohr and, when bridge is completed, is followed by another. CCB drives to the Weser in Emmern-Grohnde area; crosses one column in assault boats near Grohnde and another in sector of CCA. By the end of day, CCA bridgehead extends from Rohrsen to Voremberg; CCB holds Hajen, Frenke, Brockensen, and Heyen. 83d Div continues NE toward the Weser to right of 2d Armd Div, clearing many towns. Aided by air strikes, 95th Div expands and strengthens its bridgehead S of the Lippe against diminishing resistance. 377th Inf attacks S across the Lippe toward Soest in afternoon, passing through 379th Inf, and reaches positions beyond Wiltrop. 8th Armd Div, reinf by 194th Gli Inf of 17th A/B Div, continues W toward Soest: CCA columns converge on Altenmellrich; CCB, attacking through CCR, reaches line Weslarn-Lohne. 95th Inf and 8th Armd Divs prepare for concerted assault on Soest. In XVI Corps area, 75th Div straightens left sector of its bridgehead line and finishes clearing Brambauer.

U.S. First Army joins in battle to destroy Ruhr pocket, at first employing III Corps. XVIII Corps (A/B) regroups for co-ordinated assault on Ruhr pocket: 86th Div starts assembly in corps zone; RCT 347 is attached to 97th Div. 8th Div is still firmly opposed as it continues attack N of the Sieg; maintains positions in Siegen area against further counterattacks and mops up in Netphen. III Corps begins attack on Ruhr pocket, employing 9th Div on N, 7th Armd Div in center, and 99th Div on S. On 9th Div right flank, TF Birks clears Wiemeringhausen, Brunskappel, Assinghausen, Bruchhausen, Wullmeringhausen, and Elleringhausen. 39th Inf seizes Silbach while 60th drives into woods NE of Oberkirchen and cuts Oberkirchen-Nordenau road. 32d Sq, 14th Cav Gp, moves to Willingen area and is attached to 9th Div to protect its right flank. CCB, 7th Armd Div, attacks W through 9th Div to edge of Winkhausen, which elements bypass to reach positions near Grafschaft. 99th Div, with 394th and 393d Regts in assault, 394th on right, takes Latrop, Aue, and Muesse and thrusts toward Wingeshausen. VII Corps, now relieved of responsibility for the Ruhr pocket, starts E toward the Weser. At noon 3d Armd Div moves forward in 4 parallel columns--from left to right, TF's Boles and Kane of CCA and TF's Welborn and Lovelady of CCB; against scattered resistance gains up to 22 miles, CCA reaching Ottbergen-Rheder area and CCB advancing to Siddessen and Willegassen. 104th Div regroups. V Corps, ordered to drive to line Duderstadt-Schlotheim, attacks with 2d and 69th Divs abreast. On left, 2d Div, with RCT 23 on left and RCT 9 on right, drives quickly E through 9th Armd Div elements to Hofgeismar on left and to heights overlooking the Weser N of Hann Muenden on right. Elements attached to 9th Armd Div revert to 2d Div. On right flank, 69th Div relieves 80th Div, Third Army, in Kassel area, where RCT 271 remains to guard installations, and continues E with RCT 273 on left and RCT 272 on right to Fulda R line between Hann Muenden and Kassel, crossing elements at Steele and beginning attack toward junction of Fulda, Weser, and Werra Rivers at Hann Muenden.

In U.S. Third Army's XX Corps area, CCA and CCB of 6th Armd Div clear Muhlhausen by 0905. CCB then moves to Schlotheim area. CCA drives SE


and advance elements begin assault on Langensalza from the NW as elements of 65th Div (VIII Corps) push to same objective from the SW. 80th Div begins attack E from Kassel but is halted by change of orders and relieved by 69th Div (V Corps). 76th Div continues eastward toward Werra and Wehre Rivers: RCT 385 begins attack on Grossalmerode; RCT 304, to right, reaches the Wehre at Niederhone, W of Eschwege, and takes bridge. VIII Corps boundaries are altered to give corps former XII Corps zone. 65th Div continues toward line Muhlhausen-Langensalza. 259th Inf, on right, gains control of most of Langensalza by nightfall. Elements of 353d Inf, 89th Div, move into Eisenach after enemy agrees to surrender it, but pulls back upon learning that Germans are returning. Against light resistance, 354th Inf advances E on div left to line Henningsleben-Warza, S of Langensalza, and halts to await relief by XX Corps. 4th Armd Div remains in place awaiting relief. 6th Cav Gp is relieved of mopping up mission in corps rear. XII Corps, in preparation for drive SE upon order, begins regrouping and patrolling SE to secure line of departure. 90th Div, now out of contact with enemy and disposed within zone of VIII Corps, consolidates N of the Werra. CCA, 11th Armd Div, in limited attack, presses slowly toward crest of Thuringer Wald. CCR opens lateral routes between CCB and CCA, then drives on Meiningen, taking it and nearby airport. Div halts offensive when it receives warning order to expect new orders, and CCR turns Meiningen over to 26th Div forces who arrive there in evening. 328th Inf, 26th Div, completes crossing the Werra, overruns Schmalkalden, and establishes contact with 90th Div on left; elements of 101st relieve CCR at Meiningen; 104th, upon relief by 71st Div units in Fulda area, motors E to screen right flank from Ulster R eastward. 71st Div, with mission of protecting right flank of corps, starts to Fulda area. 42d Sq, 2d Cav Gp, screens S flank from Fulda to Ulster R.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XV Corps area, converging columns of armor and infantry take Gemuenden. While CCB, 14th Armd Div, drives into Gemuenden from the W, 2d Bn of 7th Inf, 3d Div, crosses the Main and pushes into the town from SE, making contact with the armor. In XXI Corps area, CCA of 12th Armd Div completes its crossing of the Main at Wuerzburg and in conjunction with elements of 42d Div overcomes resistance there; starts drive on Schweinfurt. After CCB seizes bridge at Kitzingen, 8th Inf of 4th Div establishes small bridgehead there. CCR clears Seinsheim and Ippesheim. 22d and 12th Regts, 4th Div, continue to clear region E of Koenigshofen. In VI Corps area, 100th Div continues frontal assault on Heilbronn. 10th Armd Div, in an outflanking maneuver, crosses 3d Bn, 397th Inf, into Neckargartach bridgehead and expands the bridgehead southward into N part of Heilbronn; crosses 1st Bn, 397th Inf, over the Neckar at center of Heilbronn in effort to speed operations. 399th Inf consolidates positions on div right flank W of the Neckar. 398th (-) attacks in support of and to right of 63d Div: 2d Bn crosses the Neckar in Offenau area while its organic vehicles cross farther N in 63d Div zone. 63d Div is directed to face S instead of E. On right flank, some elements of 253d Inf push E along S bank of the Jagst toward Hardehauser Wald while others fight from house to house within Moeckmuehl. 255th Inf reaches general line Merchingen-Ober Kessach-Widdern; 254th consolidates in Osterburken-Merchingen area. CCB, 10th Armd Div, after clearing Bockingen and passing into reserve, moves southward along the Neckar and makes contact with French troops near Lauffen. CCR of 10th Armd Div, followed by CCA, attacks through 63d Div to Rengershausen-Roth area.

In Fr 1st Army's 2d Corps area, 3d Algerian Inf Div, assisted by CC's of 5th Armd Div, drives to Neckar R line S of Heilbronn on left flank of corps. 2d Moroccan Inf Div, reinf by CC's 4 and 6 of 5th Armd Div, pushes toward Pforzheim, next objective of corps. Valluy Groupement begins clearing region S of Karlsruhe, where enemy has fortified valley positions, and N spurs of Black Forest.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army area, 92d Div begins diversionary attack in Ligurian coastal sector toward Massa with 370th Inf on left and 442d on right. 370th Inf, moving up Highway 1, gets advance elements more than 2 miles toward objective before falling back under counterattack. 442d takes M. Fragolita and M. Carchio. In IV Corps area, 1st Armd Div is attached to corps. In 11 Corps area, 34th Div moves to Idice Valley sector, previously held by 91st Div, and 91st Div takes over zone of 34th astride Highway 65.

In Br Eighth Army's 5 Corps area, 56th Div begins Operation LEVER--to clear wedge of land between the Reno and SW shore of Lake Comacchio--attacking across the Reno, night 5-6.

USSR--Notifies Japanese ambassador in Moscow it wishes to denounce 5-year neutrality pact signed with Japan on 13 April 1941.

BURMA--Br Fourteenth Army releases Ind 19th Div to 4 Corps

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's XI Corps area, 63d Inf of 6th Div is ordered to attack Mt Mataba. While main body of 103d Inf, 43d Div, patrols, 3d Bn, motorized, moves S along Laguna de Bay coast to Lumban and seizes bridge over Pagsanjan R. On Caballo I., 2d Bn, 151st Inf, is trying to reduce enemy


positions with ignited diesel oil. In XIV Corps area, resistance to 1st Cav Div eases. 5th Cav makes contact with 43d Div (XI Corps) in Lumban area, on E shore of Laguna de Bay. 12th Cav completes clearing Imoc Hill area near Calauan. 7th Cav, pushing toward Mt Malepunyo from N, gets forces on Mapait Hills. 187th Inf, 11th A/B Div, takes Talisay and probes in W foothills of Mt Malepunyo while 188th mops up S and SE of Mt Malepunyo.

S PHILIPPINES--U.S. Eighth Army announces completion of Visayan Passage mission, although mopping up is still in progress. Romblon I. is turned over to guerrillas. 139 Japanese and 17 Americans have been killed there. On Negros, 160th Inf is pushing toward Hill 3155, later called Dolan Hill, which commands approaches to Patog. On Cebu, Americal Div forces strengthen positions and patrol while awaiting RCT 164 to assist in enveloping assault.

RYUKYU IS.--U.S. Tenth Army begins rcn of Eastern Islands, off Okinawa, employing FMF Amphib Rcn Bn. In III Amphib Corps area, 22d Marines of 6th Mar Div, spearheading northward drive up Ishikawa Isthmus, reaches Atsutabaru-Kin line. 1st Mar Div mops up and patrols to S; reconnoiters Yabuchi Shima, off Katchin Peninsula, with negative results. XXIV Corps CP closes on board USS Teton and opens ashore. 96th Div encounters well-organized enemy positions near Uchitomari and Ginowan that limit its progress. 383d Inf, on W, makes unsuccessful attack on Cactus Ridge, 600 yards SE of Mashiki. 382d gains 400-900 yards. 7th Div moves S to positions almost abreast 96th Div.

JAPAN--Gen Koiso's cabinet resigns and is succeeded by another under Adm Kantaro Suzuki.

6 April

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Br Second Army's 30 Corps area, Gds Armd Div drives from Lingen toward Bremen. 12 Corps finishes clearing Rheine area.

12th Army Group: In U.S. Ninth Army area, XIII Corps opens assault across the Weser at 0500. 335th Inf, 84th Div, crosses in assault boats S of Minden and just S of village of Neesen under cover of darkness, taking enemy by surprise and gaining bridgehead astride Weser Gebirge. 334th Inf crosses into bridgehead, night 5-6, over bridges erected by engineers. In XIX Corps area, CCA of 2d Armd Div thrusts NE to the Leine at Schulenberg and takes bridge intact. CCB clears Harderode, Esperde, and heights S of Heyen. CCR crosses the Weser at Grohnde and drives NE toward Burgstemmen, reaching Elze. 30th Div, with RCT 117 on left and RCT 120 on right, speeds eastward behind 2d Armd Div, clearing N flank of corps to the Weser; takes responsibility for Weser bridge sites; crosses 2 bns of RCT 117 over the Weser at Ohr and bn of RCT 120 at Grohnde. 83d Div gets forward elements to the Weser in Bodenwerder-Holzminden area, to right of 2d Armd Div; 3d Bn, 329th Inf, crosses at Bodenwerder and clears Halle. In Ruhr pocket sector, 377th Inf of 95th Div begins clearing Soest; 378th secures portion of Hamm E of Hamm-Soest RR in 2-pronged assault from Hamm bridgehead and from NE. CCB column, 8th Armd Div, reaches Ost Oennen, SW of Soest. In XVI Corps area, 75th Div thrusts S toward Ruhr R just W of Dortmund in effort to sever communication lines of trapped enemy and block movement from Dortmund westward. 35th Div releases 320th Inf to 75th Div. 17th A/B Div, less 194th Gli Inf, is attached to corps and relieves 79th Div of defensive positions along Rhein-Herne Canal from the Rhine NE, on right flank of corps. 79th Div gets into position for attack S toward Ruhr R in region just W of Gelsenkirchen and relieves elements of 320th Inf, 35th Div, along Rhein-Herne Canal. 29th Div displaces eastward to Sendenhorst-Ahlen region, SE of Muenster, and is held in army reserve.

In U.S. First Army area, XVIII Corps (A/B) begins co-ordinated assault against Ruhr pocket, heading N and NW toward the Ruhr in vicinity of its junction with the Rhine. 78th Div, disposed along S bank of the Sieg from Dattenfeld to Brachbach, attacks N across the river at 0500--309th Inf on left and 310th on right--and secures bridgehead about 6,000 yards deep. 8th Div attacks at 0600, after ½-hour arty preparation: 13th Inf takes Seelbach, barracks just NW of Siegen, and Weidenau; 121st seizes Eschenbach and Lutzel; 28th reaches Erndetebrueck. On left flank of corps, 97th Div completes relief of 78th Div and takes command of its sector along S bank of the Sieg. In III Corps area, TF Birks of 9th Div continues northward, clearing several towns, and at 1930 is dissolved. Siedlinghausen falls to 39th Inf. 60th Inf takes a number of terrain features NE of Oberkirchen. CCB, 7th Armd Div, reaches Gleidorf; CCR moves forward to Oberkirchen area. 99th Div overruns Ober Fleckenberg and Wingeshausen and commanding ground near these towns. In VII Corps area, 3d Armd Div meets determined opposition, particularly on left, as it approaches the Weser. 104th Div (-) completes assembly on right flank of corps and relief of V Corps elements within its zone; moves eastward toward the Weser to right of 3d Armd Div. 4th Cav Gp is detached from 104th Div. 16th Inf, 1st Div, displaces to forward assembly area. In V Corps area, 2d Div reaches the Weser and secures bridgehead. From Hofgeismar, RCT 23 drives to W bank in Veckerhagen-Vaake area, where it is relieved by 38th Inf, and at 1930 begins unopposed crossing in


assault boats at Veckerhagen. RCT 9 clears wooded heights along W bank of the Weser to right. On 69th Div left flank, RCT 273 closes in on Hann Muenden, at junction of Werra, Weser, and Fulda Rivers, elements reaching the Werra at Laubach. RCT 272 is approaching the Weser to right.

In U.S. Third Army's XX Corps area, 6th Armd Div's mission is concluded as Langensalza, under assault by elements of CCA and VIII Corps' 65th Div, capitulates. 86th Div begins move from Kassel area to Gotha. RCT 385, 76th Div, reaches the Werra, capturing Grossalmerode, Trubenhausen, and Bad Sooden; crosses the Wehre at Niederhone to reach Eschwege area. RCT 304 speeds E from the Wehre by motor to vicinity of Schonstedt. 3d Cav Gp assembles S of Kassel when boundary change places it within V Corps zone. In VIII Corps area, 65th Div completes capture of Langensalza by 0745 and is disposed along restraining line Muhlhausen-Langensalza before noon. 353d Inf, 89th Div, overcomes strong opposition at Eisenach; 354th moves around 353d to vicinity of Waltershausen; RCT 355 reverts to div and moves to Ohrdruf area to screen right flank of div. 4th Armd Div remains in Gotha-Ohrdruf area. 87th Div moves forward on right flank of corps and relieves 90th Div and elements of 328th Inf, 26th Div, of XII Corps. In XII Corps area, 357th and 358th Regts, 90th Div, upon relief N of the Werra, assemble S of the river; 359th joins 26th Div, to which it is attached with mission of relieving 11th Armd Div in Zella Mehlis-Oberhof area. 11th Armd Div is ordered to secure assembly area along line Schleusingen-Hildburghausen in preparation for drive on Bayreuth. 26th Div, continuing E, relieves 11th Armd Div and establishes outposts near Themar. 71st Div closes in Fulda area and relieves 2d Cav Gp of task of screening right flank of corps from there eastward.

6th Army Group: XV Corps continues rapid northeastward advance. CCB and CCR columns of 14th Armd Div fan out on right flank. CCA continues toward Neustadt. In XXI Corps area, 42d Div troops and CCA, 12th Armd Div, drive NE toward Schweinfurt. CCB crosses the Main at Kitzingen and in conjunction with CCR to right overruns Markbreit, Obernbreit, and Mainbernheim, completing its mission. CCR also attains its objective upon reaching Iphofen and Einersheim. 8th Inf, 4th Div, mops up in Main bend N of Ochsenfurt. 22d and 12th Regts clear Koenigshofen area and start SE abreast toward Bad Mergentheim. Corps prepares to pivot SE about 4th Div. In VI Corps area, 100th Div continues struggle for Heilbronn, where assault forces, without aid of armor, inch forward in NE and W portions of the city. 398th Inf (-) is firmly opposed near Jagstfeld while attempting to expand Offenau bridgehead S toward Heilbronn. 253d Inf, on right flank of 63d Div, withstands strong pressure along the Jagst and completes capture of Moeckmuehl. 254th and 255th Regts mop up on N flank between Bad Mergentheim and Berlichingen. While CCR, 10th Armd Div, blocks on left flank of corps, repelling counterattack in Roth area, CCA speeds SE, forward elements reaching Crailsheim area. Enemy infiltrates across MSR between Bad Mergentheim and Crailsheim, night 6-7. Corps releases CCB to 10th Armd Div.

In Fr 1st Army's 2d Corps area, elements of 5th Armd Div assisting 3d Algerian Inf Div on left flank of corps reach the Neckar at Lauffen. 3d Algerian begins to clear Stromberg Forest. 2d Moroccan Inf Div, reinf by elements of 5th Armd Div, reached Enz R at Muehlacker on left, N outskirts of Pforzheim in center, and clears Stein and Koenigsbach on right. Valluy Groupement continues clearing fortified region about Karlsruhe, taking Durlach.

EASTERN EUROPE--Some elements of Second Ukrainian Front clearing region N of the Danube reach Morava R line NE of Vienna on 37-mile front while others to S close in on Vienna from the E. Troops of Third Ukrainian Front are clearing southern suburbs of Vienna.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army area, 92d Div continues attack toward Massa with 442d Inf, enemy fire preventing 370th from jumping off. 442d takes M. Cerreta and begins attack on M. Belvedere.

In Br Eighth Army's 5 Corps area, 56th Div expands its bridgehead across the Reno.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's Legaspi sector, 1st Bn of 158th Inf continues southward along ridge to trail running W from Daraga, about a mile S of Busay. 2d Bn reaches Route 160, which extends from Legaspi to Daraga. AT Co, reinf, in shore-to-shore operation to clear Sorsogon Province, moves from Legaspi to Bacon, where Bicol Peninsula is but 5 miles wide, and lands unopposed; drives overland to Sorsogon. In I Corps area, on Highway 9, Co G of 129th Inf, under 33d Div control, becomes isolated from main body of 2d Bn while executing envelopment maneuver in Salat area. 126th Inf, 32d Div, moving eastward to N of 128th, reaches Salacsac Pass area and takes Hill 519. 25th Div, astride Highway 5, continues pressure toward Kapintalan. In XI Corps area, 2d Bn of 63d Inf, 6th Div, opens assault on Mt Mataba after preparatory arty fire. 20th Inf, whose relief by 63d is completed, probes toward Mt Oro and Mt Pacawagan. 103d Inf column of 43d Div, driving along shore of Laguna de Bay, makes contact with Tr B of 5th Cav, 1st Cav Div (XIV Corps), at Santa Cruz, giving Sixth Army a solid front in S Luzon. In XIV Corps area, elements of 1st Cav and 11th A/B Divs are fighting


in foothills at N and W approaches of Mt Malepunyo hill mass. 7th Cav holds Mapait Hills and elements reach Onipa R. 187th Inf, with 3d Bn of 511th attached, drives NE from Talisay toward Malarya Hill and Sulac.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army's Sulu Archipelago area, 41st Div detachment, having cleared Bongao I. with ease, returns to Sanga Sanga I.

RYUKYU IS.--Japanese make belated but all-out air effort against shipping and Okinawa beaches. Of some 400 planes involved, about three fourths are destroyed. Kamikazes sink 2 DD's, a mine sweeper, 2 ammunition ships, and an LST; damage other shipping. Preinvasion air strikes against Ie Shima are intensified.

In U.S. Tenth Army's III Amphib Corps area, 6th Mar Div, passing 4th and 29th Marines through 22d Marines, continues up Ishikawa Isthmus to line across it extending eastward from Chuda. In XXIV Corps area, troops of 383d Inf, 96th Div, clear half of Cactus Ridge in the course of hard fighting. 382d moves forward in region E of Ginowan road. On 7th Div right flank, 184th Inf, with close fire support and flame throwers, overruns elaborate outpost position on pinnacle some 1,000 yards SW of Arakachi. 32d Inf advances in coastal sector with little difficulty.

PACIFIC--U.S. Army Forces in the Pacific (AFPAC) is established under Gen MacArthur, with headquarters in Manila. The new command includes forces formerly assigned to U.S. Army Forces in the Far East and of U.S. Army Forces in POA.

7 April

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Br Second Army's 8 Corps area, 6th A/B Div and 11th Armd Div establish bridgeheads across the Weser at Minden and Stolzenau, respectively, and drive toward the next river line, the Leine.

12th Army Group: In U.S. Ninth Army's XIII Corps area, 84th Div completes its crossing of the Weser and expands bridgehead substantially. 102d Div continues eastward, clearing scattered pockets. 11th Cav Gp is given mission of screening N flank of corps from the Weser to the Leine. In XIX Corps area, 2d Armd Div, ordered to halt upon reaching general line of Sarstedt-Hildesheim road, attains objective and suspends offensive operations. 83d Div clears its zone W of the Weser except for small portion in Polle area and makes rapid progress E of the Weser. 330th Inf rejoins div. Continuing operations against Ruhr pocket, 95th Div's 377th Inf finishes clearing Soest by 0730 and attacks toward Werl until pinched out; 379th pushes into Werl; 378th finishes clearing Hamin and several suburbs. TF Twaddle (Maj Gen Harry L. Twaddle, 95th Div CG) is formed to complete action against Ruhr pocket in conjunction with XVI Corps. The TF consists of 8th Armd and 95th Inf Divs plus their attachments and supporting forces. TF Twaddle organizes TF Faith, under Brig Gen Don C. Faith, composed of 377th Inf, 194th Gli Inf, and supporting units, and gives it mission of clearing region between Ruhr and Mohne Rivers, protecting left flank of TF Twaddle, and maintaining contact with friendly forces on left. CCB columns, 8th Armd Div, drive on Werl in afternoon, reaching West Onnen and positions near Gerlingen. CCA clears and holds sector along Mohne R SE of Soest. CCR starts from Lippstadt to Soest area. In XVI Corps area, 75th Div continues S toward Ruhr R in center and right of its zone, 290th Inf seizing Frohlinde and Kirchline and 291st clearing most of Castrop Rauxel. On left flank, extending N to Lippe R, 320th Inf replaces 116th, which rejoins 29th Div in army reserve. 79th Div attacks S across Emscher and Rhein-Herne Canals in region between Gelsenkirchen and Essen at 0300, with 313th Inf on left and 315th on right, and drives salient to railway at Katernburg. 35th Div expands positions along Rhein-Herne Canal eastward. 17th A/B Div maintains defensive positions along right flank of corps.

In U.S. First Army area, XVIII Corps (A/B) attack broadens as 97th Div goes on the offensive for the first time, committing its right flank regt, 386th, in assault on Ruhr pocket after arty preparation. Crossing the Sieg in assault boats, 386th gains up to 4,000 yards against light resistance and maintains contact with 78th Div to right. 78th Div, despite well-defended enemy strongpoints, gains up to 5,000 yards. 8th Div advances about 4,000 yards and withstands counterattacks against Seelbach on left. 86th Div, less RCT 341, completes assembly in corps zone. In III Corps area, 9th Div drives rapidly W on right flank, where 47th Inf, becoming a part of reformed TF Birks, clears Gevelinghausen, Esshoff, Nuttlar, Ostwig, Bestwig, and Heringhausen. 39th Inf seizes Altenfeld, Elpe, and Heinrichsdorf while 60th moves forward in wooded region N of Oberkirchen and clears Rehsiepen, Ober Sorpe, and Mittel Sorpe. CCB, 7th Armd Div, hurls back counterattacks against Gleidorf; assisted by air and arty, overcomes lively opposition in Schmallenberg. CCR, attacking on div right flank, envelops and captures Holthausen. CCA reverts to div. In 99th Div zone, 394th Inf gains about 5,000 yards in region W of Schmallenberg; 393d overcomes resistance in Oberhundem. 28th Div, performing security mission, is detached from corps at 2400 and passes to command of First Army. In VII Corps area, 3d Armd Div closes along the Weser and finds all bridges down. 1st Div prepares to force the river on left flank of corps. At 1400, TF Taylor is formed--consisting of


RCT 26 (-1st Bn), 1st Div, and reinf 4th Cav Gp, under Brig. Gen. George A. Taylor--to secure region E of Ruhr pocket between XIX and III Corps and maintain contact with adjacent friendly forces. The task force operates under corps command. 104th Div, less 414th Inf, drives to the Weser on right flank of corps and gets elements across it. With TF Laundon (104th Rcn Tr, reinf) spearheading, 413th and 415th Regts reach the river in vicinity of Gieselwerder and Bursfelde respectively. 1st Bn, 415th, crosses in Bursfelde area while 3d Bn moves S and crosses in V Corps zone. In V Corps area, 2d Div continues movement across the Weser at Veckerhagen and expands bridgehead toward Dransfeld. Supporting vehicles cross upon completion of treadway bridge. Aided by arty, air, and armor, 69th Div reaches the Werra from Hann Muenden to Witzenhausen, establishes bridgeheads, and makes contact with 2d Div on left. RCT 273 captures Hann Muenden; crosses there and at Laubach to clear Altmuenden, Lippoldshausen, Wiershausen, and commanding ground NE of Hann Muenden; moves elements along S bank to Oberode. RCT 272 reaches Witzenhausen just as enemy blows bridges; starts crossing in assault boats while engineers construct ponton bridge.

In U.S. Third Army's XX Corps area, 6th Armd Div, less CCR, defends current positions in Muhlhausen area. CCR, assisted by 3d Bn, 304th Inf, moves NW to help 76th Div, eliminating enemy forces falling back from the Werra toward Muhlhausen. RCT 417, 76th Div, continues mopping up W of the Werra, reaching Bad Sooden area; from Eschwege area RCT 385 pushes N along E side of Wehre R toward Allendorf and Volkerode; RCT 304 reaches line from vicinity of Klettstedt to Graefentonna area, E of Langensalza. 80th Div concentrates in Gotha area and relieves elements of 4th Armd Div. In VIII Corps area, enemy counterattack overruns 3d Bn of 261st Inf, 65th Div, in Struth, but situation is restored with assistance of elements of XX Corps and aircraft. Elements of 65th Div relieve 87th Div forces at Gerstungen. 353d Inf, 89th Div, clears region SE of Eisenach to line Wutha-Ruhla; 354th drives S across right front of div, entering Friedrichroda; 355th screens div right from Seebergen to Woelfig. 87th Div drives quickly E on right flank of corps with 2 regts abreast: 345th reaches Tanbach area; 347th reaches Oberhof, where it establishes contact with 11th Armd Div (XII Corps) and repels counterattack, night 7-8. 6th Cav Gp moves some elements to Eschwege area to protect left flank of corps and others to Eisenach to maintain order. In XII Corps area, 11th Armd Div starts clearing assembly zone in preparation for drive on Bayreuth. 26th Div, disposed in Meiningen-Suhl region, mops up southward toward Themar and Schleusingen, both of which fall to 11th Armd Div. RCT 14, 71st Div, closes in Kaltensundheim area, where it protects right flank of corps. Elements of 2d Cav Gp screen line Bettenhausen-Meiningen until uncovered by 106th Cav Gp of Seventh Army.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XV Corps area, CCA of 14th Armd Div takes Neustadt, on Saale R, with ease but right flank forces are slowed by strong resistance. In XXI Corps area, 42d Div is given task of capturing Schweinfurt, ball-bearing center, and is reinf by CCA, 12th Armd Div. Continuing NE, div gains 8-10 miles; right flank elements establish bridgehead E of the Main at Volkach. 22d and 12th Regts, 4th Div, continue SE on right flank of corps against scattered resistance: 22d Inf clears Bad Mergentheim while 12th Inf drives to Tauber R line. In VI Corps area, 100th Div slowly expands its positions in Heilbronn: 398th Inf commits 1st Bn to assist 2d in Offenau bridgehead. Since frontal attacks against Hardehauser Wald have failed, 63d Div begins enveloping maneuver: while 253d Inf continues E, 3d Bn of 255th establishes bridgehead across the Jagst at Widdern to block on E and eventually join 253d Inf at Lampoldhausen. 255th (-) and 254th Regts clear a number of towns astride the Jagst to NE. CCA, 10th Armd Div, captures Crailsheim; elements drive W in effort to attack Heilbronn from rear and effect junction with 100th Div, thereby pocketing enemy opposing 63d Div. CCB rejoins div and starts SE toward Bad Mergentheim-Crailsheim highway. RCT 324, 44th Div, is directed to move to VI Corps zone.

EASTERN EUROPE--Elements of Third Ukrainian Front break into S part of Vienna, where street fighting ensues.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army area, 442d Inf of 92d Div clears M. Belvedere after hard fighting. 2d Bn, 473d Inf, is committed to left, where enemy guns continue to hold up advance. Strettoia, E of Highway 1, is being bypassed.

In Br Eighth Army's 5 Corps area, 56th Div expands Reno bridgehead to Fossa di Navigazione.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army area, RCT 158 continues efforts to extend control over Legaspi area. Airstrip at Legaspi becomes operational. In I Corps area, Gen Krueger, to speed operations in the N, releases rest of 37th Div, less 145th Inf, to corps. In 33d Div sector, Co G, 129th Inf, is still isolated in Salat area. On Villa Verde Trail, elements of 126th Inf, 32d Div, capture Hill 518 in Salacsac Pass area. 128th Inf, with air and arty support, launches general assault against Japanese hill positions in this region. 25th Div columns astride Highway 5 are enveloping Kapintalan. In XI Corps area, Baldy Force begins reconnaissance in force toward Ipo Dam. XIV Corps is directed to seize E coast towns


of Mauban and Atimonan, on Lamon Bay, and prepare for advance SE into the Bicols. Elements continue pressure toward Mt Malepunyo. 187th Gli Inf, 11th A/B Div, seizes Malarya Hill. Elements of 188th Inf move E through Candelaria to establish contact with Filipino guerrillas moving W through Sariaya.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, rest of 2d Bn, 108th Inf, arrives on Masbate. On Cebu, 3d Bn of 132d Inf advances 1,000 yards NW from vicinity of Hill 27 toward Hill 26 but withdraws under counterattack. On Negros, Para RCT 503 arrives at Pulupandan.

BATTLE OF EAST CHINA SEA--Japanese fleet units heading toward Okinawa are intercepted by planes of TF 58, which sink BB Yamato, CL Yahagi, and 4 DD's and damage 2 other DD's. Kamikaze plane damages USS Hancock, but TF 58 shoots down 54 aircraft for loss of 10.

RYUKYU IS.--In U.S. Tenth Army area, fighter aircraft arrive on Okinawa. Amphib Rcn Bn, FMF Pac, completes reconnaissance of Eastern Islands, finding enemy on but one. In III Amphib Corps area, 6th Mar Div reaches line Nago-Taira, at base of Motobu Peninsula, and begins reconnaissance of the peninsula. In XXIV Corps area, 383d Inf of 96th Div completes capture of Cactus Ridge while 382d advances in region E of Ginowan road. 184th Inf makes main effort of 7th Div. After unsuccessful frontal assaults on hill 1,000 yards W of Minami-Uebaru, elements of 184th take this strong enemy outpost in enveloping maneuver.

8 April

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army's Cdn 2 Corps area, Cdn 4th Armd Div, driving NE toward Oldenburg, crosses Ems R in Meppen-Lathen area. Cdn 3d Div takes Zutphen and thrusts toward Deventer. Pol 1st Armd Div is released to corps and is moving to corps zone.

In Br Second Army's 30 Corps area, Gds Armd Div, overcoming sharp resistance E of Lingen, continues NE toward Bremen. In 12 Corps area, 7th Armd Div is rapidly approaching the Weser. 8 Corps reaches the Leine SE of Nienburg.

12th Army Group: In U.S. Ninth Army area, 29th Div, in army reserve, takes responsibility for security of rear area in large sector extending from the Rhine to Dortmund-Ems Canal initially and gradually extending eastward. In XIII Corps area, 84th Div gains bridgehead objectives and on the N reaches the Leine. 334th Inf takes bridge over the Leine near Guemmer. 333d takes up defensive positions about Weetzen. CCR of 5th Armd Div, ordered to secure Leine R crossing S of Hannover and block enemy escape, moves S into XIX Corps zone to cross the Weser at Hameln, then returns to XIII Corps zone. CCB garrisons Minden and CCA remains in Herford area. 102d Div continues to mop up W of the Weser. 11th Cav Gp crosses the Weser and screens N flank of corps to the Leine. In XIX Corps area, 2d Armd Div improves defensive positions in limited attacks and regroups for future action. 30th Div continues to follow armor eastward. 83d Div continues E on right flank of corps, crossing the Leine at several points in Alfeld-Greene area, and reaches assigned objective, line Gandersheim-Westfeld, S of Hildesheim. 331st Inf starts across the Weser, 3d Bn crossing at Heinsen and clearing Bevern. TF Twaddle continues operations against Ruhr pocket. TF Faith clears region between Mohne and Ruhr Rivers E of line Allengen-Hirschberg-Meschede. CCB, 8th Armd Div, drives W through Werl and captures Ost Buederich. CCR clears westward toward Werl-Wickede road. 95th Div continues W in region between Hamm and Unna-Soest rail line, clearing numerous towns. In XVI Corps area, 75th Div, with effective air and arty support, completes capture of Castrop Rauxel and drives to edge of Luetgendortmund. 79th Div expands bridgehead S of Rhein-Herne Canal beyond Schonnebeck. 17th A/B Div moves elements of 507th Para Inf across the canal to protect exposed right flank of 79th Div by clearing to Berne Canal.

In U.S. First Army's XVIII Corps (A/B) area, 386th Inf of 97th Div expands Sieg bridgehead northward; 1st Bn of 387th, to its left, attacks across the Sieg, broadening bridgehead westward. Forward elements of 78th Div seize Waldbrol, Lichtenberg, and Freudenberg. 8th Div makes substantial gains, especially on right, where resistance is light and 28th Inf reaches Wurdinghausen-Rinsecke region, well ahead of main body. 86th Div prepares to attack on right flank of corps. 13th Armd Div starts from Homberg area to join in operations against Ruhr pocket. In III Corps area, TF Birks of 9th Div continues W, overrunning Velmede, Halbeswig, and Wehrstapel, and begins to clear Meschede; 39th Inf takes Ramsbeck, Werden, Westernboedefeld, and Boedefeld; 60th secures terrain features NE and N of Fredeburg. CCB, 7th Armd Div, clears Obringhausen and provides fire support for attack of CCR on Fredeburg; in vigorous, day-long fighting, CCR clears most of Fredeburg. 99th Div's 394th Inf, co-ordinating closely with 7th Armd Div, clears Wormbach, Felbecke, Selkentrop, Werntrop, and part of Saalhausen; 393d takes Selbecke and reduces bypassed resistance W of Milchenbach. 5th Div, less 11th Inf, is attached to corps. VII Corps establishes firm infantry bridgehead across the Weser and prepares to pass armor through it. On left flank, 1st Div crosses 18th Inf in Beverungen area and 16th Inf


in Wehrden area and gains bridgehead including Fuerstenberg, Derenthal, Meinbrexen, and Lauenfoerde. To right, 104th Div expands and strengthens Weser bridgehead: 413th Inf crosses at Gieselwerder, starting at 0400; 415th completes crossing on div right. CCR, 3d Armd Div, crosses at Gieselwerder and assembles in Imbsen area. TF Taylor, no longer required for defensive mission along Ruhr pocket, is dissolved. In V Corps area, 2d Div completes its crossing of the Weser and drives rapidly E about 10 miles: on left, 23d Inf clears Gottingen and continues SE; 9th Inf thrusts through Reinhausen into Forst Reinhausen; 38th Inf gets into position to protect left flank E of the Weser. On 69th Div left flank, RCT 273 mops up in Hann Muenden area; RCT 272, to right, completes crossing the Werra, drives to Leine R in Nieder Gandern-Hohengandern sector, and establishes bridgehead; RCT 271 (-) is moving forward to relieve RCT 273. 9th Armd Div starts to assembly area E of the Weser.

In U.S. Third Army's XX Corps area, RCT 417 of 76th Div moves to defensive positions E of Eschwege. RCT 385 and CCR, 6th Armd Div, continue to clear region N and NE of Eschwege. RCT 385 reaches Allendorf and Volkerode and relieves elements of CCR at Volkerode. RCT 304 holds line E of Langensalza and extends it NW, uncovering part of zone of CCA, 6th Armd Div. 80th Div, leaving 319th Inf at Gotha to maintain order, starts E toward Erfurt with 317th Inf on left and 318th on right. In VIII Corps area, 65th Div, whose zone on left flank of corps is being uncovered by XX Corps, passes into reserve. 89th and 87th Divs continue clearing Thuringer Wald against scattered but determined opposition. 6th Cav Gp assembles in reserve in Thal-Seebach area. 4th Armd Div, upon relief by 89th Div and XX Corps' 80th Div, assembles in Gotha area. XII Corps finishes clearing to line of departure from which to attack SE in force. On left flank, 90th Div (-) moves to Thuringer Wald, where it takes over Zella Mehlis sector and, with 359th and 358th Regts in assault--359th reverting to it from attachment to 26th Div--clears eastward to vicinity of Gehlberg on left and Stutzenbach on right. Clearing Thuringer Wald to right of 90th Div, 26th Div's 328th and 101st Regts reach Nahe R line from Schmiedefeld to Rappelsdorf and establish contact with CCA of 11th Armd Div at Rappelsdorf. 11th Armd Div completes occupation of its assembly area. 71st Div clears to general line Meiningen-Marisfeld-Juchsen. 42d Sq, 2d Cav Gp, pushes SE on right flank of corps to Juchsen-Nordheim area.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army area, XV Corps continues attack in Hohe Rhon hills with infantrymen of 3d and 45th Divs. 3d Div is reinf by CCB of 14th Armd Div. CCA and CCR, 14th Armd Div, assemble. 44th Div is transferred to VI Corps. In XXI Corps area, 42d Div meets strong opposition from outer defenses of Schweinfurt: on left, 232d Inf drives to line Alt Bessingen-Schwebenried; in center, CCA, 12th Armd Div, and 242d Inf units reach Werneck and Ettleben; on right, 222d Inf maintains Volkach bridgehead and positions W of the Main. 12th Armd Div begins reconnaissance in force to SE, employing 92d Cav Rcn Sq on left and 101st Cav Gp on right. 22d and 12th Regts, 4th Div, patrol actively SE on right flank of corps. In VI Corps area, 100th Div continues bitter street fighting in Heilbronn and crosses reinforcements into bridgehead there. To N, 398th Inf is still strongly opposed in Jagstfeld area as it attempts to expand Offenau bridgehead to Odheim. 63d Div pushes S on left flank of corps to clear region between Jagst and Kocher Rivers. 10th Armd Div alters plan of attack, heading NW from Crailsheim area toward 63d Div rather than due W toward 100th Div. Germans are offering strong opposition in vicinity of Crailsheim. RCT 324, 44th Div, is attached to 10th Armd Div.

In Fr 1st Army's 2d Corps area, 3d Algerian Inf Div finishes clearing its zone W of the Neckar as far S as the Enz at Bissingen. Groupements Schlesser and Navarre overrun Pforzheim and, in conjunction with Valluy Groupement, clear Dietenhausen, Ellmendingen, and Diedingen to W. 2d Moroccan Inf Div gains further ground N of the Enz and establishes bridgehead S of the river in vicinity of Muehlhausen.

EASTERN EUROPE--Soviet forces of Third White Russian Front begin all-out assault on Koenigsberg (East Prussia), having broken through outer defenses from NW and S. Elimination of German garrison at Breslau (Silesia) continues. Second Ukrainian Front pushes right flank elements northward in Czechoslovakia toward Moravian frontier and to left establishes bridgeheads across Morava and Danube Rivers E and NE of Vienna. Troops of Third Ukrainian Front gain ground in S and W Vienna; some elements bypass the city and head W toward Linz while others speed southward from Wiener Neustadt area toward Graz.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army area, 473d Inf replaces 370th in coastal sector and continues attack up Highway 1 while 370th moves to Serchio Valley positions previously occupied by 473d Inf.

CHINA--Strong Japanese patrols begin probing Chinese outpost positions W of Paoching in preparation for drive on Chihchiang.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army area, patrols of AT Co, RCT 158, reach Bulan, on W coast of Bicol Peninsula. In I Corps area, Gen Swift orders drive


on Baguio hastened. 37th Div is to make main effort along Highway 9 while 33d Div is opening other routes, among them Galiano-Baguio and Kennon roads. 123d Inf has elements beyond Galiano, on the crude Pugo-Baguio trail, and on Mt Calugong, about 5½ miles SW of Baguio. 129th Inf is still held up in Salat area of Naguilian-Baguio highway. 136th Inf reaches positions about midway between Rosario and Baguio on Kennon road. Along Villa Verde Trail, 32d Div troops continue battle for Salacsac Pass, the saddle between Hills 504 and 505. On Highway 5, 161st Inf, 25th Div, reaches W slope of Crump Hill, about 1,000 yards W of Kapintalan, and pauses until 35th Inf can clear Kapintalan. In XI Corps area, air and arty fire saturates Mt Mataba as 63d Inf, 6th Div, prepares to renew ground assault. 43d Div mops up and patrols extensively. In XIV Corps area, some elements of corps probe eastward toward Lamon Bay; others maintain pressure on Mt Malepunyo. 187th Inf, 11th A/B Div, occupies Sulac, in W foothills of Mt Mataasna Bundoc.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, 3d Bn of 132d Inf takes ridge 2,000 yards NW of Hill 27 on Cebu and holds it against night counterattack. Co E, 182d Inf, and guerrillas move against Hill 20, between the Reservoir and Race Course. On Negros, 3-regt assault is ordered to prevent enemy from improving positions in mountainous interior. Enemy positions are pounded by aircraft.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army's III Amphib Corps area, battle for Motobu Peninsula begins as columns of 29th Marines, 6th Mar Div, move forward to fix enemy positions. In XXIV Corps area, 383d Inf of 96th Div, with air, arty, and naval gunfire support, presses toward Kakazu Ridge and makes unsuccessful attacks on its approaches. Japanese employ spigot mortar fire for the first time. 382d Inf is virtually halted since friendly forces on its flanks cannot advance. 184th Inf, 7th Div, attacks toward 2 strongpoints--Tomb Hill, 1,000 yards NW of Ouki, and Triangulation Hill, 1,000 yards NW of Tomb Hill--taking the latter. 32d Inf continues to gain ground on E in coastal sector.

9 April

WESTERN EUROPE--RAF BC sinks Admiral Scheer during attack on Kiel, night 9-10.

21 Army Group: In Br Second Army area, 30 Corps advances E and NE of Lingen, Gds Armd Div reaching positions beyond Fuerstenau and 43d Div crossing Hase R. 3d Div passes to 12 Corps command. In 12 Corps area, 7th Armd Div reaches the Weser in Hoya area and establishes bridgehead. 8 Corps crosses Leine R, making contact with U.S. forces to right, and starts toward Aller R at Celle.

12th Army Group: In U.S. Ninth Army's XIII Corps area, 84th Div gets into position for assault on Hannover from N, NW, and W. CCR, 5th Armd Div, crosses the Leine S of Hannover and drives rapidly toward line Uetze-Peine en route to Oker R, cutting autobahn near Vohrum. CCA, directed toward line Celle-Uetze and thence to the Aller R, moves to Hameln to cross the Weser. Congestion there, where 102d Div is also crossing, delays CCA, which is ordered to attack instead in S portion of corps zone. 407th Inf, 102d Div, motors to new assembly areas and begins clearing Obernkirchen region, E of the Weser. XIX Corps is relieved of responsibility for Ruhr pocket by XVI Corps, which takes command of TF Twaddle, and prepares to renew eastward drive. XVI Corps, now commanding all Ninth Army forces operating against the Ruhr, further compresses the pocket. 75th Div, closely supported by aircraft and arty, presses S: 290th Inf takes Dorstfeld, at W edge of Dortmund; 289th clears Luetgendortmund; 291st blocks roads on right flank of div. 35th Div, less 320th Inf, drives S across Rhein-Herne Canal to positions N and E of Gelsenkirchen. 79th Div, continuing S with 3 regts--314th passing through elements of 315th and 313th--overruns Kray, Frillendorf, and Steele to reach the Ruhr and split enemy forces; prepares to drive E toward Dortmund. 507th Para Inf, 17th A/B Div, protecting right flank of 79th Div, reaches Berne Canal, its objective. TF Twaddle continues W toward Unna and Kamen. 8th Armd Div's CCB takes Holtum, Hemmerde, Westhemmerde, and Stockum; CCR continues W along N bank of the Ruhr; CCA holds Mohne R sector. 378th and 379th Regts, 95th Div, gain ground toward Kamen. TF Faith is rapidly clearing region between the Mohne and the Ruhr and makes contact with First Army on left.

In U.S. First Army's XVIII Corps (A/B) area, 97th Div further expands and strengthens bridgehead N of the Sieg on left flank of corps, crossing rest of 387th Inf into it at dawn and 303d Inf at 1800. 303d opens assault on Siegburg and clears about two thirds of the city. 386th Inf, on right flank, mops up bypassed pockets. 78th Div, committing 311th Inf between 309th and 310th, moves northward on broad front, reaching positions near Nuembrecht and Oberwiehl on left, Denklingen-Erdingen region in center, and Bueschergrund on right. 8th Div's zone is narrowed as 86th Div takes over right flank from 28th Inf. Continuing NW with 13th and 121st Regts, 8th Div reaches Olpe-Rahrbach region, a gain of 5-10 miles. 86th Div begins attack on right flank of corps with 342d Inf, which advances northward in narrow zone to Hotolpe-Altenhundem


area. 341st Inf reverts to div from attachment to 97th Div. Corps prepares for double envelopment of the Ruhr pocket S of the Ruhr: 13th Armd Div, which is attached to corps, is to constitute left prong of pincers after debouching through 97th Div's bridgehead. 8th and 86th Divs are to form the right prong. 78th Div will maintain direct pressure in center. In III Corps area, 5th Div, less 11th Inf, closes in Olsberg area and attacks W with RCT 10 through TF Birks, 9th Div; 32d Cav Sq protects left flank. TF Birks finishes clearing Meschede and is dissolved. 39th Inf continues NW against light resistance, clearing Berlar on right. Altenilpe and Ober Henneborn fall to 60th Inf. Continuing NW with CCR on right and CCB on left, 7th Armd Div overruns numerous towns and villages and reaches general line Mailar-Ober Landenbeck-Kobbenrode. 394th Inf, 99th Div, secures Bracht and ridge to SW; 395th clears Saalhausen-Langener sector N of the Lenne; 393d finishes clearing region S of the Lenne and crosses elements. In VII Corps area, 3d Armd Div passes through infantry bridgehead across the Weser and drives quickly toward Nordhausen. On left, CCR reaches Northeim and Levershausen area. CCB reaches Leine R north of Gottingen and bridge construction is begun. CCA, in reserve, crosses the Weser and follows CCR. 1st Div completes its crossing of the Weser and with 16th and 18th Regts expands bridgehead eastward; 26th Inf, motorized, attacks through 16th toward Einbeck: 4th Cav Gp is attached to 1st Div. 104th Div follows 3d Armd Div closely and makes contact with 1st Div S of Uslar; right flank elements take Barterode and drive toward Bovenden. In V Corps area, 9th Armd Div prepares to attack E through 2d and 69th Divs and is reinf by motorized elements of 38th Inf, 2d Div, and of 273d Inf, 69th Div. 2d and 69th Divs continue E against light resistance.

In U.S Third Army's XX Corps area, 3d Cav Gp relieves RCT 385 of 76th Div and, in conjunction with elements of CCR of 6th Armd Div, attached to 76th Div, finishes clearing N flank of corps. RCT 385 motors to right flank of 76th Div SE of Langensalza and clears Doellstaedt, Grossfahner, Gierstadt, and Kleinfahner. 80th Div continues toward Erfurt. CCB defends N flank of 6th Armd Div and clears Toba; CCA zone on right is completely uncovered by advance of friendly forces. In VIII Corps area, 89th and 87th Divs continue attack abreast, reaching positions generally along corps restraining line; are ordered to make limited attacks eastward from there on 10th. 353d Inf finishes clearing 89th Div left flank; 354th, reinf by bn of 355th, clears Georgenthal and Finsterbergen; 355th continues to protect right flank of div and overruns Grafenhain. Continuing E with 345th and 347th Regts, 87th Div reaches vicinity of Stutzhaus on left and takes high ground E of Oberhof on right; 346th Inf moves elements NE to protect N flank of div and maintain contact with 89th Div. 4th Armd Div is transferred to XX Corps. XII Corps improves positions in limited action and prepares to renew offensive on 10th.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XV Corps area, 45th and 3d Divs gain corps objectives in Hohe Rhon hill mass and corps prepares to drive SE on Nuremberg. In XXI Corps area, 42d Div, despite close air support, meets increasingly strong resistance as it closes in on Schweinfurt. 12th Armd Div--less CCA, which is assisting 42d Div--reconnoiters SE. 4th Div activity is limited to patrolling on right flank of corps. In VI Corps area, 100th Div continues efforts to join N and S bridgeheads in Heilbronn. 398th Inf is still stubbornly opposed in Jagstfeld area as it attempts to expand Offenau bridgehead. On right flank of 63d Div, elements of 255th Inf driving SW in Hardehauser Wald and 253d Inf pushing E join forces and finish clearing the woods, reaching N bank of Kocher R to S. 255th Inf (-) reaches the Kocher at Weissbach and establishes bridgehead. 254th, to left, reaches line Ingelfelden-Weldingsfeld and reconnoiters toward 10th Armd Div sector. 10th Armd Div, assisted by RCT 324 of 44th Div, withstands strong enemy pressure against Crailsheim and MSR between there and Bad Mergentheim.

In Fr 1st Army area, 2d Corps expands Enz bridgehead and to the W gains ground in spurs of Black Mountains SE of Ettlingen. Valluy Groupement, now reinf by CC2 of 1st Armd Div, gains ground in region S of Ettlingen.

EASTERN EUROPE--Organized resistance in East Prussia virtually ends as Koenigsberg fortress falls to troops of Third White Russian Front and Germans fall back to Samland Peninsula. Other Soviet forces are steadily extending control over Vienna.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army area, 92d Div pushes forward to outskirts of Massa, its first objective. In IV Corps area, 371st Inf is attached to corps in place and boundary between IV and II Corps is altered accordingly. 371st takes over left sector of 1st Div, BEF, on M. Belvedere, permitting Brazilians to shift NE and reduce sector of 10th Mtn Div.

Br Eighth Army opens final offensive in Italy, attacking in evening with Pol 2 and Br 5 Corps, latter making main effort, after air preparation on an extensive scale, lasting for 1½ hours, and arty bombardment of enemy positions. Flame throwers are used along the Senio just ahead of infantry and assist materially in reducing opposition at the river banks. Pol 2 Corps attacks with 3d Carpathian Div,


clearing to E bank of the Senio against strong resistance; using 5 Corps' bridge, establishes bridgehead N of Highway 9 in S. Severo-Felisio sector. In 5 Corps area, NZ 2d and Ind 8th Divs, former on left, establish bridgeheads across the Senio in Lugo area. 10 Corps, with Italian Friuli Group and Jewish Brig under its command, attacks across the Senio, night 9-10, to divert enemy from main action, establishing bridgehead in Cuffiana area by dawn. 13 Corps holds defensive positions on left flank of army.

CBI--Gen Wedemeyer meets with officers of Tenth Air Force and India-Burma Theater to discuss projected move of Tenth Air Force to China.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's Legaspi sector, RCT 158 overcomes resistance near Daraga and secures junction of Highways 1 and 160. Widespread patrolling of Sorsogon Province indicates that Japanese are now concealed in hills around San Francisco, about 5 miles NE of Bulan. In I Corps area, 37th and 33d Divs prepare for strong effort against Baguio, 148th Inf of 37th Div moving from Manila to Naguilian area. Cos E and F, 129th Inf, try in vain to reach isolated Co G on Naguilian-Baguio road. 3d Bn moves to base of mountain mass called Three Peaks in preparation for attack on Monglo. 130th Inf, 33d Div, relieves elements of 123d Inf at Galiano. 32d Div assault toward Salacsac Pass, on Villa Verde Trail, gains some ground. Elements of 27th Inf, 25th Div, finish clearing spur W of Mt Myoko, from which Japanese have been barring forward movement. In XI Corps area, air and arty continue to neutralize Mt Mataba. Elements of 38th Div that have been pushing along Sacobia R toward Mt Pinatubo have gained several thousand yards during last few days. In XIV Corps area, some elements of 1st Cav and 11th A/B Divs speed E toward the coast, establishing contact at Lucban, and others are maintaining pressure on Mt Malepunyo.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, Americal Div gets into position on Cebu to place enfilade fire on enemy positions in mountainous interior. RCT 164 arrives at Cebu City at night. On Negros, 40th Div begins concerted effort to eliminate enemy in mountains, employing 503d Para Inf on left, 185th Inf in center, and 160th Inf on right. 503d, driving SE from Napilas area toward Manzanares, is soon halted by enemy fire. 185th drives E toward Lantawan, gaining 6,000 yards and clearing hill position. 160th, moving NE toward Hill 3155 later called Dolan Hill, reaches its base. 2d Bn of 186th Inf, 41st Div, begins shore-to-shore operations to clear Calamian Is., N of Palawan, with unopposed landing on Busuanga I. In Sulu Archipelago, RCT 163 (less 2d Bn), 41st Div, makes unopposed landing on Jolo and begins clearing it. 2 weeks of aerial bombardment and preliminary naval bombardment by Seventh Fleet precede landing.

RYUKYU IS.--In U.S. Tenth Army's III Amphib Corps area, 29th Marines of 6th Mar Div continues to explore Motobu Peninsula in effort to develop enemy positions there. In XXIV Corps area, battle for Kakazu Ridge, key feature in enemy's Shuri defense system, starts as 2 bns of 383d Inf, 96th Div, storm up the ridge in surprise attack beginning before dawn. Under enemy fire and frequent counterattacks, the regt withdraws. Both sides suffer heavy casualties. 184th Inf, 7th Div, captures Tomb Hill with assistance of massed fire. 32d Inf continues to advance along E coast. 27th Div (-RCT 105) lands to reinforce corps.

10 April

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army's Cdn 2 Corps area, Cdn 3d Div takes Deventer and continues northward toward Leeuwarden. Cdn 2d Div drives on Groningen against scattered resistance. Cdn 4th Armd Div pushes beyond Soegel toward Oldenburg.

Br Second Army's 30 Corps continues NE toward Bremen. In 12 Corps area, 53d Div, from the Hoya bridgehead across the Weser, attacks NE toward Soltau. 8 Corps continues toward Celle sector of the Aller R.

12th Army Group: In U.S. Ninth Army's XIII Corps area, 84th Div attacks and takes Hannover. 5th Armd Div, spearheading drive toward final objective, the Elbe, reaches and crosses Oker R: CCR captures bridge in Ahnsen area; CCA crosses the Oker on right flank of corps and reaches Meine, N of Braunschweig. 102d Div continues to mop up rear area. In XIX Corps area, 2d Armd Div renews eastward drive: CCA advances in 3 columns to Hallendorf area, SW of Braunschweig; CCB columns, to right, speed to the Oker at Schladen, where bridge is secured, and Gross Dohren, to SW. 30th Div shuttles E on left flank of corps from Hameln area, with RCT 117 on left and RCT 120 on right, and reaches Fuhse Canal, W of Braunschweig. 83d Div, with 329th Inf on left and 330th on right, drives E on right flank of corps from Westfeld-Seesen sector, left flank elements taking several towns in region N of Harz Mountains and right flank units fighting slowly forward through Harz Mountains. In XVI Corps area, 75th Div progresses steadily S toward Witten sector of the Ruhr against slackening resistance, forward elements taking Dueren and Stockum; establishes contact with TF Twaddle E of Brambauer. 35th Div screens right flank of 75th Div on left and clears Gelsenkirchen and suburbs on right. 79th Div advances E along the Ruhr against scattered resistance (313th Inf on left and


314th on right) and clears Bochum. After regrouping and relieving elements of 79th Div, 17th A/B Div attacks S with 507th Para Inf and takes Essen without opposition. In sector of TF Twaddle, 8th Armd Div gets into position for final assault on Unna, a target for aircraft. In conjunction with CCB, 95th Div's 379th Inf drives through Luenern and Muehlhausen on left and on right takes Kamen. TF Faith finishes clearing its zone except for Neheim and Arnsberg.

In U.S. First Army's XVIII Corps (A/B) area, 13th Armd Div begins crossing the Sieg in Siegburg area. One CCA column proceeds to Breidt area and another reaches positions near Siegburg. CCB thrusts to Agger R and establishes bridgehead with 2 rifle cos. 97th Div completes capture of Siegburg and supports crossing of 13th Armd Div over the Sieg. 78th Div, against delaying opposition, pushes steadily NW to general line Nuembrecht-Eckenhage-Hillmicke. 8th Div drives rapidly NW to Valbert-Wegeringhausen area. 86th Div's 342d Inf presses NW toward Attendorn. In III Corps area, RCT 10 of 5th Div continues rapidly W to Wenne R and takes bridge intact near Berge. RCT 2 secures bridgehead across the Wenne on high ground E of Grevenstein. 9th Div continues attack with 39th Inf on right and 60th on left until pinched out. 7th Armd Div commits CCA between CCR and CCB and drives steadily NW in multiple columns. 394th Inf, 99th Div, pushes through Odingen and Ober Elspe; 393d takes Halberbracht; 395th clears Meggen and Kickenbach. In VII Corps area, 3d Armd Div continues rapid advance on Nordhausen, CCB columns, on right, reaching Klein and Gross Werther, just SW of objective, and CCR reaching Silkerode, Bockelnhagen, and Zwinge. 1st and 104th Divs continue to follow armor closely. In V Corps area, 9th Armd Div passes through 2d and 69th Divs to spearhead attack to E: on left, CCB reaches Hain area, S of Nordhausen; CCA, in center, drives to positions beyond Ebeleben; on right, CCR overruns Schlotheim and gets forward elements to Freienbessingen. 2d and 69th Divs mop up to rear of armor.

In U.S. Third Army area, XX Corps continues E with 76th Div on left and 80th on right and prepares to commit armor to spearhead drive to the Elbe. 76th Div, with RCT's 304 and 385 abreast, 304 on left, advances to assigned objective, Straussfurt-Kuehnhausen rail line, with little difficulty; RCT 417 then relieves RCT 304. Against scattered resistance, 80th Div closes in on Erfurt and partially encircles it. 6th and 4th Armd Divs prepare to attack E abreast through 76th and 80th Divs. Elements of 6th Armd Div within First Army zone are relieved by 9th Armd and 69th Inf Divs (V Corps). 3d Cav Gp assembles N of Gotha and will protect left and right flanks of corps. In VIII Corps area, 89th and 87th Divs continue E abreast. 89th Div, with 355th Inf on left and 354th on right, drives to Gera R at Rudisleben, Arnstadt, and E of Espenfeld. 87th Div's 345th Inf takes Stutzhaus and continues to vicinity of Crawinkel; 347th, to right, reaches edge of Geraberg. Div forms TF Sundt (Div Rcn Tr, Co K of 346th Inf, and supporting units) to spearhead drive to the Saale on 11th, followed by 3d Bn of 346th Inf, motorized; rest of 346th Inf prepares to attack through 345th. 65th Div closes in assembly area in vicinity of Berka. XII Corps opens offensive to SE. 11th Armd Div, with close arty and air support, drives quickly to vicinity of Coburg, its immediate objective, against sporadic delaying action. On left, CCA blocks N and NE exits from the city. CCB reaches Wiesenfeld area, just N of Coburg, and reconnoiters in force toward the city, drawing AT fire. Heavy fire is placed on Coburg throughout night. 71st Div follows 11th Armd Div, mopping up. 26th Div pushes SE over difficult terrain of Thuringer Wald to NE of 71st Div. On left flank of corps, 90th Div continues E through Thuringer Wald, 359th Inf reaching Ilmenau and 358th, Neustadt.

U.S. Fifteenth Army takes command of 28th Div (-RCT 112), which starts to Juelich area. XXIII Corps takes over sector W of the Rhine to right of XXII Corps.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army area, XV Corps holds current positions and patrols SE while preparing to continue offensive. CCB reverts to 14th Armd Div. In XXI Corps area, 42d Div, supported by powerful medium bomber attack and continuous arty fire, drives to within 3 miles of Schweinfurt against tenacious resistance. 232d Inf circles northward, overrunning Zell and Hambach; 242d holds current positions in center; 222d continues N along W bank of the Main to Bergrheinfeld. CCA of 12th Armd Div, assisting 42d Div, drives N along E bank of the Main, overrunning Unter and Ober Spiesheim and Alitzheim. CCB clears Stadt-Schwarzach, Klein Langheim, and Castell. CCR, followed by 101st Cav Gp, drives SE to Weigenheim and Geckenheim. Renewing offensive on right flank of corps, 4th Div's 22d Inf pushes SE to line Bartenstein-Niederstetten while 12th, to left, overruns Laudenbach. RCT 324, 44th Div, is attached to 4th Div. Corps objective line is extended to Blaufelden. In VI Corps area, 100th Div gets its two bridgeheads in Heilbronn to within a city block of each other. In Offenau bridgehead to N, 398th Inf continues to battle stubborn enemy. On N flank of corps, 253d Inf of 63d Div consolidates along the Kocher; 255th expands Kocher bridgehead southward; 254th pushes S to general line Kunzelsau-Jagstberg and makes contact with 10th Armd Div


at Wolfsoelden. 10th Armd Div begins to withdraw its Crailsheim salient in compliance with army order and starts concentration in 63d Div zone.

In Fr 1st Army area, 2d Corps expands bridgehead S of the Enz and to right reaches Neuenburg and Dobel plateau. Valluy Groupement breaks through enemy defenses S of Karlsruhe. DA ALPS opens assault on l'Aution, commanding terrain in Alpes Maritimes province.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army area, 92d Div enters Massa, from which enemy has withdrawn.

In Br Eighth Army's Pol 2 Corps area, 3d Carpathian Div presses forward from the Senio toward the Santerno to left of 5 Corps, taking Solarolo and reaching Lugo Canal. In 5 Corps area, NZ 2d and Ind 8th Divs attack toward the Santerno. 78th Div force crosses the Senio between the two at Cotignola. 56th Div begins overland and amphibious operations toward Bastia in flooded coastal area. 167th Brig advances along the Reno while 169th, reinf by 40th (Royal Marine) Cdo, moves by water toward Menate, threatening enemy from rear.

BURMA--In Br Fourteenth Army's 4 Corps area, columns of Ind 17th Div and 255th Tank Brig converge on Pyawbwe and with air assistance capture this key point on Mandalay-Rangoon railway.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army area, RCT 158, after securing Legaspi area, begins rcn of islands in Albay Gulf and prepares to send elements to help AT Co in San Francisco area. In I Corps' Baguio area, Sablan-Salat region is cleared as Cos E and F of 129th Inf, 37th Div, establish contact with Co G in advanced position. 3d Bn begins assault up Three Peaks and gets to within 100 yards of top. 27th Inf, 25th Div, gives 1st Bn task of continuing offensive for Mt Myoko and withdraws 3d Bn into reserve. Salacsac Pass No. 2 falls to 128th Inf of 32d Div, concluding prolonged and costly battle for this gateway to Cagayan Valley. In XI Corps area, 63d Inf of 6th Div, having suspended ground attacks on Mt Mataba for several days while enemy positions there were being neutralized, renews assault and gets elements to the summit, but Japanese continue to defend positions on this feature for the next week. XIV Corps columns drive to coast at Lamon Bay, sealing off Japanese forces in the Bicols. Elements of 1st Cav Div take Mauban while units of 11th A/B Div seize Atimonan.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, Gen Suzuki is lost at sea while withdrawing from Cebu toward Mindanao. Hill 26 on Cebu falls to elements of 132d Inf. Co E, 182d, rejoins regiment after clearing Hill 20 in conjunction with guerrilla forces. On Negros, 160th Inf is pinned down by heavy fire at foot of Dolan Hill and for next few days reconnoiters extensively. In preparation for amphibious assault on Bohol, advance party of 3d Bn, 164th Inf, lands at Tagbilaran to secure guides.

RYUKYU IS.--3d Bn of 105th Inf, 27th Div, under command of Eastern Islands Attack and Fire Support Group (TG 51.19), lands on Tsugen Shima after preparatory aerial and naval gunfire bombardment and begins search for isolated enemy groups.

In U.S. Tenth Army's III Amphib Corps area on Okinawa, 29th Marines of 6th Mar Div is enveloping Japanese positions on Yae-Take hill mass, Motobu Peninsula. Some elements reach Toguchi, on coast NW of Yae-Take, and others are at Itomi, NE of Yae-Take. In XXIV Corps area, 96th Div, with unusually heavy fire support, attacks with 2 regts, 383d and 381st, toward Kakazu Ridge; gains positions on it in costly fighting but is unable to drive enemy off. 7th Div makes limited progress in region to E, 184th Inf consolidating and 32d pressing toward Ouki.

11 April

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army's Cdn 2 Corps area, Cdn 1st Div attacks W across Ijssel R toward Apeldoorn while rest of corps continues northward on broad front. Pol 1st Armd Div, now operating to right of Cdn 2d Div, employs motorized elements in pursuit of enemy.

In Br Second Army area, 30 Corps makes steady progress toward Bremen. In 12 Corps area, some 53d Div elements cross Leine R at Westen but others are held up in Rethem area. 8 Corps gets forward elements to Aller R line near Celle.

12th Army Group: In U.S. Ninth Army's XIII Corps area, 5th Armd Div continues toward the Elbe: CCR columns reach Ohrdorf, SE of Wittingen, and Rohrberg; CCA, to right, reaches Poritz, W of Bismark. 84th Div starts toward the Elbe in left sector of corps zone, leaving 335th Inf in Hannover as corps reserve. In right sector of corps, forward elements of 102d Div reach the Leine near Pattensen, S of Hannover. In XIX Corps area, advance elements of CCB, 2d Armd Div, in record drive of 57 miles, reach the Elbe S of Magdeburg. CCA gets columns to Wolfenbuettel, Schoppenstedt, and Immendorf area. At 0200, 30th Div begins assault across Fuhse Canal W of Braunschweig with RCT's 117 and 120. RCT 117 seizes airfield SW of Braunschweig and enters W part of city. RCT 120 takes rail bridge over the Oker SE of the city and blocks eastern exits; cavalry units, driving through 5th Armd Div zone, block N and NE exits. 329th Inf, 83d Div, clears Halberstadt and Groeningen; 330th and reformed TF Biddle are clearing large wooded area to right. In XVI Corps area, 75th Div, employing 289th, 290th, 291st, and 320th Regts during course of the day, reaches the Ruhr at Witten


and takes 2 bridges intact; clears Witten, Armen, Eichlinghofen, and Brechten. 35th Div (-) closes along the Ruhr W of Witten, between 75th and 79th Divs. 79th Div, reversing its course to drive W with 313th and 315th Regts, reaches the Ruhr SW of Essen and establishes small bridgehead at Kettwig. Driving SW with 507th and 513th Para Inf, 17th A/B Div clears scattered opposition from Mulheim-Duisburg sector of the Ruhr; 507th Para Inf gains small bridgehead at Mulheim and turns it over to 79th Div. In sector of TF Twaddle, 8th Armd Div, passing CCA through CCB, takes Unna; CCR continues W in region S of Unna. Pushing SW toward Dortmund, 95th Div's 378th and 379th Regts reach line Gahmen-Grevel-Asseln. In Ruhr-Mohne pocket, TF Faith overruns Neheim and pocket NE of Arnsberg, leaving only Arnsberg to be cleared. 15th Cav Gp, its front now uncovered by 75th and 95th Divs, releases 17th Sq to TF Faith to replace 194th Gli Inf.

In U.S. First Army's XVIII Corps (A/B) area, CCB of 13th Armd Div, bypassing Troisdorf, drives through Wahnerheide and Urbach, forward elements reaching initial objective near Dunnwald, W of Berg Gladbach; to right, one CCA TF advances along autobahn through Lohmar while another is clearing opposition in Breidt area; CCR crosses the Sieg. 97th Div assists armor, mopping up bypassed resistance. 78th Div continues NW against spotty delaying resistance to Drabenderhohe-Bielstein area on left, Gummersbach in center, and Dummling, near Berg Neustadt on right. 28th Inf passes through 13th Inf, on 8th Div left, and drives rapidly NW to Kierspe area while 121st thrusts to Verse River dam. On right flank of corps, 342d Inf of 86th Div overruns Attendorn. In III Corps area, 5th Div expands Wenne bridgehead: on right, 5th Cav Rcn Tr and RCT 10 clear Forst Rumbeck to general line Rumbeck-Hellefeld; RCT 2 pushes westward, taking Westerfeld, Weninghausen, Linnepe, and Grevenstein. 11th Inf is relieved of security mission in Frankfurt. 7th Armd Div gets into position to drive W across fronts of 5th and 99th Divs. On left flank of corps, 99th Div continues NW in region E of the Lenne to positions near Serkenrode, Fretter, and Weringhausen. 9th Div, now out of action, releases RCT 47 to VII Corps. In VII Corps area, CCB of 3d Armd Div captures Nordhausen and turns it over to 104th Div troops. To left, CCA and CCR attack toward Harz Mts: CCA takes Osterode and Herzberg; CCR secures Bartolfelde, Osterhagen, Tettenborn, and Neuhof, turns them over to 104th Div troops, and assembles NW of Nordhausen. Moving through Nordhausen, 83d Armd Rcn Bn takes Obersachswerfen, Gudersleben, and Woffleben. 414th Inf, less 2d Bn, reverts to 104th Div. 1st and 104th Divs move forward rapidly behind armor. In V Corps area, 9th Armd Div speeds eastward, followed closely by 2d and 69th Divs. CCB, 9th Armd Div, reaches N-S line through Ringleben on left. CCA, in center, reaches Sachsenburg area, W of Heldrungen. On right, CCR reaches Rothenberga-Hardisleben region.

In U.S. Third Army area, XX Corps passes armor through infantry and drives quickly to the Saale. During day's advance, Buchenwald concentration camp near Weimar and Allied prisoner camp in Bad Sulza area are overrun. Passing through 76th Div, 6th Armd Div drives E, with CCB and CCA abreast and CCR following, to the Saale SW of Naumberg; crosses the river at Koesen, Kleinheringen, and Camburg. 4th Armd Div, attacking abreast and to right of 6th Armd, with CCB and CCA abreast and CCR following, moves E through 80th Div, bypassing Erfurt and Weimar. CCB, on left, reaches Ulrichshalben-Schwarbsdorf area, a little short of the Saale. CCA reaches the Saale S of Jena but finds bridges down and halts for night in Goeschwitz area. Mopping up to rear of armor, 76th Div reaches Buttstaedt area. 80th Div closes circle about Erfurt with 317th and 318th Regts and moves 319th eastward along autobahn behind 4th Armd Div. 3d Cav Gp takes responsibility for protecting flanks of corps, 3d Sq on left flank and 43d Sq on right. In VIII Corps area, 89th Div reaches line Gutendorf-Tonndorf-Kramchfeld-Wizleben; forms TF Crater (motorized elements of 1st Bn of 353d Inf, 89th Rcn Tr, and supporting units) for dash to the Saale on 12th. 87th Div proceeds quickly toward Stadtilm on left and Bad Blankenburg on right. 65th Div starts to new assembly area at Waltershausen. 28th Sq, 6th Cav Gp, is given mission of protecting N flank of corps and closing gap between 89th and 87th Divs. In XII Corps area, Coburg surrenders to 11th Armd Div, which prepares to drive to Hasslach R line between Marktzeuln and Kronach; CCR TF finds Neustadt undefended. RCT 5, 71st Div, is attached to 11th Armd Div to occupy Coburg and clear woods to W. 71st Div units continue to mop up behind armor, forward elements reaching Rottenbach area. 26th Div takes Eisfeld without opposition and reaches Steinheid-Schalkau road. 90th Div advances rapidly as organized resistance collapses on left flank of corps, 359th Inf thrusting beyond Langenwiesen and Gehren and 358th beyond Gross Breitenbach; reconnaissance forces push through Konigsee.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army area, XV Corps opens drive SE of Nuremberg at 1500 with 45th Div on left and 3d Div on right, progressing rapidly. 106th Cav Gp probes ahead of assault divs. In XXI Corps area, 42d Div regts converge on Schweinfurt and clear the city while CCA, 12th Armd Div, blocks enemy escape to E from


positions commanding Schweinfurt-Bamberg highway. CCB pushes to Markt Bibart. CCR columns and 101st Cav Gp are maneuvering into position to pocket enemy in Uffenheim area. 4th Div, reinf by RCT 324 of 44th Div, opens drive SE toward Rothenburg. 12th and 22d Regts, 12th on left, making main effort, reach general line Baldersheim-Roettingen-Laudenbach. In VI Corps area, 100th Div forces within Heilbronn link up and clear about three fourths of the city. 398th Inf reaches the Kocher N of Heilbronn, overrunning Jagstfeld and Hagenbach and gaining positions near Odheim. 255th Inf, 63d Div, expands Kocher bridgehead S of Weissbach against strong opposition and is passed through by elements of 10th Armd Div. 254th Inf establishes bridgehead across the Kocher in vicinity of Ingelfingen and probes toward Kunzelsau. 10th Armd Div completes concentration in 63d Div zone and crosses elements of CCA over newly completed treadway bridge in Weissbach area.

In Fr 1st Army area, 2d Corps continues clearing along the Enz, reaching Calmbach and valley S of Dobel; to left maintains bridgehead across the Enz. Valluy Groupement reaches Murg R SE of Rastatt from Gaggenau to Gernsbach and envelops Rastatt.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army area, 442d Inf of 92d Div takes Carrara, from which enemy has withdrawn. 473d Inf continues to meet strong opposition to left, where 758th Tank Bn (-), reinf, is committed late in day.

In Br Eighth Army area, 10 Corps finds enemy positions covering the Senio abandoned and moves forward in pursuit. Pol 2 Corps reaches the Santerno. 169th Brig, 56th Div, lands near Menate and takes that town and Longastrino while 167th continues overland attack on right flank.

BURMA--In Br Fourteenth Army's 4 Corps area, Ind 5th Div, with armored force spearheading, passes through Ind 17th Div at Pyawbwe and drives to Yamethin. The armored force drives through the town but infantry forces are delayed there by stubborn opposition.

CHINA--Six ration purchasing commissions are sent into the field, beginning at this time, to procure supplies for ALPHA.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army area, one column of 158th Inf moves by truck to Malabog and thence on foot to Camalig, which is undefended; another moves to SW slopes of Tagaytay Ridge. These advances place the regt in position for assault on Cituinan Hill mass from N and S. In I Corps area, 129th Inf of 37th Div pushes forward along Highway 9 toward Baguio and reduces opposition on Three Peaks. Elements of 33d Div drive E toward Asin from Galiano. Japanese are reacting strongly to 32d Div's penetration of Salacsac Pass, offering heavy fire and local but sharp counterattacks. 35th Inf, 25th Div, continues attacks toward Kapintalan while 161st holds on Crump Hill and reconnoiters toward Balete Ridge. In XI Corps area, 38th Div has largely accomplished its mission of destroying enemy W of Clark Field and Fort Stotsenburg, where over 5,500 enemy dead have been counted. In XIV Corps area, patrols of 1st Cav and 11th A/B Divs, from Mauban and Antimonan respectively, establish contact on coast of Lamon Bay. Other elements of these divs maintain pressure on Mt Malepunyo and Mt Mataasna Bundoc.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, rehearsal is conducted at Mindoro for amphibious operation to secure Malabang-Parang-Cotabato area of Mindanao. On Cebu, elements of Americal Div secure Coconut Hill and prepare for assault on Babay Ridge. 164th Inf, less 3d Bn, is moving to Mananga R assembly area near barrio of Taup. On Bohol, 3d Bn of 164th Inf, Americal Div, lands without opposition at Tagbilaran and probes N and E with motorized patrols. Co I motors to Candijay, on E coast, and sets up roadblock. On Negros, 40th Div continues co-ordinated attacks but makes slow progress.

RYUKYU IS.--Enemy begins strong, 2-day air effort against U.S. shipping in bid to regain Okinawa. TF 58, receiving weight of attacks, abandons support missions to keep off attackers. Suicide plane damages the CV Enterprise, which must withdraw to Ulithi for repairs. Other vessels suffer lighter damage. 27th Div units complete clearing Tsugen Shima, where Japanese casualties total 234 killed.

U.S. Tenth Army orders 77th Div to land on Ie Shima on 16th, an operation previously scheduled as Phase II of Operation ICEBERG, although Phase I is still in progress. In III Amphib Corps area, 6th Mar Div has frequent, sharp clashes with enemy on Motobu Peninsula as extensive patrolling continues. By now enemy positions in mountainous Yae-Take area are fairly well fixed. In XXIV Corps area, 96th Div continues futile efforts to take Kakazu Ridge under intense fire. Elements of 32d Inf, 7th Div, push into Ouki but are forced to retire since tanks cannot follow. Virtual stalemate exists all along corps front on approaches to Shuri.

12 April

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army area, Cdn 1 Corps opens assault on Arnhem. At 2240, 49th Div crosses the Ijssel near Westervoort to attack from the rear while other units provide diversion S of Arnhem.

In Br Second Army area, 30 Corps now has 3 divs in assault: 43d on left, Gds Armd in center,


and newly arrived 51st on right. In 12 Corps area, 53d Div clears Rethem and establishes bridgehead across the Leine there. In 8 Corps area, 15th Div passes through 6th A/B Div and enters Celle, on Aller R.

12th Army Group: U.S. Ninth Army releases 29th Div to operational control of XVI Corps, but the div retains its current security mission in army rear. In XIII Corps area, 5th Armd Div completes dash to the Elbe, CCR reaching the river at Wittenberge and Werben and CCA in Tangermuende area, but is unable to secure bridges as hoped. 84th and 102d Divs continue to clear toward the Elbe in left and right sectors of corps, respectively. 11th Cav Gp screens N flank of corps. In XIX Corps area, CCB of 2d Armd Div establishes small infantry bridgehead across the Elbe in Randau area, S of Magdeburg. CCA and CCR speed toward the Elbe at Magdeburg and block exits from Magdeburg. 30th Div completes capture of Braunschweig and drives about 35 miles E toward the Elbe. 329th Inf, 83d Div, reaches the Elbe at Barby, SE of Schoenebeck. 330th continues to clear Harz Mts and block main roads there. 331st, after assembling in Derenburg area, drives E, forward elements taking Nienburg, on Saale R. In XVI Corps area, 75th Div continues to clear region N of the Ruhr between Witten and Westhofen; 289th Inf relieves 137th Inf, 35th Div. 134th Inf maintains and improves positions along the Ruhr; 320th is relieved by 95th Div and 75th Rcn Tr. On W flank of corps, 17th A/B Div begins relief of 79th Div N of the Ruhr; 507th Para Inf patrol receives formal surrender of Duisburg. 79th Div, as relieved, assembles for occupation duties in sector N of the Ruhr; withdraws its small bridgehead at Kettwig. In zone of TF Twaddle, 8th Armd Div mops up in Unna area and at 2400 passes to army control as reserve. 378th Inf, 95th Div, breaks into E part of Dortmund, where lively fighting ensues; 379th, to left, thrusts rapidly SW toward the Ruhr; TF Faith contains Arnsberg on the N while 5th Div of III Corps, First Army, attacks the city from the S.

In U.S. First Army's XVIII Corps (A/B) area, as enemy withdrawal becomes increasingly hasty and more and more prisoners are being taken, presaging a speedy end of the Ruhr pocket, corps establishes stop line and extends boundaries of 97th, 78th, and 8th Divs to it; provides alternate plans of advance in the event 78th Div reaches Hueckeswagen-Wipperfuerth area, final objective of armor, before 13th Armd Div. CCB, 13th Armd Div, closes on initial objective in Dunnwald area and reorganizes CCA takes Altenrath and thrusts toward Rath; CCR follows CCB, mopping up. 87th Div continues clearing region to rear of armor. 78th Div column pushes into woods near Engelskirchen on left; center and right columns speed to Thier-Klueppelberg region, threatening Wipperfuerth. 8th Div drives to Kreuzberg-Oberbruegge area, SW of Luedenscheid. 86th Div drives about 4 miles NW on right flank of corps; at 2200 forms TF Pope (reinf 3d Bn of 342d Inf) to drive through 8th Div to Luedenscheid. In III Corps area, RCT 10, on 5th Div right, captures Arnsberg and Wennigloh; RCT 2 reaches the Rohr in Hachen-Recklinghausen area and establishes bridgehead; 32d Cav Sq, operating with RCT 2, clears region between Rohr R and Sorpe Staubecken Lake as far S as Seidfeld. 7th Armd Div speeds W some 15 miles, passing through 5th Div on right and cutting across front of 99th Div on left; CCA reaches Hoevel and Balve on right; CCR seizes Neuenrade. Continuing steadily NW, 99th Div reaches general line Rohrenspring-Roenkhausen. In VII Corps area, CCR of 3d Armd Div takes Obersdorf, Polsfeld, and Blankenheim; CCA secures Sangerhausen; CCB overruns Holdenstedt, Wolferstedt, and Allstedt; 83d Armd Rcn Bn, on right flank, reaches Oberroeblingen, Niederroeblingen, and Allstedt. 1st Div and attached 4th Cav Gp are mopping up along edge of Harz Mts, where bypassed enemy is almost encircled; 26th Inf pushes into W edge to Clausthal-Zellerfeld. 413th Inf, 104th Div, enters Bad Lauterberg and seizes Sachsa and Ellrich; 414th blocks Harz Mts exits NE of Nordhausen; 415th moves elements forward to Kelbra, Wallhausen, and Oberroeblingen. In V Corps area, CCB of 9th Armd Div, after gaining positions near the Saale in vicinity of Delitz and Bad Lauchstaedt, is directed to assemble; CCA crosses Unstrut R at Nebra and continues to Pettstaedt area, NW of Weissenfels, where it assembles; CCR crosses the Saale near Naumberg and drives E through Naumberg to Weissenfels-Zeitz road, then SE toward Zeitz, elements abandoning drive NW toward Weissenfels upon learning that bridge there is down. 2d and 69th Divs, following armor, gain 25-30 miles.

In U. S. Third Army's XX Corps area, 6th Armd Div continues E from the Saale to Weisse-Elster R and gains crossings. One CCB column, finding Weisse-Elster bridges down, turns N into V Corps zone to seize bridge at Pegau and continues to Audigast; another bypasses Zeitz to N and searches for crossing over Weisse-Elster R. CCA is held up on left by strongpoint W of Zeitz but on right takes bridge across Weisse-Elster at Rossendorf and establishes infantry bridgehead before bridge is lost to time bomb. CCR moves E in effort to secure bridge at Zeitz and reaches Kretzschau, just W of Zeitz. 4th Armd Div closes along the Saale where bridges are down and crosses, initial elements in rubber boats and by ferry and rest over newly constructed bridges; CCB crosses the Saale N of Jena and clears Kunitz and Laasan; CCA crosses S of Jena and


drives NE to Beulbar-Ilmsdorf-Scheiditz area; CCR moves to Mellingen area and sends force N to mop up between CCB and CCA. 76th Div, motorized, follows 6th Armd Div toward Zeitz, RCT 304, in the lead, reaching vicinity of Hollsteitz. In concerted assault, 317th and 318th Regts of 80th Div clear Erfurt; 319th receives surrender of Weimar and heads for Jena. VIII Corps drives E to the Saale against decreasing resistance. On left, TF Crater spearheads attack of 89th Div, moving through Bad Berka to the Saale in Rothenstein area; 355th Inf mops up resistance bypassed by TF Crater and seizes Tannroda; 354th progresses slowly S of Kranichfeld. TF Sundt of 87th Div reaches the Saale near Rudolstadt. 346th Inf assists TF Sundt and takes Ehrenstein and Altremda. 347th overruns Bad Blankenburg. In XII Corps area, 11th Armd Div, with CCA on left and CCB on right, drives SE from Coburg to Hasslach R against light opposition; establishes bridgeheads at Kronach and Marktzeuln. CCR turns Neustadt over to 71st Div and moves S to Ebersdorf. 71st Div continues forward behind armor. 26th Div overruns Lauscha, Steinach, Sonneberg, and Oberlind. 90th Div gains about 10 miles virtually unopposed, reaching positions S of Bad Blankenburg from Beulwitz area on left to Bock and Teich area on right. Continuing to protect right flank of corps, 42d Sq of 2d Cav Gp reconnoiters to the Main in Schney area and establishes small bridgehead at Miehelau.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XV Corps area, 45th and 3d Divs, driving SE across the Main, get into position to attack Bamberg. In XXI Corps area, 42d Div mops up scattered resistance in Schweinfurt; attached CCA, 12th Armd Div, establishes contact with 3d Div (XV Corps). CCB pushes SW to Markt Nordheim area. CCR and 101st Cav Gp encircle enemy in Uffenheim area. 4th Div continues SE astride the Tauber toward Rothenburg with 12th and 22d Regts abreast while 8th and 324th Regts mop up on left and right flank of div, respectively. In VI Corps area, Heilbronn falls to 100th Div after 9-day battle. CCA, 10th Armd Div, crosses TF Hankins (61st Armd Inf Bn) into Kocher bridgehead S of Weissbach and expands it to Neuenstein. CCR follows CCA across the Kocher. 63d Div continues to clear enemy positions astride Kocher R line.

In Fr 1st Army area, 2d Corps finishes clearing its zone as far as the Enz and improves positions in bridgehead across the river. Valluy Groupement clears Baden Baden and Rastatt. DA ALPS completes reduction of l'Aution, but enemy holds Roya R valley.

ITALY--15th Army Group: U.S. Fifth Army postpones offensive, scheduled for this date, 24 hours because of weather conditions. 92d Div, along Carrione Creek, is beset with supply problems until engineers reopen road between Massa and Carrara during day.

In Br Eighth Army's Pol 2 Corps area, 3d Carpathian Div establishes bridgehead across the Santerno. 5 Corps takes many prisoners as enemy line along the Santerno collapses and Germans withdraw beyond Massa Lombardo. 56th Div's 169th and 167th Brigs link up near Longastrino and push westward toward Bastia. 78th Div is committed through 8th Ind Div's bridgehead to exploit enemy withdrawal; 36th Brig turns W toward Sillaro R while 38th, strongly reinf with armor, prepares to drive N on Bastia.

BURMA--In Br Fourteenth Army's 33 Corps area, Kyaukpadaung, communications center between Chauk and Meiktila, falls to 33d Brig of Ind 7th Div.

LUZON--GHQ SWPA establishes CP in Manila.

In U.S. Sixth Army area, 1st and 3d Bns, RCT 158, begin two-pronged assault on Cituinan Hill mass, which enemy is defending stubbornly. 2d Bn (-) motors S along Route 1 to Bulan area to clear San Francisco region of Sorsogon Province. In I Corps area, 129th Inf of 37th Div, spearheading drive on Baguio along Highway 9, is stopped short of Monglo by fire from hills commanding the highway. Elements of 80th Inf, 33d Div, push into Asin but further progress in this area is delayed by tenacious enemy defense of complex tunnel system. Other elements of 33d Div are clearing Pugo-Tuba trail. Renewing northeastward attack on Mt Myoko, 27th Inf troops of 25th Div seize hill called Pimple near the crest. 2d Bn of 35th Inf relieves 3d Bn on Fishhook feature and reconnoiters. In XI Corps area, Baldy Force, having developed enemy positions in Ipo area during reconnaissance in force, returns to original position. In XIV Corps area, 1st Cav Brig, less 12th Cav Regt, relieves 11th A/B Div forces in region E of Mt Malepunyo and starts SE into the Bicols. 511th Inf, less 3d Bn, is released from army reserve to 11th A/B Div and takes responsibility for Mt Malepunyo sector, permitting 187th Inf to return to Mt Macolod, which has been bypassed.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, Americal Div on Cebu begins final drive on Babay Ridge. 182d Inf, attacking toward Hill 21 with 2 bns abreast, penetrates trench system just below military crest and repels several counterattacks during night. 2d Bn, 132d Inf, attacks from Guadalupe Ridge while rest of regt harasses enemy to right. 1st Bn, 164th Inf, moves secretly into position to attack from the rear and gets to within 1,200 yards of top of the ridge. On Bohol, 3d Bn (less Co I) of 164th Inf moves toward Sierra Bullones in central


Bohol, where main Japanese forces are reported to be disposed.

NEI--93d Div, U.S. Eighth Army, assumes tactical control of Morotai, relieving 31st Div.

RYUKYU IS.--Enemy air effort shifts from TF 58 to ships anchored at Okinawa and the picket line, with suiciders still playing a major role. Two Allied ships are sunk, one of them the DD M. L. Abele, and a number of other vessels are hit. Ground reconnaissance of Minna I., S of Ie Shima, by Amphib Rcn Bn of FMF Pac, during night 12-13, discloses no enemy troops.

In U.S. Tenth Army's XXIV Corps area, action on Okinawa is confined to patrolling and mopping up bypassed pockets, except for further abortive efforts by elements of 96th Div to take Kakazu Ridge. After intense preparatory bombardment, Japanese begin a series of counterattacks in evening, mainly against 96th Div. American lines hold, but some enemy succeed in infiltrating.

U.S.--President Franklin Delano Roosevelt dies suddenly in Warm Springs, Georgia.

13 April

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army area, Cdn 1 Corps continues battle for Arnhem. Cdn 1st Div, driving toward Apeldoorn, is transferred to 1 Corps from 2 Corps.

In Br Second Army area, 30 Corps, continuing toward Bremen, reaches Cloppenburg-Goldenstedt area. 3d Div returns to corps to assist in drive on Bremen. 12 Corps expands Rethem bridgehead toward Soltau. 8 Corps continues toward Uelzen.

12th Army Group: In U.S. Ninth Army area, 8th Armd Div, upon relief in XVI Corps zone by 95th Div, moves to Wolfenbuettel area, where it is held in army reserve. CCB (-) proceeds to Halberstadt to defend right flank of XIX Corps. In XIII Corps area, 5th Armd Div, mopping up along the Elbe, clears a number of towns, among them Tangermuende. 84th and 102d Divs continue eastward toward the Elbe. In XIX Corps area, CCB of 2d Armd Div, unable to expand Elbe bridgehead, moves S at night to new site in Elbenau-Gruenwalde area. CCA and CCR contain Magdeburg and probe into its outskirts. 30th Div forces reach the Elbe on left flank of corps. 83d Div establishes bridgehead across the Elbe at Barby with elements of 329th and 331st Regts. RCT 330 passes to corps control and continues clearing Harz Mts in conjunction with VII Corps, First Army. In XVI Corps area, 75th Div clears all of its sector N of the Ruhr from Witten to Westhofen except for town of Herdecke. 79th Div begins occupation of new sector, relieving elements of 75th and 35th Divs. 35th Div, less 134th Inf, which is temporarily attached to 79th Div, passes to operational control of XIX Corps. 17th A/B Div performs military government duties on W flank of corps and is joined by 194th Gli Inf. In TF Twaddle sector, 95th Div's 378th Inf, reinf by bn of 377th, completes capture of Dortmund, which Allied planes have left in ruins. 379th Inf completes drive S to the Ruhr; as regimental zone is extended to Westhofen, moves 3d Bn westward toward this final objective. TF Faith is dissolved at noon when 15th Cav Gp takes over its Ruhr sector. At 2400, TF Twaddle is dissolved, but 95th Div retains control of 15th Cav Gp.

In U.S. First Army area, XVIII Corps (A/B) pursues rapidly withdrawing enemy. After regrouping, CCB of 13th Armd Div, followed by CCR, thrusts northward from Dunnwald area; CCA drives to positions near Bensburg. 97th Div pushes northward behind armor, mopping up. 78th Div reaches line extending from Wipperfuerth southwestward; on right flank takes Wipperfuerth and Hueckeswagen, final objectives of 13th Armd Div, without a fight. 8th Div, replacing 121st Inf on right with 13th, races NW toward stop line SW of Hagen, 28th Inf heading for Schwelm and 13th Inf reaching Milspe-Vorde area. On right flank of corps, 86th Div's 341st Inf, motorized, dashes from Hilchenbach to stop line in Hagen area; 342d Inf seizes Luedenscheid and heads for Hohenlimburg; 343d clears Herscheid, Huinghausen, and Plettenberg. In III Corps area, RCT's 10 and 2 of 5th Div drive NW between Ruhr and Honne Rivers to line Herdringen-Holzen-Boeingsen. CCA, 7th Armd Div, assisted by left flank elements of 5th Div, moves NW toward Hemer. 99th Div, with 394th Inf on right, 395th in center, and 393d on left, advances quickly on left flank of corps, clearing resistance bypassed by 7th Armd Div in region S and SW of Sorpe Staubecken Lake. 14th Cav Gp takes over zone of 9th Div. 9th Div (-RCT's 47 and 60) is attached to VII Corps. In VII Corps area, 3d Armd Div drives E to Saale R at Alsleben, Nelben, and Friedeburg and crosses dismounted elements; constructs bridges, night 13-14. 1st Div and attached 4th Cav Gp begin systematic clearing of Harz Mts. 100th Div continues to block along S perimeter of Harz Mts on left rear and drives E on right; organizes TF Kelleher (414th Inf (-) and Div Rcn Tr, strongly reinf) to spearhead drive to the Saale and Halle. 9th Div (-) assembles in Nordhausen area and regains control of RCT 47. RCT 39 begins relief of 414th Inf, 104th Div, near Nordhausen. In V Corps area, CCA of 9th Armd Div drives E through Naumberg to the Weisse-Elster in vicinity of Pegau and then goes on the defensive. CCB awaits bridge construction at Weissenfels. CCR, upon securing bridge NE of Zeitz, abandons attack on Zeitz and crosses to reach positions S of Leipzig.


2d Div, following armor closely, approaches Saale R in vicinity of Merseburg. RCT 271, 69th Div, reinf by reserve TF under command of CO, 777th Tank Bn, clears portion of Weissenfels W of the Saale and crosses elements in assault boats; RCT 272 gets advance elements to Hohenmoelsen.

In U.S. Third Army's XX Corps area, 6th Armd Div continues to cross Weisse-Elster R and secures additional bridges. Using a bridge at Pegau and another captured at Profen, in First Army zone, CCB crosses and drives SE to Lucka area. CCA crosses additional elements at Rossendorf, where ford and treadway bridge are put in, and rest over bridge captured at Schkauditz. From Rossendorf, column drives NE to Breitenbach. In conjunction with RCT 304 of 76th Div, CCR starts across river near Zeitz under intense fire. RCT 304, 76th Div, forces the Weisse-Elster and begins assault on Zeitz. Bypassing Jena, which 80th Div clears, 4th Armd Div races E from Mulde bridgeheads, crossing Weisse-Elster R and establishing bridgeheads over Zwick Mulde R in 70-odd-mile drive. CCB establishes bridgehead across the Zwick Mulde at Wolkenberg and CCA another, in vicinity of Ober Winkel and Crumbach. VIII Corps mops up W of the Saale, over which all vehicular bridges are destroyed, and establishes bridgehead on right. 89th Div, with 355th and 353d Regts abreast, clears Rothenstein-Beutelsdorf sector W of the Saale and dissolves TF Crater. 87th Div, with 346th and 347th Regts abreast, clears its sector to the Saale; crosses elements at Etzelbach, Schwarza, and Saalfeld by ford and foot bridges and establishes firm bridgehead. 65th Div starts toward Arnstadt to mop up stragglers. 6th Cav Gp continues to defend left flank of corps. In XII Corps area, 11 Armd Div, continuing rapidly SE along muddy, secondary roads, takes Kulmbach and cuts Kulmbach-Bayreuth road before it is ordered to halt; probes toward Bayreuth, next objective of corps. 71st Div mops up toward Kulmbach. 26th Div reaches general line Steinbach-Fortschendorf-Steinberg-Kronach. 90th Div advances to general line Lothra-Gleima-Rottersdorf; reconnaissance elements seize Selbitz R bridge SE of Lichtenberg. On right flank of corps, 42d Sq of 2d Cav Gp reaches Thurnau area, NW of Bayreuth.

In U.S. Fifteenth Army's XXII Corps area, 28th Div is attached to corps and takes responsibility for Juelich sector.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XV Corps area, elements of 45th and 3d Divs break into Bamberg and begin clearing it. XXI Corps' objective line is extended to include Feuchtwangen, Ansbach, and Fuerth. 42d Div moves elements SE in preparation for assault on Fuerth, W of Nuremberg, and releases CCA, 12th Armd Div, to parent unit. CCB clears toward Aisch R SW of Neustadt; CCR eliminates enemy pocket within its zone to right. 101st Cav Gp, reconnoitering to SE of armor, finds enemy disposed along line Adelshofen-Steinach-Burgbernheim-Windsheim; releases 101st Sq to 4th Div. 4th Div, with 12th, 22d, and 324th Regts, from left to right, in assault, advances to line Freudenbach-Lichtel Schrozberg-Blaufelden on right flank of corps. VI Corps advances rapidly all along line as resistance weakens; is directed to secure line Poppenweiler-Crailsheim, from which to reconnoiter SE, and be prepared to attack SE. 100th Div clears region about Heilbronn and pushes E and SE. CCA, 10th Armd Div, takes Oehringen and drives SW and W toward Heilbronn, establishing contact with 100th Div. 63d Div gains all its objectives on N flank of corps with ease: 253d Inf crosses the Kocher and reaches Brettach R in Neuenstadt-Langenbeutingen area; 255th reaches Neuenstein area; 254th consolidates around Kunzelsau and clears southward to general line Kupferzell-Rueblingen.

In Fr 1st Army area, Valluy Groupement, reinf by CC3 of 1st Armd Div, speeds S over Baden Plain E of the Rhine, overrunning Buehl; left flank elements push through Black Forest toward Freudenstadt in conjunction with right flank elements of 2d Corps.

EASTERN EUROPE--Soviet forces of Third Ukrainian Front, supported by those of Second Ukrainian Front, complete capture of Vienna.

ITALY--15th Army Group: U.S. Fifth Army again postpones offensive because of unfavorable weather. 92d Div is unable to advance its left flank across Carrione Creek but pushes toward Parmignola Canal in center and to vicinity of M. Pizzaculo on right.

In Br Eighth Army area, boundary between Pol 2 and Br 5 Corps is altered, narrowing front of Pol 2 Corps, whose axis of advance now extends through Medicina and Budrio. Pol 2 Corps expands Santerno bridgehead. In 5 Corps area, NZ 2d Div and 36th Brig of 78th Div push rapidly W toward Bastia in conjunction with action of 56th Div to right. 56th Div's 24th Gds Brig, reinf by 9th Cdo, makes amphibious assault on Chiesa del Bando, NE of Argenta, but is held up by enemy established along Fosso Marina.

BURMA--In Br Fourteenth Army's 33 Corps area, Ind 20th Div seizes Taungdwingyi.

CHINA--Japanese open full-scale drive on Chihchiang, making main effort along road from Paoching.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army area, RCT 158, less 2d Bn, continues indecisive battle for Cituinan Hill area for next week. 2d Bn, reinf by AT Co, attacks toward San Francisco, in Sorsogon Province, meeting heavy fire from hills around the town.


In I Corps area, 129th Inf of 37th Div, clearing hills commanding Highway 9, reaches position 300 yards W of Monglo. 27th Inf, 25th Div, continues northward attack on Mt Myoko, taking a feature called the Wart. XI Corps continues to probe enemy positions in mountains of central Luzon. On Caballo I., last of Japanese are eliminated. TF (Co F (-) of 151st Inf and engineers) blows up Fort Drum on El Fraile I. with ignited fuel oil. In XIV Corps area, 5th Cav of 1st Cav Div, advancing SE toward Calaug, finds prepared enemy positions that are unoccupied. As 8th Cav closes in on enemy positions in Mt Mataasna Bundoc area, 11th A/B Div prepares for final assault against Mt Malepunyo and Mt Macolod.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, assault forces for Mindanao operation embark at Mindanao and Leyte. On Cebu, Americal Div continues battle for Babay Ridge: 182d Inf secures Hill 21; 1st Bn, 164th Inf, makes slow progress against strong opposition; 132d Inf attempts in vain to secure Hill 25, N of Guadalupe road, and for next few days destroys pillboxes and seals caves. Japanese are ordered to abandon their Cebu City defenses on night of 16th. On Negros, 185th Inf of 40th Div repels predawn counterattack by about 50 Japanese in vicinity of San Juan, killing most of the force. RCT 503 reaches positions about 1,000 yards S of Manzanares and pauses for several days to patrol. 160th Inf draws heavy fire from Hill 3155.

RYUKYU IS.--Preinvasion bombardment of Ie Shima is intensified. Underwater demolition teams begin reconnaissance of beaches.

In U.S. Tenth Army's III Amphib Corps area, 6th Mar Div prepares to attack well-organized enemy positions on Yae-Take hill mass of Motobu Peninsula. Some elements of 22d Marines moving up W coast of Okinawa reach N tip at Hedo; others are reconnoitering along E coast and inland. XXIV Corps is fully occupied mopping up enemy infiltrators and repelling further counterattacks.

14 April

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: Cdn First Army takes command of Netherlands District. Cdn 1 Corps clears Arnhem except for isolated pockets and is approaching Apeldoorn. Cdn 2 Corps continues northward on broad front; on left takes Zwolle without opposition and advances to Meppel area.

Br Second Army continues toward Bremen, Soltau, and Uelzen. 15th Div of 8 Corps drives into outskirts of Uelzen.

12th Army Group: In U.S. Ninth Army's XIII Corps area, 11th Cav Gp races eastward to the Elbe, screening N flank of corps, which is becoming exposed as British swerve northward. 5th Armd Div, when orders for an assault across the Elbe are revoked, mops up most of it's sector along the river. Forward elements of 84th and 102d Divs reach the Elbe, overtaking armor. U.S. and political prisoners are released during day at Salzwedel. Evidence of mass Nazi atrocities is found at Gardelegen. In XIX Corps area, 2d Armd Div, unable to put bridge or ferry across the Elbe and consequently unable to supply CCB infantry E of the river with armor, withdraws bridgehead in afternoon. CCR, upon relief in Magdeburg area by CCA, crosses the Elbe at Barby and takes over left flank of 83d Div bridgehead; is attached to 83d Div. 83d Div finishes crossing 329th and 331st Regts plus their attachments and 2 FA bns. RCT 137, 35th Div, takes up positions along W bank of the Elbe from Tangermuende to Grieben on left flank of corps, relieving 125th Cav Rcn Sq; RCT 320 comes under corps control. 30th Div clears several towns within its zone W of the Elbe. CCB, 8th Armd Div, is attached to corps and screens right flank. XVI Corps concludes operations against Ruhr pocket within its zone. 75th Div receives surrender of Herdecke and is relieved by 79th Div. 17th A/B and 79th Inf Divs continue occupation mission; latter establishes contact with 8th Div of XVIII Corps, First Army. 95th Div finishes clearing its sector; makes contact with 79th Div; relieves 15th Cav Gp of screening mission along the Ruhr. 15th Cav Gp is attached to 29th Div for military government duty.

In U.S. First Army's XVIII Corps (A/B) area, 13th Armd Div begins final phase of its Ruhr assault--drive NE from Berg Gladbach-Bensburg region toward Wipperfuerth--but rapid progress of units to right necessitates change of plans, and div is directed to drive N with CCA on left and CCB on right to establish contact with Ninth Army. 97th Div continues mopping up to rear of 13th Armd Div. 78th Div reaches positions W of Burscheid on left, enters Wermelskirchen, which is declared an open city, in center, and reaches heights overlooking Lennep on right. 28th Inf, 8th Div, clears Schwelm and continues N while 13th Inf, to right, reaches the Ruhr in Wetter area and establishes contact with Ninth Army. 341st Inf, 86th Div, captures Hagen; 342d continues toward Hohenlimburg; 343d clears many towns and villages along Lenne R on right flank. In III Corps area, RCT's 10 and 2 of 5th Div finish clearing region between Ruhr and Honne Rivers; RCT 11 completes movement to div zone from Frankfurt. CCA, 7th Armd Div, reaches edge of Hemet by noon but suspends assault until 2030 in futile effort to negotiate peaceful entry, then attacks and clears the town. 99th Div continues to mop up resistance bypassed by 7th Armd Div and


relieves CCR in Neuenrade-Garbeck sector. In VII Corps area, 3d Armd Div, when bridges across the Saale are completed in morning, finishes crossing and drives rapidly NE toward line of Elbe and Mulde Rivers in vicinity of Dessau. 1st Div, despite difficult terrain and numerous defended roadblocks, pushes deeper into Harz Mts. While 413th Inf, 104th Div, maintains positions about Harz Mts and establishes contact with 1st Div, TF Kelleher jumps off at noon for Halle and forward elements reach the Saale near Lettin; 415th Inf moves E behind TF Kelleher. 9th Div begins attack with 47th and 39th Regts to clear E portion of Harz Mts. In V Corps area, CCA of 9th Armd Div consolidates along Weisse-Elster R line and at 1400 attacks E to vicinity of Lobstadt. CCB crosses newly completed bridge and prepares to follow CCA eastward. CCR reaches Borna area, overrunning Breitingen and factory area at Deutzen. 9th and 23d Regts of 2d Div reach the Saale N of Merseburg and 23d establishes bridgehead, using damaged railway bridge; at 1400, 38th Inf, reinf by 3d Bn of 9th, crosses bridge at Weissenfels and drives slowly N under accurate fire massed to protect synthetic rubber and gasoline factories at Merseburg and Leuna. 69th Div's RCT 271, reinf, completes capture of Weissenfels; RCT 272 drives to Weisse R at Luetzkewitz, NE of Zeitz.

In U.S. Third Army's XX Corps area, 6th Armd Div breaks through enemy defenses along the Weisse-Elster and drives E to Zwick Mulde R, bypassing resistance in towns and villages. One CCB column reaches the Zwick Mulde at Rochlitz and establishes bridgehead while another halts near river line in Carsdorf area. CCA, also attacking in 2 columns, reaches Spora on left and Oberkossa on right. CCR completes its crossing of river at Zeitz and Rossendorf and, though 76th Div is responsible for clearing Zeitz, destroys many German AA batteries as it drives SE through that city; forward elements reach Altenburg but await reinforcements before attacking. In 76th Div zone, RCT 417 relieves RCT 304 of task of mopping up Zeitz, and RCT 304 speeds E by motor toward Altenburg; RCT 385 reaches positions E of Weisse-Elster R near Zeitz. While CCB, 4th Armd Div, expands Wolkenberg bridgehead and takes 2 bridges at Penig, CCA columns, followed by CCR, clear Limbach and Wustenbrand. 318th Inf, 80th Div, moves rapidly E behind armor; 319th clears Gera and continues E; 317th maintains order in Gera and Jena but is relieved at Weimar by 5th Ranger Bn. VIII Corps sets restraining line extending from N boundary S along Zwick Mulde R to Wilkau, thence SW along autobahn to S boundary. 355th and 353d Regts, 89th Div, speed E from the Saale to general line Moeckern-Zwackau-Arnshagen. Upon completion of bridge near Saalfeld, TF Sundt again spearheads 87th Div advance, reaching Peuschen: 346th Inf drives about 3 miles E from Ettelbach crossing site, and 347th gets elements to Schmorda. 28th Sq, 6th Cav Gp, after crossing the Saale in XX Corps zone, drives E in zone of 89th Div to Weisse-Elster R in Gera-Weida sector. In XII Corps area, TF of CCB, 11th Armd Div, drives SE on Bayreuth in 2 columns. Confusion arises as elements of 14th Armd Div, Seventh Army, are found to be heading for same objective, but the CCB TF continues to N and W edges of the city. When surrender negotiations fail, Bayreuth is softened by intense air and arty bombardment and entered on N by CCB column. Meanwhile, 71st Div is given task of clearing Bayreuth; RCT 14, reinf by elements of 5th Inf, begins assault at 1830, clearing W part and relieving 11th Armd Div elements there. 42d Sq, 2d Cav Gp, blocks S and SE exits from the city. 26th Div reaches N-S autobahn W of Hof in vicinity of Selbitz, Muenchberg, and Streitau. Assault regts of 90th Div close along line of Saale R, Saale Stau Lake, and Selbitz R, overrunning Lobenstein. Using bridge captured by 90th Rcn Tr SE of Lichtenberg, 358th Inf establishes bridgehead and clears Blankenberg.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army area, XV Corps finishes clearing Bamberg and pushes on toward Nuremberg. In XXI Corps area, 42d Div, employing 222d Inf on left and 232d on right, pursues enemy SE astride Wuerzburg-Nuremberg road. 12th Armd Div attacks SE to right of 42d Div, with CCB followed by CCA on left, CCR on right, and 101st Cav Gp reinf by 92d Cav Rcn Sq between the combat commands. CCB closes along the Aisch and establishes small bridgehead at Dietersheim before bridge collapses. Using ford at Lenkersheim and bridge at Ipsheim, 101st Cav Gp gains bridgehead across the Aisch. CCR overruns several towns on right flank of div. 8th Inf shuttles SE on 4th Div left flank to follow CCR closely while other elements of 4th Div push closer to Rothenburg. In VI Corps area, 100th Div, advancing E and SE from Heilbronn area toward Loewenstein with 3 regts abreast, reaches general line Talheim-Unt Heinriet-Weiler and relieves elements of CCA, 10th Armd Div, in vicinity of Bitzfeld. 10th Armd Div finishes clearing its zone and begins turning it over to 100th and 63d Divs. 63d Div consolidates, relieves elements of CCA, 10th Armd Div, near Oehringen, and makes contact with 100th Div.

In Fr 1st Army area, DA ATL opens offensive to clear Gironde Estuary, concentrating initially on Royan sector on N side of the river.

ITALY--15th Army Group: U.S. Fifth Army opens final offensive in IV Corps zone. In Ligurian coastal sector, 92d Div makes very little headway during next few days although arty is in position to


counter fire of enemy guns. IV Corps attacks toward Po Valley after preparatory air and arty bombardment, advancing in region between Samoggia and Reno Rivers, the latter paralleling Highway 64. On left, 1st Div of BEF assists main effort of 10th Mtn Div in center, taking Montese. 10th Mtn Div clears Pra del Blanco basin, seizing Torre Iussi and Rocca di Roffeno. On right flank of corps, 1st Armd Div pushes toward Suzzano on left and begins bitter fight for Vergato, on Highway 64, on right.

In Br Eighth Army area, 10 Corps extends W to take over zone vacated by 13 Corps on left flank of army. This thinning of forces brings to an end planning for offensive operations, but elements of corps cross the Santerno to assist Pol 2 Corps' attack in Imola area. Jewish Brig is pinched out by Polish forces and withdraws to reserve. Pol 2 Corps outflanks and takes Imola, on Highway 9. 13 Corps, with Ind 10th Div under its command, takes over new zone between Pol 2 Corps and Br 5 Corps, leaving Folgore Gp and 6 infantry bns behind to strengthen 10 Corps. NZ 2d Div drives to the Sillaro and is transferred in place to 13 Corps from 5 Corps, enabling 5 Corps to concentrate on northward drive against Argenta Gap on right flank of army. In 5 Corps area, 36th Brig of 78th Div reaches Sillaro R and 38th pushes N to the Reno at Bastia. Enemy retains firm hold on Bastia, however. Resistance NE of Argenta continues to hold up 56th Div forces there but others push forward toward Bastia.

CHINA--China Expeditionary Forces is ordered by Tokyo to move 4 divs to central and N China. As a result, it is decided to withdraw from Hunan-Kwangsi RR, which links Hengyang, Kweilin, Liuchow, and Yung-ning, E China air bases. Gen Ho's chief of staff presents bold plan for campaign to halt Japanese drive on Chihchiang, calling for massing of troops on flanks of enemy and double envelopment. This plan is adopted and proves effective.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army area, 2d Bn of RCT 158 continues attack toward San Francisco after air strikes but makes little headway. Co I moves up Route 1 to Iriga. Rest of regt is held up to N but probes northward. In I Corps area, after aerial bombardment, 148th Inf of 37th Div attacks SE through 129th Inf to Monglo, on Highway 9, elements moving to edge of hill, called Hairpin Hill, about 900 yards W of Monglo.

RYUKYU IS.--In U.S. Tenth Army's III Amphib Corps area, 6th Mar Div, assisted by aircraft, ground fire, and naval vessels, opens 2-pronged assault against Yae-Take hill mass on Motobu Peninsula. While 4th Marines (-3d Bn, reinf by 3d Bn, 29th Marines) drives eastward, 1st and 2d Bn of 29th Marines press W from Itomi. Gains are limited by strong opposition and rough terrain, but 4th Marines secures positions on first ridges. On XXIV Corps front, action subsides after final Japanese counterattack is repulsed before dawn. 383d Inf, 96th Div, is withdrawn from line. 27th Div prepares to enter corps line.

15 April

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army's Cdn 1 Corps area, 49th Div completes capture of Arnhem. Cdn 5th Armd Div begins drive from there to Zuider Zee. Cdn 1st Div continues toward Apeldoorn. Cdn 2 Corps progresses toward line Leeuwarden-Groningen-Oldenburg and begins to clear Groningen.

In Br Second Army's 30 Corps area, 3d, 43d, and 51st Divs continue toward Bremen. Gds Armd Div zone is now clear. In 12 Corps area, 53d Div, advancing along Walsrode-Soltau road, gets elements beyond Kirchboitzen. 8 Corps continues to fight in Uelzen.

12th Army Group: In U.S. Ninth Army's XIII Corps area, 5th Armd Div continues to mop up along the Elbe. Additional elements of 84th and 102d Divs close along the river. In XIX Corps area, RCT 134 of 35th Div takes over sector along the Elbe from Grieben to vicinity of Colbitz Forest. RCT's 117 and 120 finish clearing 30th Div zone W of the Elbe. 2d Armd Div, less CCR, maintains defensive positions in Magdeburg sector, CCB holding W bank of the Elbe from Westerheusen to Schoenebeck. 83d Div expands Elbe bridgehead E of Barby. RCT 320, 35th Div, is attached to 83d Div and, after assembling W of the Saale, opens attack to clear right flank of corps between the Saale and Elbe, taking Tornitz and Werkleitz, then crossing the Saale and seizing Gross Rosenburg. Engineers, after nightfall, begin work on treadway bridge at Breitenhagen, SE of Barby, as a precautionary measure for Barby bridgehead. 330th Inf continues to mop up in Harz Mts and establishes contact with 1st Div of VII Corps, First Army. XVI Corps zone along the Ruhr, during period 15-18 April, grows steadily smaller as result of action by III and XVIII Corps (A/B) of First Army against Ruhr pocket S of the Ruhr. 75th Div starts assembling near Brambauer.

In U.S. First Army's XVIII Corps (A/B) area, 13th Armd Div (-CCR) drives N against considerable opposition to Wupper R in Opladen area; CCB, on right flank, clears Opladen. CCR is attached to 13th Inf, 8th Div. Following armor closely, 97th Div's 303d Inf takes large I. G. Farben chemical works near Leverkusen and continues to the Wupper while 387th and 386th Regts reach Berg Neukirchen-Burscheid railway. Enemy only offers token resistance to 78th Div, which reaches positions E of Solingen on left, overruns Remscheid and Ronsdorf in center, and captures Lennep


and drives to edge of Wuppertal on right. 28th Inf of 8th Div reaches the Ruhr N of Schwelm and is passed through by 13th and 121st Regts, which start W abreast, former on right; 13th, reinf by CCR of 13th Armd Div, overruns Hattingen; from Schwelm assembly area, 121st gains about 3 miles toward Wuelfrath. 86th Div finishes clearing its sector along Lenne R up to the Ruhr except for scattered pockets. In III Corps area, 5th Div completes offensive operations in the Ruhr and is passed through by 7th Armd Div. While RCT's 10 and 2 remain in place along S bank of the Ruhr, 11th Inf clears region W of Meriden between Iserlohn and the Ruhr. CCR, 7th Armd Div, drives W from Meriden in two columns and reaches Kalthof area. 99th Div continues NW to general line Iserlohn-Kesbern-Altena. In VII Corps area, CCB of 3d Armd Div establishes shallow bridgehead across Mulde R near Torten, using wreckage of a bridge; elements to right reach Thurland area. CCR clears all except NE edge of Koethen and sends elements W toward Bebitz. CCA is committed on div right facing Dessau and reaches line Quellendorf-Koernitz-Fernsdorf. Reconnoitering on extreme right of div, 83d Armd Rcn Bn finds Wolfen and Bitterfeld strongly held but secures Reuden, Thalheim, and Sandersdorf. 1st and 9th Divs continue methodical elimination of enemy in Harz Mts for next few days. In V Corps area, CCA of 9th Armd Div reaches Thierbach-Kirzscher-Stockheim region NW of Borna, bypassing Borna, which CCB takes without opposition. CCR reaches Mulde R line, clearing Grimma on left and taking bridges in Colditz-Lastau area on right. 2d Div clears Merseburg and Leuna by 0800, then crosses 23d Inf over the Saale at Merseburg and moves 9th Inf S after dark to clear German AA positions in zone of 69th Div. Forward elements of 69th Div reach positions due S of Leipzig on S flank of corps, pushing through Zeitz.

In U.S. Third Army's XX Corps area, 6th Armd Div crosses the Mulde, CCB at Rochlitz and rest of div at Lunzenau, and continues E to limiting line, where div halts to await arrival of Red Army forces. CCA takes 3 bridges across Zachopau R near Mittweida. 76th Div mops up in Zeitz and Altenburg and pushes elements rapidly eastward in order to take over 6th Armd Div's Mulde bridgehead. CCB, 4th Armd Div, improves positions in Bergstadt area and takes Chemnitz R bridges at and N of Draisdorf. CCA patrols toward Chemnitz and receives surrender of Siegmar. 80th Div follows 4th Armd Div closely: 319th Inf clears Grimmitscha and most of Glauchau; 318th prepares to take over bridgehead overlooking Chemnitz. VIII Corps directs 89th Div to establish bridgehead over Zwick Mulde R in vicinity of Wickau and to make contact with XX Corps. Committing 354th Inf between 355th and 353d, 89th Div drives to line of Weisse-Elster and Weida Rivers between Gera and Zeulenroda and begins crossing after nightfall. 6th Cav Gp crosses Weisse-Elster R on left flank of corps and moves E and SE in zone of 89th Div. Thrusting SE toward Weisse-Elster R, 87th Div's 346th Inf reaches Kleinwelschendorf, just W of Zeulenroda; TF Sundt drives to Pausa area; 347th Inf reaches Langenbach. 65th Div is notified that it will be returned to XX Corps. In XII Corps area, 11th Armd Div, its mission completed, remains in assembly areas. RCT 14, 71st Div, assisted by elements of 2d Cav Gp, continues to mop up within Bayreuth. Rest of 71st Div completes drive to corps restraining line on SW flank of corps, extending generally from Gefrees to Bayreuth. In center of corps, 26th Div reaches restraining line from Hof to Gefrees. On NE flank, 90th Div continues toward Plauen-Hof road and clears most of Hof.

In U.S. Fifteenth Army area, XXII Corps is made responsible for Aachen area.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army area, XV Corps gains ground toward Nuremberg. In XXI Corps area, 42d Div's 222d and 232d Regts reach Aisch R line in Neustadt area. CCB, 12th Armd Div, completes its crossing of the Aisch at Dietersheim and thrusts SE to Scheller and Kotzenaurach; 101st Cav Gp drives SE through Linden to Zenn R; CCR is halted by stubborn opposition in vicinity of Westheim. 8th Inf, 4th Div, attacks SE toward Ansbach in conjunction with CCR of 12th Armd Div. 12th and 22d Regts push a little closer to Rothenburg against stronger resistance. VI Corps attacks SE with 100th and 63d Divs abreast, 100th on right, each div employing 3 regts abreast. 100th Div clears Unt Gruppenbach on right, begins outflanking Loewenstein in center, and on left drives to Neuberg-Buchhorn region, S of Pfedelbach. From right to left, 63d Div reaches Michelbach; positions near Waldenburg and Westernach, Goggenbach, Steinkirchen, and Nesselbach.

In Fr 1st Army area, 2d Corps continues to clear Black Forest in conjunction with Valluy Groupement and is thrusting toward Nagold R. 1st Corps crosses elements over the Rhine N of Kehl without opposition. Valluy Groupement, assisted by 1st Corps elements E of the Rhine, clears Kehl; forward elements overrun Offenburg and continue S in Baden Plain to outskirts of Lahr; left flank elements continue clearing Black Forest. In DA ATL area, after intense air and arty bombardment of enemy fortifications in Royan sector, Fr forces push to edge of that city. Fr troops across the Gironde in Pointe de Grave sector drive salient into enemy positions in vicinity of Vensac.


ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army's IV Corps area, 10th Mtn Div takes M. Pigna and M. Mantino but is unable to advance its exposed left flank. 1st Armd Div seizes Suzzano and continues to fight from house to house in Vergato. II Corps joins in offensive after intensive aerial preparation, attacking toward Bologna in region E of Highway 64, night 15-16. S African 6th Armd Div and 88th Div lead off at 2230; 91st and 34th Divs attack at 0300. In support of offensive, Legnano Gp demonstrates vigorously on right flank of corps. Enemy offers strong resistance all along line, but S African 6th Armd Div takes M. Sole by 0530.

In Br Eighth Army area, Pol 2 Corps reaches Sillaro R and begins crossing. 13 Corps drives toward Budrio, employing NZ 2d Div initially and committing 10th Ind Div later. In 5 Corps area, 78th Div turns over positions along the Sillaro on left flank of corps to Commandos in order to concentrate against the Argenta Gap. Enemy continues effective defense of Bastia against attacks of 78th and 56th Divs.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army area, main body of RCT 158 continues almost futile attacks on Cituinan Hill mass from N and S. I and R Platoon drives N on Route 27. 2d Bn, RCT 158, makes two-pronged assault on San Francisco and takes the town. In I Corps area, troops of 148th Inf, 37th Div, after air strike on Hairpin Hill, clear it; push forward on Highway 9 beyond Quioeng. Elements of 130th Inf, 33d Div, attack unsuccessfully toward ridge W of Asin Tunnels. Ground assault on the tunnel positions is suspended for the next few days while enemy positions are being softened by bombardment. 1st Bn of 27th Inf, 25th Div, attacks across ravine from the Wart toward hill 300 yards ahead. 2d Bn, 35th Inf, takes hill in its sector. In XI Corps area, protracted fighting by 38th Div in Mt Pinatubo area is virtually concluded as 152d Inf column, which has moved E from W coast, makes contact with elements of 149th Inf on Mt Pinatubo. In XIV Corps area, 511th Inf of 11th A/B Div opens eastward drive on Mt Malepunyo hill mass.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, Americal Div troops on Cebu continue battle to destroy enemy on heights commanding Cebu City. On Bohol, 3d Bn of 164th Inf, Americal Div, makes contact with Japanese force N of Ginopolan. On Negros, 40th Div remains in place while air and arty are softening enemy positions in Negritos-Patog area. 108 aircraft drop 170 tons of bombs. Gen Sibert alters plan of amphibious operations against Mindanao since guerrilla forces there are reported to have taken Malabang. 24th Div, except for bn of 21st Inf, is to land in Parang area. The excepted bn will go ashore as planned at Malabang.

RYUKYU IS.--Arty lands on Minna I. to support invasion of Ie Shima. Air and naval bombardment of Ie Shima continues.

In U.S. Tenth Army's III Amphib Corps area, fighting on Motobu Peninsula, Okinawa, is bitter and costly as 6th Mar Div continues to press in on Yae-Take hill mass under heavy and effective fire from dominating terrain. XXIV Corps front remains static. 27th Div enters corps line.

JAPAN--Carrier planes of TF 58 attack Kyushu airfields with good effect but are unable to neutralize them completely.

16 April

WESTERN EUROPE--RAF BC sinks the Luetzow during daylight attack on Swinemuende.

21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army area, Cdn 2 Corps seizes Leeuwarden and Groningen.

In Br Second Army area, 30 Corps closes in on Bremen, forward elements of 3d Div reaching Brinkum, just S of the city. In 12 Corps area, 7th Armd Div, driving on Soltau, gets advance elements beyond Walsrode. In 8 Corps area, 15th Div is still strongly opposed in Uelzen.

12th Army Group: In U.S. Ninth Army's XIII Corps area, 84th and 102d Divs, former on left, relieve 5th Armd Div along the Elbe. 5th Armd Div is to clear rear area of stragglers, who threaten supply routes; releases attached elements of 84th and 102d Divs. Corps zone is extended southward to include 35th Div sector along the Elbe; 35th Div (-RCT 320) is attached to corps. In XIX Corps area, 35th Div shifts a little southward to relieve elements of 30th Div. 30th Div regroups as result of boundary change. 2d Armd Div maintains defensive positions about Magdeburg and along the Elbe to right and prepares for assault on Magdeburg in conjunction with 30th Div. 83d Div maintains bridgehead E of Barby despite strong counterattack against CCR of 2d Armd Div; RCT 320 continues to clear region between the Saale and Elbe. Enemy places arty fire on Elbe bridges and makes ineffective air attacks against them from time to time. CCA, 8th Armd Div, is attached to corps. In XVI Corps area, 79th Div, whose zone is uncovered by 8th and 86th Divs of XVIII Corps, relieves 116th Inf of 29th Div, SW of Muenster.

In U.S. First Army's XVIII Corps (A/B) area, 13th Armd Div columns, preceded by 93d Cav Rcn Sq, drive N across the Wupper in vicinity of Opladen, CCA on left advancing through Langenfeld and Hilden to region E of Duesseldorf and CCB pushing through Haan and Gruiten to Mettmann area. Crossing the Wupper to rear of armor, 97th Div drives rapidly N to general line Hilden-Solingen, but enemy retains Solingen. 78th Div,


against little or no resistance, finishes clearing its sector and is pinched out by 8th Div; Elberfeld and Wuppertal are among towns overrun. 8th Div continues W, 13th Inf thrusting to Velbert area and 121st gaining final objective in Wuelfrath area. 86th Div consolidates on right flank of corps. In III Corps area, resistance in E part of Ruhr pocket collapses early in day as Germans indicate desire to surrender en masse. 7th Armd Div, with CCR again in assault, starts W toward the Lenne but halts at 0630 to await surrender negotiations. 99th Div also renews attack, with 3 regts in line, but halts at 0850 pending surrender of enemy forces, last of which--the Iserlohn garrison--capitulates by 1230. Each of the two assault divs takes more than 20,000 prisoners during the day. 7th Armd Div starts to new assembly area in vicinity of Gottingen. VII Corps is directed to halt along line of Elbe and Mulde Rivers pending arrival of Soviet forces. 3d Armd Div maintains bridgehead across the Mulde and extends right flank southward along the river. CCR overcomes resistance in Bernburg, closing that Harz Mts exit to enemy; to right finishes clearing Koethen and seizes nearby Klepzig and Merzien. CCA overruns Libbesdorf and continues NE toward Dessau; elements begin sweeping Forst Haldeburg, S of Dessau. CCB holds Mulde bridgehead near Torten and continues bridging operations under fire; to right overruns a number of towns. 104th Div continues assault on Halle against tenacious resistance and gets bulk of forces across the Saale. On W flank of corps, 1st and 9th Divs gain additional ground in Harz Mts. In V Corps area, CCA of 9th Armd Div reaches the Mulde in Bennewitz-Grimma area. CCR column crosses and clears Colditz. CCB completes assembling in Wettewitz area. 2d Div consolidates and pushes 3-5 miles eastward, 38th and 23d Regts coming abreast and squeezing out 9th. 69th Div pushes NE toward Leipzig, left flank elements halting at Zwenkau, in outer defenses of the city, and right flank elements reaching positions SE of Leipzig.

In U.S. Third Army's XX Corps area, 6th Armd Div turns over Zwick Mulde bridgehead to RCT 304 of 76th Div and begins maintenance and rehabilitation program. 76th Div closes along Zwick Mulde R, RCT's 304 and 417 relieving CCA and CCR of 6th Armd Div. 4th Armd Div turns over Zwick Mulde bridgehead to 318th and 319th Regts, 80th Div. VIII Corps pushes E and SE against scattered resistance. 6th Cav Gp, developing enemy positions ahead of 89th Div, takes Weisse-Elster bridges at Berga and Knottengrund and turns them over to 89th Div; pushes E to N-S rail line running through Werdau. 89th Div reaches Pliesse R and begins assault on Werdau on left, in center drives into Werdauer Wald, and on right reaches Weisse-Elster R in vicinity of Greiz. Assault forces of 87th Div cross Weisse-Elster R on right flank of corps and forward elements reach positions beyond corps restraining line, the autobahn. On left, 346th Inf captures Zeulenroda, crosses the Weisse-Elster, and drives to vicinity of Brockau. TF Sundt drives SE across Weisse-Elster R to Mechelgruen, E of limiting line. 347th Inf overruns Plauen and reaches autobahn to E on left and drives to Oelsnitz, beyond restraining line, on right. XII Corps consolidates along restraining line and patrols actively. 71st Div completes mop up of Bayreuth. 90th Div clears rest of Hof and improves defensive positions in limited attacks.

In U.S. Fifteenth Army area, 422d and 423d Regts of 106th Div and Div Rcn Tr are attached to 66th Div for training purposes.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XV Corps area, 45th and 3d Divs continue drive on Nuremberg and 45th breaks into suburbs. In XXI Corps area, 42d Div, crossing Aisch R, overruns Neustadt and drives rapidly toward Fuerth; 242d Inf enters line between 222d and 232d Regts. 12th Armd Div continues SE toward Ansbach in center of corps with 3 combat commands in assault as CCA opens attack on div left. 8th Inf, 4th Div, continues toward Ansbach while 12th and 22d Regts gain positions just N and W of Rothenburg, respectively, and 324th Inf drives SE on div right. In VI Corps area, 10th Armd Div attacks SE through infantry. CCA, on right, reaches Gleichen-Heuholz area. To left, CCB thrusts toward Schwaebisch Hall, forward elements reaching vicinity of Suelz. 100th and 63d Divs, each with elements motorized, follow armor on right and left, respectively. Elements of 100th Div push through Loewenstein.

In Fr 1st Army area, 2d Corps overruns Calw, on Nagold R. 3d Algerian Inf Div, which has relieved 2d Moroccan Inf Div on the Enz, begins clearing woods S of Pforzheim. 1st Corps starts forward for action against enemy in Black Forest. Valluy Groupement reaches Nonnenweier. In DA ATL area, French overrun Royan, on N side of Gironde Estuary, and begin clearing NW between the Gironde and Le Seudre Rivers. Other French forces in Pointe de Grave sector push N to E-W line through Talais.

EASTERN EUROPE--Red Army opens all-out offensive toward Berlin in early morning hours, attacking along Oder and Neisse Rivers. On northern front, troops of Third White Russian Front are clearing enemy from Samland Peninsula, East Prussia. On Southern front, Second Ukrainian Front gains ground SE of Bruenn (Czechoslovakia) and N of Vienna. Troops of Third Ukrainian Front continue to clear region W of Vienna and overrun Fuerstenfeld, E of Graz.


ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army area, IV Corps makes substantial gains as enemy begins to fall back. 10th Mtn Div, still spearheading, takes Tole, M. Mosco, and Monzuno. 1st Armd Div secures M. Pero and finishes clearing Vergato. 1st Div of BEF begins relief of left flank elements of 10th Mtn Div. In II Corps area, enemy continues vigorous defense of its positions facing corps. S African 6th Armd Div takes M. Caprara and M. Abelle. 88th Div seizes Furcoli but is unable to reach crest of M. Monterumici. 91st Div, attacking toward M. Adone, M. Posigliano, Pianoro, and M. Arnigo, makes slow progress astride Highway 65. 34th Div, directed toward Sevizzano Ridge on right flank of corps, reduces fortified position on Gorgognano Ridge.

In Br Eighth Army's Pol 2 Corps area, Ind 43d Brig seizes Medicina, on road to Budrio. In 5 Corps area, enemy is at last forced to yield Bastia, and lively battle for Argenta Gap begins.

BURMA--In Br Fourteenth Army's 4 Corps area, advance elements of Ind 5th Div occupy Shwemyo against light resistance but are under enemy fire from Shwemyo Bluff.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army area, 2d Bn of RCT 158, after repulsing determined counterattack on San Francisco, attacks and clears entire area. With S tip of Bicol Peninsula clear, northern exits of San Bernardino Strait are safe for Allied shipping. In I Corps area, elements of 148th Inf, 37th Div, overcome strong opposition on heights E of Highway 9 near Yagyagan. In XI Corps area, 1st Inf of 6th Div begins attack on ridge called "Woodpecker" near junction of Bosoboso and Mariquina Rivers. After 2 days of preparatory air and naval bombardment, 1st Bn of 151st Inf, reinf, lands on Carabao I., final objective in Manila Bay, and secures it without opposition. In XIV Corps area, 11th A/B Div's 511th Inf captures Mt Malepunyo and Mt Dalaga. Elements of 8th and 7th Cav, 1st Cav Div, have pocketed enemy N and NW of Mt Mataasna Bundoc.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, Americal Div forces on Cebu make slow progress against heights commanding Cebu City. Enemy begins planned withdrawal after nightfall. On Negros, torrential rains ground aircraft but arty continues bombardment of enemy positions. In Sulu Archipelago, RCT 163 of 41st Div mops up scattered resistance on Jolo.

RYUKYU IS.--Japanese make major air effort against Okinawa and TF 58, despite further attacks by planes of TF 58 on Kyushu airfields. Suicide planes sink the DD Pringle and damage a number of other ships, among them the carrier Intrepid. After preparatory bombardment by warships and aircraft, 77th Div, less 307th Inf, begins landing on S and SW coast of Ie Shima about 0800, 305th Inf on right and 306th on left. Assault forces move rapidly inland, hampered more by numerous mines than by enemy opposition; take the airfield and clear about two thirds of the island. 305th Inf repels enemy counterattacks after nightfall in brisk fighting. Permission is requested and granted to use 307th Inf on Ie. On Okinawa, III Amphib Corps' 6th Mar Div employs 7 bns in final, all-out assault on Yae-Take ridges. 4th Marines, attacking with its 3 bns and attached 3d Bn of 29th Marines, moves forward on southern and western ridges while 29th Marines probes from NE. 1st Bn, 22d Marines, closes gap between 4th and 29th Marines. XXIV Corps regroups and moves up supplies in preparation for full-scale attack on 19th.

17 April

INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS--United States and USSR sign Fourth Protocol for aid to Soviet Union, granting 2,700,000 tons via the Pacific and 3,000,000 via the Atlantic.

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army's Cdn 1 Corps area, Apeldoorn falls to Cdn 1st Div. Thrusting toward Zuider Zee through Barneveld, Cdn 5th Armd Div cuts Amersfoort-Apeldoorn highway.

In Br Second Army area, 30 Corps continues to meet strong opposition at outskirts of Bremen. 12 Corps, now reinf by Gds Armd Div, is approaching Soltau on right and speeding toward Harburg on left. In 8 Corps area, 15th Div continues battle for Uelzen. To left, 11th Armd Div drives toward Lueneburg. 6th A/B Div crosses the Ilmenau SE of Uelzen.

12th Army Group: In U.S. Ninth Army's XIII Corps area, 29th Div is attached to corps to assist 5th Armd Div in pushing left flank of corps northward to the Elbe, since gap exists between U.S. and British forces. CCA, 5th Armd Div, prepares to clear Forst Knesebeck, S of Wittingen, and is reinf by elements of 102d and 84th Divs. CCB blocks roads E of the forest. CCR mops up its sector S of Salzwedel. In XIX Corps area, after preparatory aerial bombardment, 30th Div and CCA of 2d Armd Div open assault on Magdeburg about 1500. 30th Div pushes into N and NW part of city and CCA into S and SW part, clearing about two thirds of objective. CCB, 2d Armd Div, maintains defensive positions along the Elbe. 83d Div improves positions in Elbe bridgehead E of Barby. 320th Inf continues to clear between Saale and Elbe Rivers. CCA, 8th Armd Div, closes in Seehausen area and is held in reserve. In XVI Corps area, 75th Div completes assembling near Brambauer.


In U.S. First Army's XVIII Corps (A/B) area, CCA of 13th Armd Div takes German CP W of Mettmann and halts for night near Ratingen; CCB soon establishes contact with 8th Div in Wuelfrath area and by 1800 reaches Duisburg, where contact is made with Ninth Army; CCR reverts to div from attachment to 8th Div. 97th Div reaches final objective, clearing Solingen on right and reaching Duesseldorf on left; stop line is moved to N to permit attack on Duesseldorf on 18th. 78th Div consolidates and mops up; 311th Inf motors from Wuppertal to Dillenburg area. 8th Div completes its offensive as 13th Inf clears rest of sector S of the Ruhr, including Werden. 86th Div continues light mopping up operations along right flank of corps and prepares to join Third Army. III Corps continues to round up prisoners and prepares to depart for Third Army zone. 5th Div begins taking over corps zone, relieving CCR of 7th Armd Div and 99th Inf Div. 7th Armd Div is transferred to V Corps. 99th Div starts toward assembly area in vicinity of Trossenfurt, NW of Bamberg. In VII Corps area, 3d Armd Div is clearing and consolidating its sector S of the Elbe and W of the Mulde; begins withdrawing bridgehead in Torten area, night 17-18. One CCR TF thrusts N from Koethen area to Aken, on the Elbe; another circles SE from Aernburg area to div right flank to clear Bobbau-Steinfurth-Jessnitz sector and enters former. CCA finishes clearing Forst Haldeburg, just S of Dessau. Negotiations for surrender of Halle having failed, 104th Div's TF Kelleher renews assault on the city, some elements continuing S and others moving into city from E. By end of day about two thirds of the city is clear. 413th Inf assists TF Kelleher in closing escape routes from Halle. 415th Inf reaches Sandersdorf on left and Roitzsch on right. 1st and 9th Divs make progress in Harz Mts, on W flank of corps, though resistance is still strong. 1st Div takes Braunlage, Zorge, and Tanne and relieves elements of 9th Div in Hasselfelde. At 2000, 4th Cav Gp is transferred from 1st Div to 9th Div control. 60th Inf, on 9th Div left, reaches Maegdesprung area; 47th in center clears Pansfeld and Degenershausen; and 39th on right reaches Aschersleben, Guesten, and Ilberstedt. In V Corps area, 9th Armd Div mops up along the Mulde and patrols northward. 2d and 9th Divs close in on Leipzig from W and S.

In U.S. Third Army area, XX Corps regroups on quiet front for final drive into Austria. 65th Div, assembling in Bamberg area, is transferred to corps from VIII Corps. In VIII Corps area, 6th Cav Gp secures corps limiting line on left and pushes S across zone of 87th Div toward limiting line on right. 89th Div completes capture of Werdau and establishes bridgehead across Zwick Mulde R in vicinity of Zwickau; on right clears Greiz and takes Reichenbach after aerial softening of the city. 87th Div closes along limiting line on corps right flank and gains additional ground beyond it. 346th Inf pushes beyond the autobahn to Lengenfeld and Treuen. TF Sundt extends positions beyond the autobahn to Bergen area. Elements of 347th Inf occupy Theuma. XII Corps maintains defensive positions, patrols, and regroups; prepares to renew attack to SE on 19th. 71st Div, upon relief along line Bayreuth-Gefrees by 11th Armd Div, moves S to relieve 14th Armd Div (XV Corps).

In U.S. Fifteenth Army area, XXII Corps releases 20th Armd Div to First Army.

6th Army Group: U.S. Seventh Army orders attack to swerve from SE to S. In XV Corps area, 45th and 3d Divs converge on Nuremberg and begin clearing it against furious opposition. CCA and CCB, 14th Armd Div, assemble near Berg; CCR maintains positions along line Creussen-Buchau until relieved by 71st Div. In XXI Corps area, 42d Div pursues enemy to edge of Fuerth. CCA, 12th Armd Div, in conjunction with 232d Inf, 42d Div, clears Gadolzburg and Zautendorf. CCB seizes Heilbronn. CCR, continuing toward Ansbach, reaches Weihenzell-Bruenst area. Motorized TF of 8th Inf, 4th Div, thrusts to outskirts of Ansbach while rest of regt works southward through woods to Ober Felden area. 12th Inf takes Rothenburg. Other elements of div clear villages in region SW of Rothenburg. VI Corps is directed to speed to Swiss border and block enemy escape from the Black Forest. 44th Div, less RCT 324, is transferred to VI Corps from XXI Corps. 10th Armd Div, in conjunction with 100th Div on right and 63d on left, makes substantial progress. CCA columns reach vicinity of Huetten, Schuppach, and Gailsbach. CCB takes Suelz, assists 254th Inf of 63d Div in clearing about half of Schwaebisch Hall, and clears most of Michelfeld and Bibersfeld. 100th Div gains ground in hills E and SE of Loewenstein and down Neckar R Valley toward Beilstein. 63d Div opens assault on Schwaebisch Hall and is clearing enemy from this region.

In Fr 1st Army area, 2d Corps overruns Freudenstadt, splitting German 19th Army; to left, takes Nagold and Horb. 1st Corps takes command of Groupement Valluy (9th Colonial Inf Div and CC3 of 1st Armd Div), which is to constitute the right prong of a pincer maneuver to encircle the Black Forest. In addition to Groupement Valluy, 1st Corps has under its command 1st Armd Div, 4th Moroccan Mtn Div, and reserve units. Groupement Valluy overruns Oberkirch after heavy fighting in this region. In DA ALPS area, Germans withdraw hastily from Roya R Valley. DA ATL clears most of Royan pocket on N side of the Gironde. Forces on S side of the river push northward until halted by AT ditch.


ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army area, 92d Div continues to pin down enemy forces in Ligurian coastal sector but gains ground very slowly. 473d Inf crosses Parmignola Canal and pushes toward Sarzana. In IV Corps area, 10th Mtn Div makes rapid progress, taking M. Ferra, S. Prospero, and M. Moscoso. 1st Div of BEF continues relief of left flank elements of 10th Mtn Div. 85th Div (which has moved to IV Corps zone, contrary to plans for it to operate under II Corps when boundary of that corps is moved W) begins relief of 1st Armd Div on right flank of corps. As relieved, 1st Armd Div shifts from right to left flank of corps to protect exposed left flank of 10th Mtn Div. II Corps continues to battle stubborn enemy on heights below Bologna. S African 6th Armd Div tries in vain to take M. S. Barbara. 88th Div gains summit of Monterumici. 91st Div makes little progress W of Highway 65 but is approaching Pianoro on the highway and crest of M. Arnigo to E. 34th Div clears heights in Sevizzano-Gorgognano area and reaches slopes of Dei Mori Hill.

Br Eighth Army issues instructions for pursuit of enemy to the Po. 10 Corps pursues enemy to Gaiana R, where contact is regained. In Pol 2 Corps area, Ind 43d Brig is detached from corps and placed under command of NZ 2d Div. Corps gets advance elements to Gaiana R W of Medicina but cannot force crossing; to left takes Castel S. Pietro on Highway 9. In 13 Corps area, NZ 2d Div reaches Gaiana R, where it is also held up by enemy on far bank. 5 Corps is converging on Argenta Gap against strong opposition. 78th Div clears Argenta village.

BURMA--Adm Mountbatten issues directive for modified DRACULA, calling for amphibious and airborne operations to capture Rangoon.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, 148th Inf of 37th Div comes up against enemy's final defensive line before Baguio as elements reach Irisan R, where bridge is out. Further progress along the road to Baguio is delayed for the next few days by enemy's stubborn defense of ridges near the bridge site. 130th Inf, 33d Div, is still held up in Asin Tunnels region. 32d Div continues clearing heights in Salacsac Pass region of Villa Verde Trail. Japanese are still defending Kapintalan sector of Highway 5 against attacks of 25th Div. In XI Corps area, 63d Inf of 6th Div clears N tip of Mt Mataba, eliminating final resistance in this area. After further vain efforts to clear Woodpecker Ridge, near junction of Bosoboso and Mariquina Rivers, 1st Inf suspends attack and patrols actively. In XIV Corps area, attack of 2d Cav Brig, 1st Cav Div, on W slopes of Mt Mataasna Bundoc makes slow progress. 511th Inf, 11th A/B Div, turns N toward this hill mass, the last enemy stronghold in S Luzon.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, after preparatory naval gunfire and aerial bombardment, VICTOR V Attack Group (TG 78.2, Adm Noble) lands assault units of 24th Div, X Corps, on Mindanao without opposition. Main body goes ashore in Parang area and 3d Bn of 21st Inf lands just N of Malabang. Despite congestion on beach, main assault force moves rapidly inland and seizes Parang and heights commanding Polloc Harbor. 3d Bn of 21st Inf, finding guerrillas in possession of Malabang as reported, patrols southward toward Parang and N toward Polloc Harbor. 24th Div CG takes command ashore. On Cebu, Americal Div finds that enemy has withdrawn from Babay Ridge and occupies Hills 22 and 25. On Bohol, Cos K and L of 164th Inf open attack on Japanese N of Ginopolan. On Negros, 40th Div renews co-ordinated attack. 503d Para Inf reaches outer defenses of enemy on lower slopes of Banana Ridge. 185th Inf is halted at tank trap after gaining 1,600 yards. 160th Inf advances about 1,000 yards. In Sulu Archipelago, Jolo I. is now clear except for Mt Daho. Aircraft, arty, and mortars pound this last enemy strongpoint for next few days.

RYUKYU IS.--On Ie Shima, 306th Inf of 77th Div holds current positions while awaiting 305th Inf, which has fallen behind. 305th drives E toward Iegusugu Mt, which dominates entire island and is dubbed "the Pinnacle," and Ie town, elements reaching edge of the town. 2d and 3d Bns, 307th Inf, land on S coast and attack NE through elements of 305th Inf, meeting tenacious resistance from strong Japanese defenses organized in depth on ridge called "Bloody Ridge" and a rise on it known as "Government House Hill." On Okinawa, III Amphib Corps' 6th Mar Div breaks enemy organized resistance on Motobu Peninsula with capture of summit of Yae-Take hill mass; inflicts heavy casualties on Japanese.

18 April

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army's Cdn 1 Corps area, Cdn 5th Armd Div reaches Zuider Zee, isolating enemy forces and virtually ending offensive operations of corps. Corps subsequently closes along line of Grebbe and Eem Rivers, where it remains until end of the war. Cdn 2 Corps zone is largely clear, though enemy continues to oppose Cdn 4th Armd Div SW of Oldenburg.

In Br Second Army area, 30 Corps prepares for assault on Bremen. 12 Corps captures Soltau and continues toward Harburg. In 8 Corps area, Uelzen falls to 15th Div and Lueneburg to 11th Armd Div. 5th Div, now under corps command, is concentrating E of Osnabrueck before advancing to the Baltic.


12th Army Group: In U.S. Ninth Army's XIII Corps area, CCA of 5th Armd Div, after driving through Forst Knesebeck unopposed, assembles at Steimke and releases attached elements of 102d and 84th Divs. In XIX Corps area, organized resistance in Magdeburg ceases after assault elements of 30th Inf and 2d Armd Divs clear their respective portions and make contact. 83d Div forces E of the Elbe regroup to improve defensive positions within bridgehead; repel counterattack toward bridge at Breitenhagen. Elements of RCT 320 take Dornbock, W of the Elbe. 330th Inf continues to mop up in Harz Mts. CCB, 8th Armd Div, attacking in woods S of Derenburg, clears to Langenstein-Heimburg road. Air attack forces enemy from Forst Heimburg. XVI Corps' mission of protecting Ninth Army's right flank is successfully concluded. 29th Div starts to XIII Corps zone.

In U.S. First Army area, XVIII Corps (A/B) overcomes organized resistance in the Ruhr and begins mopping up stragglers. German forces under Field Marshal Model have suffered staggering losses in men and matériel in the Ruhr. Prisoners taken during the operation total 325,000, more than twice the number of enemy estimated to have been encircled. In XVIII Corps (A/B) area, CCA of 13th Armd Div drives W through Ratingen to the Rhine while CCB remains at Duisburg. In 97th Div sector, 303d Inf drives through Duesseldorf virtually unopposed. 78th Div, with new mission of guarding First Army rear, continues movement to Dillenburg area. 8th Div searches for bypassed enemy. 86th Div passes to control of Third Army. In VII Corps area, 3d Armd Div continues clearing its zone and establishes contact with XIX Corps on left. CCB completes withdrawal of Mulde bridgehead in Torten area. CCR, reinf by 83d Armd Rcn Bn and elements of CCA, attempts to secure Jessnitz-Wolfen-Greppin sector on div right flank and reaches Reuden and Thalheim. TF Kelleher, 104th Div, continues house-to-house fighting in S part of Halle, clearing most of the city. 1st Div continues E and NE in Harz Mts and establishes contact with Ninth Army. 60th Inf, 9th Div, overruns Maegdesprung and Friedrichsbrunn; 47th clears Meisdorf and Opperode and begins assault on Ballenstedt; 39th Inf and 4th Cav Gp, organized as TF X and largely motorized for swift advance on div right, reach Quedlinburg. In V Corps area, 2d and 69th Divs begin co-ordinated assault on Leipzig. 23d and 38th Regts of 2d Div push into W Leipzig and clear to Weisse and Pliesse Rivers. 69th Div, employing 273d Inf, attacks NW and W into Leipzig. 9th Inf, 2d Div, takes German AA positions E of Lutzen. RCT 271 is attached to 2d Div and continues to fight in Zwenkau area, overrunning Eythra and driving N toward Leipzig. 7th Armd Div closes in Gottingen in SHAEF reserve.

U.S. Third Army regroups extensively and starts side slipping southward for final drive SE to Austria and Czechoslovakia. VIII Corps clears to corps restraining line and takes control of XX Corps sector and of 4th and 6th Armd and 76th Inf Divs in place. 6th Armd and 76th Inf Divs maintain current positions along restraining line and patrol; 76th Div begins relief of 4th Armd Div. 89th Div attains all its objectives: 355th and 354th Regts expand Zwick Mulde bridgehead toward Oelsnitz, overrunning Zwickau, Wilkau, and many other towns; makes contact with 76th Div on left; 353d Inf takes a number of towns E of the autobahn on right flank of div. 6th Cav Gp assembles on right flank of corps, where 28th Sq relieves elements of 90th Div (XII Corps) and patrols toward Czechoslovakian border. XII Corps regroups as result of boundary change and prepares to attack SE toward Chain on 19th. 2d Cav Gp's 42d Sq, upon relief in Bayreuth area by 11th Armd Div, moves to Hof area; after relieving left flank elements of 90th Div now N of corps left boundary, maintains contact with VIII Corps and patrols toward Czechoslovakia. 357th Inf of 90th Div shifts S, relieving 328th Inf, 26th Div. 90th and 26th Divs push strong reconnaissance to front in preparation for general drive to SE. Patrol of 358th Inf, 90th Div, thrusts across Czechoslovakian border near Prex at 0955, being the first Allied troops to do so. In 26th Div zone, 104th Inf pushes E to Kirchenlamitz and Weissenstadt; 101st consolidates between Gefrees and Voitsumra; 357th assembles in vicinity of Berneck. XX Corps turns over its sector and 3 divs to VIII Corps and starts to Bamberg area. 80th Div releases positions overlooking Chemnitz to 76th Inf and 4th Armd Divs. 76th Div relieves 4th Armd Div in line. XII Corps passes to Third Army control from First Army and starts to extreme right flank in Bavaria. 5th Armd Div takes over entire zone formerly held by corps, relieving 14th Cav Gp and 8th TD Gp in place; is placed under Third Army control. 86th Div is attached to corps and starts to Windsheim area.

In U.S. Fifteenth Army's XXII Corps area, 94th Div takes over zone formerly held by 101st A/B Div; 101st A/B Div prepares for move to Wurzburg area in Seventh Army zone.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XV Corps area, 45th and 3d Divs deepen penetration into Nuremberg against stiff resistance. In XXI Corps area, 42d Div enters Fuerth and, in conjunction with elements of XV Corps, blocks all exits from Nuremberg. 12th Armd Div, directed to attack along axis Ansbach-Feuchtwangen-Lauchheim, concentrates in Ansbach area. While CCA


reconnoiters Ansbach-Feuchtwangen road, CCB and CCR overrun northern part of Ansbach in coordinated assault; 101st Cav Gp moves forward to screen S flank of div. 4th Div continues southward and begins relief of 324th Inf with 22d. In VI Corps area, 10th Armd Div advances 9 miles as enemy resistance slackens. CCA, in conjunction with 398th Inf of 100th Div, captures Mainhardt, Grab, and Ob Rot and continues SE through Hansen. CCB helps 63d Div complete capture of Schwaebisch Hall and mops up in Michelfeld and Bibersfeld; after regrouping, continues S along Kocher R to positions beyond Fichtenberg on right and to vicinity of Gross Altdorf on left. 397th Inf, 100th Div, clears toward Murr R at Sulzbach; 399th runs into considerable opposition on heights NE of Beilstein in Neckar R Valley. 254th Inf, 63d Div, mops up Schwaebisch Hall and clears to general line Ruppertshofen-Croeffelbach; 255th clears Eltershofen-Celbingen area NE of Schwaebisch Hall; 253d mops up W and SW of Schwaebisch Hall to line Sanzenbach-Uttenhofen. 44th Div, less RCT 324, closes in corps zone.

In Fr 1st Army area, 2d Corps begins drive on Stuttgart. From Freudenstadt, 5th Armd Div and 2d Moroccan Inf Div advance NE along the Neckar to Rottenburg and Herrenberg. 3d Algerian Inf Div finishes clearing forest S of Pforzheim. 1st Corps makes progress in Black Forest sector, clearing Obertal, Oppenau, Gengenbach, and Lahr. DA ATL completes reduction of Royan pocket and in Pointe de Grave sector crosses AT ditch and reaches Soulac.

ITALY--15th Army Group: U.S. Fifth Army moves boundary between IV and II Corps W. In IV Corps area, 10th Mtn Div reaches Sulmonte-S. Chierlo area astride Lavino Creek and takes almost 3,000 prisoners. Forces flanking it are regrouped to enable the mountain troops to concentrate in center for rapid pursuit. 1st Div of BEF takes over from left flank elements. 1st Armd Div, whose relief on right flank of corps is completed, moves forward rapidly on left flank of corps astride the Samoggia. 85th Div releases right flank elements of 10th Mtn Div and moves forward, on right flank of corps. In II Corps area, enemy is retreating all along line. S African 6th Armd Div finds S. Barbara ridge undefended and patrols to junction of Reno R and Setta Creek without incident, 88th Div takes ridge extending W from Furcoli and speeds northward to within a mile of M. Mario. Elements on Furcoli ridge are pinched out. 91st Div takes M. Adone, M. Posigliano, Pianoro, and M. Arnigo. 34th Div seizes Dei Mori Hill.

In Br Eighth Army's 13 Corps area, NZ 2d Div establishes bridgehead across the Gaiano. 5 Corps gains Argenta Gap, through which it is to force enemy back across the Po. 6th Armd Div is released from army reserve to corps to exploit toward Ferrara and takes up positions on left flank.

BURMA--In Br Fourteenth Army's 4 Corps area, Ind 5th Div completes clearing Shwemyo Bluff and drives S on Pyinmana.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army area, assault forces of RCT 158 attacking Cituinan Hill from N and S are 2,000 yards apart. 2d Bn, having turned over responsibility for mopping up Sorsogon Province to guerrillas, gets into position near Malabog to attack the hill from E. In I Corps area, 148th Inf of 37th Div fights for ridges astride Highway 9 near Irisan bridge site, clearing one and part of another. In Mt Myoko sector, some elements of 27th Inf, 25th Div, continue efforts to clear hill 300 yards N of the Wart while others attack toward hill 600 yards from the Wart. In XI Corps area, 145th Inf of 37th Div and 20th Inf of 6th Div complete exchange of sectors. 145th Inf, now responsible for Novaliches watershed area, is directed to attack toward Mt Pacawagan, about 3,000 yards N of Mt Mataba, on 21st. Mt Pacawagan commands approaches to Wawa. 1st Inf, 6th Div, takes high ground overlooking Mariquina R after costly fighting. On El Fraile I., 38th Div patrol enters Fort Drum, a burned out shell, and finds 69 enemy dead. In XIV Corps area, 187th Inf of 11th A/B Div renews attack on Mt Macolod and gains positions on SE slope.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, X Corps CP opens at Parang on Mindanao, and Gen Sibert assumes command ashore. 24th Div begins amphibious and overland drives on Fort Pikit en route to Kabacan road junction, a key position. 2d Bn, 21st Inf, and force from 533d Engr Boat and Shore Regt, divided into 2 groups, make amphibious drives up 2 branches of Mindanao R and take Cotabato and Tamontaca without opposition; elements continue upstream and seize undefended Lomopog, 22 miles from Cotabato. RCT 19 starts overland drive southward along Highway 1, aided after nightfall by illumination of naval star shells. On Negros, 40th Div, assisted by aircraft, continues assault on strong enemy defense positions, making slow progress. 185th Inf inches forward from the tank trap in its sector. Elements of 160th reach military crest of Hill 3155 but are forced to withdraw. On Palawan, elements of Co G, 186th Inf, 41st Div, in shore-to-shore operation, secure Balabac I., off S tip of Palawan.

RYUKYU IS.--On Ie Shima, war correspondent Ernie Pyle is killed by enemy sniper. 77th Div continues to make main effort against Bloody Ridge from S and W with 307th Inf helped by 305th, but vicious opposition makes progress very slow. 1st Bn, 305th Inf, is attached to 307th to protect right flank. 3d Bn, 305th, drives into Ie town but pulls


back to more tenable positions in outskirts. 306th Inf makes substantial progress against lighter opposition in region N of Iegusugu, pushing eastward to line from NE base of Iegusugu to NE coast. Disabled B-29 lands on Okinawa. U.S. Tenth Army CP opens ashore on Okinawa. In III Amphib Corps area, marines pursue enemy northward across Itomi-Manna road; subsequently patrol extensively and reduce bypassed pockets in N Okinawa. In XXIV Corps area, Co G of 106th Inf, 27th Div, in preparation for main attack of corps on 19th, crosses Machinato Inlet secretly, starting at 1630, and secures Machinato village to enable engineers to bridge the inlet. A footbridge is completed by midnight and 106th Inf troops start across it without arousing enemy.

19 April

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Br Second Army area, 30 Corps, reinf by 52d Div, begins assault on Bremen. While 3d Div attacks the portion W of the Weser frontally, 52d Div, with elements of 43d Div under command, begins crossing the Weser to strike at the city from the SE. In 12 Corps area, 7th Armd Div, driving rapidly N, cuts Bremen-Hamburg Autobahn. In 8 Corps area, 11th Armd Div reaches the Elbe in Lauenburg area.

12th Army Group: In U.S. Ninth Army's XIII Corps area, 5th Armd Div is assisted by arty and aircraft in destroying enemy troops attempting to escape through its zone. 44th Sq, 11th Cav Gp, moves out to contain and determine strength of enemy seeking to move through Forst Kloetze toward Harz Mts. XIX Corps maintains and improves defensive positions along the Elbe. 113th Cav Gp closes along the Elbe on right flank of corps from Breitenhagen southward, relieving RCT 320 of 83d Div, which in turn relieves CCR of 2d Armd Div on N flank of 83d Div bridgehead. 83d Div continues to improve positions E of the Elbe and comb Harz Mts to right rear. 8th Armd Div passes to corps control and CCA and CCB revert to it; prepares to clear Blankenburg area, at E edge of Harz Mts. XVI Corps begins period of regrouping, occupation, and military government. Its zone includes all Ninth Army territory W of the Weser and is held by: XVI Corps Arty, with 15th Cav Gp attached; 95th Div; 79th Div, with 18th AAA Gp attached; and 17th A/B Div.

In U.S. First Army's XVIII Corps (A/B) area, 8th Div extends W to the Rhine, relieving 13th Armd Div. 13th Armd and 97th Inf Divs prepare to join Third Army. 78th Div is placed under direct control of First Army. In VII Corps area, CCR of 3d Armd Div endeavors to oust enemy from Bobbau-Steinfurth and Wolfen, on right flank of div, partially clearing both towns; CCA and CCB columns gain ground near Torten; other elements of CCA seize a number of towns generally N of Koethen. TF Kelleher, 100th Div, completes capture of Halle by 1055 and then clears Radewell and Dieskau. 413th Inf attacks through 415th toward Delitzsch and reaches Zschernitz. 415th improves positions near Bitterfeld and clears Petersroda, just E of Roitzsch. Against crumbling resistance, 1st Div moves forward in Harz Mts: 26th Inf begins attack on hill that commands div sector; 16th takes Elbingrode and Huettenrode; 18th clears S part of Thale. Organized resistance in 9th Div zone ends as div reaches N boundary of corps and makes contact with adjacent friendly units. Enemy pocket continues to hold out SE of Ballenstedt. TF X is dissolved. In V Corps area, 2d and 69th Divs complete capture of Leipzig.

In U.S. Third Army area, VIII Corps consolidates along restraining line and patrols eastward. Boundary on right is altered to extend along N boundary of Bavaria to Czechoslovakian border. 6th Cav Gp continues patrolling toward Czechoslovakia. 4th Armd Div assembles as reserve. XII Corps attacks SE, air and arty softening resistance to front with very good effect. 11th Armd Div, with CCA on left and CCB on right, converges on Grafenwohr and clears it; is ordered to halt there. 26th Div, with 3 regts abreast, drives almost due S to general line Trostau-Birk. 90th Div advances SE on left flank of corps: 358th Inf, on left, takes Rehau and pushes toward Selb; 357th, on right, gets forward elements to Wunsiedel. XX Corps issues order for final drive into Austria, designating 71st Div (temporarily under XV Corps) and 65th Div as initial assault forces and 80th Inf and 13th Armd Divs (13th under XVIII Corps) as reserve; 3d Cav Gp will protect flanks of corps. 71st Div continues SE toward Amberg. 80th Div closes in assembly area and conducts training and rehabilitation. III Corps continues movement to Bavaria and takes control of 20th Armd Div from First Army.

In U.S. Fifteenth Army area, XXIII Corps relieves elements of 10th Div in Koblenz and Pfalz areas.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army area, XV Corps continues assault on Nuremberg, breaking into the inner walled city. 42d Div, transferred to corps from XXI Corps, clears Fuerth, a western suburb of Nuremberg, and pushes into Nuremberg. 14th Armd Div, with mission of protecting left flank and rear of 45th Div, relieves 106th Cav Gp of this task. XXI Corps takes command of 63d Div, previously on left flank of VI Corps, in place. CCR and CCB, 12th Armd Div, complete capture of Ansbach, relieving elements of 4th Div there, and push quickly toward Feuchtwangen. Moving E to block enemy escape from Nuremberg, CCA establishes


roadblocks at Schwabach and Bertholdsdorf and patrols between them. 101st Cav Gp, protecting S flank of armor, regains command of 101st Sq from 4th Div. 8th Inf, 4th Div, reaches Roedenweiler area; 12th reaches line Bottenweiler-Wildenholz-Theuerbronn; 22d completes relief of 324th, which is detached from div and corps, and pushes S to line Michelbach-Gailroth-Schoenbronn-Rossbuerg-Schainbach; 4th Rcn Tr clears Rot am See and maintains contact with 63d Div. 63d Div, with 255th, 254th, and 253d Regts, from right to left, is clearing region E of the Kocher between Schwaebisch Hall and Crailsheim. In VI Corps area, 10th Armd Div, achieving complete breakthrough, speeds almost 20 miles southward. CCA crosses Rems R at Lorch and continues to Fils R, taking bridge at Faurndau, near Goeppingen. CCB, bypassing Schwaebisch Gmuend, crosses the Rems W of that city and pushes eastward. 398th Inf, 100th Div, crosses the Murr at Murrhardt; 397th reaches the Murr at Sulzbach and begins assault on that town; 399th overruns Beilstein and Ilsfeld. 117th Cav Rcn Sq is attached to 100th Div and given sector on extreme right between 399th Inf and the Neckar. 44th Div, with mission of mopping up in rear and protecting flanks of armor, attacks S through 63d Div with 71st and 114th Regts. 71st follows CCA and 114th, CCB. RCT 324 reverts to 44th Div; 2d Bn, motorized, follows CCB southward. 103d Div is moving into corps zone.

In Fr 1st Army area, 2d Corps continues toward Stuttgart with 3d Algerian Inf Div on left and 5th Armd Div and 2d Moroccan Inf Div on right. 1st Corps, clearing W part of Black Forest, reaches Biberach-Mahlberg area. In DA ATL area, Fr forces in Pointe de Grave sector seize Le Verdon.

EASTERN EUROPE--Moscow confirms German reports of Soviet offensive toward Berlin on central front, stating that bridgeheads have been established across Oder and Neisse Rivers during the last 3 days. Some Red Army forces are thrusting toward Berlin from Oder bridgehead W of Kuestrin. Others have forced the Neisse between Cottbus and Goerlitz and are advancing in the direction of Dresden. Rothenburg, NW of Goerlitz, falls to Second Polish Army. Ukrainian troops continue toward Bruenn and Moravska Ostrava and gain additional ground N of Vienna.

ITALY--15th Army Group: U.S. Fifth Army issues orders for pursuit to the Po. 92d Div is to advance in Ligurian coastal sector when enemy withdraws and be prepared to renew attack toward La Spezia. IV Corps is to secure Panaro R line W of Camposanto and be prepared to take Po crossings between Ostiglia and Borgoforte. II Corps will continue drive on Bologna, clear Panaro R line E of Camposanto and be prepared to cross the Po between Ostiglia and Sermide. IV Corps pursues enemy, now in full retreat, toward the Po. 10th Mtn Div gets to within sight of the Po plain, seizing Mongiorgio and getting advance elements to road junction 3 miles NE of M. S. Michele. 1st Armd Div and 85th Div move forward on corps flanks, echeloned to rear. II Corps shifts W while continuing pursuit against spotty, but skillful, rear-guard action in order to make main effort W of the Reno with S African 6th Armd Div and 88th Div. 88th, less 350th Inf on M. Mario, is pinched out E of the Reno and takes up positions W of the river to right of 85th Div (IV Corps). S African 6th Armd Div prepares to cross the Reno in Pradura area. 91st and 34th Divs continue pursuit E of the Reno. 91st, taking command of 350th Inf, which clears M. Mario--last of 88th Div objectives E of the Reno--veers NW, eliminating scattered strongpoints. 34th Div, swinging W to take over sector of 91st Div W of Highway 65, takes hills N of M. Arnigo. Legnano Gp, which has been assisting 34th Div, begins attack astride Idice R to advance right flank of corps.

In Br Eighth Army area, Pol 2 Corps breaks through positions along the Gaiana and pursues enemy. 13 Corps drives to within sight of Budria; is ordered to continue attack across the Idice. 5 Corps is improving positions in Argenta Gap area.

BURMA--In Br Fourteenth Army's 33 Corps area, Ind 20th Div columns reach the Irrawaddy and take Magwe and Myingun.

LUZON--Gen MacArthur directs U.S. Sixth Army to seize reservoirs NE of Manila, a task subsequently undertaken by XI Corps. In the Bicols, RCT 158 attacks Cituinan hill mass from 3 directions for the next week, progressing slowly but methodically with aid of aircraft and arty. In I Corps' Highway 9 sector, 148th Inf of 37th Div clears all ridges S and NW of Irisan R bridge site, but enemy retains ridge positions to NE. 130th Inf of 33d Div, endeavoring to open Galiano-Baguio road, is still engaged in Asin tunnels area. 123d Inf probes along Pugo-Tuba trail. 127th Inf, 32d Div, relieves 128th in Salacsac Pass area of Villa Verde Trail and makes contact with 126th Inf to N. 25th Div's 35th Inf is clearing draws near Kapintalan on Highway 5. 2d Bn, 27th Inf, withstands counterattack on its perimeter on Mt Myoko and continues efforts to advance. In XI Corps area, 6th and 38th Divs are ordered to exchange sectors so that 6th Div may have an opportunity to rest. 145th Inf, under command of 6th Div, patrols actively toward Mt Oro and Mt Pacawagan. In XIV Corps area, elements of 1st Cav Div and of 11th A/B Div maintain pressure on Mt Mataasna Bundoc but make little headway against stubborn opposition. On Mt Macolod, Japanese are compressed into small pocket during 2-bn assault by 187th Inf, 11th A/B Div.


S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army's X Corps area, main body of 2d Bn, 21st Inf, remains at Lomopog and patrols to Highway 1 on Mindanao while Co F and elements of Boat and Shore Regt continue up Mindanao R to Ulandang; small party moves farther upstream toward Fort Pikit and lands without opposition at Paidu Pulangi. 19th Inf advances steadily along Highway 1 despite difficult road conditions. Floating reserve--34th Inf--lands at Parang and elements start up Mindanao R to assist the amphibious attack forces. On Cebu, 132d Inf is directed to move elements along E coast road. On Negros, 40th Div continues attack against enemy defenses near Negritos and Lantawan. Elements of 160th Inf again push up Hill 3155 and are again forced back. On Bohol, Co I of 164th Inf is directed to move forward from Candijay to assist main attack of 3d Bn.

RYUKYU IS.--On Ie Shima, 307th and 305th Regts of 77th Div continue futile efforts to take Bloody Ridge and Ie town; 3d Bn of 307th, bypassing main enemy positions, reaches base of Iegusugu on E.

In U.S. Tenth Army area, XXIV Corps launches general assault on Okinawa against outer belt of Shuri defenses after tremendous preparatory bombardment in which naval vessels, 27 bns of arty, and aircraft participate. Aircraft make the largest single strike of the campaign. Landing force conducts diversionary feint off SE coast. Bombardment has little effect against well-organized network of cave and tunnel positions and corps gains are modest and costly. On W flank, 106th Inf of 27th Div is halted at W end of Urasoe-Mura Escarpment. After unsuccessful attacks on Kakazu Ridge, 105th Inf bypasses it to get elements on top of the escarpment, but this leaves gap between 27th Div and 96th Div. 22 tanks are lost in fight for Kakazu Ridge. In center, 381st Inf of 96th Div pushes through Kaniku and gains positions on forward slopes of Nishibaru Ridge while 382d gets toehold on N-S Tombstone Ridge between Kaniku and Nishibaru. 7th Div is held up by intense opposition from Rocky Crags on right and Skyline Ridge, E anchor of enemy line, in coastal sector. 32d Inf gains positions on Skyline Ridge but is unable to hold them.

20 April

WESTERN EUROPE--12th Army Group: In U.S. Ninth Army's XIII Corps area, 29th Div, with 115th Inf on left and 116th on right, attacks NE toward the Elbe on left flank of corps; reaches line Esterholz-Schostorf-Wittingen and relieves British units on left. 5th Armd Div gets into position to attack to right of 29th Div. 36th Sq, 11th Cav Gp, assists 44th in containing Forst Kloetze and probing into it. In XIX Corps area, 8th Armd Div, with CCA on W and CCB on E, attacks to clear E edge of Harz Mts, relieving 330th Inf of 83d Div of this task; against sporadic resistance takes Heimburg and Blankenburg. 30th Div defends and governs a sector of the Elbe that includes Magdeburg and relieves elements of 2d Armd Div within its zone. 2d Armd Div, upon relief in S part of Magdeburg and along the Elbe to Schoenebeck, moves to occupation zone generally S of Braunschweig and relieves elements of 8th Armd Div. CCR reverts to 2d Armd Div from attachment to 83d Div. 113th Cav Gp is relieved of flank security mission, since VII Corps of First Army has reached the Elbe to right, but remains along W bank of the Elbe from Breitenhagen southward. In XVI Corps area, 17th A/B Div is relieved of responsibility for Duisberg by XVIII Corps (A/B).

In U.S. First Army area, XVIII Corps (A/B) is directed to turn over Ruhr sector to Ninth and Fifteenth Armies and prepare to join Br 21 Army Group, beginning 25 April. 8th Div becomes responsible for security of entire corps zone, relieving 97th Div. In VII Corps area, CCR of 3d Armd Div clears Bobbau-Steinfurth, W part of Jessnitz, Wolfen, and Greppin; moves elements northward to Klein Kuehnau, just W of Dessau. 3d Armd Div prepares for concerted assault on Dessau. On 104th Div left flank, 415th Inf begins assault on Bitterfeld at 0130 and clears about a third of the town; 413th Inf, in center, drives E to Delitzsch; 414th, on right flank, pushes eastward beyond Rackwitz and Schladitz. Organized resistance in Harz Mts ends and 1st and 9th Divs mop up final opposition. In V Corps area, 2d and 69th Divs begin relief on 9th Armd Div in line. Elements of CCB take Klein Krostitz with ease.

In U.S. Third Army area, VIII Corps maintains current positions and patrols actively. In XII Corps area, 11th Armd Div, as it consolidates and improves positions in Grafenwohr area, discovers huge cache of enemy matériel and munitions. Moving up close behind armor, 26th Div reaches general line Erbendorf-Pressath-Stegenthumbach. After arty preparation on Selb, 358th Inf of 90th Div clears it and speeds SE through Arzberg; 347th drives through Marktredwitz to Fuchsmuehl and Friedenfelds. 42d Sq of 2d Cav Gp takes As, E of Rehau, and is assisted there by 2d Sq, which takes up screening positions on left flank of corps. 97th Div is arriving in corps zone to protect left flank. XX Corps attacks SE through elements of XV Corps toward the Danube in Regensburg area with 71st and 65th Divs abreast. 71st Div progresses slowly over difficult terrain and encounters troublesome pockets of resistance in Haag area on left, woods S of Auerbach in center, and Neuhaus-Velden


area on right. To right, 65th Div, while in the process of closing in Altdorf assembly area, attacks with RCT's 260 and 259 abreast. RCT 260 reaches line Lauterhofen-Trautmannshofen while RCT 359 advances to Neumarkt and clears northern third of the town. 13th Armd Div starts from XVIII Corps (A/B) sector toward assembly area in vicinity of Eschenau. III Corps issues instructions for attack to SE from new zone on right flank of Third Army, with 14th Cav Gp in narrow zone on left, 99th Div in center, and 86th Div on right. Assault forces are to move to forward assembly areas behind XV Corps, Seventh Army, on 21st, relieve elements of XV Corps within assigned zone, reconnoiter SE to line Unterferrieden-Roth-Weiszenburg, and be prepared to attack SE from reconnaissance line on 22d. 86th Div closes in Windsheim area.

In U.S. Fifteenth Army area, XXIII Corps, upon relieving elements of 10th Div in Hessen area, completes occupation of 12th Army Group zone assigned to it.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XV Corps area, Nuremberg falls under co-ordinated blows of 42d, 3d, and 45th Divs. In XXI Corps area, CCB and CCR of 12th Armd Div converge on Feuchtwangen, which CCB clears with ease. CCA moves to Feuchtwangen upon relief near Nuremberg by XV Corps and drives S, preceded by 101st Cav Gp, to Dinkelsbuehl, where it halts briefly to await bridging. 4th Div gains 6-8 miles against disorganized resistance; elements of 22d Inf reach outskirts of Crailsheim. On right flank of corps, 63d Div continues S, clearing pockets of resistance E and SE of Schwaebisch Hall. In VI Corps area, CCA and CCB of 10th Armd Div, thrusting SW across Fils R, converge on Kirchheim, div objective, and clear it. 44th Div follows armor closely and takes responsibility for Rems and Fils crossings; 114th Inf occupies Schwaebisch Gmuend and blocks on exposed left flank between there and Gaildorf. In W sector of corps, 100th Div drives rapidly southward toward Stuttgart, 398th Inf pushing through Althuette to Eselshalden, 397th overrunning Sulzbach and Backnang and continuing S, and 399th reaching Winnenden area.

In Fr 1st Army area, 2d Corps, in conjunction with VI Corps of U.S. Seventh Army, almost completes investment of Stuttgart. 1st Corps works southward through Black Forest and Baden Plain in multiple columns. On left, 1st Armd Div (-) pushes toward the Danube in vicinity of Sigmaringen and Tuttlingen. In center, an armored force designated Groupement Le Bel drives to the Danube at Donaueschingen. On right, CC3 of 1st Armd Div reaches Ettenheim and outskirts of Kaiserstuhl. DA ATL completes reduction of Pointe de Grave pocket.

ITALY--15th Army Group: U.S. Fifth Army emerges from the Apennines onto Po plain. In IV Corps area, 10th Mtn Div, still in the lead, crosses Route 9 in vicinity of Ponte Samoggia, where the highway crosses Samoggia R. To left rear, 1st Armd Div reaches Crespellano. To right rear, 85th Div reaches Gesso; elements turn E to Casalecchio, Bologna suburb, to block withdrawal of disorganized enemy. In II Corps area, 88th Div, attacking on W flank of corps W of the Reno, reaches positions between Casalecchio and Gesso. S African 6th Armd Div crosses to W side of the Reno and speeds northward to vicinity of Casalecchio. E of the Reno, 91st Div pursues enemy toward Bologna in region W of Highway 65. 133d Inf, 34th Div, drives quickly toward Bologna along Highway 65 while Legnano Gp advances right flank of corps.

In Br Eighth Army area, 10 Corps reaches Idice R, following up enemy withdrawal. In Pol 2 Corps area, forward elements cross the Idice in vicinity of Highway 9, night 20-21, and speed toward Bologna. In 13 Corps area, NZ 2d Div, leading corps advance, reaches the Idice and establishes bridgehead across it. In 5 Corps area, enemy begins retreating hastily before corps.

BURMA--In Br Fourteenth Army's 33 Corps area, Br 2d Div and Ind 268th Brig complete envelopment and reduction of stubborn enemy pocket in Mt Popa region.

CHINA--Air-ground liaison teams are rushed to Chihchiang area to help avert enemy threat.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, elements of 148th Inf, 37th Div, seize ridge NE of Irisan bridge site in flanking attack. 2d Bn and 1st Bn (less Co A) of 130th Inf, 33d Div, assemble N of Asin tunnel ridge to attack from N. Continued fighting in other sectors results in little change in positions. In XI Corps area, 145th Inf continues to probe toward Mt Pacawagan and arty pounds it. XIV Corps maintains pressure on Mt Mataasna Bundoc and continues attack on Mt Macolod, clearing latter except for one pocket.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army's X Corps area, 19th Inf of 24th Div continues along Highway 1 on Mindanao toward Fort Pikit, dispersing enemy force some 3 miles E of Manauangan. Of about 80 Japanese encountered SE of Lomopog, 31 are killed. Elements of 34th Inf take over river and roadblock at Ulandang. On Cebu, 3d Bn of 132d Inf, Americal Div, in amphibious move up coast from Cebu City, lands near Danao without opposition and begins extensive patrolling to intercept retreating enemy groups. On Bohol, 3d Bn of 164th Inf, Americal Div, materially assisted by preparatory mortar fire, routs Japanese in Ginopolan


area. On Negros, 185th Inf, 40th Div, reaches Lantawan Plateau and starts to clear it. 160th continues futile efforts to take Hill 3155.

RYUKYU IS.--On Ie Shima, main effort of 77th Div shifts from S to N, where 306th Inf succeeds in enveloping the Pinnacle (Iegusugu Mountain). 307th and 305th Regts continue attack on the S, getting upon Bloody Ridge.

In U.S. Tenth Army area on Okinawa, XXIV Corps inches forward in some sectors against furious opposition. 165th Inf, 27th Div, committed on right flank, is stalled for the next week by enemy position called "Item Pocket," N of Gusukuma. 106th and 105th Regts battle for Urasoe-Mura Escarpment against bitter opposition from West and East Pinnacles, key features near Iso Village. 2d Bn, 105th, bypasses East Pinnacle and reaches the escarpment but is surrounded there by Japanese. 1st Bn, 105th, is given task of eliminating bypassed resistance in Kakazu area and progresses well during day, but Japanese reoccupy the area in strength, night 20-21. 96th Div clears rest of Tombstone Ridge and continues attack for Nishibaru Ridge. 7th Div is unable to advance in Rocky Crags area but gains weak hold on Ouki Hill, between Hill 178 and Skyline Ridge. In III Amphib Corps area, 6th Mar Div finishes clearing Motobu Peninsula. Except for small enemy groups, corps zone on N Okinawa is now clear. Mopping up and rcn of small islands off shore continue.

21 April

U.S.--JCS approve BETA, projected operation to take Canton-Hong Kong area and thus secure coastal port. This plan is subsequently revised and known by code names RASHNESS and CARBONADO.

WESTERN EUROPE--12th Army Group: In U.S. Ninth Army's XIII Corps area, 29th Div, driving NE against light resistance, reaches general line Guelden-Dalldorf-Salkau-Gielau-Erpensen. 5th Armd Div attacks to right from line Daehre-Salzwedel. CCA, on left, reaches Gaddau area against opposition so firm that it delays jump-off of CCR until 1500; one CCR column clears woods near Bombeck while another advances along Salzwedel-Luechow road to Saasse. 84th Div attacks to clear Wahrenberg-Pretzetze sector along the Elbe, employing two bns of 335th Inf and one of 333d; reaches line Gorleben-Gartow-Kapern. 11th Cav Gp and 175th Inf of 29th Div eliminate enemy in Forst Kloetze. In XIX Corps area, 83d Div relieves RCT 320 in Elbe bridgehead with 330th Inf. RCT 320 reverts to 35th Div. 8th Armd Div completes mop up of Harz Mts, reaching army boundary at Michaelstein and Cattenstedt. 2d Armd Div elements begin search of Forst Konigslutter.

In U.S. First Army area, XVIII Corps (A/B) is ordered to assemble in Uelzen-Lueneburg-Celle area by 30 April to protect Br Second Army E flank; be prepared to secure Elbe bridge site; and to participate in further operations on army order. Corps will command Br 6th A/B Div and U.S. 7th Armd, 8th Inf, and 82d A/B Divs. 13th Armd and 97th Inf Divs pass to Third Army control. In VII Corps area, 3d Armd Div, with maximum arty support, begins assault on Dessau, employing elements of three combat commands; clears SW part of city in house-to-house battle. While two CCA TF's push NE through Alten into Dessau, CCR column mops up Klein and Gross Kuehnau, just W of the city, and CCB TF drives N to Dessau, where it is pinched out by CCA. Other elements of 3d Armd Div continue to clear along the Mulde on right flank of div. 104th Div finishes clearing its sector to Mulde R line, taking rest of Bitterfeld and Delitzsch. 1st and 9th Divs mop up in Harz Mts; 9th Div prepares to move E to relieve 3d Armd Div elements along the Mulde. In V Corps area, 2d and 69th Divs complete relief of 9th Armd Div along the Mulde. 9th Armd Div moves to Borna-Taucha region as reserve. 1st Bn of 271st Inf, 69th Div, begins assault on Eilenburg. Mopping up is conducted throughout corps zone.

In U.S. Third Army's VIII Corps area, 28th Sq of 6th Cav Gp finishes clearing right flank of corps to Czechoslovakian border and crosses to reach Rossbach and Gottmannsgruen. In XII Corps area, 11th Armd Div continues combing Grafenwohr area and prepares for drive on Weiden and Chain. Arty pounds Weiden throughout night 21-22. 26th Div attacks with 104th Inf on left and 328th on right, 101st being pinched out, and reaches line Parkstein-Schwarzenbach-Kaltenbrunn-Gressenwohr, overtaking 11th Armd Div, which it begins relieving of guard duty at Grafenwohr. 90th Div thrusts quickly SE with 358th and 357th Regts abreast, 358th driving through Mitterteich to Falkenberg and 357th taking Windischeschenbach and positions near Wildenreuth; blocking along left flank, 90th Rcn Tr overruns Tirschenreuth while 359th Inf clears Schirnding and Waldsassen. XX Corps establishes restraining line Hahnbach-Lauterhofen-Neumarkt since III Corps has not yet closed along its right flank. 71st Div reduces stubborn enemy pockets on its flanks and cuts Sulzbach-Nuremberg highway and rail line. 65th Div clears many villages en route to limiting line and gains about half of Neumarkt. 3d Cav Gp gets into position to attack through 71st and 65th Divs. 80th Div starts to Nuremberg to relieve 3d Div, Seventh Army. In III Corps area, 14th Cav Gp assembles in Fuerth area and prepares to take over assigned sector on left flank of corps as it is uncovered by 14th Armd Div (XV Corps), which is pushing S across corps front. 394th Inf, 99th Div, relieves 42d Div (XV Corps) of responsibility for


Fuerth. 86th Div concentrates in vicinity of Ansbach. 20th Armd Div closes in Oberzenn area.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army area, XV Corps regroups for drive on Munich and probes southward. 3d Div, under army control, is responsible for security of Nuremberg. In XXI Corps area, CCA of 12th Armd Div speeds S from Dinkelsbuehl, toward the Danube, reaching Elchingen and Bopfingen. CCB starts S from Feuchtwangen toward the Danube. 4th Div continues S, gaining 6-8 miles along entire front. 8th Inf, heading for Ellwangen, gets advance elements to Stocken. TF Rodwell (12th Inf (motorized), 4th Rcn Tr, and supporting units) is formed for attack on Aalen and drives S through 22d Inf to vicinity of Jagstzell, between Crailsheim and Ellwangen. 22d Inf clears Crailsheim with little difficulty. 63d Div makes substantial gains on right flank of corps against light resistance; 255th Inf sends motorized TF's forward to block exits from Gaildorf and Schwaebisch Gmuend. In VI Corps area, CCA of 10th Armd Div consolidates in Kirchheim until relieved by 103d Div; CCB drives SE to Westernheim and Donnstetten; CCR advances to Gosbach. 44th Div follows on heels of armor with 71st Inf on right and 324th on left; 114th Inf continues to block Schwaebisch Gmuend-Gaildorf sector. 103d Div closes in corps zone and advances S behind armor, passing through elements of 44th and 100th Divs. 410th Inf relieves 10th Armd Div forces at Kirchheim; 411th, after taking Schorndorf and Rems crossings, gets elements beyond Hegenlohe; 409th follows 411th. On W flank of corps, 100th Div seizes bridges across the Rems and drives to within 2 miles of Stuttgart; 398th Inf assembles at Winnenden upon relief by 410th Inf of 103d Div. Seventh Army sets corps W boundary along the Neckar from Stuttgart E to junction with the Fils and thence S to Rottweil; revokes provision of field order directing corps to advance S beyond line Rottweil-Sigmaringen.

In Fr 1st Army's 2d Corps area, 5th Armed Div enters Stuttgart from the S and quickly occupies the city. In 1st Corps area, 1st Armd Div speeds SE to the Danube on left flank of corps: left column reaches Sigmaringen; right column crosses the Danube in Tuttlingen area and drives to Stockach, within a few kilometers of Lake Constance. Groupement Le Bel reaches Swiss frontier at Schaffhausen. Elements of Groupement Valluy overrun Emmendingen and Frieburg. Other Fr forces cross the Rhine and seize Vieux Brisach.

EASTERN EUROPE--Red Army is developing pincers movement against Berlin. Forces of First White Russian Front, constituting right prong, continue broad frontal assault on the city from the E, penetrating into suburbs. Elements of First Ukrainian Front that form left prong wheel northward toward the German capital while others of the front continue W toward Dresden and Leipzig.

ITALY--15th Army Group: U.S. Fifth Army drives into Bologna, its objective for many months, and races toward the Po across open ground containing excellent road network. In IV Corps area, TF Duff (Brig Gen Robinson E. Duff), consisting of tanks, TD's, engineers, and infantry, spearheads pursuit by 10th Mtn Div, reaching Panaro R at Bomporto and taking bridge intact. 1st Armd Div and 85th Div advance on flanks of 10th Mtn Div. In II Corps area, 3d Bn of 133d Inf, 34th Div, mounted on tanks, drives into Bologna during morning, shortly after the city has been entered by Pol forces, and is joined there later in day by rest of 133d Inf, Legnano Gp, and right flank elements of 91st Div. 34th Div is placed under army command to garrison Bologna. Legnano Gp goes into corps reserve. To left, 91st Div takes M. Sabbiuno, S of Bologna. S African 6th Armd Div moves forward to exploit, heading for S. Giovanni road center, NW of Bologna. 88th Div passes through S African 6th Armd Div near this objective and takes S. Giovanni, night 21-22.

In Br Eighth Army area, 10 Corps is pinched out upon fall of Bologna and reverts to army reserve. In Pol 2 Corps area, 9th Bn of 3d Brig, 3d Carpathian Div, reaches center of Bologna by 0600. Army then orders corps into reserve. In 5 Corps area, 6th Armd Div reaches Poggio Renatico. Ind 8th Div is withdrawn from reserve to drive on Ferrara so that 6th Armd Div can push W.

BURMA--In Br Fourteenth Army's 33 Corps area, Ind 7th Div surrounds Yenangyaung, where enemy delaying force is prepared to make firm stand to cover withdrawal to Allanmyo. In 4 Corps area, Ind 5th Div continues rapidly S toward Toungoo, leaving 9th Brig to assist Ind 17th Div in clearing Pyinmana.

CHINA--Air movement of Ch 22d Div to Chihchiang (Operation ROOSTER) is begun. Ch 14th Div follows some days later, transported on trucks manned by U.S. 475th Inf. Japanese are progressing westward toward Chihchiang, making main effort along road from Pao-ching. Their spearheads are being engaged in Keosha Tungkow area. On flanks, enemy forces are threatening Wukang, NW of Hsinning, and hold positions on mountain called Paima Shan.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, battle of Irisan R bridge site ends as 148th Inf, 37th Div, takes last of the ridges; upon completion of temporary bridge, crosses to continue drive on Baguio. 130th Inf, 33d Div, begins attack on Asin tunnel positions from N. 35th Inf, 25th Div, finally captures Kapintalan, opening Highway 5 as far N as Kapintalan Ridge. Elements of 27th Inf on Mt.


Myoko take the hill 300 yards N of the Wart. In XI Corps area, after heavy strikes and massed arty fire, 6th Div begins assault on Mt Pacawagan with attached 145th Inf. 63d Inf provides fire support from N tip of Mt Mataba. 152d Inf, 38th Div, is directed to relieve 1st Inf, 6th Div, in positions near junction of Bosoboso and Mariquina Rivers. In XIV Corps area, 187th Inf of 11th A/B Div eliminates final pocket of enemy in Mt Macolod area and turns this region over to guerrilla forces. Route 417 is now clear.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, X Corps seizes undefended Fort Pikit on Mindanao. Amphibious force and company of 3d Bn, 34th Inf, move by water to the fort, which patrol from gunboats occupies. Rest of 3d Bn, 34th Inf, arrives later on foot. On Highway 1, 19th Inf captures road junction at Dilap. On Bohol, 3d Bn of 164th Inf, Americal Div, pursues enemy northward from Ginopolan, eliminating several small groups. On Negros, 40th Div continues offensive agains Negritos-Lantawan-Hill 3155 area. 160th Inf gains military crest of Hill 3155.

RYUKYU IS.--On Ie Shima 77th Div captures the Pinnacle and holds Bloody Ridge against final counterattack, crushing organized resistance on the island, which is declared secure at 1730. Mopping up begins. Japanese casualties during the bitter, 6-day battle total 4,706 killed and 149 captured.

In U.S. Tenth Army's XXIV Corps area on Okinawa, 27th Div, on W flank of corps, continues costly attacks on Item Pocket N of Gusukuma, Kakazu, and the Pinnacles on Urasoe-Mura Escarpment without making much headway but clears mines from road leading to the escarpment so armor can move forward. 96th Div attempts unsuccessfully to clear S slope of Nishibaru Ridge and village of Nishibaru. 184th Inf, 7th Div, reinf by Co B of 17th Inf, is unable to gain Rocky Crags, but 32d Inf pushes to N slope of Skyline Ridge on E flank of corps.

22 April

WESTERN EUROPE--12th Army Group: In U.S. Ninth Army's XIII Corps area, 29th Inf and 5th Armd Divs continue rapidly toward the Elbe. CCA advances N to Lueneburg-Dannenberg road W of Metzingen, then moves one column E through Metzingen to Pussade and another W to Goehrde and NE to Weitzetze; makes contact with British on left. CCR columns converge on Luechow, which surrenders, then continue N along two routes toward Dannenberg. 84th Div finishes clearing its sector along the Elbe NW of Wittenberge. In XIX Corps area, 113th Cav Gp takes responsibility for left flank of 83d Div sector W of the Elbe. 2d Armd Div mops up rest of stragglers in Forst Konigslutter. Corps is assigned zone of occupation. 30th and 83d Divs will remain along the Elbe and 2d and 8th Armd Divs will take up positions in rear. XVI Corps zone is expanded to correspond closely with boundary of Westphalia Province. 5th Div, occupying portion of Westphalia S of the Ruhr, is attached to corps and will be relieved by 75th Div.

In U.S. First Army's XVIII Corps (A/B) area, 75th Div (XVI Corps) relieves 8th Div of portion of Ruhr sector as new boundary between Ninth and First Armies becomes effective. VII Corps begins regrouping as battle for Dessau nears an end. 3d Armd Div continues fight for Dessau, clearing all except NE tip. 104th Div maintains positions along the Mulde and regroups. 8th Armd Div (XIX Corps) begins relief of 1st Div in Harz Mts sector and takes command of its sector at noon. 4th Cav Gp reverts to VII Corps control from attachment to 9th Div. In V Corps area, CCB of 9th Armd Div assembles in vicinity of Rotha, where it becomes responsible for guarding utilities and factories. 2d Div repels counterattack E of the Mulde in Grimma area and clears woods in this region. With intensive arty support, 1st Bn of 271st Inf, 69th Div, continues to clear Eilenburg. VIII Corps is transferred from Third to First Army control as Third Army attack veers from E to S. Its mission is to defend current front, protect S flank of First Army, and maintain contact with Third Army. 4th Armd Div passes to direct control of First Army.

In U.S. Third Army's XII Corps area, main bodies of CCA and CCB, 11th Armd Div, move forward from Grafenwohr to join advance elements, then drive S along parallel routes: CCA quickly clears Weiden and continues S to Nabburg; CCB, to right, reaches Schwarzenfeld and establishes bridgehead across the Naab there. CCR moves forward, elements reaching the Naab at Wernberg. 26th Div follows armor to Wernberg-Amberg area. 358th Inf, 90th Div, takes Ploessberg and Floss while 357th clears woods and villages E of Weiden. 2d Sq, 2d Cav Gp, screens As-Arzberg area; 42d Sq extends screen to Rossbach and Thonbrunn in Czechoslovakia. 97th Div is attached to corps and begins relieving 2d Cav Gp. In XX Corps area, 3d Cav Gp, reinf, organized as a combat team, spearheads corps attack toward the Danube, driving SE through 71st and 65th Divs in 4 columns, 3d Sq on left and 43d on right. 3d Sq seizes Naab R bridge at Burglengenfeld and establishes bridgehead. 43d overruns concentration camp N of Hohenfels; attempts vainly to gain Naab R bridge at Heitzenhofen before enemy can blow it. Because of bold action by cavalrymen, infantry attack meets little resistance. RCT 5, 71st Div, overruns Sulzbach-Rosenberg and Rosenberg; motorized elements of RCT 14, reinf with tanks, clear Amberg; RCT 66 continues to clear div right flank. 65th Div, continuing


SE with RCT's 260 and 259, reaches general line Kastl-Engelsberg-Wiesenacker-Ob Buchfeld but on right rear is unable to oust enemy from position in S part of Neumarkt. 13th Armd Div closes in Eschenau assembly area and is attached to corps. III Corps postpones attack, since its zone is not yet sufficiently cleared by XV Corps; displaces SE, gradually taking over assigned zone from XV Corps.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XXI Corps area, CCA TF's of 12th Armd Div reach the Danube at Lauingen and Dillingen; seize bridge prepared for demolition at Dillingen and establish bridgehead on S bank. CCB reaches the Danube in Hoechstadt area but is unable to find a bridge intact. CCR begins mopping up in Bopfingen-Lauchheim area and makes unsuccessful attack on Lauchheim. 101st Cav Gp mops up to rear of armor and gets forward elements to the Danube at Lauingen. In 4th Div zone, TF Rodwell thrusts to outskirts of Aalen; 8th Inf reaches Ellwangen but is unable to clear it; 22d drives to Adelmannsfelden area, W of Ellwangen. 63d Div clears most of its zone N of the Rems between Schwaebisch Gmuend and Aalen and takes Rems bridge at Unt Boebingen. In VI Corps area, forward elements of 10th Armd Div's CCB column reach the Danube at Ehingen, where bridges are out. Div is directed to cross the Danube at Ehingen and attack toward Ulm. 44th, 103d, and 100th Divs move forward, clearing opposition to rear and on flanks of armor.

In Fr 1st Army area, 2d Corps consolidates positions in Stuttgart area; begins clearing enemy from Swabian Jura S of Tuebingen. In 1st Corps area, 1st Armd Div, turning E, drives rapidly along the Danube toward Ulm. From Schaffhausen, Groupement Le Bel advances E to NW shore of Lake Constance near Stockach. In the Baden Plain, Groupement Landouzy (9th Colonial Inf Div) reaches Neuenburg and Muhlheim.

EASTERN EUROPE--Troops of First White Russian Front gain additional ground in E suburbs of Berlin. First Ukrainian Front continues N toward Berlin and W toward Dresden; Berlin reports spearheads of these in outer defense zone of the capital. In Czechoslovakia, troops of Fourth Ukrainian Front capture road center of Troppau, NW of Moravska Ostrava.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army's IV Corps area, TF Duff races to S. Benedetto Po. 10th Mtn Div assembles along S bank of the Po. 1st Armd Div, bypassing Modena, on Highway 9, pushes toward the Po with CCA; CCB protects left flank and, against rear-guard opposition, crosses the Panaro SE of Modena. 85th Div reaches the Panaro at Camposanto and takes bridge before enemy can destroy it. Bridging equipment intended for II Corps is released to IV Corps in preparation for attack across the Po. In II Corps area, S African 6th Armd Div spearheads pursuit, moving columns toward the Panaro at Camposanto on left and Finale on right in effort to secure crossings. The left column, upon reaching Camposanto, is diverted eastward toward Bondeno in effort to establish contact with Br Eighth Army and both it and the right column run into rear-guard opposition S of Finale. 351st Inf, 88th Div, crosses the Panaro between Camposanto and Finale and establishes bridgehead, night 22-23.

In Br Eighth Army area, 13 Corps get forward elements to the Reno. In 5 Corps area, 78th Div reaches the Po di Volano, a few miles from the Po. 6th Armd Div column reaches Bondeno. Ind 8th Div pushes to outskirts of Ferrara, which 78th Div is also approaching.

BURMA--Lt Gen Kimura orders withdrawal of bulk of Japanese forces from Rangoon to Pegu and Moulmein. In Br Fourteenth Army's 33 Corps area, Yenangyaung, largest of the Burmese oilfields, falls to Ind 7th Div. In 4 Corps area, Ind 5th Div reaches Toungoo 3 days ahead of schedule; leading elements continue S to Oktwin.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, 129th Inf of 37th Div attacks through 148th toward Baguio, gaining about 4,000 yards, then suspends attack while approaches are being cleared to prevent enemy reinforcement of the city. 130th Inf, 33d Div, continuing assault on Asin tunnel positions, gains heights over first tunnel; elements are pushing toward Mt Mirador, at W outskirts of Baguio. 32d Div troops continue to fight from hill to hill along Villa Verde Trail. 1st Bn of 27th Inf, 25th Div, eliminates resistance between its hill position N of the Wart and hill farther N while Co G makes wide enveloping move to base of Lone Tree Hill, at junction of Kapintalan and Balete Ridges 2,000 yards from Balete Pass. In XI Corps' 6th Div sector, 145th Inf continues attack on Mt Pacawagan but is unable to advance. XIV Corps takes control of Bicols sector and of RCT 158 engaged there. Attack to clear Cituinan Hill continues to progress slowly. Corps has by now virtually surrounded Mt Mataasna Bundoc. 11th A/B Div, given mission of clearing Mt Malepunyo area, is reinf by 8th Cav and 2d Sq of 7th Div regroups and maintains pressure on enemy.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army's X Corps area, 31st Div, less 2d Bn of 167th Inf on Morotai, lands on Mindanao and begins relief of 24th Div elements, freeing them for push across the island to Davao Gulf. 19th Inf, 24th Div, continues along Highway 1 to point about 3 miles SE of Balabac. From Fort Pikit, 3d Bn of 34th Inf moves overland to junction of Highway 1 with Sayre Highway, which it takes, and continues to vicinity of Kabacan.


Japanese forces on Mindanao are thus divided. Amphibious forces move upstream and secure ferry crossing in Kabacan area. In Sulu Archipelago, troops of RCT 163, 41st Div, overrun Mt Daho, last organized enemy position on Jolo I., with ease. On Palawan, reinf platoon of Co G, 186th Inf, 41st Div, makes unopposed landing on Pandanan I., off S tip of Palawan. Liberation of Palawan Province is virtually completed. On Cebu, 3d Bn of 182d Inf moves W by truck from Cebu City to Toledo and then N along coastal road to Tabuclan. On Bohol, 3d Bn regains contact with Japanese, who have dug in N of barrio of Nanod, and is pinned down.

RYUKYU IS.--Japanese air activity against shipping in Okinawa area increases. In U.S. Tenth Army's XXIV Corps area, 27th Div slightly improves positions on W flank of corps but Japanese retain Item Pocket, Kakazu, and most of Urasoe-Mura Escarpment. TF Bradford (Brig Gen William B. Bradford, 27th Div ADC), consisting of elements of 27th, 7th, and 96th Divs with supporting units, is formed to destroy the Kakazu Pocket. 383d Inf, 96th Div, relieves battered 382d and, with 2d Bn of 382d attached, attempts to take saddle in Nishibaru Ridge; elements seize Nishibaru Village. 7th Div's right flank is still held up at Rocky Crags; on left flank, 32d Inf holds current positions on Skyline Ridge and patrols.

23 April

WESTERN EUROPE--Heinrich Himmler offers to surrender German forces to Western Allies during conference at the Swedish consulate in Luebeck. The offer is subsequently rejected by the Allies, who call for unconditional surrender on all fronts.

21 Army Group: In Br Second Army area, 12 Corps enters Harburg, on the Elbe opposite Hamburg.

12th Army Group: In U.S. Ninth Army's XIII Corps area, 29th Div continues toward the Elbe against light opposition. 5th Armd Div finishes clearing its sector along the Elbe; Dannenberg surrenders to CCR after brief fire fight. In XVI Corps area, 55th AAA Brig takes responsibility for N part of 95th Div zone. 75th Div begins relief of 5th Div S of the Ruhr.

U.S. First Army releases 4th Armd Div to Third Army as reserve. In VII Corps area, enemy resistance in corps zone ceases at 2100, by which time 3d Armd Div has cleared Dessau and its entire sector. 9th Div (-RCT 60) thoroughly combs Harz Mts. 4th Cav Gp begins security mission in Quedlinburg-Aschersleben-Klostermansfeld area that continues until end of war. In V Corps area, 1st Bn of 271st Inf, 69th Div, finishes clearing Eilenburg.

In U.S. Third Army's XII Corps area, CCB and CCA of 11th Armd Div drive quickly from Naab R to Cham, which CCB clears with ease, completing current mission of div. Roads in div zone are clogged with thousands of prisoners and slave laborers. 104th Inf, 26th Div, advances unopposed to Dautersdorf-Neuenburg area; 328th gets forward elements to Schoengras. 358th Inf, 90th Div, overruns Flossenburg--where large concentration camp and an aircraft factory are secured--and Waldthurn; 357th takes Albersrieth (W of Waldthurn), Kaimling, and Michldorf; 359th is relieved by 2d Cav Gp as far S as Tirschenreuth and displaces SE to continue blocking along left flank of div. 97th Div closes in corps zone; continuing relief of 2d Cav Gp, takes over line As-Arzberg. 11th Armd Div is directed to continue SE to effect junction with Soviet forces near German-Austrian border; 26th Div, echeloned to right rear of armor, will protect right flank of corps along the Danube and secure bridges; 97th and 90th Divs and 2d Cav Gp are to contain enemy in Czechoslovakia and seize passes along border. In XX Corps area, 3d Cav Gp continues rapidly toward the Danube, 3d Sq turning over Naab R bridgehead at Burglengenfeld to 71st Div. 71st Div speeds SE, bypassing pockets of resistance. 5th Inf, on left, clears Schwandorf while 66th, on right, presses toward Regensburg. 65th Div advances rapidly, committing 261st Inf on right flank through elements of 259th; takes Griffenwang and Kittensee on left and Hardt and See on right; to rear, final resistance is overcome at Neumarkt. In III Corps area, 14th Cav Gp moves SE on left flank of corps, elements entering XX Corps zone to relieve 65th Div forces on hill S of Neumarkt. 14th Armd Div is transferred to corps to spearhead attack S in center of corps front while 99th Div follows. 99th Div, after waiting for 14th Armd Div to cross its front, jumps off in afternoon with 394th Inf on left and 395th on right and advances to line Allersberg-Holpoltstein. 86th Div continues SE on right flank of corps.

U.S. Fifteenth Army issues instructions for expansion of Army zone of occupation to include First and Ninth Armies' portion of Rheinprovinz E of the Rhine and 6th Army Group's remaining portion of Pfalz, Saarland, and Hessen W of the Rhine. In XXIII Corps area, 54th AAA Brig takes over Koblenz sub-area, relieving XXII Corps of that portion W of the Rhine and 8th Div (XVIII Corps (A/B) ) of portion E of the Rhine.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army area, XV Corps takes command of 20th Armd Div to spearhead drive on Munich, 45th Div to follow on left and 42d on right. 45th and 42d Divs are driving S toward the Danube to clear routes of advance for armor. In XXI Corps area, CCA of 12th Armd Div, reinf by elements of CCB, strengthens and expands Dillingen


bridgehead. CCR overruns Lauchheim. 4th Div gains its objectives and is ordered to continue to the Danube. 8th Inf drives through Ellwangen to Westhausen. Aalen falls to TF Rodwell, which also takes Unter Kochen. 22d Inf reaches objective W of Aalen. 63d Div, clearing region N of the Rems, is ordered to continue as rapidly as possible to the Danube. As relieved of garrison duties at Nuremberg, 3d Div begins assembly in corps zone and is attached to corps for drive on Augsburg. In VI Corps area, 10th Armd Div continues closing along the Danube and begins crossing near Ehingen and Erbach shortly after midnight, 23-24. CCR is reinforced for drive on Ulm. 44th Div follows armor to the Danube, which 71st Inf crosses near Ehingen. Against lively opposition, 103d Div closes enemy's escape corridor SE from Stuttgart: 410th Inf, reinf by bn of 409th, pushes slowly toward Urach and Muensingen; 411th clears Neuffen, Metzingen, Reutlingen, Pfullingen, and Honau. Div is reinf by 117th Cav Rcn Sq and 781st Tank Bn. 100th Div mops up pockets E of Stuttgart and N of the Neckar; elements of 397th Inf, crossing the Neckar, clear Koengen and cut autobahn to W.

EASTERN EUROPE--Red Army forces break into Berlin proper and to the S reach the Elbe where junction with Allied forces of the Western Front is imminent. First White Russian troops enter Berlin from the E while those of First Ukrainian Front enter from the S. Oranienburg, N of Berlin, and Frankfurt-am-Oder are also overrun by First White Russian forces and Cottbus, SE of Berlin, by troops of First Ukrainian Front. Left flank elements of First Ukrainian Front take Pulsnitz, NE of Dresden, and thrust to the Elbe in Torgau area.

ITALY--15th Army Group: U.S. Fifth Army shifts boundary between IV and II Corps W, giving Highway 12 to II Corps. In IV Corps area, 10th Mtn Div crosses the Po in assault boats and establishes bridgehead on N bank. CCA, 1st Armd Div, reaches the river at Guastalla and Luzzaro; CCB reaches Secchia R south of Highway 9. 85th Div thrusts to the Po at Quingentole. 1st Div of BEF, which has been moving forward on left rear of corps, takes Marano and Vignola. 34th Div is attached to corps to screen left flank along Highway 9. In II Corps area, TF of S African 6th Armd Div pushes through Finale and establishes contact with Br 6th Armd Div to E. After securing bridgehead across the Panaro at Camposanto and driving quickly northward toward the Po, div is directed toward the Po at Felonica, on right flank of corps, and turns NE. Pursuit continues with 3 divs abreast. 88th Div reaches the Po near Carbonara, overtaking and capturing many enemy troops as they prepare to withdraw across the river. 91st Div drives quickly toward the Po against scanty opposition.

Br Eighth Army adjusts boundary between 13 and 5 Corps to run N from the Reno to the Po, since zone of latter has gradually widened to about 50 miles. 13 Corps establishes bridgehead across the Reno. 6th Armd Div is attached to corps to drive to the Po to right of NZ 2d Div. Ind 10th Div is withdrawn from battle. In 5 Corps area, Ind 8th Div takes Ferrara and reaches the Po to N at Pontelagoscuro. 6th Armd Div reaches the Po N of Bondeno; makes contact with U.S. forces near Finale.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, after aerial bombardment of Mt Mirador area, SW of Baguio, 2d Bn of 129th Inf, 37th Div, drives toward it, reaching cemetery, where it comes under heavy fire from ravine between there and the mountain. Some elements of 130th Inf, 33d Div, clear heights over second Asin tunnel while others motor to Irisan and march toward Asin. 123d Inf, moving laboriously along the Pugo-Tuba Trail, sends 1st Bn to assist 130th against Mt Mirador. 161st Inf, 25th Div, concludes lengthy battle for Crump Hill. 35th Inf closes gap between it and 161st and attacks northward from the Fishhook. In XI Corps area, 6th Div continues assault on Mt Pacawagan with RCT 145, methodically reducing mutually supporting positions. XIV Corps maintains pressure on Mt Mataasna Bundoc.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army's X Corps area, town of Kabacan on Mindanao falls to 3d Bn of 34th Inf, 24th Div. 19th Inf reaches Fort Pikit and relieves 34th Inf units there. 24th Div is to drive W along Highway 1 to Davao Gulf while 31st Div drives N along Sayre Highway. On Cebu, 2d Bn of 132d Inf moves by water to SE coast near Tooc and patrols to locate enemy. 2d and 3d Bns enter Danao and overcome organized resistance in this region. Coastal sector is subsequently combed for scattered enemy groups. On W coast, 3d Bn of 182d Inf, assisted by guerrillas, seizes positions in vicinity of Tabuclan; later probes eastward while guerrillas push N. Except for mopping up, offensive operations are completed by this time. On Bohol, 3d Bn of 164th Inf, Americal Div, again attacks Japanese N of Nanod after arty preparation and forces them to withdraw.

RYUKYU IS.--In U.S. Tenth Army's XXIV Corps area on Okinawa, 27th Div completes capture of Urasoe-Mura Escarpment within its sector and wipes out counterattacking force. Resistance to 96th Div slackens and div gains most of high ground within its zone in Nishibaru-Tanabaru area. 1st Bn (less Co B) of 17th Inf, 7th Div, occupies Rocky Crags with ease while 32d Inf patrols and seals caves on Skyline Ridge.


24 April

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Br Second Army area, 30 Corps gets into position for assault on Bremen. 8 Corps closes along the Elbe in Lauenburg area.

12th Army Group: In U.S. Ninth Army's XIII Corps area, 29th Div relieves 5th Armd Div along the Elbe. 84th Div remains along the river awaiting arrival of Soviet forces.

In U.S. First Army's VII Corps area, 9th Div takes responsibility for 3d Armd Div sector along the Mulde and is reinf by CCA and CCR of 3d Armd Div. In V Corps area, 2d Div withdraws elements from E bank of the Mulde, except for outposts and bridge guarding details, upon order. Wurzen surrenders to 1st Bn of 273d Inf, 69th Div. In VIII Corps area, 6th Armd and 76th Inf Divs, ordered to withdraw elements E of the Mulde to conform to new restraining line along that river, begin adjusting defensive positions.

In U.S. Third Army's XII Corps area, CCB of 11th Armd Div drives SE from Cham along Alpine highway to Regen and clears the city with help of air and arty. 26th Div continues SE unopposed to Ragen R line W of Cham; crosses 104th Inf at Roding and 328th in Walderbach-Reichenbach area. 358th Inf, on 90th Div's left flank, overcomes resistance along Vohenstrauss-Waidhaus road and thrusts SE to Eslarn area; 357th clear Vohenstrauss, seizes bridge at Burgtreswitz, and continues SE to Pullenried and Teunz; 359th moves forward to attack through 358th, turning over positions to 2d Cav Gp. 2d Cav Gp extends screen S of Tirschenreuth to Floss-Flossenburg area and turns over positions on N to 97th Div. In XX Corps area, 3d Cav Gp reaches the Danube, 3d Sq between Naab and Regen Rivers and 43d in Riegling-Poikam area, and finds bridges destroyed. In effort to take Regen R bridge at Regenstauf, motorized RCT 14 of 71st Div speeds SE from Amberg, crosses the Naab at Burglengenfeld, and reaches the bridge, which enemy succeeds in destroying; crossing at first in assault boats and later by newly constructed treadway bridge, RCT 14 captures Regenstauf. 5th Inf reaches the Regen to left of RCT 14 and, since no vehicular crossings are found, crosses Regenstauf bridge behind RCT 14, night 24-25. 66th Inf continues S between Naab and Regen Rivers against light resistance. 260th Inf, 65th Div, drives almost to the Danube, clearing Schoenhofen, Eilsbrunn, and Bergmatting; to right, 261st, thrusting through Hemau, overruns Painten; 259th is pinched out. III Corps begins co-ordinated attack SE toward the Danube. 14th Cav Gp attacks on left flank of corps in afternoon; 18th Sq, making main effort, heads for Kelheim, located on N bank of the Danube and astride Ludwigs Kanal, clearing Waldorf; 32d Sq reaches Ludwigs Kanal to right. In center of corps, 14th Armd Div jumps off at 0600 with CCB and CCR in assault, CCB on left, and reaches the Altmuhl at Beilngries and Gungolding. Bridging of the Altmuhl is begun under heavy enemy fire. 99th Div, with RCT 394 on left and 395 on right, follows armor closely. On right flank of corps, 86th Div attacks with 342d Inf on right and 341st on left; 342d reaches the Altmuhl in Eichstatt area.

In U.S. Fifteenth Army area, XXII Corps takes up positions E of the Rhine, relieving 8th Div of XVIII Corps (A/B); 94th Div occupies Duesseldorf area while corps arty takes over Cologne area E of the Rhine. In XXIII Corps area, 28th Div, though still officially attached to XXII Corps, begins relief of 36th Div, Seventh Army, in Regierungs-bezirk Saarland.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XV Corps area, 45th and 42d Divs continue rapidly southward toward the Danube. In XXI Corps area, CCA of 12th Armd Div, which is reinf in Dillingen bridgehead by 15th Inf of 3d Div and which releases attached elements of CCB, overruns Binswangen and begins attack on Wertingen. CCB crosses the Danube at Dillingen and pushes S to positions near Burgau. CCR, after assembling in vicinity of Lauingen, moves SW along the Danube in search of bridges. 101st Cav Gp protects left flank of armor and moves elements W astride the Danube. 4th Div speeds S toward the Danube, TF Rodwell reaching Giengen. 63d Div, leapfrogging bns, advances rapidly S to Gerstetten-Geislingen area. In VI Corps area, CCR of 10th Armd Div and 324th Inf of 44th Div drive NE along N bank of the Danube to Ulm and clear the city in co-ordinated assault. CCA and CCB, 10th Armd Div, and 71st Inf, 44th Div, drive quickly from the Danube to the Iller R and Canal, where blown bridges halt advance. 114th Inf, 44th Div, moves to intercept Germans retreating from Muensingen toward Ehingen but fails to make contact. Assault forces of 103d Div finish clearing to line Muensingen-Metzingen against diminishing resistance, overrunning Urach, Wittlingen, and Muensingen. 100th Div remains in Stuttgart area, mopping up stragglers.

In Fr 1st Army area, 2d Corps completes thrust through Swabian Jura to Sigmaringen area, dividing encircled German forces between the Neckar and the Danube. In 1st Corps area, one 1st Armd Div column drives to Ulm, which falls to U.S. VI Corps, while another closes along the Iller to right. Destruction of enemy in Black Forest continues. On right flank, Groupement Landouzy (9th Colonial Inf Div) overruns Loerrach and reaches Swiss frontier at Basel. Elements of Groupement Valluy reach


Wehr. Forces of 10th Military Region cross the Rhine and seize Kembs Dam intact.

EASTERN EUROPE--First White Russian and First Ukrainian Fronts join forces inside Berlin and deepen penetration toward heart of city. Elements are sweeping around the city to cut enemy escape routes.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army area, 92d Div, which has reduced Gothic Line positions on Ligurian coast except at Aulla, is ordered to drive along coast to Genoa while pushing inland along Highways 62 and 63 toward Parma and Reggio. In IV Corps area, elements of 10th Mtn Div start northward toward Villafranca airport, SW of Verona. 85th Div establishes bridgehead across the Po at Quingentole without opposition. 34th Div relieves elements of 1st Armd Div on Highway 9 and takes Reggio. N of the highway, elements of 1st Armd Div block enemy escape routes E of Taro R. In II Corps area, 88th Div crosses 2 regts over the Po. 91st Div reaches the Po near Sermide and at night crosses 362d Inf. S African 6th Armd Div reaches the Po at Felonica.

In Br Eighth Army's 13 Corps area, NZ 2d Div and 6th Armd Div establish bridgeheads across the Po, night 24-25, 2d NZ at Gaiaba and 6th Armd at Stienta. In 5 Corps area, Ind 8th Div leads attack of corps across the Po, crossing at and to W of Pontelagoscuro, night 24-25.

BURMA--Japanese Gen Kimura moves his headquarters to Moulmein. One of the 3 airfields at Toungoo becomes operational.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, 3d Bn of 130th Inf, 33d Div, drives E to within about 2,000 yards of Baguio while 2d Bn of 129th Inf, 37th Div, clears the cemetery on approaches to Mt Mirador. 1st Bn, 129th, moves about 300 yards along Highway 9, coming under heavy fire. Rest of 2d Bn of 27th Inf, 25th Div, joins Co G at base of Lone Tree Hill; 3d Bn passes through 1st to continue attack along Mt Myoko.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, 24th Div launches drive on Mindanao toward Digos, on Davao Gulf. 34th Inf, leading, reaches Saguing, 30 miles E of Digos. 31st Div is directed to drive N on Sayre Highway to its junction with Kibawe-Talomo trail, a mission assigned to 124th Inf, which will shuttle to Kabacan area to begin the drive. On Bohol, 3d Bn of 164th Inf is systematically searching the island to destroy disorganized enemy remnants.

RYUKYU IS.--On Ie Shima, systematic mopping up continues. American casualties through this date total 172 killed, 902 wounded, and 46 missing in action.

In U.S. Tenth Army area, XXIV Corps pushes through first line of enemy's Shuri defenses on Okinawa with ease, except on W flank, Japanese having withdrawn southward, night 23-24. TF Bradford closes the gap between 27th and 96th Divs without opposition, but Japanese continue to resist in Item Pocket. 96th Div easily takes all of Nishibaru Ridge, Tanabaru Escarpment, ridge to S, and Hill 143. 7th Div eliminates final opposition in Hill 178 area.

25 April

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: Br Second Army takes operational control of U.S. XVIII Corps (A/B), which retains command of U.S. 8th Div, at noon for action in final drive from the Elbe to the Baltic. 30 Corps enters Bremen and begins to clear the city.

12th Army Group: In U.S. Ninth Army area, XIII Corps ends offensive, except for patrolling across the Elbe, and begins occupation phase. Elbe R line is held by 29th, 84th, and 35th Divs, from left to right. 5th Armd Div moves to rear and CCB relieves RCT 407 (-), 102d Div, of responsibility for protecting MSR; RCT 407 reverts to 102d Div. In XVI Corps area, 75th Div takes command of 5th Div sector S of the Ruhr. 5th Div prepares to move to Third Army area. 17th A/B Div is transferred to Fifteenth Army. XVI Corps zone, divided into five parts, is occupied and governed by 79th Div with 18th AAA Gp attached; 75th Div; 95th Div; 55th AAA Brig; and XVI Corps Arty with 15th Cav Gp attached.

In U.S. First Army's VII Corps area, RCT 39 joins 9th Div along the Mulde and completes relief of 3d Armd Div, to which CCA and CCR revert. In V Corps area, 69th Div makes patrol contact with Soviet forces in vicinity of Riesa and Torgau. 1st Bn, 271st Inf, crosses the Mulde at Eilenburg to clear Kultzschau, just E of the river. 2d Div maintains positions along the Mulde and patrols E of the river. In VIII Corps area, 6th Armd and 76th Inf Divs complete withdrawal to W bank of the Mulde except for small detachments that remain E of the river to facilitate patrolling.

In U.S. Third Army's XII Corps area, CCB of 11th Armd Div drives SW from Regen to Tittling, W of Ilz R; crosses the Ilz and seizes Perlesreut and bridges across Ohe R near Prombach. After advance elements of CCA find road near Zwiesel cratered and impassable, CCA follows CCB route SE through Regen to Kirchdorf, then turns E to Schwarzach and S to Grafenau; advance elements continue E to Kreuzberg. 26th Div reaches the Danube near Zeitldorn on right and Neukirchen-Mitterfels-Steinach area on left. In 90th Div sector, 359th Inf, reinf by 90th Rcn Tr, attacks through 358th, speeding SE to positions NW of Waldmuenchen; 357th continues SE to Schwarzach R in Roetz-Schoenthal area and sends 1st Bn to Cham to block enemy movement toward the redoubt region; 358th blocks along


Czechoslovakian border in Eslarn-Schoensee area and clears several Czechoslovakian villages. 2d Cav Gp, upon relief by 303d Inf of 97th Div, shifts S, relieving elements of 90th Div. On extreme left flank of corps, 97th Div attacks NE toward Cheb (Czechoslovakia), with 386th Inf on left and 387th on right; gains heights N of the city and begins assault on the city. In XX Corps area, 71st and 65th Divs reach the Danube and relieve 3d Cav Gp along it; 43d Cav Sq moves to right flank of corps to screen from Hemau to the Danube. 71st Div, ordered to attack across the Danube, night 25-26, and assist 65th Div's assault on Regensburg with fire, pushes S with all possible speed, 5th Inf pivoting about 14th to advance on left and abreast it. 14th Inf reaches the Danube and clears Donaustauf and Walhalla. 5th closes along the river to left in Frengkofen area. On left flank of div, 66th Inf reaches the Danube at Regensburg and begins clearing portion of the city N of the river: 65th Div prepares for assault crossing of the Danube at 0200 on 26th, 260th Inf displacing to forward assembly areas and 261st clearing Waldorf and assisting in capture of Kelheim. In III Corps area, 14th Cav Gp seizes Kelheim, where Danube bridge is down, and searches for crossing site over Ludwigs Kanal. 99th Div reaches the Altmuhl, clearing Dietfurt and Kinding, and starts across the river. 342d Inf, 86th Div, captures Eichstatt and establishes small bridgehead over the Altmuhl there; 341st is clearing wooded region near Gungolding bridge site.

In U.S. Fifteenth Army's XXII Corps area, 417th FA Gp relieves 82d A/B Div in Cologne sector; 82d A/B will move to Uelzen region for operations under XVIII Corps (A/B). In XXIII Corps area, 54th AAA Brig takes over Koblenz district E of the Rhine and rest of Koblenz district W of the Rhine to boundary with Saarland, Pfalz, and Hessen. 28th Div is attached to corps and takes responsibility for military government of Saarland and Hessen W of the Rhine and Pfalz (except for Landkreise Speyer, Landau, Germersheim, and Bergzabern).

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XV Corps area, 45th and 42d Divs reach the Danube, 42d clearing Donauwoerth. In XXI Corps area, CCA of 12th Armd Div defends Dillingen bridge and finishes clearing Wertingen; 15th Inf then reverts to 3d Div. CCB, driving W in region S of the Danube in search of crossing sites, takes Rettenbach and Limbach; elements thrust to Offingen but are forced back to Rettenbach. CCR continues SW along N bank of the Danube and makes contact with 63d Div N of Guenzburg. 3d Div, less 30th Inf, completes movement into Dillingen bridgehead. 7th Inf attacks eastward from Wertingen area in evening. 30th Inf takes up blocking positions N of the Danube on left flank of div. Forward elements of 4th and 63d Divs reach the Danube and start crossing. Most of 8th and 12th Regts, 4th Div, are across at Lauingen by end of day. 1st and 2d Bns of 254th Inf, 63d Div, cross by damaged bridge near Riedheim and take Leipheim; repel tank-supported counterattack. In VI Corps area, 324th Inf of 44th Div and CCR of 10th Armd Div cross the Danube at Ulm and clear Neu Ulm. Upon completion of bridge at Dietenheim, CCB crosses the Iller and speeds S to Kellmunz area. CCA is unable to cross near Illerrieden since heavy fire prevents completion of bridge there, but elements cross over Dietenheim bridge and move N to block S and E exits from Ulm. 71st Inf, 44th Div, crosses the Iller at Dietenheim and drives N, clearing Voehringen. 114th Inf (-) assembles in Laupheim. 117th Cav Rcn Sq is attached to 44th Div to maintain contact with French forces. 103d Div completes move to left rear of 44th Div and drives SE, advance elements reaching the Danube NE of Ulm. 115th Cav Gp and 107th Cav Rcn Sq are attached to 103d Div. 100th Div, in Stuttgart area, passes to direct control of army.

In Fr 1st Army area, 2d Corps drives E from Reutlingen-Sigmaringen area to destroy enemy remaining in Swabian Jura. In 1st Corps area, Germans make a desperate effort to escape to the Bavarian Alps, mustering their forces in the Black Forest and attacking between Villingen and the Swiss frontier. 1st Corps, countering promptly, is reinf by 5th Armd Div and part of 3d Algerian Inf Div of 2d Corps and effectively supported by air.

EASTERN EUROPE--Germany is split into two separate parts as patrols of First Ukrainian Front establish contact with U.S. forces of Western Front on the Elbe near Torgau. While fighting continues within Berlin, elements of First White Russian and First Ukrainian Fronts complete circle about the city with junction NW of Potsdam. In East Prussia, troops of Third White Russian Front overrun Pillau, at tip of Samland Peninsula. On southern front, forces of Second Ukrainian Front are fighting in outskirts of Bruenn (Czechoslovakia).

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army area, 92d Div completes reduction of Gothic Line positions in Ligurian coastal sector with capture of Aulla. In IV Corps area, 85th Inf of 10th Mtn Div takes Villafranca airfield, where it is overtaken by special pursuit TF under Col William O. Darby. TF Darby moves on toward Verona. CCA, 1st Armd Div, crosses the Po to intercept retreating enemy W of Lake Garda. 34th Div takes Parma, at junction of Highways 9 and 62. In II Corps area, 88th Div reaches Verona after nightfall and clears scattered opposition there by dawn of 26th. 91st Div reaches Cerea, on Highway 10, where extremely heavy


casualties are inflicted on enemy forces attempting to withdraw. S African 6th Armd Div begins crossing the Po at Felonica.

In Br Eighth Army's 5 Corps area, Ind 8th Div drives from its Po bridgehead along Highway 16 to the Adige. 56th Div and Cremona Gp cross the Po, 56th near Polesella and Cremona Gp in coastal area.

BURMA--Preparations for DRACULA, amphibious assault on Rangoon, are completed. In Br Fourteenth Army's 4 Corps area, 5th Ind Div captures Pyu and is passed through by 17th Ind Div, which is to continue overland drive on Rangoon.

CHINA--Gen Wedemeyer receives radio from Gen Marshall giving tonnage figures to be delivered to China by ATC during May, June, July, and August. These, because of European redeployment needs, are less than the estimated requirements for BETA. On flank of main Japanese drive on Chihchiang, Ch 58th Div is forced to fall back, leaving small garrison at Wukang.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, 2d Bn of 129th Inf, 37th Div, begins assault on Mt Mirador while 1st Bn, less Co C, organizes defensive position on Quezon Hill, which overlooks Baguio. Reinf co with tanks probes into Baguio. 1st Bn of 130th Inf, 33d Div, attacks through 3d, taking southernmost peak of Mt Mirador and beginning assault on Dominican Hill, which overlooks Baguio from S, in conjunction with 1st Bn, 123d Inf. 123d Inf arrives at Tuba, 2½ miles SW of Baguio. Under cover of darkness, 25-26, 2d Bn of 161st Inf, 25th Div, attacks toward Kembu Plateau, about 2,000 yards NW of Kapintalan. In surprise attack, 2d Bn of 27th Inf takes Lone Tree Hill. In XI Corps area, 152d Inf of 38th Div relieves 1st Inf, 6th Div, near Woodpecker Ridge and begins patrolling this region. In 6th Div sector, RCT 145 continues reduction of Mt Pacawagan positions. XIV Corps continues action against Cituinan Hills and Mt Mataasna Bundoc. Japanese order withdrawal of forces to Mt Banahao, about 18 miles from Malepunyo hill mass, beginning on 27th.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, 34th Inf of 24th Div, continuing toward Digos on Mindanao, reaches positions 15 miles from Davao Gulf. On Cebu, 164th Inf (less 3d Bn) of Americal Div loads and sails for Negros Oriental.

RYUKYU IS.--In U.S. Tenth Army area, XXIV Corps is largely occupied with preparations for coordinated attack on Okinawa against enemy's next line of defense, improving positions, and patrolling extensively. Enemy positions are brought under air, naval, and arty bombardment. On W flank of corps, 27th Div, during next few days, makes limited efforts to improve positions and continues operations against Item Pocket. 96th Div remains in place. Elements of 17th Inf advance right flank of 7th Div to slope of Horseshoe Ridge, N part of Kochi Ridge, between villages of Onaga and Kochi.

U.S.--United Nations Conference on International Organization opens at San Francisco, California.

26 April

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army area, Cdn 2 Corps reports NE Holland clear except for small region of coast at Ems estuary.

In Br Second Army area, 30 Corps completes capture of Bremen. 12 Corps closes along the Elbe opposite Hamburg. U.S. XVIII Corps (A/B) begins rail and motor movement from the Ruhr and Cologne sectors to new zone along the Elbe.

12th Army Group: In U.S. Ninth Army's XIII Corps area, elements of 102d Div relieve 35th Div along the Elbe. 35th Div moves to Hannover area to guard installations. 175th Inf reverts to 29th Div from attachment to corps and relieves 335th Inf, 84th Div, along the Elbe.

In U.S. First Army's VII Corps area, 104th Div patrol makes contact with Soviet forces at Pretzsch. 3d Armd Div closes in Sangerhausen area, where it performs security mission and engages in rehabilitation and training. In V Corps area, U.S. and Soviet forces make firm contact at Torgau when regimental commander of 273d Inf, 69th Div, meets commanding officer of 173d Regt, Soviet 58th Guard Div. 272d Inf, 69th Div, displaces along Eilenburg-Torgau road to guard it.

In U.S. Third Army's XII Corps area, 11th Armd Div completes its mission. CCA, after overtaking advance elements at Kreuzberg, drives S to Freyung and E to Unter Grainet; patrols across Austrian border near Lackenhausen. Continuing SE from Ohe R, CCB takes Waldkirchen and pushes E to Wollaberg; patrols to positions overlooking Austrian border near Gollnerberg. Driving SE along N side of the Danube, 26th Div reaches Muehlen-Berg area, between Ruhmansfelden and Deggendorf. 357th Inf, 90th Div, fans out to block roads E and SE of Cham. To left, 90th Rcn Tr and 359th Inf continue SE along Czechoslovakian border, 359th Inf clearing Waldmuenchen in hard fighting and reaching Furth-Raenkam area and the reconnaissance forces taking Furth, Raenkam, and Degelberg. 2d Cav Gp extends screen in Czechoslovakia. 97th Div completes capture of Cheb. XX Corps begins assault across the Danube at 0200 when 65th Div, on right, starts crossing 260th and 261st Regts SW of Regensburg; strong opposition develops, particularly in zone of 261st Inf, but firm bridgehead is established including towns of Matting, Grasslfing, Oberndorf, Nieder Gebraching, and Lengfeld. 259th Inf starts across river at 1800. On left flank of corps, 71st Div, delayed by terrain and small pockets of resistance,


jumps off at 0400. 14th Inf crosses in Donaustauf-Sulzbach area and 5th, to left, in vicinity of Frengkofen; bridgehead extends as far S as Regensburg-Straubing road and several small towns are overrun. Assault regts are each reinf by bn of 66th Inf, which cross by boat and ferry. 13th Armd Div moves from Eschenau assembly area to vicinity of Parsberg, in preparation for a crossing of the Danube. In III Corps area, 14th Cav Gp, on left flank of corps, patrols actively while awaiting bridge construction. 14th Armd Div crosses the Altmuhl, CCB over bridge at Beilngries and CCR, preceded by elements of 86th Div and followed by CCA, over bridge at Gungolding; with 3 combat commands in assault, proceeds rapidly S to the Danube, CCB reaching Neustadt, CCA Menning, and CCR Mailing. 99th Div's 394th and 395th Regts also drive rapidly to N bank of the Danube from Altmuhl bridgeheads. 341st Inf, 86th Div, crosses the Altmuhl at Gungolding before dawn and advances quickly toward the Danube; 342d Inf, after being relieved in Eichstatt area by 343d, speeds to the Danube at Ingolstadt, capturing that town, and begins to cross the river.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XV Corps area, 45th and 42d Divs attack across the Danube, 45th with 3 regts abreast in vicinity of Merxheim and Bergoldsheim and 42d employing 242d and 232d Regts in vicinity of Schaefstall and Altisheim; establish firm bridgeheads. In XXI Corps area, CCA of 12th Armd Div is relieved of Dillingen bridgehead by 3d Div and moves to assembly area. CCB establishes contact with 63d Div at Bubesheim and Guenzburg and then assembles. 101st Cav Gp, ordered to reconnoiter SE in 12th Armd Div zone, advances to Wertach R at Hiltenfingen and takes bridge intact. 3d Div expands Dillingen bridgehead E and SE toward Werk Kanal and Augsburg, overrunning several towns and villages; 30th Inf crosses into bridgehead. 8th and 12th Regts, 4th Div, push S from the Danube to Dinkelscher-ben-Horgau area; 22d, leaving elements to guard Lauingen bridge, assembles S of the Danube. 63d Div crosses the Danube in force in Leipheim-Guenzburg area and clears Bubesheim. In VI Corps area, bridge is completed across the Iller at Voehringen in morning and used by elements of CCA of 10th Armd Div and 71st Inf of 44th Div. CCA speeds SE through Babenhausen to Mindelheim. CCB drives S along E side of Iller Canal to its objective, Memmingen, where many Allied war prisoners are liberated. CCR follows CCA to Babenhausen, then drives E toward Landsberg, advance elements reaching Wertach R at Turkheim. 90th Cav Rcn Sq screens left flank of div. Upon completing mop up of Neu Ulm, 324th Inf of 44th Div starts to assembly area; 71st and 114th Regts continue forward behind armor. 103d Div crosses the Danube NE of Ulm: 409th Inf drives to Guenz R in Ellzee area; 410th reaches line Asch-Weiszenhorn; 411th assembles in reserve S of the Danube.

In Fr 1st Army area, 1st Corps, closing along the Swiss border from Basel to Lake Constance, completes encirclement of enemy in Black Forest. Noose about the enemy is closed as Valluy Groupement joins forces with rest of corps; CC3 reverts to 1st Armd Div. Enemy pocket W of Tutlingen is rapidly being destroyed. Groupement Le Bel enters Constance.

EASTERN EUROPE--Moscow announces fall of port and city of Stettin to troops of Second White Russian Front who have forced the lower reaches of the Oder and broken through German defenses W of the river. Street fighting continues in Berlin, with Germans gradually yielding to overwhelming pressure. Some elements of First White Russian Front push NE of Berlin while others clear region W and SW of Frankfurt. Troops of First Ukrainian Front take Torgau and Strehla, on W bank of the Elbe. Fighting for Silesian capital of Breslau continues, with Moscow reporting gains in W part of city. Troops of Second Ukrainian Front seize armaments center of Bruenn (Czechoslovakia). On northern front, forces of Third White Russian Front begin clearing Frische Nehrung (East Prussia), crossing canal to this narrow strip of land from Pillau.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army's IV Corps area, TF Darby of 10th Mtn Div enters Verona at 0600 and finds 88th Div (II Corps) in control; starts along E side of Lake Garda to cut off enemy escape routes. 85th Div establishes bridgehead across the Adige in Verona area and, after pushing through Adige Line, which is largely unmanned, in hills to N, passes to army control. 1st Div of BEF reaches Collecchio, SW of Parma, where enemy pocket is eliminated. 34th Div drives along Highway 9 toward Piacenza but is halted a little short, at Nure R, by delaying force. 371st Inf, detached from 92d Div, has been pinched out on left flank of corps and passes to army control. CCA, 1st Armd Div, starts W along Highway 11 toward Lake Como to block enemy escape between there and Lake Garda. In II Corps area, 91st Div reaches the Adige at Legnago and starts crossing. S African 6th Armd Div expands Po bridgehead toward the Adige. From Verona, 88th Div turns E toward Vicenza.

In Br Eighth Army's 13 Corps area, NZ 2d Div reaches the Adige W of Badia and establishes bridgehead across it, night 26-27. In 5 Corps area, 56th Div reaches the Adige above Rovigo and secures bridgehead.

BURMA--In Br Fourteenth Army's 4 Corps area, Ind 17th Div, continuing overland toward Rangoon, reaches Daiku.


LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, Mt Mirador falls to 129th Inf, 37th Div. In 33d Div sector, 1st Bn of 130th Inf and 1st Bn of 123d Inf find Dominican hill virtually deserted by enemy. 2d Bn of 161st Inf, 25th Div, secures approach to Kembu Plateau and for the next few days mops up and patrols.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, 34th Inf of 24th Div continues toward Digos on Mindanao, hampered by demolitions and delaying obstacles left behind by Japanese. 124th Inf, 31st Div, gets into position for drive up Sayre Highway. 2d Bn, which is to lead, arrives at Pikit by water. On Negros, RCT 164 (less 3d Bn) of Americal Div makes unopposed landing on SE coast of Negros Oriental in vicinity of Looc, N of Dumaguete. 1st Bn lands first and takes Dumaguete airfield and city without incident. 2d Bn follows 1st Bn ashore and moves inland to San Antonio, thence S to Ocoy R, where small enemy group is encountered. Contact is made during day with 40th Div Rcn Tr, which has driven down from the N, and with Filipino guerrillas. In Negros Occidental, fighting continues on slopes of Hill 3155, where enemy continues to hold out against 40th Div forces. 185th Inf finishes clearing Lantawan Plateau and releases 2d Bn to 160th Inf in order to strengthen assault on Hill 3155.

RYUKYU IS.--On Ie Shima, 77th Div, having completed mop up of island, turns over command to ISCOM Ie Shima.

U.S. Tenth Army learns that projected invasion of Miyako, in Sakishima Group, is postponed indefinitely. III Amphib Corps, tentatively earmarked to undertake the Miyako operation instead of V Amphib Corps as planned originally, is thus free for commitment in S Okinawa. On Okinawa, XXIV Corps begins assault on next Shuri defense line after extensive preparatory fire. 165th Inf, 27th Div, continues reduction of Item Pocket while 105th Inf pushes forward to Nakama and organizes defensive positions. 96th Div, with 381st Inf on right and 383d on left, attacks for Maeda Escarpment, also called Big Escarpment, the E part of Urasoe-Mura Escarpment. Maeda Escarpment has at its E tip a lofty rock formation designated Needle Rock. Elements of div reach crest of the escarpment, where they meet furious opposition from enemy on reverse slopes. Supporting armor, however, pushes into village of Maeda, on reverse slope. 17th Inf, 7th Div, tries in vain to advance around W and E sides of Kochi Ridge though it gains weak hold on E side with platoon of Co G.

27 April

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Br Second Army area, U.S. XVIII Corps (A/B) opens CP at Uelzen and its troops are concentrating in this area. 82d A/B Div is directed to relieve Br 5th Div along the Elbe by 30 April; be prepared to seize limited bridgehead in Bleckede area.

12th Army Group: U.S. Ninth and First Armies maintain and adjust defensive positions. 1st Div, transferred from VII to VIII Corps, prepares to extend VIII Corps zone southward into Czechoslovakia by relieving 97th Div of XII Corps.

In U.S. Third Army's XII Corps area, patrol of CCA, 11th Armd Div, reaches Czechoslovakian border N of Bischofsreuth without opposition. 26th Div drives across Regen-Deggendorf road and clears Deggendorf. 90th Div organizes defensive positions, mops up, and patrols along Czechoslovakian border, finding enemy disposed N and NE of Furth. 2d Cav Gp improves positions in Czechoslovakia. 97th Div mops up in Cheb. XX Corps expands Danube bridgehead, passes armor through it, and receives surrender of Regensburg. Regensburg, though an objective of 65th Div, surrenders to 71st Div without a fight. 71st Div thrusts SE through Traubling and Moosham to Sengkofen and is passed through by elements of 13th Armd Div. 65th Div expands Danube bridgehead to Traubling on left and Teugn on right, overrunning Abbach and Peising in center and making firm junction between the two assault regts; moves 260th Inf into Regensburg. 13th Armd Div begins drive to secure Isar R crossing and ultimately effect junction with Soviet forces. CCB halts for night in Pfatter-Moosham-Geisling area. CCA, ordered to cross 65th Div bridge SW of Regensburg, and CCR, which is to follow CCB, are held up in Deuerling area by mired approaches to the bridge. In III Corps area, 14th Armd Div regroups and mops up along the Danube; CCR relieves 86th Div troops in Ingolstadt. 99th Div establishes bridgehead across the Danube: 393d Inf, passing through 394th, crosses in assault boats in vicinity of Eining, SW of Kelheim, and captures Eining and Straubing; 395th attempts to cross in Neustadt area but is so firmly opposed that it turns N and follows 393d across at Eining. 342d Inf, 86th Div, completes its crossing of the Danube at Ingolstadt early in morning, rear elements using newly completed footbridge, and is passed through by 343d Inf, which thrusts quickly S toward the Isar; 341st reaches the Danube and starts crossing.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XV Corps area, 45th and 42d Divs continue southward, 42d Div passing 222d Inf through 242d. 20th Armd Div prepares to attack through infantry toward Munich. In XXI Corps area, CCA of 12th Armd Div drives SE to the Lech at Landsberg. CCB moves forward to Langerringen. CCR drives SE through Markt Wald to W bank of the Wertach in Kirchsiebnach-Ettringen area. 3d Div closes in on Augsburg,


7th Inf reaching Werk Kanal and driving S along it on the city and 15th continuing SE to W outskirts. 4th Div's 8th and 12th Regts continue to follow armor SE; 8th Inf secures bridgehead across the Lech at Schwabstadl with 2 cos. 63d Div, continuing leapfrog tactics, also follows armor closely. 36th Div, which is concentrating in corps zone, begins relieving 63d Div. VI Corps pursues enemy, which is in full retreat, toward Austria and the vaunted but mythical National Redoubt. CCR, 10th Armd Div, drives to Landsberg area, making contact with elements of 12th Armd Div (XXI Corps), then turns S. From Mindelheim, CCA drives SE to Lech R at Schongau. From Memmingen area, CCB pursues enemy toward Fuessen, one column reaching Markt Oberdorf and another taking Kempten without a struggle. 71st and 114th Regts, 44th Div, continue southward on heels of armored columns. 103d Div also follows armor closely: 411th Inf follows CCR to Landsberg area and begins clearing this city where Hitler was imprisoned in 1923; 409th heads for Schongau, intercepting and destroying enemy columns of horse-drawn vehicles; 410th gets forward elements to Kaufbeuren. Advance elements of 101st A/B Div close in Memmingen area.

Fr 1st Army virtually finishes clearing its zone.

EASTERN EUROPE--Troops of Second White Russian Front drive rapidly W on broad front along the Baltic in Pomerania, forward elements taking Prenzlau and Angermuende. Fighting continues in Berlin, where Soviet troops have cleared about three fourths of the city. Elements of First White Russian Front overrun Spandau, NW suburb of Berlin, Potsdam, and Rathenow.

ITALY--15th Army Group: U.S. Fifth Army continues to pursue disorganized enemy. 92d Div reaches Genoa, on Ligurian coast. In IV Corps area, resistance by enemy div trapped S of the Po below Cremona comes to an end; 2 more divs are being eliminated in region S of Highway 9. CCB follows CCA, 1st Armd Div, across the Po and turns W also to block enemy escape routes.

CHINA--Chinese, materially assisted by air, are maintaining defensive positions before Ankang and Sian air bases and gradually taking the offensive.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, battle for Baguio ends as columns of 37th and 33d Divs converge on the summer capital and overrun it. 2d Bn of 27th Inf, 25th Div, reinf by Co B of 35th Inf, starts S along Kapintalan Ridge, where Japanese are firmly entrenched, in effort to make contact with 1st Bn of 35th Inf, which is working N along it. 3d Bn, 27th Inf, continues to clear Mt Myoko. 2d Bn, 35th Inf, gains ridge 600 yards N of Fishhook. In XI Corps area, RCT 145 (attached to 6th Div), assisted by air and arty, gains crest of Mt Pacawagan. In XIV Corps area, 1st and 3d Bns, RCT 158, make contact on main ridge of Cituinan hill mass. 11th A/B Div, with close air and fire support, launches co-ordinated assault on Mt Mataasna Bundoc, final organized enemy position in S Luzon, frustrating enemy plans to withdraw. Some ground is gained against firm opposition.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army's X Corps area, Gen Eichelberger draws up plan of attack to clear rest of Mindanao. Japanese apparently intend to make a final stand in hills NW of Davao City. 162d Inf, 41st Div, will move up from Zamboanga to guard communication lines and thus free X Corps to press attack. RCT 108, 40th Div, is to land at Macajalar Bay and move S along Sayre Highway to establish contact with 31st Div forces moving N, thus splitting the island. In order to make a double envelopment of Davao area, elements of 24th Div are to drive N along Davao Gulf from Digos and units of 31st Div are to press SE from Kibawe area on Sayre Highway. Forward elements of 34th Inf, 24th Div, reach crossroads at Digos and are held up by enemy. Aircraft and arty pound the strongpoint. 2d Bn of 124th Inf, 31st Div, starts up Sayre Highway toward its junction with Kibawe-Talomo Trail; at 2200 clashes with enemy force of bn size moving forward to attack and virtually destroys it by dawn of 28th. On Negros, forward elements of 2d Bn, 164th Inf, reach ridge leading to Palimpinon. 1st Bn scouts region W of Dumaguete City.

RYUKYU IS.--Japanese begin 2-day series of strong air attacks against shipping in Okinawa area. In U.S. Tenth Army area, XXIV Corps takes control of 77th Div. Some 27th Div elements fight vigorously for limited gains in Yafusu area while others virtually eliminate Item Pocket. 96th Div, although assisted by tanks and armored flame throwers, makes slow progress in center of corps, especially on right, where Japanese continue tenacious defense of Maeda Escarpment; some elements gain saddle between 2 hills on the escarpment and others work forward through Maeda village. 17th Inf, 7th Div, is still held up at Kochi Ridge strongpoint and assault bns--1st and 2d--are unable to gain contact.

28 April

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Cdn First Army area, Cdn 2 Corps, with task of clearing Wilhelmshaven-Emden peninsula and the two cities, is reinf by Br 3d Div.

In Br Second Army area, 8 Corps prepares for assault crossing of the Elbe in Lauenburg area before dawn of 29th. In U.S. XVIII Corps (A/B) area, 8th Div completes assembling in Lueneburg area and releases 13th Inf to 82d A/B Div's 505th Para Inf, which is to establish bridgehead across the Elbe in Bleckede area, night 29-30.


12th Army Group: In U.S. Ninth Army's XIX Corps area, 329th Inf of 83d Div occupies Zerbst, E of the Elbe, from which 125th Sq of 113th Cav Gp will move eastward to establish contact with Soviet forces.

In U.S. First Army area, VII Corps takes command of V Corps sector and of 2d and 69th Inf and 9th Armd Divs at 1800.

In U.S. Third Army's XII Corps area, 11th Armd Div patrols actively and moves arty forward for drive toward Passau. 26th Div continues SE to general line Hengersberg-Roggersing-Stracking-Thurmansbang. 90th Div continues to probe along Czechoslovakian border and clears Fichtenbach, N of Furth; organizes TF for drive on Nyrsko. 2d Cav Gp gains ground E of Eisendorf in Czechoslovakia. In limited attack, 387th Inf of 97th Div seizes Cheb airfield and neighboring villages, concluding action in this area. 1st Div, VIII Corps, begins relief of 97th Div. In XX Corps area, CCB of 13th Armd Div drives quickly SE along the Danube to the Isar at Platting. CCR and CCA cross the Danube in sectors of 71st and 65th Divs, respectively, CCR closing in Dengling area and CCA near Thalmassing. 71st Div, with 5th Inf on left and 66th on right follows armor SE toward the Isar on left flank of corps. 80th Div, in order to follow armor in zone to right of 71st Div, is relieved in Nuremberg by 16th Armd Div; RCT's 318 and 319 assemble S of Regensburg, passing through 65th Div. 3d Sq, 3d Cav Gp, crosses the Danube in zone of 71st Div and takes up positions on right flank of that division; 43d crosses in 65th Div zone and moves forward to protect right flank of corps. 65th Div polices Regensburg. In III Corps area, 14th Cav Gp assembles S of Ludwigs Kanal and the Altmuhl in order to cross the Danube in 99th Div zone. 14th Armd Div crosses the Danube and continues rapidly SE toward the Isar; CCA, in the lead, takes Steinbach and approaches Moosburg. 99th Div expands Danube bridgehead to line Abensberg-Muehlhausen-Geibenstetten. 341st Inf, 86th Div, completes its crossing of the Danube and with 343d advances toward the Isar; by end of day, forward elements are within 5 miles of the river. 23d Cav Rcn Sq, 16th Armd Div, is attached to 86th Div to protect its right flank.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XV Corps area, 20th Armd Div opens drive on Munich, passing through 42d and 45th Divs, which then follow. CCA and CCB, CCA on right, drive rapidly southward over parallel routes. In XXI Corps area, 12th Armd Div, with attached 101st Cav Gp leading, starts across the Lech to block passes into Bavarian Alps to SE. Using rail bridge at Landsberg as soon as it is repaired for vehicular use, 101st Cav Gp crosses and drives E to Ammer See and SE along Weilheim road to Rott. At 2030, CCA starts across bridge behind cavalry. CCR crosses the Wertach at Hiltenfingen. 15th and 7th Regts of 3d Div converge on Augsburg and capture it with little difficulty; 30th Inf crosses the Lech near Gersthofen and starts toward Munich. At 2225, 3d Div is detached from corps and attached to XV Corps for drive on Munich. 8th Inf, 4th Div, maintains Lech bridgehead at Schwabstadl while 12th continues southward toward the Lech in same area and prepares to cross upon completion of bridge. 22d Inf moves SE to cross the Lech. 36th Div takes responsibility for 63d Div zone in right sector of corps. Fr 2d Armd Div, en route to corps zone, is attached to corps. In VI Corps area, all elements of 10th Armd Div reach the Lech and search for crossing sites while engineers work on bridges; right flank elements cross Austrian border near Fuessen. CCB, continuing pursuit throughout night 27-28, gets one column to Fuessen in morning; another column crosses Austrian border to reach heights S of Fuessen. CCA maintains positions in Schongau while awaiting bridge construction and reconnoiters for crossing site as far S as Lechbruck. CCR follows CCA to Schongau. 71st and 114th Regts, 44th Div, speed S behind armor, 71st Regt assisting armor at Fuessen and elements of 114th crossing Austrian border in vicinity of Steinach; elements of 324th Inf are released from reserve and help French capture Wertach, W of Fuessen. 103d Div loses contact with enemy on left flank of corps: 411th Inf completes capture of Landsberg; 409th assembles at Schongau; 410th reaches the Lech near Lechbruck.

In Fr 1st Army area, 1st Corps opens final drive toward Vorarlberg (Austria), advancing SE with 1st Armd Div followed by 2d Moroccan Inf Div on left and 4th Moroccan Mtn Div followed by 5th Armd Div on right. From Biberach, left column drives to Leutkirch. Right column thrusts from Pfullendorf to Ravensburg.

ITALY--Benito Mussolini is intercepted by partisans while fleeing Italy and executed by a firing squad in a village on Lake Como.

15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army area, Alessandria, on Highway 10, falls to 92d Div. In IV Corps area, 1st Div of BEF relieves 34th Div in Piacenza area on Highway 9 and continues to mop up trapped enemy units. 34th Div moves N to Brescia area to round up enemy remnants to W. 1st Armd Div reaches Lake Como, near Swiss border. 10th Mtn Div is placed under army control as it continues clearing E shore of Lake Garda. In II Corps area, 88th Div clears enemy from Vicenza. S African 6th Armd Div starts crossing the Adige at Legnago.


In Br Eighth Army's 13 Corps area, 6th Armd Div crosses the Adige and drives to Monselice. NZ 2d Div column moves through Monselice to Padua during night 28-29 and finds partisans in possession of the town. 5 Corps attacks toward Venice with 56th Div.

BURMA--In ALFSEA's 15 Corps area, 82d W African Div occupies Taungup, which patrols had found clear of enemy in mid-April, completing reconquest of Arakan coast. In Br Fourteenth Army's 33 Corps area, Allanmyo, on road to Prome, falls to Ind 20th Div.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, 37th and 33d Divs prepare to clear northward from Baguio. In effort to exploit toward Balete Pass from Lone Tree Hill, 25th Div attaches 3d Bn of 35th Inf to 27th Inf. 3d Bn, 27th Inf, when relieved on Mt Myoko by 3d Bn, 35th, is to move to Lone Tree Hill sector. Co A, 35th Inf, overtakes Co F on ridge 1,300 yards NNE of Kapintalan and starts NE to establish contact with 27th Inf but is soon pinned down. 3d Bn, 27th Inf, gets to within 40 yards of crest of Myoko hill mass. XI Corps is directed to regroup for drive on Ipo Dam. In XIV Corps area, Japanese resistance in Cituinan hill mass collapses, concluding organized resistance in the Bicols. 11th A/B Div continues attack in Mt Mataasna Bundoc area with 511th Inf on S and 8th Cav and 188th Inf on N. Some progress is made, but gap of 2 miles exists between N and S forces.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army's X Corps area, 2d Bn of 34th Inf, 24th Div, seizes Digos, cutting Mindanao in two. 19th Inf attacks N through 34th toward Davao. 2d Bn of 124th Inf, 31st Div, gains over 4 miles along Sayre Highway, reaching positions beyond Atoman. On Negros, 2d Bn of 164th Inf in Negros Oriental continues to clear heights near Palimpinon while 1st Bn moves to Luzuriaga to drive W in region S of 2d Bn. Contact with enemy is light. In Negros Occidental, 2d Bn of 185th Inf returns to parent unit after assisting 10th Inf in attack on Hill 3155, on slopes of which Japanese are still clinging. Guerrillas replace 2d Bn in this sector. Ground attack on Hill 3155 is suspended for some days while patrols develop enemy positions and fire softens them.

RYUKYU IS.--In U.S. Tenth Army's XXIV Corps area, lively fighting continues in Yafusu area of Okinawa on 27th Div front. Japanese hold Maeda Escarpment against 96th Div attacks. Co K, 381st Inf, moves through 27th Div zone toward strongpoint, called Apartment House, S of the escarpment but is forced back with heavy losses. In 7th Div zone, 3d Bn of 17th Inf replaces 1st Bn W of Kochi Ridge and attempts unsuccessfully to outflank enemy positions. 32d Inf attacks toward Kuhazu but is stopped short by heavy fire. Armored flame throwers push into the village, however.

29 April

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: In Br Second Army area, 30 Corps, with task of clearing Cuxhaven peninsula, takes command of Gds Armd Div. 8 Corps opens final drive of army, from the Elbe to the Baltic, at 0200 when 15th Div, reinf by Cdn 1st Brig, crosses the Elbe in Lauenburg area and establishes bridgehead. In U.S. XVIII Corps (A/B) area, 505th Para Inf, the first of 82d A/B Div forces to reach the Elbe, and attached 13th Inf of 8th Div relieve Br 5th Div along the Elbe.

12th Army Group: In U.S. Ninth Army's XIX Corps area, 125th Sq of 113th Cav Gp moves E of the Elbe to Zerbst and reconnoiters in effort to establish contact with Soviet forces.

In U.S. First Army area, VII Corps maintains current positions, patrols, and regroups. 9th Div shifts right to relieve 415th Inf, 104th Div, along the Mulde. CCA and CCR, 9th Armd Div, start to assembly area in vicinity of Jena. V Corps starts S to new zone. In VIII Corps area, 1st Div completes relief of 97th Div on left flank of XII Corps and takes responsibility for its sector.

U.S. Third Army releases 5th Div to XII Corps. In XII Corps area, CCB of 11th Armd Div attacks SW toward Passau to clear 26th Div zone E of Ilz R and N of the Danube, reaching Hutthurm. Continuing SE along the Danube, 26th Div reaches general line Spitzendorf-Otterskirchen and makes contact with 11th Armd Div. 80th Div TF, driving from Neukirchen, finds Nyrsko undefended. 2d Cav Gp (-) moves to Zwiesel to secure pass NE of Regen and screen along Czechoslovakian border. In XX Corps area, 13th Armd Div closes along the Isar and establishes bridgehead. CCB, assisted by arty fire and smoke screen, crosses 2 cos at Platting, where engineers begin construction of bridge. CCR, in center, drives to the Isar in Landau area. On right flank of div, CCA reaches the Isar at Landshut. Preparations are made to cross the entire div over bridge at Platting. 80th Div completes its crossing of the Danube. RCT's 318 and 319 follow 13th Armd Div by motor. RCT 317 assembles in vicinity of Koefering. 71st Div advances rapidly toward the Isar against light resistance and is ordered to seize Isar crossings in vicinity of Hanau and Zeholfing. 43d Sq, 3d Cav Gp, moves forward to protect right flank of corps from the Danube to the Isar. In III Corps area, 14th Cav Gp crosses the Danube in 99th Div zone and heads for the Isar. 99th Div advances to the Isar against little or no resistance, securing line Pfettrach-Bruckberg-Moosburg. CCA, 14th Armd Div, reaches the Isar at Moosburg and prepares


to force crossing; sends column NE along the Isar to Altdorf, where heavy fire is met from Landshut. CCR and CCB assemble NW of Landshut in Furth-Schatzhofen area; CCR prepares to take control of CCA forces at Altdorf and from there attack Landshut. Continuing SE on right flank of corps, 86th Div crosses Amper Kanal; continues to the Isar, capturing Friesing; begins crossing the Isar in assault boats under heavy fire, night 29-30.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army area, XV Corps, with 20th Armd Div spearheading and 3d, 42d, and 45th Inf Divs also in assault, races to outskirts of Munich, overrunning Dachau concentration camp. 106th Cav Gp protects left flank of corps. In XXI Corps area, 12th Armd Div completes its crossing of the Lech at Landsberg and drives SE until ordered to proceed S instead toward Innsbruck. 101st Cav Gp takes Weilheim and Diessen and secures bridges across Ammer R; moves elements NE along E bank of Ammer See toward Munich upon hearing that the Nazi government there is overthrown. 12th Armd Div follows cavalry SE to Weilheim; attacking S through cavalry there, CCA reaches Oberau and makes contact with 10th Armd Div of VI Corps. 22d and 12th Regts, 4th Div, cross the Lech in Schwabstadl area and drive E to W bank of Amper R; 8th Inf maintains Lech bridgehead and sends elements to Augsburg to relieve elements of 3d Div. At dusk, 36th Div, with RCT's 141 and 142 in assault, starts SE from Landsberg area to mop up in wake of armor, crossing Lech R, night 29-30. In VI Corps area, 10th Armd Div attacks across Lech R: CCA crosses at Schongau and drives SE through Saulgrub to Partenkirchen; CCB crosses at Fuessen and drives S beyond Reutte; CCR follows CCA across the Lech to block in vicinity of Saulgrub. 71st Inf, 44th Div, co-ordinates its attack closely with that of CCB, 10th Armd Div, and secures Vils approach to narrow pass to Reutte; 114th drives S toward Gran, making some progress despite winding paths over mountainous terrain; elements of 324th attempt to clear Wertach-Jungholz pass but are held up by enemy. 409th Inf of 103d Div advances with CCA of 10th Armd Div from the Lech at Schongau to Partenkirchen area; 411th, upon relief at Landsberg by 101st A/B Div, moves to Unterammergau; 410th crosses the Lech at Lechbruck and clears road from Steingaden to Buching.

In Fr 1st Army's 1st Corps area, one 1st Armd Div column advances from Leutkirch to Kempten while another thrusts along Iller R valley to edge of Immenstadt. 5th Armd Div overruns Friedrichshafen, on Lake Constance, and to left drives to vicinity of Wangen.

EASTERN EUROPE--Second White Russian Front continues W along Baltic coast, right flank elements seizing Anklan, on road to Stralsund, and others driving into Mecklenburg. Fighting continues in heart of Berlin. In Czechoslovakia, troops of Second Ukrainian Front gain ground E of Bruenn and S of Olmuetz. Berlin admits loss of Austerlitz, SE of Bruenn, and reports that Soviet forces have launched attack NW of Moravska Ostrava.

ITALY--15th Army Group: Representatives of Gen Vietinghoff, commander of German Army Group Southwest, sign instrument of unconditional surrender, effective 2 May, at Caserta.

In U.S. Fifth Army's IV Corps area, 1st Div of BEF completes mop up of enemy forces cut off in the Apennines, receiving surrender of 2 div commanders. Milan is found to be in hands of partisans. 1st Armd Div takes up positions near the city and reconnoiters to Ticino R. In II Corps area, 91st Div and S African 6th Armd Div reach and cross the Brenta. Former is driving E along Highway 53 toward Treviso and latter is using parallel route to S. S African 6th Armd Div makes contact with Br Eighth Army at Padua.

In Br Eighth Army's 13 Corps area, NZ 2d Div advances along Route 14 toward Trieste, reaching the Piave, where bridge is down. 5 Corps takes Venice.

BURMA--In Br Fourteenth Army's 4 Corps area, Ind 17th Div reaches outskirts of Pegu.

CHINA--By this time 15,624 men of Ch New Sixth Army are at Chihchiang. Detachment of Ch 14th Div reaches Ankiang within next few days.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's XIV Corps area, RCT 158, leaving 3d Bn to mop up stragglers in Camalig area, starts northward. 1st Bn advances along Route 1 to Pauili R while 2d Bn, reinf by AT Co, moves along Route 27. 511th Inf, 11th A/B Div, takes its objective, Hill 2610 at Mt Malepunyo hill mass, and Hill 2480, assigned objective of 188th Inf moving down from N.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army's X Corps area, forward elements of 19th Inf, 24th Div, push through Coronon and Astorga on Mindanao to positions near Darong airfield. Co K, 34th Inf, arrives in Guma area, NW of Digos, to contain bypassed pocket. On Sayre Highway, 3d Bn of 124th Inf, 31st Div, attacks through 2d Bn, reducing Japanese roadblock and gaining 7,000 yards although enemy has destroyed bridges. On Bohol, 3d Bn (less Co I) of 164th Inf leaves for Cebu. Guerrillas, assisted by Co I, are responsible for completing mop up. Japanese casualties total 104 killed and 16 captured for American losses of 7 killed and 14 wounded. On Negros, 2d Bn, 164th Inf, meets heavy fire as it continues to clear heights near Palimpinon.


RYUKYU IS.--In U.S. Tenth Army's XXIV Corps area on Okinawa, 77th Div begins relief of 96th Div, whose combat efficiency has been sharply reduced by action on Maeda Escarpment in center of corps zone. 307th Inf moves on to top of the escarpment, replacing 381st Inf. 96th Div withstands enemy counterattacks and infiltration attempts all along its line early in day. 383d Inf drives salient toward Shuri, taking Hill 138, from which direct fire can be placed on Shuri. 7th Div is unable to advance in Kochi Ridge sector and suffers heavy casualties from enemy fire. 32d Inf tries in vain to get tanks from the coast to Onaga to ease pressure on 17th Inf at Kochi Ridge.

30 April

WESTERN EUROPE--Adolf Hitler commits suicide in his bunker at the Reichschancellery, Berlin, after having selected Adm Karl Doenitz as his successor.

21 Army Group: In Br Second Army area, 8 Corps expands and strengthens Elbe bridgehead at Lauenburg. 6th A/B Div begins crossing into it to operate on right flank of 15th Div. U.S. XVIII Corps (A/B), now consisting of corps troops and 8th Inf, 82d A/B, and 7th Armd Divs, begins drive from the Elbe to the Baltic to right of 8 Corps. 82d A/B Div, which releases 13th Inf except for 3d Bn to 8th Div and is reinf at 1800 by RCT 121 of 8th Div, leads off: 505th Para Inf crosses in Bleckede area at 0100, using Buffaloes of 4th Royal Tank Regt, Br 79th Armd Div, and engineer assault boats; against light resistance establishes small bridgehead, which includes Bandekow on left and Stiepelse on right. Attached elements of 8th Div begin crossing late in day to relieve left flank of 505th Para Inf in the bridgehead.

12th Army Group: In U.S. Ninth Army's XIX Corps area, 3d Platoon of Tr C, 125th Cav Sq, 113th Cav Gp, makes contact with Soviet 121st Div at Appolensdorf at 1330.

U.S. First Army CG meets CG, Soviet 5th Guard Army, on E bank of the Mulde at Eilenburg at 1300. Junction of U.S. and Soviet forces is formally celebrated later in day. VII Corps releases 9th Armd Div at 2400. VIII Corps becomes responsible for supply and administration of 9th Armd Div, which is held in SHAEF reserve. 415th Inf of 104th Div relieves 291st Inf of 69th Div. V Corps takes responsibility for new zone on right of VIII Corps along Czechoslovakian border and assumes command of 1st and 97th Divs from VIII and XII Corps, respectively. 1st Div holds line from Cheb to point just S of Adorf, with 6th Cav Gp to left and 97th Div to right.

In U.S. Third Army's XII Corps area, 11th Armd Div, with CCA and CCB in assault, drives SE along right flank of corps to Austrian border. CCA, on div left, advances to border town of Wegscheid, where firm opposition is overcome. From Hutthurm, CCB drives to Austrian border in Ober Kappel area; halts to await outcome of battle for Wegscheid and sends advance elements across border to Crettenbach. CCR, upon relief by 5th Div, moves from Freyung to Wollaberg to protect N and W flanks of div. 104th Inf, on left flank of 26th Div, drives SE unopposed to positions beyond Hauzenburg. 328th Inf closes along Ilz R on div right flank and establishes bridgehead with 1st and 3d Bns at Strasskirchen. 90th Div, in limited attack, gains ground in woods E of Waldmuenchen in Czechoslovakia. In XX Corps area bridge over the Isar is completed at Platting at 1930 and 13th Armd Div begins crossing shortly afterward. CCR, after unsuccessful attempts to cross in Landau area, is relieved by 71st Div and moves toward Platting bridge. 66th and 14th Regts, 71st Div, close along the Isar and, after massed, direct fire against enemy entrenched on heights across the river, start across under cover of smoke and supporting fire at 1645. Since swift current prevents use of standard assault boats, crossings are made in storm boats equipped with motors, by flying ferry, and over 2 damaged rail bridges. Both regts cross and establish bridgehead, which includes towns of Zeholfing, Zulling, Usterling, and Landau. Work is begun on floating treadway bridge at Landau after nightfall. 318th Inf, 80th Div, crosses the Isar over RR bridge at Mamming and moves SW toward Dingolfing. In III Corps area, 14th Cav Gp reaches the Isar on left flank of corps. 99th Div attacks across the Isar: 393d Inf begins crossing in vicinity of Landshut; 395th crosses in Moosburg area to cover bridging operations of 14th Armd Div and secures line Kochbauer-Langenpreising. CCR, 14th Armd Div, clears portion of Landshut N of the Isar and assembles for crossing at Moosburg, where engineers put in ponton bridge. Dismounted elements of CCA cross at Moosburg and drive beyond Mittl Isar Kanal. CCB starts across the Isar over Moosburg bridge at night. Foot elements of 86th Div's 342d and 343d Regts complete crossing the Isar on right flank of corps; continue to Mittl Isar Kanal and start across it in vicinity of Eitting; attached 23d Cav Rcn Sq crosses over XVI Corps bridge SW of Freising. Engineers construct treadway bridge at Freising.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army area, XV Corps converges on Munich and clears the city with ease; takes bridges over the Isar there intact. In XXI Corps area, CCA of 12th Armd Div, after driving NE to Schwaiganger in effort to secure another route to Innsbruck, is ordered to assemble in


Murnau area. CCB, preceded by 101st Cav Gp, drives to Loisach R in Sindelsdorf area and halts to await bridge construction. CCV, Fr 2d Armd Div, is attached to 12th Armd Div. 22d and 12th Regts, 4th Div, drive quickly to the Isar; 12th Regt takes Loisach and Isar bridges in vicinity of Wolfratshausen. 36th Div speeds SE through Weilheim, RCT 141 reaching Loisach R line W of Bad Toelz on left and RCT 142 reaching Murnau-Klein Weil-Eschenlohe area on right. In VI Corps area, some elements of CCA, 10th Armd Div, driving E from Partenkirchen toward Innsbruck, reach vicinity of Klais; other elements move W to open lateral route to CCB. CCB attacks to open Fern Pass, pushing slowly SE to Lermoos and then SW along main road to hairpin curve near Fernstein, where it is halted by roadblock. CCR moves to Garmisch, W of Partenkirchen. Div is ordered to halt and await passage of infantry. 71st Inf, 44th Div, co-ordinates closely with CCB and secures Reutte and Lermoos road nets; 114th Inf drives SE through Haldensee pass to Weissenbach, thence SW along the Lech to Forchach; elements of 324th Inf move through Wertach-Jungholz pass, capture Jungholz, and reconnoiter from there. 409th Inf, 103 Div, assists CCA, 10th Armd Div, as it drives E toward Innsbruck; 411th moves S to Farchant; 410th reconnoiters in vicinity of Partenkirchen. Instructions are issued for continuing attack: 101st A/B Div is to police Kaufbeuren-Saulgrub-Wertach-Kempten area; 10th Armd Div is to be passed through by 103d Div, which will drive to Innsbruck, and by 44th Div, which will drive to Imst.

In Fr 1st Army's 1st Corps area, 1st Armd Div meets firm resistance near Immenstadt. 5th Armd Div gets left flank elements to Staufen and on right clears Lindau and thrusts across Austrian border to vicinity of Bregenz. DA ATL troops land on Oleron I., off Gironde Estuary, and begin to clear ineffective opposition. The operation is supported by Fr naval units, which neutralize W coast, and by U.S. and Fr tactical aircraft. Night 30 April-1 May, Fr commandos land on E coast in vicinity of Pointe d'Arceau and push toward St Pierre d'Oleron and Dolus. On the Fr mainland, other Fr units start toward La Rochelle.

EASTERN EUROPE--On southern front, Moravian Gap stronghold of Moravska Ostrava falls to troops of Fourth Ukrainian Front.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army area, 92d Div reaches Turin, which is undefended; 473d Inf links up with Fr troops on Franco-Italian border. 10th Mtn Div eliminates resistance at head of Lake Garda; 85th Inf crosses the lake to Gargnano and moves on without incident to Riva. IV Corps task force formally occupies Milan. Legnano Gp moves to Brescia area to assist in mopping up. II Corps is reinf by 85th Div. 91st Div speeds to Treviso, N of Venice. This ends eastward drive of corps.

In Br Eighth Army's 13 Corps area, NZ 2d Div troops cross the Piave and continue to Porto Gruaro, on route to Trieste. Pursuit forces of 6th Armd Div establish contact with Americans at Treviso and thrust toward Belluno and Udine.

BURMA--In ALFSEA's 15 Corps area, main body of DRACULA assault force sails for Rangoon. In Br Fourteenth Army's 4 Corps area, Ind 17th Div breaks into Pegu and begins clearing the city.

CHINA--Ch 58th Div again falls back under enemy pressure, this time to prepared positions in Wa-wu-tang area.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's XI Corps area, 6th and 38th Divs complete exchange of sectors and 38th Div takes control of RCT 145, 37th Div, on Mt Pacawagan. 152d Inf, 38th Div, is directed to prepare to attack Woodpecker Ridge. XIV Corps overcomes organized resistance in Malepunyo Mt area, but pockets remain to be mopped up.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army's X Corps area, 19th Inf of 24th Div advances on Mindanao to within 4 miles of Davao, seizing Daliao airstrip and Talomo; 21st Inf moves forward to follow 19th Inf northward and clear region NW of Talomo R. 3d Bn of 124th Inf, 31st Div, though hampered by rear-guard opposition and demolitions, makes substantial progress up Sayre Highway. On Negros, 1st Bn is ordered to move to Malabo and attack, in order to ease pressure on 2d Bn, 164th Inf, on heights near Palimpinon.

RYUKYU IS.--U.S. shipping losses inflicted by enemy during period 26 March to date total: 20 ships sunk, 14 of them by suiciders; 157 damaged, 90 of them by suicide attacks. The cost to Japanese has been heavy in aircraft. Naval forces destroy more than 1,100 enemy planes in addition to the many shot down by AA guns and aircraft.

In U.S. Tenth Army's XXIV Corps area on Okinawa, 1st Mar Div begins relief of 27th Div on W flank of corps, 1st Marines relieving 165th Inf and probing southward toward Asa R line. 77th Div takes responsibility for 96th Div zone and continues costly battle for Maeda Escarpment. 17th Inf, 7th Div, is still unable to make progress against Kochi Ridge, but 1st Bn of 32d Inf gains positions on ridge SW of Kuhazu.

1 May

WESTERN EUROPE--News of Hitler's death is made public.

21 Army Group: In Br Second Army area, 8 Corps, having secured initial bridgehead some 15 miles wide and 8 miles deep, passes 11th Armd and


5th Inf Divs through it; 11th Armd, on left, makes main effort toward Luebeck. 15th Div drives NW along the Elbe to Geesthacht, about 16 miles from Hamburg. 6th A/B Div passes to control of U.S. XVIII Corps (A/B) in place. U.S. XVIII Corps (A/B) expands Elbe bridgehead up to 9 miles against light resistance. On left flank, Br 6th A/B Div completes its crossing and expands bridgehead to include Zweedorf, Nostorf, and Boizenburg. 8th Div regains control of elements previously attached to 82d A/B Div and attacks with them between Br 6th A/B and 82d A/B Divs, seizing Zahrensdorf. 82d A/B Div, committing 504th Para Inf to right of 505th, thrusts to Forst Carrenzien. CCB, 7th Armd Div, is attached to 82d A/B Div and will operate in conjunction with 325th Gli Inf.

12th Army Group: U.S. Ninth Army, its offensive operations ended, maintains positions along the Elbe with XIII Corps on left and XIX Corps on right and continues occupation mission in zone of XVI Corps to rear. Mass surrender of Germans, particularly in XIII Corps zone, continues until end of the war. Boundaries are gradually adjusted to conform with German political boundaries. XVI Corps, occupying Westphalia, Lippe, and Schaueburg Lippe, is adjusting internal boundaries to facilitate military government. 378th Inf, 95th Div, moves to Bremen Enclave Military District, where it passes to control of 21 Army Group and is attached to 30 Corps, Br Second Army.

U.S. First Army, holding a 160-mile front from junction of the Elbe and Mulde Rivers at Dessau on the N to Ronsperk (Czechoslovakia) on the S, faces a disorganized enemy incapable of preventing Red Army from closing up on a solid front. In V Corps area, 97th Div, disposed along German-Czechoslovakian border on right flank of corps and army, improves positions in limited attacks.

In U.S. Third Army's XII Corps area, 11th Armd Div drives SE from the Austrian border to Klein Muehl R and secures crossings. CCA, on left, seizes bridge E of Peilstein and gets forward elements to Oepping. Main body of CCB halts at Lembach while elements search for crossings to E and NE, taking bridge at Krondf and establishing small bridgehead. CCR, after opening lateral communications between CCA and CCB, moves to Kasberg. 41st Cav follows CCB to Wildenranna and patrols to the Danube in search of crossing sites. 26th Div, with 104th and 328th Regts in assault and 101st screening right flank of corps and div, advances SE behind armor in right half of corps sector: 104th Inf crosses Austrian border in vicinity of Messnerschlag; 328th, to right, eliminates bypassed resistance N of Passau. 5th Div completes assembling in corps zone and, with RCT's 10 and 11 abreast, RCT 10 on left, advances to left rear of armor, forward elements crossing Czechoslovakian border on left and Austrian border on right. 2d Cav Gp, screening German-Czechoslovakian border between 5th and 90th Divs, seizes Eisenstein pass into Czechoslovakia. Left flank elements of 90th Div are passed through on left flank of corps by 97th Div (V Corps). Div continues limited attacks, emerging from woods between Waldmuenchen (Germany) and Domazlice (Czechoslovakia). 4th Armd Div is attached to corps. In XX Corps area, 13th Armd Div finishes crossing the Isar at Platting and drives to the Inn. CCB reaches the Inn in Eisenfelden area and tries in vain to take Marktl bridge. CCA thrusts to the Inn opposite Braunau and searches for crossing site. CCR reaches Unt Tuerken, between Marktl and Braunau. Moving forward from Regensburg area, 65th Div follows armor across the Isar at Platting: 261st Inf drives SE along the Danube to Sandbach on left and Aldersbach on right; 259th passes through 261st to take up assigned sector to its right; among towns cleared by div are Osterhofen, Pleinting, Aldersbach, and Vilshofen. 71st Div, attacking with 3 regts abreast, expands Isar bridgehead SE of Landau to Eichendorf, Arnstorf, and Simbach. Floating treadway bridge is put in at Landau for use of heavy transport and arty. On right flank of corps, 318th Inf of 80th Div clears Dingolfing and from there and Mamming drives SE across Vils R, clearing Reisbach; 319th crosses the Isar in Nieder Viebach area and drives SE, forward elements reaching the Vils. III Corps gets all elements across the Isar and speeds SE toward the Inn in effort to take bridges before enemy can destroy them. 99th Div completes its crossing of the Isar at Landshut and with RCT's 393 and 394 abreast, 393 on left, drives to line Vilsbiburg-Velden. 14th Cav Gp crosses at Landshut, night 1-2. Upon completing crossing at Moosburg, 14th Armd Div drives SE with CCA on left and CCB on right, passing elements through 99th Div and continuing advance during night 1-2. On right flank of corps, 86th Div organizes TF Pope (bn of 342d Inf (reinf and motorized) and 23d Cav Rcn Sq of 16th Armd Div), which heads for Wasserburg, where Inn R bridge is reported intact. Div, with RCT 342 on left and RCT 343 on right, pushes SE from vicinity of Mittl Isar Kanal to Erding.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army area, XV Corps mops up Munich sector. In XXI Corps area, CCR of 12th Armd Div drives SE from Starnberg across Isar R in 4th Div zone to Holzkirchen, thence along autobahn, forward elements reaching the Inn. CCA follows CCR to Holzkirchen. CCB, Fr 2d Armd Div, assembles in vicinity of Uffing. 12th Inf, 4th Div, drives SE to Thankirchen and Hechenberg; 22d Inf gets 2 cos across the Isar in Unter Schaeftlarn area; 8th Inf (-) shuttles forward


to screen left flank of div W of the Isar. 101st Cav Rcn Sq, 101st Cav Gp, which is attached to 4th Div to screen left flank E of the Isar crosses Loisach and Isar bridges near Wolfratshausen. RCT 141, 36th Div, begins assault on Bad Toelz, elements driving into the city and capturing Field Marshal von Runstedt. VI Corps continues southward through the Alps toward Innsbruck and Imst, passing 103d and 44th Divs through 10th Armd Div. On left flank, 103d Div heads for Innsbruck; RCT 409, making main effort, crosses Austrian border S of Mittenwald and reaches Seefeld. 3d Bn of 71st Inf, 44th Div, gets into position for assault on Fern Pass through the Alps. 114th Inf continues SW along the Lech, clearing Rauth; in effort to secure lateral contact with 71st Inf, elements drive E toward Tarrenz from road junction S of Elmen. 101st A/B Div is moving to Miesbach area of Bavaria.

In Fr 1st Army's 1st Corps area, left flank elements of corps overrun Immenstadt and Sonthofen. Right flank units clear Austrian city of Bregenz. DA ATL finishes clearing Oleron Island, concluding operations in Gironde enclave. Drive on La Rochelle continues.

EASTERN EUROPE--Speeding W along Baltic coast, troops of Second White Russian Front seize Stralsund naval base and communications center. Soviet forces within Berlin deepen penetration.

ITALY--15th Army Group: In U.S. Fifth Army's IV Corps area, 1st Div of BEF gets elements to Alessandria, where 92d Div is contacted. Contact between corps and 92d Div has been made earlier at Pavia, 34th Div relieves elements of 1st Armd Div on Ticino R NW of Milan. In 11 Corps area, 85th Div begins clearing Piave Valley, previously the responsibility of 88th Div, permitting latter to concentrate on Brenta Valley. Corps is directed to clear Highway 49 in preparation for drive through Brenner Pass to Austria.

In Br Eighth Army's 13 Corps area, NZ 2d Div, continuing toward Trieste; reaches Monfalcone and makes contact with Yugoslav troops of Marshal Tito near there.

CHINA--Gen Wedemeyer selects Gen Stratemeyer to command Army Air Forces, China Theater, with both Tenth and Fourteenth Air Forces under his headquarters.

NEI--Aus 26th Brig, 9th Div, lands on Tarakan I., off NE Borneo, and begins to clear this oil prize.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, 33d Div's 136th Inf effects junction with 123d, opening up Kennon road to Baguio. 32d Div continues to clear heights in Salacsac Pass area. 25th Div is strengthened for final effort against Balete Pass by attachment of RCT 148, 37th Div. 161st Inf, with close fire support, launches attack against Kembu Plateau with 2 bns abreast. In XI Corps' 38th Div sector, RCT 145 consolidates on crest of Mt Pacawagan. 43d Div is directed to begin drive to Ipo on 7th. In XIV Corps area, 5th Cav of 1st Cav Div, pushing SE into the Bicols, is attached to RCT 158. 1st Bn, RCT 158, reaches Anayan, at junction of Highways 1 and 27, without opposition. 3d Bn is ordered to establish contact with 2d Bn, which is advancing W on Route 27.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army's X Corps area, 19th Inf of 24th Div closes in on Davao, Mindanao, against strong opposition, bypassing and containing Hill 550, which commands approaches to the city. Leading elements of 21st Inf reach Bayo, 3 miles N of Dalaio. On Sayre Highway, 3d Bn of 124th Inf, 31st Div, reaches Misinsman, where Japanese force is routed in fire fight. Japanese positions in Kibawe area are targets for air attacks. On Negros, 2d Bn of 164th Inf, Americal Div, gains another knob on Cuernos de Negros ridge (Negros Oriental) and holds against counterattacks. Under cover of heavy arty fire, 185th Inf, 40th Div, attacks for Virgne Ridge (Negros Occidental), target for extensive aerial bombardment for several days, and gains control of this feature with ease. On N flank, 503d Para Inf pushes forward onto Banana Ridge. 160th Inf remains on slopes of Hill 3155 (Dolan), which is still being pounded by fire and probed by patrols.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army's XXIV Corps area, 1st Mar Div completes relief of 27th Div in line and takes responsibility for W sector of corps front. 1st Marines continue futile and costly efforts to reach Asa R line. 1st Bn of 307th Inf, 77th Div, attempts unsuccessfully to scale precipitous E edge of Maeda Escarpment with cargo nets and ladders; elements succeed in getting to the top but are driven off in night counterattack. Efforts of 3d Bn to take the Apartment House strongpoint also fail. In 7th Div zone, 184th Inf relieves 32d Inf in line by 1730. Enemy infiltrators delay the relief. Co L, 184th, penetrates to Gaja Ridge, night 1-2, but withdraws. 17th Inf, except for mopping up Onaga, remains in place while approach routes to Kochi Ridge are being cleared.

2 May

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: Br Second Army seals off Schleswig-Holstein and Denmark as elements reach the Baltic. In 12 Corps area, 53d Div passes through 8 Corps bridgehead and turns W toward Hamburg. In 8 Corps area, Luebeck falls to 11th Armd Div. U.S. XVIII Corps (A/B) gains final objective, general line Wismar-Schwerin-Ludwigslust-Doemitz. Br 6th A/B Div drives to the Baltic coast against negligible resistance, taking Gadebusch, Labow, and Wismar; 3d Para Brig makes contact with Soviet 1st Motorcycle Bn of 3d


Tank Corps at Wismar at 2100. 8th Div, attacking with 121st Inf followed by 28th, secures Hagenow and Schwerin without opposition. Passing 325th Gli Inf, reinf by CCB of 7th Armd Div, through 505th Para Inf, 82d A/B Div pushes eastward, clearing Ludwigslust, Eldena, and Doemitz. At 2130, Lt Gen von Tippelskirch surrenders German Twenty-first Army unconditionally to 82d A/B Div. 7th Armd Div (-CCB) starts across the Elbe.

12th Army Group: In U.S. Ninth Army area, XIII Corps gains its first contact with Red Army: 84th Div patrols meet Russians in vicinity of Balow and Abbendorft at 1630 and 1730, respectively; at 2130, 29th Div makes patrol contact with Red Army.

In U.S. First Army's V Corps area, 1st and 97th Divs improve positions along Czechoslovakian frontier in limited attacks. 2d Div is transferred to V Corps from VII Corps and begins relief of 97th Div and XII Corps' 90th Div.

In U.S. Third Army's XII Corps area, CCA of 11th Armd Div drives S from Oepping through Rohrbach to the Muehl at Neufelden and starts fording infantry elements mounted on tanks without opposition. Main body of CCB remains at Lembach; failure of road net in Krondf area prevents crossing of the Klein Muehl there. CCR moves forward to Peilstein. 26th Div continues SE along the Danube to rear of armor, reaching Klein Muehl R in Austria. To left, RCT 11 of 5th Div clears to the Gross Muehl in Austria and crosses; RCT 10 gains additional ground in Czechoslovakia on div left. 359th Inf, 90th Div, pushes toward Vseruby. In XX Corps area, 261st Inf of 65th Div reaches the Inn at Passau on left and at Neuhaus, opposite Schaerding, on right; 2d Bn clears most of Passau while 1st, with close fire support, begins assault crossing of the Inn at Neuhaus. Forward elements of 259th Inf reach the Inn S of Neuhaus. 13th Armd Div closes along N bank of the Inn to right and after establishing small bridgeheads is ordered to assemble N of the river. CCA negotiates successfully for surrender of Braunau. 71st Div drives quickly SE toward the Inn, motorized elements of 66th and 5th Regts seizing Inn R dams near Egglfing and Ering, respectively, and establishing shallow infantry bridgeheads over the dams into Austria. Engineers begin work on the dams so that vehicles can cross. 80th Div, with 318th Inf on left and 319th on right, reaches the Inn in vicinity of Braunau and Winhoering, overtaking armor. III Corps continues SE toward the Inn until ordered to refrain from crossing the Inn. Forward elements of 14th Cav Gp reach the Inn in vicinity of Neuoetting and make contact with XX Corps to left. 99th Div gets almost to the Inn. CCB, 14th Armd Div, reaches the river SE of Aschau and takes bridge intact. To left, CCA reaches the river in vicinity of Muehldorf and establishes small infantry bridgehead, withdrawing it upon order. 86th Div, replacing RCT 343 with RCT 341, drives SE to Haag with 2 RCT's abreast; TF Pope reaches outskirts of Wasserburg before being halted and is then dissolved. After breaking off attack, corps units begin assembly in assigned areas N of the Inn.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XV Corps area, 86th Div is attached to corps. 3d Div prepares to drive on Salzburg. In XXI Corps area, CCR of 12th Armd Div, directed to drive on Innsbruck, closes along the Inn and drives S along it to Degerndorf area while CCA and CCB remain in current positions. CCV, Fr 2d Armd Div, which is to follow CCR, advances from Uffing assembly area to the Isar at Bad Toelz. 101st Cav Gp moves to Bad Aibling area to screen N flank of armor. Against disorganized resistance, 12th Inf, 4th Div, drives to Tegern See while 22d crosses newly completed bridge near Unter Schaeftlarn and drives SE to Miesbach-Gusteig area. RCT 141, 36th Div, finishes clearing Bad Toelz area, elements crossing the Isar to clear E part of city. In VI Corps area, RCT 409 of 103d Div continues S toward the Inn, taking Auland and Reith; other elements of div move to forward assembly areas and begin negotiations for surrender of Innsbruck. 71st Inf, 44th Div, clears Fern Pass in enveloping maneuver: while 3d Bn attacks frontally from N, 1st Bn, led by party of Austrian soldiers, move to Fernstein and drives N along highway to attack from rear, surprising Germans. Main body of 114th Inf, preceded by 44th Cav Rcn Tr, continues along Lech R Valley; elements driving toward Tarrenz reach Boden.

In Fr 1st Army area, 1st Corps reaches Obersdorf on left and Goetzis (Austria) on right.

EASTERN EUROPE--Soviet forces complete capture of Berlin.

ITALY--15th Army Group: Hostilities come to an end as surrender terms become effective.

In Br Eighth Army's 13 Corps area, NZ 2d Div receives surrender of Trieste. 10 Corps hq starts to Naples for movement to the Far East.

BURMA--In ALFSEA's 15 Corps area, Gp Capt Grandy lands his plane on Mingaladon airfield and enters Rangoon, where he confirms information painted on roof of jail that Japanese have gone. Aerial bombardment of Rangoon area, which has been intensive since 26 April, halts. Ind 26th Div troops land astride Rangoon R from small craft and move toward Rangoon unopposed. Seaborne phase of DRACULA is preceded by airdrop of 23d Bn, 50th Ind Para Brig, in vicinity of Elephant Pt, about 20 miles S of Rangoon. Paratroopers move inland without difficulty.

In Br Fourteenth Army's 33 Corps area, Ind 20th Div seizes Prome, cutting last escape route of Japanese


remnants in Arakan sector. In 4 Corps area, Ind 17th Div completes capture of Pegu.

CHINA--5th Div, Ch 94th Army, makes contact with enemy at entrance to Wuyang Valley.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, 33d Div is ordered to relieve 37th Div elements in Baguio area on 5th so 37th, less RCT 145, can concentrate to exploit expected breakthrough in Balete Pass-Santa Fe-Imugan area. 25th Div is to take Santa Fe, at junction of Highway 5 and Villa Verde Trail, after opening Balete Pass. 32d Div will continue E along Villa Verde Trail. 161st Inf, 25th Div, gains positions on Kembu Plateau as battle for this feature continues. Region E of Highway 5 at head of draw 2,000 yards S of Balete Pass is now clear. In XI Corps area, 145th Inf completes mop up of Mt Pacawagan. After arty preparation, 152d Inf of 38th Div attacks to edge of Woodpecker Ridge. In XIV Corps area, 2d and 3d Bns of RCT 158 effect junction at Mabatobato, opening all of Route 27. 1st Bn, which has moved from Anayan to Pili, gains patrol contact with 5th Cav, 1st Cav Div, at San Agustin. Japanese forces in the Bicols are now located at Mt Isarog, NE of Anayan; 158th Inf and 5th Cav patrols probe this area actively for about the next 2 weeks.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army's X Corps area, RCT 108 is detached from 40th Div for amphibious operations at Macajalar Bay, Mindanao. 19th Inf, 24th Div, is still stubbornly opposed as it attempts to force Davao River but succeeds in establishing small bridgehead. While 1st Bn, 21st Inf, pushes on toward Mintal, 2d Bn, in conjunction with elements of 34th Inf, clears most of Libby airfield. On Sayre Highway, 1st Bn of 124th Inf, 31st Div, takes the lead, advancing rapidly. On Negros, 1st Bn of 164th Inf, Americal Div, crosses Ocoy R in Negros Oriental and drives through Badiang; Co C pushes on toward Ticala along Ticala Valley and Co B drives up ridge toward Odlumon. Forward movement halts when Japanese cut supply line. 2d Bn is patrolling extensively. For the next few days, 185th Inf of 40th Div consolidates positions on Virgne Ridge in Negros Occidental and patrols.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army's XXIV Corps area, 1st Mar Div attacks S on W flank of corps toward Asa R with 2 regts abreast, 1st Marines on right and 5th Marines on left. Gains are negligible and exceedingly costly since enemy has excellent observation of this area and puts up accurate fire. 307th Inf, 77th Div, continues futile efforts to take Maeda Escarpment. In 7th Div zone, 1st Bn of 17th Inf tries in vain to gain knob of Kochi Ridge. 184th Inf gains and later loses Gaja Ridge. Japanese commanders decide to mount a major counteroffensive on the 4th.

3 May

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: Field Marshal Montgomery refuses offer of German delegation to surrender all German forces in the north, including those opposing the Red Army.

In Br Second Army area, 12 Corps receives surrender of Hamburg. 7th Armd Div crosses the Elbe to help 53d Div occupy the city. 8 Corps pursues enemy toward Kiel Canal. In U.S. XVIII Corps (A/B) area, 7th Armd Div concludes offensive operations of corps, driving N along left flank to the Baltic W of Kluetz unopposed. Contact is established with Soviet forces.

12th Army Group: In U.S. First Army's V Corps area, 2d Div closes in corps zone and continues relief of 97th Div (V Corps) and 90th Div (XII Corps).

In U.S. Third Army's XII Corps area, 11th Armd Div continues SE toward Linz, its final objective. CCA advances SE to Gramastetten and Rottenegg. CCB follows CCA across river at Neufelden and drives E on div left flank to Zwettl, cutting main N-S road to Linz. 328th Inf, 26th Div, continues SE on right flank of corps but is slowed by friendly armor just ahead; at 2200 is attached to 11th Armd Div. 101st Inf continues to screen right flank of 26th Div. 104th remains in place. 5th Div patrols aggressively. 359th Inf, 80th Div, receives surrender of Vseruby; 357th establishes outpost line across Czechoslovakian border on div right flank. 4th Armd Div closes in assembly area near Regen. XX Corps is directed to veer from SE to E and establish contact with Soviet forces as soon as possible. 65th Div gets most of its forces across the Inn and prepares to cross rest at Neuhaus when bridge is completed. 261st Inf completes capture of Passau and clears Schaerding, on the Inn; pushes rapidly SE toward Linz, leading elements reaching Waizenkirchen. Elements of 260th mop up in woods between Sandbach and Passau. CCB, 13th Armd Div, withdraws its small bridgehead at Neuoetting. 71st Div crosses bulk of its forces into Austria over Ering and Egglfing dams, which are opened to heavy traffic during day, and expands bridgehead, forward elements of 66th Inf reaching Ried. 80th Div overtakes 13th Armd Div at Braunau. 43d Sq, 3d Cav Gp, extends screen along corps right flank to the Inn. III Corps completes movement into assembly areas and with minimum forces mops up N of the Inn.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XV Corps area, 3d Div, with 7th Inf in assault, speeds toward Salzburg. In XXI Corps area, CCR of 12th Armd Div continues S along the Inn toward Innsbruck, crossing Austrian border and reaching positions near Reisach. CCV, Fr 2d Armd Div, is directed to drive on Berchtesgaden, rather than follow


CCR to Innsbruck, and advances E along autobahn to Sulzbach. 4th Div remains in place, mopping up and preparing for relief by 101st A/B Div, which is moving into its zone. RCT 141, 36th Div, reaches Tegern See on left and Lenggries area on right; elements of RCT 142 make contact with VI Corps units at Wallgau. In VI Corps area, 103d Div continues negotiations for surrender of Innsbruck. RCT 409 reaches the Inn at Telfs and Zirl, taking bridge at Telfs; pushes E along the river to Innsbruck. Elements of 410th Inf clear several small towns in region W of Mittenwald-Seefeld road. At 2030, RCT 411 (-) starts motorized movement from Mittenwald toward Brenner Pass in effort to establish contact with Fifth Army troops in Italy. 71st Inf, 44th Div, drives S from Fern Pass to Nassereith and from there 1st Bn continues toward Imst while 2d moves E along highway toward Innsbruck and makes contact with elements of 103d Div at Telfs. 114th Inf TF reaches Tarrenz, NW of Imst.

In Fr 1st Army area, 1st Corps continues S along the Iller and Rhine, reaching Feldkirch on the Rhine.

EASTERN EUROPE--Continuing W through Mecklenburg and Brandenburg on broad front, troops of Second White Russian Front effect junction with British forces of Western Front along line Wismar-Wittenberge. To left, troops of First White Russian Front reach the Elbe SE of Wittenberg and link up with U.S. forces of Western Front.

BURMA--In ALFSEA's 15 Corps area, 36th Brig of Ind 26th Div enters Rangoon while 71st Brig moves into Syriam, across the river from Rangoon. 23d Para Bn defends W bank of Rangoon R from Thakutpin to Elephant Pt.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, 3d Bn of 161st Inf, 25th Div, prepares to attack Mt Haruna, commanding feature W of Balete Pass. In XI Corps area, 6th Div relieves final elements of 38th Div in Kembu sector. 38th Div regroups for coordinated attack with 145th Inf toward Wawa Dam. 152d Inf temporarily suspends action against Woodpecker Ridge while patrolling and consolidating. Fifth Air Force begins series of strikes on Ipo area as 43d Div is moving secretly into position for ground attack. Baldy Force is dissolved, RCT 169 reverting to 43d Div. In XIV Corps area, 8th Cav and Tr F of 7th Cav revert to parent div from attachment to 11th A/B Div. RCT 158 probes in Mt Isarog area to locate and destroy enemy remnants in the Bicols.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army's X Corps area, 3d Bn of 19th Inf, 24th Div, clears Davao, Mindanao, which is in ruins, and patrols to Santa Ana. Forward elements of 124th Inf, 31st Div, overrun Kibawe and its airstrip and secure junction of Sayre Highway with Talomo Trail; elements then advance SE along Talomo Trail. On Negros, 1st Bn of 164th Inf, Americal Div, tries in vain to reopen supply line in Negros Oriental.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army's XXIV Corps area, 1st Mar Div continues to receive heavy, accurate enemy fire and makes little headway on W flank of corps. Elements of 307th Inf, 77th Div, reach top of Maeda Escarpment, where they come under heavy fire from reverse slope. Coordinated attack on Kochi Ridge by 1st and 3d Bns of 17th Inf, 7th Div, fails. Japanese begin their only major counteroffensive of the Ryukyus Campaign on night 3-4, sharply stepping up air attacks and arty fire and attempting landings behind American lines on W and E coasts. The amphibious operations are costly failures: 500-800 Japanese are killed, and most of their landing craft are destroyed. The enemy forces that succeed in landing are soon rounded up and wiped out.

4 May

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: Germans sign instrument of surrender of armed forces in Holland, NW Germany, and Denmark at 1820, to become effective at 0800 5 May.

12th Army Group: In U.S. Ninth Army area, XIII Corps commander meets with Soviet III Cav Corps commander. 29th Div is transferred to XVI Corps.

U.S. First Army begins to turn over its troops to other U.S. armies as First Army hq prepares to return to the U.S. for redeployment to the Pacific. VII Corps loses contact with enemy as Red Army closes up solidly along its front. V Corps is assigned 9th Armd and 16th Armd Divs and at 1930 passes to control of Third Army for final drive on Karlsbad (Karlovy Vary) and Pilsen (Plzen). 9th Armd Div, assembling in vicinity of Weiden, releases CCA to 1st Div for drive on Karlsbad. 16th Armd Div, performing security duties in Nuremberg, is directed to move to Waidhaus area upon relief by elements of 4th Div.

In U.S. Third Army's XII Corps area, enemy in Linz and Urfahr places heavy fire on 11th Armd Div columns as they threaten these objectives. From Zwettl, CCB drives SE to Alterberg area; 41st Cav continues SE, taking Gallneukirchen, where CCB is ordered to halt and attempt to make patrol contact with Soviet forces. CCR relieves CCB elements at Zwettl and takes responsibility for guarding div N flank. CCA makes slow progress in Gramastetten-Rottenegg area; abandons plan to attack Urfahr from the NW and prepares to circle N and E to attack from NE. RCT 328, 26th Div, joins CCA and is reinf by a medium tank company. Though AA fire keeps XIX TAC from Linz, fighter bombers assist CCA with strikes NW of Linz. Arty is


brought forward to support assault on Linz and begins pounding the area. 104th Inf, 26th Div, drives quickly SE on right flank of corps until ordered in afternoon to halt. 5th and 90th Divs prepare to attack to clear passes into Czechoslovakia through which 4th Armd Div will attack toward Prague. 2d Div of V Corps completes relief of 90th Div on left flank of corps and new V-XX Corps boundary becomes effective. In XX Corps area, 65th Div completes its crossing of the Inn at Neuhaus and, with 260th Inf on left and 261st on right, continues E toward Linz, reaching Eferding. 71st Div, employing 66th Inf on left, 14th in center, and 5th on right, speeds SE by foot and motor to Traun R, taking Wels and Lambach and bridges at both cities and cutting main highway between the cities. 80th Div continues to cross the Inn at Braunau; 317th Inf speeds SE to Voecklabruck; TF Smith (both Rcn Tr and tanks) drives SE to Schwanenstadt. 3d Cav Gp also crosses the Inn at Braunau. While 43d Sq screens right flank of corps from the Inn to Neumarkt, arranging for surrender of Neumarkt by telephone, 3d Sq precedes 80th Div toward the Enns and helps reduce strongpoint at Voecklabruck.

6th Army Group: In U.S. Seventh Army's XV Corps area, 7th Inf of 3d Div, crossing into Austria, advances through Salzburg to Berchtesgaden without opposition. 106th Cav Gp, reconnoitering ahead of 3d Div, accepts surrender of Salzburg. Other elements of corps move forward to Austrian border unopposed. In XXI Corps area, 12th Armd Div, after continuing toward Innsbruck and Berchtesgaden, is placed in army reserve and releases attached CCV, 2d Fr Armd Div, and 101st Cav Gp (-). CCR reaches Kufstein area (Austria), where it is relieved by 36th Div. Advancing toward Berchtesgaden, CCV, 2d Fr Armd Div, reaches Bad Reichenhall. 4th Div is relieved by 101st A/B Div, which completes movement into corps zone and is attached to corps, and starts to Neumarkt area for occupation duty within Third Army zone; 8th Inf and 101st Cav Rcn Sq are attached to 101st A/B Div. RCT 506, 101st A/B Div, moves toward Berchtesgaden. RCT 141, 36th Div, clears banks of Tegern and Schlier Lakes, including towns of Tegernsee and Schliersee, and continues southward. RCT 142, after relieving CCR of 12th Armd Div along the Inn, attacks S. In VI Corps area, 103d Div accepts formal surrender of Innsbruck at 1015; 410th Inf polices and garrisons the city; meanwhile, 411th Inf completes motor journey through Innsbruck to Brenner Pass by 0150 and at 1051 effects junction with Fifth Army's 88th Div in Italy; 3d Bn, 409th Inf, reinf by tanks, drives quickly along Inn R to Worgl, where XII Corps is contacted. In 44th Div zone, 324th Inf, motorized, speeds S through Fern Pass, passing through elements of 71st Inf at Dollinger, and clears Imst; continues SW toward Landeck with final objective of blocking Resia Pass into Italy, overrunning Mils and Wenns. Officers of German Nineteenth Army enter 44th Div lines to discuss surrender terms.

In Fr 1st Army's 1st Corps area, 2d Moroccan Inf Div, on left flank of corps, pushes S toward the Inn in St Anton area while 5th Armd Div thrusts SE from Feldkirch toward same objective. DA ATL halts on current line SE of La Rochelle to await surrender negotiations.

ITALY--15th Army Group: I and R Platoon of 349th Inf, 88th Div, establishes contact with U.S. Seventh Army at Vipiteno, S of Brennero, on Austro-Italian frontier.

BURMA--Vice Adm Mountbatten, having decided to omit Operation ROGER (capture of Phuket I., off Kra Isthmus, as forward base for ZIPPER, assault on Malaya), asks for 11th Aircraft Carrier Sq of British Pacific Fleet as close support force for ZIPPER. Request is denied, but Mountbatten is promised an additional escort carrier and 2 general purpose carriers.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, elements of 161st Inf, 25th Div, seize Mt Haruna, 300 yards W of Balete Pass, and for some days to come remain there patrolling and consolidating. 2d Bn, 27th Inf, has advanced along Wolfhound Ridge about 3,000 yards from Lone Tree Hill and 3d Bn is relieving it. In XI Corps area, 145th Inf opens co-ordinated attack after arty preparation, 1st Bn on left, 3d in center, and 2d on right. Left flank elements get about halfway to Wawa but withdraw to more tenable position at San Isidro under cover of darkness. Progress otherwise is slow because of terrain as well as enemy opposition. 152d Inf, 38th Div, renews attack on Woodpecker Ridge but makes little headway.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, 2d Bn of 108th Inf returns to Leyte from Masbate, where 118 Japanese and 7 Americans have lost their lives. Filipino guerrillas are responsible for final mop up. In X Corps area, 24th Div forces mop up in Davao area, Mindanao, while 124th Inf of 31st Div probes northward with patrols from Kibawe. RCT 162, 41st Div, arrives at Parang from Zamboanga. On Samal I., I and R Platoon of 19th Inf, 24th Div, lands to reconnoiter. On Negros, 1st Bn of 164th Inf, Americal Div, continues efforts to reopen supply line in Negros Oriental.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army area, III Amphib Corps (6th Mar Div and corps troops) is displacing southward. 27th Div takes over sector vacated by 6th Mar Div. In XXIV Corps area, Japanese open ground phase of their counteroffensive early in morning and it too is a costly failure. Arty pieces, brought out into the open to provide powerful


support, are profitable targets for U.S. counter battery fire. Japanese troops attack line of 7th Div and 306th Inf, 77th Div, in force but are unable to achieve a breakthrough. Enemy survivors are caught in the open and subjected to destructive fire. Suicide planes are more successful than enemy ground or amphibious forces. From evening of 3 May until evening of 4th, 17 American ships are sunk at cost to enemy of 131 planes destroyed. Japanese maintain their well-organized Shuri defenses while conducting their counteroffensive and prevent much forward movement of corps. 1st Mar Div, although not directly involved in the counteroffensive, suffers extremely heavy casualties while attacking W of Machinato airfield. 307th Inf, 77th Div, against vicious opposition, improves positions on Maeda Escarpment.

5 May

WESTERN EUROPE--21 Army Group: Group halts offensive operations at 0800, when cease-fire order becomes effective. Military government is subsequently established within British zone, and on 25 August 21 Army Group is redesignated The British Army of the Rhine.

12th Army Group: In U.S. Ninth Army's XIX Corps area, 83d Div begins withdrawing Elbe bridgehead because of imminent arrival of Soviet troops. 30th Div establishes contact with Red Army forces at the Elbe.

In U.S. Third Army's V Corps area, 1st Div prepares for drive on Karlsbad and in limited attack by 18th Inf improves right flank positions near Cheb. 97th Div, with 303d Inf on left, 387th in center, and 386th on right, attacks toward Pilsen, taking Trustenice, Chodova Plana, Plana, and Bor and investing Stribro. In XII Corps area, Urfahr-Linz industrial center falls to 11th Armd Div. From Gramastetten area, CCA drives NE to Zwettl, then southward to heights overlooking Urfahr, at which point arty bombardment of Urfahr-Linz area is lifted; TF Wingard enters Urfahr at 1100 and soon afterward crosses the Danube bridge there into Linz, which surrenders promptly; at 1800, RCT 328 moves into Linz, relieving TF Wingard. Capture of Urfahr-Linz highway and rail bridges, which have been prepared for demolition, cuts off escape of Germans in Czechoslovakia to the redoubt area. From Gallneukirchen, CCB sends 41st Cav patrols E and SE well beyond line set as boundary between U.S. and Soviet forces--the rail line running generally N and S about 12 miles E of Linz. In left sector of corps zone, stage is set for drive on Prague. 2d Sq, 2d Cav Gp, speeds northward into Czechoslovakia to Klatovy, where garrison surrenders; 42d Sq gets elements to Prasily. To right, 90th and 5th Divs, respectively, clear Regen and Freyung Passes into Czechoslovakia for debouchment of armor. 90th Div, with RCT 357 in assault, opens Zwiesel- Zelezna Ruda-Dobra Voda road through Regen Pass. 5th Div, with RCT's 10 and 2 abreast, attacks N and NE across Tepla R, RCT 10 opening Freyung-Kunzvart-Hor Vltavice road and RCT 2 cutting Volary-Kunzvart road. 4th Armd Div reconnoiters routes toward Prague and prepares to attack on 6th. XX Corps establishes restraining line along the Enns. On left flank, 65th Div's 260th Inf relieves XII Corps forces in Linz; 261st reaches Enns R and overruns town of Enns. From Traun R, 71st Div drives eastward unopposed, advance elements of 5th Inf reaching the Enns at Steyr. 3d Sq, 3d Cav Gp, precedes 80th Div to Steyr and takes bridge intact; 43d Sq extends screen on right flank of corps to Atter Kammer See. 80th Div (less 318th Inf, which remains S of Braunau, and 1st Bn of 319th Inf, which moves by train from Braunau to Voecklabruck) closes along the Enns to right of 71st Div and patrols beyond the river.

6th Army Group: Hostilities cease as Army Group G, consisting of German First and Nineteenth Armies, accepts Allied surrender terms at Haar, in Bavaria. The surrender is officially to take effect at noon on 6 May, but both sides order immediate cessation of fighting. In VI Corps zone of Seventh Army front, 324th Inf of 44th Div occupies Landeck without opposition.

BURMA--Ind 26th Div of 15 Corps completes reconquest of Burma with occupation of Rangoon, but large-scale mopping up must still be conducted to destroy Burma Area Army.

CHINA--Gen Wedemeyer proposes to Gen Stratemeyer that he (Stratemeyer) command a smaller air force than that originally contemplated. Gen Stratemeyer does not favor the suggestion.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, 25th Div continues reduction of enemy defenses of Balete Pass. 3d Bn, 27th Inf, finishes clearing Wolfhound Ridge. In XI Corps area, 2d Bn of 145th Inf gains positions at base of Sugar Loaf Hill on regimental right; in center, 3d Bn reaches base of Mt Binicayan. 152d Inf suspends attack on Woodpecker Ridge while reorganizing. Combat elements of 43d Div complete assembling for attack toward Ipo, scheduled to begin night 6-7.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Army's X Corps area, 1st Bn of 34th Inf, 24th Div, attacks heights N of Bancal, making slow progress against entrenched enemy. 3d Bn joins Co K in Guma area to strengthen efforts against bypassed pocket there. 31st Div patrol moving N along Sayre Highway finds enemy force disposed to hold woods N of Lake Pinalay, later dubbed Colgan Woods for Capt A. T. Colgan. On Negros, 1st Bn of 164th Inf reopens supply line in Negros Oriental. While main


body of 2d Bn moves to Badiang area to assist 1st Bn, Co G begins attack on strongpoint that patrols have discovered SE of Odlumon.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army's XXIV Corps area, Japanese renew unsuccessful efforts to break through early in morning, concentrating against U.S. line near junction of 77th and 7th Divs; some 450 penetrate between Route 5 and Kochi to regain Tanabaru town and Tanabaru Ridge, cutting supply road of 7th Div. While 306th Inf, 77th Div, is containing enemy onslaughts, 307th gains reverse slope of Maeda Escarpment and holds against determined counterattacks during night 5-6. In 7th Div zone, elements of 17th Inf battle enemy infiltrators in Tanabaru area.

6 May

WESTERN EUROPE--12th Army Group: U.S. Ninth Army takes control of VII and VIII Corps from First Army at 1800. In XVI Corps area, 115th Inf (reinf) of 29th Div moves to Bremen area to relieve 378th Inf, 95th Div. In XIX Corps area, 83d Div completes withdrawal of Elbe bridgehead and turns over its zone to 30th Div, to which 113th Cav Gp is attached. Corps' contact with enemy ends as Soviet forces arrive along the Elbe in 30th Div zone at 1700.

In U.S. Third Army's V Corps area, 1st Div, on left flank of corps, attacks toward Karlsbad on broad front: 26th Inf, on left, takes Schoenbach; Kynsperk falls to 16th, in center; 18th, on right, clears Sangerberg and Mnichov. CCA, 9th Armd Div, attached to 1st Div, attacks through 16th Inf along Cheb-Falknov road, head of column reaching Rudolec. 16th Armd Div attacks through 97th Div, on right flank of corps, toward Pilsen. CCB, making main effort, drives along Bor-Pilsen road and captures Pilsen, site of Skoda munitions plant. CCR drives through Pilsen to assigned high ground E of the city. 97th Div reaches assigned objectives within its zone. XII Corps opens drive on Prague, Czechoslovakia. 4th Armd Div speeds NE unopposed through Regen and Freyung Passes into Czechoslovakia: CCB, on left, reaches Vel Bor; CCA advances to Strakonice and sends TF eastward to Pisek. To left, 2d Cav Gp clears Planice and pushes toward Zinkovy. 90th and 5th Divs follow 4th Armd Div NE. 26th Div, to which 328th Inf (-) reverts from attachment to 11th Armd Div, relieves 11th Inf of 5th Div and drives NE to Vlatava R line SE of Volary; forward elements cross the river. On right flank of corps, 11th Armd Div patrols deep inside Soviet territory without making contact with Red Army. In XX Corps area, 65th Div (less 260th Inf, which is policing Linz) closes along Enns R on left flank of corps and consolidates along W bank. 66th Inf, 71st Div, reaches the Enns to right of 5th, from Steyr southward, and relieves 80th Div forces along W bank; 5th Inf elements move N from Steyr and secure Ernsthofen dam and heights on E bank. Elements of 80th Div start S at 1700 from positions N of Kirchdorf. 3d Cav Gp takes responsibility for new zone, which includes Atter Kammer See and Traun Gmundner See.

6th Army Group: Surrender of Army Group G to Allied forces becomes effective at noon.

BURMA--In ALFSEA's 15 Corps area, Japanese 28th Army is isolated from rest of Burma Area Army as 71st Brig, Ind 26th Div, pushing N along Rangoon road, establishes contact with Ind 17th Div of 4 Corps, Br Fourteenth Army, at Hlegu.

NEI--Japanese are forced from Tarakan town, Tarakan I.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, 25th Div continues to work forward toward Balete Pass, 161st Inf completing capture of Kembu Plateau and seizing junction of the plateau with Balete Pass Ridge. In XI Corps area, 3d Bn of 149th Inf is attached to 145th Inf to hold Mt Pacawagan while 145th devotes its attention to eastward drive; relieves 1st Bn, 145th Inf, which has been brought to a halt on regimental left flank. 2d Bn, 145th Inf, gains top of Sugar Loaf Hill. 3d Bn reaches positions just below crest of Mt Binicayan. After nightfall, 43d Div opens drive on Ipo, employing 103d Inf on right and 172d on left. U.S. air and arty break up planned enemy counterattack before it can get under way.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army's X Corps area, 3d Bn of 34th Inf, 24th Div, attacks bypassed enemy pocket in Guma area of Mindanao but gains no ground. In Sayre Highway sector, 1st Bn of 124th Inf, 31st Div, assisted by air strikes and mortar fire, begins assault on Colgan Woods, where enemy is firmly entrenched. 3d Bn, in an outflanking maneuver, gains positions N of the enemy strongpoint. 155th Inf moves up behind 124th in Kibawe area. On Negros, in preparation for general drive southward in Negros Oriental, 2d Bn, 164th Inf, seizes ridge between 1st Bn and Co G. Co G continues attacks on enemy strongpoint SE of Odlumon. In Negros Occidental area, 185th Inf of 40th Div seizes high ground E and S of Virgne Ridge and attacks along the ridge onto Patog Plain. Para RCT 503 is also pressing toward Patog Plain.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army's XXIV Corps area, stubborn resistance on right flank of corps virtually halts 1st Mar Div. Pivoting eastward, 1st Marines attacks unsuccessfully for Hill 60, ½ mile SE of Yafusu, while warding off Japanese attacks from reverse slope of Nan Hill, 200 yards N of Hill 60. Progress of 5th Marines against strongly fortified hills and ridges S of Awacha is negligible. 7th Marines fills gap resulting from pivoting of


attack. In center of corps, 307th Inf of 77th Div, moves forward from Maeda Escarpment to S slopes of Hill 187. Some elements of 17th Inf, 7th Div, fight for knob of Kochi Ridge while others continue to eliminate enemy infiltrators in Tanabaru area. 184th Inf is patrolling extensively.

7 May

WESTERN EUROPE--German High Command surrenders all land, sea, and air forces unconditionally to Allied forces. The surrender act is signed at Reims at 0141 B Central European Time, to become effective at 0001 B 9 May. Upon receipt of this news in the field, all offensive operations are immediately halted, and organization of defensive positions is begun.

EASTERN EUROPE--Troops of First White Russian Front reach the Elbe N and SE of Magdeburg. The long-besieged city of Breslau (Silesia) falls to forces of First Ukrainian Front. In Czechoslovakia, Ukrainian troops continue clearing Olmuetz area.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's XI Corps area, 1st Bn of 145th Inf attacks SE from Mt Pacawagan for ridge extending to Wawa, meeting determined opposition. Rest of regt holds current positions and patrols. After aerial and arty preparation, 152d Inf renews attack for Woodpecker Ridge but for the next week is held to small gains. 43d Div continues toward Ipo, gaining about 8,000 yards.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army's X Corps area on Mindanao, Co C of 21st Inf, 24th Div, moves N from Mintal toward Talomo R to intercept enemy; meets intense fire and withdraws. Aircraft and arty pound the enemy positions. While Japanese pocket in Guma area is being softened by aerial and arty bombardment, 3d Bn of 34th Inf patrols. In Sayre Highway sector, 1st Bn of 124th Inf, 31st Div, makes slow progress against enemy in Colgan Woods. 3d Bn advances to Maramag Airfield No. 1, SW of Maramag. On Negros, Co G of 164th Inf, assisted materially by air and arty bombardment, reduces the enemy strongpoint SE of Odlumon in Negros Oriental. Preparations for general southward advance continue. In Negros Occidental area, Para RCT 503 effects junction with 185th Inf, 40th Div. Patrols find evidence of enemy withdrawal from Patog Plain.

OKINAWA--U.S. Tenth Army takes direct command of operations on S Okinawa. Gen Hodge orders seizure of line Asa-Dakeshi-Gaja by the 8th in preparation for co-ordinated army offensive southward. In III Amphib Corps area, 1st Mar Div, which reverts to corps control, continues to fight vigorously in its zone. 1st Marines, still under heavy fire from reverse slope of Nan Hill, makes another futile effort to take Hill 60. 5th Marines is held up for the next week by opposition S of Awacha. XXIV Corps, with 77th Div on right and 7th on left, presses slowly southward toward Shuri and Yonabaru. 305th Inf, 77th Div, relieves 307th Inf. Some elements of 17th Inf, 7th Div, finish clearing Tanabaru area of enemy infiltrators while others improve positions on Kochi Ridge; still others drive on Zebra Hill, just S of Kochi town, until stopped by enemy strongpoint. 184th Inf takes Gaja Ridge with ease.

8 May

U.S.--President Harry S. Truman proclaims 8 May V-E Day.

WESTERN EUROPE--12th Army Group: U.S. First Army turns over last of its units to adjacent U.S. armies.

In U.S. Third Army area, XII Corps establishes contact with Red Army. 11th Armd Div makes the junction, concluding its mission: CCA patrol (Tr A of 41st Cav) meets Soviet units at Amstetten. XX Corps also gains contact with Soviet forces, 65th Div in vicinity of Strengberg and 71st Div at St Peter. This concludes mission of corps.

EASTERN EUROPE--Resistance in Latvia ceases as German Sixteenth and Eighteenth Armies begin surrendering to forces of Leningrad Front. Dresden and Goerlitz fall to troops of First Ukrainian Front, elements of which push S across Czechoslovakian border toward Prague. Troops of Fourth Ukrainian Front overrun Olmuetz.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's XI Corps area, 145th Inf renews 3-bn attack, 1st Bn taking ridge extending to Wawa and blocking trail in Mariquina R gorge about 600 yards S of Wawa, 3d trying in vain to advance up slopes of Mt Binicayan, and 2d taking Sugar Loaf Hill. 3d Bn of 149th Inf relieves 1st Bn of 145th of all responsibility for Mt Pacawagan.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army's X Corps area on Mindanao, 1st Bn of 21st Inf, 24th Div, establishes bridgehead across Talomo R north of Mintal, evoking strong enemy reaction. Co E, 19th Inf, relieves Co F on forward tip of Hill 550. In Sayre Highway sector, 124th Inf of 31st Div continues efforts to clear Colgan Woods, replacing 1st Bn with 2d. 3d Bn patrols in Maramag Airfield No. 1 area. On Samal, Co K, 19th Inf, lands after arty preparation and patrols to locate enemy. On Negros, 164th Inf, with 2 bns abreast, attacks southward in Negros Oriental, slowly but steadily wresting ground from stubborn enemy defenders as fighting continues through rest of month.

OKINAWA--Rain hampers ground, air, and naval operations. In U.S. Tenth Army's III Amphib Corps area, 22d Marines, 6th Mar Div, relieves 7th Marines, 1st Mar Div, on W coast N of the Asa. 1st


Marines, 1st Mar Div, concentrates on blasting enemy from caves on reverse slope of Nan Hill in preparation for renewing assault on Hill 60. In XXIV Corps area, limited attack by 305th Inf of 77th Div brings sharp enemy reaction. 184th Inf, 7th Div, slightly improves positions in E coastal sector.

9 May

WESTERN EUROPE--All hostilities in the European Theater of Operations are officially terminated at 0001 B as surrender act becomes effective.

EASTERN EUROPE--Resistance on Eastern Front is limited to Czechoslovakian and Austrian areas, where enemy is retreating W and SW as rapidly as possible. On northern front, German remnants along coast of Gulf of Danzig start surrendering to forces of Third and Second White Russian Fronts. First, Fourth, and Second Ukrainian Fronts pursue enemy westward in Czechoslovakia; Prague falls to forces of First Ukrainian Front. Troops of Third Ukrainian Front driving W in Austria reach Amstetten and Graz and make contact with U.S. forces near Amstetten.

BURMA--In ALFSEA area, W African 82d Div, now under direct command of ALFSEA and moving S along Arakan coast from Taungup, enters Sandoway.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, battle for Balete Pass nears the end as 27th and 161st Regts, 25th Div, establish contact in this region. In XI Corps area, 3d Bn of 145th Inf seizes Mt Binicayan; 2d Bn improves positions near Sugar Loaf Hill; 1st Bn patrols in Wawa sector. In XIV Corps area, patrol of 158th Inf eliminates enemy party in the Bicols, the only Japanese met in this area.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, RCT 108 convoys leave Cebu and Leyte for Macajalar Bay operation, Mindanao. In X Corps area on Mindanao, 1st Bn of 21st Inf, 24th Div, holds its Talomo R bridgehead against strong opposition. Efforts to bridge the river fail. Continuing attack on Guma pocket after air strike, Co K of 34th Inf finds that Japanese have withdrawn. 124th Inf, 31st Div, suspends ground attacks in Colgan Woods for next few days while enemy positions are being softened by aircraft and mortar fire.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army area, Gen Buckner orders general attack by army to begin on 11th. While holding action is conducted in center, troops on flanks will attempt double envelopment of enemy's Shuri positions. In III Amphib Corps area, 6th Mar Div prepares to attack across Asa R on W flank of corps. Engineers construct footbridge during night. 1st Marines, 1st Mar Div, finishes clearing Nan Hill, then attacks and takes Hill 60. 5th Marines is endeavoring to pocket enemy in region S of Awacha where stubborn opposition continues. In XXIV Corps area, 77th Div's frontal assaults toward Shuri make little headway. Since enemy has organized a series of strongpoints on heights N of Shuri that must be methodically reduced, div tactics are to attack in small area with one regt after all available supporting weapons have softened it, while another regt supports the attack with fire and mops up. On left flank of corps, 382d Inf of 96th Div relieves 17th Inf of 7th Div. Most of the Japanese have been cleared from their Kochi positions.

10 May

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's XI Corps area, 145th Inf mops up and patrols within its sector. 152d Inf, 38th Div, continues almost futile efforts to advance in vicinity of Woodpecker Ridge. 43d Div advance slows as troops approach Ipo.

In U.S. Eighth Army's X Corps area of Mindanao, RCT 108 lands on shore of Macajalar Bay at 0830 after uneventful mine sweeping and aerial and naval gunfire bombardment and, assisted by Filipino guerrillas, establishes beachhead without opposition. 2d Bn starts SE along Sayre Highway to make contact with 31st Div forces moving N along it, gaining 5 miles. 155th Inf, which has been probing down Talomo Trail toward 24th Div sector, is relieved by 167th Inf; 167th will continue to explore the trail. Japanese guns on Samal I. shell CP area of 19th Inf, 24th Div. 1st Bn, 21st Inf, withdraws its bridgehead across the Talomo in evening. After arty preparation, 2d Bn of 19th Inf begins attack to destroy bypassed enemy force on Hill 550, which commands Davao.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army's III Amphib Corps area, 22d Marines, 6th Mar Div, begins attack across Asa Estuary at 0300, rear elements wading after Japanese destroy the footbridge. Against increasingly strong resistance marines push forward through Asa and establish bridgehead 350 yards deep and almost a mile wide. Bailey bridge is constructed, night 10-11, for heavy weapons. 1st Mar Div, under heavy fire from Shuri, makes little progress: 1st Marines is unable to advance; 7th Marines reaches Dakeshi Ridge and attacks it unsuccessfully. In XXIV Corps area, 77th Div continues laborious reduction of enemy positions N of Shuri. 383d Inf, 96th Div, relieves 184th Inf, 7th Div, and prepares to attack toward Conical Hill, E anchor of enemy's Shuri defense line. 383d Inf reaches crest of Zebra Hill and holds it against enemy counterattack at night.


11 May

EASTERN EUROPE--Soviet forces finish clearing Czechoslovakia and Austria and begin to mop up isolated remnants. Contact is made with U.S. forces in vicinity of Chemnitz (Saxony), Pilsen (Czechoslovakia), and Linz (Austria).

CHINA--Gen Wedemeyer writes Gen Marshall that he (Wedemeyer) is reviewing plans for increasing air strength in China and opening a seacoast port because of reduced ATC tonnage offered on 25 April and because of drain on Hump tonnage during Japanese drive on Chihchiang. Gen Ho's ALPHA forces have halted Japanese drive on Chihchiang by outflanking maneuvers and are forcing enemy back. Ch 18th and 100th Armies have blunted enemy's N spearheads in Paima Shan area; 18th recovers Shanmen. On main axis of Japanese advance, Paoching-Chihchiang road, Japanese set fire to Kaosha village. Ch 94th Army has successfully turned enemy's S flank and is now just 8 miles S of Paoching-Chihchiang road, well E of Tungkow.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area 1st Bn of 35th Inf, 25th Div, and 3d Bn of 27th Inf establish contact on Kapintalan Ridge, where over 200 caves have been sealed and almost a thousand Japanese dead counted. 25th Div is directed to continue N with 161st Inf advancing W of Highway 5, 35th astride it, and 27th E of it toward Villa Verde Trail, Santa Fe, and heights E of Santa Fe. In XI Corps area, 43d Div troops driving on Ipo reach slopes of Hill 815, about a mile below objective.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army's X Corps area on Mindanao, RCT 108, pushing steadily down Sayre Highway, reaches positions commanding Del Monte Airfield. Filipino guerrillas seize Cagayan. 21st Inf, 24th Div, reinf by 1st Bn of 34th, is directed to clear region NE of Talomo R in vicinity of Mintal. 2d Bn, 19th Inf, makes little headway against enemy on Hill 550 despite ground fire and air support. On Samal, Co K, 19th Inf, searches for enemy guns that continue to fire on Davao, Mindanao. On Negros, 185th Inf, reinf by 3d Bn of 503d Para Inf, opens southward drive along Terukini and Kasagi Ridges toward Hill 4055 in Negros Occidental, progressing very slowly during rest of month. Bombardment of Dolan Hill by arty and aircraft is intensified for next few days as 160th Inf prepares to renew ground assault.

NEW GUINEA--6th Aus Div seizes Wewak.

OKINAWA--U.S. Tenth Army, after 30-minute arty preparation to neutralize enemy guns and strongpoints, launches co-ordinated attack with III Amphib Corps on right and XXIV Corps on left. On III Amphib Corp's W flank, 22d Marines of 6th Mar Div expands positions S of the Asa, some elements on coast reaching positions at N outskirts of Amike, which command the capital city of Naha, and others taking hill 800 yards S of Asa. 7th Marines, 1st Mar Div, gains foothold on Dakeshi Ridge despite intense fire from Wana Ridge to S, but 1st Marines is still virtually halted by fire from Shuri Heights. 5th Marines encircles enemy forces in region S of Awacha. In XXIV Corps area, columns of 306th Inf, 77th Div, begin attacks toward Chocolate Drop Hill (Hill 130), NE of Ishimmi, and Flattop Hill to SE, which dominates Dick hill mass in 96th Div zone, but meet intense fire and make little headway. 382d Inf, 96th Div, consolidates on Zebra and tries unsuccessfully to push forward to Dick hill mass; 383d begins attack for Conical Hill, gaining positions on hills at NW approaches.

12 May

SEAC--Preparations for Operation ZIPPER--invasion of Malaya--are in progress. Part of the assault forces--Force W (amphibious), 15 Corps, 224th Gp (air), and newly formed 34 Corps, all under Lt Gen O. L. Roberts--are now assembled in India for reorganization, rest, and training. Other assault forces that can be spared are concentrated in Rangoon area, from which the ZIPPER forces from Burma will be mounted.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's XI Corps area, 43d Div columns are converging on Ipo; Japanese are driven from Hill 815.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army's X Corps area on Mindanao, some elements of RCT 108 take Del Monte Airfield while others advance to positions SW of Tankulan. 155th Inf is directed to continue 31st Div's northward drive along Sayre Highway toward RCT 108. 124th Inf renews attack on Colgan Woods strongpoint and overcomes resistance there. 21st Inf, 24th Div, supported by massed arty fire, attacks NW along Talomo R with 1st Bn on left and attached 1st Bn of 34th Inf on right. 2d Bn, 19th Inf, assisted by air strikes, makes limited progress on Hill 550. 3d Bn, 34th Inf, asks and receives permission to remain in Guma area until its relief can be physically accomplished by 162d Inf rather than return to Digos at once. On Samal, aircraft and arty bombard suspected enemy gun positions.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army's III Amphib Corps area, while 3d Bn of 22d Marines, 6th Mar Div, remains on W coast above Naha, Co G, to E, pushes forward to Sugar Loaf Hill, key point in Shuri defenses SE of Amike, but is forced back with heavy casualties. 7th Marines, 1st Mar Div, gains most of Dakeshi Ridge. 1st Marines, veering westward in order to advance, must be supplied by air. In XXIV Corps area, 305th Inf of 77th Div continues extremely slow advance generally along Route 5 toward Shuri. 306th temporarily suspends action


against Chocolate Drop and assists 305th. 382d Inf, 96th Div, continues attack toward Dick hill mass with negligible results but takes hill 600 yards S of Zebra. 2d Bn, 382d Inf, gains weak hold on N spur of Conical Hill, whereupon div is ordered to intensify frontal attacks on the hill.

13 May

EASTERN EUROPE--Red Army completes offensive operations, overcoming last German resistance in Czechoslovakia.

BURMA--In ALFSEA area, W African 82d Div reaches Gwa without opposition, concluding operations in Arakan sector.

CHINA--Gen Wedemeyer has by this time decided that he cannot receive the Tenth Air Force in China for several months and so informs Gen Stratemeyer. Gen Chennault's Fourteenth Air Force is to move to Chungking to command air forces based in China.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army area, I Corps finishes clearing Balete Pass, gaining access to Cagayan Valley. In XI Corps area, 43d Div gets elements to within sight of Ipo Dam.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army's X Corps area, RCT 108, continuing down Sayre Highway on Mindanao, runs into strong opposition from Mangima Canyon and is delayed in the area for several days. 155th Inf, 31st Div, passes through 124th and drives N along Sayre Highway in effort to establish contact with RCT 108; on Talomo Trail, elements of 167th Inf reach Pulangi R. 21st Inf, 24th Div, makes slow progress northward along Talomo Trail; 3d Bn, 34th Inf, moves forward from Guma area to assist 21st Inf in clearing Talomo R Valley; 2d Bn, 19th Inf, progresses slowly against Hill 550. On Samal, Co K, 19th Inf, unsuccessfully attacks enemy position.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army's III Amphib Corps area, 6th Mar Div, although supported by heavy volume of fire, continues to gain ground slowly and with heavy casualties. 3d Bn, 29th Marines, is committed in region E of 22d Marines. 1st Marines, 1st Mar Div, tries in vain to take Hill 55--part of S wall of Wana Draw. 7th Marines completes capture of Dakeshi Ridge but suffers heavy casualties while attacking through town of Dakeshi toward Wana Ridge, N wall of Wana Draw. In XXIV Corps area, 306th Inf, 77th Div, renews costly attacks for Chocolate Drop Hill; tries in vain to take Flattop. 382d Inf, 96th Div, attacks toward 2 hills of Dick hill mass, taking one of them; pressing frontal assault in E coastal sector, 383d Inf succeeds in penetrating eastern end of Shuri line by driving to NE crest of Conical Hill and holding there against determined counterattacks; some elements of 383d Inf fighting NW of Conical Hill reach slopes of Charlie Hill but are unable to take crest.

14 May

CHINA--Movement of MARS (U.S. 5332d Brig (Prov)) from Burma to China is completed. The move started on 14 March.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, 27th Inf of 25th Div attacks northward from Balete Ridge. In XI Corps area, forward elements of 43d Div reach Ipo Dam. General assault on the dam is ordered for 17th.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army's X Corps area, on Mindanao, RCT 108 temporarily suspends drive down Sayre Highway to await supplies. 155th Inf, 31st Div, continues N along the highway; on Talomo Trail, 167th Inf troops are slowed by scattered delaying opposition and difficult terrain as they push toward barrio of Sanipon. From Bancal, 3d Bn of 34th Inf, 24th Div, attacks northward astride road leading to Mintal in conjunction with 21st Inf clearing Talomo R Valley but is soon halted; flanking attack on Hill 550 by elements of 19th Inf makes little headway; rest of 3d Bn, 19th Inf, is ordered to Samal, where enemy guns are still a threat to Davao from the N.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army's III Amphib Corps area, 22d Marines of 6th Mar Div charges Sugar Loaf and gains feeble hold. 1st Marines, 1st Mar Div, after unsuccessful attempt to take Wana Ridge and make contact with 7th Marines, is relieved by 5th Marines. In XXIV Corps area, 306th Inf of 77th Div, greatly depleted in strength, continues vain efforts to take Chocolate Drop and Flattop. 382d Inf, 96th Div, improves positions on Dick hill mass; 383d extends control over Charlie and reaches crest of King Hill to S.

15 May

INDIA--Base Section No. 1 (Karachi) is inactivated. As a result, the other sections within SOS are given new designations.

BURMA--In Br Fourteenth Army area, Ind 26th Div, now under army command as it moves N along Rangoon-Prome road, links up with Ind 20th Div, 33 Corps, moving S along the road.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army area, XI Corps prepares to renew attacks on Woodpecker Ridge and Ipo Dam.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army's X Corps area on Mindanao, RCT 108, with air and arty support, renews attacks in Mangima Canyon sector of Sayre Highway against strong opposition. Elements of 124th Inf, 31st Div, guarding installations


in rear area repel counterattack by about 100 Japanese, killing 72. 79th Inf, 24th Div, is ordered to drive NE from Davao area to effect junction with Filipino guerrillas moving SW; elements of 21st and 34th Regts continue clearing Talomo R Valley; attack on Hill 550, where Co G, 34th Inf, relieves 2d Bn, 79th Inf, is suspended; Co F repels counterattacks after nightfall. On Samal, main body of 3d Bn, 79th Inf, joins Co K. Japanese withdraw from the island about this time. On Negros, 160th Inf renews assault on Dolan in Negros Occidental, the target for extensive aerial and arty bombardment, and clears it except for pocket on N spur.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army's III Amphib Corps area, small Marine force on crest of Sugar Loaf (1 officer and 79 men of 22d Marines, 6th Mar Div) withdraws under fire when its position becomes untenable. 7th Marines, 1st Mar Div, suspends assault on Wana Ridge while Japanese positions are being softened with ground fire, air strikes, and naval gunfire. In XXIV Corps area, 305th Inf, 77th Div, inching forward on right flank of div, has suffered heavy casualties and is at ¼ strength. On div left, 307th Inf attacks through 306th toward Chocolate Drop and positions near crest of Flattop. Japanese counterattack unsuccessfully after nightfall. 382d Inf, 96th Div, continues to battle enemy on Dick hill mass. 383d improves positions on spurs of Conical Hill; elements advance up NW spur but are out of contact with others to E.

16 May

CHINA--Gen Eaker, AAF Hq, tells Gen Wedemeyer that Gen Chennault will be replaced regardless of other considerations.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, 3d Bn of 27th Inf, 25th Div, is delayed by strongpoint on E edge of Bolong Plateau. In XI Corps area, 149th Inf begins relieving 145th in Mt Pacawagan area. 152d Inf opens all-out attack for Woodpecker Ridge after preparatory bombardment, gaining weak hold on military crest and forward slopes of Twin Peaks. In XIV Corps area, Gen MacNider reports the Bicols secure.

MINDANAO--In U.S. Eighth Army's X Corps area, 3d Bn of 167th Inf, 31st Div, advancing along Talomo Trail, runs into strong delaying opposition that virtually halts it for more than a week about a mile N of Sanipon. Continuing operations to clear Talomo R Valley, 3d Bn of 34th Inf, 24th Div, gains a little ground and digs in to consolidate for next few days.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army's III Amphib Corps area, 6th Mar Div, attacking with 2 regts toward Sugar Loaf, experiences its worst day of combat on Okinawa as enemy continues to resist viciously. In 1st Mar Div zone, M-7's and tank-infantry teams of 5th Marines try to neutralize Wana Draw. 1st Bn, 7th Marines, attacks up Wana Ridge but is forced back to N base. In XXIV Corps area, 77th Div continues to battle enemy N of Shuri with 305th Inf on right and 307th on left. Efforts of 307th to take Chocolate Drop and Flattop are again futile. 383d Inf, 96th Div, improves positions on regimental left, where supporting tanks reach outskirts of Yonabaru, but is unable to oust Japanese from Love Hill, W of Conical Hill.

17 May

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's XI Corps area, 149th Inf of 38th Div continues relieving 145th and patrols without incident; 152d Inf pauses to consolidate and patrol in Woodpecker Ridge area. In final assault by 3 regts after intensive preparatory bombardment, 43d Div takes Ipo Dam intact. Japanese still hold Osboy Ridge, however.

MINDANAO--In U.S. Eighth Army's X Corps area, 1st Bn, 19th Inf, 24th Div, starts NE to contact guerrilla forces; 2d Bn of 21st Inf, driving toward Tugbok, meets strong opposition, which arty and aircraft help to neutralize.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army area, Gen Buckner takes control of all forces ashore and is responsible for defense and development of captured positions. Adm Hill replaces Adm Turner as Commander TF 51 and will control air defenses and naval forces. In III Amphib Corps area, while badly mauled 22d Regt, 6th Mar Div, conducts holding action, 29th Marines continues attack for Sugar Loaf after heavy naval gunfire, air, and arty bombardment. Striking from the E after 1st and 3d Bns have opened approach from W end of Crescent Hill, 2d Bn drives to crest of Sugar Loaf but falls back when ammunition is exhausted. 5th Marines, 1st Mar Div, continues to fire into Wana Draw; 2d Bn attacks Hill 55, in its mouth, and gains positions on W slope. 3d Bn, 7th Marines, relieves exhausted 1st Bn and continues efforts to take Wana Ridge without success. In XXIV Corps area, Co E of 307th Inf, 77th Div, in surprise, predawn attack, advances to Ishimmi Ridge, W of town of Ishimmi; there it is dangerously exposed to enemy fire from all sides and cannot be reinforced. 3d Bn secures positions around Chocolate Drop and drives off counterattacking enemy; drives to crest of Flattop but is driven off. 305th Inf continues slow advance on right flank of div. 96th Div commits 3d Bn, 381st Inf, on E flank, where it relieves Cos E and F, 383d, in preparation for drive S down 800-yard ridge extending from Conical peak to Sugar Hill.


18 May

CHINA--In Fukien Province, Chinese recover Foochow.

BURMA--Movement of CAI (Ch 30th, 38th, and 50th Divs) from Burma to China is begun.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's XI Corps area, 149th Inf completes relief of 145th and takes responsibility for its sector. 145th is held in reserve. 152d Inf renews assault on Woodpecker Ridge but continues to progress slowly. 43d Div extends control over Osboy Ridge and opens Metropolitan Road from Bigti to Ipo.

MINDANAO--In U.S. Eighth Army's X Corps area, RCT 108, completing capture of Mangima Canyon, is able to advance rapidly southward along Sayre Highway. 1st Bn of 19th Inf, 24th Div, reaches positions near lower end of Sasa airfield. Tugbok falls to 2d Bn, 21st Inf, which halts for a few days to patrol and consolidate.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army's III Amphib Corps area, Sugar Loaf falls to 29th Marines, 6th Mar Div; regt also consolidates positions on northern slope of Crescent Hill and seizes part of Horseshoe, commanding feature just SW of Sugar Loaf. 1st Mar Div continues seesaw battle for Wana Draw and Wana Ridge. 5th Marines further softens enemy positions with tank and M-7 fire while engineers clear lower slopes of the ridge. 3d Bn, 7th Marines, makes another fruitless effort to take Wana Ridge. In XXIV Corps area, 305th Inf of 77th Div slightly improves positions on Highway 5; 307th is still unable to take Chocolate Drop or Flattop but improves positions about former. 382d Inf, 96th Div, succeeds in holding crest of Dick Hill under fire from Flattop and starts clearing reverse slope. 3d Bn, 381st Inf, opens attack for Sugar Hill.

19 May

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, 25th Div, ordered to clear area W of Highway 5 as far as Imugan and N and W of Santa Fe, is reinf by 126th Inf, 32d Div. In XI Corps area, 152d Inf confines its activity against Woodpecker Ridge to local probing for next few days. Enemy resistance to 43d Div in Ipo area ends and mopping up is begun.

MINDANAO--In U.S. Eighth Army's X Corps area, 19th Inf of 24th Div, passing 2d Bn through 1st, continues NE up coastal road to Panacan. 2d Bn, 34th Inf, will renew attack on Hill 550.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army's III Amphib Corps area, 6th Mar Div consolidates positions and relieves depleted 29th Marines with 4th Marines. 5th Marines, 1st Mar Div, further neutralizes enemy positions in Wana Draw. 3d Bn, 7th Marines, continues assault on Wana Ridge until the 7th Marines is relieved by 1st Marines. In XXIV Corps area, beleaguered Co E of 307th Inf, 77th Div, withstands severe pressure on Ishimmi Ridge throughout day; at night, when relief force arrives, withdraws with very heavy casualties. Other elements of regt continue to consolidate positions around Chocolate Drop. Direct fire is placed on Flattop and Dick Hill. 382d Inf, 96th Div, is slowly expanding hold on reverse slope of Dick Hill. Elements of 383d Inf reach W end of King Hill, NW of Conical peak, but are driven off. 3d Bn, 381st Inf, continues southward attack toward Sugar Hill.

20 May

CHINA--Japanese are redeploying to defend Japan. They begin pulling back from Ho-chih, in Kwangsi Province on branch line to Kweiyang.

MINDANAO--In U.S. Eighth Army's X Corps area, 155th Inf of 31st Div drives northward along Sayre Highway to positions commanding Malaybalay; meets heavy enemy fire. 3d Bn of 19th Inf, 24th Div, returns to Davao from Samal I. 2d Bn, continuing N along coastal road, reaches Tibungko. 2d Bn, 34th Inf, begins assault on Hill 550, holding limited gains against violent night counterattacks. 3d Bn, 34th Inf, renews attack along Bancal-Mintal road in effort to contact 21st Inf; reaches positions within 400 yards of road junction E of Mintal.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army's III Amphib Corps area, 4th Marines, 6th Mar Div, attempts to clear rest of Horseshoe and Crescent features, which command Sugar Loaf, making limited progress on Horseshoe; repels enemy counterattacks at night, inflicting more than 200 casualties. 5th Marines, 1st Mar Div, seizes Hill 55 and advances into Wana Draw; 1st Marines takes crest of Wana Ridge in 2-pronged assault. In XXIV Corps area, 307th Inf of 77th Div finishes clearing Chocolate Drop and takes Flattop. 382d Inf, 96th Div, gains additional ground on reverse slope of Dick Hill. 3d Bn, 381st, pushes forward slowly toward Sugar Hill.

21 May

INDIA-BURMA--SOS merges with theater Hq, IBT G-4 replacing SOS commander. SOS is inactivated.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's XI Corps area, 38th Div commander orders 149th Inf to patrol Wawa area carefully. Patrols report enemy established on the dam itself. 3d Bn, 152d Inf, renews attack on Woodpecker Ridge with fire support of 1st and 2d Bns; crosses the ridge to draw between there and Regimental Objective Hill.

MINDANAO--In U.S. Eighth Army's X Corps area, 155th Inf of 31st Div, ordered to clear Malaybalay-Kalasungay region, temporarily halts northward


drive up Sayre Highway and takes Malaybalay, Japanese supply base, with ease. 1st Bn of 19th Inf, 24th Div, attacking N through 2d Bn, reaches Bunawan. To block enemy escape from 34th Inf E of Talomo R, 3d and 1st Bns, 21st Inf, cross the river N of Mintal and 1st Bn pushes northward. 3d Bn, 34th Inf, renews attack but cannot advance despite air support. After heavy preparatory fire, Co G, 34th Inf, secures rest of Hill 550, from which Japanese have now withdrawn.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army's III Amphib Corps area, 6th Mar Div continues to clear toward the Asato R on W flank of corps, fighting for Horseshoe and Crescent in Japanese Sugar Loaf defense system. Elements clear part of tunneled interior of the Horseshoe but efforts of others to expand hold on Crescent fail. 1st Mar Div is attacking toward Shuri Ridge, last feature covering Shuri Castle on W; makes slow progress against reverse slope of Wana Ridge and resists enemy efforts to regain forward slopes. In XXIV corps area, 77th Div replaces 305th Inf, just N of Shuri on Route 5, with 306th. Co A, 307th Inf, reaches base of Jane Hill, SW of Flattop, where it is isolated until the 30th and exposed to intense fire. 382d Inf, 96th Div, drives to edge of Oboe Hill 1,000 yards E of Shuri, and is halted there by enemy for some days. With capture of Sugar Hill by 3d Bn of 381st Inf, E slopes of Conical Hill are clear and enemy's right flank is turned. 184th Inf, 7th Div, starts southward along E coast at 1900 to envelop Shuri. Japanese decide to withdraw southward from Shuri.

22 May

INDIA-BURMA--Gen Stratemeyer's hq learns that C-54's are on the way to India. Because of redeployment needs, this is unexpected.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, elements of 27th Inf, 25th Div, are 2,000 yards SE of Santa Fe. In XI Corps area, platoon of Co A, 149th Inf, attacks to eliminate enemy position on Wawa Dam but is brought to a halt by fire. 152d Inf renews all-out attack and gains final objectives in area near junction of Mariquina and Bosoboso Rivers with assistance of flame-thrower tanks.

MINDANAO--In U.S. Eighth Army's X Corps area, RCT 108, continuing steadily southward along Sayre Highway, reaches positions near Impalutao. 155th Inf, 31st Div, after taking undefended Kalasungay, continues drive up Sayre Highway, surprising enemy force and inflicting heavy casualties. 2d Bn of 19th Inf, 24th Div, attacks through 1st Bn and reaches Tambongan. 1st Bn, 21st Inf, gains ground E of the Talomo, but gap still exists between it and 3d Bn, 34th Inf.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army area, rains, intermittent during past few days, become frequent and heavy during rest of month and early June, hampering operations. Japanese begin withdrawing their supplies and wounded from Shuri. III Amphib Corps, with supporting armor immobilized by mud, curtails its activities sharply. 4th Marines, 6th Mar Div, reaches N bank of the Asato R, on W flank, and send patrols across it at night. In XXIV Corps area, 383d Inf of 96th Div struggles for next few days to reduce Love Hill defenses in region W of Conical peak. 184th Inf, 7th Div, drives forward unmolested through ruins of Yonabaru to hills beyond.

23 May

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, 27th Inf of 25th Div is still stalled in spite of tank assistance. In XI Corps area, 1st Bn of 152d Inf pushes N toward Mariquina R.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army's X Corps area on Mindanao, entire Sayre Highway is opened as 155th Inf gains contact with RCT 108 S of Impalutao. 2d Bn of 19th Inf, 24th Div, reaches Ising area and makes patrol contact with Filipino guerrillas. 1st Bn, 21st Inf, takes road junction 1,700 yards N of Talomo bridge. Arty pounds area between it and 34th Inf. On Negros, 160th Inf overcomes final opposition on Dolan Hill in Negros Occidental with capture of pocket on N spur. 185th Inf continues slowly southward toward Hill 4055, final enemy strongpoint in Negros Occidental.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army's III Amphib Corps area, 6th Mar Div begins drive from the Asato to the Kokuba on W flank of corps. Since patrols S of the Asato are but moderately opposed, 2 bns of 4th Marines cross under smoke screen and start southward. In XXIV Corps area, 184th Inf of 7th Div, after securing line of departure from which 32d Inf can push W to envelop Shuri, protects left flank and rear of 32d Inf. 32d Inf, whose supporting armor is immobilized by mud, starts W along Naha-Yonabaru valley and reaches positions a mile SW of Yonabaru without great difficulty.

24 May

MINDANAO--In U.S. Eighth Army's X Corps area, 2d Bn of 19th Inf, 24th Div, effects junction with Filipino guerrillas near Tagum R. 21st and 34th Inf troops clearing Talomo R Valley continue efforts to link up.

RYUKYU IS.--In U.S. Tenth Army area, Japanese intensify air activity, night 24-25, concentrating on airfields on Okinawa and Ie Shima, as well as shipping offshore. Some airborne troops are landed


on Yontan field and destroy or damage a number of aircraft before being rounded up and killed. In III Amphib Corps area on Okinawa, elements of 6th Mar Div Rcn Co cross the Asato, which engineers bridge, and enter NW Naha without opposition. In XXIV Corps area, Japanese attack troops of 382d Inf, 96th Div, on Oboe Hill in company strength and force 2 cos of 1st Bn off. 1st Bn is reduced to co strength. Japanese retire leaving 150 dead. 2d Bn, 383d Inf, replaces 2d Bn, 382d, on Oboe. 5th Marines, 1st Mar Div, patrols to Asato. 32d Inf, 7th Div, begins probing to develop enemy defenses that cross Yonabaru valley SE of Shuri. 184th Inf extends positions slightly southward. Enemy counterattacks toward Yonabaru, night 24-25, achieving limited penetration of 32d Inf line.

25 May

CHINA--Maj Gen Henry S. Aurand assumes duties as head of SOS.

MINDANAO--In U.S. Eighth Army's X Corps area, 19th Inf of 24th Div consolidates for next few days and prepares to drive W on Mandog. 21st and 34th Regts continue to clear Talomo R Valley; 34th finds hill strongpoint that has been delaying it undefended.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army's III Amphib Corps area, 4th Marines, 6th Mar Div, gains Machishi and most of ridge line W of there. Div Rcn Co completes its crossing of the Asato and only meets stragglers as it pushes through the part of the city W of N-S canal.

U.S.--Joint Chiefs of Staff approve directive for Operation OLYMPIC, invasion of Japanese home islands, scheduled for 1 November 1945

26 May

CHINA--Continuing redeployment for defense of Japan, Japanese withdraw from Yung-ning, severing land route to Indochina. Chinese recapture Nanning.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, 27th Inf of 25th Div finally clears ravine N of Balete Pass and gets patrol into Santa Fe. In XI Corps area, 151st Inf of 38th Div, on left of 149th, has cleared Wawa Road and secured supply route. Reinf platoon from Co A closes in on Wawa but is forced to withdraw; in another attempt secures the barrio.

MINDANAO--In U.S. Eighth Army's X Corps area, Co I of 167th Inf, 31st Div, bypasses enemy positions on Talomo Trail to reach Pulangi R near Sanipon. 1st Bn moves forward to assist 3d Bn.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army area, Japanese combat units begin withdrawal from Shuri and are targets for aircraft, arty, and naval gunfire. In XXIV Corps area, 184th Inf of 7th Div drives southward along E coast to next ridge line with ease, but 32d Inf incurs heavy casualties while attempting vainly to take Dick Hill in Japanese defense line E of Chan.

27 May

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, rest of 1st Bn, 27th Inf, 25th Div, moves into Santa Fe. This concludes corps' mountain fighting and bitter struggle for Villa Verde Trail. RCT 145 passes to corps control from XI Corps and reverts to 37th Div. In XI Corps area, 149th Inf of 38th Div is ordered to take Wawa Dam, from which enemy appears to be withdrawing. 1st Bn, jumping off in afternoon, drives to within 50 yards of the dam, where it is halted by enemy fire, and falls back to position 200 yards W of the dam for night.

MINDANAO--In U.S. Eighth Army's X Corps area, Filipinos of guerrilla 118th Inf and elements of 167th Inf, 31st Div, establish bridgehead across the Pulangi near Sanipon. Progress of 167th Inf along Talomo Trail from this point is extremely slow for the next month. 91st and 34th Regts, 24th Div, establish contact, concluding action to clear Talomo R Valley.

RYUKYU IS.--Japanese open two-day air strikes on shipping. In U.S. Tenth Army's III Amphib Corps area on Okinawa, co of 2d Bn, 22d Marines, 6th Mar Div, crosses the Asato and advances through Rcn Co to deepen penetration into W part of Naha. Opposition is still negligible. In XXIV Corps area, 32d Inf of 7th Div is unable to dent enemy's strong defense line covering Shuri.

POA--Adm Halsey, Third Fleet commander, takes control of all naval forces attached to Fifth Fleet at midnight 27-28, and the figure "5" in TF designations is changed to "3." TF 58 becomes TF 38 and Vice Adm. John S. McCain succeeds Vice Adm. Marc A. Mitscher as its commander.

28 May

BURMA--Br Twelfth Army, under command of Gen Stopford, formerly commander of 33 Corps, which is disbanded, establishes hq at Rangoon and takes control of all Allied troops in Burma, with responsibility for future operations within and from Burma. Hq, Fourteenth Army, is withdrawn to India to take command of 15 and 34 Corps for Operation ZIPPER. In addition to 4 Corps (Ind 5th, 17th, and 19th Divs), Br Twelfth Army has under its command Ind 7th Div reinf by Ind 268th Brig, Ind 20th Div, and 6th Brig of 2d Br Div. The Twelfth Army also has operational control over W


African 82d Div and E African 22d Brig, as well as Burma National Army.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, 37th Div is directed to relieve 25th Div in Santa Fe sector and drive N astride Highway 5 toward Aritao on 31st. Elements of 128th Inf, 32d Div, take Imugan and establish contact with 126th Inf, which has been attached to 25th Div. Corps is ordered to exploit breakthrough. Philippine guerrilla forces are placed under corps and ordered to capture Cervantes. In XI Corps area, 1st Bn of 149th Inf takes Wawa Dam without opposition. This is the last major objective of corps E of Manila.

NEGROS--In U.S. Eighth Army area in Negros Oriental, 164th Inf finishes clearing enemy from ridge positions and begins extensive mopping up operations.

OKINAWA--Continuing air attacks in strength, Japanese planes hit a number of ships and sink USS Drexler (DD). More than a hundred enemy planes, including kamikazes, are shot down. This is the last strong enemy air effort against Okinawa. In U.S. Tenth Army area, weather conditions improve briefly, permitting more extensive action. In III Amphib Corps area, marines of 22d Regt, 6th Mar Div, in Naha push forward to the Kokuba estuary with ease but evoke strong reaction when trying to reconnoiter Ona-Yama I., in Naha Harbor. Engineers bridge the canal in Naha after nightfall. 29th Marines relieves 4th Marines and advances almost to the Kokuba. 5th Marines, 1st Mar Div, takes Beehive Hill on lower end of Shuri Ridge. In XXIV Corps area, 32d Inf of 7th Div confines its activity to patrolling; 184th Inf is held up by opposition at Hill 69, N of Karadera village.

29 May

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army area, I Corps prepares for operation to clear Cagayan Valley. 37th Div is to attack through 25th Div toward Aritao while Philippine guerrilla forces seize Cervantes. Each will then be prepared to move into Cagayan Valley. 25th and 32d Divs have security missions. 129th Inf, 37th Div, motors to Santa Fe for drive on Aritao.

MINDANAO--In U.S. Eighth Army's X Corps area, 19th Inf of 24th Div opens westward drive on Mandog, last enemy defensive position at N edge of Davao Plain, employing 3d Bn and assisted by aircraft.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army's III Amphib Corps area, 6th Mar Div drives eastward with 29th Marines on left and 22d on right. 22d Marines crosses canal into E Naha, where enemy is prepared to make a stand. 1st Bn of 5th Marines, 1st Mar Div, takes Shuri Ridge, S of Wana Draw, and crosses into 77th Div zone to occupy undefended Shuri Castle at 1015. Bypassing enemy opposition, 1st Marines moves forward and relieves 1st Bn, 5th Marines. In XXIV Corps area, 77th Div is pressing southward toward Shuri. On 7th Div left, 184th Inf continues to battle enemy at hill near Karadera.

30 May

SEAC--Adm Mountbatten meets in Delhi with commanders of Operations ZIPPER and MAILFIST (conquests of Malaya and Singapore, respectively) and decides that these operations shall at first be under command of 34 Corps and that hq of Fourteenth Army and 15 Corps shall be moved in about D plus 50.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army's III Amphib Corps area, 2d and 3d Bns of 22d Marines, 6th Mar Div, cross canal in Naha and attack through 1st Bn; assisted by direct tank fire, take Hill 27 at SE edge of Naha. 1st Mar Div forces in Shuri are being supplied by air and carrying parties. XXIV Corps makes substantial gains as enemy rear-guard opposition weakens. 77th Div takes 3 hills E of Shuri (Dorothy, Jane, and Tom), former strongpoints in enemy's inner defenses of Shuri; find an elaborate network of cave defenses on Dorothy. Right flank elements of 77th Div cross into III Amphib Corps zone and begin attack for 100 Meter Hill. 96th Div pushes forward all along its front, clearing most of its zone N of Yonabaru-Shuri-Naha road. Among hill positions taken are Hen Hill, which enemy has successfully defended for 9 days, Love Hill, and reverse slope of Oboe. In coordinated westward attack, 32d Inf of 7th Div seizes Oak, Ella, and June Hills, SW of Yonawa; patrols of 184th Inf push into Chinen Peninsula without incident.

31 May

SEAC--Since British and U.S. interests in Asia are now widely divergent, U.S. Air Forces units, including Tenth Air Force and U.S. components of EAC, are withdrawn from SEAC and returned to operational control of AAF. EAC is inactivated. India-Burma Theater is to support China as a diversion for operations in the Pacific while SEAC prepares to recapture Malaya and Singapore.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, 129th Inf of 37th Div opens northward drive into Cagayan Valley from Santa Fe along Highway 5. Forward elements reach positions 6,000 yards N of Santa Fe. TF Connolly (Maj Robert V. Connolly, 123d Inf) is organized and attached to the guerrilla U.S. Army Forces in the Philippines (Northern Luzon) for drive on Aparri. The TF, about 800


men, will drive NE along Route 3; upon arrival in Aparri area will be reinf by bn of guerrillas.

NEGROS OCCIDENTAL--In U.S. Eighth Army area, organized resistance ends as enemy withdraws from last strongpoint, Hill 4055, into mountains.

MINDANAO--In X Corps area, 2d Bn of 19th Inf, 24th Div, joins 3d Bn in drive toward Mandog.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army's III Amphib Corps area, 6th Mar Div, continuing E along heights N of the Kokuba, runs into strong rear-guard opposition in vicinity of Hill 46. Enemy positions are softened by direct tank fire and arty bombardment. 1st Marines, 1st Mar Div, is withdrawn as reserve and will mop up in Shuri sector. In XXIV Corps area, 77th Div, after taking 100 Meter Hill, pushes into ruins of Shuri, from which Japanese have withdrawn in an orderly fashion, and is pinched out by friendly forces on flanks. 96th Div finishes clearing its zone and establishes contact with 1st Mar Div. Continuing to press W, 7th Div overcomes resistance on hills near Chan, completing its current mission.

1 June

SEAC--Adm Mountbatten informs Chiefs of Staff that he has decided to postpone D Day for ZIPPER from late August to 9 September.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, 129th Inf of 37th Div continues rapidly northward against scattered resistance.

MINDANAO--In U.S. Eighth Army's X Corps area, 19th Inf of 24th Div continues westward during next few days, getting into position for assault on Mandog.

OKINAWA--Since enemy has made good his escape from Shuri, U.S. Tenth Army begins southward pursuit, abandoning envelopment maneuvers aimed at splitting Japanese forces on Okinawa. In III Amphib Corps area, after clearing Hill 46, 6th Mar Div seizes Shichina and northern branch of the Kokuba. To E, 5th Marines, 1st Mar Div, are patrolling across the Kokuba. At night, 6th Mar Div Rcn Co crosses Kokuba estuary to reconnoiter in preparation for amphibious operations against Oroku Peninsula. XXIV Corps, upon regrouping, pursues enemy southward. 96th Div, on right flank, relieves 32d Inf of 7th Div and begins to clear opposition near Chan. 77th Div covers rear of 96th Div and mops up in Shuri area. 7th Div, shifting E, pushes southward on E flank of corps with 17th Inf on right and 184th on left, clearing 2 hills of rear-guard opposition.

2 June

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's XI Corps area, 43d Div completes mop up of Ipo area.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army's III Amphib Corps area, 7th Marines of 1st Mar Div takes up positions along the Kokuba, releasing 6th Mar Div, which is to conduct amphibious operation against Oroku Peninsula. In XXIV Corps area, 96th Div, after cleaning out Chan area, speeds southward in pursuit of enemy for next few days, as does 7th Div to E.

3 June

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, forward elements of 129th Inf, 37th Div, reach positions 9,500 yards N of Santa Fe.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army's III Amphib Corps area, 1st Mar Div thrusts S across the Kokuba, 7th Marines moving forward to seal off Oroku Peninsula and 5th Marines driving southward to vicinity of Gisushi. In XXIV Corps area, 96th and 7th Divs continue quickly southward. 305th Inf, 77th Div, plugs gap developing between the corps. Patrol of 184th Inf, 7th Div, reaches SE coast of Okinawa near Hyakuna, cutting off Chinen Peninsula; 32d Inf starts reconnoitering the peninsula.

4 June

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, 129th Inf of 37th Div patrols to Aritao.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army area, intercorps boundary is shifted W to place Yaeju-Dake Escarpment within XXIV Corps zone. In III Amphib Corps area, after preparatory bombardment, 6th Mar Div lands 4th Marines, followed by 29th Marines, on N Oroku Peninsula. Pushing inland, marines clear about half of Naha airfield. 6th Rcn Co seizes Ono-Yama I. in Naha Inlet with ease, killing the few Japanese there. 7th Marines, 1st Mar Div, advances farther SW along base of Oroku Peninsula. 1st Marines drives S through 5th Marines. XXIV Corps, advancing rapidly against scattered resistance and swerving SW because of boundary change, reaches line Iwa-Minatoga. In coastal sector, 7th Div wades across Minatoga R.

5 June

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, 1st Bn of 129th Inf, 37th Div, seizes Aritao during morning and presses on; 145th Inf is in Aritao area.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army area, rains end but armor is still mired down and supply lines are dangerously overextended. In III Amphib Corps area, Japanese on Oroku Peninsula put up determined opposition that limits gains, but 6th Mar Div seizes most of Naha airfield. 7th Marines, 1st Mar Div, continues SW to seal off the peninsula while 1st Marines speeds S to Iwa area. XXIV


Corps drives to within 1,000-1,500 yards of enemy's final defense line on S Okinawa, extending from Yuza on W to E coast at Gushichan and containing 3 formidable terrain features: Yuza-Dake Escarpment, Yaeju-Dake Escarpment, and Hill 95.

6 June

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army area, I Corps pursues completely disorganized enemy through Bambang to Magat R; destroys delaying force at bridge and fords the river. In XIV Corps area, 5th Cav reverts to 1st Cav Div.

MINDANAO--In U.S. Eighth Army's X Corps area, 19th Inf of 24th Div gains positions from which to make final assault on Mandog.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army's III Amphib Corps area, 6th Mar Div clears rest of Naha airfield on Oroku Peninsula and advances its right flank along coast but is brought to a halt in center of the peninsula by tenacious enemy on Hill 57. To protect right flank of 1st Mar Div as it moves S, 22d Marines is released from corps reserve to establish line across base of Oroku Peninsula. 7th Marines pushes forward to vicinity of Dakiton. In XXIV Corps area, rapid pursuit ends as corps approaches enemy's new defense line. After moving through Yunagusuku, 1st Bn of 381st Inf, 96th Div, attempts to drive up Yaeju-Dake Escarpment but meets intense fire when coming within range of enemy guns and falls back. 7th Div advances its right flank very slowly but its left is held up at ridge extending NE from Hill 95.

7 June

CHINA--Gen McClure directs Chinese armies of Kwangsi Command (not a part of ALPHA Force) to prepare to open Operation CARBONADO--to clear Hong Kong-Canton area--with assault on Fort Bayard. 3 ALPHA armies (8th, 54th, and New First) are to join in the CARBONADO offensive. In Hunan Province, Chinese stop pursuing the Japanese forces, whose offensive they halted short of Chihchiang in May. The pursuit ends at Paoching, the point from which the Japanese had begun their offensive.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, 3d Bn of 129th Inf, 37th Div, pursues enemy toward Solano.

MINDANAO--In U.S. Eighth Army's X Corps area, 19th Inf of 24th Div begins assault on Mandog.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army's III Amphib Corps area, Japanese on Oroku Peninsula, determined to resist until death, are delaying 6th Mar Div, but marines clear Hill 57 strongpoint with aid of tanks. 1st Mar Div continues southward. 7th Marines reaches coast N of Itoman, sealing off Oroku Peninsula. XXIV Corps, while awaiting supplies for strong attack, conducts limited probing actions. Aircraft and arty pound Japanese defense line to neutralize it.

8 June

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, 145th Inf of 37th Div, attacking through 129th Inf, drives through Solano to junction of Highways 4 and 5; while main body pushes on to within 1,000 yards of Bagabag, patrols probe to Magat R east of Bagabag to secure crossing of Highway 5 over it.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army's III Amphib Corps area, 6th Mar Div is slowly pocketing enemy in Tomigusuki sector of Oroku Peninsula against vicious opposition. 1st Mar Div drives southward toward enemy's final defense line. XXIV Corps continues preparations for all-out assault on Yaeju-Dake Escarpment. Port of Minatoga is opened for use, easing supply situation. 7th Div works slowly forward on E flank of corps in limited action, but enemy retains firm hold on Hill 95; 32d Inf, which has been patrolling on Chinen Peninsula, relieves 184th Inf on div's left flank.

U.S.--Gen Marshall queries Gen Wedemeyer as to why the air forces in China have not been put under command of Gen Stratemeyer, who has been raised in rank for that purpose.

9 June

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army area, I Corps cuts Japanese escape routes from Cagayan Valley. 1st Bn of 145th Inf, 37th Div, seizes Bagabag and blocks road NW of the barrio while 3d Bn secures crossing of Magat R east of Bagabag on Highway 5.

MINDANAO--In U.S. Eighth Army's X Corps area, 19th Inf of 24th Div penetrates enemy's last defensive position on Mindanao with capture of Mandog. Marine aircraft are unusually active over island during day.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army's III Amphib Corps area, enemy's last chance to escape from Oroku Peninsula is lost as 4th and 22d Marines of 6th Mar Div establish contact. 1st Mar Div is approaching Kunishi Ridge, where Japanese are firmly established for final stand on Okinawa. XXIV Corps continues preparations for concerted assault on Japanese defense line. 7th Div attacks on E flank of corps with elements of 2 regts. 3d Bn, 17th Inf, advances to SE end of Yaeju-Dake Escarpment; 1st Bn, 32d Inf, tries unsuccessfully to take Hill 95 and ridge in front of it, but eliminates some enemy positions.


10 June

BURMA--In Br Twelfth Army area, Loilem falls to Detachment 101--guerrillas led by OSS personnel. Detachment 101 has been clearing Shan Hills since end of NCAC campaign.

CHINA--Chinese forces pursuing enemy toward Liuchow take I-shan.

PACIFIC--AFPAC and USAFFE are consolidated.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, 37th Div is relieved of all security duties S of Aritao; 1st Bn, 148th Inf, is to take over Bagabag area so 145th Inf can continue along Highway 5; 145th Inf runs into accurate fire from heights commanding Orioung Pass and almost comes to a halt; 1st Bn, 148th Inf, drives N along Highway 4 to S edge of Lantap.

NEI--Aus 9th Div lands on mainland of Borneo at Brunei Bay and on islands of Labuan and Muara. Allied aircraft and Seventh Fleet support the operation.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army's III Amphib Corps area, bitter fighting continues on Oroku Peninsula, where 6th Mar Div compresses Japanese into area 1,000 yards by 2,000 yards. In local counter attacks after nightfall, 200 Japanese lose their lives. 7th Marines, 1st Mar Div, takes ridge just N of Tera and drives through Itoman; 1st Marines seizes hill W of town of Yuza but pays heavy price in casualties. XXIV Corps begins all-out assault on Japanese defense line, with tank support that is now adequate. While 383d Inf, 96th Div, is pressing toward town of Yuza, 381st gets 2 cos to intermediate ledge in saddle between Yaeju-Dake and Yuza-Dake peaks. 17th Inf, 7th Div, employs softening fire extensively against its portion of Yaeju-Dake; 32d Inf, assisted by naval gunfire as well as arty and flame-throwing tanks, secures key ridge in front of Hill 95 at coast line.

11 June

CHINA--Japanese regain I-shan from Chinese.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, 145th Inf of 37th Div battles enemy at Orioung Pass, gaining some ground; 1st Bn, 148th Inf, neutralizes strongpoint in Lantap, patrols into Santa Lucia, and drives N to Lamut R.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army's III Amphib Corps area, 6th Mar Div, in strong effort to eliminate enemy on Oroku Peninsula, compresses Japanese into area 1,000 yards square. 7th Marines, 1st Mar Div, tries vainly to cross open ground leading to Kunishi Ridge; 1st Marines takes Hill 69, W of Ozato. In XXIV Corps area, 383d Inf of 96th Div reaches town of Yuza but withdraws under heavy fire from the S; 381st gets entire 1st Bn to ledge of saddle between Yaeju-Dake and Yuza-Dake peaks, holds there against early morning counterattack, and places neutralizing fire on caves on Yaeju-Dake peak. 17th Inf, 7th Div, continues to neutralize positions and prepares for night assault on Yaeju-Dake; enemy's entire line on Yaeju-Dake Escarpment is endangered as elements of 32d Inf take Hill 95 on E flank.

12 June

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, 6th Div takes responsibility for Highway 5 S of Bayombong, relieving 37th Div, which is to concentrate on clearing Cagayan Valley. 1st Bn of 129th Inf, 37th Div, relieves 1st Bn, 148th, of responsibility for security of Highway 4 N of Bagabag so latter can follow 145th Inf along Highway 5. Continuing attack on Orioung Pass, 145th Inf pushes through it; clears town of Orioung and drives N to commanding ground N of Balite.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army's III Amphib Corps area, Japanese resistance on Oroku Peninsula begins to crack as converging columns of 6th Mar Div maintain pressure and further reduce the small pocket. Some of the enemy defense force continue to resist but others are committing suicide or surrendering. In 1st Mar Div zone, 7th Marines, advancing at 0300 under cover of darkness, gains positions on W end of Kunishi Ridge. 1st Marines mops up and consolidates on Hill 69 and patrols toward Kunishi Ridge. In XXIV Corps area, 383d Inf of 96th Div drives through Yuza again but is held up short of Yuza peak; 381st, with 3 bns in assault on div left, drives to base of Yaeju-Dake Escarpment and by envelopment maneuver reaches positions on steepest part. Predawn assault by 17th Inf, 7th Div, takes enemy by surprise and gains the regt its assigned portion of the escarpment. Japanese still hold Yaeju-Dake peak but SE end of their defense line has been penetrated.

13 June

CHINA--Gen Wedemeyer writes Gen Marshall that since Japanese withdrawals have virtually eliminated Phase I of projected offensive against Canton-Hong Kong area, plans are being made to use Nanning-Liuchow-Kweilin area as base for the operation. Japanese still hold Liuchow and Kweilin but are expected to abandon them soon.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, Gen Beightler, in order to exploit capture of Orioung Pass, organizes an armored column (37th Rcn Tr reinf by a platoon of light tanks and supported by a co of motorized infantry) and attaches it to 145th Inf, 37th Div. The armored column pushes into


plain of Cagayan Valley, driving through Cordon to Santiago. Elements of 148th Inf start forward to Orioung area. Japanese counterattack and block the road in Orioung Pass for night. 20th Inf, 6th Div, relieves 129th Inf of highway security S of Bayombong.

NEI--On Borneo, Australian forces capture Brunei town.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army's III Amphib Corps area, organized resistance on Oroku Peninsula ends. 6th Mar Div, during 12th and 13th, bags a record number of Japanese prisoners, 159 in all. By dawn, 7th Marines, 1st Mar Div, has 6 cos clinging to positions on Kunishi Ridge under heavy fire that exacts 140 casualties. Marines are being supplied by aircraft and tanks. XXIV Corps, assisted by armored flame throwers, is destroying in detail Japanese in their cave positions. Battleground is now generally level except for some coral outcroppings. Japanese are still firmly entrenched on commanding ground of Yuza-Dake and Yaeju-Dake peaks and on Hills 153 and 115, from W to E.

14 June

BURMA--Adm Mountbatten attends Burma Victory Parade in Rangoon and while in Rangoon continues to plan for ZIPPER (recapture of Malaya). The operations will be mounted on 9 September, as planned, but on a drastically reduced scale.

CHINA--Chinese recover I-shan and pursue enemy toward Liuchow.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, Highway 5 at Orioung Pass is cleared of enemy block. Armored column followed by 1st Bn of 145th Inf, 37th Div, drives through Ipil to Echague; from Santiago, 3d Bn, 145th Inf, starts along road running SW to Oscariz thence NE to Cabatuan and E to Cauayan where it joins Highway 5; 148th Inf, less security details at San Luis and Cordon, moves to Santiago area. XIV Corps turns responsibility for the Bicols over to Filipino guerrillas.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army's III Amphib Corps area, 6th Mar Div is mopping up on Oroku Peninsula. 7th Marines, 1st Mar Div, holds firmly on W end of Kunishi Ridge under enemy fire. To ease pressure, 2d Bn, 1st Marines, attacks toward E end of the ridge at 0300; gains and holds this objective despite violent opposition. Tanks play an important role in the Kunishi Ridge battle, moving troops and supplies forward, evacuating the wounded, and blasting enemy from their positions. XXIV Corps continues to destroy enemy's elaborate cave defenses. 383d Inf, 96th Div, is still held up short of Yuza peak, but 381st drives to top of Yaeju-Dake peak. 7th Div is clearing Hills 153 and 115 on E flank of corps.

U.S.--Joint Chiefs of Staff direct Generals MacArthur and Arnold and Adm Nimitz to prepare plans for immediate occupation of Japan in the event that foe suddenly collapses or capitulates.

15 June

BURMA--In Br Twelfth Army area, 101st Detachment, OSS, successfully concludes its mission of clearing Shan Hills. Detachment is disbanded in July.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, Cervantes, on Highway 4, falls to Philippine guerrilla forces in North Luzon. 145th Inf, 37th Div, continues advance into Cagayan Valley; 1st Bn pushes N on Highway 5 to Ganano R; 3d Bn eliminates enemy strongpoint some 4,000 yards from Santiago, on road to Cabatuan. XI Corps takes over sector of XIV Corps and control of 11th A/B Div, 1st Cav Div, and RCT 158. XIV Corps prepares to conduct operations in N Luzon as directed by Eighth Army.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army's III Amphib Corps area, 6th Mar Div, exploring elaborate underground defense system of Japanese hq on Oroku Peninsula, finds nearly 200 Japanese dead. Among them are commanding officer and several members of his staff who have committed suicide. Marines of 1st Mar Div on W and E ends of Kunishi Ridge are unable to expand their positions and suffer further casualties. 2d Bn, 5th Marines, relieves 2d Bn, 1st Marines, on E end of the ridge after nightfall. 8th Marines, 2d Mar Div, lands on Oroku Peninsula and is attached to 1st Mar Div. XXIV Corps continues to work toward Yuza peak on W and Hills 153 and 115 on E, clearing Japanese positions methodically as it goes. Elements of 382d Inf, 96th Div, replace center elements of 383d and succeed in taking N slope of Yuza peak.

NEI--Islands of Labuan and Muara, off Borneo, are now clear of enemy.

16 June

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, 37th Div columns converge on Cauayan: 2d Bn of 148th Inf, passing through 1st Bn of 145th on Highway 5, drives on to Cauayan; 2d Bn, 145th Inf, advancing through 3d Bn, 145th Inf, moves to Cauayan via Cabatuan; from Cauayan, 2d Bn of 148th Inf continues N toward Naguilian.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army's III Amphib Corps area, 6th Mar Div prepares to attack on S Okinawa. 7th Marines, 1st Mar Div, advances slightly on Kunishi Ridge and gains visual contact with 5th Marines to E. In XXIV Corps area, 382d Inf of 96th Div completes relief of 383d in line and continues assault on Yuza-Dake hill mass. Yuza-Dake


peak falls at last to 381st Inf. 7th Div's 17th and 32d Regts are clearing last commanding ground--Hills 153 and 115.

17 June

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, 2d Bn of 148th Inf, 37th Div, preceded by armored column, seizes Naguilian after forcing Cagayan R near there.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army area, III Amphib Corps gains ground on Kunishi Ridge, where enemy resistance weakens perceptibly after fresh U.S. troops are committed. 22d Marines, 6th Mar Div, replaces 2d Bn of 7th Marines, 1st Mar Div. In XXIV Corps area, final defense line of Japanese 32d Army collapses. 7th Div completes capture of Hills 153 and 115.

U.S.--Gen Arnold, in letter to Gen Wedemeyer, asks that Gen Stratemeyer replace Gen Chennault as head of air forces in China.

18 June

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, elements of 148th Inf, 37th Div, continuing N on Highway 5 with armored column spearheading, take Ilagan airfield and cross Ilagan R. Upon completion of treadway bridge across the Cagayan at Naguilian, armor and vehicles cross.

MINDANAO--In Eighth Army's X Corps area, organized resistance on Mindanao ends as 3d Bn of 163d Inf, 24th Div, reaches Calinan, 8 miles from Tugbok.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army area, Lt Gen Simon B. Buckner, Jr., is killed by enemy shell while visiting observation post of 8th Marines, 2d Mar Div. Gen Geiger, USMC, replaces him as commander of Tenth Army. In III Amphib Corps area, 6th Mar Div drives steadily forward on W flank of corps against sporadic resistance, but 1st Mar Div is desperately opposed near Medeera on E flank. Attack by 5th Marines against Hill 81, W of Medeera, fails. 8th Marines, 2d Mar Div, enters action, replacing elements of 7th Marines. In XXIV Corps area, 96th Div meets intense opposition near Aragachi and Medeera on right flank of corps. 7th Div, with 184th Inf on right and 32d on left, advances southward on E flank of corps against weakening resistance.

JAPAN--U.S. bombers begin attacks on secondary cities.

19 June

CHINA THEATER--Issues detailed plans for operation against Fort Bayard, which is to be taken on 1 August for use as forward supply base for main effort against Canton-Hong Kong area. India-Burma and China Theaters are both to support the operation.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, 3d Bn of 148th Inf, 37th Div, completes its crossing of the Cagayan, using newly constructed ponton treadway. It is passed through by 1st Bn, which drives to Moranoa and destroys small delaying force. The armored column moves E along the river and captures 5 enemy tanks.

OKINAWA--U.S. Tenth Army is reaping substantial results from psychological warfare program that has been going on for some time. 343 Japanese surrender. In III Amphib Corps area, 6th Mar Div continues southward on W flank of corps against scattered resistance. In 1st Mar Div sector, some elements of 8th and 5th Regts reach S coast; other elements of 5th Marines are still held up at Hill 81. In XXIV Corps area, 96th Div continues to battle enemy in Aragachi-Medeera area without making appreciable headway. To E, 7th Div presses on toward Udo and Mabuni.

20 June

CHINA--Gen Wedemeyer transmits to Gen Marshall his approval of Gen Arnold's recommendations of the 17th. Gen Stratemeyer is to command China Theater Air Forces. Under him, Generals Chennault and Davidson will head respectively the SAF and TAF.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, Philippine guerrilla units seize Tuguegarao, about midway between Aparri and Ilagan. Co B of 6th Ranger Bn, part of TF Connolly, crosses Cagayan R and enters Aparri without opposition, night 20-21. Spearheaded by armor, 1st Bn of 148th Inf, 37th Div, eliminates enemy position on Highway 5 about 4,000 yards N of Ilagan.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, Operations VICTOR I (Panay-Negros Occidental), VICTOR II (Cebu-Bohol-Negros Oriental), VICTOR III (Palawan), and VICTOR IV (Zamboanga) are officially closed.

NEI--Aus forces expand positions on Borneo with unopposed landing at Lutong, in Sarawak.

OKINAWA--U.S. Tenth Army takes almost a thousand prisoners, establishing a record. Japanese pocket in Medeera area in center of army front is still resisting strongly. In III Amphib Corps area, 29th Marines, on 6th Mar Div right, reaches S coast against light opposition, but 4th Marines is progressing more slowly in Kiyamu area. Japanese on Hill 81 continue to delay 5th Marines, 1st Mar Div. In XXIV Corps area, 96th Div takes Aragachi but cannot clear Hill 85, within the Medeera pocket. 32d Inf, 7th Div, reaches Hill 89, near Mabuni, where Japanese hq is located underground.


21 June

LUZON--U.S. Sixth Army directs XI Corps CG to be prepared to mount one Para inf bn for drop on Aparri area to prevent enemy's escape from there. In I Corps area, 148th Inf of 37th Div continues Cagayan Valley drive against scattered resistance. Ranger patrols from Aparri establish contact with Filipino guerrilla forces. 63d Inf, 6th Div, presses forward toward Kiangan; 20th Inf reaches Pingkian. 25th Div elements operating on Old Spanish Trail close in on Susuga Pass from N and S.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army's III Amphib Corps area, 6th Mar Div clears most of its zone. Hill 81 falls to 1st Mar Div. In XXIV Corps area, Japanese in the Medeera pocket continue to hold out on Hill 85, in 96th Div zone. 7th Div cleans out Hill 89 pocket near Mabuni.

22 June

CHINA--Japanese set fire to Liuchow in preparation for withdrawal. Chinese are in outskirts.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's XI Corps area, advance party of 8 persons flies N to mark landing area for airborne drop near Aparri. In I Corps area, attack elements of 148th Inf, 37th Div, take Tumauini, on Highway 5, and continue N to stream 9,000 yards SE of Cabagan; 129th Inf assembles at Tumauini to take over northward drive. Filipino guerrillas are forced from Tuguegarao under heavy fire. TF Connolly secures Dugo and Camalaniugan in Aparri area. 25th Div elements open Old Spanish Trail through Susuga Pass.

OKINAWA--U.S. Tenth Army completes capture of Okinawa and conducts flag-raising ceremony. Lt Gen Mitsuru Ushijima, commander of Japanese 32d Army, and his chief of staff commit suicide. U.S. battle casualties, during this last and most costly campaign against the Japanese, total 49,151, of which 12,520 are killed or missing and 36,631 wounded. About 110,000 Japanese are killed and 7,400 captured. Ship losses to enemy action, largely air, during the campaign total 36 sunk and 368 damaged. Japanese suffer heavy losses in aircraft, 7,800. American possession of Okinawa, with its air and naval bases, brings the war much closer to the Japanese homeland, the next objective in the Pacific.

NEI--Organized enemy resistance on Tarakan I., off Borneo, ceases.

23 June

BURMA--Gen Wheeler, USA, becomes commander of India-Burma Theater, replacing Gen Sultan.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, Fifth Air Force transports drop TF Gypsy under Lt Col Henry A. Burgess, consisting of reinforced 1st Bn of 511th Para Inf, 11th A/B Div, at airfield a few miles S of Aparri, at 0900. Parachutists and their glider-transported equipment land safely and without opposition. TF passes to control of corps. Parachutists establish contact with guerrillas and push S toward 37th Div. 37th Div, meanwhile, passing 129th Inf through 148th, speeds northward 11 miles on Highway 5.

OKINAWA--In U.S. Tenth Army area, Gen Stilwell, USA, relieves Gen Geiger, USMC, as commander of Tenth Army. Both corps begin systematic mopping up operations, working northward.

24 June

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, TF Gypsy continues southward; 129th Inf of 37th Div pushes northward 5½ miles and patrols vigorously on flanks.

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, 164th Inf of Americal Div returns to Cebu from Negros Oriental. Army zone, except for Mindanao, is now clear.

25 June

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, TF Gypsy, supplied by air, finds Gattaran undefended and advances to positions about 2,000 yards S of Duman R. 129th Inf, 37th Div, with air and arty support, takes Tuguegarao and Penablanca without incident.

26 June

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES--United Nations Conference on International Organization ends in San Francisco. United Nations Charter is signed by the participating nations but is not ratified until 24 October.

CHINA--Chinese forces take Liuchow airfield.

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, 129th Inf of 37th Div and TF Gypsy effect junction near Alcala on Highway 5. 37th Div takes command of TF Connolly, TF Gypsy, and Filipino guerrillas in the area.

MINDANAO--In U.S. Eighth Army's X Corps area, 167th Inf of 31st Div, which has been creeping forward along Talomo Trail, reaches Pinamola.

RYUKYU IS.--To enlarge air warning net in Okinawa area, special task group (TG 31.24) lands on Kume I. without opposition. The task group consists of troops from FMF Rcn Bn with one reinf rifle co from 1st Mar Div and small naval force. The island is subsequently covered by patrols.

JAPAN--B-29's of XXI BC begin night attacks on Japanese oil refineries.


27 June

LUZON--In U.S. Sixth Army's I Corps area, 129th Inf of 37th Div reaches Aparri, ending Cagayan Valley drive. This virtually concludes the Luzon Campaign as well.

29 June

RYUKYU IS.--Kume I. is declared secure.

30 June

P.I.--Luzon Campaign ends officially at midnight 30 June-1 July. U.S. Sixth Army turns over to U.S. Eighth Army the task of concluding operations on Luzon and regroups extensively for its next assignment, invasion of Japan (Operation OLYMPIC). Eighth Army takes command of XIV Corps, which will conduct the final mop up on Luzon. Two large pockets of enemy remain on N Luzon: about 11,000 Japanese are estimated to be concealed in Sierra Madre Mountains; and an estimated 12,000 are established in Kiangan-Bontoc area. Operations to eliminate these pockets continue until end of the war. Under XIV Corps command are 6th, 32d, 37th, and 38th Inf Divs plus Filipino guerrilla forces on the island. 24th Div is chosen for the final amphibious operation in the Philippines--a landing on Mindanao at Sarangani Bay. On Mindanao, X Corps continues to mop up until end of war.

RYUKYU IS.--U.S. Tenth Army completes mop up of Okinawa.

1 July

CHINA--Ch forces take Liuchow town.

NEI--Balikpapan, Borneo, target for strong aerial attacks for the past month and for naval gunfire since 24 June, is invaded by Australian forces after a final, intense 2-hour bombardment. U.S. Seventh Fleet puts the assault force, 7th Aus Div, ashore and supports the operation. Japanese resistance is light at first but increases as Australians drive inland.

2 July

S PHILIPPINES--In U.S. Eighth Army area, RCT 368 of 93d Div takes responsibility for Zamboanga sector on Mindanao and for islands of Palawan, Jolo, and Sanga Sanga, relieving troops of 41st Div, Sixth Army.

RYUKYU IS.--Campaign is officially ended.

NEI--Aus 7th Div takes Balikpapan, Borneo, and its oil installations; subsequently extends holdings in this area.

4 July

CHINA--Party of U.S. officers flies from India to Chungking to organize Hq, AAF, China Theater.

MINDANAO--In U.S. Eighth Army's X Corps area, 24th Div's Sarangani TF organizes to clear Sarangani Bay area by overland and amphibious operations. Patrol of 24th Rcn Troop (part of TF) sails from Talomo to Glan on southeast shore of bay, delivers arms to guerrilla 116th Inf, 106th Div, and in cooperation with guerrillas begins to clear east shores of bay.

5 July

NEI--Aus troops, covered by Allied warships, cross Balikpapan Bay, Borneo, and land on W shore at Penadjim Pt without opposition. Other Australian forces are extending control over key parts of Borneo.

6 July

CHINA--Gen Chennault requests and is soon granted permission to retire.

8 July

MINDANAO--In U.S. Eighth Army's X Corps area, 24th Div's Sarangani TF continues limited operations. Prov infantry bn of U.S. Army AAA troops and Combat Company of guerrilla 118th Inf, 106th Div, start southeast overland from Lake Buluan toward Sarangani Bay. Expeditionary Bn of guerrilla 108th Div starts overland southwest toward bay from Davao Gulf. Patrol of 24th Rcn Troop and elements of guerrilla 116th Inf reach Dadjangas on northwest shore of bay to reconnoiter for main landing.

9 July

NEI--Aus and Dutch forces complete encirclement of Balikpapan Bay, Borneo.

10 July

JAPAN--Carrier-based and land-based planes open powerful and sustained attacks on Japan in preparation for invasion. Airfields and industrial targets in Tokyo area are hit. Japanese air reaction is light.

INDIA--Naval personnel arrive in India for air movement to China, where they are to assist in Fort Bayard operation.


12 July

P.I.--In U.S. Eighth Army's XIV Corps area on Luzon, Kiangan falls to 6th Div, but Japanese continue to hold out in the area. Thousands of gallons of napalm have been dropped on enemy pocket in Kiangan area during last few days. 32d Div is advancing along Highway 11 against the other enemy pocket on N Luzon, in Sierra Madre Mountains. On Mindanao, in X Corps area, 1st Bn of 21st Inf, 24th Div (part of Sarangani TF), lands on north shore of Sarangani Bay against no opposition. Prov bn from Lake Buluan reaches point 20 miles northwest of bay; Expeditionary Bn of guerrilla 108th Div reaches point 15 miles northeast of bay; guerrilla 116th Inf clears additional areas along bay's shore.

13 July

MINDANAO--In X Corps area, contact is made between 1st Bn, 21st Inf, and Prov bn from Lake Buluan at point 15 miles northwest of Sarangam Bay.

15 July

MINDANAO--In X Corps area, guerrilla 116th Inf and Expeditionary Bn, 108th Div, make contact 10 miles northeast of Sarangani Bay, marking contact between all elements of 24th Div's Sarangani TF.

16 July

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES--TERMINAL Conference opens at Potsdam, Germany, to draw up terms for Japanese surrender and discuss military and political issues connected with the termination of hostilities. Representatives of the Soviet Union, Britain, and the United States attend.

U.S.--An atomic bomb is tested successfully at Los Alamos, New Mexico.

17 July

JAPAN--Units of Br Pacific Fleet join with U.S. Third Fleet warships in bombarding Japan. Japanese offer no opposition. This is the first of a series of combined American-British assaults on Japan.

18 July

GUAM--U.S. Army Strategic Air Forces is established at Guam under Gen Spaatz.

NEI--Advance elements of Aus 7th Div find Sambodja oil center on Borneo undefended.

20 July

MINDANAO--In U.S. Eighth Army's X Corps area, Co F of 34th Inf, 24th Div, lands on Balut I. at entrance to Sarangani Bay and searches the island, finding few Japanese.

23 July

CHINA--Hq, U.S. Tenth Air Force, opens at Kunming.

25 July

MINDANAO--In X Corps area, last organized Japanese resistance in Sarangani Bay sector collapses. Patrols mop up a few more Japanese until 11 August.

26 July

INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS--Potsdam ultimatum is issued, calling for Japan to surrender unconditionally or face "utter destruction."

27 July

CHINA--Chinese break into Kweilin and by end of month clear rear-guard opposition. Other Chinese forces take Tanchuk airfield.

30 July

JAPAN--Rejects the Potsdam ultimatum. Nevertheless, Gen Marshall, in behalf of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, directs Gens MacArthur and Wedemeyer and Adm Nimitz to co-ordinate plans for the surrender.

2 August


5 August

CHINA--Ch 13th Army takes town of Tanchuk. Ch 58th Div recaptures Hsinning.

6 August

JAPAN--B-29 drops an atomic bomb on Hiroshima.

GUAM--Final details for operation against Fort Bayard are worked out on Guam between representatives of the China and the Pacific Theaters.


7 August

LUZON--Advance detachment of Hq, U.S. First Army, arrives to prepare for operations against Japan.

8 August

USSR--Declares war on Japan, effective on 9 August.

9 August

JAPAN--Atomic Bomb is dropped on Nagasaki.

MANCHURIA--Soviet Forces pour into Manchuria.

10 August

JAPAN--Japanese Government offers to surrender "without prejudice to the Emperor's position."

11 August

U.S.--Replies to Japanese surrender offer.

12 August

U.S.--War Department suspends projected operations against Fort Bayard since end of hostilities is imminent.

KOREA--Soviet troops move into Korea.

13 August

U.S.--Surrender documents, approved by President Truman, are sent to Gen MacArthur.

14 August

JAPAN--Accepts Allied unconditional surrender terms. 11th A/B Div moves by air from the Philipines to Okinawa en route to Japan.

15 August

PACIFIC--Gen MacArthur receives notice that he is Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers. All offensive action against Japan comes to an end.

19 August

LUZON--Japanese delegation arrives in Manila for conference on formal surrender arrangements.

20 August

LUZON--The Japanese delegation leaves Manila for Tokyo with instructions about the occupation of Japan and signing of final peace terms.

28 August

JAPAN--Occupation of Japan, delayed 48 hours by typhoon, begins as advance party arrives there.

30 August

JAPAN--Occupation of Japan in force is begun by U.S. forces. 11th A/B Div is flown to Atsugi Airfield, and 4th Marines, 6th Mar Div, lands at Yokosuka Naval Base.

HONG KONG--Br naval force reoccupies that British colony.

2 September

INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS--Hostilities with Japan officially end with signing of instrument of surrender aboard the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay. U.S. Army battle casualties during World War II total 936,259, or about 9 percent of the 10,420,000 military personnel who served in the U.S. Army and Army Air Forces.

(On 31 December 1946, hostilities are declared terminated by Presidential proclamation.)


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Transcribed and formatted by Jerry Holden for the HyperWar Foundation
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