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The Year of Our Lord 1617

Bishop Events

July to December

See Also: January to June | Overview | Diocese Events | Necrology | Previous Year (1616) | Next Year (1618)

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DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
3 Jul57.5AppointedPaolo Emilio SantoroArchbishop of Cosenza, ItalyArchbishop of Urbino, Italy
36.5AppointedRoberto UbaldiniCardinal-Priest of Santa PudenzianaCardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Montepulciano, Italy
9 Jul41.5Ordained BishopPierre Antoine TriestBishop of Brugge {Bruges}, BelgiumBishop of Gent {Ghent, Gand}, Belgium
10 JulDiedNicolas de la Courbe de BreBishop of Saintes, France
16 Jul57.5Ordained BishopPaolo Emilio SantoroArchbishop of Cosenza, ItalyArchbishop of Urbino, Italy
17 Jul47.5AppointedGiovanni Battista Agatich, O.S.A. †Bishop of Senj, CroatiaBishop of Senj (-Modruš), Croatia
49.2ResignedMaffeo BarberiniBishop of Spoleto, ItalyPope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
DiedCharles de Bourgneuf de CucBishop of Nantes, France
45.5AppointedLorenzo CastrucciBishop of Spoleto, Italy
AppointedFabrizio LandrianiBishop of Pavia, Italy
30 Jul45.5Ordained BishopLorenzo CastrucciBishop of Spoleto, Italy
AppointedPedro de ValenciaBishop of La Paz, Bolivia
31 Jul43.8ConfirmedGeorg Friedrich Greiffenclau von VollradsBishop of Worms, GermanyArchbishop of Mainz, Germany
13 AugDiedFranois Rouxel de MdavyBishop of Lisieux, France
15 Aug23.6Ordained BishopBalthazar de BudosTitular Bishop of Augustopolis in PhrygiaBishop of Agde, France
21 Aug44.6AppointedLuis Daz Aux de Armendriz, O. Cist. †Bishop of Jaca, SpainBishop of Urgell, Spain
42.6AppointedAugustin Potier de BlancmesnilBishop of Beauvais, France
22 Aug20.6Ordained PriestPompeo Mignucci, O.S.H. †Priest of Orden de San JernimoBishop of Acquapendente, Italy
30 AugBornHyacinthe Serroni, O.P. †Archbishop of Albi, France
SepDiedCornelio SozomenoBishop of Pula (Pola), Croatia
1 Sep70.6DiedJuan Vigil de Quiones y LabiadaBishop of Segovia, Spain
3 SepOrdained BishopPetrus Pitarca, O.F.M. †Bishop of Termia (Thermae), Greece
4 Sep49.6AppointedPedro de Perea (Prez Daz), O.S.A. †Bishop of Arequipa, Peru
10 SepOrdained BishopFabrizio LandrianiBishop of Pavia, Italy
32.6Ordained BishopAlfonso SacratiBishop of Comacchio, ItalyBishop Emeritus
13 Sep72.4DiedJulius Echter von MespelbrunnBishop of Wrzburg, Germany
17 Sep42.7Ordained BishopAugustin Potier de BlancmesnilBishop of Beauvais, France
18 Sep43.7AppointedFrancisco de CastroBishop of Guarda, PortugalBishop Emeritus
55.7AppointedPaolo Filomarino, C.R. †Bishop of Caiazzo, Italy
AppointedLoureno de Tvora, O.F.M. Obs. †Bishop of Elvas, PortugalBishop Emeritus
24 Sep55.7Ordained BishopPaolo Filomarino, C.R. †Bishop of Caiazzo, Italy
29 SepBornLothar Friedrich von Metternich-BurscheidArchbishop of Mainz, Germany
OctBornMichelangelo BrancavalerioBishop of Alatri, Italy
DiedGonalo de Morais, O.S.B. †Bishop of Porto, Portugal
34.7Ordained PriestAnastazy Antoni Seljava (Sielawa), O.S.B.M. †Priest of Basilian Order of Saint Josaphat (Order of St. Basil the Great)Archbishop of Kyiv-Halyč {Kiev} (Ukrainian), Ukraine
2 Oct67.7DiedGiovanni Andrea Garga, O.P. †Bishop of Syros (e Milos), Greece
60.7AppointedJernimo Herrera y SalazarBishop of Guadix, Spain
AppointedGiovanni Francesco PozzoBishop of Chiron, Greece
42.2AppointedPedro Ruiz ValdiviesoArchbishop (Personal Title) of Orense, SpainBishop
5 Oct42.1SelectedJohann Gottfried von AschhausenBishop of Wrzburg, GermanyBishop of Bamberg, Germany
22 Oct63.5AppointedGuillaume Gifford, O.S.B. †Auxiliary Bishop of Reims, FranceArchbishop
63.5AppointedGuillaume Gifford, O.S.B. †Titular Bishop of Arcadiopolis in AsiaArchbishop of Reims, France
26 Oct61.6AppointedGuillaume du VairBishop of Lisieux, France
NovBornLouis de Rechigne Voisin de GuronBishop of (Saint-Bertrand de) Comminges, France
12 Nov37.8Ordained BishopSt. Jozafat Kuncewicz, O.S.B.M. †Coadjutor Bishop of Połock (Polotsk) (Ukrainian), BelarusArchbishop
13 Nov44.9AppointedAndrea Baroni Peretti MontaltoCardinal-Deacon of Sant’EustachioCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Frascati
75.2AppointedJuan Bartolome de Bohrquez e Hinojosa, O.P. †Bishop of Antequera, Oaxaca, Mxico
36.8AppointedGirolamo de FranchisBishop of Nard, ItalyArchbishop of Capua, Italy
43.9AppointedOdoardo FarneseCardinal-Deacon of Santa Maria in Via LataCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Frascati
15.8AppointedLouis-Franois de La Baume de SuzeCoadjutor Bishop of Viviers (Aps), FranceBishop
15.8AppointedLouis-Franois de La Baume de SuzeTitular Bishop of Pompeiopolis in CiliciaBishop of Viviers (Aps), France
50.8AppointedMarcello Pignatelli, C.R. †Bishop of Jesi, Italy
53.8AppointedTomasz PirawskiAuxiliary Bishop of Lviv, Ukraine
53.8AppointedTomasz PirawskiTitular Bishop of Nicopolis in EpiroAuxiliary Bishop of Lviv, Ukraine
55.0AppointedFrancesco SforzaCardinal-Priest of San Matteo in MerulanaCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina
16 NovBornLeopoldo de’ MediciCardinal, Cardinal-Deacon of Santa Maria in Cosmedin
20 NovAppointedJoo CoutinhoBishop of Faro {Algarve}, PortugalArchbishop of vora, Portugal
40.8AppointedGonzalo de Angulo, O.M. †Bishop of Coro, Venezuela
42.8AppointedRamn IvorraBishop of Perpignan-Elne, France
67.8AppointedLorenzo Mongi Galatino, O.F.M. Obs. †Archbishop (Personal Title) of Pozzuoli, ItalyBishop
24 Nov77.8DiedTaddeo SartiBishop Emeritus of Nepi e Sutri, Italy
26 Nov36.9Ordained BishopGirolamo de FranchisBishop of Nard, ItalyArchbishop of Capua, Italy
50.9Ordained BishopMarcello Pignatelli, C.R. †Bishop of Jesi, Italy
27 Nov44.9DiedAndrea Giustiniani, O.P. †Bishop of Isola, Italy
28 NovDiedFrancisco Martnez de CeniceroBishop of Jan, Spain
4 Dec25.9AppointedFranois Lefvre de CaumartinCoadjutor Bishop of Amiens, FranceBishop
25.9AppointedFranois Lefvre de CaumartinTitular Bishop of Hierapolis in IsauriaBishop of Amiens, France
AppointedStanisław Udrzycki (Udrycki)Auxiliary Bishop of Lutsk (Łuck), Ukraine
AppointedStanisław Udrzycki (Udrycki)Titular Bishop of ArgosAuxiliary Bishop of Lutsk (Łuck), Ukraine
17 Dec25.9SucceededFranois Lefvre de CaumartinBishop of Amiens, France
DiedGeoffrey de La MarthonieBishop of Amiens, France
18 Dec52.9AppointedJean Davy du PerronCoadjutor Archbishop of Sens, FranceArchbishop
52.9AppointedJean Davy du PerronTitular Archbishop of Heraclea in EuropaArchbishop of Sens, France
47.9AppointedMichel Raoul de La GuibourgreBishop of Saintes, France
21 Dec47.9Ordained BishopGiovanni Battista Agatich, O.S.A. †Bishop of Senj, CroatiaBishop of Senj (-Modruš), Croatia
DiedLucas Duran, O.S. †Bishop of Albarracin, Spain


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