Date | Age | Event | Bishop | Title | Current Title |
unknown | | Died | Pierre Alamanni † | Bishop of Frjus, France |
| Appointed | Alberto , O.F.M. † | Titular Bishop of Nicomedia | Bishop of Lesina, Italy |
| Died | Alfonso † | Bishop of Coria, Spain |
| Died | Alfonso † | Bishop of Oviedo, Spain |
| Died | Rainuccio degli Allegretti † | Bishop of Volterra, Italy |
| Appointed | Andrea , O. Carm. † | Titular Bishop of Rhaedestus | Bishop of Bosa, Italy |
| Died | Angelo † | Bishop of Chiusi, Italy |
| Died | Antoine , O. Cist. † | Bishop of Lombez, France |
| Died | Antonio † | Bishop of Galtelli, Italy |
| Died | Gratia de Aquila, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Pula (Pola), Croatia |
| Died | Giovanni de Ariano † | Bishop of Ruvo (Ruo)(di Puglia), Italy |
| Died | Antonio Aribanbio de Valentia, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Gaeta, Italy |
| Died | Arnaud † | Bishop of Apt, France |
| Died | Tancredi da Auletta, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Gravina (di Puglia), Italy |
| Appointed | Bartolomeo † | Bishop of Kotor (Cattaro), Montenegro | Bishop of Trogir (Tra), Croatia |
| Died | Bartolomeo , O.P. † | Bishop of Comacchio, Italy |
| Died | Robert de Barn (Foix) † | Bishop of Lavaur, France |
| Appointed | Bongiovanni † | Bishop of Bosnia (Bosna, Diacovar, Diakovar), Croatia | Archbishop of Patrae Veteres (Patras), Greece |
| Died | Benvenuto Borgisinus, O.P. † | Bishop of Adria, Italy |
| Appointed | Bertrand de Castronovo (Chteauneuf) † | Archbishop of Taranto, Italy | Bishop of Viviers (Aps), France |
| Died | Guido Canale † | Bishop of Torino, Italy |
| Died | Ruggero Capitignono † | Archbishop of Taranto, Italy |
| Died | Galhard de Carceribus † | Archbishop of Brindisi, Italy |
| Died | Amanieu de Cazes † | Archbishop of Bordeaux, France |
| Died | Raimondo de Chameyrac † | Bishop of Orvieto, Italy |
| Died | Guy de Comborn † | Bishop of Noyon, France |
| Died | Jean-Raymond de Comminges † | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina |
| Died | Giovanni Cosentino † | Bishop of Rossano, Italy |
| Appointed | Cristiano † | Bishop of Frigento, Italy |
| Died | Cristiano † | Bishop of Frigento, Italy |
| Appointed | Cristoforo † | Bishop of Isernia, Italy |
| Died | David † | Bishop of Achonry, Ireland |
| Appointed | Domenico , O.F.M. † | Bishop of Telese o Cerreto Sannita, Italy |
| Appointed | Giovanni della Porta † | Archbishop of Corf, Greece | Archbishop of Capua, Italy |
| Died | Bertrand du Mas † | Bishop of Lodve, France |
| Appointed | Pietro Dupin † | Bishop of Frjus, France | Archbishop of Benevento, Italy |
| Died | Egidio † | Bishop of Andria, Italy |
| Ordained Bishop | Piotr z Falkowa † | Bishop of Krakw, Poland |
| Died | Gaillard de Fargis † | Bishop of Bazas, France |
| Selected | Giovanni Fieschi † | Cardinal, Bishop of Vercelli, Italy |
| Died | Princivalle Fieschi † | Bishop of Tortona, Italy |
| Died | Filippo † | Bishop of Ferentino, Italy |
| Died | Filippo de Neapoli, O.P. † | Archbishop of Trani, Italy |
| Born | Guillaume Fillastre † | | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of San Marco |
| Died | Tommaso delle Fonti † | Bishop of Alife, Italy |
| Died | Niccol Fucci, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Assisi, Italy |
| Died | Jean Galvan † | Bishop of Arras, France |
| Died | Gerard , O.P. † | Bishop of Rapolla, Italy |
| Died | Giacomo † | Bishop of Acerno, Italy |
| Died | Giovanni Fornaro, O.P. † | Bishop of Alessano, Italy |
| Died | Giovanni de Glandis † | Bishop of Lecce, Italy |
| Appointed | Pietro Grassinis, O.P. † | Bishop of Sorres (Sorra), Italy | Bishop of Anagni, Italy |
| Died | Gregorio † | Bishop of Belcastro, Italy |
| Died | Giovanni Groces (Grocei) † | Bishop of Venafro, Italy |
| Died | Bernardo de Guardiola, O.P. † | Bishop of Diargorgan, Iran |
| Died | Guglielmo , O.E.S.A. † | Archbishop of Cagliari, Italy |
| Died | Guglielmo † | Bishop of Crotone (Cotrone), Italy |
| Died | Guillaume † | Bishop of Orange, France |
| Died | Matteo Guiliand, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Telese o Cerreto Sannita, Italy |
| Died | Hvard † | Bishop of Fare Islands, Denmark |
| Died | Bernardo Hugo de Sainte-Arthemie, O.S.A. † | Bishop of Elne, France |
| Died | Ivan † | Bishop of Hvar (Lesina), Croatia |
| Died | Lampredio † | Bishop of Trogir (Tra), Croatia |
| Born | Wacław Legnicki † | | Bishop Emeritus of Wrocław (Breslau), Poland |
| Appointed | Roberto Lenato † | Bishop of Bitonto, Italy |
| Died | Roberto Lenato † | Bishop of Bitonto, Italy |
| Appointed | Burkhard von Lindow-Ruppin † | Bishop of Havelberg, Germany |
| Died | Andrea Lombardo † | Bishop of Fondi (Fundi), Italy |
| Appointed | Jean de Maillac (Mailhaco), O.F.M. † | Bishop of Guardialfiera (Guardia), Italy | Bishop of Riez, France |
| Died | Gerardo da Manhauc † | Bishop-Elect of Trento, Italy |
| Died | Enrico Marci † | Bishop of Muro Lucano, Italy |
| Died | Bernardo de’ Martellini, O.E.S.A. † | Bishop of Cesena, Italy |
| Died | Juan Martnez † | Bishop of Lugo, Spain |
| Died | Martuccio † | Bishop of Minori, Italy |
| Died | Enrico de Monte, O.P. † | Bishop of Acerra, Italy |
| Died | Adam de Moray † | Bishop of Brechin, Scotland, Great Britain |
| Died | Iterio di Nabinal, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Famagusta, Cyprus |
| Died | Nicola † | Bishop of Acci (Accia), France |
| Appointed | Nicola , O.F.M. † | Bishop of Kisamos (Cisamo), Greece | Bishop of Vieste, Italy |
| Died | Marco da Novara, O.P. † | Bishop of Asolo (Cittanova; Eraclea), Italy |
| Died | Gerardo Odnis, O.F.M. † | Titular Patriarch of Antiochia {Antioch} |
| Died | Francesco Oni, O.E.S.A. † | Bishop of Civita Castellana, Italy |
| Appointed | Pace , O.F.M. † | Bishop of Comacchio, Italy |
| Died | Pedro † | Archbishop of Santiago de Compostela, Spain |
83.0 | Died | Gonalo Pereira † | Archbishop of Braga, Portugal |
| Died | Sergio Peronti † | Bishop of Terracina, Priverno e Sezze, Italy |
| Died | Raimando de Pezzolis † | Archbishop of Messina, Italy |
| Died | Cesario Pianola † | Bishop of Vico Equense, Italy |
| Appointed | Pietro † | Titular Archbishop of Berytus | Archbishop of Sorrento, Italy |
| Died | Pietro † | Archbishop of Santa Severina, Italy |
| Died | Agostino dal Poggio † | Bishop of Ancona, Italy |
| Died | Garcia Prego † | Bishop of Tuy, Spain |
| Died | Dino di Radicofani † | Archbishop of Pisa, Italy |
| Died | Baronto Ricciardi † | Bishop of Pistoia, Italy |
| Died | Arnaldo de Rosette † | Bishop of Asti, Italy |
| Died | Rostaing , C.R.S.A. † | Bishop of Sisteron, France |
| Ordained Bishop | William Russel, O. Cist. † | Bishop of Sodor and Man, Scotland, Great Britain |
| Born | Friedrich von Saarwerden † | | Archbishop of Kln {Cologne}, Germany |
| Died | Juan Snchez † | Archbishop of Sevilla {Seville}, Spain |
| Died | Francesco di Sangro † | Bishop of Valva e Sulmona, Italy |
| Died | Ruggero de Sanseverino † | Archbishop of Salerno, Italy |
| Died | Giovanni de Scrofanis † | Bishop of Anagni, Italy |
| Died | Giovanni Seguini, O.P. † | Bishop-Elect of Lango, Hungary |
| Died | Sergio † | Bishop of Kotor (Cattaro), Montenegro |
| Died | Francesco da Spoleto, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Satriano, Italy |
| Died | Jean de Tixanderie, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Rieux, France |
| Appointed | Tommaso † | Bishop of Ischia, Italy |
| Died | Tommaso , O. Cist. † | Bishop of San Marco (Argentano), Italy |
| Died | Ligus de Urbeveteri † | Bishop of Nola, Italy |
53.0 | Resigned | Fontanier de Vassal, O.F.M. † | Minister General of Order of Friars Minor | Cardinal, Patriarch of Grado, Italy |
| Died | Giovanni Vergoni, O.E.S.A. † | Bishop of Sutri, Italy |
| Born | Georg von Hohenlohe † | | Bishop of Passau, Germany |
| Died | Bonifacio de Villaco, O.S.A. † | Bishop of Ventimiglia, Italy |
| Died | Stefano Vitano † | Bishop of Bitonto, Italy |
| Died | Gonzalo Zapata † | Bishop of Huesca, Spain |
| Died | Jean Zaulini † | Archbishop of Bar (Antivari), Montenegro |
| Died | Andrea Zorzi † | Bishop of Caorle, Italy |
Jan | | Died | Giacomo da Cingoli, O.P. † | Bishop of Fermo, Italy |
| Appointed | Ruggero Quattromani † | Bishop of Cassano all’Jonio, Italy |
7 Jan | | Appointed | Pietro da Briva, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Calvi Risorta, Italy |
| Appointed | Guillaume Ribati, O. Carm. † | Bishop of Segni, Italy | Bishop of Vence, France |
9 Jan | | Appointed | Francesco † | Titular Bishop of Tiberias | Bishop of Sorres (Sorra), Italy |
| Appointed | Francesco † | Bishop of Sorres (Sorra), Italy |
| Confirmed | Barthelemy Giusti † | Abbot of Saint-Maurice, Switzerland |
13 Jan | | Died | lie di Nabinal, O.F.M. † | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of San Vitale |
18 Jan | | Died | Burkhard von Bardeleben † | Bishop of Havelberg, Germany |
21 Jan | | Ordained Bishop | Andrea , O. Carm. † | Titular Bishop of Rhaedestus | Bishop of Bosa, Italy |
| Appointed | Antonio Severino † | Bishop of Lucera, Italy |
26 Jan | | Appointed | Benedetto , O.P. † | Bishop of Chioggia, Italy | Bishop of Pula (Pola), Croatia |
11 Feb | | Appointed | Archambaud † | Bishop of Tulle, France |
| Appointed | Francesco de Quesso, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Acci (Accia), France |
13 Feb | | Appointed | Guilherme de la Garde † | Bishop of Prigueux (Vesuna), France | Titular Patriarch of Jerusalem {Gerusalemme}, Palestine |
| Appointed | Arnaud de Villemur, C.R.S.A. † | Bishop of Pamiers, France | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of San Sisto |
15 Feb | | Died | Otto von Kulm, O.T. † | Bishop of Chelmno (Culma, Kulm), Poland |
20 Feb | | Appointed | Pedro Raimundo de Barrire, C.R.S.A. † | Bishop of Coria, Spain | Cardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Autun, France |
Mar | | Died | Henri Dubois † | Bishop of Dol, France |
10 Mar | | Died | Tommaso Valignani † | Bishop of Marsi, Italy |
12 Mar | | Died | Gilbert de Cantabrion, O.S.B. † | Bishop of Rodez, France |
14 Mar | | Died | Otto von Oldenburg † | Archbishop of Bremen (and Hamburg), Germany |
17 Mar | 65.2 | Appointed | Teobaldo de Castillon † | Bishop of Lisboa, Portugal |
| Appointed | Estevo de la Garde † | Bishop of Saintes, France | Archbishop of Arles, France |
| Confirmed | Wojciech Pałuka † | Bishop of Poznań, Poland |
| Appointed | Giovanni di Papasidero † | Bishop of Cassano all’Jonio, Italy |
| Appointed | Fromhold von Vifhusen (Vyffhusen) † | Archbishop of Riga, Latvia |
| Appointed | Andrzej z Wiślicy † | Bishop of Schwerin, Germany |
19 Mar | | Appointed | Raimond Bernardi de Mota † | Bishop of Bazas, France |
23.2 | Appointed | Bl. Aldobrandino d’Este † | Bishop of Adria, Italy | Bishop of Ferrara, Italy |
24 Mar | | Died | Giovanni , O.F.M. † | Bishop of Bagnoregio (Bagnorea), Italy |
| Appointed | Dionizije Lacković † | Bishop of Knin (Tinin), Croatia | Archbishop of Kalocsa, Hungary |
Apr | | Died | Dominique Lucaris † | Archbishop of Split (Spalato), Croatia |
| Ordained Bishop | Fromhold von Vifhusen (Vyffhusen) † | Archbishop of Riga, Latvia |
6 Apr | | Ordained Bishop | Constantin Savorgnano † | Bishop of Concordia (Sagittaria), Italy |