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The Year of Our Lord 1228

Bishop Events

See Also: Overview | Diocese Events | Necrology | Previous Year (1227) | Next Year (1229)

DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
unknown48.0AppointedGuillaume d’AuvergneBishop of Paris, France
AppointedLambert von BarmstedeBishop of Ratzeburg, Germany
DiedGrard de BasochesBishop of Noyon, France
DiedButtafava Bishop of Luni, Italy
AppointedAdam de ChamblyBishop of Senlis, France
AppointedJohn CollinghamBishop of Emly, Ireland
AppointedCostanzo Bishop of Nocera Umbra, Italy
DiedDezso Bishop of Csand, Hungary
AppointedGarin Bishop of Toul, France
DiedGerardo , O.S.B. †Bishop of Ancona, Italy
AppointedGuglielmo Bishop of Luni, Italy
Ordained BishopBerthold von HelfensteinBishop of Chur, Switzerland
AppointedBernhard zur LippeBishop of Paderborn, Germany
DiedHenry of LondonArchbishop of Dublin, Ireland
AppointedPhilippe de NemoursBishop of Chalons-sur-Marne, France
Ordained BishopPhilippe de NemoursBishop of Chalons-sur-Marne, France
AppointedWilbrand von OldenburgBishop of Utrecht, Netherlands
DiedPelagio PallavicinoBishop of Nocera Umbra, Italy
AppointedNicola PortaBishop of Spoleto, ItalyTitular Patriarch of Constantinople
AppointedGiovanni de ProvinoBishop of Akka [San Giovanni d’Acri; Tolemaide], Syria
AppointedNicolas de RoyeBishop of Noyon, France
DiedEudes de SorcyBishop of Toul, France
AppointedGilbert de StirlingBishop of Aberdeen, Scotland, Great Britain
AppointedHeinrich von TaufersBishop of Brixen {Bressanone}, Italy
AppointedUffe ThrugotsenArchbishop of Lund, Sweden
Ordained BishopUffe ThrugotsenArchbishop of Lund, Sweden
19 MarOrdained BishopHeinrich von TaufersBishop of Brixen {Bressanone}, Italy
21 MarAppointedUberto di SalaBishop of Como, Italy
8 AprAppointedRanerio Bishop of Orvieto, Italy
9 Apr48.2Ordained BishopGuillaume d’AuvergneBishop of Paris, France
23 AprDiedJean de La FayeArchbishop of Tours, France
24 AprAppointedDurand Bishop of Albi, France
25 AprDiedGuido PierleoneCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Palestrina
29 AprDiedHeinrich Bishop of Ratzeburg, Germany
Ordained BishopMarco MichielBishop of Castello, Italy
10 MayAppointedUlrich von HausBishop of Lavant, Slovenia
31 MayDiedSimeone Archbishop of Ravenna, Italy
9 Jul78.5DiedStephen LangtonCardinal, Archbishop of Canterbury, England, Great Britain
11 JulDiedPeder SaxesenArchbishop of Lund, Sweden
22 JulAppointedRichard le PoorBishop of Durham, England, Great Britain
1 AugDiedOtto de LippeBishop of Utrecht, Netherlands
18 AugDiedArnaud de RovinhaBishop of Agen, France
27 AugDiedEstvo Soares da SilvaArchbishop of Braga, Portugal
SepAppointedTeodorico Archbishop of Ravenna, Italy
25 SepAppointedRobert BinghamBishop of Salisbury, England, Great Britain
25 OctDiedLambert von BarmstedeBishop of Ratzeburg, Germany
2 Nov58.8DiedEustace de FauconbergBishop of London, England, Great Britain
5 NovDiedGiovanni MaltraversiBishop of Padova {Padua}, Italy
12 NovDiedMartinho PaisBishop of Guarda, Portugal
DecAppointedHeinrich Bishop of Meien (Meissen), Germany
58.9AppointedJacques de Vitry, C.R.S.A. †Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Frascati
58.9Elevated to CardinalJacques de Vitry, C.R.S.A. †Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Frascati
4 DecResignedBruno von PorstendorfBishop of Meien (Meissen), GermanyBishop Emeritus
8 DecDiedGeoffrey de BurghBishop of Ely, England, Great Britain
13 DecAppointedLuke NetervilleArchbishop of Dublin, Ireland
28 DecDiedGervais de Chichester (d’Angles), O. Praem. †Bishop of Ses {Sez}, France


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