Novial '98 is an ongoing project to revive and improve (where felt
necessary) Novial. Our aim is to leave it as close to Jespersen's
original language (as presented in
An International
Language" and
"Novial Lexike")
as possible, but to fix up some problematic or difficult areas, increase
the vocabulary, and ultimately present it to the world as an
international auxiliary language. Therefore 1928/30 Novial is taken as
our "status quo".
Novial '98 es sta-esenti projete at ri-vivifikar e plubonizar (kilok
sentit nesesari) Novial. Nusen eme es ke le rester tam proxi a li
originali lingue de Jespersen (kom prisentat in
An International
Language e
Novial Lexike)
kam posibli, ma ke unesmim nus reparar problemosi o
desfasili lokes, kreskar li vordesie, e finalim prisentar le a li monde
kom internationali auxiliari lingue. Dunke 1930 Novial bli usar kom
nusen "status quo".
Our forum for doing this is a mailing list called NOVIAL-REV,
maintained by Don Blaheta. Anyone who wishes to join us in our work are
welcome. The languages used on the list are English and Novial, but we
would especially like input from people whose native language is other
than English. If you'd like to subscribe, send mail to
with "subscribe novial-rev My Name" in the text; to unsubscribe, send mail
to the same address saying "unsubscribe novial-rev".
Those wishing to
argue the merits of another IAL versus Novial and so forth are not
invited, however, as there are other forums for such debates; the list
is for work on (and in) Novial only. Please note that decisions already
made are considered final and will only be re-opened for debate if a
majority of the group members vote to do so. Also, any people who feel
they would like to join should make themselves as familiar as possible
with Jespersen's language first (here are some Novial links).
Nusen forume por he es posteliste nomati NOVIAL-REV,
mantenati da Don Blaheta. Irge kel vud volir junkter kun nus at
laborar es bonveniti. Li lingues usati an li liste es Anglese e Novial,
ma nus spesialim vud volir kontributiones da homes kelen naskivi
lingue es altre kam Anglese. Si vu vud volir abonar, e-postar a
kun "subscribe novial-rev Men Nome" in li texte; por desabonar, e-postar a
li sami adrese skriptant "unsubscribe novial-rev".
Tes kel volir
argumentar pri li meritationes de altri IAL ulter Novial non es
invitati, tamen, pro ke es altri forumes por tal debatationes; li liste es por
labores nur pri Novial (e parlatione noviali). Bonvolir notar ke li
desisiones ja fat
es konsiderati kom finali e va bli riviser nur si majoritate de li
grupanes votar far talim. Anke, irge kel vud volir junkter
dever unesmim devenir tam
komprendanti kam posibli ye Jespersenen lingue (trovar hilok
Noviali linkes).
There weren't very many changes between the Novial28 of An
International Language and the Novial30 of Novial Lexike,
but here they are.
Numbers: 7 sep and 8 ok became set and
Vocabulary: There are a few vocabulary changes (e.g.
monate->mensu, vorte->vorde); since
AIL did not have a glossary, I will not list all the changes here but
merely say that NL is the canonical vocabulary reference.
Adverbs: the -im ending is no longer required if it
immediately precedes an adjective. Thus extrem fasil, tot
Future: The particle ve has been added by the side of
sal to represent the future tense.
Concrete neuter: Whereas in N28 the ending -um represents
neuter, N30 has an additional ending also. The suffix -u
represents concrete neuter objects, and -um is
reserved for abstract things. These endings are
primarily used in two ways: to form nouns from adjectives, and in the
pronouns lu, lum.
In all other cases, AIL may be regarded as correct as a base upon which
the N98 modifications are applied. James Chandler has put online many
sections of AIL.
The most striking change has been the addition of -r
to verbs. Jespersen had verbs ending in -a, -e, -i, -u.
We changed these to -ar, -er, -ir, -ur, because all
these endings had other functions as well: -a and
-e are noun endings, -i is the
adjectival ending, and -u is both a concrete noun
ending and an adverbial ending; we felt it better to distinguish the
verbs somehow, and the ending -r appears both in most
Romance languages in the infinitive of verbs, and in the Scandinavian
languages in the present tense (in Danish, Norwegian, Swedish) and other
tenses (Icelandic, Faroese). [07.02.1997]
The auxiliaries did, sal / ve, and
vud, which were previously used only to form verbal
tenses, may now be used with other parts of speech as well, eg.
did bruni hause "a formerly/previously brown house, a
house which was brown"; sal bruni hause "a house which
will be brown (in the future)". We also created one new auxiliary,
sta, which can be used to emphasize the ongoing,
continuing nature of an action, eg. me lekter = "I
read, am reading"; me sta lekter = "I am reading (right
now), I am engaged in the act of reading".
Changes to the affixes:
Jespersen offered two prefixes for forming abstract nouns:
-eso and -itate. We preferred
-itate because -eso ends in an
-o, which should only be used to denote masculine
animate nouns; we could just change it to -ese, but we also think
it's a bad idea to have two suffixes which mean exactly the same thing.
Thus -eso will no longer be used in any form.
[07.02.1997] Adjectives ending in -nt(i) now form abstract
nouns by changing this ending to -nse; all other adjectives use
-itate. [29.03.1997]
A new suffix denoting a group or collection of things or people has
been created. Jespersen had -aro, which we felt could
be too easily confused with the other suffixes -arie
and -ari, and also ended in -o, which
is only to be used for masculine nouns. Our new form is to add
ie to the plural of the word. Eg. vorde >
vordesie (previously vordaro).
The prefix bo- (showing relation by marriage) has
been replaced with mari-. [07.02.1997]
The ending -u served both to form concrete nouns
from adjectives and to make adverbs from prepositions. We have assigned
the first meaning only to -u, and decided that adverbs
from prepositions be made with the regular adverb suffix
-im, eg. "inside" now = inim
(previously inu). [07.02.1997]
Though the basic noun ending is -e, Jespersen
gives some nouns such as piano, mensu, with other
terminations; we are regularizing these everywhere possible, thus ending
up with forms like piane, mensue. This includes the
suffixes -ia, -ilo and -ologia, which
have become -ie, ile and -ologie.
The pronouns in the third person are le "he/she",
lu "it (concrete neuter)", and lum "it
(abstract neuter)". These are formed regularly
according to the same pattern as nouns, eg. bone, bonu,
bonum from boni. It has been decided for
Novial '98, however,
that while it is always correct to use the three distinct pronouns
le, lu, lum, it is also permissible to use just
le as a "general third person pronoun" for all beings
and things, if it is felt that no confusion or ambiguity will thereby
result. [05.04.97]
The phonology philosophy of Novial98 can be summed up as follows:
Every letter (or digraph--CH, SH, and QU) has one
or more "ideal pronunciations", zero or more "positional variants", and
zero or more "accepted alternative pronunciations". If there are
multiple "ideal pronunciations", either can be used anywhere the
corresponding letter appears in a word. This is the case for e.g.
J ([Z] or [dZ]) or (at the moment) CH/SH ([S] or
[tS]). A "positional variant" is perfectly allowed, but only in certain
phonological environments. For instance, N may be pronounced as [N]
before a velar (K, G, X). And lastly, some letters
have "alternative" pronunciations; these are not considered
correct Novial, but are better at least than unacknowledged
alternatives. For instance, X is usually [ks], but [gz] is a
substandard alternative. (This is more of a clarification than a
change.) [8.5.1997]
The letter W has been added (on a limited basis)
to the Novial alphabet. Its exact pronunciation has not yet been fixed,
however. [12.05.1997]
The letter Z has been added to the Novial
alphabet, with the pronunciation [z] (as in English).
In order to differentiate between it and the pronoun
tu, the infinitive marker has been changed from
tu to at.
Now that we have the letter Z, there are a few places where S
needs to be changed to Z. A number were approved by unanimous consent;
the most important are the number "zero" (0), and the suffix "-izar". A
nonproductive prefix "zoo-" was tentatively added; and several others,
listed in the Vocabulary section.
An additional correlative adverb ending has been added:
-rez, meaning "reason": thus quirez "why"; tirez
"for that reason", etc. [23.09.1997]
To accomodate speakers of languages without the [h] sound, [x]
(German "ch" (the ach-laut), Spanish "j") is now allowed as a secondary
pronunciation for /h/ (written "H").
The N28/30 form for the number 5 was sink, which is
terrible in terms of visual recognizability. We have changed it to the
Greek-derived pent, which is internationally recognizable from
words like "pentagon", "pentium", etc. [24.11.1997]
The close deictic prefix, dis-, was considered extremely
unwieldy. It was changed to h- (partially by analogy with
Germanic here/there; also partially from the Latin deictics). Thus we
now have te "that" and he "this"; likewise tilok,
hilok, and so on. [24.11.1997]
In America, large numbers are written with commas separating
blocks of three digits, whereas elsewhere internationally we see periods
serving that purpose. The reverse is true for the decimal point. To
resolve this issue, Novial98 will adopt the scientific convention of
separating thousands blocks with spaces, and allowing either the comma
or period as the decimal point. [24.11.1997]
The suffix -atr, derived from French, really didn't occur
outside of French, and wasn't very recognizable. We have changed it to
the very international (from scientific usage) -oid.
The N28 way of forming comparatives and superlatives was not
especially regular; we had min and plu but minim
and maxim. For Novial98 we have changed this so that
comparatives are min and max, and superlatives are li
min and li max. Max as a comparative is evidenced
with Spanish ms; and the article+comparative construction is
found in many of the Romance languages. [20.12.1997]
The suffixes -endi and -indi had several
problems: they were very similar, and relatively rare; thus they were
easily confused. Plus, no language (other than Esperanto) really
evidences them nowadays. Thus, we have chosen to collapse them into a
single suffix, -ndi, which conveys both meanings.
The N28 future particle was sal, and N30 added ve.
The N98 group has instead adopted va, which is more in line with
the Romance forms. Sal was derived only from English, Dutch, and
the Scandinavian languages; J's primary objection to va was that
"combinations like la va ja ha fa `she will already have done'
are not particularly pleasing". It appears that ve was chosen as
a deformed version of va to avoid this problem, but we decided
that such constructions would be only a minor difficulty, and in any
case, exceedingly rare. [21.01.1998]
Where languages were formed with -um in N28/30, they will
be formed with -ese in N98. [21.01.1998]
nihil -> [bli eliminar; usar "nulum"] [16.01.1998]
nirvana -> nirvane [16.01.1998]
nobilite -> nobile [16.01.1998]
nukleus -> nuklee [16.01.1998]
numerator -> numeratore [16.01.1998]
organisa -> organizar [21.08.1997]
pise -> pize [21.08.1997]
rasa -> razar [21.08.1997]
sebra -> zebre [21.08.1997]
senite -> zenite [21.08.1997]
sero -> zero [21.08.1997]
sigsaga -> zigzagar [21.08.1997]
sink -> pent [24.11.1997]
sinke -> zinke [21.08.1997]
sitare -> zitere [21.08.1997]
sodiake -> zodiake [21.08.1997]
sone -> zone [21.08.1997]
sune -> sole [21.01.1998]
true -> orifise [28.09.1997]
Words in N30 which were disputed but will remain as they were
afekter [20.12.1997]
agle [20.12.1997]
aklimatar [20.12.1997]
akusative [20.12.1997]
ambitione [20.12.1997]
amidonar [20.12.1997]
analisar [20.12.1997]
arkitekte [20.12.1997]
bushele [20.12.1997]
gelatine [27.01.1998]
girafe [27.01.1998]
guere [27.01.1998]
Disputed words (and suggested changes)
abortar -> aborter
adoptar -> adopter
agnostiki -> agnosti
akompanar -> akompanir, akompaniar
alibi -> alibe, alibie
amusar -> amuzar
basune -> basone
chek(h)e -> tch-
gasone -> grasne, grasone
genre/genus -> gene, genuse, genre??
goute -> gutmalade, gikte
guano -> guane, X ****
natrium -> natrie, natriume
yare -> anue
Lots of proper words related to the region/inhabitant problem: Afrika Albane Alsasia Amerika Argentina Armene Asia Asire Australia angli arabe Brasilia Britania bavare belgi bohemi bretone bulgare China chek(h)e Nederlande normande norvegi suede suise germani goti grek
Suggested new words, derivations, and translations
robar = rob, steal
prohibir = forbid, prohibit
employeskar = hire (US)
enmachinar = type (something into the computer)
machineskripter = type (something [from scratch?] with a typewriter)
enretar = upload/put online
enretat/inreti = online
elijibili = eligible
sursalarie = bonus
humoraje-fine = punchline
kustomad = used to
efortar = try
vexar = annoy, bother
nomine = noun (cf. pronomine, substantive)
standanse = status
nunifikar = update
Words new to N98
enzime (enzyme) [21.08.1997]
webe (web, at least in the computer sense) [12.05.1997]
The question on whether to use C instead of or in addition to K
to represent the sound [k] was put to a vote, and the decision was to
continue using K exclusively, as in 1928/30.
The proposal to have an "inclusive" versus "exclusive"
distinction in the first person plural, represented by two different
pronouns nus and mes was rejected in
the vote. Novial '98 uses only nus as the first person
plural pronoun in all instances, like 1928/30 Novial.
The proposal to allow long forms of the correlative adverbs, thus
quirezon in addition to quirez, was defeated. When you
use such an adverb, you can only use the short-form endings -rez,
-man, etc. (You can, of course, use adverbial phrases
like "pro qui rezone".) [01.10.1997]
The inchoative ending -esk was objected to on the
grounds of its similarity to EF "-esque". However, there really isn't
any better form; as a result, its use is retained (by acclamation) in
N98. [12.12.1997]
1) 25.02.1997: In what we call "later Novial" (in other
words, post-1930) , Jespersen had made some significant changes in the
orthography, bringing Novial into to the "neo-Romance" end of the IAL
spectrum and more like the better propagated and more widely used
Occidental and (Peano's) Interlingua. This "Orthographic Novial" restored the letter C (with
differing values before different letters as in the source languages),
something which made it look "more natural" -- eg.
aksepte became accepte -- but
introduced complications which Jespersen himself had argued against when
he first created the language. ON also introduced Y as a vowel, and even
allowed accented letters (such as Ç). There were some grammatical
changes as well, for example the passive voice particle
bli was changed to fi, the future
particle ve ousted sal, the past tense
particle did seems to have disappeared, and the perfect
auxiliary ha was used with the past participle instead
of the basic form of the verb. There is now heated debate on NOVIAL-L
as to whether such changes -- and if so, which ones -- ought to be
implemented into Novial '98 as well.
3) 18.06.1997: The Novial verb system defies description; there
seem to be several places where the only rule is "like in the source
langs", though of course not as bad as some other languages. We're
trying to come up with a consistent, easy set of rules which work in a
relatively "natural" way.
4) 09.08.1997: Alphabet. It is not clear how to pronounce the
letters of the Novial alphabet in isolation. Some have suggested an
Esperanto style, with every consonant being followed by -e; others
prefer to differentiate the letters better. Five proposals have been
made; they can be referred to as "bo-cha-ex", "be-cha-ex",
"be-che-xe", "be-che-ex", and "be-che-xu".
6) 28.08.1997: In N28/30, there is some irregularity in the
relationships between nation, citizen, and language; for instance we
have the language "Fransum", the person "Franse", and the country
"Fransia"; but the language "Novial" and person "Novialiste"; the person
"Amerikane" and the country "Amerika"; and even the language
"Italianum", the person "Italiane", and the country "Italia"! Clearly
this needs to be cleaned up, although it isn't clear how.
9) 24.07.1997: In AIL, J devotes a whole section to his choice about
the sounds [S] and [tS] and how to use and
represent them; his decision was that the two sounds would be absolutely
interchangeable, as would their representation (CH or SH,
equally). The objection is that this is bad from several standpoints,
especially one-sound-one-graph, but also because some words will have
multiple valid spellings. A proposed alternative was to abandon
SH entirely, leaving CH as primarily [S] and
secondarily [tS], and modifying some vocabulary to fit the
new rule. Another alternative was to make CH /tS/ and
SH /S/. 06.12.1997: Tabled until other
questions are resolved.
11) 05.11.1997: At this point in the Novial process, we have two verb
suffixes which have somewhat nebulous meanings: -nse and
-ione. We need to clarify and codify their meanings.
14) 13.11.1997: N30 uses SUNE for "sun" and SOLI for "only". We
would like to use SOLE as "sun"; but what to do with "only"?
Suggestions have included UNALI and UNOIDI. 14.01.1998: Now
under vote until 21 Jan.
17) 18.11.1997: A spinoff from the language/country debate: currently
languages are formed with -um, which is a little bit strange; the
suggested alternative is -eze, which has cognates in EDFSI and
possibly others. Another idea is -ese, which better matches
spelling and (in some cases) pronunciation as well. 06.12.1997:
So far, the candidates seem to be: -um, -eze, -ese,
li -i, -ishe, and -ilingue. 05.12.1997: A
related suggestion: languages which are not derived from region names
will be their own root words, to which a suffix (possibly
-iste) will be added to get the speakers. This rule can also
be applied to derived language names; thus fransesiste
"francophone" (assuming -ese; modify appropriately if another
choice is adopted). 14.01.1998: Now under vote until 21 Jan.
18) 19.11.1997: Well, looks like we won't finish before the end of CY
1997; what should we call our project now? Novial 98? Novial 2000?
21) 30.11.1997: As the dictionary comes online, words are being
reviewed for eventual inclusion in N98. 04.12.1997: Words in
sections A-C which have not been disputed are under consensus check
until 11 Dec. Other words are in a call for proposals.
07.12.1997: Words in section N are under rubberstamp check
until 14 Dec. 16.01.1998: ABCN are done except for problem words;
G is under vote.
22) 05.12.1997: An issue separate from but related to the
region/inhabitants debate is how to capitalize such things; English
capitalizes the country, the language, and all derivatives, French
capitalizes countries only, and German capitalizes all the noun forms.
This will be voted on as a separate issue.
25) 14.01.1998: How does one translate the habitual aspect? In
English we have "used to" in the past, and the base form of the verb in
the present; the French (past tense at least) used the imperfect of
"avoir l'habitude de...". 18.01.1998: We discovered the word
kustomar, which seems to cover the habitual aspect nicely.
(Other uses of "used to"--continual actions--are covered by the simple
past (-d) or perfect (ha).)
28) 10.02.1998: In English we talk about "the word for X"; how
should this be expressed in Novial? The prepositions por,
po, and pri have been suggested, as well as the longer
(but more descriptive?) forms representant and
signifikant. Plus, of course, one could use a completely
different construction "X signifikar Y novialim" instead of "Y is the
word for X".
29) 12.02.1998: There are at least three other novialides under
development. How should we cooperate with them?