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19th- & 20th-Century Psychology
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Plato. (ca. 360 BC). Timaeus (B. Jowett, Trans.)
Aristotle. (ca. 350 BC). De anima (J. A. Smith, Trans.)
Aristotle. (ca. 350 BC). On memory and reminiscence (J. I. Beare,
For additional works by the
Presocratics, Plato, Aristotle, Hippocrates, Euclid, Lucretius, Epictetus,
Galen, Plotinus, and Augustine, see the Links to Documents
at Other Sites page.
For works by Aquinas, Roger
Bacon, Pico, and Machiavelli see the Links to Documents at
Other Sites page.
Berkeley, George. (1732). An essay towards a new theory of vision (4th
ed.). (First edition published 1709).
Bowen, Francis. (1860). Remarks
on the latest form of the development theory. Memoirs of the American
Academy of Arts and Sciences, n.s., VIII, pp. 98-107, communicated March 27, April 10 and May 1, 1860. Reprinted in G. Daniels (Ed.) (1968). Darwinism
comes to America. Waltham, MA: Blaisdell, pp. 66-74.
McCosh, James. (1874). Religious
aspects of the doctrine of development. In P. Schaff & S.
Prime (Eds.). History, essays,
orations, and other documents of the sixth general conference of the
Evangelical Alliance, held in New York, October 2-12, 1873,
Herbart, J. F. (1877). Possibility and necessity of applying mathematics
in psychology (H. Haanel, Trans.). Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 11,
Fiske, John. (1902). Herbert
Spencer's service to religion. Essays
Historical and Literary, New York, II, pp. 232-237. Reprinted in G. Daniels (Ed.) (1968). Darwinism comes to America. Waltham, MA: Blaisdell, pp. 106-110.
Royce, Josiah. (1902). Recent
logical inquiries and their psychological bearings. Psychological Review,
9, 105-133. [Royce's APA Presidential Address about the potential impact
of then-recent developments in the philosophy of mathematics for the psychology
of thinking.]
Stumpf, Carl. (1930). Autobiography of Carl Stumpf. In C. Murchison
(Ed.), History of psychology in autobiography (Vol. 1, pp. 389-441).
Worcester, MA: Clark University Press. [The great German psychologist's summary
of his life's work.]
Titchener, E. B. (1921). Brentano and Wundt: Empirical and
experimental psychology. American Journal of Psychology, 32,
Creighton, J. E. (1902). The purposes of a philosophical association. Philosophical
Review, 11, 219-237.
For additional works by
Descartes, Hobbes, Pascal, Locke, Leibniz, Spinoza,
American Psychological
(1894). Proceedings of the Preliminay Meeting (1892), the First
Annual Meeting (1892), and the Second Annual Meeting (1893).
Mnsterberg, Hugo. (1899). Psychology and history. Psychological Review,
6, 1-31. [1898 APA Presidential Address.]
Royce, Josiah. (1902). Recent
logical inquiries and their psychological bearings. Psychological Review,
9, 105-133. [1902 APA Presidential Address.]
Calkins, Mary Whiton. (1906). A reconciliation between structural and
functional psychology. Psychological Review, 8, 61-81. [1905 APA
Presidential Address.]
Angell, James Rowland. (1907). The province of functional psychology. Psychological
Review, 14, 61-91. [1906 APA Presidential Address.]
Washburn, Margaret Floy. (1922). Introspection
as an objective method. Psychological Review, 29, 89-112.
[1921 APA Presidential Address.]
Boring, Edwin G. (1929). The psychology of controversy. Psychological
Review, 36, 97-121. [1928 APA Presidential Address.]
Lashley, Karl S. (1930). Basic
neural mechanisms in behavior. Psychological Review, 37,
1-24. [1929 APA Presidential Address.]
Fernberger, Samuel W. (1932). The American Psychological Association: A historical
summary, 1892-1930. Psychological Bulletin, 29, 1-89.
Thurstone, L. L. (1934). The
vectors of mind. Psychological Review, 41, 1-32. [1933 APA
Presidential Address.]
Allport, Gordon W. (1940). The
psychologist's frame of reference. Psychological Bulletin, 37,
1-28. [1939 APA Presidential Address.]
Cattell, James McKeen. (1943). The founding of the Association and of the Hopkins
and Clark Laboratories. Psychological Review, 50, 61-64.
Fernberger, Samuel W. (1943). The
American Psychological Association 1892-1942. Psychological Review, 50,
Guthrie, Edwin R. (1946). Psychological
facts and psychological theory. Psychological Bulletin, 43,
1-20. [1945 APA Presidential address.]
American Psychological
(1947). Recommended graduate training program in
clinical psychology. American Psychologist, 2, 539-558. [The
report that proposed the so-called "Boulder Model".]
Rogers, Carl R.. (1947). Some observations on the organization of
personality. American Psychologist, 2, 358-368. [1947 APA Presidential
Cronbach, Lee J. (1957). The two disciplines of scientific psychology. American
Psychologist, 12, 671-684. [1957 APA Presidential Address.]
Harlow, Harry F. (1958). The
nature of love. American Psychologist, 13, 573-685. [1958 APA
Presidential Address.]
Khler, Wolfgang. (1959). Gestalt
psychology today. American Psychologist, 14, 727-734. [1959
APA Presidential Address.]
Watson, John B. (1907). Studying the mind of animals. The World Today, 12, 421-426. [A rare,
early, popular statement of functionalism by the "founder" of
Yerkes, Robert M. &
Dodson, John D.
(1908). The relation of strength of stimulus to rapidity
of habit-formation. Journal of Comparative Neurology and Psychology,
18, 459-482.
Yerkes, Robert M. &
Morgulis, Sergius.
(1909). The method of Pawlow in animal psychology.
Psychological Bulletin, 6, 257-273.
Thorndike, Edward L. (1911). Animal
Dunlap, Knight. (1912). The case against introspection. Psychological
Review, 19, 404-413.
Watson, John B. (1913). Psychology
as the behaviorist views it. Psychological Review, 20,
Titchener, Edward B. (1914). On "Psychology as the behaviorist views
it". Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 53,
Watson, John B. (1916). Behavior
and the concept of mental disease. Journal of Philosophy, Psychology,
and Scientific Methods, 13, 589-597.
Watson, John B. (1920). Is thinking merely the action of language
mechanisms? British Journal of Psychology, 11, 87-104.
Watson, John B. &
Rayner, Rosalie.
(1920). Conditioned emotional reactions. Journal
of Experimental Psychology, 3, 1-14.
Washburn, Margaret Floy. (1922). Introspection
as an objective method. Psychological Review, 29, 89-112.
Tolman, Edward C. (1922). A
new formula for behaviorism. Psychological Review, 29, 44-53.
Lashley, Karl S. (1923). The behavioristic interpretation of
consciousness. Psychological Bulletin, 30, 237-272, 329-353.
Jones, Mary Cover. (1924). A
laboratory study of fear: The case of Peter. Pedagogical Seminary, 31,
Pavlov, Ivan P. (1927). Conditioned
reflexes: An investigation of the physiological activity of the cerebral cortex
(G. V. Anrep, Trans.). (Original work published 1927)
Watson, John B. &
MacDougall,[1] William. (1929). The
battle of behaviorism: An exposition and an exposure.
Lashley, Karl S. (1930). Basic
neural mechanisms in behavior. Psychological Review, 37,
Morgan, C. Lloyd. (1930). Autobiography of C. Lloyd Morgan. In C.
Murchison (Ed.), History of psychology in autobiography (Vol. 2, pp.
237-264). Worcester, MA: Clark University Press.
Yerkes, Robert M. (1930). Autobiography of Robert M. Yerkes. In C.
Murchison (Ed.), History of psychology in autobiography (Vol. 2, pp.
381-407). Worcester, MA: Clark University Press.
Jastrow, Joseph. (1935). Has psychology failed? American Scholar, 4,
Skinner, B. F. (1935). Two types of conditioned reflex and a
pseudo type. Journal of General Psychology, 12, 66-77.
Konorski, J. &
Miller, S. (1937). On two types of conditioned reflex. Journal of
General Psychology, 16, 264-272.
Skinner, B. F. (1937). Two types of conditioned reflex: A reply to Konorski
and Miller. Journal of General Psychology, 16, 272-279.
Guthrie, Edwin R. (1946). Psychological
facts and psychological theory. Psychological Bulletin, 43,
Skinner, B. F. (1948). 'Superstition'
in the pigeon. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 38,
Tolman, Edward, C. (1948). Cognitive maps in rats and men. Psychological
Review, 55(4), 189-208.
Skinner, B. F. (1950). Are
theories of learning necessary? Psychological Review, 57,
Hebb, D. O. (1955). Drives and
the C.N.S. (conceptual nervous system). Psychological Review, 62,
Harlow, Harry F. (1958). The
nature of love. American Psychologist, 13, 573-685.
Breland, Keller &
Breland, Marian.
(1961). The misbehavior of organisms. American
Psychologist, 16, 681-684.
Menabrea, Luigi F. (1842/1843). Sketch of the analytical engine invented by
Charles Babbage, Esq. (A.A. Lovelace, Trans.). Scientific Memoirs, 3,
666-731. (Original work published 1842 in Bibliothque Universelle de Genve,
No. 82)
Lovelace, Ada. (1843). Notes by the translator [to L.F. Menabrea's
"Sketch of the analytical engine invented by Charles Babbage, Esq."].
Scientific Memoirs, 3, 666-731.
Galton, Francis. (1880). Statistics of mental imagery. Mind, 5,
Ebbinghaus, Hermann. (1885/1913). Memory: A contribution to experimental
psychology (Henry A. Ruger & Clara
Jastrow, Joseph.. (1891). A
study in mental statistics. New Review, 5, 559-568.
Calkins, Mary Whiton. (1896). Association:
An essay analytic and experimental. Psychological Review Monographs
Supplement, 1 (2).
Royce, Josiah. (1902). Recent
logical inquiries and their psychological bearings. Psychological Review,
9, 105-133. [Royce's APA Presidential Address about the potential impact
of recent development in the philosophy of mathematics for the psychology of
Mnsterberg, Hugo. (1908/1925). On the witness stand.
Mnsterberg, Hugo. (1913). Psychology and industrial efficiency.
Stroop, J. Ridley. (1935). Studies
of interference in serial verbal reactions. Journal of Experimental
Psychology, 18, 643-662.
Thouless, Robert H. (1935). The tendency to certainty in religious belief.
British Journal of Psychology, 26,
16-31. [This .pdf version thanks to Burke Brown, U. Toronto.]
Heider, Fritz. (1946). Attitudes and cognitive organization. Journal
of Psychology, 21, 107-112.
Bruner, Jerome S. &
Goodman, Cecile C.
(1947). Value and need as organizing factors in
perception. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 42,
Bruner, Jerome S. &
Postman, Leo.
(1949). On the perception of incongruity: A paradigm.
Journal of Personality, 18, 206-223.
Hebb, D. O. (1955). Drives and
the C.N.S. (conceptual nervous system). Psychological Review, 62,
Miller, George A. (1956). The
magical number seven, plus or minus two: Some limits on our capacity for
processing information. Psychological Review, 63, 81-97.
Darwin, Charles. (1877). A
biographical sketch of an infant. Mind, 2, 285-294.
Hall, G. Stanley. (1904). Adolescent girls and their education.
From Adolescence: Its psychology and its relations to physiology,
anthropology, sociology, sex, crime, religion, and education (Vol. 2,
Chapter 17).
Binet, Alfred. (1905/1916). New methods for the diagnosis of the intellectual level
of subnormals. In E. S. Kite (Trans.), The development of intelligence
in children. Vineland, NJ: Publications of the Training School at Vineland.
(Originally published 1905 in L'Anne Psychologique, 12,
Witmer, Lightner. (1907). Clinical psychology. Psychological Clinic,
1, 1-9.
Thorndike, Edward L. (1910). The contribution of psychology to education.
Journal of Educational Psychology, 1, 5-12.
Terman, Lewis M. (1916). The
uses of intelligence tests. From The measurement of intelligence
(chapter 1). Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Watson, John B. &
Rayner, Rosalie.
(1920). Conditioned emotional reactions. Journal
of Experimental Psychology, 3, 1-14.
Baldwin, James Mark. (1930). Autobiography of James Mark Baldwin. In C.
Murchison (Ed.), History of psychology in autobiography (Vol. 1, pp.
1-30). Worcester, MA: Clark University Press.
Clark, Kenneth B. &
Clark, Mamie K.
(1939). The development of consciousness of self and
the emergence of racial identification in negro preschool children. Journal
of Social Psychology, S.P.S.S.I. Bulletin, 10, 591-599.
Clark, Kenneth B. &
Clark, Mamie K.
(1940). Skin color as a factor in racial
identification of negro preschool children. Journal of Social
Psychology, S.P.S.S.I. Bulletin, 11, 159-169.
Bruner, Jerome S. &
Goodman, Cecile C.
(1947). Value and need as organizing factors in
perception. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 42,
Sherif, Muzafer, Harvey,
O. J., White, B. Jack, Hood, William R., & Sherif, Carolyn W. (1954/1961). Intergroup
conflict and cooperation: The Robbers Cave experiment.
Harlow, Harry F. (1958). The
nature of love. American Psychologist, 13, 573-685.
Bandura, Albert, Ross,
Dorothea, & Ross, Sheila A. (1961). Transmisssion of aggressions through
imitation of aggressive models. Journal of Abnormal and Social
Psychology, 63, 575-582.
Gray, Asa. (1860). [Review of] The Origin of Species by Means of Natural
American Journal of Science and Arts
(March). Reprinted in 1876 in Darwiniana:
Essays and Reviews Pertaining to Darwinism. [A review by Harvard's
professor of Natural history, and
Bowen, Francis. (1860). Remarks
on the latest form of the development theory. Memoirs of the American
Academy of Arts and Sciences, n.s., VIII, pp. 98-107, communicated March 27, April 10 and May 1, 1860. Reprinted in G. Daniels (Ed.) (1968). Darwinism
comes to America. Waltham, MA: Blaisdell, pp. 66-74.
Galton, Francis. (1865). Hereditary
talent and character. Macmillan's Magazine, 12, 157-166,
Wright, Chauncey. (1870). Limits of natural selection. North American
Review (October).
Darwin, Charles. (1871). The descent of man. Part One:
Descent or Origin of Man (ch. 1-7).
Wright, Chauncey. (1873). Evolution of self-consciousness. North
American Review (April).
McCosh, James. (1874). Religious
aspects of the doctrine of development. In P. Schaff & S.
Prime (Eds.). History, essays,
orations, and other documents of the sixth general conference of the
Evangelical Alliance, held in New York, October 2-12, 1873,
Galton, Francis. (1875). History
of twins. Human faculty and its development (pp. 155-173).
Darwin, Charles. (1877). A
biographical sketch of an infant. Mind, 2, 285-294.
James, William. (1879). Are we automata? Mind, 4, 1-22.
Morgan, C. Lloyd (1896). On modification and variation. Science,
NS 4, No. 99, 733-740.
Fiske, John. (1902). Herbert
Spencer's service to religion. Essays
Historical and Literary, New York, II, pp. 232-237. Reprinted in G. Daniels (Ed.) (1968). Darwinism comes to America. Waltham, MA: Blaisdell, pp. 106-110.
Watson, John B. (1907). Studying the mind of animals. The World Today, 12, 421-426. [A rare,
early, popular statement of functionalism by the "founder" of behaviourism.]
Morgan, C. Lloyd. (1930). Autobiography of C. Lloyd Morgan. In C.
Murchison (Ed.), History of psychology in autobiography (Vol. 2, pp.
237-264). Worcester, MA: Clark University Press.
Jastrow, Joseph. (1935). Has psychology failed? American Scholar, 4,
Dewey, John. (1884). The new psychology. Andover Review, 2,
Peirce, Charles Sanders
& Jastrow, Joseph (1884). Small
differences in sensation. Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences, 3, 73-83. [Peirce's
probabilistic critique of Fechner's concept of the discrimination threshold.
Possibly the first published American experimental psychological study.]
Hall, G. Stanley. (1885). The
new psychology. Andover Review, 3, 120-135, 239-248.
Cattell, James McKeen. (1888). The psychological laboratory at Leipsic. Mind,
13, 37-51.
Sanford, Edmund C. (1891-1893). A
laboratory course in physiological psychology. American Journal of
Psychology, 4, 141-155, 303-322, 474-490; 5, 390-415,
Baldwin, James Mark (1892). The
psychological laboratory in the University of Toronto. Science, 19
(no. 475), 143-144.
Calkins, Mary Whiton. (1892). Experimental
Psychology at Wellesley College. American Journal of Psychology, 5,
Hume, James Gibson. (1892). Physiological psychology. Minutes of the Twenty-First
Annual Convention of the Ontario Teachers' Association, pp. 86-106.
Cattell, James McKeen. (1893/1947). Attention and reaction (R. S. Woodworth, Trans.).
In James McKeen Cattell, Man of science (Vol. 1: Psychological Research,
pp. 252-255, R. S. Woodworth, Trans.). Lancaster, PA: The Science Press, 1947.
(Originally published as "Aufmerksamkeit und Reaction" in Philosophische
Studien, 8. 403-406.[Calls into question L. Lange's
sensorial/muscular reaction findings, setting up the foundations of
functionalism -- see 1895-96 Titchener and
Jastrow, Joseph. (1893). The section of psychology. in M.P. Hardy (Ed.), Official
Catalogue -- World's Columbian Exposition (Part. vii, pp. 50-60).
Mnsterberg, Hugo. (1893a). The new psychology and Harvard's equipment for
teaching it. Harvard Graduate Magazine, 1 (2), 201-209.
Mnsterberg, Hugo. (1893b). Psychological
laboratory of Harvard University.
Hill, A. B. &
Watanabe, R.
(1894). "Sensorial" and
"muscular" reactions. American Journal of Psychology, 6,
242-246. [Supervised by E. B. Titchener, in support of L. Lange's findings.]
Krohn, William O. (1894). Facilities
in experimental psychology in the colleges of the United States. In Report
of the Commissioner of Education for the year 1890-'91 (Vol. 2, pp.
Baldwin, James Mark. (1895). Types of reaction. Psychological Review,
2, 259-273.
Titchener, Edward B. (1895a). Simple reactions. Mind, 4,
Titchener, Edward B. (1895b). The type-theory of simple reaction. Mind,
4, 506-514.
Baldwin, James Mark. (1896). The
'type-theory' of reaction. Mind, 5, 81-90.
Titchener, Edward B. (1896). The 'type-theory' of simple reaction. Mind,
5, 236-241.
Cattell, James McKeen. (1898). The
psychological laboratory. Psychoogical Review, 5, 655-658.
Titchener, Edward B. (1898b). A
psychological laboratory. Mind, 7, 311-331.
Abbott, Albert H. (1900). Experimental
psychology and the laboratory in Toronto. University of
Cattell, James McKeen. (1928). Early psychological laboratories. Science,
67, 543- 548.
Cattell, James McKeen. (1943). The founding of the Association and of the Hopkins
and Clark Laboratories. Psychological Review, 50, 61-64.
Harlow, Harry F. (1962). Fundamental principles for preparing psychology journal
articles.. Journal
of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55, 893-896.
Bowen, Francis. (1860). Remarks
on the latest form of the development theory. Memoirs of the American
Academy of Arts and Sciences, n.s., VIII, pp. 98-107, communicated March 27, April 10 and
Wright, Chauncey. (1870). Limits of natural selection. North American
Review (October).
Wright, Chauncey. (1873). Evolution of self-consciousness. North
American Review (April).
McCosh, James. (1874). Religious
aspects of the doctrine of development. In P. Schaff & S.
Prime (Eds.). History, essays,
orations, and other documents of the sixth general conference of the
Evangelical Alliance, held in New York, October 2-12, 1873,
James, William. (1879). Are we automata? Mind, 4, 1-22.
Dewey, John. (1884). The new psychology.
James, William. (1884). What
is an emotion? Mind, 9, 188-205.
Peirce, Charles Sanders
& Jastrow, Joseph (1884). Small
differences in sensation. Memoirs of the
Lange, Carl Georg. (1885). The
mechanism of the emotions. Trans. by Benjamin Rand, first appeared in Rand,
Benjamin (Ed.)(1912). The classical psychologists (pp. 672-684).
Hall, G. Stanley. (1885). The
new psychology. Andover Review, 3, 120-135, 239-248.
James, William. (1887). Consciousness of lost limbs. Proceedings of
the American Society for Psychical Research, 1, 249-258.
Ludwig. (1888/2009). New experiments on the process of the simple
reaction to sensory impressions. (Trans. By David D. Lee of Neue
Experimente ber den Vorgang der einfachen Reaction auf Sinneseindrcke.) Philosophische
Studien, 4, 479-510. (in .pdf). [The article by Wundt's future assistant
that claimed distinct "sensory" and "muscular" types of
reaction, thereby setting off a debate (Cattell, Baldwin, Titchener, Angell)
that led to the school of Functionalism.]
James, William. (1890). The principles of psychology.
James, William. (1892). The
stream of consciousness. From Psychology (chapter XI). Cleveland
& New York, World.
Cattell, James McKeen. (1893/1947). Attention and reaction (R. S. Woodworth, Trans.).
In James McKeen Cattell, Man of science (Vol. 1: Psychological Research,
pp. 252-255, R. S. Woodworth, Trans.). Lancaster, PA: The Science Press, 1947.
(Originally published as "Aufmerksamkeit und Reaction" in Philosophische
Studien, 8. 403-406.[Calls into question L. Lange's
sensorial/muscular reaction findings, setting up the foundations of
functionalism -- see 1895-96 Titchener and Baldwin papers.]
Dewey, John. (1894). The
ego as cause. Philosophical Review, 3, 337-341.
Hill, A. B. &
Watanabe, R.
(1894). "Sensorial" and
"muscular" reactions. American Journal of Psychology, 6,
242-246. [Supervised by E. B. Titchener, in support of L. Lange's findings.]
Baldwin, James Mark. (1895). Types of reaction. Psychological Review,
2, 259-273
Baldwin, James Mark. (1896). The
'type-theory' of reaction. Mind, 5, 81-90.
Dewey, John. (1896) The
reflex arc concept in psychology. Psychological Review, 3,
Morgan, C. Lloyd (1896). On modification and variation. Science,
NS 4, No. 99, 733-740.
Caldwell, W. (1898). Professor Titchener's view of the self. Psychological Review, 5, 401-408.
Titchener, Edward B. (1898a). The postulates of a structural psychology.
Philosophical Review, 7, 449-465.
Caldwell, W. (1899). The postulates of a structural psychology. Psychological
Review, 6, 187-191.
Titchener, Edward B. (1899). Structural and functional psychology. Philosophical
Review, 8, 290-299.
Baldwin, James Mark. (1901). Dictionary of philosophy and psychology.
[under construction, A-O]
Thorndike, Edward L.
& Woodworth, Robert S. (1901a). The influence of
improvement in one mental function upon the efficiency of other functions (I).
Psychological Review, 8, 247-261.
Thorndike, Edward L.
& Woodworth, Robert S. (1901b). The influence of
improvement in one mental function upon the efficiency of other functions: II.
The estimation of magnitudes. Psychological Review, 8,
Thorndike, Edward L.
& Woodworth, Robert S. (1901c). The influence of
improvement in one mental function upon the efficiency of other functions: III.
Functions involving attention, observation, and discrimination. Psychological
Review, 8, 553-564.
Fiske, John. (1902). Herbert
Spencer's service to religion. Essays
Historical and Literary, New York, II, pp. 232-237. Reprinted in G. Daniels (Ed.) (1968). Darwinism comes to America. Waltham, MA: Blaisdell, pp. 106-110.
James, William. (1904a). Does consciousness exist? Journal of
Philosophy, Psychology, and Scientific Methods, 1, 477-491.
James, William. (1904b). A world of pure experience. Journal of
Philosophy, Psychology, and Scientific Methods, 1, 533-543, 561-570.
James, William (1904c). The
Chicago school. Psychological Bulletin, 1, 1-5.
Calkins, Mary Whiton. (1906). A reconciliation between structural and
functional psychology. Psychological Review, 8, 61-81.
Angell, James Rowland. (1907). The province of functional psychology. Psychological
Review, 14, 61-91.
Watson, John B. (1907). Studying the mind of animals. The World Today, 12, 421-426. [A rare,
early, popular statement of functionalism by the "founder" of
Thorndike, Edward L. (1910). The contribution of psychology to education.
Journal of Educational Psychology, 1, 5-12.
James, William. (1907). The energies of men. Science, N.S. 25
(No. 635), 321-332.
Thorndike, Edward L. (1911). Animal
Mead, George H. (1913). The social self. Journal of Philosophy,
Psychology, and Scientific Methods, 10, 374- 380.
Koffka, Kurt (1922). Perception: An introduction to the Gestalt-theorie.
Psychological Bulletin, 19, 531-585.
Stumpf, Carl. (1930). Autobiography of Carl Stumpf. In C. Murchison
(Ed.), History of psychology in autobiography (Vol. 1, pp. 389-441).
Worcester, MA: Clark University Press. [The great German psychologist's summary
of his life's work.]
Wertheimer, Max. (1938). Laws of organization in perceptual forms.
In W. Ellis, W (Ed. & Trans.), A source book of Gestalt psychology
(pp. 71-88). London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. (Original work published in
1923 as Untersuchungen zur Lehre von der Gestalt II, in Psychologische
Forschung, 4, 301-350.)
Khler, Wolfgang. (1959). Gestalt
psychology today. American Psychologist, 14, 727-734.
Hall, G. Stanley. (1879). Philosophy in the United States. Mind, 4,
Dewey, John. (1884). The new psychology. Andover Review, 2,
Hall, G. Stanley. (1885). The
new psychology. Andover Review, 3, 120-135, 239-248.
Cattell, James McKeen. (1888). The psychological laboratory at Leipsic. Mind,
13, 37-51.
Mnsterberg, Hugo. (1899). Psychology and history. Psychological Review,
6, 1-31.
Buchner, Edward Franklin. (1903). A quarter century of psychology in America:
1878-1903. American Journal of Psychology, 14, 666-680.
Baldwin, James Mark. (1913). History
of psychology: A sketch and an interpretation.
Griffith, Coleman R. (1921). Some neglected aspects of a history of psychology.
Psychological Monographs, 30, 17-29.
Titchener, E. B. (1921). Brentano and Wundt: Empirical and
experimental psychology. American Journal of Psychology, 32,
Griffith, Coleman R. (1922). Contributions to the history of psychology --
1916-1921. Psychological Bulletin, 19, 411-428.
Boring, Edwin G. (1929). The psychology of controversy. Psychological
Review, 36, 97-121.
Garvey, C. R. (1929). List of
American psychology laboratories. Psychological Bulletin, 26,
Baldwin, James Mark. (1930). Autobiography of James Mark Baldwin. In C.
Murchison (Ed.), History of psychology in autobiography (Vol. 1, pp.
1-30). Worcester, MA: Clark University Press.
Calkins, Mary Whiton. (1930). Autobiography of Mary Whiton Calkins. In C.
Murchison (Ed.), History of psychology in autobiography (Vol. 1, pp.
31-62). Worcester, MA: Clark University Press.
Janet, Pierre. (1930). Autobiography of Pierre Janet. In C. Murchison
(Ed.), History of psychology in autobiography (Vol. 1, pp. 123-133).
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that led to the school of Functionalism.]
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