Michael McLachlan recall, Colorado House of Representatives (2013)

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Colorado House of Representatives recall
Michael McLachlan (Colorado).jpg
Michael McLachlan
Recall status
Did not go to a vote
See also
Recall overview
Political recall efforts, 2013
Recalls in Colorado
Colorado recall laws
State legislative recalls
Recall reports

An effort to recall Michael McLachlan, a member of the Democratic Party, from his elected position representing District 59 in the Colorado House of Representatives was launched on March 5, 2013. Supporters of the recall needed to collect 10,586 valid signatures by May 7 to force a recall election, but did not submit any signatures by the deadline.[1][2]


  • March 5: Conservative group Colorado Accountability filed recall paperwork with the Colorado Secretary of State.
  • May 7: Deadline to collect 10,586 signatures to force a recall election. No signatures were submitted.[2]


McLachlan was targeted by the conservative group Colorado Accountability after voting in favor of gun control legislation. "Representative McLachlan has betrayed the trust of his constituents, his oath to uphold the 2nd Amendment and the rights of gun owners by voting YES on gun control measures in both the Judiciary Committee and the House of Representatives," reads the official petition. Although he never commented officially on the petition, McLachlan responded to threats of a recall by saying, "[t]his is their right to petition to recall me. I look forward to a full discussion of the issues."[1]

Path to the ballot

See also: Laws governing recall in Colorado

Recall organizers needed to turn in 10,586 valid signatures by May 7 in order to force a recall.[1]

See also

External links
