Global Index: Results
The Social Progress Index offers a rich framework for measuring the multiple dimensions of social progress, benchmarking success, and catalyzing greater human wellbeing.
Social progress globally
The 2021 Social Progress Index ranks 168 countries on social progress. We combine 53 social and environmental outcome indicators to calculate an overall score for these countries, based on tiered levels of scoring that include measures in health, safety, education, technology, rights, and more. We also consider the data of 36 additional countries, calculating component and dimension scores when enough data are available. In all, the Social Progress Index measures at least some aspects of social progress across more than 99.97% of the world’s population.
While there is a clear correlation between the level of economic development and social progress, the relationship varies significantly. A country’s income group often does not correspond to its level of social progress, especially in middle- and lower-income countries. We group countries from highest to lowest social progress into six tiers from Tier 1 to Tier 6.
The Social Progress Index, based exclusively on indicators of social and environmental outcomes, offers a revealing picture of the levels of development in different countries that is independent of traditional economic measures. Countries achieve very different overall levels of social progress and widely differing patterns of social progress by dimensions and components. The index reveals that high-income countries tend to achieve higher social progress than low-income countries. Yet this relationship is neither simple nor linear.
Countries at all levels of development can use this data to assess their performance and set priorities for improvement. The Social Progress Index allows a strategic approach to social development that identifies areas for prioritization and investment.
Explore the 2021 Social Progress Index data
2021 Executive Summry
2021 Social Progress Index Executive Summary