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Roger B. Taney

chief justice of United States
Roger B. Taney
Chief justice of United States
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Roger B. Taney, in full Roger Brooke Taney (born March 17, 1777, Calvert county, Maryland, U.S.—died October 12, 1864, Washington, D.C.), fifth chief justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, remembered principally for the Dred Scott decision (1857). He was the first Roman Catholic to serve on the Supreme Court.

    Early life and career

    Taney was the son of Michael and Monica (Brooke) Taney. Of English ancestry, Michael Taney had been educated in France and was a prosperous tobacco grower in Calvert county, Maryland. After graduation from Dickinson College in Pennsylvania, in 1795, Taney studied law with Judge Jeremiah Chase, of the Maryland General Court. He was admitted to the bar in 1799 at Annapolis and served one year in the Maryland House of Delegates before settling down in Frederick, Maryland, to practice law. In 1806 he married Anne Key, whose brother, Francis Scott Key, later wrote “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

    Taney was a member of the conservative, property-conscious Federalist Party until 1812, when the party opposed the war against England. He returned to the Maryland House of Delegates in 1816, when, as a political maverick, he was elected to the state senate. Two years after his term expired in 1821, he moved his family to Baltimore, where he was soon recognized as an excellent lawyer. Juries were impressed with his sense of fair play and his courtesy toward opposing attorneys. In 1827 he was appointed attorney general of Maryland. By this time he had aligned himself with Andrew Jackson, the leader of the Democratic Party, and when Jackson, elected president in 1828, reorganized his Cabinet in 1831, he appointed Taney attorney general of the United States.

    Fight against the Bank of the United States. Throughout his tenure in Washington, Taney had been an outspoken leader in the Democrats’ fight against the central bank, the Bank of the United States, which was widely regarded as a tool of Eastern financial interests. Taney believed it had abused its powers, and he strongly advised the president to veto the congressional bill that would renew the bank’s charter and wrote much of the veto message; he also recommended that government funds be withdrawn from the bank and be deposited in a number of state banks.

    As a result of his role in the fight over the Bank of the United States, Taney had become a national figure, and in 1833 President Jackson appointed him secretary of the treasury. But opposition to Taney and his financial program was so strong that the Senate rejected him in June 1834, marking the first time that Congress had refused to confirm a presidential nominee for a Cabinet post.

    Taney returned to Baltimore to rebuild his law practice. A year later, Jackson nominated him to the Supreme Court of the United States as an associate justice. Taney’s enemies stalled the nomination indefinitely. Then, on July 6, 1835, Chief Justice John Marshall died, and Taney was nominated to fill his place on the bench.

    Despite powerful resistance, led by such prominent politicians as Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun, and Daniel Webster, Taney was sworn in as chief justice in March 1836. Although he had inherited the conservative tradition of the Southern aristocracy and had supported states’ rights, the Taney court did not discard John Marshall’s ideas of federal supremacy. Taney believed firmly in divided sovereignty, but he also believed it was the Supreme Court’s role to decide which powers should be shared. Eventually, many of those who had opposed Taney’s appointment came to respect him.

    Test Your Knowledge
    Louis IX of France (St. Louis), stained glass window of Louis IX during the Crusades. (Unknown location.)
    World Wars

    One of the most important decisions for which the Taney court is noted concerned rights granted by charters. The majority opinion in Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge (1837) declared that rights not specifically conferred could not be inferred from the language of a document. In this decision Taney rejected the claim of a bridge company that the subsequent grant by the state legislature of a charter to another bridge company impaired the legislature’s charter to the first company.

    The Dred Scott case

    The majority opinion that Taney delivered on March 6, 1857, in Dred Scott v. Sanford is the one for which he is best known. In essence, the decision argued that Scott was a slave and as such was not a citizen and could not sue in a federal court. Taney’s further opinion that Congress had no power to exclude slavery from the territories and that Negroes could not become citizens was bitterly attacked in the Northern press. The Dred Scott decision probably created more disagreement than any other legal opinion in U.S. history; it became a violently divisive issue in national politics and dangerously undermined the prestige of the Supreme Court.

    • Roger Brooke Taney.
      Roger Brooke Taney.
      Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. (neg. no. LC-USZ62-17681)

    Whenever state authorities threatened or interfered with the execution of federal power, however, Taney upheld federal supremacy. His opinion in Ableman v. Booth (1858), denying state power (in this case the courts of the state of Wisconsin) to obstruct the processes of the federal courts, remains a magnificent statement of constitutional federalism. Under Taney’s leadership federal judicial power was expanded over corporations, the federal government was held to have paramount and exclusive authority over foreign relations, and congressional authority over U.S. property and territory was vigorously upheld. His conflict with President Lincoln over the president’s suspension of a citizen’s petition for a writ of habeas corpus in time of war made him an object of bitter criticism, although, eventually, many jurists came to agree with Taney’s defense of an individual’s constitutional rights.

    Taney, a deeply religious Roman Catholic, considered slavery an evil. He had freed the slaves he had inherited before he came to the Supreme Court. It was his belief, however, that slavery was a problem to be resolved gradually and chiefly by the states in which it existed. As an adherent of the South, he could do nothing but watch the defeat of his cause. He died in Washington in October 1864. Even though his thinking ran counter to the dominant historical trends of his time, he had an enduring influence on the substance and evolution of U.S. constitutional law.

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    Chief justice of United States
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