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July 22, 2016, Kemal Kirişci
The consequences of Turkey’s continued drift away from democracy isn’t only a human rights or governance problem—it could become a real geopolitical challenge for the West.
July 22, 2016, David Dollar and Wei Wang
July 25, 2016, Philippe Le Corre
July 1, 2016, Fred Dews
May 31, 2016
July 28, 2016, Adel Abdel Ghafar
July 28, 2016, Michael E. O'Hanlon
July 27, 2016, Matteo Garavoglia
July 27, 2016, Sarah Yerkes
July 27, 2016, Elizabeth McElvein and Anna Newby
July 2016, Charles Lister
July 27, 2016, Fiona Hill
July 27, 2016, Adel Abdel Ghafar
July 26, 2016, Dana Hadra
July 26, 2016, Khaled Elgindy
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10:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT
Brookings Institution
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On July 29, Katharine Moon will participate in a panel discussion on North Korea's nuclear program at the Aspen Security Forum in Aspen, Colorado.
On July 30, Jonathan Pollack will participate in a panel discussion on geopolitics in the Asia-Pacific at the Aspen Security Forum in Aspen, Colorado.
For media inquiries on foreign policy issues:
202.797.6103—Main line 202.797.4396—Gail Chalef, Director of Communications Email
Brookings FP
RT @BrookingsInst: Many in China seem to think Donald Trump would be the safer bet over Hillary Clinton
Jul 29 we're getting to the foreign/defense policy portion of the speech. #DemsInPhilly
Foreign policy, defense policy, national security policy themes still to come?
Final night of the #DemConvention. Watch here:
Democratic Convention Night 4: What's happened So Far
How hawkish is @HillaryClinton? Is she too hawkish for the Democratic Party of 2016? #DNCinPHL
Coming up, @HillaryClinton's acceptance speech.
Gen. John Allen - To our allies, we will not abandon you. To our enemies, we will defeat you; #ISIS, we will hunt you down. #DemsInPhilly
Gen. John Allen at #DNCinPHL - We will keep our promises to our allies and stay committed to our alliances.
RT @BrookingsInst: There are enormous gaps between Democrats and Republicans when it comes to views on Islam
What should Clinton say in her DNC speech tonight?
Jul 28
Obama’s relationship with Africa is particularly challenging, says @matt_carotenuto:
RT @shadihamid: Will left vs. right become a fight over ethnic politics? My new PBS @NewsHour column on the DNC convention:
The US reaction to the Turkish coup is a textbook example of America's security vs. democracy dilemma:
.@will_mccants & @chrismeserole on how France's aggressive approach to secularism may make it more of a target:
Three reasons why Vladimir #Putin might want to interfere in the US presidential elections:
What should Clinton say in her DNC speech tonight?
What should Clinton say in her DNC speech tonight?
.@davidrdollar & @wangweinfo write that China returns Trump's love-hate attitude with a similarly mixed rhetoric:
The failed Turkish coup is likely to exacerbate ideological divisions about the role of religion in Turkish politics
Fiona Hill
Director, Center on the United States and Europe
Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy
"The Russians have a word—ne sluchaino. It means, not accidental. Not by chance."
Source: National Public Radio
Syria's Humanitarian Crisis and the Failure to Protect
Elizabeth Ferris and Kemal Kirişci
Ted Piccone
The Quest for Regional Primacy and Strategic Autonomy
Howard Schaffer and Teresita C. Schaffer
Alain Sepulchre and Philippe Le Corre
Brazil on the Long Road to Global Influence
David R. Mares and Harold Trinkunas
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